2022 UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide Vfinal 2022.06.10

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UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022

Purpose of this Guide .............................................................................................................................. 2
Definition ................................................................................................................................................. 2
UCI Regulations ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Basic Form of a BMX Park........................................................................................................................ 5
Basic Obstacles ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Quarter Pipe ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Spine Ramp .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Jump Box ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Step-Up ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Other Types of Obstacles ........................................................................................................................ 7
Other Considerations .............................................................................................................................. 8
Connections Between Surfaces ........................................................................................................... 8
Levels of Parks ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Risk Management .................................................................................................................................. 12
Safety Zone ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Fall Protection ................................................................................................................................... 12
Connections between Obstacles and the Flat Riding Surface ........................................................... 12
Frame................................................................................................................................................. 13
The Riding Surface ............................................................................................................................. 13
Logos or Graphic Design Elements .................................................................................................... 13
Boundary Lines .................................................................................................................................. 13
Edge-Related Hazards........................................................................................................................ 14
Debris and Foreign Objects ............................................................................................................... 14
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 14
The BMX Freestyle Park Venue ............................................................................................................. 14
Homologation and Approval ................................................................................................................. 16
BMX Freestyle Glossary ......................................................................................................................... 16
Contact information .............................................................................................................................. 18

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022

Purpose of this Guide

The UCI BMX Park Guide is a short document which defines the field of
play for the sport of BMX Freestyle Park. It is meant to accompany and
explain the UCI regulations.

For regional, national and certain international events, this document

is meant to provide a set of guidelines in order to advise national
federations as they move to integrate the sport. For major
international events such as World Cups, World Championships and
multi-sport games, it shall constitute a set of requirements.

This guide does not contain specific dimensions for various types of
obstacles commonly found in BMX Parks. This is because such
obstacles are not built to any particular standard. Rather, the size,
spacing, angles, heights and the radii of curves used in transitions from
flat ground depends on the complete design of each individual BMX
Park, which is decided based upon the available space and intended
users of the park – beginners / amateurs, intermediate level riders, or
professionals. It is always recommended that someone attempting to
build a BMX Park should recruit the assistance of a company
specialised in building BMX Parks, or someone experienced in riding
and building BMX Parks.

At the highest level of the sport, a BMX Freestyle park (BMX park) is a facility built for the purpose of
BMX Freestyle riding, which incorporates various obstacles. The layout of the park allows BMX riders
to develop a performance called a run, which consists of a sequence of tricks involving jumps and
transfers between obstacles. Creativity in how runs are assembled, and the variety and difficulty of
tricks performed is highly important.

As such, the BMX park defines the type of riding that is possible within it.

Given this, while it may be possible to hold a BMX Freestyle Park competition in a similar facility such
as a skateboard park or concrete bowl (facilities commonly found in urban areas around the world),
such facilities can sometimes limit the quality of the competition that is possible when the highest
level of competition is considered, since the size, spacing and layout of the obstacles is not always
optimised for BMX park riding.

UCI Regulations
The UCI BMX Freestyle Regulations provide some basic parameters concerning the layout and
construction of the field of play for the BMX Freestyle Park discipline.

The relevant regulations (as of 2nd February 2019) are copied here for convenience; however, it is
important to note that the version of the regulations presently in force on the UCI Website always
takes precedence in case of any divergence.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
6bis.7.001 As general principle, the field of play, or “park” in which BMX Freestyle Park
Competitions take place is a facility composed of various ramps and obstacles that are
designed and optimised to allow riders on BMX bicycles to compose runs through the
park consisting of a number of tricks. It is understood that while the type and difficulty
of the tricks that are possible depend on the creativity and skill of the rider, the format
of the BMX Park also has a significant influence in that the size, shape, and spacing of
the ramps and obstacles within the park provide the space and possibility to achieve
the necessary altitude to make various types of tricks and styles of BMX riding possible.
As such, a basic BMX Freestyle Park which is constructed for that purpose must be a
minimum of 15 metres wide and 25 metres long. Also, neither the width nor the length
of the park can be greater than 60 metres.

A safety zone of at least 2 metres must surround all sides of the stage on which the
park is built, in areas where a rider or bicycle could be ejected from within it. No person
other than accredited staff and riders entered in the Competition are permitted to stay
in the safety zone.

To ensure safety, for edges of the park which do not consist of quarter pipes (normally
the longer edges of a rectangular park), at least 2m of flat stage must separate the
obstacles from the edge of the stage.

The park can be all at the same level (ground level) or spread across several different
levels raised above the others. However, the base or ground area of each such level
where the obstacles sit shall be flat and must be built of a material that is hard enough
to allow the riders to preserve their momentum.

A safety barrier or equivalent fall protection is needed at any edge of a raised level
which is also an outside edge of the park. This must be built in a way so as to not impair
the full use of the park by the riders, nor put their safety at risk.

(text modified on: 02.02.19)

6bis.7.002 The field of play must contain a minimum of 3 obstacles. An obstacle is any feature
within the park which is raised above the level where it sits. This can include the walls
of the park, if any.

Obstacles that have their base above ground level must be at least 2 metres wide;
again, the 2 metres safety zone must be maintained. Such obstacles may also be
connected as described above.

6bis.7.003 Ramps, as well as the ground surface between them, must be built from a sufficiently
hard and even surface which provides good traction for bicycle tires, such as wood or
concrete; regardless of the materials used, such surfaces must not have any significant
defects such as gaps, bumps, or holes.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022

Comment: Though not part of the text of the present regulations, in case the ramps are
installed on top of a stage, the surface of the stage must be quite stiff – any significant
amount of flex in not desirable.

6bis.7.003bis The type of field of play that can be used for BMX Freestyle Park competitions,
including the materials of which it can be made, depends on the level of contest that
will be held.

Local, Regional, National, National Championships and International C1 Events

Existing facilities made of either wood or cement can be used. While it is preferred that
such facilities are designed specifically for BMX, various public freestyle facilities such
as bowls and skateboard parks can also be used. It is strongly recommended that
where possible, such a field of play should incorporate at least 3 of the obstacles
typically found in a BMX Freestyle Park as outlined in the UCI BMX Freestyle Park

Comment: Though not found in the regulations, the term ‘bowl’ above refers to a bowl
style course, which includes at least some of the basic BMX park obstacles described
later in this document. A course consisting only of a bowl without any other obstacles
is not acceptable for a BMX Freestyle Park competition.

Continental Championships
Prior to the 2021 season, the same type of facilities as described above for
International C1 Events can be used. Beginning in 2021 and after, a facility specifically
made for BMX riding must be used, whether built of wood or cement; such a field of
play shall comply with the principles and guidelines outlined in the UCI BMX Freestyle
Park Guide.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park World Cup Events, UCI BMX Freestyle Park World
Championships, Multi-Sport Games including the Olympic Games
A field of play specifically constructed for BMX must be used and shall consist of
wooden ramps. Such a field of play shall comply with the principles and guidelines
outlined in the UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide.

(Article introduced on: 02.02.19)

Comment: Within the context of these regulations and this guide, the term ‘wooden
ramps’ refers to the riding surface of the ramp, and not necessarily the structure below
it (which could be metal or wood).

6bis.7.004 A riders area which can only be accessed by people with the necessary accreditation
or riders who are registered in the Competition shall be provided next to the park.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
6bis.7.005 In general, the park and its surrounding infrastructure must be built in a way so that
the safety of the riders is protected. In doing so, the park and safety zone, including
the edges of all obstacles, must be free of sharp edges. Likewise, no object that could
present an impalement risk is allowed within these areas.

Basic Form of a BMX Park

A field of play suitable for a BMX Freestyle Park competition is normally square or rectangular in
shape (though other configurations are possible) and has at least 3 different obstacles within the
boundaries of the field of play.

BMX Freestyle Park is a BMX Freestyle competition specialty which requires a variety of obstacles
within the boundaries of the field of play to stage a successful competition. While it is possible to
hold various types of BMX Freestyle contests on a field of play with only 1 or 2 obstacles, it is
sufficiently different from the specialty of BMX Freestyle Park that such events are not presently
eligible to be registered on the UCI BMX International Calendar.

Some examples of such events that aren’t eligible to be registered on the UCI BMX Freestyle
International Calendar would include competitions that take place in a skateboard bowl without any
other obstacles, a spine ramp contest (consisting of a spine ramp between two quarter pipes) or a
mini-ramp contest (a course consisting only of a small half-pipe).

It is possible to find many public facilities already built that have a sufficient variety of obstacles to
allow a BMX Freestyle Park contest to be held, even if such facilities were not purposely built for
BMX. Such facilities may be suitable for regional, national, national championship, and UCI
International Class 1 events, as mentioned above in the extract from the UCI regulations. Wood or
cement (or a combination of these) can normally be used as the main construction materials for
events at this level, as the obstacles in such ‘multi-purpose’ fields of play tend to be smaller and the
level of risk is lower.

For levels of competition beyond this, a field of play that has been purpose-built for BMX Freestyle
Park competitions constructed with wooden ramps is needed. This is to allow professional riders to
perform at their best, while providing an increased level of safety as the size of the obstacles

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
Such parks are usually built on top of a stage with a wooden surface that is normally between 50cm
and 1m high. This stage clearly defines the boundaries of the BMX park.

However, it is also possible to install obstacles directly on a flat and smooth surface, such as asphalt
or cement, as long as the transitions between the obstacles and the flat riding surface are smooth,
and the outside edges of the park are clearly defined, usually with one or more painted lines that
strongly contrasts with the colour of the riding surface.

Regardless of the type of BMX park used, the design and construction of any field of play used for
BMX Freestyle Park competitions should be done by experts. The space between obstacles and the
way they are placed in the design needs to be considered so it works for the riders, as does the
design and construction of each obstacle.

Basic Obstacles
As mentioned in the section above, a BMX Park must consist of at least 3 obstacles.

Basic obstacles that commonly feature in BMX Parks can include (but are not limited to) those found
in this section.

Quarter Pipe
A ramp used by riders to change direction (up to 180 degrees) without
losing speed. It is a ramp which curves upwards from the flat riding
surface (an element called a ‘transition’ as it transitions from flat) into an
almost vertical (or completely vertical) wall. It is also possible to start on
top of a ledge installed behind a quarter pipe ramp and drop in to get
speed for either a jump box or spine ramp that are placed in the middle
of the course. On a beginner park, a quarter pipe can be in between 1,2
metres and 1,8 metres tall without going to a complete vertical.

Quarter Pipes can be placed in an angle to create a hip jump. Quarter

Pipes can be placed against a wall to create a Bank to Wall. Quarter Pipes
can be placed next to each other to create a gap. Quarter pipes with different transitions placed next
to each other can be used for transfers. A quarter pipe is an obstacle that can be used in multiple

Spine Ramp
An obstacle where two quarter pipes are placed back to back without a large
platform on top. A single or double coping (metal pipe), or small platform divides
the quarter pipes. Spines on a basic park can be anywhere between 1 meter and
1.7 metres tall. Generally, the steeper and higher the spine, the harder it is to do
tricks over the ramp. A spine ramp should have a width of 2,5 meters minimum.
Wider is always preferred.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022

Jump Box
An obstacle used to jump from one side to the other side. In
general, the take-off side of a jump box (also called a box jump)
has a steeper transition than the landing. For a beginner park, the
height of the box jump can be anywhere between 1.2 metres and
1.7 metres. The mellower (less steep) landing makes it easier to
land on. The length of the deck between the take-off and the
landing varies between 2 and 4 meters. It is important to be able
to get enough speed to jump from one side to the other, which is
why jump boxes are most often placed in the middle of BMX parks. Jump boxes can be flat on top, or
step-up or step-down depending on the riding direction.

A lower take-off ramp with a landing that is placed higher-up. The mellower the landing, the easier it
is to land a trick, but the harder the landing will be. Landing smoothly high in the transition helps the
rider keep the speed which is needed for the next obstacle. The photo of the jump box on the page
above is also a step-up depending on the riding direction.

Other Types of Obstacles

Hitching Post: An elevated wooden, concrete or metal bar placed on top of a
ramp for extra trick possibilities such as “foot jams”, “abubacas”, “foot
plants”, “ice picks”, “tooth picks” and combinations of those tricks. Hitching
posts normally have a height between 0.7 metres and 1.3 metres.

Rails: Available in all shapes and forms to perform grinds of all sorts. They
can either go down some stairs or ramps, or be flat. Curved rails (to the left or to the right) are a
possibility as well as rails shaped as a wave. Rails are at least 0.4 metres off the ground in order to
make peg grinds possible.

Hip Jump: Two quarter pipes placed next to each other at an angle. The angle
can be anywhere between 10 and 90 degrees. The bigger the angle, the sharper
the hip. Jumps and tricks can be performed ‘on the hip’ making it different from
doing the tricks in a straight line.

Driveway: a flat bank to flat bank obstacle with a platform in the middle. It is also
possible to have a big transition on the take-offs but far less than that of a
quarter pipe, jump box or spine. Driveways usually are between 0.7 metres and
1.2 metres high and can be made more interesting if hipped, or adding ledges,
rails or a wall on its side.

It is important to recognise that the above sections do not form an exhaustive list of all possible
types of obstacles. These are simply examples of obstacles that commonly feature in BMX Freestyle

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022

Other Considerations
Connections Between Surfaces
As BMX parks consist of a collection of obstacles installed on a flat base, the connections between
obstacles and the flat riding surface between them, as well as connections between different
surfaces which comprise some types of obstacles must be considered.

Obstacles must smoothly connect with the flat riding surface on which they are mounted. Usually a
thin transition plate, often constructed of metal is used so that there isn’t a noticeable bump when a
rider’s tires leave or re-join the flat surface. Following this, the lower part of most obstacles are
curved to varying degrees, depending on the size and type of the obstacle to ensure a smooth

For some types of obstacles such as the top edges of quarter pipes, coping is used to fill the joint
found at the transition between the vertical element of the obstacle and the flat platform on top.

Coping is usually a steel tube with a diameter

between 5 cm and 8 cm. The standard size is 6 cm.
When coping is used it should be of uniform height
above the top edge of the ramp that it protects,
which is approximately 1 cm on top and 1 cm over
the top of the ramp sheet.

Coping on the top of a ramp is installed for a few

• It creates an edge to grind on
• It protects the ramp edge from damage
• It tells the riders where the edge of a ramp is when catching air or doing tricks

It is not necessary for ramps to have coping but it does create a possibility for more tricks; also, the
ramps will last longer.

Levels of Parks
It is possible to build BMX parks intended for riders at a specific level. In general, the height and
steepness of the obstacles found within a park, as well as the number and layout of the obstacles in
the park define the level of the park.

Local and National events can be held on a park with a minimum size of 15 meters wide by 25 meters
long which has several basic elements available such as small to medium sized quarter pipes, hips, a
jump box, ledges and walls.

A very basic design however could be to have quarter pipes placed on each side with a jump box and
spine placed in the middle of the park. Also existing concrete action sport parks with a similar set-up
can form the base of a Local and National BMX Freestyle Park competition, with possibly a C1-
category event.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
Whether a BMX park is made for beginners or professionals, it is important that they are all
different. One of the key skills in BMX park riding is to adapt to the conditions and challenges
presented by each park to perform creative and interesting tricks and runs – the beauty of the
sport is that every park is different, just like the freestyle riding that takes place on them.

Several examples of complete BMX parks are presented below.

Example 1: A Beginner / Intermediate Level Park

The Park design shown below is a simple rectangular design that is 22m wide x 40m long and has two
walls (walls formed by quarter pipes, one such wall on each side) with several obstacles in the
middle. Parks for beginner and intermediate riders can be as large as those for advanced riders,
though smaller is usually a bit better as the layout is simpler.

Particular considerations include:

• The park is built on a 22m x 40m platform with metal construction with wooden surface
which is 100% level. Note that this platform is 2m wider on both sides than the space in
which the obstacles are contained (18m wide). This is to reduce the size of the drop in case a
rider accidentally goes off the edge of one of the obstacles.
• The ramps are made of wood with metal frames underneath; generally, all ramps need to be
solidly built and should not move.
• A 2-meter safety zone without any ramps is used along each side of the park, as measured
from the obstacles on the long edges closest to the outside of the park.
• Obstacles in the middle consist of a spine ramp (two quarter pipes placed to each other with
a small platform on top), a box jump (steeper take-off and higher and longer landing), a bank
to bank box and a step-up ramp to elevated platform.
• The walls along the narrow ends of the park have different sized ramps placed in front of
them, some with a small platform, others connected directly to a transition. This creates

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
transfer possibilities where riders can go from one side to the other and anywhere in
between. The walls do have platforms on which riders can start or can use for tricks.

A park like the above works well for riders of the beginner / intermediate level because of its
simplicity, the height of the ramps and the size of transitions being used. It features lines going back
and forth on ramps with moderate sized take-offs and safe landings. The ramps are wide and the
safety zone along the edges keeps riders within the field of play in case of an error. The fences on the
tops of the ramps along the narrow ends of the park prevent riders from falling off.

Examples 2, 3 and 4: Advanced Parks

In addition to the considerations mentioned above for beginner and intermediate level parks, the
size of an advanced park is normally anywhere between 25 meters and 60 meters along each
dimension (width and / or length). Aside from the size, advanced parks have more elements that are
challenging and placed in a position where transfers are a possibility and so riders can get enough
speed to handle the ramp that is in front of them. Ramps are higher and the walls can be up to 6
meters tall on each side with platforms on top.

Advanced BMX parks can be used for any type of event intended for professional riders, however
they are required for Continental Championships (beginning in the 2021 season) and for World Cups
and World Championships and multi-sport games. The elements can include but are not limited to
bowl corners, curved walls, ledges, hitching posts, extensions, cradles, full pipes, spines, quarter
pipes, hips, step-downs, walls, back rails, volcanos and a variety of other creative structures. A mix of
all elements (box-jump, spine, hips, bank to wall) is advisable.

Several examples of advanced parks are found below.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
With the additions of bowled corners and hips, the park shown on the page above creates new lines
for riders to take and go from one side to the other in a different way. Because of its size and the
number of various ramps available this creates a field of play that will show different types of riding,
not just a back and forth jump box run. A course like this is challenging for the riders as it leaves more
to their imagination to put together a run that stands out. Ramps of different sizes allow riders to
perform a much wider variety of tricks than on more basic parks, and to form runs which use many
different sequences of obstacles.

The park above offers multiple hips. Two of them are front of the wall where a rider can take-off
from any angle to ride the wall and land in a transition to keep their speed for the next obstacle. The
hip placed next to the jump box gives riders two new ways of using the jump box; one by using the
box landing to land on where also the take-off side of the jump box can be used to land on if the
other side of the hip gets used. The hip itself also offers a ramp to do tricks on. The ramp on the top
side offers two take-off ramps placed in a hip form to land in the middle section. Because of the
presence of the hips, this course is also not a “back-and-forth” style freestyle park such as that in
example 1.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
Unique elements on the park found at the end of the page above are the curved wallride (in blue)
and the step-up – step-down ramp at the bottom of the image. Also note the elevated section on the
right and the transition on the back of the curved wallride. The volcano (the curved ramp) on the side
of the box jump also offers a different way to use the box jump if coming from that side avoiding a
‘dead end’ on the course. Next to that a white sub rail was added to this course (near the bottom
right corner of the park) for technical tricks.

Risk Management
As with most action sports, it is important that BMX parks are designed and built in a way that does
not present an unreasonable level of risk to riders at the level for which each park is intended.

Assuming that the level of risk presented by a BMX park design is acceptable, it is the responsibility
of the BMX park owners to maintain the park and the area immediately around it in a condition that
is suitable for use.

Finally, it is important to mention that all riders are themselves responsible for assessing whether or
not any given park, individual obstacles or tricks are beyond their ability to safely execute.

The following are key elements related to the design of a BMX park which have an impact on the
level of risk.

Safety Zone
A safety zone at least 2 metres wide is needed
between the edge of the flat riding surface on
which the BMX park is mounted, and the area
where spectators can stand. During events, this
zone is maintained with a fence.

In most cases where a BMX park is mounted on an

elevated stage and not directly on the ground, it is
strongly recommended that the stage along the
low sides of the park must be wider than the edge
of the obstacle closest to that edge of the BMX park (see the beginner-level park example above).
This reduces the distance that the rider will fall in case a rider accidentally rides off the edge of that
obstacle, giving them a reasonable chance to recover.

Fall Protection
Railings must be installed on top of the quarter pipe ramps or other obstacles higher than the flat
riding surface of the stage which are at the edge of the park to prevent people from falling down on
the back side of these obstacles. It is important that these are sturdy as riders may also use these to
do tricks. Such railings are normally considered to be included within the boundaries of a BMX park.

Connections between Obstacles and the Flat Riding Surface

As already mentioned, a thin metal sheet at the bottom of each wooden ramp is strongly
recommended as it helps prevent damage to the wood and ensures a smooth transition between the
obstacles and the flat riding surface on which they are mounted. It is very important that this metal
sheet is well screwed/bolted to the ramp and flat riding surface so it does not rattle or move. Also,

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
this part should be painted with special anti-slip paint to avoid any slipping. All screws and fasteners
must be solidly set, must not have sharp edges, and must not protrude above the level of the riding

Transitions between obstacles and the flat riding surface must be smooth and have a strong
structure under the riding surface to avoid flex.

The metal or wooden frame underneath the ramps needs to
be solid. This cannot be underestimated. The force from
landings on ramps can result in holes in the wooden ramps if
they are not constructed strongly enough.

The Riding Surface

The riding surface on the obstacles usually consists of
multiple layers of wood. Screws must be drilled entirely in
the surface without sticking out.

The riding surface must have a matte finish to avoid glare;

matte black or matte dark grey are recommended as they are
easiest for riders to see. Other colours can be considered
depending on light levels and direction, but they must not be shiny, reflective, or slippery. Some
indoor parks simply use unpainted wood which is also fine as long as it strongly resists splintering and
offers a decent level of grip.

Logos or Graphic Design Elements

Any logos or graphic designs installed on any part of the riding surface of the park (including vertical
surfaces) must be painted with non-skid paint. Use of banners stapled or screwed into the surface
should be avoided.

Also, such logos or designs must not be painted near or on transitions between surfaces within the
park – it is very important that the colour of such transitions is uniform so that riders can easily see
where these transitions begin and end.

Artwork such as graffiti should be avoided on all riding surfaces as it can interfere with the ability of
riders to clearly see transitions and edges of obstacles.

Boundary Lines
Very often, it is helpful to the riders to paint boundary lines in a strongly contrasting colour to the
riding surface (usually white lines on a black or grey surface) at important transition points, such as
the ends of take-offs or starts of landings on obstacles which are jumped. If coping is installed at such
points, then it is recommended that the coping is a different colour than the riding surface of the

Such boundary lines are also useful along the sides of obstacles located near the low edges of the
park, so that riders have an easy visual reference to know where the drop-off at the outside edge of
the park is located.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022

Edge-Related Hazards
There must be no sharp edges or impalement risks within the boundaries of the BMX park and the 2-
metre wide safety zone along its edges.

Debris and Foreign Objects

Before the park is used for practice or competition, all materials, debris, tools, and construction
equipment must be removed from with the boundaries of the park and the 2-metre wide safety zone
along its edges.

Any holes, cracks, bumps, should always be repaired before riding on the park.

Freestyle parks should be swept from time to time to get rid of the dust, leaves, dirt that could make
the ramps slippery.

Screws should be checked on a regular basis. Any sheet of wood that becomes loose needs to be
solidly reattached immediately. Any beams or supporting structures that are rotten or damaged must
be replaced.

Railings should be checked on a regular basis to ensure that they are strong enough and remain
solidly fastened.

After rain, puddles should be removed before every session. All ramps need to be dry before the park
is used.

The BMX Freestyle Park Venue

If it is intended that a BMX park could be used to host events, it is important to put some thought
into the necessary supporting areas and structures when decided the location and surrounding area
where a BMX park will be installed.

In general, these are all temporary structures or areas – however, it is important to plan where these
will go if an event is held.


In order for BMX Freestyle Park judges to do their job correctly, they need to be able to see the
entire course including landings of the ramps. With most BMX park configurations, it is advised that a
separate judging tower is placed at a 45-degree angle to the BMX park just outside one of its corners
(this may be adjusted depending on the park layout). The tower needs to offer the best possible
view, be away from loud speakers, have easy access, and preferably have a roof or canopy to shelter
the judges (in case the Park is located outside).

The judges tower can be located in a temporary structure which is only installed in case an event will
be held. It should have capacity for up to 8 people, depending on the number of judges, and whether
or not live results will be provided (one or more results system operators might also be located here).
It is also important that the access method is safe so that falls are likely to be avoided (no open
ladders for example).

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
Viewing Area – Riders / Teams

For major events, space should be set aside for the riders competing in the present phase of the
event to watch what is going on. This is often in the safety zone between the edge of the BMX park
and the barricade fence which forms the boundary of the spectator area. This is preferably located
on one of the long sides of the FOP separated from the crowd with easy access to the FOP, the bike
parking, medics, toilet, information board, neutral mechanic and drinks. For events, accreditation
such as a wristband is needed to access this area. As this is the area that riders normally use to access
the BMX park before competition, it is wise to have at least 1 toilet reserved for the use of the riders
close by, if the riders’ area is a long distance away.

Riders’ Area

This is a secure area that is temporarily installed

for events where riders can leave their bags, get
changed, have a snack/drink and prepare for the
event. Again, accreditation is needed to access it.
Ideally, it will be close to the field of play, but
need not be directly next to it. The space should
be big enough for riders, team staff, several dozen
bikes and bag storage, and should ideally have at
least 1 good sized tent so that riders can have
some shelter from the sun, or in case it begins
raining. It should also be close to at least several toilets, ideally reserved for the riders use. It is also
ideal to have a private changing area for riders who wish to use it, particularly for female riders.
There should also be a posting board where event information such as start lists and results is


A small tent with walls should be installed close to the BMX park to serve as a base for medical staff
that are needed during an event. It should have good and easy access to the BMX park, and also a
clear evacuation pathway so that an injured rider can easily be moved to the location where one or
more ambulances are parked.


The key point when planning for spectators is to try to maximise the view of the competition. This is
a public area of the venue which has to be separated from the riders/staff/media. The public must
have no access to the BMX park, nor the areas listed above. Spectator areas should maintain a
minimum separation of 2m from the edge of the BMX park (although this can be less in case raised
grandstands are used along the high edges of the BMX park behind any quarter-pipe sections).
However, it is important that the spectators are not too distant – they fill a major role in creating the
atmosphere of an event.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
For most events, spectators end up standing on the ground along the long, low edges of the field of
play. In case local terrain allows it, placing the BMX park at the bottom of a small hill allows the
hillside to be used as a sort of natural stadium, which maximises the view for everyone.

Homologation and Approval

For the moment, no specific homologation or approval is needed from the UCI in case an already
constructed field of play is used for local or national events, for National Championships, or Class 1
International events registered on the UCI BMX Freestyle International Calendar. Such fields of play
must comply with the UCI Regulations and UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide in order for these events to
be held. The national federation hosting the competition in question is responsible for monitoring
such compliance.

Otherwise, UCI approval is needed for any newly built field of play that is designed specifically for the
sport of BMX Freestyle Park. UCI approval of the field of play is also needed for the following types of
events: World Cups, World Championships, and Multi-Sport Games. Beginning in 2021, such approval
will also be needed for the fields of play used for Continental Championships.

BMX Freestyle Glossary

Bank-to-wall: a sloping hill leading into a vertical or near-vertical wall, possibly with a gap between
the top of the slope and the bottom of the wall.

Barspin: a trick consisting of throwing the handlebars in a complete rotation while off the ground.

Bunny Hop: riding along and lifting both wheels off the ground, the starting point for almost all BMX

Case: to land short on a jump, hitting the front of the landing, or the top of the ramp with the bike's
back tire and jarring the rider.

Coping: metal piping inset on the top corner of ramps to increase their durability and make grinding

Flat: 1) a punctured or torn tire that can no longer hold air.

2) jumping to flat ground, as opposed to a using a landing of some sort.
3) may occasionally refer to the BMX Freestyle ‘Flatland’ specialty

Flatland: a BMX Freestyle specialty which takes place entirely on a flat surface without obstacles.

Flow: the ease with which a rider transitions from one ramp or obstacle to the next.

Freestyle: the form of BMX consisting of intricate maneuvers (tricks) over ramps and other obstacles.

Gap: 1) an area to be jumped over on a bicycle, often in combination with other tricks.
2) the act of jumping over a gap.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022
Grind: a trick performed by placing a part or combination of parts of the bicycle, such as the pegs,
chainwheel, or pedals, on an obstacle and sliding along it.

Half-pipe: Basically, 2 quarter-pipes arranged opposite each other, usually with at least some flat
space (and no other obstacles) between them

Hip: two perpendicular sloping hills that share a corner, often used as a jump by transferring from
one slope to the other.

Lip: 1) the very top of the transition on a ramp, just before the coping.
2) any trick done on the lip of a ramp.

Miniramp: a small half-pipe, usually no more than six feet tall.

Opposite: spinning or doing a trick the opposite direction you are comfortable with.

Park: BMX riding on a series of wooden or cement ramps designed specifically for BMX bicycles or
skateboards. Derived from the term skate park.

Peg: a metal cylinder placed over the axle nuts and used to perform grinds, stalls, and to stand on in
the case of flatland.

Quarter-pipe: a ramp resembling a quarter cross-section of a complete cylinder, consisting of a

transition, lip, deck, and coping.

Ramp: an obstacle made of cement, wood, or dirt and used to perform BMX tricks.

Street: BMX Freestyle specialty that takes place on natural or man-made terrain within cities, such as
ledges, curbs, walls, and handrails. Anything not made specifically to be ridden on is potentially a
street obstacle.

Switch-footed: a trick performed with one's feet in the opposite position one comfortably rides. For
instance, a rider who usually keeps their left foot in the front would consider riding with their right
foot in the front switch-footed.

Tailwhip: a trick consisting of kicking the back end of one's bicycle in a complete revolution around
the handlebars.

Transfer: jumping over one area of a ramp onto another, or from one ramp to another.

Transition: the part of a ramp where the angle starts to steepen from flat, causing the surface to

Vert: BMX Freestyle specialty that takes place on a single half-pipe where the transitions are vertical.

UCI BMX Freestyle Park Guide
Version on 10th June 2022

Contact information
Annelyse Torrent Day Bart de Jong
Off-Road Manager BMX Freestyle Consultant
annelyse.torrentday@uci.ch bart.dejong@uci.ch



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