Auto Italia
Auto Italia
Auto Italia
Ultimate 600bhp
Lancia Delta
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Welcome. . .
ancia Delta specialists Walkers Garage are anything
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Two decades later and development of the Lancia Delta HF
integrale continues to impress well into the 21st century
Story by Sean Carson
Photography by Michael Ward
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he 1980s was a great decade, a period
of style and elegance (that’s how we
remember it, right?), full of needless
excess. It was also good for cars, with
some of the greatest automotive icons
ever spawned in the ten years that time forgot –
the ’80s gave us the Audi Quattro, the BMW E30
M3 and this, the Lancia Delta HF integrale.
It also gave us Group B rallying, the power-crazed
formula that lasted just four years between 1982
and 1986. Following the demise of the class and the
pensioning off of Lancia’s ridiculously powerful Delta
S4 (official claims put its output at 480hp, but it’s
widely regarded that 560bhp was a more accurate
figure – Lancia even had a turbo and supercharged
engine delivering around 1000bhp on the engine
dyno), Group A was introduced along with Lancia’s
new challenger, the Delta integrale, underpinning
the firm’s assault on the new World Rally Champi-
When it comes to Group A-spec integrales, Walk-
ers Garage of Northallerton are the go-to guys in the
UK, with Steve Smith of Walkers having campaigned
many Deltas in national, international and WRC
events – what he doesn’t know about integrales is
not worth knowing.
So as I walk into the hangar at Blyton Park and see
this very special Delta integrale idling aggressively
loudly, I’m intrigued about the specification it’s in.
Steve duly obliges: “I bought the shell from some-
one’s front garden and have had it for 14 years – it
was a while before work began, but we had the idea
to turn it into a really tidy track car. That’s where we
are now. It can be driven to race events of one to
three hours in duration and the car is road legal – al-
though it doesn’t have a mechanical handbrake.”
That means this 500bhp (that’s at the wheels),
fire-breathing monster can actually travel on the
public road. Today, however, we’re testing what the
car is like within the confines of Blyton and only run-
ning “between 300bhp and 400bhp,” says Steve. Not
the full 1.9 bar of boost that gives 500bhp on just 95
octane pump fuel its new Chilean custodians will
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was a really drivable engine.” It’s all controlled by a MoTeC M84 ECU with a
The engine’s spec reads like a petrolhead’s Christ- CDL3 data logging electronic dash system and an
mas list. Smith says the motor’s capacity is “in- aircraft-grade wiring harness. The technology is
creased over standard”, but won’t divulge exactly extremely specialist, with all manner of tempera-
what the swept volume is. This level of power tures and pressures monitored by the system, in-
means all-steel internals were called for, so the cluding extra parameters specified by Walkers.
crank and connecting rod are forged items. These incorporate fuel pressure, intake air and
Walkers initially tried a rather wild cam profile in exhaust temperature, air:fuel ratio, turbo boost
the motor, but Smith says, “Every manufacturer we pressure and turbine speed, and gearbox and dif-
contacted, the cams they suggested just weren’t ferential temperatures – the latter activates a
making the big numbers we wanted.” He therefore switched oil pump, so once the transmission fluid
decided to go with a profile closer to standard to gets beyond a certain temperature, it turns on an
make the engine more tractable. It’s worked, too. electronically controlled cooling pump.
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ABOVE RIGHT: With a special air filter rated to 600bhp, a larger likes to shake its tail. Partly because the Tarmac and
Discrete extension to the Garrett T35 turbocharger featuring an electroni- the tyres are too cold, and partly because Smith
front bumper encloses an cally controlled external wastegate, and a custom knows how to pedal the car – when he spends all
three-inch exhaust system taking care of the day building and fettling them, it stands to reason he
additional radiator
breathing, the torque produced is fantastic. should know how to drive them properly. He’s com-
In fact, with 0.9 bar of boost pressure dialled in, peted in Rally GB three times in Group A spec ma-
it’s more than enough to excite all four wheels on chinery, achieving the prize for the top amateur
a cold November day in Lincolnshire. Track tem- driver in 1990. “I hold the record around Oliver’s
perature must be hovering around two degrees, Mount, too,” he proudly tells me without a hint of
so there isn’t going to be much grip today. self-importance.
We come in after a few laps to make some setup
WARM UP TIME changes – a softer rear anti-roll bar, some tweaks to
Steve points the car out of the pit lane first and I tyre pressures and a tweak of toe in at the rear –
take a passenger ride with him to get an idea as to then we’re back out. The adjustments don’t make
how the car’s behaving. Oversteery is the answer. much difference and in the blink of an eye it’s my
Even from the passenger seat I can sense the Delta turn.
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driven. Enter into a bend too hot and the nose will tyres up at will, revving on to its 7500rpm limiter
scrub wide, all telegraphed to the driver with a wel- with true Italian zeal. It still delivers its power in a
come degree of analogue detail. Pick up the throt- very linear fashion, though – a characteristic
tle a touch from the apex – even with the correct Smith looked to maintain during the development
entry speed – and the front end will want to do the process and the result of that relatively conserva-
same. You have to drive this integrale from the rear. tive cam profile.
Brake late and hard, and turn in while still on the
middle pedal to put more weight on the front and FAST FORWARD
unload the rear – from here you’ve got to get the Streaking down the back straight at Blyton, I can’t
diffs hooked up, so use a good chunk of throttle resist trying the flatshifter system on the Bacci five-
and gently slide the car through the bend. This is speed sequential transmission. It’s a dog gearbox, so
how the car begs to be driven and it’s the quickest needs a good firm pull on the lever to engage the
way by far. When you nail it, it feels intuitive, bal- next ratio. “Make sure you give it a good yank, or
anced and totally manageable. The trick is learn- you’ll knacker the dogs in the ’box,” says Smith in his
ing to push through that zone of initial understeer northern tones – no pressure then. The powershift
on the throttle to find that physics-defying four- function is addictive and means there’s minimal
wheel drive traction away from the apex. delay as the box swaps ratios, your foot pinned to
Once you’ve got the differentials working and the bulkhead the whole time.
the turbo spooling, it’s a case of holding on as the I’m clutching the majority of gear changes today
motor romps towards the redline. It might be though, as the car’s already sold, so I don’t want to
heavily turbocharged, but there’s minimal lag. The inadvertently destroy the transmission. It’s still a
car delivers a solid wall of torque from idle to real event just shifting up through the box – it im-
around 4500rpm, but from there it just boosts merses you in the whole competition-spec rally car
even harder. It’s ferocious. Pick up the throttle in experience even more.
the heart of the mid-range and it’ll light the rear There’s a schuunk, BANG, schuunk, BANG, as we
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