Normative Intercorrelations Between EEG Microstate
Normative Intercorrelations Between EEG Microstate
Normative Intercorrelations Between EEG Microstate
EEG microstates are brief, recurring periods of stable brain activity that reflect the activation of large-scale neural networks.
The temporal characteristics of these microstates, including their average duration, number of occurrences, and percentage
contribution have been shown to serve as biomarkers of mental and neurological disorders. However, little is known about
how microstate characteristics of prototypical network types relate to each other. Normative intercorrelations among these
parameters are necessary to help researchers better understand the functions and interactions of underlying networks, interpret
and relate results, and generate new hypotheses. Here, we present a systematic analysis of intercorrelations between EEG
microstate characteristics in a large sample representative of western working populations (n = 583). Notably, we find that
microstate duration is a general characteristic that varies across microstate types. Further, microstate A and B show mutual
reinforcement, indicating a relationship between auditory and visual sensory processing at rest. Microstate C appears to
play a special role, as it is associated with longer durations of all other microstate types and increased global field power,
suggesting a relationship of these parameters with the anterior default mode network. All findings could be confirmed using
independent EEG recordings from a retest-session (n = 542).
Keywords EEG microstates · Neural networks · Temporal dynamics · Normative correlations · Microstate C · Global field
power (GFP)
EEG microstates remain stable for short periods of time et al. 2002; Kleinert et al. 2023; Tarailis et al. 2023). The
(~ 40–120ms) before rapidly switching into another network temporal characteristics of microstates, including their aver-
type and can be identified based on resting EEG recordings age duration in milliseconds, their average number of occur-
(for a review, see Michel and Koenig 2018). Four to five pro- rences per second, and their percentage contribution to the
totypical microstate types with distinct topographic appear- EEG, have been found to reflect momentary mental states
ances (labeled A, B, C, D, and E) typically account for more (e.g.Nash et al. 2022b; Bréchet and Michel 2022) and stable
than 70% of variance in the EEG resting state signal (Koenig trait characteristics (e.g.Schiller et al. 2020; Zanesco et al.
2020; Kleinert and Nash 2022; Kleinert et al. 2022; Nash
et al. 2022a). These temporal characteristics may also be
Handling Editor: Christoph Michel. used as biomarkers of mental and neurological disorders
* Tobias Kleinert (e.g., da Cruz et al. 2020; Bochet et al. 2021). For example, patients with schizophrenia show increased contribution of
microstate type C (da Cruz et al. 2020). However, it remains
Department of Ergonomics, Leibniz Research Centre unclear how temporal characteristics of prototypical micro-
for Working Environment and Human Factors, Ardeystr. 67,
44139 Dortmund, Germany
state types relate to each other. Normative intercorrelations
between microstate characteristics could help researchers
Department of Biological Psychology, Clinical Psychology,
and Psychotherapy, University of Freiburg, Stefan‑ Meier
understand the functions and interactions of underlying
Str. 8, 79104 Freiburg, Germany neural networks, interpret and relate their own and previ-
Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
ous results, and generate new hypothesis. For example, the
AB T6G 2E9, Canada contribution of microstate C might show systematic depend-
Translational Research Center, University Hospital
encies with temporal characteristics of another prototypical
of Psychiatry, University of Bern, CH‑3000 Bern, microstate type. These characteristics, and constructs related
◂Fig. 1 Exemplary intercorrelations of EEG microstate characteris- across microstate types (average r = .390; see Fig. 1A) sup-
tics n = 583. *** = p < .001. Shown are scatterplots illustrating exem- porting the notion that individuals generally tend to have
plary associations between microstate characteristics using EEG data
from day one (note that all of these results could be confirmed using
longer or shorter microstates (also see Khanna et al. 2014;
data from day two). A: Durations of all microstate types showed Kleinert and Nash 2022; Kleinert et al. 2022). Previous
positive associations. B: Occurrences mostly showed negative asso- studies referred to this phenomenon as “mental process-
ciations (left plot), but occurrences of A, B, and D showed positive ing stability”, which is positively related to self-control and
associations (right plot). C: Contributions mostly showed negative
associations (left plot), but contributions of A and B were not asso-
negatively related to risk-taking and aggression (Kleinert
ciated. D: Durations were mostly negatively associated with occur- and Nash 2022; Kleinert et al. 2022).
rences (left plot), except for much lower negative, non-significant, or
positive associations with occurrences of the same microstate type Intercorrelations Between Microstate Occurrences
(middle plot) and the occurrence of microstate C (right plot). E: Sim-
ilarly, durations were mostly negatively associated with contributions
(left plot), except for positive associations with contributions of the Second, we analyzed associations between microstate occur-
same microstate type (middle plot) and microstate C contributions rences (e.g., occurrence A and occurrence B). Based on the
(right plot). F: Occurrences were mostly negatively associated with previous result, we expected positive associations across
contributions (left plot), except for positive associations with contri-
butions of the same microstate type (middle plot), and positive asso-
microstate types, as occurrences are a natural antagonist
ciations of occurrence (B) with contribution (A) and occurrence (A) to durations. Accordingly, we found that durations of the
with contribution (B). G: Global field power (GFP) was positively microstates A, B, and D showed positive correlations with
associated with the duration of all microstate types. H: GFP was each other (average r = .517; see Fig. 1B). However, the
mostly negatively associated with occurrences (left plot), except for
positive associations with the occurrence of microstate C (right plot).
occurrence of microstate C was negatively related to the
I: Global field power was negatively associated with contribution A occurrence of all other microstate types (average r = .221),
(left plot) and contribution D (middle plot), and positively associated indicating that microstate C occurrence has a competing
with contribution C (right plot) relationship with the occurrence of all other microstate
types and a special role within prototypical microstate types.
to the respective microstate type, could then be targeted in Microstate C is negatively associated with task-related pro-
follow-up studies on schizophrenia with higher statisti- cessing (Michel and Koenig 2018) and positively associated
cal power, and/or using more diverse samples (e.g., with with alpha power (Férat et al. 2022) and long-range brain
a higher variability in age). In the current study, we use a connectivity (Rajkumar et al. 2021), and is assumed to rep-
large sample (n = 583) representative of western popula- resent the anterior default-mode network (aDMN; Michel
tions with regard to age, genetics, cognitive abilities, and and Koenig 2018).
employment to close this research gap. To investigate the
robustness of our findings, all analyses were repeated using Intercorrelations Between Microstate Contributions
an independent EEG dataset from a retest-session after an
average interval of 63 days (n = 542). Third, we analyzed associations between contributions of
the five prototypical microstate types (e.g., contribution A
and contribution B). We found mainly negative correlations
Results and Discussion (average r = .279; see Fig. 1C), a sensible result given that a
higher contribution of any microstate type leaves less time
The grand-mean microstate maps of the five microstate types left in the EEG that could be covered by another type. How-
A, B, C, D, and E closely resembled prototypical microstate ever, there was no negative correlation of microstate A and
types from the literature and showed high consistency across B contributions (average r = .038), which is in line with the
both EEG datasets (see Table S1 in the supplementary mate- positive associations of microstate A and B durations and
rial). All reported results were robust across both datasets occurrences. As microstate A and B have been associated
(unless otherwise noted) and all analyses were corrected for with auditory and visual sensory processing, respectively
multiple testing using the Bonferroni method (see Table S2 (Michel and Koenig 2018), these results suggest that people
in the supplementary material for all results). The code and show a general tendency towards more or less sensory pro-
data used to generate the findings of this study are freely cessing across auditory and visual systems at rest.
available in the OSF repository (
Correlations Between Microstate Durations
Intercorrelations Between Microstate Durations and Occurrences
First, we analyzed associations between durations of the five Fourth, we analyzed associations of one microstate’s dura-
prototypical microstate types (e.g., duration A and duration tion with another microstate’s occurrence (e.g., duration
B). Durations were positively associated with each other A and occurrence B). Naturally, these correlations were
mostly negative (average r = − 0.555; see Fig. 1D), as longer Correlations Between Microstate Characteristics
durations leave less time for more microstates to occur. and Global Field Power
An exception were durations and occurrences of the same
microstate type, which showed much lower negative, non- Finally, we analyzed associations of microstate character-
significant, or even positive correlations (average r = .083). istics with global field power (GFP), indicating the over-
This demonstrates that longer duration of a particular micro- all strength of the EEG signal in time-frames covered by
state type goes along with more frequent occurrence of the microstates. Durations of all microstate types showed posi-
same microstate type, i.e., that people show dominance of tive correlations with GFP (average r = .457; see Fig. 1G),
certain microstate types across duration and occurrence. which is in line with the notion that microstates show longer
Again, another exception was the occurrence of microstate durations around GFP maxima in the EEG (e.g., Skrandies
C, which showed small or non-significant correlations with 1990). Relatedly, occurrences showed mostly negative
durations of all other microstate types (average r = −0.129), correlations with GFP (average r = − 0.442; see Fig. 1H).
emphasizing the special role of this microstate. Thus, increased GFP might drive longer durations and fewer
occurrences of microstates (and/or vice versa). An exception
Correlations Between Microstate Durations was the occurrence of microstate C, which was positively
and Contributions correlated with GFP (average r = .197). Similarly, the con-
tribution of microstate C was also positively correlated with
Fifth, we analyzed associations of one microstate’s dura- GFP (average r = .478; see Fig. 1I), whereas contributions
tion with another microstate’s contribution (e.g., duration of all other microstate types showed negative (i.e., A and
A and contribution B). Naturally, durations were positively D; average r = − 0.277) or inconsistent correlations across
correlated with contributions of the same microstate type datasets (i.e., B and E). Combined with our previous findings
(as contributions are computed as the product of durations on microstate C and other literature (Férat et al. 2022), this
and occurrences; average r = .633; see Fig. 1E) and nega- suggest that millisecond activation of the aDMN, general
tively correlated with contributions of other microstate microstate duration, GFP, and alpha power are related neural
types (as longer durations leave less time to be covered by phenomena.
other microstate types; average r = − 0.268). Again, the
contribution of microstate C showed an exceptional posi-
tive correlation with durations of all other microstate types
(average r = .200). Thus, increased dominance of the aDMN, Conclusion
as indicated by more occurrences and a higher percentage
contribution of microstate C, may drive longer durations of In sum, we find that the duration of microstates can be
microstates across types (and/or vice versa). regarded as a general characteristic that varies across micro-
state types, that microstate A and B show a relationship of
Correlations Between Microstate Occurrences mutual reinforcement, and that microstate C is related to
and Contributions longer durations of all other microstate types and GFP. How
can these findings support future research? Recalling the
Sixth, we analyzed associations of one microstate’s occur- example from the introduction, the contribution of micro-
rence with another microstate’s contribution (e.g., occur- state C has been related to schizophrenia. Our results show
rence A and contribution B). Occurrences were mostly that microstate C dominance is related to longer durations
negatively correlated with contributions of other microstate of all other microstate types and GFP. Indeed, schizophrenic
types (average r = − 0.239; see Fig. 1F), as more frequent patients have shown longer durations of microstate B and D
occurrences of any microstate type leave less time to be (and A on a marginally significant level; da Cruz et al. 2020).
covered by another type. An exception were correlations of Based on normative intercorrelations, one might interpret
occurrences with contributions of the same microstate type, that these results are directly related to the primary find-
which were positive (average r = .827). Again, this is a natu- ing, and not independent. Furthermore, future studies could
ral association as contributions are computed as the product test the hypotheses that schizophrenia is related to longer
of a microstate’s duration and occurrence. Another excep- microstate duration in more than four microstate types, and
tion were positive associations of microstate A occurrence to neural phenomena associated with microstate C, such as
with microstate B contribution, and microstate B occurrence GFP or alpha power. In sum, we discovered considerable
with microstate A contribution (average r = .189), further dependencies in EEG microstate characteristics that have
highlighting a relationship of mutual reinforcement between been largely neglected. These dependencies contribute to
resting networks related to auditory and visual sensory our understanding of the functions and interactions of pro-
processing. totypical microstate networks and have the potential to help
interpret and relate results from EEG studies and inspire da Cruz JR, Favrod O, Roinishvili M et al (2020) EEG microstates
future research. are a candidate endophenotype for schizophrenia. Nat Commun
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen- Férat V, Seeber M, Michel CM, Ros T (2022) Beyond broadband:
tary material available at https://d oi.o rg/1 0.1 007/s 10548-0 23-0 0988-3. towards a spectral decomposition of electroencephalography
microstates. Hum Brain Mapp 43(10):3047–3061
Author Contributions All authors conceptualized the study. Tobias Khanna A, Pascual-Leone A, Farzan F (2014) Reliability of resting-
Kleinert wrote the manuscript. Thomas Koenig provided the microstate state microstate features in electroencephalography. PLoS ONE
analysis software. All authors participated in the statistical analysis. 9:e114163
KN, Thomas Koenig, and EW supervised the project. EW provided the Kleinert T, Nash K (2022) Trait aggression is reflected by a lower
resources for the data collection. All authors reviewed the manuscript. temporal Stability of EEG resting networks. Brain Topogr. https://
Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt Kleinert T, Nash K, Leota J et al (2022) A self-controlled mind is
DEAL. The Dortmund Vital Study is funded by the Leibniz Research reflected by stable mental processing. Psychol Sci 33(12):
Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors (IfADo). 2123–2137
Kleinert T, Koenig T, Nash K, Wascher E (2023) On the reliability of
Data Availability The data and code of this study are freelyavailable in the EEG microstate approach. Brain Topogr.
the OSF repository ( 1007/s10548-023-00982-9
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Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors (IfADo). Nash K, Leota J, Kleinert T, Hayward DA (2022b) Anxiety disrupts
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