This document contains an assessment tool called Gordon's Functional Health Pattern that collects information about a patient's health in 11 categories: [1] health perception and management, [2] nutrition and metabolism, [3] elimination, [4] activity and exercise, [5] cognitive and perceptual, [6] rest and sleep, [7] self-perception and self-concept, [8] role relationships, [9] coping and stress, [10] sexuality and reproduction, and [11] values and beliefs. For each category, the tool collects relevant information such as diet, elimination habits, stressors, and spiritual beliefs to develop a holistic understanding of the patient's health.
This document contains an assessment tool called Gordon's Functional Health Pattern that collects information about a patient's health in 11 categories: [1] health perception and management, [2] nutrition and metabolism, [3] elimination, [4] activity and exercise, [5] cognitive and perceptual, [6] rest and sleep, [7] self-perception and self-concept, [8] role relationships, [9] coping and stress, [10] sexuality and reproduction, and [11] values and beliefs. For each category, the tool collects relevant information such as diet, elimination habits, stressors, and spiritual beliefs to develop a holistic understanding of the patient's health.
This document contains an assessment tool called Gordon's Functional Health Pattern that collects information about a patient's health in 11 categories: [1] health perception and management, [2] nutrition and metabolism, [3] elimination, [4] activity and exercise, [5] cognitive and perceptual, [6] rest and sleep, [7] self-perception and self-concept, [8] role relationships, [9] coping and stress, [10] sexuality and reproduction, and [11] values and beliefs. For each category, the tool collects relevant information such as diet, elimination habits, stressors, and spiritual beliefs to develop a holistic understanding of the patient's health.
This document contains an assessment tool called Gordon's Functional Health Pattern that collects information about a patient's health in 11 categories: [1] health perception and management, [2] nutrition and metabolism, [3] elimination, [4] activity and exercise, [5] cognitive and perceptual, [6] rest and sleep, [7] self-perception and self-concept, [8] role relationships, [9] coping and stress, [10] sexuality and reproduction, and [11] values and beliefs. For each category, the tool collects relevant information such as diet, elimination habits, stressors, and spiritual beliefs to develop a holistic understanding of the patient's health.
Date Of Admission:_________________ Age:_______________Sex:____________________ Occupation/Profession:______________ Language: (1)______________(2)______________ Education:_______________________Marital Status:_______________________________ Children:__________________M____________F____________ Medical Diagnose:___________________________________________________________ Past Medical History:(1)Hospitalization__________________________________________ (2)Surgery________________________________________________ (3)Medication at home_____________________________________ Chief Complain: ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Present Surgeries:______________________Immunization Status:___________________ Vital signs: B.P:________________ Pulse:___________RR_____________Temp:________ 1. Health perception Health Management Pattern: Patient’s views about his/ her health and how she/he manages his/her health: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Patient knowledge about his/her disease: _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Patient’s knowledge about disease prevention: ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
List of current medication
Medication Generic Indication
Over the counter drugs: __________________________________________________________
Color ____________________Amount /24hr________________Any pain/discomfort during urination_____________________________Any problem with Bladder control: Retension/incontinence:_______________________Stool/24hr___________________ Color____________Odor_________________Charactaristic__________________________ Amount_____________________ Any problem with bowel control: Constipation/Incontenence___________________________________________ Nursing Diagnose: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
4.) Activity Exercise Pattern:
Life style (active, sedentary) Breathlessness during activity or at
No of hours sleep/24 hours: Home ____________Hospital __________ Naps__________ Any problem to fall/stay asleep ____________ Use of tranquillizers ____________ Any home remedy to induce sleep ______________________________________ Evidence of lack of sleep _________________ Quality of sleep _____________ Nursing diagnosis: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
7). Self Perception/Self Concept Pattern
Patient’s perception of his or herself___________________________________ Grooming ___________ Voice tone _____________ Eye contact ___________ Gesture /Congruent with words ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
8). Role Relationship Pattern
Family (extended/nuclear) _________ Responsibilities in family ________
Role shared by _______ Role in decision making __________ Leisure entertainment activities _______ Socialization __________ Satisfaction with family / work __________________ Nursing diagnosis: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Anxious _______ Withdrawal __________ Apathetic ____________ Common stressors ____________ coping behavior during stress ___________ Sharing of stress with ____________________ Use of Alcohol/Pan/Tobacco/Drug: Nursing Daignosis:_________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
10). Sexuality / Reproductive Pattern
History of birth control: ____________ Age of puberty ____________
Onset of menses (F): _____________ Menstruation cycle _______ Amount _________ Pain/ problem __________ Frequency _______________ Menopause __________ No of children _________ Alive _______ Dead ________ Marital relation with Spouse ___________ Self breast examination (F):____________________ Self testicular examination (M) _____________________________________ Nursing diagnosis: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
11). Value belief Pattern
Things important in life ___________________ Spirituality __________________
Religious beliefs _______________________________ Any spiritual conflict ____________ Satisfaction with life +_______________________ Nursing diagnosis: _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________