Diesel Mogas Pipeline
Diesel Mogas Pipeline
Diesel Mogas Pipeline
Keywords: West Oil Product Pipeline; Crude Oil; Oil Product; Contaminated Concentration; CFD
Abstract. West Oil Product pipeline always take batch transportation, conveying three different
qualities of oil product. Crude oil pipeline takes a task of oil transportation from three oilfields in
Xinjiang. In accordance with the principles of higher prices for better quality of crude oil, it takes
batch transportation finally. The paper takes a 10m three-dimensional vertical pipe as a carrier. It
takes two kinds of oil alternative transportation upward or downward. When the transport order,
gravity, temperature are different, in order to reduce the volume of the mixing oil and optimize the
batch transportation program, we have the concentration of follow-up oil product & the variation of
follow-up oil product in different section after Simulation.
West trunk Pipeline is from Urumqi to Terminal Station of Lanzhou pass by Xinjiang and Gansu
provinces about a total of 21 cities. It is a major project relating to people's livelihood and its real
length is about 1858km[1]. Beginning of the design is crude oil blending transportation, because the
data about physical testing and modification for crude oil did not completely obtained. There was
difference of crude oil physical properties in three oilfields in Xinjiang, it takes batch transportation
finally. West Oil Product pipeline always take batch transportation. In order to make the optimal
solution for the batch transportation, alternating hot and cold crude oil transport modeling in Different
delivery conditions, and alternating product oil transport modeling between two qualities quite
different oil products. Provide valuable reference for the company's operations and management of
pipelines and facilities after Simulation.
The Physical Model for Batch Transportation of Pipeline in One Ditch
Based on the prototype of West Pipeline (Crude Pipelineφ813mm×11mm; Products
Pipelineφ559mm×7mm), the length of model is 10m. Grid Generation of Calculation Region is
hexahedral mesh, which is shown in Fig.1.
Fig.2 The concentration nephogram of follow-up Oil & The variation of follow-up Oil Product in different
section(Upward transport oil)
The Fig.2 show that when the transmission sequence is Gasoline 90# forward and No.0 diesel
follow-up, the concentration distribution in different section is uniform. Because turbulence intensity
depending on the material distribution in mixing section, which is different from homogeneous area.
In the process of No.0 diesel forward, mass force and density of diesel are large. But the speed of
laminar sublayer is very small, and less inhibited in mass force. There is more mixed oil quantity in
diesel forward than gasoline forward[3].
The interface length formed by No.0 diesel forward and Gasoline90# follow-up is longer than
Gasoline90# forward and No.0 diesel follow-up, and mixed oil tail with diesel concentration smaller
is formed. Because batch transportation take with two petroleum products, oil follow-up wedge to oil
forward, pipe wall would have Liquid mold of oil forward. With the occurrence of the oil flow, liquid
mold will flow. In the same case of the transport, laminar boundary layer of oil with viscosity larger is
thicker. Its viscous force will enhance, which led mixed oil quantity of oil forward adherent wall
becomes much, follow-up of low-viscosity oil is difficult to wash away the viscous flow boundary
layer of oil left in the low turbulent mixing intensity near the wall. In addition, diesel forward with
larger density and turbulence intensity of laminar sublayer is small, oil suffered a more significant
impact in mass force. So weakening the gasoline follow-up to the wall of diesel forward of erosion.
Fig.3 The concentration nephogram of follow-up Oi Product & The variation of follow-up Oil Product in different
section(Downward transport oil)
When downward transport oil, the concentration distribution of contamination of oil product and
the variation of follow-up oil product in different section are shown in Fig.3. If oil with high density
follow-up, high density of oil will make subsequent gravitational potential energy increases, Which
flows into the front line of gasoline. Contaminated interface ultimately towards the bottom pipe,
situation shown in Figure 3. There is more mixed oil quantity in Gasoline forward than diesel
It shows that we should follow a logical sequence of petrol and diesel for transport. Compared
with gasoline and diesel in the uphill process, mixed oil quantity and interface length of the former is
relatively large. Compared with gasoline and diesel in the downhill process, mixed oil quantity and
interface length of the former is relatively small. Therefore it should not be believed that any of the
high viscosity oil forward’s interface length longer than low viscosity oil forward.
2.2 The Simulation for the Contamination condition of cold and hot Crude Oil batch
A case study of batch transportation take with two petroleum products (tuha oil and beijiang
oil )in West crude oil pipeline. Exploration key indicators for the contaminated concentration of
batch transportation concentration have an effect contaminated influences. Because there is a large
dissimilarity about rheology and physical characteristics, tuha oil is high pour point and low viscosity
oil, and beijiang oil is high pour point and high viscosity oil. Both are related to heating delivery
problems, so two petroleum under different transport temperature were numerically simulated[4].
Crude pipeline φ813mm×11mm, the length of model is 10m. When upward transport oil, the
contaminated concentration distribution of Crude oil, and the variation of follow-up crude oil in
different section are shown in Fig.4.
As shown as Fig.4, when the transmission sequence is tuha oil forward and beijiang oil
follow-up, the concentration distribution in different section is Uniform, whose density and viscosity
are small. When the contaminated zone temperature changes and the oil flow, the density and
viscosity of tuha oil forward are smaller, the adhesion of the inner wall is reduced. The Fig.4 show
that mixed oil tail of tuha oil forward is longer, due to liquid film formed by tuha oil flowing through
the pipe wall thinner than beijiang oil, beijiang oil follow-up has high density and viscosity. Easily
washed away low viscosity oil remaining laminar boundary, the mixed oil tail of tuha oil forward is
longer. When the transmission sequence is beijiang oil forward and tuha oil follow-up, due to liquid
film formed by beijiang oil flowing through the pipe wall thicker than tuha oil and turbulent kinetic
energy near the wall lower, so mixed oil tail is shorter. As the temperature of mixed oil increases, the
density and viscosity of tuha oil follow-up are smaller, the adhesion of the inner wall is reduced,
turbulent kinetic energy increase relatively. And more near the beijiang oil, the viscosity more lower
and diffusion faster, so tuha oil has relatively high content of the mixed oil.
Fig.4 The concentration nephogram of follow-up crude oil & The variation of follow-up crude oil in different
section (beijiang oil in 50˚C,tuha oil in 20˚C,Upward ransport oil)
As shown as Fig.4, there is less mixed oil quantity in tuha forward than beijiang forward.
Because the transmission sequence is beijiang oil forward and tuha oil follow-up, its density and
viscosity are lager, and downward by mass force is lager. In contrast, the density and viscosity of tuha
oil follow-up are smaller, the adhesion of the inner wall and mass force reduced. So it will continue to
move forward wedged beijiang oil, resulting in an increase in the amount of contaminated.
Left of Fig.5 is the concentration nephogram of beijiang oil follow-up in different temperature.
When the other conditions remain unchanged, tuha oil forward has constant temperature, adjust the
delivery temperature of beijiang oil follow-up, we found smaller temperature difference between the
two petroleum products, mixed oil quantity more less. Because the viscosity and density of beijiang
oil follow-up in 40˚C higher than in 50˚C, making the downward force and the tube wall adhesion
enhancement. So mixed oil quantity of beijiang oil in 40˚C less than in 50˚C.
Right of Fig.5 is the concentration nephogram of beijiang oil forward in different temperature.
When the other conditions remain unchanged, tuha oil follow-up has constant temperature, adjust the
delivery temperature of beijiang oil forward, we found the higher temperature of beijiang oil forward,
the mixed oil quantity of tuha oil follow-up more less. Because the viscosity and density of beijiang
oil reduced with the temperature higher, and making the downward force and the tube wall adhesion
reduced. And the temperature of beijiang oil forward higher will lead contaminated zone temperature
rise. Resulting in the viscosity and density of tuha oil follow-up began to decline, and making the
downward force and the tube wall adhesion reduced, further increasing the amount of oil wedging in
the beijiang oil.
Fig.5 The concentration nephogram of follow-up crude oil (Upward ransport oil)
When the products Pipeline take batch transportation, mixed oil quantity can be reduced by
gasoline forward and diesel follow-up in the uphill process, and mixed oil quantity can be reduced by
diesel forward and gasoline follow-up in the downhill process.
When the crude Pipeline take batch transportation, at a flow rate unchanged, the pattern of tuha
forward and beijiang follow-up can significantly reduce the amount of crude oil contaminated. And
smaller temperature difference between the two petroleum products, mixed oil quantity will fewer.
When the transportation is and tuha follow-up, the temperature of beijiang forward higher, mixed oil
quantity will fewer.
[1] West Crude & product Oil Pipeline Project General Information, B. File
[2] Li Pengfei, Xu Minyi, Wang Feifei, Proficient in CFD engineering simulation and actual cases,
People Post Press, Beijing, 2011,pp.55-60.
[3] Pu Jiangning, Problems of the Contamination of Batching Transportation of Products, J. OGST.
[4] Cui Xiuguo, Zhang Jinjun, The research of heat transfer problem in process of batch
transportation of cool and hot oil, J. OGST,2004,23(11)15~19