Vet Pharmacology 1 Notes
Vet Pharmacology 1 Notes
Vet Pharmacology 1 Notes
kting 1
2) Animals
3) Minerals Synthetic Sources
4) Microbiological sources Synthetic sources
5) Synthetic sources - When nucleus and chemical structure of
6) Recombinant DNA technology drug from natural source is altered
- Emetine bismuth iodide
Plant Sources Semi-synthetic sources
- Oldest source (materia medica) - Nucleus is maintained but the chemical
- All parts of the plants are used structure is altered
Leaves - Apomorphine, methyl testosterone
- Digitalis purpurea – source of digoxin and
digitoxin Microbiological Sources
- Atropa belladona – gives atrophine - From microorganisms
Flowers Penicillum notatum = penicillin
- Papaver somniferum – source of morphine Actinobacteria = streptomycin
- Vinca rosea – gives vincristine and Streptomyces spp. & Micromonospora spp. =
vinblastine aminoglycosides
- Senna pods give anthracine Recombinant DNA Technology
- Calabar beans give physostigmine - Involves cleavage of DNA by enzyme
Seeds restriction endonuclease
- Seeds of Nux vomica give strychnine - Desired gene is coupled to a rapidly
Roots replicating DNA
- Ipecacuanha roots give emetine - New genetic combination is inserted into
Bark bacterial cultures
Stem Advantages:
- Huge amounts of drugs produced
- Drugs are obtained in pure form
- Less antigenic
Animal Sources - Well-equipped lab is necessary
- Source of insulin for diabetes treatment - High-trained staff required
- Urine of pregnant women contain hGC used - Complex and complicated techniques
to treat infertility
- Sheep thyroid for thyroxine to treat DRUG DEVELOPMENT
hypertension - Process of bringing a novel drug from
“bench to bedside”
Mineral Sources
- Iron used to treat iron deficiency
- Iodine used as antiseptic
- Zinc used as supplement/zinc oxide paste in
wounds or eczema
- Mercurial salts used in syphilis
kting 2
kting 3
o Enzymes
Product launch – carried out after relevant
o Manufacturing scale-up and
o Printing of final product label
information, packaging and artwork
o Product storage, shipping and
distribution arrangements
o Production staff and quality team
Post-Marketing Safety Surveillance: monitoring
of a drug after it has received approval and has
reached the market
Phase IV: conducted after approval of the drug
- several thousand participants diagnosed
with the disease the drug is approved for
- purpose of is to obtain additional
information about the long-term risks and
benefits of taking a drug now that it is being
more widely used.
kting 4
Drug Passage Across Membranes Weak acids are better
absorbed from the stomach
Drugs that cross the bilipid-layer than weak bases due to acidic
cellular membrane conditions (e.g aspirin,
Nonpolar, lipid-soluble compounds
Weak bases are absorbed
Polar, water soluble compounds poorly in an acidic environment
since they exist in the ionized
Factors that affect the ability of drugs
state (thus low lipid solubility)
to cross the membrane
Weak bases are more
Lipid solubility absorbed at the small
Molecular size intestines where pH is more
Degree of non-ionization alkaline
Reaching the Site of Action - Henderson-Hasselbach equation
calculates the percent of the drug
• Passive diffusion
that exists in ionized form and its
Movement of solutes (drugs) concentration across a biologic
following a concentration membrane
pH = pKa + log ([UA]/[IA]) (weak
Drugs generally are classified
into weak acids and weak
pH = pKa + log ([IB]/[UB]) (weak
Lipid solubility is determined
by their pKa and pH of the
medium containing the drug
- pK = pH at which 50% of the drug is
ionized and 50% is non-ionized
Filtration Pinocytosis
Low molecular weight Small particles suspended in
substances (e.g water, extracellular fluid are brought
urea) cross membranes into the cell through an
through pores / invagination of the cell
channels membrane
Glomerular filtration Minor method of drug
provides evidence of absorption
existence of pores large Important in the absorption of
enough to allow passage polypeptides, antigens, and
of large molecular bacterial toxins by the gut
weight substances but
small enough to retain Routes of Drug Administration
(MW = 60,000 g/mol) • Alimentary Routes: Oral
• Alimentary Routes: Rectal Inhalation
Can be used in an unconscious used for volatile gases
or vomiting animal /gaseous anesthetics
Response is rapid because of
Parenteral Routes
the large surface area and large
Circumvent the GIT blood flow of the lungs
Intravenous (IV), Dosage Forms
Intramuscular (IM),
Subcutaneous (SC), Oral dosage forms
Intraperitoneal (IP),
Intrathecal (IT), Powder: simplest mixture, fine
Intra-arterial (IA) particles
o Compressed tablets,
- Advantages: granules,
rapid onset (IV>IM>SC) ideal in Pellets: most commonly used,
an unconscious or vomiting consists of an active drug
patient combined with a binder,
absorption more uniform and excipient, lubricants, and
Predictable disintegrants
Enteric coated tablets: drugs
- Disadvantages: coated with phenylsalicylate or
asepsis is necessary other substances insoluble in
causes pain, with a risk of acid but soluble in alkaline
penetrating a blood vessels environments
when doing IM route Capsules: containers made
speed of onset is rapid, ofmixture of gelatin and
cardiovascular responses may glycerin for drugs in powdered
occur to drugs that normally and liquid forms
have minimal effects to the Boluses: large, compressed
cardiovascular system tablets rectangular in shape
discoloration of meat or used in horses and cattle
Mixtures: aqueous solutions
abscess formation in food
animals, devaluing the carcass or suspensions of insoluble
solid substances added with
Dermal / Topical preservatives (benzoic acid /
chlorobutanol) to inhibit
bacterial and mold growth
- Degree of absorption is dependent Syrups: solutions of medicinal
on lipid solubility agents, flavoring and coloring
agents in 85% sucrose medium
- Abraded / burnt skin may absorb
(usually cough remedies)
more than intact skin
Emulsions: oily substances
dispersed in aqueous solutions
with stabilizers
Elixirs: hydroalcoholic
solutions, sweetened and
Decoctions: syrups from
boiled medicinal plants
Parenteral dosage forms
Injections: sterile solutions in
Passage of drugs from site of
an aqueous (or oil) vehicle
application into the blood circulation
Repository forms: drugs
designed to prolong effective For drugs administered orally,
drug concentration in the body bioavailability may be less than
providing for sustained release 100% due to incomplete extent
(drug chemical nature is of absorption and first-pass
modified todecrease solubility) elimination
Implants: hard, sterile pellets
inserted under the skin where
it is dissolved very slowly
Dosage form for the respiratory tract
anesthetic gases,
fine mist produced by
nebulizations, Absorption from GIT
aerosols Pharmaceutical factors:
dissolution of solid drugs takes
time and is ratelimiting
Drug Absorption
dissolution may be hastened
by micronization, preparation
Passage of drugs from site of
as soluble salts, and
application into the blood circulation
incorporation of disintegrants
Affected by the drug dosage pH can be manipulated to
form and route of enhance dissolution time (e.g
administration aspirin is taken with food to
Bioavailability (unchanged buffer the GIT since aspirin
drug fraction reaching dissolves more when the pH of
systemic circulation) limits the environment goes toward
drug absorption alkaline)
Physiological factors: aqueous solutions given IM are
usually absorbed within 10-30
greater absorptive surface area minutes, provided blood flow
entails great absorption rate, is good and unimpaired
and therefore absorption is when a drugs is given IM, the
reduced in GIT hypermotility or drug becomes continuous with
GIT epithelial damage ECF and the rate of diffusion
food may enhance or retard and rate of blood flow will limit
drug absorption the extent of absorption
o (e.g milk/antacids if blood-flow is rate-limiting,
chelate tetracycline) absorption rate can be altered
gastrointestinal pH determines and can be prolonged by
absorption rate as it influences application of tourniquet,
lipid solubility immobilization, or local
weak acids and weak bases cooling
have different sites of larger volumes injected SC or
absorption IM reduces absorption rate due
digestive differences: to the increase in distance
stomach type influences between the drug molecule and
absorption, where oral capillary endothelial linings
administration is impractical in
ruminants (due to large volume Absorption from IV administration
of ingesta and presence of useful if rapid onset of action
microflora), whereas birds may is of paramount importance
not have difficulty the rate of injection is equal to
disintegrating capsules and the rate of absorption
tablets because of their adverse responses are more
gizzard readily encountered, and
first-pass effect (metabolism chances can be reduced by
and partial inactivation of a allowing at least one
drug reaching the liver): drugs circulation time (1-2 min) to
which undergo first-pass effect complete an injection
must be given orally in higher some drugs may be needed to
doses than what is required be given to effect, or slow
when the drug is given titration of the drug until the
parenterally desired effect is seen (e.g
Absorption from parenteral pentobarbital)
administration a drug may be injected in bolus
(at once) as when inducing
usually more rapid and emesis through apomorphine
predictable than PO in dogs
Absorption from IP administration
commonly used in small
rodents, range animals, and
drugs may undergo first-pass
effect when they are absorbed
into the hepatic portal
circulation from the peritoneal
Absorption from the skin
usually insignificant except
when the skin is extensively
damage due to wounds or
highly lipid-soluble drugs are
almost completely absorbed
from the skin
DMSO and polyethylene in
topical preparations can
enhance percutaneous
Absorption from the respiratory tract
seldom used except during gas
gaseous and volatile liquid
agents are absorbed into
systemic circulation by
diffusing across the pulmonary
alveolar epithelium, where
bloodgas partition coefficient
governs absorption
particle size larger than 0.1 m
may not reach the alveoli
Properties of Receptors
- Saturability: finite number of receptors are present
in a cell
- Specificity: binding drugs with receptors is possible
due to complementary structures similar to lock-
- Reversibility: drugs that binds to a receptor can
dissociate in its non-metabolized form Competitive antagonist
- Reversible on removal
Ligand – any drug or substance with specific affinity to a - Degree of antagonism depends on the quantity of
receptor agonist relative to the quantity of agonist
- Receptors binds ligands & transduce signals - Occurs on the same receptor protein such that 2
- Drug binding to receptor uses similar chemical bonds drugs (agonist & antagonist) compete and bind to
with enzyme-substrate interaction the same receptor protein
Properties of Drugs
Intrinsic Activity/Efficacy – property of drug that permits
it to initiate post-receptor processes which leads to a
Affinity – tendency of a drug to combine with a
particular receptor
Noncompetitive antagonist
- Irreversible
- Removes the receptor from the system where
agonist has no influence upon the degree of
Physiologic antagonism
- Occurs as the result of activating receptors with
opposite physiological effects
Characteristic variables
a. Potency: dose needed to produce an effect
- Smaller dose = greater potency
b. Slope of the Curve
- Indicates range of dosage to which drugs acts
- Movement of drug from the plasma compartment Binding to plasma proteins
into the various fluid and tissue compartments and
sites of action - Only the unbound drug is able to cross the cell
- Acidic drugs
primarily bind to
- Basic drugs bind to
- Binding slows the
rate to which the
drug reaches a
conc. sufficient to produce a pharmacologic effect
- Binding DOES NOT produce an effect but can be
classified as a silent receptor
Redistribution (sequestration)
- Redistribution of a drug from its site of action to
Factors that affect Drug Distribution other tissues lowers its conc. at its site of action,
- Dose and route administration terminating the response
- Blood flow into different organs - Drugs exhibiting redistribution are highly lipid-
- Physiochemical properties of drugs soluble
Lipid solubility, pK, pH, and molecular size determine
the rate of distribution of a drug to various body fluid
Ion-trapping also influences drug distribution; lipid-
soluble drugs distributes more widely in the body than
less lipid-soluble ones
Concentration Gradient
Drug Interactions
- Drugs are more transported - May occur when 2 drugs are used that bind at the
from compartments where same site on the plasma protein
they are more concentrated - Where competition for the same site increases the
to areas where they are less percent of the drug in free-form
concentrated (simple - Thereby increasing the pharmacologic-toxicologic
diffusion) until equilibrium is response to the displaced drug
- Rate of drug diffusion across DISTRIBUTION OF DRUGS INTO SPECIALIZED
the lipid-bilayer is dictated by COMPARTMENTS
the drug’s lipid solubility
CNS Distribution
- Blood-brain barrier is a continuous layer of tight
Binding to tissue constituent junction between capillary endothelial cells in CNS
- Some drugs bind to cell membrane and to soluble IC Drugs must be highly soluble to cross this barrier
components Latentiation: process of incorporating lipophilic groups
- Binding restricted = distribution is limited to a drug; allows passage to the BBB
- Binding of drugs to animal tissues for human food is Encephalitis opens the BBB; allowing passage of drugs
a major consideration thus need for instituting like penicillin (which doesn’t normally pass thru)
withdrawal periods - Active transport exists for organic acids in the
Withdrawal period – minimum period of time from choroid plexus
administration of the last dose and the drug residues in Allows transport of drugs from CSF blood
animal by-products
Transplacental Distribution
- Placenta mediates gas exchange between the
maternal and fetal circulation (fetal lung)
Forms a partial barrier to the transfer of cells from
mother fetus