CF-HQ190L Oaigi0312bro8796 1
CF-HQ190L Oaigi0312bro8796 1
CF-HQ190L Oaigi0312bro8796 1
Amazing image quality and handling for colonoscopy
ScopeGuide is an integrated
technology in EVIS EXERA III 190
Series HQ colonoscopes.
ScopeGuide provides real-time 3D
Normal-focus mode Near-focus mode visualization of scope position and
configuration. This new level of
NBI (Narrow Band Imaging) visualization provides physicians with the ability to recognize loops
NBI in EVIS EXERA III 190 as they form, potentially leading to shorter insertion time and less
Series scopes provides twice patient discomfort.
the viewable distance of EVIS
EXERA II 180 Series scopes. Waterproof One-touch Connector
A new connector design
RIT (Responsive minimizes the effort required for
Insertion Technology) setup prior to and in between
cases. In addition, it is fully
RIT combines three proprietary submersible and eliminates the
insertion tube technologies: HFT (High Force Transmission), need for a water-resistant cap
PB (Passive Bending), and variable stiffness. These technologies are and the associated risk of an
designed to facilitate complete colonoscopies by improving scope expensive repair due to
handling, insertability, and ergonomics. PB helps EVIS EXERA III 190 accidental immersion.
Series scopes move through acute bends in the colon. HFT provides
improved operator control for both pushing and twisting maneuvers.
Variable stiffness allows the physician to adjust the rigidity of Olympus
scopes as needed by simply turning an adjustment ring on the
scope’s control section.
Specifications, design, and accessories are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
Olympus is a registered trademark of Olympus Corporation, Olympus America Inc., and/or their affiliates.