IT Law - Lecture 2.1
IT Law - Lecture 2.1
IT Law - Lecture 2.1
E-Rights : Copyright
What is copyrights?
This is an exclusive right to deal with original literary,
artistic and musical works (original copyright works).
Copyright refers to the right to control and stop others from
coping one's work (Prof. Ida Madieha).
Summed up by Lord Bingham in Designers Guild Limited v.
Russell Williams (Textiles)Ltd (2001)1 All ER (HL)at 701 thus;
“The law of copyright rests on a very clear principles: that anyone who by
his or her own skill and labour creates an original work of whatever
character shall, for a limited period, enjoy an exclusive right to copy that
work. No one else may for a reason reap what the copyright sown has