Effective Supervision Rapid Evidence Assessment
Effective Supervision Rapid Evidence Assessment
Effective Supervision Rapid Evidence Assessment
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Figures and tables.................................................................................................... 4
Executive summary.................................................................................................. 5
Background ........................................................................................................... 5
Findings ................................................................................................................ 6
Organisational support ....................................................................................... 6
Effective supervision .......................................................................................... 8
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. 13
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 14
1.1 Background................................................................................................. 14
2. Methods ............................................................................................................. 16
2.1. Overview ..................................................................................................... 16
2.2. Review process .......................................................................................... 16
2.3. Search strategy ........................................................................................... 17
2.4. Screening.................................................................................................... 18
2.5. Criteria for inclusion of studies in the review ............................................... 19
2.6. Data management and extraction ............................................................... 21
2.7. Quality assessment..................................................................................... 21
2.8. Synthesis .................................................................................................... 22
2.9. Limitations................................................................................................... 23
2.9.1. Policing study quality .......................................................................... 23
3. Overview of evidence ....................................................................................... 24
3.1. Evidence flow.............................................................................................. 24
3.2. Characteristics of studies ............................................................................ 25
3.2.1. Policing studies ................................................................................... 25
3.2.2. Non-policing studies ........................................................................... 25
4. Findings ............................................................................................................. 27
4.1. Organisational support ................................................................................ 27
4.1.1. Culture and capacity ........................................................................... 28
4.1.2. Capability ............................................................................................ 35
4.1.3. Organisational support and processes................................................ 40
4.2. Effective supervision ................................................................................... 41
4.2.1. Acting as a role model ........................................................................ 42
4.2.2. Building effective relationships............................................................ 48
4.2.3. Communicating effectively .................................................................. 52
Executive summary
This report presents the findings of a rapid evidence assessment (REA) on effective
supervision. The REA was conducted to inform the development of the College of
Policing’s national guidelines on effective supervision, to support the wellbeing,
learning and performance of everyone working and volunteering in the police
service. For the purpose of the guidelines, a supervisor is defined as anyone who
has management responsibility for one or more members of staff.
To help ensure that the guidelines were based on the best available evidence,
reviews of the empirical evidence were carried out to address the following
What are the organisational requirements that need to be in place for supervisors
to enable and support employees’ (police officers, staff and volunteers) wellbeing,
learning and performance?
A number of different themes were identified in the review literature. Thematic
summaries were provided to the Guideline Committee,* alongside practitioner
evidence, to inform the development of guidelines.
There are three guidelines for chief constables, which set out the organisational
structures and processes required to support effective supervision, and seven
practical guidelines for supervisors.
The evidence is presented under each guideline heading below, to help the reader
identify which pieces of evidence informed the development of which guideline(s).
Some evidence will have been considered for multiple guidelines.
Organisational support
Culture and capacity
Officer and staff perceptions of fairness and support – both from senior management
and from the wider organisation – and organisational culture are associated with
positive outcomes regarding staff wellbeing, learning and performance.
* The Guideline Committee was made up of frontline practitioners, subject matter experts and
academics supported by a development team from the College of Policing.
Evidence was mixed in relation to the most effective leadership style for
supervising officers and staff. There was evidence of positive outcomes linked to
situational and transformational leadership styles. Transactional leadership
generally showed fewer positive outcomes for officers and staff.
Role modelling, being open and enforcing standards may encourage ethical
The evidence on organisational capability to support employees’ wellbeing, learning
and performance identified a number of areas for potential improvement.
There was a perceived absence of formal support, training and preparation for
supervisory roles and opportunities identified to improve management skills and
developing good management practice.
Coaching and mentoring, including for acting and temporary officers, may have a
positive effect on supervisor behaviours and attitudes.
Effective supervision
The remaining sections of the REA focus on what supervisors can do to enable and
support employees’ (police officers, staff and volunteers) wellbeing, learning and
o ethical
o exemplary
o clear on expectations
o open in communication
o supportive
The evidence suggests these can have positive effects on job satisfaction and
o leading by example
o offering support
o good communication
o being fair
o instilling trust
o being flexible
Research on special constables and police service volunteers also found links
between supervisor support and morale and performance, although the quality of
the research was limited.
Evidence outside of policing supported the link between role modelling and job
satisfaction and wellbeing, and also between negative supervisor behaviour and
Communicating effectively
The REA found moderate evidence on the importance of effective two-way
communication between supervisors and team members. Relationships built on
good two-way communication were associated with a range of positive outcomes,
o feelings of autonomy
o self-efficacy
Shared expectations of support and working style were linked to greater job
satisfaction. Being approachable and people-focused was also considered to be
important by those being supervised.
o job satisfaction
o efficiency
o commitment
o motivation
o empowerment
Perceptions of being provided with constructive and supportive feedback, and not
using feedback to exert power, can positively influence employee job satisfaction.
Supporting wellbeing
The evidence suggested that supervisors who are supportive of their team
members’ health and emotional needs can contribute to a number of positive
wellbeing outcomes, including:
o better self-esteem
Social support from supervisors and colleagues (such as feeling supported, the
existence of trust, and feeling that they ‘have their back’) played an important role
in managing burnout in officers and staff, and could buffer negative experiences
of the job, such as violence against officers.
o feelings of self-efficacy
o ability to perform
o conscientiousness
o motivation
o engagement
o organisation commitment
There was some evidence that compliance with rules and policies was linked to
supervisor willingness to educate officers and staff on key policies and enforcing
them. However, this did not relate to enforcement alone. The supervisor also
needed to develop supportive relationships to foster ‘buy in’ to compliance.
o wellbeing
o job satisfaction
o commitment
o motivation
o wellbeing
o ethical behaviour
o discretionary effort
o emotional energy
o job satisfaction
o commitment
o performance
o conscientiousness
In recognition of Jenny Kodz who sadly passed away during completion of this
review. Jenny will be greatly missed by many at the College and throughout policing.
For recommending literature for inclusion in the review: Almuth McDowall, Claire
Davis, Jessica Woodhams, Les Graham, Fiona Meechan, Julia Morris, Paul
Quinton, Alexis Poole, Jim Colwell, Jonathan Houdmont.
The remainder of the guideline development team, especially for their efforts in
undertaking screening of studies for the review: Laura Whitehead, Gill Sims,
Annabelle Buckland, Paul Bartolomeo, Sana Beg, Marlene Blackstock.
For additional help screening studies for the review: Fiona Meechan, Wusu
Kargbo, Paul Quinton, Julia Morris, Matt Johnston.
For carrying out an academic peer review of this report and the review process:
Victoria Herrington.
1. Introduction
This report presents the findings of a rapid evidence assessment (REA) conducted
to inform the development of the College of Policing’s national guidelines on effective
1.1 Background
Recent analysis* undertaken by the College identified supervision as one of ten
recurring and systemic areas where improvement is possible. In general, it appeared
that individuals in policing might not be reaching their full potential owing to
insufficient supervision and leadership. Of the underlying factors that the analysis
suggested were contributing to this problem, many related to organisational or
individual support for effective supervisory practices. These findings suggested that it
would be beneficial to develop national guidance for effective supervisory practices.
police officers, staff and volunteers receive excellent support from their
supervisors in terms of wellbeing, learning and performance
For the purpose of this REA, and in line with the guidelines, a supervisor is defined
as anyone who has management responsibility for one or more members of staff.
Supervision responsibilities are made up of the following two components, which are
equally important:
The REA process also enabled the identification of specific areas where there are
gaps in the academic knowledge, to inform future research.
2. Methods
2.1. Overview
An REA uses transparent, structured and systematic processes to search for, screen
and synthesise research on a particular topic. An REA is not an exhaustive summary
of the literature, as limits are placed on the review process in order to deliver results
more rapidly than with a full systematic review. However, the systematic and
transparent nature of the REA process helps to reduce bias and enable others to
replicate the review. For further details regarding REA methods, see the Rapid
Evidence Assessment Toolkit Index.*
What are the organisational requirements that need to be in place for supervisors
to enable and support employees’ (police officers, staff and volunteers) wellbeing,
learning and performance?
To ensure that the REA identified literature on areas of practical relevance, the
Guideline Committee † was consulted on the approach taken at key stages. ‡
Academic committee members and subject matter experts were also invited to put
forward key citations for consideration in the REA.
The protocol for the REA was developed after exploratory searches and discussions
with academic Guideline Committee members, and prior to beginning the systematic
search and screening (see Appendix B for the protocol).
* Government Social Research Service. (2013). Rapid Evidence Assessment Toolkit index
[internet]. [Accessed 22 December 2021]
† The Guideline Committee was made up of frontline practitioners, subject matter experts and
The Guideline Committee was provided with a thematic summary of evidence from
the REA, including a quality assessment, to inform the development of the
The search terms used also included outcomes related to key areas of supervision
within the scope of the guideline, such as:
2.4. Screening
Citations were initially screened by title and abstract based on agreed inclusion and
exclusion criteria (see Appendix D). Research quality criteria differed slightly
between policing and non-policing citations. It was agreed that any kind of research
should be considered at this stage for inclusion if related to policing, as we were not
expecting to find many policing-specific studies.
the primary focus of the abstract was on supervision or management and was
clearly related to the direct line management of workers, or if the focus was on
organisational support for supervisors
there was information missing against any of the key inclusion criteria
Duplicate citations were removed and only studies published in English were
considered. Citation abstracts were uploaded and screened in Covidence.* All
citations were independently screened by at least two reviewers to ensure that the
inclusion criteria were applied consistently and no possibly relevant studies were
overlooked. Any conflicts were resolved by a third reviewer.
Online and grey literature were dealt with slightly differently. Searches were
conducted on identified websites, using search tools for publications where possible,
applying the keywords ‘supervisor’ and ‘supervision’. When a large number of
references was returned, the first 100 were screened on the agreed criteria. If there
were few or no studies of relevance, subsequent references were not screened. Any
studies deemed relevant were logged and progressed to full-text screening.
the study was conducted in at least one of the following countries or areas:
o UK
o Europe*
o Canada
o Australia
o New Zealand
o ambulance
o fire service
o coastguard
o prison service
o armed forces
o social work
o aviation (pilots)
the research applied reasonable rigour* or, for policing studies only, the paper
drew on research findings (non-policing studies had to be systematic reviews,
meta-analyses or REAs)
the primary focus of the study was on supervision or management and was
clearly related to the direct line management of workers, or the focus was on
organisational support for supervisors
o resilience
o wellbeing
o welfare
o satisfaction
o dissatisfaction
o individual learning
A date period of 10 years was initially selected, as the authors were unsure how
many studies of relevance would be found. However, as the search terms resulted in
a large number of citations, it was decided to keep the original parameters and not
extend them. The above countries and areas were selected because they were most
likely to have studies written in English that were of relevance to a UK policing or
high-risk profession context.
After full-text screening was completed, the search identified a total of 71 references.
A further seven references were included in the REA at the drafting and peer review
stages. Four of these additional references were identified by the authors as not
having been found during the initial searches of grey literature. They were assessed
to meet the inclusion criteria but were not subject to the same level of screening as
the studies that were included originally. Two had initially been excluded but were
* Studies and reviews had to state the methods used clearly in order to be included. Those assessed
using agreed criteria as having ‘minor limitations’ in terms of risk of bias were included in the review.
Those identified as having ‘potentially serious limitations’ were discussed by the REA team and were
included where they were deemed to be of ‘medium’ or ‘high’ relevance to the REA. Only one policing
study rated as having ‘very serious limitations’ was included in the REA, as it was the only study found
on police specials.
The final number of studies included was 78. Of these, 66 were studies conducted in
policing, four of which were systematic reviews or REAs relating to policing (one of
these also included other professions), and 12 were systematic reviews or REAs
relating to healthcare or social care, or were generic reviews where the findings were
assessed as being (potentially) applicable to a policing context. Where evidence
from outside of policing has been included, it typically reinforced what had been
found in policing studies or added further insight for consideration.
For primary research studies, the CASP qualitative checklist was used as the basis
of a process to allow the review team to consider the validity, content and relevance
* The qualitative and systematic review CASP checklists are available here: casp-uk.net/casp-tools-
2.8. Synthesis
A narrative synthesis of the evidence was produced for the Guideline Committee to
consider. The synthesis covered five themes that emerged from the evidence. The
themes were:
supervisor behaviours
leadership approaches
2.9. Limitations
2.9.1. Policing study quality
There was a lack of robust and relevant intervention studies identified, where
particular approaches were tried and evaluated. Weaker policing intervention studies
were largely screened out. Three weaker studies were included due to the general
lack of evidence around police special constables and volunteers. The studies were
conducted in a range of countries. There may be limitations in terms of applicability
of some findings to policing in the UK, due to policing models used in different
countries. However, they are still likely to be useful in the context of supervision. The
four systematic reviews or REAs all covered multiple countries and included
evidence from the UK.
3. Overview of evidence
3.1. Evidence flow
Figure 2 shows the flow of references through the different phases of the review. In
total, 24,194 references were identified through systematic, manual searches and
recommendations. After screening, data was extracted and synthesised from 78
unique studies.*
^ Several references were based on the same study and were therefore only
counted once.
* The number of studies included incorporates the six studies added after the initial screening and
evidence synthesis.
The majority of studies (n=40) were quantitative studies, 32 of which were surveys
(some of these included multiple surveys). In all, 32 studies included regression or
correlation analysis. Many of the quantitative studies were cross-sectional surveys
(carried out at a single point in time), where it was not possible to claim cause and
Around a quarter of the studies (n=16) were qualitative. All of these studies included
interviews of some kind (for example, face-to-face, telephone, individual or group).
Some also included focus groups, case study research, observations and diaries.
Most of these studies were based on team members’ and supervisors’ own
perceptions rather than measures that are more objective. Some studies included
colleagues reporting on colleagues.
Of the remaining eight studies, four used a mixture of research methods, one was a
systematic review and three were REAs.
The majority of the systematic reviews were generic subject area studies relevant to
supervision and did not cover a specific employment sector. Three related to
healthcare settings, and two related to child and social care.
The majority of these systematic reviews (n=9) received a quality rating of ‘fair’, in
recognition of some of the limitations identified during the quality rating process,
including how the methods used in the review were reported. The remaining three
reviews received a quality rating of ‘strong’.
4. Findings
This section summarises the main findings of the REA. To assist those using this
report to understand what evidence was used to inform each guideline, the REA
evidence has been summarised under the ten supervision guideline headings. This
report is split into two main sections:
organisational support
effective supervision
For presentational reasons, references have been numbered rather than presented
within the text with the author and date of publication. To find full details of a
particular reference, refer to Appendix A.
The evidence presented in the REA may relate to more than one guideline area, but
is generally not repeated across the report.
70 Campbell I and Kodz J (2010) Multiple Rapid Police officers of all n/a Strong ++
evidence ranks with leadership
assessment responsibilities
79 McDowall A and others (2015) Multiple Rapid Policing and other n/a Strong ++
evidence professions
82 Pearson-Goff M and Herrington V Multiple Systematic Police leadership n/a Strong ++
(2014) review
Overall, there was a good level of research evidence identified through the REA on
organisational culture that could enable or support effective supervision (see
Appendix E for a summary of the quality rating).
The evidence presented here draws on several systematic reviews and an REA
conducted on police leadership. The main focus of the guidelines, and hence the
REA, is on supervision and supervisory practice, as opposed to strategic leadership.
However, evidence on leadership has been included to help forces create the right
environment for change. It is important for senior leaders to model positive
behaviours, which in turn influence culture in their organisation.
setting, developing and sharing a vision for the organisation that creates a sense
of purpose
o supporting employees
o providing feedback
o promoting collaboration
driving and managing change, through achieving change or reform rather than
managing the status quo
A slightly older systematic review, primarily based on studies from the US, looked at
the effectiveness of different police leadership styles, competencies and behaviours.
Most studies focused on leaders’ impact on employees and employee perceptions of
their leaders’ effectiveness. The review indicated that situational leadership, where
leaders modify their behaviours to suit the context, might be most effective. A
transformational leadership style – offering inspiration, vision, intellectual stimulation
and desire to fulfil potential – could have a positive impact on employees’
organisational commitment and willingness to exert extra effort. A transactional
leadership style, relying heavily on rewards and punishment, may have less positive
impacts on employees. However, there was evidence that this style was respected
when dealing with poor standards or performance, and that certain types of officer
(lower-ranking and less self-motivated) may prefer a transactional approach.
Depending on the context, a mixture of both transformational and transactional
leadership styles may be more effective than a purely transformational approach.
Inactive leadership (failure to lead) was almost universally viewed as being less
An REA, based on 57 studies carried out in policing and other professions, explored
the interventions, mechanisms and levers that might encourage ethical behaviour
and prevent wrongdoing in organisations. Strong and effective leadership – including
behaviours such as being open, acting as role models, and being firm in terms of
setting and enforcing standards – was highlighted as encouraging ethical behaviour.
Leadership, and the organisational environment it helped create, were found to be
strong influences on the attitudes and behaviours of employees. Ethical leadership
and organisational justice, in the form of fair decision making and treatment, were
seen to be key.79
the extent to which employees feel their organisation cares and values them
perceptions of support from the wider organisation and senior management3, 26, 27
One study based on a survey of officers and staff within an Australian state police
service found that employee engagement was more strongly associated with
perceptions of a supportive wider work culture than perceived support from their
immediate supervisor. However, work culture support was found to be predictive of
higher supervisor support over time. It suggested that supportive work cultures
increase perceived support from supervisors and colleagues.2
* This approach includes clear communication, the nurturing of internal and external relationships, and
an appreciation of individual differences and diversity.
A mismatch between what senior, lower and middle managers see as important in
good management was identified in a study of two policing organisations in Sweden.
The study examined expectations of police managers and was based on policy
analysis and 28 interviews with middle and senior managers. The findings indicated
that there was a discrepancy between leadership policy and practice within the
organisations, and that these differences created an effective barrier to change.
Different interpretations of what is seen as effective supervision in men and women,
based on gendered assumptions, were also found in this study to be a barrier to
Not all issues can be mitigated by a change in leadership style at the individual level.
Evidence from survey research with police officers in Australia found that high
workloads due to organisational pressures were seen to undermine employee
wellbeing and satisfaction, irrespective of the level of control or support available to
4.1.2. Capability
Table 2 below provides a brief summary of the evidence used to contribute to this section of the REA.
Further details of references can be found in Appendix A.
The REA found good evidence in relation to effective recruitment, promotion and
professional development of supervisors.
the need to balance their additional responsibilities with their existing workload
having little understanding of, or access to, relevant systems, policies and
Evaluation research in the UK recently found that some officers on the Fast Track
Inspector programme felt that they were often not given sufficient time, support and
opportunities for development. The level of support varied between forces.14
review also noted benefits for supervisors, in terms of performance, from being
appraised on their leadership competencies and receiving feedback.73
Policing evidence relating to wellbeing found that support from the wider organisation
was required in order for supervisors to support staff wellbeing effectively.6 Various
policing studies suggested that organisations can support supervisors by:
Policing research studies suggested that there may be positive links between
supervisors being coached or mentored and the supervisor’s subsequent behaviours
and attitudes.30, 46 However, if the supervisor being coached or mentored was
blocked from spending time with their coach or mentor because their own supervisor
did not support or make time for the scheme, it limited the usefulness of the offer.46
There may also be potential value in acting or temporary police sergeants having
access to mentors and shadowing opportunities.19
* The limited amount of evidence identified at the organisational level could be due to the focus of the
REA on supervision and supervisors.
70 Campbell I and Kodz J (2010) Multiple Rapid evidence Police officers of all n/a Strong ++
assessment ranks with
82 Pearson-Goff M and Multiple Systematic Police leadership n/a Strong ++
Herrington V (2014) review
Role modelling involves a supervisor demonstrating the behaviour they would like
their team members to display.
Overall, the REA found a good level of evidence demonstrating the positive impacts
of leadership styles and role modelling behaviour.49, 55, 62, 70, 82 The evidence
indicated that acting as a role model can be an effective way of fostering positive
team member behaviours across a range of areas. These included ethics and
integrity,33, 52 challenging mental health stereotypes,9 and proactive investigations.43
This was further supported by a systematic review on police leadership, which found
that effective police leaders were perceived by others to understand their
responsibility to be a role model, leading by example and emulating behaviour
expected by followers.82 Qualitative research from the USA found that supervisors
Transgender police officers interviewed in England, Wales and the US reported that
a supervisor’s influence and role-modelled behaviour could affect perceptions of
acceptable behaviour towards trans employees. The research identified the
importance of challenging misbehaviour of employees when heterosexist † and/or
genderist ‡ behaviour was observed. Trans officers reported that the willingness to
challenge could have a marked effect on their workplace experiences, particularly in
relation to verbal and physical bullying.56
* Supervisor self-perceptions may not be as valid a measure of the effectiveness of their approaches
as the perceptions of the employees themselves.
† Attitudes or bias favouring male-female relationships.
‡ Discrimination based on gender.
challenged stereotypes and made officers feel like they were not alone. This was felt
to go some way in counteracting entrenched stereotypes, attitudes and beliefs
relating to mental ill health in police organisations.9
Evidence from one interview study with officers in a Scottish constabulary suggested
that supervisor role modelling (in the form of well-timed visibility, providing an
exemplary model and dealing with problem behaviour in a timely way) could help
officers understand the specific skills and attitudes required for effective policing.32
A systematic review found evidence from one study of employees in the Australian
health sector that reported negative supervisor behaviour was a significant predictor
of presenteeism.* Negative behaviours included failing to properly monitor and
manage group dynamics, not seeking input from employees on issues that affect
them, and showing no interest in employees’ ideas.76
leading by example (not asking the officer to do anything you wouldn’t be willing
to do yourself)
A study of police sergeants in the UK found that there was no consistent way
sergeants described motivating their team members. The strategies they discussed
overlapped with the behaviours covered elsewhere in this report, for example,
* Defined as ‘when employees are at work, but their cognitive energy is not devoted to their work’.
8 Brunetto Y and others (2016) USA Quantitative Police officers 588 Strong ++
29 Engel S and others (2018) Germany Quantitative Police officers 570 Fair +
A survey of uniformed patrol officers in Germany found that officers were more
committed to their organisation when they reported higher levels of support from
their supervisor.28 A survey of US police officers also found that the extent to which
employees felt their organisation cared about and valued them was linked to job
satisfaction, as well as job stress and wellbeing. Access to support was reported to
be central to how cared for and valued they felt, and included employees receiving
feedback and guidance from superiors, peers and followers.3
There was also some (generally weaker) evidence that suggested the morale of
special constables and police volunteers was affected by supervisor support in a
similar way to officers and staff.4, 11, 12, 13 The one stronger study, a national survey of
just over 1,000 police service volunteers in England and Wales, found a strong
association between factors relating to management and supervision, and
respondents’ morale as volunteers. This included their satisfaction with personal and
professional support, feedback on performance, and a more general sense of how
good the force was at managing volunteers.13
7 Brunetto Y and others (2017) USA Quantitative Police officers 588 Fair +
8 Brunetto Y and others (2016) USA Quantitative Police officers 588 Strong ++
29 Engel S and others (2018) Germany Quantitative Police officers 570 Fair +
31 Farr-Wharton B and others (2017) Australia Quantitative Police officers 193 Fair +
The REA found a moderate level of evidence that highlighted the importance of
effective two-way communication between supervisors and team members.
Clear, open and honest communication was also part of leadership styles, such as
supportive and authentic leadership, which the research evidence suggested were
associated with a range of positive outcomes, including reinforcing positive
behaviours and challenging negative behaviours in relation to diversity and inclusion.
See section 4.1.1 for further details of the evidence on leadership styles.
build rapport with their teams (through storytelling and reflecting on experiences)
engender organisational commitment (through showing they care and are part of
the team)
emphasise a shared policy vision (by contributing to, and also steering,
The study also found that some supervisors recognised that it might not be
appropriate for them to join in with conversations at all break times, and that a
balance should be struck in order for followers to not feel that they always had to talk
about work during their breaks.67
The research with sergeants in the UK also suggested that a good sergeant would
be seen as more human (approachable, friendly and people-focused). Many
respondents mentioned the importance of acting as a bridge or buffer between their
staff and the organisation. This required them to communicate any expectations,
directions and changes from senior leaders, managing demands from above and
from other departments, and protecting the interests of their teams.20, 21
16 Can HS, Holt W and Hendy HM (2016) Multiple Quantitative Police officers 231 US, 195 Fair +
20 College of Policing (Unpublished) UK Qualitative Police 46 Fair +
24 Dick P (2010) UK Other Police officers 75 individual Strong ++
and 6 focus
25 Dijkstra M, Beersma B and van The Quantitative Police officers 97 Strong ++
Leeuwen J (2014) Netherlands
42 Jacobs G, Belschak FD and Hartog Germany Quantitative Police officers 332 pairs of Fair +
DN (2014) officers
44 Johnson RR (2015) USA Quantitative Police officers 292 Fair +
50 Masal D and Vogel R (2016) Germany Quantitative Police officers 1,165 Strong ++
and staff
53 Nix J and Wolfe SE (2016) USA Quantitative Police officers 510 Strong ++
Overall, the REA found a good level of evidence on the importance of supervisors
treating their staff with fairness and respect.
The studies included in the REA described being fair as involving transparency about
and explaining the making of work decisions (for example, allocation of workload,
access to opportunities, promotions, agreement of leave and working hours). It also
involved treating team members with respect and politeness, and conducting
appraisals in a supportive rather than punitive manner. Behaviours were interlinked
with perceptions of organisational* and interactional justice.
wellbeing26, 27
discretionary effort59
feeling empowered82
destructive gossip25
lack of motivation53
* Organisational justice involves being fair about who gets what, how they get it and the manner in
which people are treated.
A systematic review of police leadership described being ethical as one of the key
characteristics attributed to effective police leaders. This was defined as showing a
sense of integrity and honesty, and in doing so, generating a sense of
trustworthiness among followers. The review also found that the way leaders made
their decisions played an important role in securing legitimacy and respect from
followers, with potential positive impacts on organisational commitment.82
*When employees believe their employer is not fulfilling their obligations, intense negative emotions
can be invoked, known as psychological contract violation. This in turn can result in negative
behavioural reactions and workplace attitudes.
feel feedback is fair and is being used to support (praising, encouraging, offering
help), rather than exert control (judging compliance, removing autonomy, justifying
autocratic commands).44, 50
Another study found that if supervisors were perceived as fair, their team members
were less likely to feel unmotivated, in danger or negatively affected as a workforce
in the wake of critical publicity. The study authors suggested that this was because
fair supervisors communicate their trust in officers and a willingness to back them up
in difficult situations.53 Survey research has shown that fairness at supervisory and
senior leadership level was associated with officers ‘going the extra mile’* without
personal gain, feeling empowered, following rules, valuing the public and supporting
ethical policing.59
Supervisor attitudes appeared to play the decisive role in whether work-life balance
was regulated or managed within teams to support wellbeing and minimise work-
family conflict. 5, 60, 65 There was further evidence suggesting that decision making
that was open to employee input may contribute to positive outcomes, such as
improved wellbeing and motivation.20, 29, 53, 81 Team member perceptions of their own
resilience have been found to be positively influenced by supervisors leading
ethically, acting to empower and working collaboratively.1
An online survey of police officers in one English force explored the relationships
between PCV, occupational stress and wellbeing. The analysis found that fairness
and self-efficacy mediated the relationship between PCV and occupational stress,
and between PCV and anxiety. This implies that officers who felt their force was not
fulfilling its obligations may be less efficient, leading to stress and anxiety. Analysis
found that fairness did not mediate for depression, but self-efficacy did.26 These
findings held true for both male and female officers.*
This evidence from policing was supported by a large body of evidence from other
sectors that demonstrated the importance of organisational justice (the perception of
being treated fairly and with respect, both by supervisors and senior leaders).
Supportive leadership, of which honesty and fairness is one element, was also
associated in the literature with a range of positive outcomes, including supporting
diversity and inclusion.
A systematic review of workplace factors that facilitate or constrain the ability of line
managers to enhance the wellbeing of people they manage included two studies
reporting that a higher level of perceived organisational justice and fairness was
positively associated with employee wellbeing. These studies were conducted in UK
local authority and US care sectors. Two other included studies (both USA – generic)
found that the effects of organisational justice were mediated by other workplace
factors, including the existence of organisational support and trust in supervisors.76
* Qualitative interview research included in the same report mentioned that female officers reported
wanting to be treated fairly in terms of the same treatment as men. This was reported by two of five
female interviewees.
17 Can HS, Hendy H and Can BM (2017) USA Quantitative Police officers 152 Fair +
29 Engel S and others (2018) Germany Quantitative Police officers 570 Fair +
51 McCarty WP and Skogan WG (2012) USA Quantitative Police officers 2564 Fair +
and staff
54 Noblet AJ and Rodwell JJ (2009) Australia Quantitative Police officers 479 Strong ++
71 Daniels K and others (2017) Multiple Systematic Generic – working n/a Fair +
review population in
74 Hillage J and others (2014a) Multiple Systematic Generic – OECD n/a Fair +
review countries
75 Hillage J and others (2014b) Multiple Systematic Generic – OECD n/a Fair +
review countries
76 Hillage J and others (2014c) Multiple Systematic Generic – OECD n/a Strong ++
review countries
The evidence suggested that supervisors who are supportive of their team members’
health and emotional needs contribute to the wellbeing of their staff. Positive
wellbeing outcomes included:
better self-esteem17
An online survey of police officers from one English police force found that
perceptions of fairness and self-efficacy were directly linked to officers’ levels of
stress and anxiety, with fairness being the largest mediator. Self-efficacy was the
strongest mediator for depression. The author suggests that officers’ feelings of self-
efficacy could be managed through workload and activities being evenly distributed,
and by ensuring that they take annual leave and do not work too many hours.
Employees could also be instructed on self-regulatory mechanisms that foster a
greater sense of self-efficacy, such as exposure to positive experiences of success,
verbal persuasion and social influences that reinforce appropriate behaviour.26
The evidence suggests that supportive behaviours and attitude are particularly
important in relation to mental and physical health issues.9, 10 Effective supervision
was found to pay attention to, and destigmatise, mental health issues and illnesses.9
It also involved early and regular contact with the supervisee, an awareness of
individuals’ circumstances and timely referrals to sources of support.10 Inadequate
The evidence also indicates that officers may avoid disclosure of mental illness to
their supervisor or manager for fear of being discriminated against at work, and
officers not wanting to be managed by someone with mental health issues.64
Social support from supervisors and colleagues (such as feeling supported, the
existence of trust and feeling that they ‘have their back’) was associated with
decreased burnout in both officers and staff,51 and buffered the negative effects of
violence against officers by the public.28 However, there was also evidence from
survey research in an Australian state-based law enforcement agency that
supervisor support cannot fully mitigate against the negative effects of continual high
job demands. The authors conclude that supervisory personnel need to manage the
pace, volume and complexity of demands faced by employees carefully, taking
action when excessive levels are reached.54
The REA found a small amount of evidence regarding the benefits associated with
supervisors understanding and acting on their own health and emotional needs. One
review performed across multiple sectors found a link between the wellbeing of a
supervisor and the wellbeing of their staff, although it was not clear how these
influenced each other.83
There was mixed and insufficient evidence across three different systematic reviews
from multiple sectors on whether training supervisors (in a variety of different ways)
could improve employee wellbeing,71, 75, 78 while one other high-quality review
suggested that group-based, interactive leadership training was effective in
improving team member wellbeing.84
6 Brunetto Y and others (2014) Australia Quantitative Police officers 193 Fair +
8 Brunetto Y and others (2016) USA Quantitative Police officers 588 Strong ++
34 Gau JM and Gaines DC (2012) USA Quantitative Police officers 268 Strong ++
and staff
37 Hansen AJ and others (2015) USA Quantitative Police officers 425 Fair +
wellbeing6, 28
Evidence from other sectors was consistent with policing evidence. According to a
meta-analysis of 27 studies on workers in child welfare, social work and mental
health settings, the wellbeing, organisational commitment and job satisfaction of
these workers improved (among other benefits) when they received task assistance
(tangible, work-related advice and instruction) and support for their emotional needs
from supervisors.80
A further systematic review on the supervision of child welfare and social workers
suggested that supervision worked best when attention was paid to task assistance,
social and emotional support, and positive interpersonal relationships between
supervisors and supervisees.69 This review and another that looked at supervision in
businesses also suggested positive outcomes resulting from supportive supervision
for both workers (for example, job satisfaction) and organisations (for example, job
retention).76 It was suggested that the support provided was greater when senior
managers and human resource managers were in frequent communication.76
organisational commitment
Some limited evidence from the health sector in Europe suggested that satisfaction
can increase significantly if people receive feedback about the work that they do,
One study found that if team members believed their supervisor was likely to enforce
driving safety rules, they were involved in fewer collisions.37 Officers working under
supportive sergeants were more likely to believe that non-lethal ‘use of force’ policies
were clear and fair.40
An online survey of officers and staff in a US municipal police department found that
those with ‘good’ relationships with their supervisors were more likely to support
force policies on order maintenance, with the implication that this may lead to greater
compliance with the policy. Supervisors may play an important role in ‘selling’ order
maintenance. However, this leadership behaviour is likely to need to be encouraged
throughout the organisation.34
Evidence outside of policing, from three studies covering a range of sectors (in
Japan, USA and Spain), suggested that managers played a key role in promoting
safer working environments (compliance with health and safety rules), by prioritising
safety issues, correcting unsafe working practices and empowering employees to
raise safety concerns.76
29 Engel S and others (2018) Germany Quantitative Police officers 570 Fair +
Analysis of police survey data from the US showed that job autonomy was positively
correlated with organisational commitment. The authors found an association
between the move to community policing and officers being afforded greater
autonomy and discretion in their work, as well as a greater variety of day-to-day
activities when compared to officers not working for organisations following a
community policing approach.58
Research reviewed from other sectors was consistent with the policing research. Job
control and autonomy positively predicted job satisfaction in nurses in Australia.
Perceptions of low autonomy reported in a national survey of working conditions in
the Netherlands were associated with more sick leave. The report authors concluded
that supportive line management would include providing an element of autonomy to
employees in terms of how they carry out their work.76 Another review identified
better levels of satisfaction being reported among European physicians who felt that
they had professional autonomy.72 A review covering studies from 33 countries also
* The Demand-Control-Support model hypothesises that job strain (unresolved stress) results from
the demands of the job, the degree of control and discretion that employees have over their work, and
the level of social support provided to meet these demands.
found that the capacity of mental health professionals to influence decisions at work
was linked to lower risk of burnout.81
job satisfaction
ethical behaviour
discretionary effort
emotional energy
The findings from a survey of police officers from a UK force suggested that attention
should be paid to improving participation and encouraging a supportive culture
where mistakes are considered a learning opportunity. The majority of officers who
took part in the research reported limited opportunities for them to contribute to
One qualitative study of policing in a rural setting found that officers considered
empowerment of others to use their discretion as an important leadership skill. Many
mentioned the effectiveness of a devolved leadership style, where managers
provided guidance but generally avoided micromanagement. Many referred to
policing ‘by the book’ as being too rigid and unhelpful in a rural setting, and some
spoke of the need for relationship-based policing, as opposed to transaction-based
5. Conclusions
The evidence presented in this report was used, alongside practitioner evidence and
experience, to develop 10 guidelines related to effective supervision. The guidelines,
and more detail about the process by which these were reached, can be found in the
published guidance.
Research evidence from the policing sector, and more widely across a range of high-
risk professions, has demonstrated that practical actions can be taken to improve
effective supervision. This, in turn, will lead to improvements in outcomes for
employees and at the organisational level.
The challenge lies in the implementation of the guidelines, and ensuring that the
evidence is used to influence implementation.
Appendix A: Tables of included studies
Table A1. Policing-focused individual study references.
Component Description
Context and objectives The scoping document 23 of the development of these practice
guidelines summarises the College of Policing’s recent
‘Capability Improvement Areas’ analysis which identified ten
recurring and systemic problems considered to be
undermining capability to deliver good outcomes for the public.
One of the ‘perennial challenges’ identified was that, in
general, individuals are not reaching their full potential owing
to insufficient supervision and leadership.
As set out in the scoping document 24, the guidelines will seek
to answer the following questions:
23 College of Policing. (2019). Effective supervision: Guideline scope can be found in Effective
supervision/Related reports and information [internet].
24 College of Policing. (2019). Effective supervision: Guideline scope can be found in Effective
Review question(s) The questions for the rapid evidence assessments to explore
25 While there is conceptual overlap, this work distinguishes between ‘supervision’ and ‘leadership’.
Supervision is broadly defined as ‘an intervention provided by a more senior member of a profession
to more junior member or members of that same profession’ (Bernard JM and Goodyear RK. (2004).
‘Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision’. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. p 8). ‘Leadership’
can be defined as ‘the quality which connects an understanding of what must be done with the
capability to achieve it’ (College of Policing. (2015). Leadership Review [internet]. p 6).
Emerald Insight
Tavistock Institute
3ie impact
Types of study to be It is expected that there will be few studies such as systematic
included reviews and RCTs providing evidence that addresses the
review questions. There will also be studies on leadership that
are theoretically based but draw on research evidence.
Participants/population The participants or population for the review are the sectors or
occupations of the supervisees and their supervisors. The
sectors and occupations to be included are officers, staff,
employees, and volunteers in:
Q1. Supervision:
Outcome(s) Improved/increased:
Search terms Search terms will be devised to search for studies relevant to
question 1 with tiers for the population, intervention, outcome
and type of research study (see draft search terms and other
information on inclusion criterion at the bottom of this table).
Studies relevant to question 2 will be identified at the sifting
and data extraction stages.
Selection of studies – The review team will perform initial trials of screening on
sifting on abstracts title/abstract based on studies returned from database/web
and secondary searches.
screening on full text
Following these trials, a tick list and decision tree will be
created in order to provide clarity and consistency on studies
to include and exclude, for example:
Data extraction and In the first instance, for a small sample of studies, two
quality assessment of reviewers will independently extract data from and quality
full texts assess relevant studies. Tools for quality assessing the
studies will need to be selected (tbc) and different tools may
need to be used depending on the research methods of the
study. If so a further decision tree will be devised for this
Any other information There are likely to be difficulties selecting terms to use when
or criteria for searching academic databases that will identify literature that
inclusion/exclusion addresses the broad definition of supervision for this review,
recognising that supervisors exist at all levels within an
organisation, but excludes literature focusing on strategic
personal support
professional development.’
Searches were carried out using two populations of interest: policing and law
enforcement, and other high-risk professions. Wellbeing searches were conducted
separately to other searches in order to facilitate screening by internal wellbeing
experts at the College. Database searches were carried out between 1 July and 5
July 2019. The structure of each search and the exact terms used differed
depending on the database being searched. Some example search strings are
provided below.
Table A5: Search string 3: Police-specific AND any of: professional development,
performance, staff performance, staff engagement or staff absence.
Table A6: Search string 4: Other high-risk profession AND any of: professional
development, performance, staff performance, staff engagement or staff absence.
For primary research studies, the CASP qualitative checklist was adapted to
include items considered most relevant to the identified literature. The CASP tool
focuses its questions on three broad issues:
the authors explicitly stated that assumptions of the statistical test were met
the authors reported that had tested for collinearity or interactions between
The CASP systematic review checklist was adapted for use with systematic
reviews, meta-analyses and rapid evidence assessments.
Three quality levels were established using the CASP checklist: ‘strong’ (++), ‘fair’
(+) and ‘weak’ (-). These are reflected in the reference tables in Appendix A.
A strong (++) study was assessed as having minor limitations. The study met all
quality criteria or failed to meet one or more quality criteria, but this was unlikely
to change the conclusions.
27The qualitative and systematic review CASP checklists are available here: casp-uk.net/casp-
A fair (+) study was assessed as having potentially serious limitations. The study
failed to meet one or more quality criteria, and this could change the conclusions.
A weak (-) study was assessed as having very serious limitations. The study
failed to meet one or more quality criteria, and this was highly likely to change the
conclusions. Most of these studies were screened out due to the quality
assessment. Only those conducted on issues or themes where there was a
serious lack of other (higher-quality) evidence were kept in the review.
An overall evidence rating that represents the review team’s judgement about the
strength of the combined research evidence is provided for each guideline. These
are meant to guide the reader in relation to the strength of the evidence presented in
each section. The ratings are ‘good’, ‘moderate’, and ‘limited’.
A good level of evidence was indicated by the majority of the evidence used to
inform the guideline being rated as ++. All of the guidelines that received a rating of
‘good’ also met the following criteria:
risk of bias – the supporting evidence included at least two studies rated ++
A moderate level of evidence was indicated by the majority of the evidence used to
inform the guideline being rated as +. All but one of the guidelines that received a
rating of ‘moderate’ also met the three criteria outlined above.
A limited level of evidence was indicated by the majority of the evidence used to
inform the guideline being rated as +.