OTN ODUK1+1 Protection Configuration 30P
OTN ODUK1+1 Protection Configuration 30P
OTN ODUK1+1 Protection Configuration 30P
Networking Diagram
Discover Result
Service Verification
n Notes: This step is only for line cards that support wavelength
n The port and the order should be consistent with the equipment.
If the port is wrong, the path cannot be found, and the wrong
connection order will lead to abnormal switching.
n Notes: Choose the Service Type, Map Mode and ODUk Type.
n Notes: Choose the FEC Mode. For the end to end service signal,
the FEC Mode of both ends must be consistent.
n In the bottom right corner of the window, select all means to select all
the Protection groups in the window. Auto refresh means the state of
protection groups will refresh automatically. Clicking refresh item will
refresh the selected Protection groups manually.
n Switch item can give the selected Protection groups different external
commands by different options.
n Treaty Reset item can reset the Protection protocol of the selected
Protection groups when the Protection is forbidden. After the Treaty
Reset is executed, the previous state of Protection and external
commands will be cleared, and the protection will work like a new one.
n No Treaty Switch item can order PSK board directly to switch only one
selected Protection group without the APS when the Protection is