Transport Assig.
Transport Assig.
Transport Assig.
CO Carbon Monoxide
OD Origin Destination
Transportation is the life of a city. An efficient and rational transportation system not only increases
accessibility and improved quality of commuting; it sustains the economic activity that is the engine of
growth for the city. Urban transportation can make or break the urban economy and affect national
economic performance. It is one of the most important areas for the urban poor whose job
opportunities and access to urban services are strongly dependent on affordable transport. Unorganised
urban transportation and traffic management is a major contributor to environmental problems in cities.
This paper highlights the problems we face in urban transport and their reasons. It explains the relation
between urban planning, land use and density planning, road network and road design and the impact
they have on our lives
One of the biggest problems of urban transport has been its inability to keep pace with the population
growth in the city.
While urbanization and growth of cities contribute to economic growth of a city, unplanned growth
cannot be sustained in the longer term. A city that plans from the beginning for more population,
infrastructure, and public transport is better equipped to tackle growth.
All cities will witness economic growth, but the unplanned city will stagnate due to deteriorating quality
of life, while the planned city will continue its progress. In India, many cities fall under the first category
where growth is haphazard because of ad-hoc policies. Holistic considerations to land use and transport
planning are missing.
2.9 Reactions
2.9.1The demand-follow approach
2.9.2 Metros
4.3.1 Vision
The vision statement must provide a broad-based perspective on the general goals of the proposed