Masterseal 521 Tds
Masterseal 521 Tds
Masterseal 521 Tds
Excellent adhesion – bonds to porous and non-
porous surfaces
Limited flexibility
Suitable for light pedestrian traffic
Breathable – whilst repelling water, allows
substrate to breathe
Slurry or trowelable consistency; application is
still possible by spray
Unlike conventional coatings, which require a
7-28 day cure of concrete,
Do not apply to dry concrete. Saturate concrete
As with all coating systems, surface preparation is of surfaces with clean water whilst still visibly damp, but
prime importance. Remove all grease, oil, dust and free of standing water. Apply, using a short, stiff bristle
residual curing compound, mould release agent or other brush or roller. Trowel application can be undertaken as
contaminant that could impair adhesion. Laitance necessary. For heavy 6-10mm depressions,
should preferably be removed by light sweep blasting or honeycombs, etc., use less gauging liquid and mix to
hydro jetting. Mechanical wire brushing may be the desired consistency. Where more than one coat is
appropriate for small areas. found necessary to achieve the desired thickness, apply
Spalled concrete should be cut back to sound concrete the second or subsequent coats after the previous coat
and made good with a suitable cementitious repair has dried.
mortar, such as MasterEmaco 488. Conventional Spray application is recommended for large areas;
concrete curing compounds should be removed before details of suitable equipment can be provided by Master
application. The exception to this is when MasterKure Builders Solutions’s Technical Services Department.
101 has been used.
MIXING: 0.75-0.9kg/m²/coat, depending on the substrate
MasterSeal 521 is supplied in pre-measured units and roughness. (Minimum 2 coats are required).
should be mixed on site utilising clean containers.
Slowly add the powder to the liquid and mix, using a STORAGE
slow speed drill fitted with a suitable paddle. MIX AND Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground, on
USE. Do not mix more material than can be used in one pallets protected from rainfall. Avoid excessive
hour. compaction.
NOTE: Although MasterSeal 521 is supplied in pre- Failure to comply with the recommended storage
measured packs, part packs can be used by mixing 4.5 conditions may result in premature deterioration of the
parts of powder to 1 part of liquid by weight; mix product or packaging. For specific storage advice,
thoroughly and keep mixed during application. consult Master Builders Solutions’s Technical Services
Up to 12 months if stored according to manufacturer’s
instructions in unopened containers.
Field service, where provided, does not constitute
supervisory responsibility. For additional information,
contact your local Master Builders Solutions
All products manufactured by Master Builders Solutions
Egypt, or imported from Master Builders Solutions
affiliate companies world- wide, are manufactured to
procedures certified to conform to the quality,
environment, health & safety management systems
described in the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 &
OHSAS 18001:2007 standards.
Master Builders Solutions Egypt, Business Park A, Building A1, Cairo Festival City, Ring Road, New Cairo, Egypt
Hotline: 15560, Phone: +202 2128 7800, Fax: +202 2128 7801