Thailand GSCM

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Volume 12, Number 6, Pages 8 - 14

Implementing green supply chain management practices in organizations

in Thailand: A review in search for key factors in GSCM implementation

Sayam Aroonsrimorakot1,*, and Meena Laiphrakpam1

Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand

There is a growing importance in the research of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) as it aims
at an environmental innovation and integration of environmental concerns into supply chain management.
GSCM has gained popularity with both academic and practitioners. In this research, we aim to study the various
findings of the research conducted in the manufacturing organizations of Thailand. The purpose of the paper is
to briefly review the recent literatures of the GSCM research especially in developing countries such as
Thailand in order to identify the key factors for adopting and implementation of GSCM practices in
manufacturing industries and also to provide the importance and guidelines for future research direction in
Thailand’s manufacturing organizations. Even though this paper has limitation, as it is based only on review of
literatures available on various secondary sources, the implications of this paper are expected to be beneficial in
academic and organizations. Result of performance evaluation from GSCM operations can be used to improve
both economic and environmental performance of the organization. The results from the review have extracted
three key factors of GSCM practices implementation as: 1) green manufacturing technology practice; 2) green
logistics practice and 3) green sourcing strategy. Green manufacturing practice and the green logistics practice
were strongly correlated with financial performance. Cost and complexity appeared to be the major obstacle to
implementation of a successful GSCM.
Keywords: green supply chain management, environmental, key factors, implementation
Article history: Received 22 March 2017, Accepted 30 November 2017

1. Introduction prevailing laws and regulations, to distinguish oneself

In the last few years, there is a growing research of in a competitive industry by being environmentally
Green supply chain management (GSCM) by friendly. With increasing customer awareness and
researchers, practitioners and organizations due to regulatory norms, organizations with greener supply
their growing interest and awareness of environmental chain management practices have a competitive
sustainability issues such as global warming and advantage over companies without GSCM. Green
climate change. Environmental problems caused by supply chain management (GSCM) can be generally
wastage and emissions of different activities of the defined as the practice of improving environmental
supply chain have compelled the industries towards performance by integrating into supply chain
responsible green supply chain management practices. management, including product design, material
Companies, therefore, have to be prepared for sourcing and selection, manufacturing processes,
providing answer to questions about how green their delivery of the final product to the consumers, and
manufacturing processes and supply chain practices end-of-life management of the product after its useful
relating to environmental sustainability [1]. Sustain- life operations management, and customer relation-
ability can be increased throughout the supply chain, ships [1].
starting with the concept and development then In order to go good business with higher profits, it
continuing through all stages of production and at last is important to implement GSCM practices. The
with customer distribution. Supply chain is the practices of GSCM are beneficial to an organization’s
movement of materials as they move from their environmental and financial performance. Many
source to the end customer. Supply chain produce business organizations can use GSCM as a strategic
value in the form of products and service to the end approach to earn profits and competitive image in the
customers through different processes and activities, market [2]. Among the many initiatives of GSCM, it
which are performed by the network of organizations. can be defined into the range as from reactive to
Green supply chain management (GSCM) is about proactive practices implemented through various Re-s
making the entire supply chain more environmentally such as reduce, re-use, rework, refurbish, reclaim,
sustainable. Companies may choose to adopt GSCM recycle, remanufacture, reverse logistics, etc. Roots
for many different reasons such as due to the of the GSCM can be traced both in the supply chain

Corresponding author; e-mail: DOI 10.14456/jtir.2017.46
Journal of Thai Interdisciplinary Research 9

management and environmental management 3. Importance of green supply chain management

literature. Studies show that investments in greening Green Supply Chain Management is an emerging
can eliminate wastages, save resources and improve research area [4-8]. Now- a – days, there is a growing
productivity. In the case of developed and developing customer demand for products and services that are
countries, such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, environmentally sustainable and created through
Germany, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Canada and environmentally sustainable practices. This is in
response to governmental environmental regulations.
Singapore etc, there is a marked difference in the
As manufacturing and production operation processes
development of GSCM., GSCM are practiced
are perceived and viewed as the agents in harming the
majorly, while in developing countries, especially in environment, in the forms of waste generation,
Asian region e.g., India, China, Philippines, Brazil, ecosystem disruption, and depletion of natural
Chile, Argentina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, resources [9], many manufacturing organizations have
Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, GSCM practices begun to implement green supply chain management
are in a nascent stage. Most firms or organizations in (GSCM) practices [10, 11].
developing countries adopt GSCM to reduce the The implementation of GSCM practices is expected
environmental impact of various business activities to result in improved environmental performance as
rather than a proactive attitude to reduce the sources measured by reductions in air emissions, effluent
of wastage or pollution. Most organizations have waste, solid waste, and the consumption of toxic
multiple objectives as to enhance brand image, materials. In brief, success at the supply chain level
competitiveness, optimum resources utilization, better leads to success at the organizational level [12]. Since
customers and governmental entities have begun to
customer service, environmental competitiveness,
demand that processes, products, and services to be
optimum resource utilization, better customer service,
environmentally friendly, it is important that managers
environmental and social friendly image, increased identify and implement environmental sustainability
profitability and many more and GSCM is adopted as practices that extend throughout the supply chain.
a strategy to achieve these objectives [3]. Therefore, Linton et al. [13] states that the focus of
environmental management has moved from the
2. Methods and objectives organization level to the supply chain level.
The present paper is based on secondary sources Choi and Hwang [4] states that the implementation
of data available in printed form, electronically or of GSCM practices can improve both environmental
other sources. It is descriptive method, describing and financial performance of an organization. As an
facts as it is from the review of the available important new strategy, GSCM allows organizations
literatures. The objective of this paper therefore, is to to achieve financial and market share goals by
review the literature available from all sources with a lowering their environmental costs while ensuring
focus on green supply-chain management research environment friendly operations. Implementing
integrating environmental thinking into supply-chain GSCM can benefit the organization as it can be a
management, and thereafter, to find out the practices revenue driver.
or factors for adopting it and successful
implementation of GSCM which will help to identify
4. Green supply change management practices in
gaps, issues and opportunities for further study and
research relating to GSCM’s implementation. A Kamolkittiwong and Phruksaphanrat [14] aimed to
literature review seems to be a valid approach, as it is identify factors that are critical to the implementation
a necessary step in structuring a research field and of the GSCM strategy in the electronics industries in
forms an integral part of any research conducted. This Thailand. According to them, manufacturing
helps to identify the conceptual content of the field industries in Thailand focuses study on green supply
and guides towards theory development for further chain (GSCM) because of the growing pressure from
study. the government and presence of environmental
This paper aims to find out the following consciousness among customers. The electronics
objectives as: industry plays a significant role in Thailand’s
2.1 To identify the key factors for adopting and economy because electronic industry is highly an
implementation of GSCM practices in manufacturing export item to international market. There were more
industries in Thailand. than 2,055 electronics companies. Revenues from
2.2 To provide the importance and guideline for exporting electronics parts to the international market
industrial sectors who want to implement GSCM are 8,143.97 million USD (Industry Economics
successfully. Situation Report, Thailand, January 2014). The major
2.3 To find the limitations in implementing GSCM export markets of Thailand are the United States,
in organizations in Thailand. European Union (EU), Japan and China, etc. This
2.4 To suggest or recommend directions for made many manufacturing organizations to
further research and implementation of GSCM. implement GSCM in order to respond to the current
10 Vol. 12 No. 6 November – December 2017

environmental concern and create an enduring verifying negative or positive economic impacts.
competitive advantage [15]. The Ministry of Industry According to them, the GSCM practices concept is
is the primary agency in Thailand who has set introduced for measurement of a firm’s competence
strategies for industrial development. The Ministry of involving management on environmental performance
Industry has launched a Green Industry to promote the which is based on combination of green thinking such
growth and development of industries. Companies as green procurement, green design, green
who enroll in this project will be certified and manufacturing, green logistics, green consumption
evaluated about green considerations in their and green recycling [18 - 20]. Implementation of
organizations. As a result, these industries will have a GSCM practice is especially necessary in the case of
good image of credibility and public trust. Moreover, Thai electronics industry with its aim of expanding
the creation of a green economy will result in higher the opportunities of market share growth in
gross domestic product [16]. The green industry levels international trade. In addition, it will help in fostering
of firms or organizations are divided into five levels the organization’s function effectively so as to meet
as: 1) Green commitment 2) Green activity 3) Green the customer needs completely, creating a good
system 4) Green culture 5) Green network [16]. corporate image as corporate social responsibility
Their paper studied the main drivers for the (CSR) and so on. Finally, as a result of it, Thai
implementation of GSCM from 6 experts of the electronics manufacturing firms can cope with
certified electronics factories who obtain a green challenges from competitors efficiently. Result of
culture and green network levels in the green industry performance evaluation from GSCM operations can
project. They have found the main factors that be used to improve both economic and environmental
influence the implementation of GSCM in the performance of the organization. In this work,
electronics industry in Thailand. According to them, correlation between GSCM practices and financial
regulatory is one of the most critical initiating performance of Thai electronics firms was
factors for the development of environmental investigated, based on evaluation of the firms’ current
strategy. The electronics firms possess more operational performance. A survey questionnaire was
experience of international business and faces higher used as a self-assessment tool designed within the
regulatory pressure to initiate green supply chain context of Thai electronics industry considering five
management than other businesses. So, government main areas of supply chain activities (i) procurement,
should promote the green industry project to create (ii) manufacturing, (iii) transportation and
the business opportunities by improving people, distribution, (iv) reverse logistics, and (v) greening
increasing knowledge-based, technology, innovation process. The results of their study have extracted
and creativity based on the concept of three key factors of GSCM practices implementation
environmentally-friendly manufacturing industries. as: 1) green manufacturing technology practice; 2)
This is followed by the second important factor of green logistics practice and 3) green sourcing strategy.
getting support from top management in 1) Green manufacturing technology practice is
implementation of GSCM because the attitude of top the most important factor for the successful
management toward environmental issues and visions implementation of electronics industry in Thailand as
directly affect the organization policy. Thus, top it affects operating achievement based on green
management should be committed to implement supply chain. It emphasis importance to an
environmental policies, encourage employees to be organization’s component in setting systematic
aware of green knowledge, and provide resources for manufacturing and technology in order to reduce the
the sanctioning and implementation of environmental waste production or fulfill its highest capability along
projects. The third factor is market or consumer with steps to create a friendly environment.
awareness which can be increased only through 2) Green logistics practice is the second key
proper education of being environmentally friendly by factor where reverse logistic will concentrate on
all concerned individuals. Therefore, innovation, properly receive raw material back from customers
especially green product innovation, should be due to hazardous and durable wastes control.
adopted to meet market demand and gain a Electronics industry products are related to metal,
competitive advantage. Another important factor is lead, iron, colorant and chemicals which are persistent
organization strategy which is necessary for and threat to environment. In order to improve the
supporting the implementation of GSCM. In addition, procedure in green supply chain management, eco-
economic benefit, competitors, cost reduction, design should be involved in every step of activities
social/stakeholder, reverse logistics and supplier are inside the factories or organizations and so on.
the other levels, which are important factors in the 3) Green sourcing strategy is the least important
implementation of GSCM. factor in Thailand. In this factor, all details in
Tippayawong et al. [17] made a study on manufacturing process will be regarded beneficial to
influencing factors of adopting GSCM practices on procurement with focus on raw material acquirement
Thai electronics firm’s financial performance using and packaging which can be recycled or reused. It was
factor analysis and multiple regression analysis for found that both the green manufacturing practice and
Journal of Thai Interdisciplinary Research 11

the green logistics practice were strongly correlated 2.2 Energy-efficient technology: (1) reduce power
with financial performance, but the green sourcing consumption in products such as ramp load/unload
was not. Cost and complexity appeared to be the technology in HDD (2) increase product life-span
major obstacle to implementation of a successful resulting in higher efficiency and productivity (3)
GSCM. As a result, more cost effective and easier-to- improve machine uptime (4) improve machine
implement solutions are still needed for future performance, (5) design product, for example compact
economic and environmental sustainability of the design with improved features yet using fewer
industry. resources to produce.
Ninlawan et al. [21] made a study by surveying 2.3 Res and waste minimization: (1) promotes
current green activities in computer parts’ reuse/ recycle of parts (2) enhance environmental
manufacturers in Thailand so as to evaluate green consciousness through 3Res activities (3) reduce
supply chain management. They have selected 11 indirect materials such as epoxy glue.
manufacturers for case studies with in - depth 3) Green distribution
interview about green procurement, green Green distribution consists of green packaging and
manufacturing, green distribution, and/or reverse green logistics. Packaging characteristics such as size,
logistics. They have used questionnaire which aimed shape, and materials have an impact on distribution
to investigate GSCM practices, measure, because of their effect on the transport characteristics
performance, and pressure or driving factors within of the product. Better packaging, along with
Thai electronics industry. Their green activities can rearranged loading patterns, can reduce materials
be discussed as: usage, increase space utilization in the warehouse and
1) Green procurement in the trailer, and this led to reduce the amount
Green procurement is defined as an environmental required of handling. The findings in green
purchasing activities such as reduction, reuse and distribution activities of Thai manufacturers are
recycling of materials in the process of purchasing. presented as:
Green procurement is a solution for environmentally 3.1 Green packaging: (1) downsize packaging; (2)
concerned and economically conservative business, use “green” packaging materials; (3) cooperate with
and a concept of acquiring a selection of products and vendor to standardize packaging; (4) minimize
services that minimizes environmental impact [22]. material use and time to unpack (5) encourage and
Their findings with regard to the green procurement adopt returnable packaging methods; (6) promote
activities of Thai manufacturers are presented as: recycling and reuse programs [24].
1.1 Supplier selection: (1) purchase materials or 3.2 Green logistics/transportation: (1) deliver
parts only from “Green Partners” who satisfy green directly to user site; (2) use alternative fuel vehicles;
partner environmental quality standards and pass an (3) distribute products together (4) change to modal
audit process in following regulations for the shift.
environment-related substances (2) consider suppliers 4) Reverse Logistics
who acquire ISO14000, OHSAS18000 and/or Reverse logistics is the process of regaining the
Restriction of Hazardous Substance Directive (RoHS) product from the end consumer for the purposes of
directives (3) select suppliers who control hazardous controlling value or getting rid of it properly [1]. The
substances in company’s standard lists and obtain findings in reverse logistics of stakeholders are
green certificate achievements. presented:
1.2 Rs in procurement process: (1) reuse or 4.1 Used computer stores: (1) get computer parts
recycle – paper, parts container (plastic box/bag) (2) 50% from import (e.g. China, Japan and Korea), 30%
order via email (paperless). from auction in organizations, and the rest from
2) Green manufacturing household (2) generally be small shops with purchase
Green manufacturing is defined as production volume up to 40 used computers per month (3) the
processes which use inputs with relatively low five most reused parts: ram, LCD monitor, CD Rom,
environmental impacts, are highly efficient having CRT monitor and main board (4) waste parts treated
generated little or no waste or pollution. Green in different ways: 44% to waste collectors, 26% to
manufacturing can lead to lower raw material costs, walk-in buyers, 26% to store in shop or warehouse,
production efficiency gains, reduced environmental and the rest 4% to garbage.
and occupational safety expenses, and improved 4.2 Waste collectors gather EOL (End of Life)
corporate image [23]. The findings in green computers from community, private/public
manufacturing activities of Thai manufacturers are organization, and used computer store then inspect,
presented as: select and sort initially to get used parts which are
2.1 Hazardous substance control: (1) lead free – shipped to disassembly/recycle plants. There is lack of
replace other substances such as bismuth, silver, tin, obvious database about quantities and value provided
gold, copper (2) rinse parts with clean water instead of in this stage.
using chemicals and reuse water (3) quality control in 4.3 Disassembly/recycle plants collecting used
inputs at vendor site and recheck before processing. computers and parts.
12 Vol. 12 No. 6 November – December 2017

4.4 Final treatment or landfill company. The maturity level, thereby guiding the way to begin the
facility has industrial waste treatment and disposal movement for a greener SCM.
systems for computer waste by secured landfill or
stabilization and solidification systems (a process of 5. Conclusions and suggestions
detoxification and converting waste into a solid form From the above reviews of the study in Thailand
before disposal in the landfill). and elsewhere, it was found that most of the studies
In addition from their survey findings, it is found were undertaken to find the factors that were critical for
that Thai electronics supply chain enterprises carry the implementation of the GSCM strategy of the
out to some degree of GSCM practices’ adoption with electronic or electrical industry in Thailand in order to
mean values over 4.00 for the five GSCM factors; help the newcomer in electronic industry who wants to
especially for environmental management systems implement GSCM successfully. This study can be used
exist with the highest mean value of 4.43. Electronics as a guideline for other industrial sectors. It is found
enterprises have experienced significant pressures and that regulatory is one of the most critical factors,
incentives to implement GSCM, with mean values followed by support from top management,
over 4.00 for the two driver factors. Pressure from market/consumer and organization strategy. In
environmental regulations is the highest with a mean addition, government should promote the green
value of 4.11. Export pressure is the second important industry project to create the business opportunities by
driver for Thai electronics supply chains to implement improving people, increasing knowledge-based,
GSCM. All GSCM performance dimensions are technology, innovation and creativity based on the
ranked from higher to some degree to relatively concept of environmentally-friendly manufacturing
significant, with mean values consistently within the industries. Another crucial factor is organization
3.00 and 4.00 ranges. Both environmental and strategy which is necessary for supporting the
positive economic are in relatively significant. The implementation of GSCM. In addition, economic
survey was also extended to study in-depth in each benefit, competitors, cost reduction, social/stakeholder,
type of computer parts. For GSCM practice, reverse logistics and supplier are the other levels, which
semiconductor, hard disk drive, and print circuit board are important factors as they may influence to the
are three products with carrying out from some degree implementation of GSCM in the industries of Thailand.
to full adoption. Hard disk drive and print circuit GSCM practice implementation is important in the
board reveal relatively significant in GSCM case of Thai industry with its aim of expanding the
performance. opportunities of market share growth in international
Wallerius and Zakrisson [20] consider the trade, making the organization’s function effectively
environmental maturity to be low in Thailand where to meet the customer needs completely, creating a
there is no awareness of the personal or a business good corporate image as corporate social
effect to the environment. However, the price and responsibility (CSR) and so on so that Thai
delivery are an important aspects when placing orders manufacturing organizations can cope with challenges
or choosing subcontractors in Thailand. Therefore, from competitors efficiently. Lastly, the review have
the concept of SCM is rarely known among TEEI also extracted another three key factors of GSCM
(Thai Electrical and Electronics Industry). Even practices implementation as: 1) green manufacturing
though SME education and implementation of SCM is technology practice; 2) green logistics practice and 3)
spreading but still it does still not affect the majority green sourcing strategy. The major limitation or
of companies. As a result, GSCM is hardly known or obstacle in the GSCM implementation appeared to be
implemented in Thailand. They have suggested some cost and complexity. Thus, it can be concluded that
measures for the improvement such as: legislations in result of performance evaluation from GSCM
the area of environmental effecting procedures, operations can be used to improve both economic and
increasing the general awareness and understanding of environmental performance of the industry or
the importance of green activities, both from organization.
customers and companies. Education is another key As general environmental awareness status in
for this. To motivate companies to implement GSCM, Thailand is in the nascent stage, there is no awareness
environmental awareness and awareness of GSCM of the personal or a business effect to the environment
concept along with successful examples from those and so the concept of GSCM is rarely known. SME
around the world and in Asia today who have gained education and implementation of SCM is spreading
advantage from GSCM such as in matter of setting the but still it does still not affect the majority of
rules for companies with respect to accepted emission, companies or organizations. It can be suggested that
waste handling etc. are required General awareness of legislations in the area of environmental effecting
environmental problems will lead to better procedures are required along with the program and
understanding of the importance of green activities, policy to bring general awareness and consideration
both from customers and companies. Their study of environment so as to better understanding of the
presented a 5-step-model practices which the importance of green activities, both from customers
companies who follow it can seek to gain knowledge
in the area of GSCM and move forward to the
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