Nia-Dpwh Moa
Nia-Dpwh Moa
Nia-Dpwh Moa
Furnishing you herewith is a signed copy of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on the NIA-
DPWH Convergence program (KATUBIGAN Program) for the development of service roads in
irrigation areas and Small Water Impounding Projects (SWIP)/Small River Improvement
Projects (SRIP).
Please be guided by the signed MOA for the Development Framework, Criteria, Mutual
ro V-^FDADF+INTfiorm34Revo1
The NIA and DPWH have collaborated and agreed to the agreement, (i)
Development Framework and Criteria, (ii) mutual responsibilities and
commitment, and (ill) the Convergence Champions and Technical Working Group.
resources, and expertise of NIA and DPWH in the effective implementation of both
paities foi` a period of five (5) years from FY 2023 to FY 2028.
1l`is Memorandum .if Agi.cement (MO^) is made and enlered into hy and between lhc
t`( Pallies:
WltERE^S, DI'WH is tlic sla{L`'s I.ngiirecriiig and coiislruction arm, crc.ated by `iiltuc or
I.:xeeulive Order No. 124, series ot` 1987. alid is responsible I.oT tlic plaming, desigiL
coiislructitm and imintcnance of infi.aslru.:toe facilities. especiall)' national highways, flood
colilrol ai`d water resources development sy.steni, and olhci. public works in accordance wilh
"ljonal tle`Jclopmcnt obuectives:
WHElus^S, iinder Section 2 or Prcsidenlial Decroc No. 552. series of 1974` NIA is priniarily
i.csponsiblc for lhe planning. consti.uction. operation, alld iiiainteunnce ol. irrigation .aystems
and facilitic.s tl`al provide water supply for the cfficienl prnduction of food crops` to ensure ll`c
suslaineblc clevelopment of agric`Ilture in tlic Pliilip|)ices;
WHEREAS, Piusidel„ I.`crdinand Riimualdcz Marcos, Jr. I`as set i.orlh an 8-point
Sacicecoiiomic Agcnd:i that includes increasiiig I`ood security and improving food logi31ic``
aimed al providing afroidable ouid flccessibl.. f`cod I.or all Filipinos;
Wl lI!;RE^S, the NIA and I)I'WH rectignizc the importfliicl` oi. supporting the admini`stralion`s
agei`da ()n lbod scourity and logistics. aligiiii`g the efl.ous of` both agencies tovards lhi``(ttiligtlre¢fficii`nl`ltiluealionofresourcesofbothagcncies.
C-, / , a
Mi.inGiavid`iiu ul ;\grccliit.Ill {|i lh¢ Nlt\-I)l'Wl I ( ` I+ii8ram
Pfl#u ? o' a
.`'()W, 'l`Ii[;ltEl<`ORli;, I.or and ili considcratl{)n ol. lhe foi.egoing premises, and the tciTiis an{l
conditiiiiis hci.eiiial`tt`r set I.ortli. the PartiL's have hiTI.ct(i oi` lhc folliiwi|ig:
•1 lti` Nl^ aiid I)['W+i have collab{iraled aiid ngi.|'i`d to cslablish lhc NIA-I)PV`1l (`onvcngcnce
I hloiigh this ^greemciit, tlic Parties shall lay dour the peraliiclers and working arrangonenl
lbr th.` plunnilig, idcnlificutioii, prioritiicalion, evalu8li`)ii. ri',gulalion, supervisiori`
implc.ii`cnta(ion, diid monitoring aii{l evaluation (M&l.:) of. small water impe`iiidiing projccls
( Swl l'), sii]all nver improvt'm..til pi.o.iects (SJuP). and ser`Iicl. load infl.astructue projects that
cttiiii.ibiitc [o the Marcos Administration`s prioril}i agcndr on ft]od security.
Ideiili ricaljon and prioritization ttt` pl`)jects und..r lhc KATUBIG^N I'rogrfim sliall adhere and
iilign lo tlle following overall dcvclopilicnt l`ramcworks:
i 'rlie Natioiml lrrigalion ivl@slerplan Z02lJ-2030 -A mtional level master plan which
aims lo providc nalioml guiilelmcs for ii.rigation developnicnl in tlic co`inlry. ,.~-,.
r:i-;;- ov t¢
MCMrorulrdum or ^gm:nit.Ill t}ii llic Nl^-DPWH {:`wlvcr€cime l'mt!rom
I,8gc 3 of a
•[`lic ['artic.i shall jointly assume thi` followiing I.espol`sihiJities and commiltTlents:
ldeiilify |ilittriry irrigation arciis and facilities {lial require (fl) constructi(>n or
service/access roads, (b) small walcr impoiindirig and (c) `sm81l river improvcmen`
C{tordi!mte and consult agriculfure. irrigation aiid fam`er communities that wlll bL`
afrcctcd by or w]Il bi-refit from the proposed pro.|ccts;
PTcpare and subihit to the I)PWH the following -
a. All ielevant location maps of the fuirded and proposi.d piojects
(including elcctror`jc `Jersiom tir these maps):
b. CertiricaLion thai thcrc is ntj {i\.erlapping of projccts included ii. this
l]rograli` with NIA find I)epaitment of. Agriculluri. (DA): and
c, Certir`cBlion that the proposed and eirdorsed pii{}jcels arc i`lcared from
an}t mall-made aiid natural structures` t.res or legal claims. aii{l thal
I)PWH will not i`ttinpci`satc for any I{Ovi'/lgind claim.i rror undertake
on}' relocation or rcsclllertrent 8ctivilies;
d. 0llrer documciits which may be required by the DPW[l in suppttil or
the l'r()gram; zind
ljndertcke the mainlcnai]cc of nll SWIP, SRIP. and Service/ ronds after
DPwl]'s turnover of.comp]ctcd pr{i.iccts to the NIA. unless tlii`i
is (ransrcne(I by the NIA to ct)ncemed L,(}lJs.
•-f, c,J
Mciiiiiiaiidmn itf ^grcenrer`l on tit. Nl,.\ -I)I.Vl'l I (`owtwgr`cc I+ngrm`
r,ao, 4 ^' A
I Set the hudgt`t:ny threshold for the Pi'ttgram aiid pro`ide the aniiual bildgclar.v
rcquircmei]l rtir llre same, after allocating fui`ds for I)rngrmms and projects under it's
infrastructure flngchip projL`cls an{l olhor priority pingiani.i. and taking into account
the budgi`i ccili ng set by the Daparm`enl of Budget and Maliagciirei" (DBM):
(`iall fln{l is.3uc lhe policy guidelines for the consl"ction aiid development of LSWIP.
SRIP, and sei`vicc/access ronds leading lo irrig8t]on arefls;
Provide lhe nceessfiry technical tLjsislance for the l'rogJam` which includes llre
prepera(ion of program of wttrk, fcasjbilily studies, detailed cnginecring de8igns`
iii`d cost eslimates. for the conslruclion or inprovemcnt ol` SWIP` SRJP aiid
scr`'icc/ucccss roads lending to irrigation areas;
(G.M), using thi. desigli standal.ds for fami-to-Mahel Ronds (r`MRs), and
J'rovjdc NIA with the slalus report regarding projcet inplemcnlatio" and
Turn-ov..r completed projccls lo lh¢ NJA.
I. C,.on`'engen..e (,`lmmpions
b. 'l`hc 1.-I W(; shall irerrttrm the rollowing dutlcs oi`d resit{)nsibi
...., `-
Pngc S ,,r b
• l`ollcct all lhc' .`ubiiiitt.'tl proposal.s I.or the I'rogruni and rclaled
ilticumcntary siJpprii I;
• E`J€iliialc proposed SWIP, SRII'. nd service/access Toad projects;
• Validate lhe draft Priorily List of swII'. SRIP. .1nd service/access road
projl.cls iinder lhc Program;
• Prepare the Mulli-Ye€ir KA1.lJBIGAN Prograin and Forrard BslimatLls
of ihe priority i"i.iet;(.s llml win enhance food b.€curity alid logistics
cf]icicncy, including on-goiiig and new pi-ojccl``.
• I'rcp.Ire the Aniiual KATUBIGAN I'iT)gmm and bndgct allcoation for
[li.i iipcoming budgcl year, w.ithin the{i-Year KATUBrGAN
l'rogram. in(`luding on-going imd new projects: and
a Undertckc an armual review aj`d propo`se ameiidments. if any. Io llie
a. i.:iiclt R-l'WG sliaH he composed of the NI^ Rcgioml Manager, the DPWII
Rcgiolml DirecloT, conccmcd division chiefs, :md lcohnical, and
as dctenninet] by (he chaiipersoiis or ll.e RTWGs.
Ii. .I.lic ltTWG may iiiitia.e and shaH ..eview and validalc propused projecl.s in
tlie I.egion fol. submission to thc C.I.WG. .nre RTW.G shan inimediately
lhe (`t:nlral Orflces of llie two Agencies, b}' providing com|tlclc slalT woi.k
in Tclation to lhc cri-tcria and dceunicnlary requirement.5 fur approving
proposed projects; and
c. .rhe Rl.WG sliall submii io lhe CTW(`I I-cgiilar stat`is reptirt.s ol` approved
K^TIJ[}IG^N projects in tlie region.
ot`tive (5) years or /`rtHn rY 202.} to F`Y 2028.
ilie ^dmiiiistralor and .`ccrotal)I ot the Nl^ {ind I)PWH. rcspr.ctlvcl.y Eiifer prrty may
I .---- _' '' ``' '-`'I'`.`''l'.y. I=|ult=l PflITy
leimimll{i th;a MnA h,..``,;Jut +i` .... L__`_ __
I 7--_--i
Jdy ,, u[ 6
In riirtlicraiice {)1` theii. it:sptx;live 1.esponsibilitics and objcelivcs`, the Pallies hereby flgrec lo
faithfully .iL`idc by lhc pl.ovisions of lhis Agreemc`nl:
ng Adminis(Valor
Na'iolliL [rrjgati{m Adltiinistration
lbeprrtmelil of Public Wtii ks aird I ligliways