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Tac Attack April 1962 Howdy Pot-ner




VOL 2, NO. 4 APRIL 1962


TAT .. 4








One of the F-110's
turrPely being evaluated by TAC.


10101-ToRs _IIAJOR
AssocIA JAMES G. `ilVNsi:N

Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by Hq USAF. USAir Recurring Publication 62-12
Artic=les, accident briefs and associated material published in this magazine are non-directive in nature. All
suggentions and recommentiailous are intended as helpful and remain within the scope of existing directives..
Information used in briefing accidents is extracted from USAF 711 Series Forms and may not be construed as
incriminating under Article 13 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, AU pares, dates and places used in accident
stories are fictitious, Air Force units are authorized ztad encouraged to republish the material contained herein;
however, contents are not for public release. Written permission must be obtained from lig TAC before material can
be republished by other than Air Force organizations.
Contributions are most welcome as are comments and criticism. We reserve the right to make any editorial
changes in manuscripts which we believe will improve the material Without altering the intended meaning. Direct
correspondence with the editor is authorized,
Men think they may justly do that
for which they have a precedent.

Commanders! Have you ever talked air discipline

or flight safety to your pilots and then had the feel·
ing that they didn't get the full meaning of what you
had said? Communicating the full intent of our words
is a continuing and frustrating problem, and we can

ongle never be certain whether we have conveyed to others

exactly what we mean.
If we tell our pilots to fly safely, what do we
mean? How many ways can it be interpreted? What
is generally considered safe by one pilot may be
considered quite dangerous by another.
How can we be sure that everyone understands

exactly what we mean? Here's one method that
might be considered. At your next meeting with your
pilots, simply say: "As your commander, I'm going
to fly with each one of you on your next flight. In
fact, I'm going to be with you on every flight from
now on. Every time you brief, do it as though I were
there. Every time you preflight, do it as though I

- were giving you a standardization check. When you

are on the gunnery range, perform as though I were in
the scoring tower and when you are in the traffic
pattern, fly as though I were in mobile control.
Perform all your flights as though I were there and
as though I were going to critique the mission."
However, before such a philosophy can be
successful, you must establish high standards and
then maintain these standards through example.
Remember, what your subordinates do is determined
by what you do.

Colonel James K. Johnson

Office of Safety


Angle of Attack
Wha' Hoppen?


T out on the prowl for night
time on a nice summer night
marred only by high scattered
clouds. Visibility was above ten
miles. For convenience we will
call them Blue One, Two and

The aircraft were serviced

with full internal fuel plus 150
gallons in each 450 drop tank
for a total of 5500 pounds-
enough for two hours with plenty
of reserve.
During start, taxi and take-
off, Blue Two noticed his for-
ward fuselage fuel indicator re-
mained at 1100 pounds instead
of dropping to theusual800-9

APRIL 1~ ..
pounds. he ejected. He landed unscathed sidered. Although the Board
While climbing all pilots near the fireball wreckage of his may have covered them they did
,ported drop tanks feeding and F-84. not mention it in their report.
after level-off all reported In his statement to the in- They should have.
drops empty. Just before Blue vestigators Two said his total The pilot told of a rough
Two called, ''drops dry,'' Blue fuel indicator stayed at 1500 engine in flight. This could have
Three noted some fuel vapor pounds for about seven minutes been caused by adefectivemain
trail from the scupper drain of before the flame-out and that he fuel control, and it was not sent
Two's aircraft. No sweat. This had monitored his fuel gauge in for a teardown inspection.
usually happens when the drops every 30-seconds after real- During the shuffle it had become
feed out. izing it was stuck. He said that misplaced.
Shortly after level-off, he switched the fuel selector to Since most of the flight was
Number Two experienced a "all tanks" prior to the after dark it is doubtful that a
rough engine. He moved out to attempted air start and could not main line fuel leak could have
one side and pulled G's several remember seeing any f u e 1 been seen by either of the other
times to see if the roughness warning lights until the engine two pilots. However, the fuel
was caused by a loose tailpipe. coasted down and the generator checks show an increasing
Since these maneuvers pro- and inverter lights came on. spread between Blue Two's fuel
duced negative results he tried and that reported by the other
The final conclusion of the
re-adjusting the throttle. His investigators was that fuel mis- pilots.
engine ran unusually rough at Consideration should also be
management led to starvation
any setting other than 86%RPM. given to residual pressure in the
and flame-out. They reasoned
He could stay in reasonable for- drop tanks which usually causes
that since the fuselage tank indi-
mation at that power setting so them to feed for a time after
cator didn't show the normal
·cided not to bother Lead with the switches are turned off un-
drop during takeoff, the drop
cails. less they are vented by actuating
tanks must have been pressur-
the IFR switch.
After his external tanks ized and feeding. Their compu-
Regardless of the Board's
indicated empty, Blue Two tations proved that had this been
conclusion Blue Two made at
switched to total fuel and noted true and had Blue Two inadvert-
least two serious errors. In the
3700 pounds on board. Fuel flow ently turned off the drop tanks
first place he took off in an air-
was 2300 PPH---one hour and at the time he intended to turn
craft that had an obvious fuel
34-minutes 'til flame-out. No them on, they would have con-
system discrepancy. Secondly,
sweat! tained 1500 pounds offuel. With-
On the second fuel check out this fuel he would have he did not advise his flight
Lead reported3100pounds, Two flamed-out exactly when he did. leader of any indications of
had 2900 and Three had 3000. That piece of the jigsaw puzzle trouble until too late for the
Just prior to the third fuel certainly fitted the slot but did leader to evaluate them.
check Blue Two noticed that his the color match the picture? Experience is said to be the
fuel gauge seemed to be stuck at It appears the Board started best teacher but in cases like
1500 pounds. Lead gave his fuel their investigation with the pre- this the teacher's salary is
as 2000 pounds, Three had1900 conceived opinion that the pilot much too expensive to allowfor
and when Two called 1500 the malpositioned some switches. a make-up session. To gain
This in itself is not bad pro- from this costly experience and
startled leader turned immedi-
viding every effort is made to to prevent similar accidents,
ately for home plate. Theywere
disprove all otherpossibilities. pilots and boards must check
almost there when Blue Two
In view of pilot and witness
every angle to accurately deter-
flamed-out. He had time for one
1msuccessful air start attempt statements there are o the r
~ the normal system) before possibilities that should be con-

1 -
----- .

Old Tat

A RIGHT GOOD FRIEND of ours-a bird Quite often, jet engines which have p·artially
watcher from 'way back-wrote us about a C-119 failed can be persuaded to run at reduced settings
incident. Seems the C-119 aircraft commander for quite some time before they let go altogether.
feathered one engine because it coughed once and However, the critters will grind to a complete
then lost torque. A successful one fan landing stop and refuse to relight if stopcocked. For this
followed. After landing, the carburetor intake reason TAT has a general rule for handling engine
screen was found to be blocked with ice. trouble, other than complete flame-out. Watch
Our friend remarked that this incident gauges and try to keep temperature in limitE
reminded him of a debacle some years back reducing power. If unable to control temperature
where several people and another C-119 were or if the fire warning lights come on, stopcock.
lost because of carburetor ice. In both cases, an Once stopcocked, forget about restarts and con-
engine was shutdown needlessly. centrate on the next decision ... the decision to
What he said next is so close to our own make a flame-out landing or to eject. If low when
beliefs we'll be lazy and quote him word for trouble starts, leave power full on until a safe
word. He said, "I am firmly of the opinion that ejection altitude is reached and then try to cope
many twin engine pilots suffer from chronic with the trouble. F-104 pilots should pay no
featheritus which occasionally leads to chronic attention to this rule since low altitude compressor
death. I maintain that the engine has only one stalls can give all the indications of a partial
mission in life and that is to keep the bird in the failure, complete with low and fluxuating RPM,
blue. Barring fire or obvious internal failure overtemperature, etc ... andyoucorrectastall by
there is seldom a reason to shut it down as long shutting down and restarting.
as you can get more thrust than drag."
The crux to this is telling whenyouhave more SHORTLY AFTER hop off, with the casters on
thrust than drag and the possibility of inducing the way up, a U-3 pilot found that the cabin door
a fire. Deciding separates the men from the boys. of his machine was open. Since there was plenty
However, our friend's premise is well-founded and of runway left, he decided to land straight ahead,
holds equally true for most single engine jets and put the gear handle back down, and concentrated
the lads who have stopcockitus. We say "most on making a smooth landing . . . . then came the
jets" because the F-104 doesn't follow the rules awful sound of aluminum rubbing concrete. He
when its engine decides to compressor stall. didn't give the gear time to extend, or chec' '"~

4 APRIL 196:.!
see if it had extended and locked. Nuff said, or
11 we say something about checking to see that
rs are secured?

COMING OFF the range, Harry Hardluck

pushed the throttle into AB and let the old century
dog waddle up into position on the rest of the
flight. He put the throttle inboard but nothing
happened. He pulled the throttle back and AB cut
out at about 80%. Forward of 80 it'd relight.
Homeplate was about 150 miles away-(That's
a 26-hour and 50-minute walk if youmeetthe new
physical criteria). But no sweat, there were two
closer air patches and fuel was about 13,500
pounds. Harry headed home. At 15,000 he relit
the AB and climbed to 30,000 came back to 80% THIS ONE would have been funny if it hadn't
coasted, relit, etc., etc. cost so cotton pickin' much dough this close to
Thirty miles from home, fuel was down to income tax paying time. Seems an F-105 pilot
2,600 pounds, altitude was 8,000 feet. About ten pulled up at the refueling pit with the mill at idle.
miles out Hardluck extended speed brakes, The assistant crew chief fetched the gear pins
selected AB and lowered the rollers ... a wee bit from the nose gear well, installed the nose gear
later he raised speed brakes to hold 220 to 230 pin and tossed one of the maingearpins towards-
knots. Five miles out he lowered the flaps and of all people-the regular crew chief.
slowed to about 180. Forward fuel was indicating The pin hit short, directly under the left intake.
' pounds ... then 200 ... then he was gliding. The streamer unrolled and remained suspended
landed just a little less than a mile from the for a long, long moment, as if performing the
pad. Forward fuel was still reading 200 pounds and Indian rope trick, then disappeared into the intake.
total fuel was about 700. Apparently the engine had One moment of indiscretion and an $89,972.21
sucked air from the forward tank and, poof, flame- case of indigestion.
At the thirty-mile point Harry should have been A JET AIRLINER crashed during a scheduled
worried . . . it took him almost 11,000 pounds to transition mission. According to witnesses, the
scoot 120 miles. According to our computer-- big jet made a normal lift-off, rotated to an
which we carry and use on almost every flight-- extremely nose-high climb, banked steeply to the
that's about eleven miles for each 1,000 pounds of left, rolled to a vertical right bank and fell thru.
fuel . . . The boss's Caddy does better'n that! Evidence indicated a stall while practicing a take-
Harry should have known at this point that fuel off with number three throttled back on the roll
and distance were coming out ridiculously close ... and number four throttled back at or immediately
gear flaps and boards would have been better left after lift-off. At the risk of getting our curly head
tucked in until the runway was in the shade of the lopped off, we're going to make a couple of choice
old aircraft. comments concerning this one. First, we want to
The malfunction, which isn't too uncommon make one thing quite clear. We favor practicing
with F-100s was caused by failure of the AB for emergencies--but, the practice should be
adapter switch. practical.
Oh yeah, from the security of our swivel chair The airliner in question was powered by four
we ran thru this one again. He'dhave arrived with engines . . . four engines that seldom come un-
nuite a bit more fuel had he cruise climbed it in glued. These engines are far enough apart to pre-
clude one engine shooting out another with bits

and pieces that fly off during afailure. Why, then, The pilot decided to evacuate, since his sle
should it be necessary to practice a two engine was on fire with the canopy glass shattered.
out takeoff? tried to remove his chute but neglected to unfast~
If someone comes up with a legit reason for one leg strap and his underarm life preserver
this practice, we'll rear back and ask ... why not fouled the harness. As a result, the firewell kit
do it at a comfy altitude from a simulated go- snagged him as he clambered over the side. He
around? The higher true airspeeds and reduced fell and was left hanging upside down in the flames.
thrust will make it more difficult to do and will Fortunately he was able to escape, but received
help burnish procedures to a high gloss. It isn't first and second degree burns.
perfectly safe, but it is safer than pulling two We have no word on the cause of this accident
after being committed on the roll at altitude at this writing ... but from the distance traveled
zero . . . unless the two are pulled in the simu- it appears to us that the engine was developing
lator. This, incidentally, is an even better place quite a bit of power during the abort. The pilot
to practice situations which are almost impossible said he retarded the throttle to idle shortly after
to handle . . . and a double failure like this would his aircraft settled back in. TAT would bet that it
be almost impossible to handle when the bird is jarred forward again during the wild ride.
fully loaded. The pilot had the right idea when he unbuckled
before evacuating ... right idea, poor execution.
We hope you never have to do as he did, but if you
do a little pre-practice (as required by TAC reg)
will help make your rapid exit more dignified.-
Why practice a simple chore like this? Well, a
smash like this has a tendency to unscramble the
coolest of wits. When this happens, all that's left
is plenty of adrenalin and reflexes. If the reflex
ain't properly conditioned they don't hack the.
too well. . . . Ho Kay?

THE PILOT had a rep for being professional.

He earned the Select Crew Award, and was always
trying to improve his ability ... but he crashed
during an IFR penetration. Ran into the ground
wings level--while descending from 20,000 to
THE LAUNCH WAS a success until shortly 3,000 feet. He was supposed to report passing
after lift-off with gear on the way up. At this time 10,000 but failed to call. Altitude of the crash
considerable thrust was lost, according to the site was 1,895 feet.
pilot, and the machine settled back to the runway By comparing fuel gauge readings with con-
and proceeded with some of the most enthusiastic sumption data for the route, theBoarddecidedthat
sliding we've ever read about ... it slid into the he was at the proper altitude before he descended.
barrier, engaged the cable with one pylon and His zero lanyard was connected, which would
dragged 350 feet of chain before grinding the indicate that he knew he was below10,000-where
cable in two. Released, it continued off the runway pilots of this outfit normally hooked the bailing
into a blast fence, over a perimeter road, thru wire. From this and other bits and pieces of
7 5 yards of timber across a four-lane highway ... information the board decided that this troop
knocking a bumper guard off a surprised either failed to interpret flight instruments (the
motorist's automobile . . . and proceeded into a altimeter) correctly, or had an unreasonable
cemetery where it demolished a concrete block altimeter lag. Icing, etc, was not a facto
maintenance shed. Their guess is as good as ours. Altimet(

6 APRIL 1962
ILL lag during very fast descents ... but we've diving depth and a cabin altitude of 18,000 as the
'T er had one lag a thousand feet. airborne altitude, with 12 hours as the delay.
We did get distracted during a descent one Soooo ... if you go below 30 feet on scuba, (or in
day and forgot to report at 5,000 as directed and a pressure tank), best not fly above 18,000 feet
overshot our level off altitude of 2,500 by a good until after 12 hours have ticktocked by.
800 feet. It certainly surprised us how fast the
altitude went by during the ''moment'' it took us to
glance at the letdown plate to checkonsomething.
Also, two or three times we've had trouble getting
the bailing wire hooked to our chute release and
poked thru considerable altitude before we
succeeded. Could this have been this lad's last
act? Possibly not, since he was pretty sharp and
your Old TAT admits to being somewhat short of
red hot. It is a thought, tho'. Another possibility
is that he had developed the habit of maintaining a
constant rate of descent until almost at his desired
level off altitude ... a practice that looks sharp
and precise . . . but which leaves no margin for
error . . . a little distraction at a crucial point
WHILE GIVING an instrument check, Old TAT
and 'tis all she wrote. By the way, even the best
watched qis victim's holding pattern entry with a
can get distracted if they aren't careful.
great deal of interest. The troop under the bed
sheet was quite sharp and would certainly use the
new precision entry.
Why all the interest? Well, near as we could
tell from watching our position over the ground, we
were being pushed about by a horrendous wind ....
something over 150 knots. Our hero in back was
aware of this wind, but since we'd been working
in the local area he had been given little oppor-
tunity to really pinpoint its direction and velocity.
He used the proper entry procedure ... and
the wind made a shambles of it. It was almost
90 degrees to the holding heading and he ended up
driving toward the station 70 degrees off the proper
heading. On his next pattern he threw in a 30
degree correction while going outbound, and did a
WARM WEATHER is on the way and skin little better. He really needed a 45 degree
divers, water skiers, bird watchers and other correction.
sportsmen will soon be headed back to the beaches. When you run into winds like this-or even less
No, .Old TAT isn't making a pitch for ground severe winds-you begin to wonder just how
safety-far as we're concerned the exercise will necessary it was to tie down the entry quadrants
do you good, work someofthefatoff you and wash to other than cardinal headings ... particularly
off some of the meanness. However, if you're since the odd-ball arrangement tends to cause
a scuba fan, we have a wee word of caution. confusion and make it necessary to study overlays
Several recent blurbs in Navy safety pubs warn or use other aids when one's attention really
,........."'~avy scuba divers not to fly high too soon after belongs on the business at hand.
ving. The Navy sets 30 feet or deeper as the TAT

each time-impossible. I finallJ-.-...
decided the only solution •' \
have for that problem would .
to gangload the buttons and
Mutual respect answer on all frequencies ... yet
the controller seemed to have no
trouble. He was undoubtedly
well qualified.
I searched for common
ground on which to start my line
of questioning. Remarking on
the similarity of our job re-
quirements, the pre-entrance
physiqal, annual physical, the
fact that controllers are placed
on DNIC (duties not involving
controlling) for the same
reasons we are declared DNIF,
I asked the Sergeant if there
were any other are as of
S A PILOT with some 18 being qualified as a controller That seemed to break the

A years experience in
herding the birds through
the sky I finally decided to learn
he must pass batteries of exams
plus the Facility Rating Test.
Actually, so much training is
ice. He said, "Yessir, !believe
so. We have to take a 200
question proficiency exam
something about air traffic con- required that only about two days after our birthday ea
trol. I figured the best place to years of a four-year enlistment year. We have to make 96% in
get straight answers was from are productive. order to pass, otherwise we're
the controllers themselves. But Wishing to talk to the men suspended and given 15 days to
first I wanted to know something who were closest to the situ- take it again. A second failure
about their background. So, my ation, I went to the control is an automatic re-classifi-
first step was to contact the tower. I found that the super- cation which I believe is some-
administrative section of the visor on duty was a zebra what like an F.E.B. Is thatwhat
local AFCS organization and striped type who was keenly you mean?''
check into the prerequisites and alert and highly experienced at "Yes, that's very close," I
training requirements. all controller positions. He said, ''but do you have anything
I learned that an airman didn't talk very freely until I like our field check-outs? For
accepted for controller training convinced him I was just a pilot instance I've just moved here
must be mentally above with a professional interest. PCS and although I've got enough
average. He must pass a flying It was mid-afternoon on a time in a T-bird I could fly it
type physical, successfully clear day. VFR traffic was light backwards, I still had to have a
undergo physiological training, and hardly anyone was operating field check-out. Do you have re-
complete with rapid decom- on an IFR flight plan. Yet, as I quirements like that?"
pression in the p res sure searched for an opening "Sir, I'd like to answer
chamber, and after 21 to 23 question, my attention was fre- that," said one of the con-
weeks of schooling at Keesler quently distracted by one of the trollers.
AFB, Mississippi, is assigned many speakers blasting out. I "Go right ahead."
to the field. However, before tried to identify the speaker "Well, Sir," he said as l

8 APRIL 1962
scanned the area like a combat A common bond between your clearance from them until
l.ry fighter pilot, ''I worked controllers and pilots was now you call from the cockpit. It
~ ,s tower for over four years obvious but I still wanted the takes the center a few minutes
during a previous tour. I re- answers to a lot of other for computation, planning and
turned PCS a month ago and questions. For instance, we're coordination. From there on the
although the equipment is the bound by A TC procedures and amount of traffic definitely
same, I'm working under super- instructions. Just who is ATC? determines your release time
vision until I am re-facility So I asked, ''Is ATC just the and therefore the length of the
rated. I believe that's similar center alone?" delay.''
to your set up isn't it?'' "Negative," said the Ser- His explanation satisfied
"As a matter of fact it is," geant, ''It is any approved me. I realized that until automa-
I said, then remarked to the traffic control agency such as tion was complete I'd still have
Sergeant, "Pilots have certain Approach Control, GCA and to spend some wet, cold minutes
emergency procedures in the Departure Control. Some GCI in the cockpit waiting for my
Dash-One which are printed in sites furnish radar information release time.
BOLD FACE PRINT. These we to centers but are not qualified He brought out two points
must memorize. We are also control agencies. They do con- concerning clearances that are
subject to no notice stand-eval trol interceptor aircraft but this worth remembering. First, if
checks which may come at any- is strictly under a M A R S A you're airborne and need a
time. Are you s u b j e c t to agreement, an agreement where clearance, contact the center
pressures like this?'' the Military accepts responsi- direct. They'll answer a radio
It was then he told me about bility for separation of air- before they will a telephone so
the facility rating exam and craft." why relay through some other
their weekly or semi-weekly My line of thought was in- agency? Second, departure
pop quizzes. He explained that terrupted by a garbled blast on clearances, like takeoffs and
:lir BOLD FACE PRINT con- tower's ground control fre- landings (except for emergen-
' - - .sted mainly of information quency. Some pilot on a local cies) are on a first come first
which pilots in the area might was requesting the tower to call served basis. For example, if
suddenly need due to adverse the Dental Clinic and cancel an three different clearances go to
weather or an emergency. The appointment for him. His trans- center at the same time, the
controllers must know almost missions were broken and it pilot who calls first gets first
everything about each air took several to get the message clearance regardless of the
facility within a 50-mile radius.
across. His call came just as proposed departure time on his
This includes bearings to and
the controller was reaching for
from other airdromes, runway
the mike to deliver an IFR
headings, navaid frequencies clearance.
and call letters, field ele- Since that seemed an
vations, length of runways, appropriate time I asked, ''Can
types of approaches available, you give me some other reasons
and other such data. All instru- why departure clearances are
ment penetrations and
often late coming through?''
approaches for the home drome
have to be memorized so that ''Certainly sir,'' he replied.
this info can be given to a pilot "You see Ops usually sends the
immediately. I was impressed information on your DD 17 5 to
by finding their program so the center, by teletype. When
safety c enter as well as the center receives it they con-
oriented toward service to sider it as a proposed flight.
lots. We are not allowed to request

DD 175. service organization and that's because the flight leader fooled
The talk of delays brought to what we intend to give ... But, around without advising anyon.
my mind the new holding pattern suoh things as unannounced a dangerous situation wa,
entry procedures. I asked the touch and go's from GCA when created.
approach controller what he cleared for full stop sure do
thought of them. He picked up a make a mess of our planning.
bundle that contained 31 We have no problem fitting in
templates and said, "Sir, these short initial approaches, simu-
templates cover the airspace lated flame-outs and the like if
that must be protected for we're given a little notice. Just
different type aircraft holding at give us the word ahead of time
various airspeeds and altitudes. and we'll clear the way."
We'll be using them with this One controller emphasized
new system. With all the extra the Sergeant's point by telling
work for the controller, they about a flight of four century
must have surely made it easier birds that were cleared direct
for the pilots." I just cleared to a radio fix 90 miles south.
my throat and kept a straight Weather was 2500 overcast,
face. tops unreported. After takeoff
Since one of my main they made one circle for join-up
objectives on this foray had been and another to line up exactly
to dig into common problems, I over the home fix. Eight
asked the Sergeant to tell me minutes after takeoff they called
Controllers face many other
what he thought his m o s t departing the fix for a climb on
problems, such as blind spots
important problems were. He'd course. They had remained VFR
from the tower that effect
had much experience and I until they departed on course
both ground and air movemen.
figured he had seen a few near and couldn't understand why he,
but one of their biggest is that
misses. He unhesitatingly re- as the departure controller, was
of training new controllers. At
plied, ''Sir, if the pilots could so shook. Then he advised them
least they are embarrassed
only remember to keep us of the T-33 he had released for
most often with this one. Like
advised of their intentions, it the same route of flight five
in training a student to fly
would do more than anything minutes after they were air-
you've got to let him use the
else to help us plan ahead and borne. As controller, he had
mike in order to learnhow. You
safely expedite traffic. We're used legal separation time and
can tell him exactly what to say
not griping, because we're a a can't catchem fudge factor but
beforehand but when he pushes
the button you never know what's
coming out. All you can do is
quickly correct his mistakes.
I left the tower feeling that I
had a better understanding of
Air Traffic Control procedures
and I was proud to have these
troops on the team. They are
professionals and believe it or
not, they can spot a professional
pilot from a few radio trans-
missions and a landing or two

10 APRIL 1962
CH 120
34 r0 111.3 M51 1

270 9 Osomoks
'Cs 117
captain Thad May, TI 4' on 117+

153 .1418 0:0

7-- --- I
CH 901016f
1.317.9 OC
\ 690S
TO PI 770

114 9/6111 mcw

r Fro "Crutse Flight Le*1 to ToutirrifkOM ,`1.4"

06'4" Fid
134.65./250.4 II "4..s.

55. a tr,77..-iao-o-i
_,----- /111-04-$0 274
IF the air traffic controller One/obvio
DES moir-05.
was not prOviding radar frorithitni et1.7ie
, vectoring, then who was
1 114 1:15m,
.4 , i116t:41-
refs gelnsible for the plane's 91ought he-

....tts f a...
/ navigation?"
240 -
,S\ "to dai tetIsta 01111.- tP,="4

-"The pilotl se were

last words f ,the 'goveth- -
but ,bejctesse Mt"
rneut, spoken' --1± fal of
ad too,
Wayne Ilendarshot.34.-theytin&-
iveattliMi tray by
of NA...UAL t'r4V4 accidestl-hear&-- cite ination a r co 31 1 g
in Ilrooklyn,'N Ork re-
-----., / 4.1Alktitif frotnigu/rradio earl-.
S 0 .N.
ent. Cross

gation iiifITA
''' clisiAilliNt hillisL;:,,
checking iS

4strisie till'isYklie
"*. " Ile 41. 'ill eV? i f i C i % V 'Investiga.tion
1 'there ar oozurrences in, irvic

residtingsn 4...hisbuance of the which 't% 1071%.iiv9145,sigaelseaa,,,. --` t

"Probable e" is for the add up a :`cop&eiti..,1:34 isttu
officials.- Ni) heless, small
01 73
26 !At_l
. .
A .
groups of hotel lobbies
around Ift4countrt 1414 1.!msy
doing ty.- ialer,vstviiiiiicIt.i'v.e
prOilot of our society. and I'''
we pilots wouldjpktfidel,
rg .1tterttabOr.T

----2"--2-N- : ask- artal_y, ift..

,:of their own..We 771:1:se,IT, is Flight PaiVAriatioo BIM
),.. ; 7,
econd guess the:9(k, :41- 24 _ator fors -SWk-y ''cild'ila.'
...0.1% - s ''
----- z Q, e Cchards Gotrow AFe coleist iciiIii7bitt -we jiiteOrver, we can never gattL'FrilH
0, IP .4
tl 4 to,
,c.vigi. s.ecnrity. so cv 044akek4411cwithout g A ring up ,;
-Z 'Ziwi,,,,,,. Ars

r OlAirtj I tinaticer. trsimto',, iniagWer ifyinothi ,az-Iits'e-tt4itivith our I

Et 4SoZ
t..11. nktittitta:'' me rtut It' radio nartgatio.tc+----
'r 27C
1 td. The integrity of the
-- 0 eq.

w--50 11nokerAcK
/ own safeguards,1 / range and an air

SPRINGFIE'D .00 1..1' I
"if ire
impromptu D.R. 11

driven gyro, crude as they were, local area (distances) And have from New Brunswick to_
did nothingeoncircuityleresk- a general knowledge of current Flathueh with a restriction
eigi.transformers, winds, this can be done without cross Flatbust. ar$000 feet, Vic.
clitvre fuses. bothering with charts and coin- descend to 1500. if was winter-
The weird beyetior
4 I,
of ths4 puters. If not, it is certainly time, and we were on the gages.
some-kim es ficitle Radio '',Toori insurance to delegate this A neat reversal of the ADF -.27
Magnetic. Indicators and Flight t, responsibility to rill' first or needle siettpd Flatbushl We
Path Deviation Indicators-is too269 8B , 36 9-4 iii,,,, Mere toormg along at a fast
well known 4.U.s all to Wareihit '' '.4,' g, ....
p. 'ft*IA study of WentkiV_,_T PmmOlip because of a highlescent
further mention here . ' ''` ' " .,. -van Mite preparedrate, but a quick check with. the
' `'sand :vile -

. . . It's irontd in liffe trdidern clock.indicated a ground spetiii,oc,,- 1

zysni ;3 make an intelligen; ess
'0 age of atom bombs and digiial --jr"' .04 navect-Amtplthe yet.0a of aVounfli.50(VAriph and 030.1.. refolle_1_11:t2c
computer's_ that ottu3 most useful ''.° '''besti, jejAtifitill*L-'ind varyfhig Iss N. alerted 48 i10 the erzfOnebtls
tool may be fiAintrily reaching -y7your ,t:r4,3 it4.itretti uiing this neecift-swilig .' It later developect-

back 200 years for a,sckence gzsskt4p*.44nek, working in . that high d and ice hact,';
used by Capts*$ Copic--Qead increnAnOsiina 'multiples of _ .:.stripped us of a- sense antenna. ,°- 4-_,
Reckoning. It's also irunkrthat . .in.a.f6in e 4 t s shown below,
cf Since this incidetit, -I have
this sqiener requires only our Estait. suffWently accurate to

;found feom..forting :security ln t-,-*,

G to..40
simplest ilid- most ale its '''40/11344. Okft cre k --your - raditag -it'e'ePingslinork 6f rii,S: position by ' -, 4 6 ,

- strumenta-compass,_ Kirspeed
,,,t11 ,.
inArypents can be .
.:this. art of Impromptu D. R. In
4 ....
indietor and cloak. '' 0-1-*°,. Alpt#ICesl. By adding

your per- :Spite of all this electronic gear,

boes thing TM ittiC)we Must otizokoito of intuitivehiterpoJ
clutter the-440015.4apiumit%civith mer-
-. -We still thig hes; 'tool we have
, lation and estabitAing the habit td safeguard 4,4front erroneous
Bator elisxtts,m, ors and '.:; of pralticifitf whenti) VIR, you can 1.40,0 signai104d human eprit.,r
plotters? No. But there is p.raY i ' ootirf tts scieinOe of navi-' gefrilsm the grouh4,...ogrotter,-*
by employing a d'tt.';0P.--,011- gation into a highky precise art. face, Dead ReCkAhlrieitpeam,
. (.
promptu D. R. (permit .rtio to cAlii.then, if those: radio signals en 1
pue method of hailitiitipt. AllAll

coin a phrase.) .' i don't fthe with your D. Ro'"Eills-
IPY . -.:--Tntedds," sum,,, as
..... .
When used 04ei:,,,7"10 ng pect the radio! : ., im_slp i lAet age ,, p-eolswiv,,_..,. FM
distances with infroOtit fixes, .'
I reditil an instance a nt;hilber pattefti, celestial, ins?ctisl, etnt; `."r.--,'
one must be ma*uloils
for _.,,;., . of years ago., of Ding cleated': . IiIe merely Mete toAb.4t;.1
success with DO, Hidwaysev-.-..:1 ...25° ; -
f, p 7
over short didAilees k-- bola-`' ,o,... ,'
.,,,,..,. ,Et..A BY 0. R. .,'''o ,

' '

tailtiloula-bro4ph is amazingly
ICH 1 qi
aceutraAt 1
i .

,..... i
. - Times
N' (Min.)
Itnpf6fOu (rouNt0,441141W,rtzitimile)-f
prom Ft 240 0,,ougsMit 600 For pro I .. 6 , 2
?4)..,., R. fis 4h011tift of following , _ow, toes, se writ.; ;... above Or flight 1 ,
.., t
the-AlebtRess ofoss._
vour plane by L2r2t.realielmraet:214 ... arm enm. .../ ' 7, , : rs", 2
, 240 2 11.

kotth'114.. 010,9 a heading, Enoni-23s _.

'110 /atiglibe cicrOic aigYbffbroceed I e" . _ or: 133 Attik13 ," 1.33.743 1 ,.3_--
'-i--::,.. 200 ." 10- ''.e.,
flotii 1.a. to fbi)ilthd protecting !
: : 11 .. 51 al4.0,-1.
yourself with `4"..foisiirowd
pesstintiate r4cittit...-4404" next ^ ,r40-.----4i,:?ii--54zt-:1-.',;\
...- _ .....-* -...-,.:1_`::78-' -----,-(4-/
w '
,, 3001 -9_;.,.._,....4;:,-"166 3 -,:. ,,,,i
rix. Thifi te4iiilie.t.10} iii*ded .26

Ito repave the tei*Once, to .V.Istt - Ski 0 1 7t 7. 41, .1. 3 ''-.. \:"
chase- tItyno011d-thibgitaufrie . or: *00 API)t41:.'it 8 f di iiiii61/ 1.41
... \..
0 rs.
sy:otilre there when it swings. .",
rikriii,iiii.1.300 :,..,10 - \ 0.1::attid 11'.0' .
.. '- 01 901.10 i - . .1- ' - -.---- -
, tI\ *2'4
11 3.1411 EYVj
If yoU!'tirc familiar with the 1N
....... plight- ty.;;9te4atiaa, /Sc. ii,

. i,,'''' -.
.- .

1.- , ., ..-'.... ..

O o 11
Bo. .... .4, les0-.- _
be **vv..
lonleis s02 1
/oVor00.0 VB0406 14$4.te 91:2174C
Pod. 4 OP cod
1116V boOPODO 294, 330..k i 4
11.9gbow.A. 210, 310, 3$0. Pk ei
tweebwpd 270, Et,* VOIRTOBC
owl Tartetr.
'- .ss
tN V 1,A4,..4, 150, 290. '100, Ha 1
riNrerbaBa.6 170 310. 'ISO,
os 1 o ' "v f.'10.11.i
iSoetitimmOsi: .0 S 044 ''''' - c, vAsievtiKir.
ti...t. 240 .611 / - ,e'T .43 "

o or 100
lbt ,

90de' A ecAroomg

r I 9A

io, tuA , csk
:O. 111), 130,
...- 0--
$71 -FilAVSaiety
_11AI tip. lb. Founatoltign,
" .t, "# ' ..:-..
,1, t(1 6 ._VA.,
"- 283 r - 108 .- 45 g5
I vA, j9-471:-F5T-7.1ril 211
LU.2_29`"J , .1,A 1 T
' '494 41

-.. 'Pilots Safety E x c ht.pig e alrhost exactly one-half true two speeds, the time for 29 nm
\ 4
Bulletin-)81-4-03 (IVIORedtpe d airspeed. t.,, it 4 1/2 mitt. A,,,,,lavo4 ,

an artfete, authored t;yi cost n _04. 250 k IAS at 40,000 feet Itienay appear ,--...3.ii
__- 1

4-4 '
Thk#1 ' M ay igi the rsubj4L-PiaiL r- .-.as...t-no k T.S. at hrst sight, btki Viler a. tittle
craft navigatiomAnd the value 150
'-'pracile I foitila 784° effective.
of s in this 3. To compnte'Ome for distal:0* ,-Fiii?---CcotG
..c,,, 144sIci'W;tiutAs the '1 in 60'
mo'dern, age. The article enjoyel to go, tnjtp_Le_faia simple tecle-
considerable , favorable 14%; pique " ,which avnictEthe use of )rule. An angle of 1 degreest,t13,,
sporic4e, . and among the letters t011ts8The igiesn'f to convert tends & instance f"of one mik;
as one from .4 former navi- your Ipoid0.99(or estimated) over a 5%distattie of 60 rniles.
ICI* on all -fveather If.ighters -ki4'5und "specrl Auto miles per 2lEt-oni this it followalhot ai;30
-flar the RAt-;.Followint) is a minute flown. miles, the dirge/J*14A ±OrOrie 7

'27i)Ortiolio'fittilis letter, plus four e.g. Distance to neid,/ fixv2 degree is 1/2 mil4_24EitFe-5'4''
interesting r"dies=of-thumb. 72 nautical miles e.g. You are ttin'g an air-
.1.4 ';;I:i44'1 was delighted to see Ground speed: 360 k Istay for which 14p? VOR
someone advocating the,y/e of 21/_, 270elegrees. Your YOH is in
',mental D.R.' because, inwiny 6 MilePler rnitt295 fact
r. "irtegating 260 degrees
60 ), and bp'D.R. (or DME) you
ch3inion, it has been very much ,,, ....2s7
Co Ans
neglected lately:4,1 jlew as a have 3_0_ miles to go. You,VAint
r. Time for 72 nm:74, -_ 12 min.
navigator in the' s' RAF wherel."),5:\% toii4W1 pawl pos itiQn relati* to
the IttliiiArnter1,41.4
Mental D. R. wa.t .4tra-stfi5tm " If you are flying aesome speed
e4sential to our oil stiVivAt.i which is not an increment of ;39 miles44- 1/2 mile feit'-').
fieTe are some rule) -a. rill) 60 kg there is a method of getting degree 4 N'''`
which may be2of interest? coy around this to avoid mental -30 tni7,41rorg
8 0 111.
270 -260 =..' :-
coi4utations of fractions ' of 10 o.45
'4'-'291i. Flying al26420,006: feet ack, e tatti2
heading on the,hkagh meter can miles per minutia

be directly interipl'etdia asfsfoi.u. Ground) Apeed: 270 k ex4ple the rule is, of
true airspeed in (nautiial) miles This lies halfway between 4 and cduraA, siOect to VOR errors,
alainute flown. 5 mom (240 & 300k) 0;,1, Xvizt, apart fivom this it is accurate
0.6 Mach at20 000 fee('
\ e.g. Distance to go nm _upoto anglee.of 15 degrees overq
aguic at 4 mpm -5 minutes tiistances." trAs
is 6 nm per minute k ,
-, c,--
Time0 5 r:ipm -- 4 ininaes Any comments, pilots? '4"rig
At 40,000 feet the LA,Mti---i Stile& 270k lies between the
OA "5
b!,, tie, 1166 Off
TAC ATTACK ..si``' ,13
0., ,

fie .';\
'oB os)

Mental dead reckoning rBAWB'''


A men pay any attention to

style changes is when they
write the check to Milady's Hat
and Dress Shoppe. However, it
looks as though a good per-~
centage of us are going to b l
concerned with a style change of
our own. Like in writing the
check for the little lady's foray,
there isn't much choice. It's
either Lean and Mean or Stout
and Out.
In keeping with the Presi-
dent's interest in physical
fitness the Air Force is starting
a program designed to trim per-
sonnel to a fightingweight. This
will cause some grumbling but
before YOU start, search for the
possible advantages. In other
words, try the program from a
dietetic standpoint and utilize
the time you'd like to spend
grumbling at gainful exercises.
There's no need to pour over
a lot of facts and figures (pun
this or this
intended) to realize the benefits
of a trim physical conditior

14 APRIL 1962
and safe but don't expect an
overnight miracle. The disci-
pline you can start immediately
with a minimum of three quick
table push aways a day.
There are other things you
can do during the course of your
regular weekly routine. For
instance you might try parking
your car a little further from
your desk each day and doing a
little brisk walking. Use more
self labor instead of devices
such as power lawnmowers,
power sanders andpowertooth-
brushes (don't laugh, they're
If you'll follow these simple
instructions and plan some
Just the point of less foot pounds Calories you consume in excess exercise into each day you'll
of work expended should readily of what you need are like the boll find the rewards gratifying.
appeal to you, particularly if weevil-they gotta have ahome.
you're lazy. If you slim down to So, Potner, they usually settle in
<tbout 10 pounds below maximum form of fat and in the area of the
:lsirable, you will use much waistland .
.~.ess energy during working As you read the bathroom
hours. scales tomorrow morning, take
The serious side of the page a look at your profile in the
points to the many advantages of mirror. The two readings will
the new look. You'll be in better give you a clue on whether you
shape to make a successful bail- can expect trouble with the new
out if you have to use the do-it- physical fitness rating test. If
yourself method, and will stand your weight is well within limits howdy, pot-ner

a much better chance of and the profile trim, try 21 fast

surviving should you bailout pushups. After completingthem
when the wind is brisk and the if you can recite the first verse
terrain rugged, to name but a of Paul Revere in one breath
few. These things are worth you're in, if not, you're in
considering. Less strain on trouble.
your utility pump and a greater For those of us in trouble
life expectancy are additional there are two natural resources Chances are you'll keep draw-
points in your favor. available to help meet require- ing that check with the fly pay
However, slimming down is ments for the elite. Diet and coupon attached and before you
only part of the program. ,It discipline. know it you'll be part ofthenew
takes exercise to really con- Before starting a diet, check look, be fit to fight, and Pardner,
dition your body and keep your with the F 1 igh t Surgeon. that's the main reason you're
muscles in tune. This also helps Chances are he has one pre- being paid, isn't it?
,o balance the calorie budget. pared for you. It will be sure
The Old Sarge nodded his
Ol' Sarge says:
approval. "Now you're learn·
ing. You did right."
<iF rankly, I was afraid it
might go out on thenextflight ...
and I didn't want another one of
your lectures."
The Old Sarge grinned,
"How'd you check it?"
Tommy lookedpuzzled. "We


out the rain- streaked
window, ignoring the
paper work piled on his battered
again at the Lt, only to findhim
intently reviewing a 781 from
the stack on his desk.
"Coffee?" asked the Old
just pulled it, and bench checked
it, you know ... ''
"No, I mean did you check it
in the bird?"
desk. On days like this he didn't Sarge, shoving a chair toward "No. We found a weak tube,
mind the paper work quite so the younger man while he filled tho', and thought that was it."
much. There's nothing like a the visitor's cup. While Tommy The Old Sarge scratchedhis
firm soggy rain to dampen one's added sugar, the Old Sarge head, "I'd bet that the aircraft
enthusiasm for working out on opened the Form 781 his visitor system is causing your trouble.
the line on the big iron birds. had laid on the desk and checked After all, it checked out on the
As he was about to return to thru the more recent entries. bench, but didn't check when the
the paper war, a young Tech ''UHF intermittent ... unless I pilot tried it on the aircraft
came splashing across the miss my guess, this is the system ... It might be thatyou
street and up the walk. Head second time it's been written have moisture in the antenna
down, he was so thoroughly wet up, right?" cable or a cannon plug. I don'
that he didn't hurry, or even Tommy nodded. "Yes, it was know where you'd findmoistur
attempt to avoid the small pond written up yesterday afternoon today, but don't release it until
that always formed in the low and we checked it out. It worked, you run it down, O.K.?''
spot on the walk. Instead, he but we replaced a weak tube and "I was afraid you'd say
waded thru the middle. The Old signed it off. Then on this that."
Sarge grunted and said out loud morning's mission, it turned up "I don't have much choice."
to himself, ''Tommy with a bad again. We've been checking the Old Sarge mused, ''After all,
problem." it and can't find anything wrong. the pilot really needs a good
"What's that?" asked Lt It checks out. The radio man radio in weather like this, and
Green. wanted to replace it with a spare it's up to us to give it to him."
The Old Sarge merely and write it off, but I thought I'd
nodded his head toward the door. better check with you first.''
It opened and Tommy sloshed in.
He pulled off his cap and worked
a folder out from under his rain
coat and strode toward the Old
Sarge's desk, then saw that Lt lfe :til&c~ lope Lt Greeu will recover in ti•e to be fl!iM us
nest ,.o,.l/i. As we go to press, his comlition is crillcaL Tl.e
Green was watching him and tliognosis • • • TJear uph.y"iatiou fro• the Ole Sarge'lt prtJIIJOfjOJI
mumbled, ''Good morning, cigars. Yes, tlial worthy h.u DOW reached the grtJde of top :lebrct
sir." aud we're here to congratulate hi•, despite the cigars.
"It sure is." Lt Green re- -TAe EIJ
plied, "We could sure stand
some moisture tho.''
Puzzled, Tommy looked

16 APRIL 1962
TAC Tips


There has been some concern about the Lumbar These extracts from OER's taken from U.S.
Support Pad expanding enough to malposition a Army files came to us by way of Williams AFB
pilot for ejection when the canopy is jettisoned and although they don't apply directly to aircraft
and pressurization lost. Folks out at George AFB, accident prevention they might have some in
California, ran an evaluation and found out it ain't direct ramifications:
necessarily so. ''Can express a sentence in two paragraphs
A representative F-100 pilot was strapped in a any time.''
like-type ejection seat mounted inside a low "A quiet reticent officer. Industrious,
pressure altitude chamber. He wore complete tenacious, careful and neat. I do not wish to have
flying equipment including BA-15 back pack and this officer as a member of my command at any
MXU-22/P Lumbar Support Pad and was subjected time."
explosive decompression from 8,000 feet to ''His leadership is outstanding except for his
500. This was a change from 10.91 PSI to 5.5 lack of ability to get along with subordinates."
'-pSI in 1.58 seconds. The pilot said he definitely "In any change in policy or procedure, he can
felt the support pad expand and thought it might be relied upon to produce the improbable,. hypo-
have moved his lower spine forward to an improper thetical situation in which the new policy cannot
ejection position. work.''
Another run was made with a stationary "Needs careful watching since he borders on
measuring device in the seat with the subject the brilliant.''
(an aviation physiologist). The pad was given "Open to suggestions but never follows same."
fifteen pumps--the average number pilots claimed ''Is keenly analytical and his highly developed
they used for comfort. This time the decom- mentality could best be utilized in the research
pression was equivalent to the change from 12,000 and development field. He lacks common sense."
to 35,000, a pressure change of 5.89 PSI. The "Never makes the same mistake twice but it
measured forward movement of the subject's seems to me he has made them all once."
spine under these conditions was 7 /16ths of an
inch. Present ejection seat criteria allows a
maximum of one-and-a-half-inches forward REPORTING FOR SAFETY.
movement. Undetermined findings in aircraft accidents
Conclusion?? The MXU-22/P Lumbar Support point clearly to the need for greater emphasis on
Pad isn't dangerous provided it is pumped up less Incident Reports, Operational Hazard Reports,
than 15 squeezes and the decompression Unsatisfactory Reports, trends in maintenance
differential does not exceed 5.89 PSI in 1.58 deficiencies, etc. Such tools, when properly used,
seconds. At least it proved that way for the point the way to before-the-fact accident pre-
"vidual tested . vention.

"----'TAC .ATTACK 17
to become slightly negligent. You wait until you
return home from an extended cross-count:
flight to list all the discrepancies that hav ..
accumulated since your departure. You may not
think that this is a bad practice . . . that it
expedites your trip, but according to the write-
tac tips ups I've found some of these discrepancies are
grounding ones that often existed from the first
leg of the flight. It looks rather ridiculous and not
very smart to continue a flight with these ground-
From a report of a Civil Aircraft Accident .
ing discrepancies existing on your aircraft.
Due to fuel mismanagement, number 3 and 4
Besides being foolhardy, it's not legal.
engines ran the number 4 tank dry. The crew was
You should write up discrepancies and have
unable to restart either engine, feathered them and
them corrected as they occur. If you do have work
elected to land at a nearby airport. Both pilots
performed on the aircraft while at other bases,
were qualified captains (aircraft commanders)
please have the information entered in theforms.
with the one in the left seat being technically in
It helps us keep track of quality control and
charge. As the aircraft approached the field he
maintenance practices here at home. We want
obtained clearance to land on runway 33, mean-
to follow-up when follow-up is required. If you
while the pilot in the right seat turned toward
have trouble writing up discrepancies, drop in to
runway 02 and put the gear selector to the down
see me and I'll give you a quick briefing. Yours
position. The landing gear didn't extend, due to
truly for better maintenance and safer flying.
mismanagement of the hydraulic system, and a
-Lt Green.
go-around was attempted. During the go-around
number one failed due to overboosting. The crash
occurred shortly afterward.
Crew coordination is extremely important
during an emergency. When more than one quali-
fied aircraft commander is on board, it is even
more important than normal to establish who is in
charge and to outline the general rules for handling
possible emergency situations.

Some overseas units have painted MA-lA tail
hook cables a bright international orange in the
belief that the more visible cable will furnish
pilots an additional reference and help prevent
short landings. It should also remind pilots that
the cable is available and to lower the tail hook
if they need the barrier.
Commanders! What would the Flight Surgeon
A MAINTENANCE OFFICER SPEAKS TO PILOTS. find if he examined all the pilots in your organi-
My only contact with most of you is through zation after they flew today? Would they all be in
Forms 781. Actually, the majority of you pilots top physical condition, or would they have been
do an excellent job of filling out the forms, how- flying with various physical ailments? It's wort
ever, I have noticed a tendency for a few of you checking!

18 APRIL 1962
~UICRV, 1-IU~R'f'
When it came time to land, an F-lOOD pilot
couldn't persuade the right main gear to come
down. He elected to land with all four external
tanks on but empty, speed brakes extended and
nose and left main gear down and locked. He made
a good landing and thanks to the tanks, damage
was minor. Shaft assembly P /N 223-33331-2
broke, jamming the aft door lock on the right
main gear door.


Many bases are emphasizing Operational
Hazard Reporting by pilots only. Every effort
should be made to enlist the cooperation of all
Just before rotating to takeoff attitude, an personnel in submitting these reports. Operational
Hazard Reports turned in by maintenance, oper-
F-105 pilot felt the nose dip and startto shimmy.
ations, installations, AACS, supply, and trans-
He completed his takeoff and retracted the gear
but received an unsafe indication for the nose gear. portation personnel, etc. can be a source of
His wingman reported the nose gear strut stuck at valuable information for use in the accident
a 45 degree angle with the wheel itself cocked prevention program.
sharply to the right. The pilot extended the gear
and received a safe indication; however, the nose
'leel remained cocked.
While he burned fuel down to 2000 pounds, the
fire department foamed the runway from 2500 to
5000 feet. After touching down 700 feet from the
threshold at 160 knots, he lowered thenosegently
into the foam and deployed the drag chute.
Speed was 130 knots at this time. The aircraft
overran the foamed area at 90 knots and veered
sharply to the right. The pilot countered with left
brake and the nose wheel centered.
A nicely handled emergency. The pilot asked
for foam and used it to good advantage .. .
although the foam strip could have been laid a bit
longer. In emergencies induced by nose gear
problems, the pilot should ask for a foam strip LITTLE ERRORS.
that is fairly narrow, to permit him to straddle it Surprising as it may seem, most of the
with the main gear. This holds true provided the maintenance errors that cause aircraft accidents
main gear are not set too close together. Using are not committed on a complicated maintenance
this technique a pilot can have unrestricted braking operation. Instead, they are simple things such as
and should be able to bring his machine to a a tool left loose in the aircraft or a bolt left
complete stop with the nose wheel still in the foam. unsafetied. Many, many times, such 'little' over-
A broken 0-ring inthenosewheelsteeringfollow- sights are created when one man starts a job and
up tube assembly allowed air to escape from the leaves it for another to finish.
~ )Se strut, causing the malfunction.

Ghosty Gab


,,,,,,, : ;''
,,,, ""

I NV,V The following story is a fictionalized

! account of an actual aircraft accident. Cause
IRECTLY. program factors and the history of flight are accurate
physical fitness l'ra her and were extracted from the accident report.
is the reason to get excused
'SO, I'm not trying I think. It's a
from the I n fact I' ve made ita Fipeaker,
fine thing. every whoever'y
walk. two miles retire. as, LApo lte
quite bitterly, "Thet.
habit to I way they trilatecl
just before
evening I've almost shameful. me! It
A line going from was
' Furthermore,
to the requiredtime hydraufie my
speeded up hydraulic systemmanifold tv.irny
interval. of the salvage broke, right transmitter
The far corner one
to be exactlyaad 1
at the B-nut.
worried. at the time I wasn't
Rea 1-1.Y,
yard happensray doorstep
mile from
turn around
I'thmtell ing
why I
and as he put
My pilot was capa.ble
was no SWertril.it,Hethe emergency
you this be near the salvage clown with put my gear
happened to ktiow it the em
. .
system and brought er gency
yard at midnightbecauselhadjus as a whistle." me in slick
1.was midnigh, watch and was The conversation
ray when
checiced . That's me, so I made myself intrigueC1
starting to return comfort-
I heard the
clearly coming
able by the fence,
He, or rather and listened. it
They were yard and my it,
salvage "I was certain continued.
from the was that some-- troubles that my
first ig little moon
were over. This line
had been worrying
one was doin wiong I wast I sometime me for quite
lighti ng. How close shuddering
that out when I got shaking everytime and
found 1/actuated. myprossuro
enough to hear. I'd rather They
drauliO specialist sent a by-
Who was Milting'? relate the out and aitho
I'll he followed
not say, instead,
as accurately 116 I
the repair .
T.O. 1-1.41-8 to make
n . . I soon
convoraatio you ialge for your- rried." grew
can Tula lot
20 self.
_ APRIL 190L
At this point a different and so was the next flight. But sounds I've ever heard, then
~e answered the first, speak- on the next one we took off on a continued. ''Why did this have to
"----" low and obviously trying to wet nasty day and my new line happen to me? If that mechanic
sooth the first speaker. It said, broke, right at the B-nut. We had only wondered why my line
"Well, if the hydraulic special- had just gotten to altitude and broke in the first place and had
ist followed T.O.l-1A-8whydid my pilot headed right back to- made an attempt to correct the
you become worried?" ward home making all kinds of condition instead of being satis-
The first speaker answered, radio calls . . . I just knew he fied with just fixing the break ...
"He made up a new line for me was going to bring me in heavy If the inspector had just done
and installed it exactly like the on fuel with the runway all the same thing ... or if the pilot
old one! He didn't try to find out slick, and sure enough he did." had just p 1 anne d for this
why the failure occurred. He The second voice inter- emergency a little better and
didn't check the T.O.'s on me. rupted, "Didn't he drop your had punched off my tanks ... or
He just patched up the line." external tanks?" had conserved my emergency
The second voice answered, "No he didn't" the first re- system ... ''
"Well didn't the inspectors plied, "If he had just thought to The second voice broke in
check it?" turn them off and depressurize and said, "But the pilot's hand-
"Oh sure," replied the first them when he first started home book ·s vague . . . it doesn't
speaker • • • • ''but he just he could have drOpped them-j-u st really give the pilot honest
looked to see that both ends before he landed me • • • and advise on what to do with your
were connected up tight, and could have gotten rid of a whole tanks when it looks like you'll
that's about all. I could have lot of weight. But he didn't. He hit e baTrier . . . ''
told him that I was headed for didn't even drop them on the "True" said the first
trouble. The hydraulic special- runway after the drag chute speaker, "but the s q u ad r o n
· didn't flare my new line failed." knew my handbook was vague,
ectl:y and tightened the "The drag chute failed?" tney sliould have insisted on a
nut 'way too tight. That line The second voice asked, •'How clear answer. My dart would
was over 50 inches long and was terrible.', haye gJ.ven 'em the r'·ght pro-
only supported by two brackets. "My pilot did pretty well cedure if they'd only asked
All the other birds have three a way. When it fai <Hie pulled him.'
That's when I sneezed, and
brackets holding the line, two my nose both voices stopped ... I waited
of them nave four!,, bbe the runway. When I for several minutes, but they
I could tell that the first couldn't stand it any more I never spoke again. All right
speaker was getting more and brought my nose back down. My doc, you asked me what had been
more agitated. Apparently the pilot immediately started bothering me lately. I know it's
second one was trying to get it braking, but he had trouble hard to believe, but so help me,
to talk, to get the bitterness out keeping me straight on that wet, I've told you the truth. Frankly
of its system. I must have been slick runway and soon used up I've been afraid that I've gone
listening to some sort of psy- all my emergency brake off my trolley. Perhaps it's the
cho-analysis. Anyway, the pressure. The tanks kept the diet or all the exercise. Now
second one said, "Now calm barrier from catching me ... wait! You don't have to phone
yourself, I'm sure they'll be and, well, the next thing I knew for the straight jacket squad,
able to fix you and you'll live to I was out in the mud, with this I'll go quietly. Oh? You're dial-
retire out at Tucson yet ... what crowd of people standing around ing the safety office . . . you
happened next?" looking sad and wondering what think can-help with the n.e.w.:_ __
"We 1, ,. tlle trst peak-~r=---co
- ul~d:-:have- happened." accident that has everA-e so
lied in a calmer tone of The first speaker sighed puzzled •••
e testhopwas alright, making one of the saddest 21

T/SGT GERALD J. BACKER of the 4529th
Organizational Maintenance Squadron, Nellis Air
Force Bose, Nevada, has been selected as the
Tactical Air COIIIIIland Crew Chief of the Month
for the uceptional monaer In which he has
,_,.,..ed his duties as an F-105D Crew Chief.
During the period of the nomination, Sgt Backer
maintained a high incommlssion rate for his
alrcroft which resulted in It flying 30 sorties for
a tatal flying time of :R hours. This was more
than any other Nellis AFB F-105 flew during the
same period. This feat is particularly noteworthy
considering the foct that his olrc.-ft was on the
ground for severol clays due to an engine change.
Sgt Backer's outstanding performance is denoted
by his copable management of pa~sonnel and
equipment and by his desire to excel.

Maintenance man of the month

For his superior performance as NCOIC of the

Production Analysis Section in the 464th Troop
Carrier Wing at Pope Air Force Base, North
Carolina, T /SGT CLIFFORD S. DULEY has
been selected as the Tactical Air Command
Maintenance Man of the Month. Because of his
excellent knowledge of maintenance and
maintenance documenting procedures, Sgt Duley
was assigned as Technical Advisor on a Ninth
Air Force Advisory Assistance Team during the
recent reactivation of Air Reserve Units at
Charleston and Barksdale Air Force Bases. On
another occasion he accompanied and assisted an
Advisory Team on a visit to the Rhode Island Air
Motional Guard. He has received letters of
appreciation from the Commanders of these units
for his outstanding contributions during these
visits. His effectiveness and resourcefulness
was demonstrated recently by the efficient way
he implemented the new changes in AFM 66·1,
AFM 171·4, T.O. 00-20A-1 and Aircraft Field
Maintenance Shop Code Books.

22 APRIL l
Lt. Paul D. Lambrides of the 615th Tactical
Fighter Squadron, England Air Force Base,
Louisiana, has been selected as the Tactical Air
[3)0 [1@)ll 0 [J Command "Pilot of Distinction" for the quarter
ending 31 January 1962. Lt. Lambrides was

000l1D [IJ@l100[IJ participating in a night refueling mission in an

F-lOOD aircraft. He had just departed the tanker
after taking on a full load of fuel and was flying
at 22,500 feet. Suddenly, and without warning,
the aircraft pitched up violently, stalled, rolled
inverted and entered a spin. Lt. Lambrides
jettisoned the external stores, followed correct
spin recovery procedures and regained control of
his aircraft at 16,000 feet. After checking slow
flight characteristics, he made an uneventful
landing at England Air Force Base. A bearing
damaged during installation by the depot, caused
the control torque tube to bind and allowed full
nose-up trim to be stored in the artificial feel
bungee. Sudden release of the nose•up trim
caused the pitch up and subsequent spin.
Because Lt. Lam brides had the ski II and
presence of mind to take proper corrective action
and regain control of his aircraft during this ·
nighttime emergency, investigators were able to
inspect his aircraft and determine the exact
cause of the incident. When other aircraft in the
unit were checked, four were found to have a
similar condition existing.


97 /2349Z MAR RJWZNF

chock talk


Complete loss of oil pressure on one engine While on a test hop over an undercast, the
of a business aircraft caused the pilot to make a pilot of an F-86L became disoriented when he
single engine instrument landing. This is not one attempted to return to the base by homing on the
of the most comfortable occurrences in aviation. VOR. He knew his approximate position, but the
Investigators found the oil screen completely VOR seemed to give an erroneous indicatio
covered with a coating of fibrous material. More After landing he found that the ID-250 instrum
of the stuff was found on removal of the sump was installed upside down with the index at t.
plug. A shop towel 12 inches square had lodged bottom of the instrument. This caused the No. 2
partly in the oil pump and partly in the oil intake needle to indicate 180 degrees out of phase, and
line. the heading of the aircraft was at the bottom of the
The mystery of how a towel of this size instrument, rather than the top. "Considerable
could have gotten into the oil intake line has not effort,'' the reporting officer states, ''was re-
been solved. It is reasonable to suppose that quired on the part of the technician to install the
somewhere, sometime it was purposefully stuffed instrument in this manner. However, he proved it
into the filler neck. could be done."
Airplanes and maintenance procedures can be -Interceptor
made goof proof, but no one can make them damn
fool proof.
-FSF Aviation Mechanics Bulletin NEW AIRCRAFT- OLD PROBLEM.
As the engine of an F4H was run up to check
for engine fuel and oil leaks, a mechanic walked
SAFETY PROGRESS. too close to the aircraft and was sucked into the
Another unit doing its best to improve safety intake. His jacket, glasses and sound attenuating
and prevent accidents had a few pair of high equipment were ingested before the engine could be
visibility gloves made up by the parachute shop. shutdown. The man was fortunate and escaped with
The gloves will be used by crew chiefs and his life. The aircraft was less fortunate and
alertmen for giving taxi signals to aircraft received substantial damage. In addition the engine
operating on the ramp and in adjacent areas had to be overhauled. GROUND SAFETY INT AK
during the daytime. SCREENS WERE NOT BEING USED.

24 APRIL 1962
Old age is finally catching up with the Gooney SAC units no longer maintain DDForms 829-1
ird! The center wing lower attaching angle got for the airframe for B-47, B-52, B-58, KC-97 and
tired and broke on one recently, causing a major KC-135 aircraft. Instead, they use the AFLC-K75
accident. As a result of this accident, T.O.s Reports. This is indeed a profitable return from
1C-47-522, 522A and 522B were published to their 66-1 data. This is the goal of TAC, but is a
require an inspection of the attaching angle on all goal that cannot be attained until units insure the
versions of the good bird (C-47, C-53 and data submitted to their AMA is correct.
C-117). Pilots were warned to observe gross AFLC wants to provide us with current,
weight limits and to avoid areas of known turbu- complete, and accurate K-75 reports. It is
lence whenever possible. When unable, they are to necessary for us to help them by pointing out
observe proper technique and keep speeds as low machine errors or omissions. The way to do this,
as possible. without losing our tempers, is outlined in para-
Meanwhile, a permanent fix is in the mill. graph 6-4, T.O. 00-35D-1, 1 October 1961, and
This will be T.O. 1C-1-610, and will be ac- TAC letter "Clarification of Paragraph 6-4,
complished at depot level. Section 6, T.O. 00-35D-1," dated 19 February

The good Lord provided the ass and the
elephant with ear flaps that can partly close the
external ear canal and thus muffle sound. Alas,
man was not so favored (Alas? Ed.). A loud
noise need not rupture an eardrum to produce
'rmful effect. It can raise intracranial pressure,
1ip up perspiration, stimulate muscle con-
ractions, dry up the flow of saliva, and shut off
the gastric juices. Thus noise actually interferes
with digestion ... but enough is enough. Doctors
are concerned about smog and stench in the
atmosphere. It is time to recognize that noise can
also be a health menace.
Be certain that all your flight-line personnel
use ear plugs, ear protectors or noise suppression FOREIGNER IN THE COCKPIT.
helmets. A recent visit to a T AC base revealed that
-Hot Dope Sheet over two-thirds of their T-birds didn't have a tip
tank modified to carry the gear and tip tank
safety pins. Without this mod the pins must be
INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY AND MOTIVATION. carried in the cockpit or left at home. Whether in
The attitude of maintenance and supervisory a flight suit pocket or on the floor beside the seat,
personnel greatly affects the number of mainte- tip pins are dangerous and foreign to the cockpit.
nance errors. Every man must take pride in his If placed on the left of the seat they could obstruct
work and be personally responsible for its quality the gear lever-if placed on the right they could
and completeness." Such a state of mind is closely obstruct the canopy jettison T-handle or short
associated with morale. Action to establish it is out the seat adjustment switch. Estimated cost of
urgently needed and must be undertaken at this modification is less than ten dollars per
command levels and at each level ef maintenance aircraft--at this price, why wait?

chock talk SHINE?
A new paste will soon be available to use wJ
cleaning or polishing the aluminum on your bi:..
Look for it on the Qualified Products list. It will
be known as MET-ALL 1187, andwillbeavailable
as soon as the Bureau of Naval Weapons Engineer-
ing finishes the latest revision to MIL- P- 6888A

It is imperative to use up-to-date technical WHEN DISCOVERED CODES.
information for operating, servicing, and main- The ''When Discovered'' codes contained in
taining aircraft and equipment. Since equipment certain work unit code manuals are incomplete.
and methods are constantly being changed, T.O. 00-25-06-1-1, 1 October, is one example.
technical publications can become obsolete in a AFM 66-1 contains the full and current list of
short period of time. Regular schedules for ''Action Taken,'' ''When Discovered,'' and ''How
revisions, changes, and re-issues of T.O. 's are Malfunctioned" codes. The codes listed in AFM
maintained and you should check periodically to 66-1 should be used in the event you find omissions
see that you have the most recent ones. in a work unit code manual. AFLC advises us
To insure that current publications are used, that these codes books are in revision to insure
the Air Force periodically publishes and issues a that all code contents are complete.
series of indexes giving the number, title, and
date of each publication. Two of these indexes, F-105 CANNON PLUG COMPRESSION TOOL
The Handbook of Indexes and Publications Re- When you install or remove pylons on the
quirements (T.O. 0-1-01), and The Handbook of F-105, use the authorized tool. Access to the ar
General Publications (T.O. 0-1-02), are issued is limited and if you don't use the special plie
monthly. All others are issued quarterly, or as (FSC 5120-772-4750) or ifyoumisusethem,you'H
required. damage the cannon connector outer shell. This
To insure that you are using the latest available can result in the internal spring retainers being
information, you should check the dates of your damaged, improper connector seating, and bent
publications against the indexes at regular or broken pins. Then the stores will fail to
intervals. release or will fall off when they're supposed to
Keeping your technical publications file up to stay on. The pilot will have to abort his mission,
date is well worth the effort since this will give you you'll have to work overtime trying to find the
the latest information and help insure that your trouble, the stores might fall in your back
work is always done correctly. yard and kill your chickens . . . and we'll all lose
a lot of money.


AFLC advises that the next cnange to T.O. After finding that control stick movement was
00-20A-1 will contain the following instructions: restricted, an F-101 pilot from another command
When a supplement is issued to a TCTO and returned to his home base and made an uneventful
additional maintenance work is required, a new landing. A quick check disclosed accumulated
AFTO Form 212 will be required. This will rubbish in the stick well. After this debris was
provide input data code numbers for configuration removed normal movement was regained. This is
accounting. When no additional work is required an old item that apparently needs repeating from
by the supplement, an additional AFTO Form 212 time to time. Is this area being kept clean in you
is not required. aircraft?

26 APRIL 1962


831 AD 8

TAC Tally
832 AD 1 5

4 TFW 2

108 TFW 2

113 TFW 1

1 FEB-28 FEB 117 TRW

121 TFW 1

122 TFW 1

131 TFW 2

401 TFW 6

354 TFW 1

4510 CCTW 1 4

4520 CCTW 1


839 AD 2
64 TCW 1

MAJOR mir 435 T


464 TCW 1

4505 ARW 1 1

ALL 17.9 10.6

4400 CCTS 2 1

F-105 0 0

F-104 3.6.5 27.2 MAJOR AND MINOR

P.101 83.3
F-100 16.1 16.7

F-86 77.8 0 JET

F-84 15.4 45.7 ANG
B-66 0 0 ;..

[474 TFW 11 39 123 TRW

T-33 0 0 ;

KB-50 52.6 15.9

C-123 22.4 22.4 4430 ATG 39 63 434 TCW
C-124 0 0 302 TCW
314 TCW 31 54
C130 0 0
94 TCW

or ILS approach that gives glide slope information.
All the rest, including ASR, are non-precisio
Check 60-3 for the definition.
* You can log both a precision and a no.
precision on the same approach provided the final
phase is completed with GCA or ILS. The condition
must also be logged. Use 'H' for hoodand 'W' for
weather. For the landing itself use 'L' for landing
on a hard surface and 'Z' for water landings.
* No strict rules have been laid down on when
to log a weather penetration. Theoretically, ifyou
punch thru a cloud, it's a 'W' penetration.
* Conventional aircraft pilots will not log the
'W' or 'H' symbol. Instead, they will log only 'A'
and 'B' symbols with 'L' or 'Z' for the landing
* Conventional pilots can also log a precision
Here's the latest word for Jet and Turboprop and a non-precision approach on one letdown pro-
pilots on logging penetrations and approaches in vided the letdown is terminated with precision
column G of the Form 781, part 1. final.
Use 'A' for a precision approach and 'B' for * Procedures for breaking down and logging
a non-precision approach. flying time remain the same.
* What's a precision approach? That's a PAR




A B c D E F G H I

3 3/240Z. ~ ;;:; P IW PI I I wi8 IH J... TO LA N DI N G

ECLse<~. 13obb4 f.. 2. h.i : 30 1:4-5 : : I I I lL Pctul 1/F/3 06 : ~0


Lt Easey made a TACAN penetration, GCA approach and a full stop Bobbins f/FB oq. ,os
r-- landing. His approach was in weather. ,.
SYM I"(_¥~L F l-I GHT

.- ! : : : t_,/5
ME~M. IRI\ 1\..~pt." 'PT" I II-\ 6 L TO L AN D ii-.IG

I =S'i =0'5 : :
I II II l- O'l :00
Capt Mean made a UHF / OF penetration, a low approach under the ~t. 07:00
hood, then completed his flight with a VFR landing. MSN SYM I TOTAL FLIGHT


: 0 LIGS
it.J\~£\t. Nt\\~ <J. 1'\~'8 "' ..,~ ~~~ l>l 'I I ISil TO LANDING

Maj Eager made a RAPCON penetration, ADF approach under the
: :
""l l
' I
\\: 'tD

~o, L~
- hood, then landed from the ADF approach_.
: : : : o

\ ,,n
1\~EK 1'\KE1> 1\..~IM't-0"
: .:
\ -, I~~ 1\\
IH Ittl TO


F~c.~L. TiL\~1o
TAT made a VOR penetration, I LS approach, entered the GCA pattern
· following his ILS law approach followed by a full stop landing. He flew

his instruments under the hood. :3'0-

28 APRIL 1~ ..
dial, only I prefer to place the inbound heading at
the top of the instrument. The fix is in the center

and the holding pattern and quadrant arrangement
is visualized as shown on the diagram. Entry turn
instructions are determined from whichever
· quadrant the 'heading pointer is in when you are
tracking inbound to the station. This system re-
to the. duces the number of mental calculations and make
it unnecessary to visualize the pattern upside
I believe that the fewer times a pilot has to

Editor turn the indicator, make mental calculations or .

visualize anything upside down, the less chance
he has of making a mistake, getting vertigo or
becoming lost.

Captain Joe C. Boyer·

622 AFR Sqdn
Just read your fine article titled ''Dream STANDARD PATTERN
Dock'' in the February issue of the T AC ATT ~CK.
This is undoubtedly a sharp outfit, and my hat is
off to them. But, with all the emphasis placed on
fluid contamination, why didn't they cover the
quick-disconnects? (Page 15) Shame!

Sarge, apparently your eyes are as sharp as the dream

dock. The photos used in Colonel Anken's article were
taken some time ago-back before anyone realized the full
importance of capping off lines immediately after they are
parted. However, you can be certain that the 108th follows
this procedure at the present time .•• they're too
professional not to.


. . . After studying the procedures set forth in ••• It looks to us like you have a winner Capt Boyer.
'Holding Pat' in the January ATTACK, I believe We've had good success using a revision of Major Hayden's
Major Hayden has an excellent knowledge of the system. We put the inbound heading at the top of the
new procedure and his entry is well taken. How- directional indj,cator and visualize the aircraft at the point
of the needle, flying down the needle instead of up it ••• but
ever, I believe my technique is somewhat easier
like you say, ~e have to visualize the pattern upside
from the pilot's viewpoint. down. Thanks for getting us right side up!
As with Major Hayden's system, the holdirig
,....,ttern is visualized on the directional indicator

.: ATTACK 29

LAFB 2•811
\ I


C#ECK 7:0. 44#3-1-.3

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