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Book_1 \3_
Copyright If_
Sears Philosophy
as taught in

“The Books Without an If”

makes life livable here and hereafter

Sears Philosophy Lessons

Volume III
F. W. Sears, M.P.
“Concentration—Its Mentology and Psychology“How to Attract
Success”; “Sears Psychology Lessons, Vol. I and II “Sears
Philosophy Lessons, Vol. Ill”; “How to Give Treatments”;
“How to Conquer Fear”; “Everyday Experiences”;
“Was Jesus God or Man?” “Sears Philosophy—
What it Teaches; How to Study It”; “The
Three Monkeys”; “Am I to Blame?” “The
Unlimited Supply”; etc., etc.


108 & no West 34 St.

London, Eng.

Copyright 1919, F. W. Sears, All rights reserved!

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The World’s Greatest Ideal—

Freedom!. 3

The Psychology of Healing. 47

How to Change Environment. 77

Power of Personality. Ill
Selfishness—Human and Divine- 143

Making the Next World Safe for

Democracy. 171
Copyright 1919. F. W. Seabs, M.F. All rights reserved.



by F. W. Sears, M. P.

To learn the positive and constructive

use and expression of Energy under the
Law of Harmony, and rise above the
effects of its destructive use and expres¬
sion under the Law of Force, is man’s
destiny here and now.
The world is waiting for this new mes¬
sage of harmony, for a larger vision and
a deeper understanding of life, which will
enable it to materialize its greatest ideal
This message will be given to the world
by America; is being given to the world
from this platform every Sunday morn-

ing, and daily during the week from our

But what is Freedom?
We have been taught by the man-
limited consciousness of the past and
present that there were things which were
absolute; which were perfect in their
But let me tell you here and now that
there is nothing absolute, nothing perfect
in its finality along any line, except as to
form, or there would be no further
Even the Infinite itself is not perfect
or perfection would be a Universal Law
and all growth would cease by reason
Freedom therefore is not something
which is absolute, something which is fixed,
something which can be defined and lim-

ited—because freedom is only limited by

the consciousness of the individual.
And so freedom means different things
to different people.
To some it means license, licentiousness,
littleness, disease, decay, death.
To others it means liberty, longevity,
largeness, limitlessness, and therefore
greatness, growth and life.
The sum total of what it means to in¬
dividuals is the ideal of the race or nation.
Mankind, whether individuals, families,
races or nations, can he divided into two
general classes, or two lines of thought.
The first class are those who are limited
in their consciousness, and whose science,
philosophy and religion is based upon the
manifestations of Energy.
The purely physical and mental types
of consciousness belong to this class.

The second class are those who are un¬

limited in their consciousness, and whose
science, philosophy and religion is based,
either consciously or unconsciously, on
Energy itself and its limitlessness.
There are many persons in the world
who belong to this second class who have
never heard of the Sears Philosophy; they
have never heard of the unlimitedness of
consciousness which we teach from this
platform; nevertheless they belong to this
second class for they have unconsciously
reached out into the unknowable and
made it the knowable to their souls.
Such persons have unconsciously
reached out, refusing to be limited by the
physical and mental states of conscious¬
ness, and grasped the unlimited with
the mighty power of their own con¬

These two classes intermingle and are

interwoven with each other more or less.
There is no pure type of either class, no
absolute type, and that is why it has been
so difficult for man to see and understand
these different types.
One must be a very close student and
analyst, and study life from all its angles
to be able to classify man’s characteristics
and appreciate fully the different types so
closely interwoven, interpenetrating and
intermingling are they.
In the first class we find those who are
dominated by the physical and mental
states of consciousness; who refuse to
allow their human mind to get out into the
unlimited realms of the infinite.
In the second class are those whose un¬
limited ideals find room for action and
who use their physical and mental states

of consciousness to materialize as best they

can in their more or less imperfect way
these unlimited ideals.
All life everywhere is the result of
action and reaction.
The first class of people, those domi¬
nated by the physical and mental states
of consciousness, see this action and re¬
action only on the objective plane; they
are able to cognize it only with their
physical and mental senses and they
therefore limit cause and effect, action and
In their science they call action and
reaction, positive and negative; in their
philosophy, good and bad; and in their
religion, God and devil.
The second class, those that live in the
unlimited side of their consciousness, see
action and reaction not only on the ob-

jective plane but they see that the primary

or original action lies back of the objective
plane and is located in the power which
uses Energy to manipulate form in the
objective world.
Instead therefore of limiting their
science, philosophy and religion to posi¬
tive and negative, good and bad, God and
devil, they see all life as one; action and
reaction being one and the same, differ¬
ing only in its manifestation through
They see good and bad as being the
same thing—Energy manifesting through
They see God and devil exactly the
same thing—Energy manifesting through
different forms—that is all.
While the first class live in the con¬
sciousness of the separateness of life, the

second class live in the consciousness of

the union or oneness of all life.
The first class see only the form and
the manifestation of Energy through
They limit themselves to form, either
material or spiritual or both, and so in
order to control things in the objective
world they must limit others for self-
When they are asked: “Am I my
brother’s keeper?” they answer, “Yes, I
am responsible for my brother.”
Instead of giving their brother an op¬
portunity to work out his freedom in his
own way they say to him: “My way is
the only way and you must come my way
or be forever damned.”
They never once see the great truth
that their judgment is based wholly on

the external side of life and that each soul’s

way is the best way for it to learn its
lesson of life no matter how poor a way
it might be for every other soul.
The second class, looking back of all
manifestations of Energy through form
and seeing the oneness of all life, seeing
that these manifestations are simply dif¬
ferences in form and not in the Energy
which created them, when asked the
question: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
says, “No, I am my brother’s Teacher ”
This class knows and understands that
in order to be its brother’s Teacher it
must lift up its own life, do the work
upon its own consciousness instead of
attempting to “reform” the other fellow.
This class realizes what the man Jesus
meant when he said: “If I (the God, or
good, or harmonious in me) be lifted up

(that is gotten out into expression) I

will draw all men unto me.”
This class appreciates the fact that the
only constructive way to draw people or
things to us is to have the “drawing”
process mutual.
And that the only way to truly uplift
mankind is to teach it how to uplift itself
rather than attempt to force its uplift*
ment with threats of its punishment or
The principles underlying the great war
are the same as those which caused the
Pilgrim Fathers to come to the shores of
They are the same as those which
caused our Revolutionary and Civil
These principles are those which under¬
lie freedom at all stages of man’s unfold-

ment in every age—freedom, not only of

the body and mind, but freedom of the
soul and spirit.
No matter what the objective causes
may have been; no matter what specific
reasons the different Nations in any and
all ages may have given for engaging in
war, the fact still remains to those who
look with eyes that see and whose ears
can hear that back behind all of the objec¬
tive causes and specific reasons lies this
great truth the real cause was and always
has been the ideals of the warring people,
no matter what language was used in
which to state such ideals nor how destruc¬
tive, undeveloped and uncivilized those
ideals may have been.
And what has been the one great ideal
of them all in every age and in every
stage of development?

Freedom to do that which each wanted
to do.
In considering the great world war let
us take first the German ideal for that
represents the interpretation the Central
Powers placed on this word FREE¬
The German ideal was that the people
are created for the State. All for the
State; business, home, family, even life
itself for the State.
And who is the State?
The political power which rules it.
What was the result?
Freedom? No indeed, but slavery
Slavery of the people to the State
ideal—the same as the people have been
enslaved by the religious ideals.

Slavery of the people for the aggran¬

dizement of the State and its rulers.
The only difference between this ideal
and that of the Christian Church and all
other dogmatic religions in all ages has
been the object and in the principle
underlying the object.
The ideal of the religions which worship
a Personal God is that the people are
created for the Church—instead of the
State. All for the Church rather than for
the State.
It has been this difference in objects
which has always aroused the antagonism
of the Roman Catholic Church when sepa¬
ration of Church and State has occurred.
In such cases the people have had two
ideals—the Church and the State—and
one had to become subordinate to the other
at times.

What was the result, the effect, of this

ideal of “all for the State?”
It gave to the German Empire an ob¬
jective efficiency in a few short years such
as the world had never witnessed before
simply because it concentrated all the
power objectively upon the materializa¬
tion of things, and in the repression of the
consciousness back of that materializa¬
tion has that ideal worked out its own
Its great objective strength, obtained
under the Law of Force, proved its great¬
est weakness in the finality.
“The mills of the gods grind slow but
sure and exceedingly fine” we are told,
and that is true.
The Universal Law is at work at all
times and it matters not whether it is the
German Empire, the British Empire,

France, Italy, America, or just some one

lowly and insignificant person, the law
And what of the other ideal—the
world’s ideal of freedom?
It is that the State is created by and
for the people.
That is the world’s ideal of freedom.
And what is the result?
Freedom of the people politically.
Freedom of the people religiously. Free¬
dom of the people scientifically, philo¬
sophically, and in every other way; the
upliftment of the State as a whole through
the upliftment of the individuals or units
composing the State.
While it is true that this ideal worked
out under these laws gives the greatest
diversity apparently in the objective
world and causes man to scatter his forces

broadcast rather than concentrate them,

yet while doing this it creates a power
through individual independence, and de¬
velops a consciousness within man the
strength of which in its finality is so over¬
whelming that mankind has not yet begun
to realize but a very limited idea of its
Its strength and power is unlimited
relatively speaking as compared with the
other ideal.
From the earliest history man has
attempted to rise in the material world
through the enslaving of his fellow-
In his ignorance and lack of under¬
standing this was and has been the best
method he knew.
It was the only way he knew how to do
and he never realized how weak and im-

potent his “know how” was in the last

His first attempt was through the
physical slavery of man by brute strength.
Then came the mental slavery through
his greater mental knowledge and power.
As these two methods grew and un¬
folded he found a third method which
combined them both and which he used.
This was the religions he created.
He first created a physical god with
forms and ceremonies for man to worship
—idols of wood, stone, silver, gold, to
symbolize the object of his worship.
As time went on and men began to
grow an intellect these material idols lost
their power to hold the people in bondage
and so an invisible god of spirit was cre¬
ated which man called the real God.
This was followed by the creation of

an idol of flesh such as Confucius,

Brahma, Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed and
the other saviours of the world.
They were one and all gods of form,
whether made of gold, flesh or spirit and
so were idols; ideals converted into form
and worshipped, thus becoming idols.
The fight of the priesthood in all ages
from the beginning of time down to the
present day to obtain temporal power has
been to enslave man through his religious
and secular pursuits.
The priesthood of ancient Chaldea, of
Egypt, of Greece, have all been swept
away by the Universal Law in the work¬
ing out of the Law of Cause and Effect,
and the priesthood of the Russian Church
found itself impotent and powerless when
autocracy was swept away.
The fight of the autocrat, of kings and

emperors, against the Church and the

priesthood has been simply so that they
instead of the Church should control and
enslave the people.
England would not have become Prot¬
estant England at the time she did had it
not been that one of her kings wanted
another wife and the Pope refused to
allow the divorce. This king then set
aside the papist authority and raised the
standard of Protestant England.
The fight for home rule in Ireland has
never been a question of political rule but
rather one of religious rule. Had it been
one purely of political freedom Ireland
would have had home rule half a century
The reason that the Order of Jesuits
and all other similar secret religious so¬
cieties were expelled from both Germany

and France was not because of their re¬

ligion but rather because they made their
religion paramount to the State and re¬
fused to forswear their religious oaths
when brought into contact with their oath
of loyalty to the State.
The fight of capital against labor has
the same object in view and labor on its
part is not wholly free from this ignorance
Autocracy, plutocracy, religion, every¬
where have always been the symbol of
some kind of slavery.
We see the union of plutocracy and re¬
ligion in the joining hands of the multi¬
millionaires in the financing of the great re¬
ligious revivals which are held in the large
cities of our country from time to time.
Democracy has always been the symbol
of freedom.

I do not mean by this that governments

under a democracy have always been free;
but democracy has been the symbol of
freedom no matter what the government
which used the name might be.
Man has always been a slave to his
ignorance, his prejudice and his bigotry.
The German ideal is the same old ideal
of ignorant and undeveloped man’s use
of force, and like all others who belong
to the first class, the class with the limited
consciousness, they are limited in their
ideals, whether king or emperor, autocrat,
priest or religionist, and without regard
to their nationality.
In speaking of the German ideal and
its limitedness it should be understood
that I do not refer to the individual Ger¬
man but of the race consciousness as a

There are some Germans who are as

big, great, broad, liberal minded and un¬
limited, and have as deep an understand¬
ing of life as some Americans but they are
few and far between.
There are also some Americans who are
just as narrow, limited, bigoted, as the
most primitive and narrow-minded of
those who belong to the German ideal
Because a man belongs to the narrow,
limited and bigoted class we should not
want to hate him because in hating any¬
one we are only hating ourselves.
This does not mean we have to like any
of his manifestations but it does mean we
are not to hate the life itself no matter
how crude and destructive its manifesta¬
tions may be.
We simply recognize his place in con-

sciousness, his state of development and

unfoldment and instead of condemning
and criticizing him we remember that “If
I be lifted up I draw all men unto me,”
and so we work to lift up the human self
by keeping in the harmonious currents
rather than allow ourselves to get down
into the inharmonious ones.
And so this first class which believed
in limited ideals has at all times and under
all circumstances set up different kinds of
authority with which to coerce, cajole and
frighten man.
They claimed that the king was divine;
that the king could do no wrong; that the
Pope was vice-regent of God and in¬
They have given us many other similar
statements as the result of their nar¬
row, limited consciousness and we in

our ignorance have believed and con¬

tinued to remain limited in our con¬
The Christian world has cited the bible
and their interpretation of it as their
authority with the result that through such
interpretation the Christian nations have
held their followers in the most abject
slavery in so far as their religious teach¬
ings were concerned.
But whatever difference of opinion men
may have as to the “divine” origin of the
bible, as to whether or not the king is
“divine,” as to the Pope being the vice¬
regent of God, and upon what authority
these different claims may be based, there
is one thing upon which there cannot be
any difference of opinion among thinking
people and that is that every interpreta¬
tion of the bible, every interpretation as

to the divinity of the king, every interpre¬

tation as to the Pope being the vice¬
regent of God, is man’s interpretation and
none other than man.
Such interpretation has never come
from anyone else but man, and how man
has interpreted these questions has de¬
pended entirely upon whether he belong
to the first or second class; whether his
consciousness was limited or unlimited.
Moses teachings belonged to the first
class because from first to last they were
purely ethical in their character.
The ten commandments, while good
laws ethically speaking and were needed
by the people whom he governed, do not
contain one single universal principle of
From first to last they are negative.
“Thou shalt not.” Nowhere do they teach

the universal laws nor their application

but are wholly devoted to things.
They are followed by a long list of
rules, regulations, forms and ceremonies
which Moses laid down for observance by
his people.
When we study the history of the Jews
of his day we can readily understand why
these ten commandments and all that fol¬
lowed them were necessary, and we can
also understand by a comparison of the
consciousness of the Jews of Moses time
why they are still needed by the ignorant
and undeveloped souls of to-day.
The consciousness that is vile and
vicious because of its ignorance and un¬
development sees only the same character¬
istics in others.
The consciousness that recognizes “all
is good” looks back of all these manifes-

tations of ignorance and is pure, not be¬

cause it is compelled to be through fear
of punishment or hope of reward but be¬
cause it is the highest, best and greatest
thing it knows how to be.
Such a life does not need the ethical
rules, regulations, forms and ceremonies
which camouflage the conventionalities of
The teachings of the man Jesus (not
the interpretations the Christian world has
given them but the deeper understanding
of them) belong to the second class of
consciousness and that is why the world
in spite of its limitations has reached out
towards these teachings with the greatest
longing and desire and has grasped and
taken to its heart, even the limited inter¬
pretations given it, longing, straining
and striving to its utmost to drink more

deeply of their wonderful inspiration and

These teachings are based on principle
while those of Moses were based on policy.
Jesus teachings sought to free man
from his external bondage of things by
freeing him first in his consciousness.
The Christian Church, both Roman
Catholic and Protestant, are controlled
by the first class of persons and that is
why we have had the interpretations of
these teachings of Jesus which are com¬
monly known as Christianity.
This was not so during the first three
hundred years of the Christian era but has
been true since then.
Those in power of both of these
branches of Christianity are the people
Jesus referred to when he said: “Beware
of the wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

The Christian Church has the “sheep’s

clothing” in its use of the name of Jesus
Christ, but it does not have the conscious¬
ness that Jesus taught the world.
Instead of this it has the consciousness
of the wolf (symbolically speaking) and
would force the world into the slavery of
its belief and the worship of its idols, its
forms, ceremonies.
The “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” that is
the Christianity of the Church, would
take away from every life its freedom to
think for itself and would send it into ever¬
lasting punishment for refusing to submit
to the slavery of the Church.
I do not say this in any spirit of criti¬
cism or condemnation, but state it merely
as a fact which we all know and recognize
whether we admit it or not.
In spite of its limitations the Christian

Church has been an influence for good

on the civilization of the world, and so has
every other religion, no matter how crude
and debased as we see it to-day it may
have been.
The world has needed them all or they
would not have existed for the Universal
Law does not permit anything to continue
as soon as its usefulness has ceased to
So with the Church; we have needed it
in the past; we still need it for those souls
that can use it, and so we know it will con¬
tinue to exist for the benefit of such souls.
We would not destroy its usefulness
were it possible to do so, and could not do
so did we have the want.
Our only desire is to teach that part
of the world which is ready for a larger
ideal of life.

We have no desire to convert any soul

to a larger ideal.
The framers of the United States Con¬
stitution belonged to the second class.
They were big men with a big vision
or they never could have written such a
“All men are born free and equal.”
Where in the religious, philosophical,
scientific, or political history of the world
has there ever been recorded a statement
so great, a vision so grand, an ideal so won¬
derful, so beautiful, so unlimited in every
way as “All men are born free and equal.”
Why the world has never even begun
to appreciate the great, wonderful con¬
sciousness which could conceive such a big
No limitations anywhere; no excep¬
tions; no qualifications; but all men—

ALL—and that statement is true, under

the Universal Law.
Every soul is born free and equal in its
inherent power—white or black, yellow or
red, rich or poor, great or small.
The only difference between people of
all races, nations, classes, is simply in the
amount of that power each gets out into
harmonious expression—not in the power
itself, nor in the ability to express.
Why my friends were it possible for
anything in the world to be worth fight¬
ing for there is nothing anywhere which
begins to compare with freedom.
When we have built that consciousness
of freedom within our own soul we will
never have to fight for it.
But until that time comes it is far bet¬
ter, far less destructive to fight for it,
whether we do our fighting on the

physical, the mental, the soul or the spirit¬

ual plane, than it is to allow ourselves to
become enslaved.
But in fighting for it we do not need
to have what is known as the “fighter’s
It is not necessary to fight with a con¬
sciousness of hate, of anger, of worry, of
fear, of anxiety, or in any other of these
negative and destructive states of mind.
It is not necessary for us to do our fight¬
ing with that kind of a consciousness, but
we can gird on our armor, sling our gun
over our shoulder and go forth knowing
that under the Universal Law we are
fighting our battle of freedom and doing
it with a consciousness so big, so great, so
strong, so powerful and so harmonious
that there is no room left in it for inhar¬
mony of any kind to creep in.

And then, THEN, in that state of

consciousness is our fighting the most
harmonious and constructive that is
We must always know that freedom
never means license.
Man’s first use of Energy along any
line new to him is always imperfect and
more or less destructive.
This is because he is ignorant of its
use in that particular manner.
Only by learning to use it along that
line, profiting by the mistakes he makes,
the destructive effects which he reaps as
the result of his ignorance, does he ever
learn to use it constructively.
“The cure of the thing is in the thing
itself” we have been told; that is in ex¬
pressing and so learning the effects of
such expression.

No people can ever be really free as

long as part of them are subject to any
kind of bondage—physical, mental, soul
or spiritual—no matter what the bondage
may be.
When man denies to others the privi¬
lege he demands for himself he sets causes
in motion which make for his own enslave¬
We are neither bound nor free by ex¬
ternal conditions of body or environment
but by our consciousness and thought
habits which have become fixed within us.
Some negroes in the South did not want
their freedom in the days of the civil war.
They had been slaves in their conscious¬
ness and thought habits so long that they
were afraid of the responsibility which
freedom entailed.
The same is true with some men and

women in the political and religious

worlds everywhere.
They have been slaves in their con¬
sciousness to their political and religious
idols for so many incarnations that they
are afraid to face the responsibility which
freedom entails upon the individual.
Our faculties and the ability to use our
power atrophies unless we use them.
We should therefore give to all man¬
kind its freedom, both religious and secu¬
lar, because in freeing them in our con¬
sciousness we free ourselves.
For more than a century our country,
these United States of America, has been
preparing its sons and daughters for that
greater freedom through its religious tol¬
erance and its public schools.
The day is not long since gone by, and
even still exists in some isolated commu-

nities, where the term agnostic and atheist

was a word of scorn, criticism and condem¬
But the world is growing, and to be
called an agnostic, to realize that one does
not know; to be called an atheist, to real¬
ize that one has passed from the slavery
and bondage of a fetish belief which man
has imposed upon him and risen to a point
where he refuses to believe this old thing,
is simply a sign-post on his journey and
an indication of the progress towards
freedom of that soul. It is not a sign of
scorn unless the soul is ashamed of its
But better still is to continue along the
pathway where instead of saying ‘Sve
don’t know,” or “we don’t believe,” we
come into that state of consciousness
where we can say “I KNOW”; where we

come into the realization of our oneness

with the universal life and see this greater
freedom which we have to-day for all man¬
kind, the greatest ever in the world’s his¬
And it is because of these great truths,
because of this growing consciousness
and bigger ideal of the world, the great¬
est ideal the world has ever known—
FREEDOM—that the United States
entered the great world war and why the
Central Powers did not triumph.
There are few of us who remember
personally much about the civil war
which raged in our country a half century
ago but we are all more or less familiar
with its history.
We know that during most of the more
than four years that the strife went on
here between brothers in our own country

that the days for the most part were dark

and gloomy for the preservation of the
But finally that day came when under
the apple tree at Appomatox Lee handed
his sword to Grant and the war was over.
Grant—and let his name and act never
be dimmed by time—instead of taking
the victor’s part which history accords the
conqueror in all ages and imposing the
slavery of prisonership upon Lee and his
army, gave back to Lee his sword, told
him and his army to go home and take
up their peaceful pursuits where they left
them off at the beginning of the strife.
All history from its beginning down
to the present time does not record a
grander, greater nor more sublime act on
the part of the conqueror to the conquered
than does this act of Grant, symbolical

of the freedom consciousness of these

great United States.
Freedom? Yes, even to our enemies
that had been.
Freedom, without the consciousness of
their being enemies to-day, but with the
consciousness of our being one great peo¬
ple, one land, one great tremendous soul.
And the South, it would not return to
slavery days; it could not for its freedom
consciousness is too great.
And so the nations and peoples; the
kings and emperors; the priests and re¬
ligions that stand in the path of FREE¬
DOM’S march will go down under the
Cosmic Law as Pharaoh and his Egyptian
hosts did in the days of old, and as all
others since that time.
All we need to do is to he loyal—be
loyal to the world’s greatest ideal, FREE-

DOM—and “Fear ye not but stand still

and see the salvation of the Lord—the
great Universal Law—which he will show
you this day for the Egyptians (symboli¬
cal of darkness, ignorance and slavery,
and the world’s enemies, the enemies of
freedom) that ye have seen to-day ye shall
see no more forever. The Lord (the Uni¬
versal Law) shall fight for you and ye
shall hold your peace,”
Copyright 1919. F. W. Sears, M.P. All rights reserved.


by F. W. Sears, M. P.

Sickness, disease, pain, sorrow, misery,

unhappiness and lack of all kinds are
luxuries, not necessities.
Even those who are the richest in health
cannot afford the luxury of a conscious¬
ness which produces sickness and disease.
Even those who have the greatest
abundance of joy, happiness and gladness
in their life cannot afford the luxury of
a consciousness which produces sorrow,
misery, pain and anguish.
Even though one might have the opu¬
lence of the Infinite yet he could not
afford the luxury of a consciousness which
produces poverty and lack.

The Infinite himself, with all his ap¬

parent and wanton extravagance and
profligacy in all things, cannot afford
these luxuries of sickness, disease, pain,
sorrow, misery, unhappiness and lack.
It remains for man to be so luxurious
as to consider them necessities; things he
must have and cannot get along without.
Why cannot man afford them?
Simply because we never manifest these
or any other external conditions nor relate
with them without having first created
the consciousness which produces and re¬
lates us with them.
Such a consciousness is too expensive
and far reaching in its effects for the most
opulent to acquire.
It is an easy and simple matter to
“cure” man of his aches and pains, his
sorrows and miseries, his unhappiness and

hunger, but it is an entirely different

thing to “cure” him of the causes which
produced and related him with these con¬
The curing of man’s aches, pains, sor¬
rows, miseries, unhappiness, poverty and
lack, these external expressions of his
ignorant consciousness, is of no real bene¬
fit, but to cure him of the lack and
inharmony in his consciousness which pro¬
duced and related him with them;
To teach him how not to set the causes
m motion which produces and relates him
with these conditions of lack is of lasting
As long as man gives power to gods and
devils, to people and things, to external
conditions, rather than to that which
manipulates the Energy which creates

As long as man fails to recognize the

great truth taught in the first chapter of
Genesis—that man through his human
mind has dominion here over all things—
just so long will he continue to look with
eyes which see only the effects and never
the causes.
Which see only the reaction and never
the action.
As long as man only knows that which
he cognizes with his physical or human
senses just so long will he continue to
be the “blind leading the blind” and
unable to learn either the true psychol¬
ogy of healing or the true psychology of
The psychology of healing does not con¬
sist in merely displacing or “curing”
physical ailments and material lack, but
rather in learning the real cause which

lies back of them, and how not to set such

cause in motion.
Henry Ford attempted to cure war by
the old methods of dealing with effects,
and his Peace Party were fighting among
themselves almost before they were out of
sight of America’s shores.
His intentions were good but his
methods were limited and destructive with
the result that the world looked on, saw
only the inevitable failure and condemned.
The United States attempted to cure
illegitimate warfare on the part of Ger¬
many, through using the same old methods
of dealing with effects only, and was itself
drawn into the maelstrom of war.
It hasn’t learned its lesson yet and so is
now hard at work in the organization of
a “League of Nations” which is intended
to prevent wars in the future by using

the same old methods, but in a little

different form, of dealing only with
Philanthropists everywhere attempt to
cure poverty by relieving the physical
wants but all the while giving the real
cause no attention, ignoring it in their
ignorance, thus permitting them to con¬
tinue and become more fixed in the con¬
sciousness of the individual.
The medical profession and all kinds
of drugless healers attempt to “cure”
disease, each by his own particular
method, yet to-day the hospitals and in¬
sane asylums continue to multiply, medi¬
cal colleges turn out more graduates, and
drugless schools more practitioners each
year than ever before in the world’s

Simply because mankind everywhere

devotes its energy, time, knowledge, wis¬
dom and understanding, such as it has, to
the relief of mental suffering, physical
pain, hunger and lack—“curing” them it
says—while paying no attention to and in
absolute ignorance of the real cause which
produces them.
But man is growing and progressing,
even though slowly, and therein lies his
hope of the future.
The fundamental principle underlying
the healing from all of these effects in the
body and environment—from Naaman
bathing in the River Jordan down to the
latest and most efficient drug invented by
science, or the most approved method of
the drugless healer;
From the feeding of the Israelites dur¬
ing their forty years sojourn in the wil-

derness, to the providing of work for the

multitude by Henry Ford at a minimum
wage of six dollars a day, is one and the
same, no matter how much their methods
may differ.
I do not wish to be understood as in
any way depreciating nor undervaluing
these external methods.
They are all right for their kind as far
as they go but “their kind” is too limited
and restricted for the developing con¬
sciousness of man.
I am calling attention to them simply
to point out their weakness and impotency
when taken alone, and
To show the great importance of going
more deeply into the matter and thus
unearthing the real causes which these
external methods never have and never
can reach.

The real cause does not He in the re¬

moval of these physical effects from the
body or environment,
But in the use man makes of the
Energy which creates the causes that pro¬
duce them.
Man boasts of his wonderful intelli¬
gence and great ability, yet he fails to
exercise the power and ability of the im¬
becile in keeping his body young and free
from disease and his environment free
from lack.
I have seen many imbeciles (idiots, not
insane persons) of varying ages but I
have never yet seen a pure or nearly pure
type of idiot or imbecile who was not
strong, healthy and young in appearance
no matter what his age might be.
Now just what is the difference between
an imbecile and a normal person?

Simply this: The normal person can

think, can use his human mind, while the
imbecile, being devoid of a human mind,
can do neither.
It is very evident then that the way
man uses the Universal Energy by the
power of his human mind must hold the
secret of his lack.
The psychology of healing from lack
of any kind means the healing of and by
the soul or astral mind.
This is more commonly referred to as
the God-mind or God-self by most writers
and teachers.
In order to better understand the
psychology of healing in its application to
the physical body we should first learn
what disease is and its cause.
The physical body is composed of
minute particles called electrons which

form atoms, molecules and still larger

These minute particles are always in
constant motion, action, vibration.
The different parts of the body are all
made from this one universal substance
which in its most minute form is called
electron, but all of these different parts
or forms vibrate at different rates of
This is what differentiates them into the
many separate forms or kinds of material.
Disease is the inharmonious or discor¬
dant vibration of the atoms of one part
of the body in its relationship to the rest
of the body.
The “liver out of tune” is like a piano
out of tune.
The “out of tune” in both instances
being the materialized effect of the igno-

rant and destructive use of Energy by

the human mind.
Reverse the use of Energy and har¬
mony is restored.
The same Energy may be used to ob¬
tain either effect just as the same energy
will run the locomotive forward or back¬
ward, according to the use made of the
The same Energy produces disease or
ease, sickness or health, inharmony or
harmony, according to how it is used.
Several years ago a young lady came
to me with the following history: She had
been running a temperature for several
months. One brother had died of con¬
sumption two years before and her doctor
said she had the same disease and told
her she must go to the mountains at once
and have complete rest.

I told her that it didn’t make any dif¬

ference even though her brother had died
of consumption.
That even had her father and mother,
her grandfather and grandmother on both
sides of the family and all of her fore¬
fathers for generations past and gone
died of the same disease, she did not have
to either die with it or continue to have
it any longer than she wanted.
That she was stronger and more power¬
ful in her own consciousness and thought
world than all of the generations which
had preceded her since the beginning of
time did she only use that power har¬
moniously and constructively.
I taught her what to do and how to do
it, and in three days time her temperature
left her.
A few days later she wanted to know

whether she could go to work; that a

position was open which she had wanted
for a long time.
I told her by all means to take it.
She took it and went to work. She
was under my care for about four months,
never lost a day at her work, and when
she went to her former doctor, at my sug¬
gestion, to be examined by him he told
her the abscess in her lungs had healed
entirely and that “she was as good as
Another woman came to me once with
cancer of the breast.
A friend of hers with similar trouble
had been operated upon some two years
before and had just recently died when
this woman came to me.
The part affected was as large as a
good sized saucer while for a space about

two inches in diameter the flesh had begun

to slough off.
I took her under my personal care and
direction, taught her what to do and how
to do it and in three months time there
wasn’t the slightest thing to show she ever
had a cancer.
Let me say right here that I do not
want you to get the idea that I did all of
this for I didn’t.
I simply taught her how to use Energy
constructively, intelligently and harmo¬
niously, and at the same time helped to
keep her in the more harmonious thought
currents so that she could do the work for
herself that much easier and better.
I could talk all day for a week, giving
the history of similar cases and then not
be through with the many instances which
have come under my observation.

We all know how a change in environ¬

ment will many times either inspire one or
depress him.
This effect is occasioned entirely by his
own thought attitude and there is no case
in which it cannot be controlled either way
will one only use the power he has within
him intelligently, consciously and con¬
Did you ever notice how one’s thoughts
control the action of food in the stomach?
I was dining at a restaurant one even¬
ing where they made a specialty of home
made mince pie, of which I am quite
I had eaten one rather generous piece
and was considering the advisability of
ordering another when a couple at the
next table asked the waiter what they had
for dessert.

He recommended the mince piet when

the lady exclaimed, “Oh I would never
sleep a wink all night long did I eat a
Well, I thought, here was poor inno¬
cent me who had gone and eaten a large
piece of that terrible thing but I “might
as well be hung for a goose as a gander”
I thought and so I ordererd another piece
just for good measure.
Then I went home, entirely ignorant
of the dreadful sin I had committed and
slept the sleep of the innocent with nary
a thought of remorse.
There is a vast difference between
ignoring or denying disease, and rising
above its effects.
We see the truth of this in the matter
of light and darkness.
We do not ignore nor deny the exist-

ence of the darkness, neither do we fight

nor condemn it.
We simply recognize its existence and
then “get busy” putting in its place that
which we want, the light.
We know that when we have created
sufficient light it will take care of the dark¬
And we also know that when we have
created sufficient harmony in our con¬
sciousness that it will take care of the in¬
harmony of our body and environment.
The human mind is the supreme power
with which Energy is manipulated on this
plane in so far as it relates to the human
The astral mind (soul) is the supreme
power on the astral plane in so far as the
relationship of the astral or soul man is

Man can use his human mind to

manipulate Energy either constructively
or destructively.
He can allow his arm to atrophy from
disuse, or he can keep it alive, active and
useful according to the way he uses it by
his human mind.
He can do the same thing with his
physical brain or any other faculty.
When Energy is used destructively it is
far more dangerous than the highest ex¬
When Energy is used constructively
its power to upbuild is limited only by
man’s understanding.
We turn man loose upon the world in
total ignorance of how to use this great
power by his human mind, leaving him to
learn by experience as best he can.
But we pass laws restricting him in his

use of the things he ignorantly and de¬

structively creates with this same power.
? Through inharmonious thoughts, such
as anger, hate, worry, fear, anxiety, con¬
demnation, criticism, “righteous indigna¬
tion,’’ impatience, intolerance, bigotry,
resentment, resistance, human sympathy,
etc., man uses Energy destructively and
its effects register as disease in the body
and lack in the environment.
Through harmonious thought, that is
the process reversed, man uses Energy
constructively and the effects register as
health in the body and joy, happiness,
peace, and abundance of everything he
desires in his environment.
Thoughts are the unmaterialized sym¬
bols of our use of Energy.
Energy is vibration, motion, action,

Its constructive or destructive use is

determined wholly by the character of the
thoughts and the degree of harmony back
of their use.
As a concrete illustration of what we
mean just think of fear for five minutes
as hard as you can, then think of kindness
for another five minutes and note the dif¬
ference in your feelings, that is the bodily
Angry thoughts increase the vibrations
abnormally and produce friction, heat,
Fear thoughts lower the vibrations ab¬
normally and produce coldness, congeal-
ment, inactivity.
Thoughts of kindness and good-will in¬
crease the vibrations without producing
friction, pressure, heat, or force.
Their action is to lift one up into the

more harmonious and constructive cur¬

rents where we find calmness, poise,
strength, courage, power, confidence,
All forms of healing, whether by drugs,
electricity, osteopathy, chiropractic, Chris¬
tian Science, Mental Science, New
Thought, or otherwise, symbolize different
vibratory rates peculiar to each.
All can and do remove physical effects
of disease (inharmony) through chang¬
ing the vibrations of the atoms of the
The universal Law underlying all of
these methods is one and the same, that
is the changing of the vibratory rates of
the atoms of the body.
The real cause which produced the
bodily inharmony is not removed by sim¬
ply displacing these physical effects and

restoring the body to its normal harmoni¬

ous vibration, no matter what method is
used, any more than the cause of a fire
is removed simply by clearing away the
In both instances the effects only would
be removed.
To get at the real cause in either and
all instances we must begin with the
human mind and the visitors it en¬
What are these visitors ?
The thoughts which come to us and
which we permit to enter and remain in
our thought world.
We must learn to analyze each thought
which comes, dissect it, and then displace
it the moment we find that it is anything
less than harmonious and constructive.
The use man makes of Energy by the

power of his human mind is telegraphed

to every atom of his body and environment
through the two nervous systems of his
body and the emanations, atmosphere or
vibrations he gives out.
Destructive thoughts create discord
which register in that part of the body or
environment which is least resistant or the
most receptive.
Harmony or health is restored when¬
ever the discordant part is restored to its
normal vibration.
All forms of treatment, whether by
drugs or drugless methods, may do this
just as the tuning key tightens or loosens
the piano strings and so restores harmony
to the piano.
When any of such methods are used
health is restored to the physical body
through the intelligence in its physical

cells, just as harmony is restored to the

piano strings by the tuning key through
their atomic intelligence.
The human mind, which dominates all
atomic and cell intelligence, is not cured
in either case.
We can tune the piano perfectly but
that does not tune either the player, the
atmospheric conditions, nor anything else
which might have had a part in getting
it out of tune.
And so with the physical body. We
can restore harmony to it times without
number but that does not cure either the
human mind or the soul which manifests
through it.
Each life is the only one that can cure
its own human mind and soul.
Others can only teach it how to do the
work and aid in making the conditions

under which the work is done more har¬

monious and therefore easier, but each life
itself must do the work or it will not be
When that occurs inharmony ceases to
manifest in the body or its environment
because the causes which produced the
inharmony have ceased to exist, and the
new causes enable us to rise above the
effects of our old inharmonious ones.
The physical cells of the body receive
and obey the new message of harmony
which the human mind as well as the God-
mind or soul is now forever sending to
Our faith now is founded on the con¬
sciousness which knows—not hopes, nor
wishes, nor even believes, but which
knows—and this has made us whole or

“As thou believest so be it unto thee”

has become a truth to us, and we go with
Naaman to the River Jordan of our con¬
sciousness and are healed.
Copyright 1919. F. W. Sears, M.P. All rights reserved.



by F. W. Sears, M. P.

Before we can begin to understand the

Universal Law which governs all changes
we may make in our environment (no
matter what the external “cause” may be)
we must know something of what creates
our environment in the first place and
how it is created.
Who is responsible for our environment
is something akin to the old question of
“which came first, the egg or the
Such questions only arise because all of
man’s science, philosophy, and religion,
and therefore all of its teachings hereto-

fore, have been founded on the manifes¬

tations of Energy and are therefore dual-
istic, instead of being founded on Energy
itself, as is the Sears Philosophy, which is
purely monistic.
In this connection let me again em¬
phasize the great truth that Energy is
universal; that it is monistic in power
hut dualistic in manifestation, and that it
is necessary for one to see this great truth
and understand the difference which this
basic or fundamental principle makes be¬
tween the Sears Philosophy and all other
science, philosophy and religion, before
one can follow clearly this new teaching.
Our language, being based upon and its
growth made to convey the meaning of
science, philosophy and religion based on
a lesser and more limited fundamental
than is the Sears Philosophy, does not and

cannot always convey to the student the

real meaning and import of the larger
truth unless the student gives-to words the
very BIGGEST interpretation possible
to conceive, and even then words fail to
convey but a small portion of the BIG¬
STANDING of the Sears Philosophy.
The Sears Philosophy being based on
Energy itself sees that back of all mani¬
festations is the one great universal
Energy and that “all life is one,” and “my
Father and I are one,” is a truth of the
“oneness of all life” too big for those who
only see the manifestations of Energy to
comprehend or understand until they
grow a bigger consciousness.
The human mind by itself can only dis¬
cern Energy when it manifests in some
material form, and it must allow its astral

or “soul” mind to express and absorb in

order to “see” beyond the material form
through which Energy expresses and so
begin to understand something of Energy
There are always two manifestations of
Energy in every form—Action and Re¬
action, Positive and Negative, Good and
Rad, God and Devil—man has called
them according to the attitude he has
taken towards these manifestations and
the effect they have had upon him.
But to get back to the “egg and the
chicken.” They are both the materialized
manifestations of Energy; the material
forms through which Energy expresses on
this plane.
The Law of Evolution, in its relation¬
ship to form, is a well established Law;
that is the evolving of material form from

a lesser to a higher or more expressive

We are taught that the embryonic cell
from which a human body is formed is
exactly the same kind of a cell (in so far
as science is able to discern) as is the
embryonic cell from which the lowest form
of animal life is evolved, and that the
embryonic cell which grows into a human
body passes through all the stages of ani¬
mal life from the lowest form to that of
the highest in its process of producing the
human body.
This being true we can readily see that
the egg, being a lower form than is the
chicken, came first.
Energy then continued its work
through material form and finally evolved
the form of the chicken and its power to
reproduce itself through the egg.

Energy, working through material

form, is therefore responsible for and cre¬
ated both of these manifestations.
In these two illustrations just given we
see the Law back of them which is “the
evolution of form from a lesser to a higher
or more expressive form,” and by apply¬
ing this same Law to our original question
we find that environment, being the lesser
form, came first before man was created.
We also see that Energy, continuing its
work of evolution through material form
after environment (the earth and every¬
thing in it was created) finally created the
form of man and then placed him in an
environment to correspond with his more
evolved form.
Energy is therefore responsible for and
created both of these forms or manifesta¬
tions which we call environment and man.

The natural relationship between man

and his environment is therefore mutual,
the same as is the relationship between the
egg and the chicken.
We all recognize the fact that the kind
of a chicken produced is affected by the
kind of an egg from which it evolved; and
that the egg reproduced by the chicken
is affected by the kind and quality of the
chicken which produced it.
Just as the quality of the egg may be
improved or deteriorated according to the
care taken of it (affected by environment)
so can the quality of the chicken be im¬
proved or lessened in the same way.
We therefore can plainly see the two
manifestations of Energy at work in both
the chicken and the egg, viz.: action and
reaction, and the effect is “good or bad”
according to the uhe made of both these

manifestations and NOT according to

any inherent “goodness” nor “badness”
on the part of either.
What is true about the egg and the
chicken is also true about man.
BUT with this difference that man, by
reason of his greater freedom to express
or manifest Energy, has greater power to
initiate than either the egg or the chicken.
This philosophic conception of man and
his power is borne out by the biblical story
of the creation, and the brief history of
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden or
According to that story God (Energy)
first created a world of form and then
created all the forms (environment) in¬
cluding the Garden of Eden and Para¬
God (Energy) then completed his work

of creating form by the creation of his

highest form, man, both male and female.
These forms (man, both male and fe¬
male) were created in the “likeness and
image of God” (Energy) and given all
power over all the lesser forms.
“God (Energy) looked upon every¬
thing he had created and said it was very
This means that everything created was
perfect for its kind. No imperfections in
the work of creation in so far as form or
the manifestation of Energy was con¬
Man, the highest form or manifestation,
found himself perfect in physical form,
and living in a perfect environment (man¬
ifestation) or Paradise of form.
We must keep in mind that while the
egg is a manifestation of Energy in form,

and so also is the chicken, that the latter

is a higher or more expressive form than
the former.
So with man and his environment.
They are both manifestations or forms
through which Energy manifests, but man
is a higher or more expressive form and
so has power over the environment.
Right here is where we have to give
consideration to another matter and that
is the “something” which comes and takes
possession of the physical body at birth
and leaves it at death; the “soul” or astral
body and mind of man.
The consciousness, the intellect, the
human mind of man, which comes into
action through the life imparted to the
physical body by the advent of the soul,
being of finer form than either the envi¬
ronment or the human body itself, has

still greater power to use Energy in both

the body and environment than has the
consciousness or intelligence of either the
atoms of the environment or the cells of
the human body.
Through this consciousness or intellect
the human mind by its use of Energy can
produce, consciously or unconsciously, any
kind of an action or reaction (manifesta¬
tion) in its body or environment it may
Man is now and always has been a
free agent to use Energy in any way he
might desire, and he always will continue
to possess this power whenever he is ready
to exercise it.
Man has never been bound nor limited
in any way except by the Laws he has
ignorantly and unconsciously made for
himself, and he is just now coming into

an understanding where he is beginning to

see this truth.
When man found himself in his Para¬
dise, perfect in both human body and en¬
vironment, what did he do?
Just what every man and woman does
to-day when he finds himself in a similar
There are children born to-day who are
perfect in physical body and have a Para¬
dise for their environment, and they are
no different to-day in their Garden of
Eden than were Adam and Eve of old.
The first thing the child does, whether
born into a perfect or an imperfect envi¬
ronment or whether possessed of a perfect
or a diseased physical body, is to attempt
to express Energy in some way.
Man’s first use of Energy along any
line with which he is not familiar is always

awkward, clumsy, crude, uncouth, de¬

Take the child learning to use its hands
or feet, or learning to talk, or to crawl or
Take the “grown ups” learning art,
music, any profession or a trade of any
No matter whether it is in the child
just born or in the man of mature years,
the result is always the same, viz.: that
man’s first use of Energy along any line
new to him is always imperfect or destruc¬
tive in its effect.
This is not because man is inherently
vile, wicked, sinful, vicious, nor because of
any “original sin” which his ancestors
have committed but because he is ignorant
and it is natural law to obtain imperfect
effects from imperfect causes.

Man wants knowledge, wisdom, under¬

standing. He wants to become “wise like
the gods.”
Instinctively and intuitively he knows
that only by using or expressing Energy
will he ever obtain any knowledge, wisdom
and understanding.
Were it not for this same eternal unrest
in the consciousness manifesting in and
through all forms of life there would be
no further growth nor unfoldment. Stag¬
nation and then complete inertia or death
would be the final result.
While it is true that it is natural law
for the results of man’s first use of
Energy along any line new to him to be
imperfect, this is only true as long as man
remains in that lesser state of conscious¬
When man recognizes his own power

as the Master of all these lesser forms of

manifestation, and recognizes that this
power is his because of the oneness of all
life; that the Energy back of all manifes¬
tation or form is universal, and then uses
his knowledge, wisdom and understanding
to direct Energy along harmonious and
constructive lines with the power of his
consciousness which he has created by his
human mind, there is nothing impossible
of his accomplishment and he can reach
out into the universal currents from
whence came all the knowledge, wisdom
and understanding of the Universe and
draw therefrom any special knowledge
along any line he may desire.
The years spent in learning the tech¬
nique of music; arty oratory; in the learn-
ing of any professiony trade, business, etc.,
may all be spanned in a moment when

man learns of his own power and how to

use it.
This is not accomplished by destroy¬
ing nor annihilating any law but by using
the finer methods of manipulating laws
and so rising above their physical and
mental effects.
The United States has achieved a repu¬
tation of having a greater power of accom¬
plishment than any other Nation in the
This reputation has not been gained
because Americans were inherently any
smarter than are the people of other Na¬
tions but because Americans, by reason
of their greater freedom in consciousness,
in their thought world—have been able to
express themselves more freely, i.e., to use
Energy more freely, and so have unfolded
and developed faster by reason thereof

than have the people of other Nations as

a class.
In order for us to better understand
the relationship between Energy and its
manifestations, and the control and direc¬
tion of these manifestations by the power
of a consciousness created from the
thoughts we think, let us take electricity
as being symbolic of Energy.
Man through the use of machinery
created as the product of his conscious
thought is able to use electricity to either
create more forms or to destroy them.
Whether or not he uses electricity to
create or destroy is entirely within and
under the control of his human mind.
By moving a simple little switch in one
direction he can start the wheels of com¬
merce moving across a continent and in
the creation of new forms which will add

to the health, wealth, joy, happiness, un-

foldment and development of millions of
human beings and prolong their human
life, and then by moving this same little
switch in the opposite direction he can
send other millions of human beings out
of their physical body and destroy them.
In both cases the same electricity was used
and the same brain or human mind con¬
We can readily see that electricity
(Energy) was neither “good” nor “bad.”
The human mind which directed its use
was neither “good” nor “bad.” But the
effects (manifestations) of the one is
called “good,” and that of the other
We can readily see from this illustra¬
tion how it is that man, living in the con¬
sciousness of a science, philosophy, and a

religion which is founded on the manifes¬

tations of Energy creates his own “good
and bad,” or “God and Devil,” as the
result of the effects of these manifesta¬
tions, but that when he learns the greater
truth and founds his science, philosophy,
and religion on the Energy itself he sees
that “All is good,” and that the only way
he can learn to express Energy harmo¬
niously and constructively so that its
effects will always be good, is to de¬
velop or grow a consciousness of “good¬
ness” or harmony out of the experiences
he obtains from his destructive use of
Just as man can control the manifesta¬
tions of electricity (Energy) through
machinery operated by the human mind,
so can he control the manifestations of
Energy in their relationship to his physi-

cal body and environment by the power

of his human mind.
This power is the consciousness—
thought habits—he creates by the
thoughts he thinks.
Thinking one thought for a moment
or even a day, week or month, does not
necessarily create a thought habit or con¬
sciousness, but the continued concentra¬
tion of thought along any particular line
does finally create a thought habit or con¬
sciousness to correspond with such con¬
centration, and this is what is necessary
to do.
It has always been difficult for the un¬
developed soul to analyze and perceive
the difference between the form and the
Energy manifesting through it, and that
is why man has built all of his science,
philosophy and religion on the manifesto,-

tions of Energy instead of upon Energy

While such souls were ready to accept
the monism or “oneness” of a personal
God—a God of form—they could not con¬
ceive of a “God of form” who possessed
all power, all knowledge, and who was
present everywhere, permitting the igno¬
rant anddestructive manifestations of
Energy which man sees on every side,
and so such souls had to have a Devil
created for their special purposes in order
to have some one or something, other than
their God of form, responsible for all the
destructive manifestations.
Through the destructive use of Energy
in his desire for knowledge man igno¬
rantly and unconsciously begins to set
causes in motion which takes him away
from his Paradise (perfect condition of

body and environment where he has an

abundance of everything; health, wealth,
love, friends, joy, happiness, strength,
courage, harmony), and out into the
world of sickness, poverty, hate, sorrow,
weakness, fear, lack and inharmony.
All life is a series of circles or cycles
and this condition of lack and inharmony,
or the state of consciousness which 'pro¬
duced it, does not cease at the death of
the physical body but continues on in the
astral world during the periods between
The result is that when the soul or astral
form reincarnates it relates with the
kind of a physical body and environment
which accords with such states of con¬
sciousness or causes.
We can find all grades of environment
here in the externa] world from the

heavenly Paradise of the abundance of

everything, to the lowest hell of lack.
The writer of the first chapter of Gene¬
sis says that man was created with all
power over everything else in the world.
Should we blindly accept this state¬
ment as being true, without seeing for
ourselves its truth as taught herein, we
would still find man responsible for what¬
ever environment with which he related.
Having learned that each life is respon¬
sible for its own environment and know¬
ing it is entirely in our own hands as to
whether or not it is changed, we then
come to the question of
How can we change our environment
so as to take us away from the hells of
our yesterdays and make a Paradise of
our to-days?
We should remember that there are

always two manifestations of Energy:

action and reaction.
There is also two manifestations of the
Universal Law by which the “action and
reaction” may be had, viz.: The Law of
Harmony and the Law of Force, or at¬
traction and compulsion.
The Law of Harmony or attraction is
where action and reaction are mutual or
The Law of Force or compulsion is
where action and reaction are not mutual
or equal.
“Like attracts like,” and “Like creates
like” under both of these manifestations.
Strikes, boycotts, sweating, profiteer¬
ing, any form or method of compulsion,
either physical or mental, is using the Law
of Force.
To persuade, to “convert,” to hypno-

tize, or in any manner attempt to control

the action of another is using the Law of
The use of the Law of Force or com¬
pulsion is always destructive in its effects
no matter how constructive the motive
back of its use may be.
The destructive or inharmonious use of
Energy is a part of the soul’s growth and
unfoldment when it will not learn in any
other way.
In gaining knowledge, wisdom and un¬
derstanding through such growth and un¬
foldment of the soul man finally learns
his greatest lesson which is that of Har¬
He learns that the more harmonious he
becomes in his thought habits and the con*
sciousness created by them, the deeper
becomes his understanding and the more

perfect becomes his body and environ¬

This result is obtained because he
attracts it and not because he in any way
forces or compels it.
Man also learns that his thought habits
and the consciousness he creates with them
is the power with which he manipulates
He learns that harmonious effects can
only come from harmonious causes, and
that inharmonious effects can only come
from inharmonious causes.
Man also learns that he can obtain the
material things which go to make his body
arid environment under either the Law of
Harmony or the Law of Force as he may
choose and that the attitude he takes
towards such things and the use he
makes of them will be determined solely

by the Law under which he obtained

When this becomes a truth to him he
then sees that in “changing his environ¬
ment” it is not a question of things (for
he can obtain them under either Law) but
a question of whether he wants a harmo¬
nious or inharmonious environment. That
is the only reel question.
Not long ago there was an account in
the newspapers of a woman who left her
husband because he treated her too well.
She did not want a harmonious environ¬
ment so she went where she could get what
she wanted.
Cases occur quite frequently of women
who love (?) their husbands because the
latter beat them.
Such women prefer an inharmonious
environment and get what they want.

History is replete with cases of men

who love their family so well that they
neglect it in their struggle for the means
with which to provide their loved ones with
all the material things money can pur¬
The strain, the effort, the force, which
such men put into their work to obtain
money always reacts destructively (for we
cannot use Energy destructively or under
the Law of Force without getting the de¬
structive effects) until we learn the great
lesson of our own power and so set new
causes in motion through our constructive
use of Energy which enables us to rise
above the destructive effects of all our old,
ignorant causes.
The thousands of women all over the
world who have gone to the war zone as
nurses, ambulance drivers, etc., are many

times setting destructive causes in motion

which will affect their environment in
future incarnations through the human
sympathy aroused by the dreadful scenes
they witness.
Do not get the idea that I am saying
these women are doing either “right” or
“wrong,” for to judge my fellow-man in
anything he may do is not my province.
I am simply teaching the Law underlying
the change of environment. How any
life shall use this law is a matter for it to
decide, not for me.
Desire of any kind sets causes in motion
(action) which creates the environment
that furnishes man the experiences by
which he obtains knowledge (reaction).
The “reaction” of the environment and
the use man makes of it in time brings

Making union with it, that is, taking a

constructive attitude towards it and so
learning the lesson of harmony it will
teach when man does this, brings under¬
Understanding then enables man to use
Energy consciously and intelligently in
the creation of any kind of environment
he desires.
Man learns that every thought he
thinks aids in creating thought habits or
consciousness and that this is what con¬
trols his relationship with his environment.
Each day, each hour, each minute are
we consciously or unconsciously making,
changing, or continuing our environment.
No matter what we may have made it
in the past we can begin NOW to con¬
sciously make it what we want for the

Has it been filled with hate? Then

begin to fill it with kindness.
Has it been filled with fear? Then
begin to fill it with courage.
Has it been filled with sickness? Then
begin to fill it with health.
Has it been filled with poverty? Then
begin to fill it with wealth.
Has it been filled with failure? Then
begin to fill it with success?
Has it been filled with misery? Then
begin to fill it with happiness.
Has it been filled with weakness ? Then
begin to fill it with strength.
Has it been filled with inharmony?
Then begin to fill it with harmony.
We can be what we will to be and
no life is so weak and impotent but
what it can begin to fill its thought
world NOW with what it wants, no

matter how weak or feeble the begin¬

ning may be.
Each soul is the architect of its own
body and environment and when it finds
the plans of its past are faulty it can
change them whenever it will.
We never lack for a teacher to guide
and direct us whenever we are ready to
Whenever that time arrives we are
either led to relate with the one who can
teach us or else our own soul gives us
the revelation direct from the one great
It is never too late to begin our work
of change, and under the Law of Har¬
mony we can transmute any environment
into a Paradise.
Copyright 1919. F. W. Sears, M.P. All rights reserved.


by F. W. Sears, M. P.

We are all more or less familiar with

the word “personality” as applied to man
and have referred to some persons as those
who had a strong or powerful personality,
and to others as having a weak or self-
effacing personality.
Man is such a composite being that the
average person lumps all of his character¬
istics into one heap and calls them his
As a matter of fact man is composed of
as many different “personalities” as he
has had incarnations.
No two of these “personalities” have
ever been exactly alike any more than two

suits of clothes or two gowns are ever just

exactly alike.
Just as man’s clothing has accentuated
his physical beauty and hidden its defects
on the one hand, or accentuated his defects
and hidden his physical beauty, according
to the kind, quality and make of his cloth¬
So has his Personality brought out and
accentuated the high lights of his charac¬
ter and covered up the dark spots, or else
covered up the high lights of his character
and brought out into greater prominence
the dark spots.
Which it will be in any case is always
determined by the use his Personality and
its human mind in any incarnation makes
of Energy.
What is Personality?
The dictionary says that it is: “The

essential character of a person as distin¬

guished from a thing. Existence of a
self-conscious being. Personal qualities
or endowments considered collectively.”
Man is accustomed to considering man
as being simply man, just as an automobile
is simply an automobile.
He does not consider that an automo¬
bile is composed of chassis, body, engine
and driver. (I include the driver for with¬
out him the automobile is dead just as man
is dead without his soul or astral body.)
Neither does he consider that man is
composed not only of the human or physi¬
cal body, but also of all his internal organs
(the engine) and that “something else”
which comes and takes possession of the
physical body at its birth and leaves it at
death and which man has variously called
soul, ego, astral body, and Individuality.

The Sears Philosophy teaches that man

is dualistic in his oneness; that he is
composed of two separate and distinct
beings, viz.: the Personality and the
Individuality, whose functions while
similar in some respects differ greatly
in others.
The definition which the Sears Philoso¬
phy places on these two terms is as fol¬
Personality is the material man whose
home is in the material world and who
manifests on the physical and mental
planes only.
Personality is the external or human
Individuality is the ethereal man whose
home is on the astral and other planes of
finer material, and who manifests in the
material world only by either incarnating

in or taking possession of some physical

Individuality is the internal or divine
man; the soul; the ego; the astral man.
The word “divine” does not necessarily
mean something better but rather some¬
thing composed of finer material, some¬
thing more vibrant and therefore less
The Individuality and Personality in
their relationship with each other are
something like man and the automobile.
We may have a most perfect car in
every respect in design, construction,
workmanship and with the very best en¬
gine made, but it will not run. Why?
Simply because it requires Energy
manifesting in some still finer form than
its own to be brought into combination
with it, and until this is brought about by

man learning to drive the car it remains

dead, that is it will not run.
Man’s first attempt to run a car is like
the Individuality’s first attempt to run the
physical body in the infancy of the latter.
Intelligent man is just as much an in¬
fant in his relationship to an automobile
when he first attempts to run one as he
is when his Individuality attempts to run
his physical body and Personality when
his physical body is first born.
The question might be asked right here
as to how these two separate beings—the
Personality and Individuality—get to¬
We are all familiar with the first three
dimensions of space: length, breadth and
thickness, but few are familiar with or
have any knowledge of the fourth and
other dimensions.

This is not because we cannot all be¬

come familiar with the fourth and other
dimensions but it is because we have not
done so.
It requires finer faculties than those of
the purely physical and mental planes to
contact the fourth and still finer dimen¬
sions of space, and the matter contained
** therein.
But man has developed his mentality
while still remaining largely on the physi¬
cal plane of consciousness, and so can he
develop the still finer faculties than his
mentality with which he can cognize still
finer worlds.
The fourth dimension of space is what
we may describe as the interpenetration of
matter, that is, two different bodies oc¬
cupying exactly the same space at the
same time.

It is a well accepted truth that two dif¬

ferent bodies of the same or similar den¬
sity cannot occupy exactly the same space
at the same time.
But the density of one or both may be
increased or diminished to a point where
it becomes possible for
Two different bodies of different den¬
sity to occupy exactly the same space at
the same time.
A simple illustration of this truth,
which is so common that we have always
taken it as a matter of course without
ever dreaming of its great significance, is
the action of sugar and water when
brought together.
Whichever one dominates “absorbs”
the other without increasing the space
occupied by the dominating one.
Dip a lump of sugar in water and then

take it out and we find that the space

occupied by the sugar is not increased
any by the water which is added, although
the water is diminished by just the amount
which the sugar has “absorbed/’
On the other hand put a teaspoonful of
sugar in a glass of water, stir it until fully
dissolved or “absorbed” by the water and
we find the same result, viz., that the
space occupied by the water has not been
increased any but the space occupied by
the sugar has been diminished by just one
As “Nature abhors a vacuum” it is evi¬
dent that the space heretofore occupied by
the water in the first instance and the
sugar in the second one was filled with
something else besides the water or sugar,
and that such “something else” was of

much finer material than either the water

or sugar.
Again take two drugs, both of which
are solids, put them in a mortar, rub them
together with a pestle and we produce a
liquid which occupies a less space than the
two solids did before.
These two illustrations demonstrate
the fact that either a vacuum which
is absolute, perfect and complete,
exists in space or else all space is occu¬
pied by two or more bodies of differ¬
ent density.
Our study of physics has taught us that
no such thing as a perfect vacuum exists
and we can therefore conclude that the
latter proposition is true, viz.: that all
space is occupied by material of different
density all of which, except a very limited
amount, vibrates at a rate which our

physical and mental faculties are not able

to discern.
We know that at the period called birth
something comes and takes possession of
the physical body and remains with it until
the period we call death.
When this something does not take
possession of the physical body at birth
we have what is called a “still birth,” or a
dead baby.
This something is the astral body, ego,
soul, or Individuality, call it what we
The relationship between the physical
and astral bodies is similar to that between
the automobile and driver.
The automobile will not run without the
driver, and neither will the physical body
run without the astral body.
The physical and astral bodies are both

composed of the same original substance

but they vibrate at different rates of
motion and this makes the difference in
their density.
The smallest particle into which science
has been able to divide matter is called the
Electrons form atoms, atoms form
molecules, and molecules form the myriad
different kinds of matter in the mineral,
vegetable, animal and human kingdoms as
well as matter on the unseen side of life.
Each form from the electron on up the
scale to the largest form of matter is a
separate vehicle through which Energy
and intelligence manifest.
Each form gives off an essence, vibra¬
tion, or atmosphere which is peculiar to
itself and from which is formed the Mas¬
ter Mind of the combination.

Man’s intellect or human mind mani¬

festing through his physical brain is the
Master Mind of the human body.
Each atom of man’s body is stamped
with the combined consciousness and in¬
telligence imparted to it by his parents.
That is how children partake of or in¬
herit their parents physical and mental
characteristics or their personality.
The physical body, its characteristics
and mentality are the only thing man
“inherits” from the parents of his body.
The astral body, soul, or Individuality
incarnates in that particular human body
as the result of the causes it set in motion
in former incarnations and for no other
Were this not so then this would be a
world of accident, chance, or luck instead
of being a world governed by universal

laws which are unchangeable and immut¬

The Individuality is composed of the
essence of all knowledge, wisdom and un¬
derstanding it has gained in all of the
Personalities in which it has incarnated
through all the ages past and gone.
The Individuality knows all of its for¬
mer incarnations and reveals them to the
human mind of the Personality whenever
the union between the two is sufficiently
harmonious for the latter to understand
and interpret the message of the former.
The object of the Individuality in incar¬
nating in human form is two-fold:
First.—To gain experience and there¬
fore knowledge, wisdom and understand¬
ing of life through expressing its desires
in matter, and
Second.—To aid in refining and trans-

muting matter from a lesser to a greater

In studying the characteristics of the
Personality and Individuality we find that
while similar in manifestation they are op¬
posite in expression.
The four principal characteristics of the
Personality are:
Aggrandizement of the human self or
personal I.
Attaining power through manipulating
form (people and things) by force.
Purely material although sometimes
claiming great spirituality.
Limited by form, ceremony, conven¬
tionalities, precedent.
The aggrandizement of the human self
or the personal I calls for the creation of
some still greater power as “authority,”
and it was from such a consciousness th^t

the personal God was born, created in the

image and likeness of its progenitor but
with superhuman power and ability to use
The obtaining of power through man¬
ipulating form (people and things) by
force requires the enslavement of man by
the superior force.
This results in man worshiping such
superior force and making an idol of it,
whether such superior force be called God,
Saviour, King, Emperor, Pope, or some
leader in the financial, business, profes¬
sional, political, social or artistic world.
The Personality is always a materialist
because being purely of physical and men¬
tal origin it has never lived before and
never will again in its particular form. It
therefore of itself cannot perceive of any
other world or plane of consciousness

except the physical and mental ones with

which it is familiar.
The Personality is always limited by
form, ceremony, conventionalities, prece¬
dent, because its consciousness is limited
to the physical and mental planes which in
turn are limited by the material forms of
the first three dimensions of space and
cannot comprehend the other dimensions
which are finer than these.
The characteristics of the Individuality
are opposite in their expression to those of
the Personality.
There is no self-aggrandizement of the
This attitude is not to be confounded
with the negativeness of the Personality
which begins to manifest after incarna¬
tions of self-aggrandizement.
There is no self-aggrandizement of the

Individuality and neither is there any

belittlement or self-abasement.
There is a recognition of its own God-
hood, the oneness of all life, and that the
human body is only one of many vehicles
through which Energy manifests.
How perfect a vehicle it becomes for
such manifestation is dependent solely on
how harmonious and constructive is the
union between the Personality and Indi¬
The Individuality recognizes that real
power can only be obtained by the Law
of Harmonious Attraction through the
manipulation of Energy rather than form
(people and things).
The Individuality recognizes the planes
of consciousness and the dimensions of
space beyond the first three of the ma¬
terial world, their finer matter and the

finer methods necessary to relate with

The Individuality is limitless, relatively
speaking, as compared with the Person¬
ality because of its bigger vision, greater
illumination and deeper understanding of
finer methods.
The Personality sees itself as the power
which controls and manipulates force
rather than as the vehicle through which
it is used.
The Personality is like an automobile
without a driver or with an inexperienced
one. The latter causes no more wrecks
to the car nor damage to its engine and
equipment than does the Personality cause
to the physical body and its environment.
In fact one is much safer in an auto¬
mobile with an inexperienced driver
than he is following the guidance of

one who only lives in the power of

his Personality to the exclusion of the
Personality controls in all cases of
anger, hate, worry, fear, anxiety, condem¬
nation, criticism, “righteous indignation,”
jealousy, envy, self-pity, self-abasement,
self-effacement, and all other destructive
thought emotions.
It is the Personality which is the
hypnotizer and the hyptonized, for it
knows no other law than that of
force or compulsion of some kind or
The Personality is influenced and con¬
trolled by its cell consciousness. This is
evidenced by the effect an anaesthetic has
on the physical body.
Personal magnetism is a purely physi¬
cal vibration of the atoms of the body plus

the mentality of the human mind. It is

strong or weak according to the mental
power exercised back of it.
In the Individuality this same vibration
is raised to an entirely different plane of
consciousness and instead of drawing peo¬
ple and things to it as does the Person¬
ality, like a magnet draws the steel even
against the latter’s will, it attracts people
and things because they want to come and
not because the Individuality makes them
The attraction is mutual because of an
innate recognition of their oneness, while
with the Personality it is one-sided be¬
cause of a recognition of their separate¬
The consciousness formed from the
traits of character and habits of the Per¬
sonality is transmitted to the Individuality

and so carried over from incarnation to

incarnation and is either accentuated or
displaced according to the use the Person¬
ality of each incarnation makes of Energy.
The strongest of these characteristics
persist and cause astral body, soul, or ego
to incarnate in such physical body and en¬
vironment as will enable it to intensify
or transmute these characteristics accord¬
ing to the real want of the soul.
A case came under my notice some time
since which illustrates how strong some of
these habits and characteristics become.
This case was that of a baby less than
a year old which would not stop crying
unless given a lighted cigar and allowed
to smoke.
We all know of families where there is
the greatest harmony and love between
all its members; also of other families

where there is the greatest hate and in¬

This condition is not the result of acci¬
dent, chance, or luck, but comes as the
effect of natural law in each case, the
effect of the causes the members of each
family had set in motion in former incar¬
Is love or hate the real want of the
Then we incarnate in a family and
environment which will produce the de¬
sired result, and we remain in such fam¬
ilies and environments incarnation after
incarnation until we have had enough of it.
“The cure of the thing is in the thing
itself,” we have been told and no truer
saying has ever been formulated.
Is place, power and position the real

Is wealth, health, love the real want?

Is an easy life with no cares nor respon¬
sibilities, or an active life the all compell¬
ing desire?
Is the highest, best and most harmo¬
nious and most constructive expression of
life the soul’s desire?
Our life in each incarnation is deter¬
mined by the influence wielded by the
Personality and Individuality. Which
All of our experiences are only steps
on our pathway towards the perfect union
between them which is the ultimate desire
of the soul.
The power of Personality in its sepa¬
rateness or undeveloped stage is force;
physical, mental or both.
It remains force and continues to make
for separation instead of union as long as

man continues to limit himself in his con¬

sciousness to the physical and mental
What then is the remedy for this igno¬
rant and undeveloped condition of man?
What must man do to lift himself out
of these lesser and limited planes of con¬
sciousness into the larger and more un¬
limited ones?
What are the finer methods he must use
in order to accomplish this result?
Our first step is to realize that it is not
the act or the thing itself but the con¬
sciousness back of it which determines
whether its effect is that which we call
“good” or “bad.”
The next step is to organize in our con¬
sciousness a working union between our
Personality and Individuality.
Begin the creation of a consciousness

and thought habit of harmony so that this

new consciousness and thought habit of
harmony will underlie and color every
thought which comes to us with its har¬
mony instead of with its old inharmony.
See the good, the harmonious, the con¬
structive side of everything, instead of the
inharmonious and destructive side.
Believe in and begin to grow larger,
greater, bigger and more harmonious
ideals of all kinds.
Believe in the possibility of material¬
izing them ourselves as well as by others.
Cease the building of idols by ceasing
to worship ideals.
One of the greatest weaknesses of the
Personality is the worshiping of ideals
and so making idols of them.
It is constructive to live in the con¬
sciousness of our oneness with our ideals

and so make them real to us here in the

material world.
But when we live in the consciousness
of our separation from them we uncon¬
sciously turn them into idols to be wor¬
shiped but never attained.
This is why the Personality, when it
begins to grow, must first have a personal
God, a God of form to worship and adore,
and because of this fact we should never
attempt to convert such a person. When
he is ready for a greater conception of
God he will convert himself and never
We have a perfect right and it is always
constructive to teach those who want to
learn but should always do so with a con¬
sciousness free from any desire to force
the bigger Truth upon them.
We should learn to remove each day

from our consciousness some of the old

debris, some of the mental limitations,
which have been binding and enslaving us.
Our ultimate destiny here in the ma¬
terial world is for our Personality to be¬
come the greatest vehicle possible through
which the Individuality may express.
This can only be accomplished through
their complete and harmonious union in
This is what the man Jesus meant when
he said “My Father in me and I in him.”
That is “My Individuality in my Per¬
sonality and my Personality in my Indi¬
viduality.” One perfect and complete
union between them.
“The Father’s will is my will and my
will the Father’s” is only another way of
stating this same truth.
The Individuality’s will is the Person-

ality’s will, and the Personality’s will is

the Individuality’s will.” No separation
in consciousness between them.
It does not mean that our personal will
is to be made subordinate to the will of
some superior being outside of and sepa¬
rate and distinct from us.
This latter interpretation is only the
small, narrow, limited conception of the
Personality which cannot see nor under¬
stand the larger interpretation of the
“I and my Father are one,” is still
another way of stating this same truth.
“My Personality and Individuality are
one” is the larger conception which comes
from the deeper understanding.
This union between the Personality and
Individuality begins externally at birth
with the union of the physical and astral

bodies but it is not to stop there; it is to

be made internal, in the consciousness of
There is to be no separation anywhere
between the Personality and Individu¬
ality; they are to be interchangeable, in-
terpenetrable; a perfect union in every
The real Power of the Personality lies
in this perfect and complete union.
When this is accomplished nothing is
impossible for such a life; nothing can cir¬
cumvent it; nothing overpower it.
We become in truth masters of our own
destiny and have power over everything
in the material world.
Copyright 1919. F. W. Sears, M.P. All rights reserved.


by F. W. Sears, M. P.

We are all familiar with the father who

slaves and toils that his wife and children
may have the comforts and pleasures he
denies to himself.
We know too the mother who works
and scrimps and saves in every conceiv¬
able way, not only denying herself the
comforts and pleasures of life but oft-
times the necessities, and even sacrifices
her health that her son may go to college
or her daughter be a lady.
We have heard of the son, whose father
failed in business and lost his health, who
gave up his college and future career,
came home and went to work in order that

he might be with his parents to care and

comfort them in their sickness and misery.
We are not unfamiliar with the daugh¬
ter who sacrifices herself by giving up her
opportunity for an education in order that
her younger sister might profit thereby,
or that the money necessary for it might
go to the purchase of that which would
make the life of an invalid mother easier.
The fireman who in the discharge of his
duty enters a burning building and at the
risk of his own life saves that of a perfect
stranger is too well known to be omitted
from our list.
The policeman who stops a runaway
horse, or who captures a thief or murderer
at the risk of his life has always been the
object of our admiration.
The coast guards who brave the stormy
waves in all kinds of weather and perform

a most wonderful service in the saving of

human life at the risk of their own have
been made known to us in both song and
story, no matter how far from the shores
of the sea we may have lived.
The many heroic deeds of our own
brave soldier boys who “went over the
top” and gave their all to “make the world
safe for democracy” have been recounted
to us from time to time and aroused
in us not only our admiration but our
full appreciation of the great work
they did.
The early Christians who were fed to
the wild beasts in the arena by their
pagan masters of Rome because they
would not give up their conception of
The martyrs of later ages who felt the
caressing touches of the Spanish inquisi-

tion or fed the flames at the stake at the

behest of the authorities of the Roman
Catholic Church because they refused to
subscribe to its tenets and authority ;
The more than a million of Armenians
who died during the recent war because
they refused to accept Allah as their God;
The martyrs in all ages who have sac¬
rificed themselves for a principle.
All these and millions of other heroic
deeds of unselfish sacrifice both in peace
and war which have been repeated over
and over again in various ways a multi¬
tude of times by countless souls since time
began and have excited our admiration
and commendation.
All these great and wonderful deeds of
heroism and self-sacrifice have been pro¬
claimed by man as the acme of human

And so they are when viewed only from

the human or mental plane of conscious¬
Then there is what is called the world’s
supreme sacrifice and its most illustrious
example of unselfishness, according to
Christian teaching, the giving up of his
human life by Jesus “the only son of the
living God” that the world might be saved
from its sins.
Accepting for the moment the truth of
the story of Jesus in the Garden of Geth-
semane and his crucifixion, and the inter¬
pretation which the Christian church has
placed upon it, this question might well
be asked:
Was the giving up of his human life
by Jesus “the only son of the living God”
in order that the world might be saved
from its sins as great a sacrifice and as

unselfish a manifestation as the Church

has claimed?
Is there any one among you who read
this who would not willingly suffer him¬
self to be crucified was he sure of such a
reward coming to him as that the Church
claims for Jesus, viz.: “A seat on the great
white throne at the right hand of God,
ruling heaven jointly with God and re¬
ceiving the praises and blessings of all
their followers throughout all eternity?”
Is there any one among you who
would not willingly suffer himself to be
crucified was he sure that by such act he
could save all of mankind to-day, let
alone those who might be born in the
future, from all the sorrow, pain, suffer¬
ing, misery of their sins, even though you
yourself had no chance to occupy a seat
“on the great white throne and at the right

hand of God,” and your only reward was

an ignominious death and a consciousness
of its being a “blessed privilege” to give
your life for such a cause?
Is there a one of you who could he save
the world from all its pain, suffering, sor¬
row, misery, degradation, anguish, sick¬
ness, poverty, hate, envy, jealousy, anger,
fear, slavery, and all the rest of its sins, by
the giving up of a suit of clothes or a
dress you had worn for years would not
willingly and gladly do so?
That is in reality all that Jesus did.
As “the only son of the living God”
Jesus had full knowledge of his future.
He knew that his human body was only
an outer covering for his soul or astral
body, just as your suit of clothes or dress
is only an outer covering for your human

He knew, according to Christian teach¬

ing, that immediately after his crucifixion
he would ascend to heaven and occupy a
seat on the great white throne at the right
hand side of God and forever afterwards,
throughout all eternity, receive the bless¬
ings and praises of those whom he had
He knew, according to Christian teach¬
ing, that with the crucifixion of his human
body his period of pain and suffering was
forever over and that for all eternity there
would only be the greatest joy and happi¬
ness for him.
He knew all this at the time he went
to the Garden of Gethsemane, according
to Christian teaching, and yet he spent
hours there in sorrow and misery, praying
to God that “this cup might pass from

Compare the history of Jesus and the

interpretation thereof, as taught by the
Christian Church, with that of our soldier
boys who perished on the battlefields of
Each one gave up home, country,
friends, family, loved ones, his all, not just
simply his human life but every hope, am¬
bition, every aim in life, his all, that the
world might be saved from its sins.
Each one gave up his all without ask¬
ing even that “this cup might pass from
Each one gave up his all without know¬
ing, as did Jesus, what the future had in
store for him or even whether there was
any future or only oblivion for him.
Which was the greater sacrifice?
Which was the greater manifestation of

And what are some of the sins of the

world for which man has given up his life
in all the ages past and gone?
Autocracy, militarism, anger, hate, con¬
demnation, criticism, envy, jealousy,
righteous indignation, fear, worry, anx¬
iety, self-pity, human sympathy, resent¬
ment, resistance; everything that is sym¬
bolical of the Law of Force.
It is this ignorant and undeveloped
consciousness in man which has caused him
to commit all of the so-called sins, and
it was to save the world from the effects
of these sins that the United States en¬
tered the great world war and our brave
boys gave up their human lives.
Every martyr, every human soul, that
has ever given up its human life for some
great ideal has sacrificed it that the world
might be saved from its sins (which are

the lesser ideals) and so shown its great

human unselfishness.
But why be a martyr?
Why be crucified?
Why be sacrificed?
Why not live for our ideals instead of
dying for them?
Why not live and make our ideals real?
Why not live and teach the world how
to save itself from its sins instead of lay¬
ing down this body of flesh in death and
so deprive the world of our services?
The reason man has not done this in
the past is because human selfishness finds
greater glory in being a martyr, in being
sacrificed, in being crucified.
There is not nearly as much glory in
living as in dying.
It is only after we are dead that our
grave is bedecked with flowers and our

virtues proclaimed by the world in both

song and story.
It is so easy to die and end our human
suffering and so hard to live and endure
or rise above its effects.
Only the life which is firmly anchored
in its consciousness of the Law of Har¬
mony and by which it has been able to
transcend the human selfishness and come
into its oneness with the divine selfishness,
finds itself able to refuse the alluring
temptation to become a martyr to its prin¬
ciples and offer itself up as a sacrifice and
a vicarious atonement for the world’s sins.
Such a life refuses to permit the world
to crucify it for it knows that every such
crucifixion only retards the world’s prog¬
ress just that much and that the salvation
of the world depends upon our living, not
upon our dying.

Human man with his human selfishness

wants to leave a name which will be glori¬
fied by future generations.
He wants to be remembered for the
deeds which will win the world’s appro¬
He wants to leave behind him a repu¬
tation which the world will praise, applaud
and point to as that to be followed.
The character back of that reputation is
only of secondary importance to him.
What reward does the father, mother,
son, daughter, Fireman, Policeman, Coast
Guard, Soldier, Martyr, Saviour receive
here and now?
“None except the reputation of doing
good, the consciousness of having per¬
formed his duty, and the belief he will go
to heaven,” you say.
In your answer lies the secret of the

human selfishness rather than the unsel¬

Each does the thing which gives him the
greatest degree of satisfaction under the
existing circumstances and conditions.
What is selfishness?
The dictionary says that selfishness is
“Caring only for self; influenced solely or
chiefly by motive of personal or private
pleasure or advantage.”
It further says that unselfishness is the
“Caring for others; generous; the opposite
of selfishness.”
An analysis of the definition of these
two words shows us that unselfishness is
the “opposite of selfishness” only in the
external action, and has no reference to
the consciousness or thought back of the
Why do we “care for others?”

Simply because we derive greater pleas¬

ure in so doing than we do in caring for
Why are we “generous?”
Simply because it gives us greater
pleasure to be generous than it does not
to be.
It is self-evident then that in the last
analysis there is no such a thing as “un¬
All so-called “unselfishness” is only a
manifestation of some form of selfish¬
What then is the difference between the
selfish person and the so-called unselfish
The selfish person expresses himself.
The so-called unselfish one represses
himself and expresses some one else.
According to the Christian teaching

Jesus repressed himself and expressed

God’s will in the crucifixion. He said:
“Thy will not mine be done.”
There is no such thing as unselfishness,
but there are
Two kinds of selfishness: Human and
That which makes the difference be¬
tween them is not the act itself but the
consciousness and thought habit back of
the act.
Human selfishness is backed by the con¬
sciousness which looks first for results.
“What will people say or think?” is its
first question.
Its actions are always based on policy;
it gives all power to the act itself and none
to the consciousness or thought which in¬
spired the act.
Divine selfishness is backed by the con-

sciousness which bases its action on

It never takes into consideration what
people may say or think.
Its only concern is to “Let that which
it does be done only because it is the high¬
est, best and greatest thing it knows how
to do,” and so develops a consciousness
and thought habit which will enable it to
constantly grow and unfold a better and
still better “know how.”
Human selfishness makes a martyr of
itself, sacrifices and crucifies itself in order
that it may “save the world from its sins”
in its own particular way which it thinks
and claims is the only way.
Divine selfishness knows that no soul is
ever lost and therefore no soul is ever
“saved,” but that each soul has a right to
learn its lessons in its way even though

its way may take it down into the very

depths of hell.
Divine selfishness never becomes a mar¬
tyr to its truths, neither does it ever sac¬
rifice or crucify itself but instead it turns
each opportunity to do these tilings into
a “blessed privilege” and so finds that the
martyrdom, the sacrifice, the crucifixion is
neither necessary nor required.
The father, mother, son, daughter, fire¬
man, policeman, coast guard, martyr,
saviour who do for others either because
of duty or of blood ties are all humanly
selfish in their so-called unselfishness.
Those who do these same things as a
((hlessed privilege” are divinely selfish in
their so-called unselfishness.
Again would I emphasize the great
truth that it is not the act but the con¬
sciousness and thought habit back of the

act which determines its quality or effect.

Divine selfishness has a conscious or un¬
conscious recognition of the oneness of all
Whatever it does it does solely with
the consciousness of its being a “blessed
Have you read and did you absorb the
incident referred to in my book on
“Everyday Experiences” under the title
of “Blessed Privilege?” You should do
so at once.
The attitude of the United States in the
great world war as compared with that
of other nations illustrates the difference
between human and divine selfishness.
The United States entered the war
solely to aid in freeing the world from au¬
tocracy, the symbol of the Law of Force.
It asked no reward of any kind, not even

to be reimbursed for its expenses or the

injury its citizens sustained.
The ideal of Germany under the Kaiser
was: All for the State. The State in such
cases means the ruling power. That those
who govern are the masters. The people
are subordinate to and the slaves of the
State. This is autocracy, the rule of the
Law of Force and is humanly selfish.
The ideal of the United States is: All
for the people. The people are the mas¬
ters and the State, or those who officially
conduct the business of the State, are the
servants of and subordinate to the people.
This is Democracy, the rule of the Law of
Harmonious Attraction and is divinely
The ideal of every religious creed and
dogma throughout all the ages has been
and still is: All for God. The people are

subordinate to and the slaves of God the

In the religious world God, the auto¬
crat, takes the place of State, the autocrat
in the political world.
All our religions, without a single ex¬
ception, have been and still are humanly
Under these limited ideals of both the
religious and secular worlds man has
grown a consciousness of slavery to his
ideals, worshiped them and so uncon¬
sciously made idols of them.
The Sears Philosophy ideal is: All for
human beings; the people. God—the
great Universal Law—the servant, not
the master, of mankind. This is democ¬
racy and is divinely selfish.
This conception of God being the ser¬
vant to instead of the master of mankind

is so new and revolutionary you may not

accept it at once as being a great truth.
But whether you do or not is for you to
determine, not me.
The man Jesus said: “If I be lifted up
I draw all men unto me.”
What does this mean?
Was Jesus a God? Then it could not
have reference to the God in him being
“lifted up,” and must have referred to the
human man.
Why should the “human man” be
lifted up?
In order that it might become a better
vehicle through which God or Energy
might manifest here in the material world
and so aid others in becoming better
Is the principle or law underlying this
interpretation a reasonable and logical one

and does it apply to all things as well as

to the case in question?
Supposing a piano should say “If I be
lifted up,” that is made a more perfect
and harmonious instrument, “I will draw
all men unto me” through the increased
melody and harmony I will be able to ex¬
press through the perfect artist, the God,
which uses me?
Wouldn’t such a statement be true? and
isn’t it true that the more perfect we make
any material vehicle whether human body,
piano, machine, painting, or what not, the
more harmonious is the expression of
Energy which can be obtained through it.
Not which always is but which can be.
We must get away from our old idol
of a personal God of form before we can
begin to understand the full import of this
great and wonderful truth.

Which is the bigger, the greater, the

more harmonious and constructive ideal?
The one which the religions of the world
have given us of God the master with
man the slave, or duty and its human sel¬
fishness, or the ideal of the Sears Phil¬
osophy with man the master and God—
not a being of form but the great Uni¬
versal Law—the servant, and the con¬
sciousness of a “blessed privilege” with its
divine selfishness?
“Choose ye this day whom ye shall
serve?” It is for each one of you to make
your choice, not me.
Selfishness is a natural part of man
which he has brought along with him
through all his evolutionary unfoldment.
Selfishness is man’s manifestation of
the animal instinct described as the “sur¬
vival of the fittest.”

Whether its effects are constructive or

destructive in our life is determined by
our attitude in making it human or divine.
Our work is to turn all of our selfish¬
ness inward, not outward, and develop a
consciousness and thought habit of such
great harmony that it will make of our
human self the most constructive instru¬
ment possible through which the universal
Energy may manifest, and in so doing we
will transmute the human selfishness into
the divine.
The martyrdom of self, the sacrificing
and crucifying of self will be transmuted
by the blessed privilege which lifts up the
self to where it recognizes its own God-
hood and place here as a vehicle through
which the God manifests.
Copyright 1919. F. W. Seaes, M.P. All rights reserved.



by F. W. Sears, M. P.

We have heard a great deal during the

past year about “Making this World Safe
for Democracy,” but how about “Making
the Next World Safe for Democracy ?”
“We are a short time here and a long
time there” the world has said, so why
shouldn’t “democracy” be equally as good
a thing for the next world as its advocates
claim it to be for this world?
What is meant by the phrase “Making
this world safe for democracy?”
We must understand this first before
we can begin to realize the true import of
our subject.
Let us understand right at the begin-

ning that we have no reference to the

political party here in the United States
which is known as the “Democratic
Party,” but that the word “democracy”
is used in its ethical sense only.
The dictionary says that “democracy”
means: “A state or civil body in which
the people themselves exercise all legisla¬
tive authority, and confer all executive
and judicial powers either by direct col¬
lective action or through elected represen¬
tatives. Political and social equality in
general. A state of society in which no
heredity differences of rank or privilege
are recognized. The opposite of aristoc¬
To put this definition more briefly into
our own language we would say then that
“democracy means a condition of equal¬
ity between all mankind in so far as

opportunity, privilege or power is con¬

In order to get the full import of this
definition we must know what the other
words associated with but opposite to
democracy mean, such as aristocracy, plu¬
tocracy, autocracy.
Briefly, the following is a summary of
their meaning:
Aristocracy means class privilege and
control by those who claim superiority
over others either by reason of their birth,
wealth, education, or the bestowal of some
title upon them by this privileged class.
Plutocracy means special privilege and
control over others by the wealthy class
because of their wealth.
Autocracy means unlimited power and
authority given to or assumed by one
man by reason of his alleged superiority

over others by reason of his birth, his

power to use force to obtain such recog¬
nition, or the bestowal of it upon him by
Saul was made the first king of Israel
because “he was head and shoulders above
all the rest of Israel.”
Saul’s selection as king symbolizes auto¬
cratic power obtained by physical
David was made the second king of
Israel because he, a stripling, weak and
impotent physically, slew the giant Go¬
liath with a pebble in a sling.
David’s selection symbolizes the auto¬
cratic power obtained by the use of mind,
intelligence, over pure physical strength.
Under autocracy the governing officials,
that is the aristocracy or plutocracy, com¬
pose the State and are the masters of the

people who are looked upon only as so

many pawns on the chess board of life for
the use of the autocracy.
Autocracy, plutocracy and aristocracy
base their claims to power entirely upon
their alleged superiority, claiming that the
masses are not qualified to think or act for
themselves but are like ignorant and irre¬
sponsible children who need some one to
manage them.
They are right in this claim for the
masses are not qualified either to think or
act for themselves, otherwise they would
not have permitted autocracy to continue
to do their thinking for them politically,
religiously, or in any other way all these
centuries past and gone.
It is true that the masses are not quali¬
fied to govern themselves, neither is a six
months old baby qualified to walk but the

fact remains that the baby can learn to

walk and does learn to walk when we teach
it and give it the opportunity to learn.
It may fall and hurt itself severely
many times in the process of learning to
walk but by persistent and continuous
practice it finally does learn and is just
as able to walk as is the most expert
So with the masses. They can learn
how to govern themselves when they have
the real want to learn how to think and
act for themselves.
The weak spot in autocracy’s claim is
that it is never willing either to teach the
masses or give them the opportunity to
It is said that under the autocratic gov¬
ernment of the Czar of Russia over 90 per
cent of the people were illiterate.

They not only could neither read nor

write but they knew absolutely nothing
about self government for no attempt had
ever been made to enlighten them by
It is no wonder that in their first at¬
tempts to exercise their new found free¬
dom from autocratic rule they should in¬
dulge in many of the murderous and de¬
structive practices of autocracy.
They had no other example before them
than that which had been given to them
by autocracy.
What right has the world to expect any¬
thing better from them at the start than
from their teachers?
How can the masses ever learn to
govern themselves unless they make the
attempt and continue their practicing
at it no matter how crude, appalling

and destructive the results may be at

“The cure of the thing is in the thing
itself,” and some day, out of all the
horrors of her early attempts at self-gov¬
ernment there will rise up in Russia a new
world, wonderful and glorious in its new
found freedom, for it will have learned its
lesson in going through these days of its
hell and will know that freedom is not
license but rather the growth of a con-
consciousness BIG enough to understand
and live life harmoniously and construc¬
The ideals of autocracy are that the
people are made for the State, the ruling
classes, to be exploited and ruled as slaves.
Under democracy the people control the
State and the officers thereof are the ser¬
vants of the people.

Not the slaves of the people, nor yet

their masters. Not even their rulers, but
their servants.
The ideals of democracy are “All for
the people;” the State being secondary to
the people and only of value as it helps
the people to grow and unfold in their
peaceful development.
Under plutocracy wealth controls no
matter whether form of government is an
aristocracy or democracy, such control
being made through the bribery of the
officials in some form, and these officials
for the time being at least, become auto¬
We want to remember that it is possible
to turn a democracy into an autocracy, or
an autocracy into a democracy, and that
the former is sometimes more easily ac¬
complished than is the latter.

The keynote to autocracy, plutocracy

and aristocracy is special privileges to the
few; separation of people into classes ac¬
cording to wealth, social position and
The keynote to democracy is equality of
power, privilege, opportunity, inherent
ability, and the union of the people
through their increased development and
“All men are born free and equal” is
the ideal that was blazoned to the world
by the greatest political democracy the
world has ever known—the United States
of America.
This does not mean that all men will
use this inherent freedom and equality
along the same lines nor in the same de¬
gree, but it does mean that all possess the
power to do so.

For instance we all possess equal power

to develop the muscles of our arm but we
may not all use this power equally either
in the amount used or in the harmonious
or inharmonious manner used.
It is these two factors which makes the
difference in the development of the
muscles of our arms.
Two persons might even use their
power to develop their muscles equally
but one use this power backed up by an
inharmonious consciousness and thought
habit while the other had a harmonious
The results which would accrue would
be very materially different in these two
The former would develop muscles
which would be ugly and uncouth to
look at and which would ultimately give

way when put to some extra severe

The latter would develop muscles
which would be beautiful and harmonious
to the eye and would be able to stand up
under the most severe test.
Yet each had equal power and ability.
They simply used it differently.
This same thing is true with every other
attribute and faculty possessed by man.
The only thing which makes the differ¬
ence between men is simply the use they
make of their power for it is a truth that
“All men are born free and equal.”
Democracy then is symbolical with free¬
dom and equality.
Every thinking man in the world to-day
is a believer in and an advocate of de¬
mocracy in the political life of the world.
We believe in its justice, its equity,

its wisdom, its freedom which allows

the people to express and to grow and
Why then shouldn’t democracy in the
religious life of the world be equally as
beneficial as in its political life?
Why haven’t the religions of the world
built a heavenly democracy where all man¬
kind may be equal, free and become gods,
as the mythology of ancient days says men
were then,
Instead of the heavenly autocracy which
they have built and given to man with all
its class privilege and autocratic God?
Why has every religion in the past been
an autocracy rather than a democracy ?
Simply because all religions, without
any exception, have been man-made, not
God-made as they have claimed.
Just as the man-made autocracies have

claimed divine authority for their exist¬

So have the man-made religions with
their autocratic God, creed and dogma,
made the same claim for their existence,
and made it for the same reason, viz.:
That they might the more easily im¬
pose it upon ignorant and undeveloped
And the masses have shown their in¬
ability to either think or act for themselves
by swallowing all these claims without
even making a wry face about it.
This acceptance of the claims of both
the political and religious autocratic
worlds by the masses has not been an
It has been only the natural result of
the law man has made for himself uncon¬
sciously, for the masses have ever been

autocratic and plutocratic in their con¬

Always and ever has man endowed his
ideal with qualities it did not possess, and
at the same time has he condemned and-
criticised in his fellow-man that which he
called “bad.”
In other words his autocratic conscious¬
ness had to see what he called both
“good” and “bad” in man in order to re¬
main autocratic.
His democratic consciousness only saw
the “good” which laid back of his every
expression, no matter how crude it was.
It saw in those first expressions of
Energy, which it had called “bad” in the
past, the first steps on its new pathway
to wisdom and understanding, and knew
that in the last analysis “All men were
born free and equal.”

In his ignorance and undevelopment

man has continued to allow the few to do
his thinking even to this day.
The result has been that having failed
to use his thinking faculties they have con¬
tinued to remain undeveloped to any ap¬
preciable extent along religious lines and
only recently have they shown any signs
of awakening along political lines.
Autocratic man therefore created an
ideal—which he called God—in his own
autocratic and plutocratic image and like¬
God did not create man but man created
Man then placed this autocratic and
plutocratic ideal in an isolated corner of
space called heaven; surrounded it with all
the glory and dazzling splendor and riches
of Oriental wealth and imagination,

Then made this ideal an idol, worship¬

ing it as a God, the same as he wor¬
shiped his early ruler no matter by what
name the latter might be called.
Autocratic man limited the participants
of his heaven to the favored few, the privi¬
leged classes, who watched the agonies of
the heretics as they were being done to a
nice brown in the basting ovens of his
Satanic majesty,
Just the same as autocratic man and his
privileged classes watched the agonies of
his exploited slaves here on earth.
Man, the religious autocrat, had to
have an autocrat for his Devil as well as
for his God.
According to all religions heaven, that
is the next world by whatever name it may
be called, is a much better place in which
to live than is earth.

All of autocratic man’s religions, like

his political institutions, depend upon
When there is any thing which he calls
“bad,” he attempts to correct it by re¬
forming the form; that is by making new
laws, rules, regulations, etc.
Why then should not the form of
heaven’s government be an improvement
on that of earth’s?
With heaven under the control of an
autocratic God can its government be any
better than earth’s?
Suppose we should accept as true the
biblical history and its interpretations by
the religions which accept it as the last and
final authority,
Is God the autocrat any improvement
over man the autocrat?
We throw up our hands and roll our

eyes in holy horror over the atrocities of

the Germans under the Kaiser and the
Turks under the Sultan, committed dur¬
ing the great world war by these two sym¬
bols of man the autocrat,
But read the bible; read the sacred
books of any religion and learn of the hor¬
rors committed by God the autocrat as
related therein.
The bible, for instance, tells us how God
led the Jews into slavery in Egypt, then
tortured the Egyptians for a while and
finally murdered their first born before he,
God, would “soften” the Egyptians hearts
sufficiently so they would free the Jews.
Then it goes on to tell how after the
Egyptians had set the Jews free that God
“hardened” their hearts and sent them
after the Jews.
That at the Red Sea God caused the

waters to divide so the Jews could pass

over safely and then caused the waters to
come together again and drown all the
Egyptians who were following them.
Wholesale murder seems to have been
that autocratic God’s chief delight.
Then God murdered the people of the
land of Canaan, desecrated their homes
and destroyed their cities in order to give
their land to the Jews.
All this was done notwithstanding the
fact that there was plenty of vacant land
in the world which God might just as well
have given to the Jews without all this
murder and destruction.
Afterwards God ravished the land and
destroyed the cities of the Jews and
caused them to be carried away into cap¬
tivity to that wickedest of cities, Babylon,
so we are told, in order to reform them.

We are told too how God fed the early

Christians to the wild beasts in the Roman
arenas and how the “pagans” of that day
enjoyed the sport.
How he sent the Christian armies out
to “convert” the pagans or else murder
them. (It seemed to matter little which
Is it any wonder that the God of the
Kaiser did the same to the Belgians and
people of Northern France, or that the
God of the Turks was equally as attentive
to the Armenians?
We laughed when the Kaiser said, “I
und Gott,” and “Gott mit us,” but
Haven’t our autocratic religious and
political rulers always said the same
Which is the greatest monster?
Man the autocrat, as typified by the

Kaiser, Sultan and similar rulers, or God

the autocrat as interpreted to man in the
past and present by all religionists?
Let each one answer the question hon¬
estly to himself after studying and analyz¬
ing the history of both.
When this is done there can be only
one conclusion and that is that man in his
ignorance and lack of understanding has
made his God an autocrat the same as he
has made his King or Emperor an auto¬
We must conclude also that man makes
his own religious life the same as he makes
his own political life.
When we examine the evidence before
us with a calm, dispassionate and unpre¬
judiced mind free from all bigotry,
We conclude that autocracy is no better
for heaven than it has been for earth.

And that democracy, being an improve¬

ment over autocracy here on earth, ought
to be an improvement over it in the next
What then is our first step to “Make
the Next World Safe for Democracy ?”
See where the idea of God the autocrat
Know that all religions and their Gods
are man-made.
Take the history of the Christian reli¬
gion as an illustration, for it is similar to
that of all other religions, except as to
minor details, in its origin.
It is founded on certain biblical state¬
ments attributed to Moses and Jesus.
Moses had been brought up by the
daughter of Pharaoh at the latter’s Court
and was by education and training an

In leading the Jews out of the physical

bondage of a political autocrat he took
them into the mental and soul bondage
of a religious autocratic God in which the
orthodox Jews of that race have remained
to this day.
Jesus was a democrat and taught the
democracy or oneness of all life.
He brought a new interpretation and
a deeper understanding of the old reli¬
gions, just as is the Sears Philosophy
doing to-day.
He taught men that forms were only
accessories; that it was the conscious¬
ness back of all forms which was the
The religion taught by Jesus is not the
Christianity of to-day.
For three hundred years his followers
taught their understanding of his interpre-

tation in their own individual way and

organized many different Churches.
During this period of time they grad¬
ually lost the consciousness Jesus had
taught them to develop.
They lost this consciousness in their
attempts to hold strictly to the forms and
ceremonies which had been handed down
to them.
In 325 a.d. the Niocine Convention was
held and delegates from the Christian
Churches were in attendance.
After seven years of conferring the
Christian Church as it is known to-day
was organized with Constantine, the au¬
tocratic Roman Emperor, as its god¬
This organization took over the forms,
ceremonies and authority Jesus had given
to his disciples but it failed to get the

consciousness Jesus had taught his origi¬

nal disciples how to develop.
This organization was like a man who
could repeat the contents of one of my
books word for word from beginning to
end, but he did not know nor understand
one single principle taught in it.
He had all the form and methods
taught therein but failed to absorb any
of the consciousness it taught.
Heretofore it has always been through
some autocrat that the world has received
its political, religious and so-called spirit¬
ual teaching.
When any religious democrat, like the
man Jesus, has attempted to teach a larger
interpretation and a deeper understand¬
ing of religion he has invariably been cru¬
cified, nailed to the cross metaphorically,
his teaching discredited by the “powers

that be,” the autocracy, or else captured

and then promulgated by autocracy as in
the case of Christianity.
It was a knowledge of this truth that
caused the man Jesus to say: “Beware of
false prophets, which come to you in
sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are
ravening wolves.”
This religious autocrat has always cre¬
ated a God of form, with angels, masters,
higher intelligences, etc., for man to wor¬
ship and obejL
This God with his heavenly nobility
was to rule the next world the same as the
King and his nobility did here.
When we see the truth of this, our next
step to take in order to “Make the next
world safe for democracy,” is to
Begin to reform ourselves.
We should clean out from our con-

sciousness all the old, ignorant, destructive

race thoughts, ideas, conceptions, images,
etc., of an autocratic God the same as we
have been doing with autocratic Kings,
Emperors, Czars, Kaisers, etc.
Did you read in the news dispatches the
other day where the head of the greatest
political democracy in the world called on
the ruler of the greatest religious autoc¬
racy in existence to-day?
In referring to this incident we do not
wish it understood that we are condemn¬
ing the act, neither are we approving it;
we are simply repeating the statement of,
The same news dispatch was printed
under the heading of “Pope blesses Wil¬
son and America’s cause.”
Do you think it would be possible for
the ruler of the world’s greatest religious

autocracy to really bless the world’s

greatest political democracy and its repre¬
Wouldn’t such “blessing” be only
words, a mere matter of form, rather than
words with the consciousness of a real
blessing back of them?
How do we reform ourselves?
By doing our work of reformation upon
ourselves instead of upon the “other fel¬
low,” as has been our custom in the past.
By living our ideals instead of worship¬
ing them as idols as all autocratic reli¬
gions have taught man to do.
By making our ideals real—a part of
us, instead of building them entirely out¬
side of ourselves as all autocratic religions
have taught man to do.
Just as the development of the human
brain and intellect has enabled man to

evolve from the brute or animal state of

primitive man to that of the intellectual
giant and highly civilized human being of
So will the development of man’s finer,
his psychological or soul faculties, enable
him to reach a still greater and higher
estate, that of the super-man or God-man,
where he is the master of all conditions
of life both here and hereafter.
This is what the Sears Philosophy
teaches mankind.
Then and only then vail either this
world or the next be really safe for
Sears Philosophy
as taught in

“The Books Without An If.

makes life livable here and hereafter

1 Centre Publishing Co.,

108 & 110 W. 34th St., New York
j Please send me the following books by F. W. Sears, M.P.
' for which I enclose $_in payment.
Sears Philosophy—What it Teaches.$ .25
Its Mentology and Psychology, Paper.50
“ “ « “ Cloth.75
Concentration and Will-Power
(Correspondence Course, 12 Lessons).10.00
How to Attract Success.Cloth. 1.80
Sears Psychology Lessons, Vol. I., ** 1-85
«« « «« “ II., “ 1.35
« Philosophy « « III., “ 1.35
How to Give Treatments. ** 1-35
How to Conquer Fear, Library Ed.,.. “ 1-00
« «» « “ Pocket “ .. “ .75
«< «« «« «« «« «* . .Paper.50
Everyday Experiences.Cloth.50
The Mysteries of Sleep. “ .
Was Jesus God or Man?.Paper.30
The Three Monkeys. “ 25
The Unlimited Supply. “ . .25
Am I to Blame?. ** . .25
Who Made God ?. “ . .25
What is Truth?. ‘‘ . .25
How We Create Ourselves. ** . .25
The Law of Cause and Effect. “ . .25
The Resurrection of the Body. ** . .25
The Risen Self. “ . .25
The Secret of Healing. . .25
The Unpardonable Sin. “ . .25

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