Failure Causes of Seal Failure
Failure Causes of Seal Failure
Failure Causes of Seal Failure
Typical and desired contact Heavy contact on the mating
pattern for a mechanical seal. ring pattern at the outside
Full contact on both mating diameter of the seal. Fades
ring and primary ring surface away to no visible contact at
through 360°. Little or no the inside diameter of contact
measurable wear on either pattern. Possible edge chipping
seal ring. on the outside diameter of
primary ring.
Seal drips steadily whether shaft
is rotating or stationary. Fails Little or no leakage at high
allowable emission limits. pressure. Leaks steadily at
low pressures.
1. Secondary seals nicked or scratched on installation. 1. Faces not flat due to pressure.
2. Damaged or porous secondary seal surfaces. 2. Faces not flat.
3. Compression set of o-rings. Incorrect lapping.
4. Chemical attack of secondary seals.
CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES Deflection of primary ring
5. Not a low emission seal or arrangement. due to pressure
1. Check for over-pressurization
6. Materials not conducive to low emissions. of seal.
CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES 2. Check flatness of lapped parts.
1. Replace secondary seals.
2. Check secondary sealing surfaces.
3. Check with seal manufacturer for proper materials.
4. Check for proper lead in chamfers, burrs, etc.
5. Change seal to low emission design, materials or arrangement.
3 Thermal Distortion
(Positive Rotation) 4 Mechanical Distortion
Heavy contact on the mating Two large contact spots on
ring pattern at the inside mating ring pattern fades away
diameter of the seal. Fades between contact areas. 360°
away to no visible contact at contact on primary ring.
the outside diameter of contact
pattern. Possible edge chipping
Seal leaks steadily when shaft is
on the inside diameter of the
rotating or stationary.
primary ring.
Seal leaks steadily when shaft 1. Mechanical distortion.
is rotating. Usually no leakage 2. Faces not flat.
when shaft is stationary.
POSSIBLE CAUSES 1. Check for gland plate distortion due to over-torquing of bolts.
1. Thermal distortion of 2. Check squareness of parts used to hold mating ring in place.
Deflection of mating or primary ring
seal faces. 3. Check seal chamber face flatness of split case pumps.
due to temperature
2. Faces not flat. 4. Check the gland plate surface in contact with the mating ring.
Incorrect lapping. Must be free of nicks and burrs. Surface must show full pattern
CORRECTIVE PROCEDURES when blued with mating ring.
1. Improve cooling to seal.
2. Consult seal manufacturer for proper materials.
3. Check flatness of lapped parts
5 Mechanical Distortion 6 Mechanical Distortion
Uneven circumferential Mating ring shows intermittent
contact spots on mating contacting and non-contacting
ring, pattern fades away areas. High spots are at each
between contact areas. bolt location. 360° contact on
360° contact on primary ring. primary ring.
Seal leaks steadily when shaft Seal leaks steadily when shaft is
is rotating or stationary. rotating or stationary.
1. Mechanical distortion. 1. Mechanical distortion.
2. Faces not flat. 2. Faces not flat.
1. Check for gland plate distortion 1. Check for gland distortion due to over-torquing of bolts.
due to over-torquing of bolts. 2. Change to softer gasket materials between seal chamber
2. Check squareness of parts and gland plate.
used to hold mating ring in place. 3. Provide full face gasket contact or contact above centerline
3. Check seal chamber face flatness of split case pumps. of bolts to prevent bending of gland plate.
4. Check the gland plate surface in contact with the mating ring.
Must be free of nicks and burrs. Surface must show full pattern
when blued with mating ring.