Megharbi Et Al 2021

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Original Research Paper

Ethnobotanical characterization of halophytes with medicinal virtues,

Case of the Macta wetland flora: North-West Algeria
Megharbi A1 and Kechairi R2

1 Institute of Exact Sciences and Natural and Life Sciences. Ahmed Zabana University Center,
Bourmadia, Relizane, Algeria / Laboratory of Plant Ecology and Environment, USTHB Bab Ezzouar,
Algiers, Algeria.
2 Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Earth and Universe Sciences, University Abou Bekr
Belkaïd - Tlemcen, Algeria.

*Corresponding Author: HDR. KECHAIRI R, University of Tlemcen, Algeria. Email:

Here is an ethnobotanical study on halophytic plants with medicinal virtues traditionally used by the populations
surrounding the Macta wetland (north-western Algeria). An ethnobotanical survey was carried out and the data
collected were statistically analyzed by using the R software and 150 questionnaire sheets. The results obtained
allowed the identification of 53 plants including 32 halophytic species with medicinal virtues belonging to 28
genera and 17 botanical families. On the basis of the ethnobotanical survey, we identified 43.75% of the species
that are used as anti-inflammatory, 28% to treat diuretic disorders, 21.87% to treat uro-genital disorders, 18.75%
for their effects on the digestive system, and 15% of the plants which are used against diabetes. Multifactorial
analysis reveals a good correspondence between the ethnobotanical aspect of plant species and their therapeutic
uses. The results obtained indicate the appearance of five typical use profiles specific to medicinal virtues.
Keywords: Ethnobotanical surveys, spontaneous medicinal plants, phytotherapy, Macta, North West Algeria.

The valorization of natural resources is a concern that has become increasingly important in
many countries in recent decades. Thus, since its General Assembly, the WHO has been
recommending the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of plant-based medicines with a view to
standardize their use and to integrate them into conventional health care systems (O.M.S. 2002).
In Algeria, traditional medicine has long been used thanks to the richness and diversity of its
flora, which constitutes a real phylogenetic reservoir, with about 3000 species and subspecies of
vascular plants, which enables it to occupy a privileged place among the M editerranean countries
that have a long medical tradition and traditional know-how based on medicinal plants (Bouzid et
al., 2017). However, the Algerian medicinal forest remains little-known nowadays because, out of
the few thousand plant species, the number of medicinal species does not exceed 600 (Mokkadem,
1999). That’s to say 15% of the total Algerian forest. It certainly constitutes an integral part of the
culture of the Algerian population. The halophytes are part of this reservoir thanks to their
multiple ecological and agroalimentary interests (Batanouny, 1994). Some of them have been
used in traditional medicine for centuries (Batanouny, 1994; Mokkadem, 1999; Paetzold, 1989;
Squires, 1994). Currently and thanks to their richness in biologically active molecules, several
halophytic species are used as remedies against certain diseases such as cancers, gastrointestinal
diseases, urinary tract and liver problems, inflammations, diabetes and dental caries (Ksouri et al.,

2021 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license.
Megharbi and Kechairi 2021. Genet. Biodiv. J, Special issue (Characterization and valorisation of Plants), 135-145

On one hand, in Algeria, many researchers have carried out in-depth studies on a large number of
medicinal plants (Adjadj, 2009; Aissaoui, 2010; Hamimed, 2009), but on the other hand, no
ethnobotanical studies have been carried out on spontaneous medicinal plants in wetlands and in
particular the Ramsar site known as the Macta marshes.
The present work proposes to fill, at least in part, this gap in one of the most important Ramsar
sites in Algeria. Thanks to its biogeographical position, its plant diversity, as well as the
knowledge on the traditional use of certain plants in the treatment of diseases, the Macta wetland
in the North-Western of Algeria, provides a very important field of work. In this perspective, the
objectives of this work are (i) To list and count the halophytic plants with medicinal virtues in the
Macta wetland, (ii) To evaluate the richness and diversity of this medicinal flora in the study area
and (iii) To recall the therapeutic properties and traditional use of halophytes with medicinal
virtues present in the study area.
Materials and methods
This article is part of an approach that aims, through an ethnobotanical survey (Annex) and a
bibliographical study of biological activities, at studying the biodiversity of halophytes with
medicinal virtues, at highlighting them and to offer researchers a research axis for better
exploitation of halophytes.
Study region
The Macta wetland is a triangular depression covering an area of 44500 ha. It is located in North
Western Algeria [latitude 35.607°N and longitude 0.0489°W] (Fig. 1). It is bounded to the North
by the Mediterranean Sea, to the south by the mountains of Beni-Chougrane, to the East by the
Mostaganem plateau and to the west by the Sebkha of Oran. The study area is fed by three main
rivers: Wadi Sig, Wadi Habra and Wadi Tinn. On the geological level, there are four geological
formations: the marine Pliocene, the continental Pliocene, the Calabrien and the continental
Quaternary (Gaucher and Simmoneau, 1951).

Figure 1. Location of the Macta wetland.

The bioclimate is semi-arid with a mean annual rainfall ranging from 380 to 450 mm, but rainfall
can drop from 250 to 300 mm during deserted periods and a thermal regime ranging from 17 to
19°C (Megharbi, 2017). The soils are related to: (i) dune soils, (ii) alluvia l soils where clay

Megharbi and Kechairi 2021. Genet. Biodiv. J, Special issue (Characterization and valorisation of Plants), 135-145

texture dominates at the level of the plains and (iii) solontchaks and solonetzs for the rest of the
wetland (Gaucher and Simmoneau 1951, Sitayeb and Benabdeli 2008). The spontaneous flora of
the Macta wetland includes 477 species in 76 families and 282 genera, 45% of which are
halophytes (Megharbi, 2009).
Our work strategy consisted of the following two axes:
Species collection
We chose subjective sampling in five main habitats (Quezel and Santa, 1962, 1963). 50 floristic
surveys were carried out on quadrates with a minimum area of about 100 m² (Le Floch et al.,
2010). The taxonomic identification of the species was done with the help of specialists and plant
catalogs (Barbault, 1992). The nomenclature adopted is that of the flora of Algeria and the
Synonymous Catalogue of the flora of Tunisia (Simmoneau, 1952; Vidal, 1998).
Ethnobotanical data collection
The information was collected through semi structured interviews, questionnaires and personal
observations. A questionnaire was administered to the local people, through face to face
interviews. The mean age of the 150 respondents (50 men and 100 women) was 54.8 years
(ranging from 20 to 90 years). During these interviews, only people who had knowledge regarding
medicinal plants were invited to a survey study. The questioning is focused on the following
information (age, sex, therapeutic practice).
Biodiversity indices
We have retained the Shannon-Weaver index in the different sitesin order to describe the specific
diversity of medicinal halophytes. The evaluation of the specific diversity of the different
groupings was completed by the equitability index (E). The Shannon-Weaver index varies from 0
to 5 bits, while equitability varies from 0 to 1. It tends towards 0 when almost a ll the numbers are
concentrated on one species. It is 1 when all the species have the same abundance (Deil, 2005).
Statistical approach
Principal component analysis proposes, from a rectangular table of data, the values of quantitative
variables (therapeutic properties) for n units (plant species). The factorial axes are interpreted
from the contributions of the considered variables (Belouahem-Abed et al., 2009). The
hierarchical ascending classification allows these properties to be grouped in the form of steps
according to Euclidean distance. The collected data were processed using the R software ( version
The ethnobotanical surveys carried out in the field allowed us to elaborate a catalog of 105 plant
species. We present in this article 53 halophyte species among these, 32 of which were identified
by the people who underwent our survey as species with medicinal virtues. The monographs of
these 32 species are presented in alphabetical order of families, biological types and chorological
types (Table 1). For each species, we have specified the local use and therapeutic properties
(Table 2).

Megharbi and Kechairi 2021. Genet. Biodiv. J, Special issue (Characterization and valorisation of Plants), 135-145

Table 1. List of species encountered in the field.

Species Family Biological forms Chorology characteristic

Aizoaceae TH Mediterranean
Aizoon hispanicum Aïzoaceae TH Mediterranean -Irano-Touranian
Aïzoaceae TH Sub-Cosmopolitan
Arthrocnemum macrostachyum Amaranthaceae CH Mediterranean
Atriplex halimus Amaranthaceae CH Mediterranean
Atriplex prostrata Amaranthaceae TH Circumboreal
Beta macrocarpa Amaranthaceae TH Mediterranean
Caroxylon vermiculatum Amaranthaceae TH Saharo-Sindian
Salsola kali Amaranthaceae TH Palaeo-Temperate
Sarcocornia fruticosa Amaranthaceae CH Cosmopolitan
Suaeda fruticosa Amaranthaceae CH Cosmopolitan
Suaeda maritima Amaranthaceae CH Cosmopolitan
Bupleurum semicompositum Apiaceae TH Mediterranean
Chamaemelum fuscatum Asteraceae TH North Africa
Lactuca saligna Asteraceae TH Sub Mediterranean
Scorzoneroides muelleri Asteraceae TH Mediterranean
Senecio glaucus Asteraceae TH Mediterranean -Irano-Touranian-Saharo-Sindian
Hymenolobus procumbens Brassicaceae TH Cosmopolitan
Silene rubella Caryophyllaceae TH Mediterranean
Spergularia diandra Caryophyllaceae TH Sah-Sind-Irano-Tour
Spergularia marina Caryophyllaceae TH Mediterranean-Steppe
Chenopodium murale Chenopodiaceae TH Cosmopolitan
Cressa cretica Convolvulaceae CH Sub-Cosmopolitan
Carex divisa Cuperaceae G Mediterraneo-Atlantic
Bolboschoenus glaucus Cyperaceae Hcri Cosmopolitan
Frankenia laevis Frankeniaceae Hcri Palaeo-Temperate
Frankenia pulverulenta Frankeniaceae TH Mediterranean
Schenkia spicata Gentianaceae Hcri Mediterranean
Juncus acutus Juncaceae G Sub-Cosmopolitan
Juncus bufonius Juncaceae Hcri Cosmopolitan
Juncus maritimus Juncaceae Hcri Sub-Cosmopolitan
Juncus subulatus Juncaceae Hcri Circum-Mediterranean
Teucrium pseudo-chamaepilys Lamiaceae CH Mediterranean
Plantago coronopus Plantaginaceae Hcri Palaeotemperate
Limonium delicatulum Plumbaginaceae Hcri Mediterranean
Limonium duriaei Plumbaginaceae Hcri Endemic
Limonium lobatum Plumbaginaceae TH Mediterranean
Atropis convoluta Poaceae CH Palaeotemperate
Festuca arundinacea Poaceae Hcri Circumbor
Hainardia cylindrica Poaceae TH Mediterranean
Phragmites australis Poaceae Hél Cosmopolitan
Rostraria cristata Poaceae TH SubCosmopolitan
Schismus arabicus Poaceae TH Macar-Mediterranean
Aeluropus littoralis Poaceae Hcri Circum-Mediterranean
Hordeum murinum Poaceae TH Circum-Boreal
Parapholis incurva Poaceae TH Mediterranean
Sphenopus divaricatus Poaceae TH Paleo-Subtropical
Rumex crispus Polygonaceae CH Cosmopolitan
Ranunculus aquatilis Renonculaceae Hél Cosmopolitan
Limbarda crithmoides Synantheraceae CH Mediterraneo-Atlantic
Tamarix africana Tamaricaceae PH Mediterranean
Tamarix gallica Tamaricaceae PH North Tropical
Legende : Th :Therophytes ; PH : Phanerophytes ; Hél: Helophyte ; CH: Chamaephytes ; Hcri : Hemicryptophytes ; G:
Geophyte. Cosm. Cosmopolitan ; Atl. Atlantique ; Irano-Tour : Iranian-Touranian. Sah-Sind. : Saharo-Sindian ; Eur.
Europe ; End. Endemic ; Macar. : Macaronesian.

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Table 2. List of halophyte species with medicinal properties in the Macta wetland.
Species Therapeutic properties Part used
Aeluropus littoralis Fever, Diarrhea Leaf
Arthrocnemum macrostachyum Anti-inflammatory, Fortifier Leafs, Seed
Digestive disorders, Dermal Disorders, Antidiabetic, Antiseptic, Anti-
Atriplex halimus Decoction
Atriplex prostrata Anti-inflammatory Whole plant
Bolboschoenus glaucus Astringent, Antidiabetic, Diuretic Rhizome
Caroxylon vermiculatum Digestive disorders Seed
Chamaemelum fuscatum Anti-inflammatory Leafs
Anti-inflammatory, Anti-rhumatismal, Decoction,
Chenopodium murale
Digestive disorders pass
Cressa cretica Antidiabetic, Anti-inflammatory Leafs
Festuca arundinacea Genito-urinary disease Bousses
Frankenia pulverulenta Anti-inflammatory Leafs
Hordeum murinum Metabolic disorders, Fortifier Whole plant
Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Colic, Fruits
Juncus acutus
Genito-urinary disease, Sedative Decoction
Juncus maritimus Digestive disorders, antidiabetic
Lactuca saligna Fever, diahrée, Genito-urinary disease Leafs
Limbarda crithmoides Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory Leafs
Limonium delicatulum Anti-inflammatory, Liver diseases Seed
Limonium lobatum Astringent Stem
Antiseptic, Diuretic, Dermatological disordres, Anti-inflammatory,
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Leafs
Genito-urinary disease, Respiratory disordres
Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum Digestive disorders, Anti-inflammatory Leafs
Peganum harmala anti-rheumatismal, Anti-inflammatory, Genito-urinary disease, Sedative Seed
Phragmites australis Antidiabetic, Diuretic Leafs
Rumex crispus Respiratory disordres Seed
Salsola kali Diuretic Leafs
Sarcocornia fruticosa Diuretic, Liver diseases, Digestive disorders, Fortifier Fresh plant
Schenkia spicata Dermatological disordres Seed
Schismus arabicus Astringent, Diuretic Leafs
Silene rubella Anti-inflammatory, Sedative Seed
Spergularia diandra Genito-urinary disease Extract
Spergularia marina Anti-inflammatory, Genito-urinary disease Extract
Suaeda vera Osteoarticular disorders, Antidiabetic, Liver diseases Whole plant
Suaeda maritima anti-rheumatismal, Anti-inflammatory Extract
Tamarix africana Astringent, Anti-inflammatory Leafs
Tamarix gallica Astringent, Diuretic, antidiabetic, Cardio-vasculaire disorders Leafs, écorce
Teucrium pseudo-chamaepilys Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Digestive disorders Leafs

Biological types
With an analyzing of Table 1, we found that Therophytes represent 49.05%, while Chamaephytes
and Hemicryptophytes represent at least 20.75% of all species encountered. The percentage of
Geophytes and Phanerophytes reaches 3.77% while Heliophytes constitute 1.88%.
Families with frequent use
The results obtained show that the medicinal halophytes identified in the study area are divided
into 13 families and 20 genera. Among the 13 families identified those mostly represented in this
region are: Amaranthaceae (33.33%), Poaceae (11.11%), Juncaceae (7.40%), Tamaricaceae
(7.40%), Synantheraceae (7.40%) and Aïzoaceae (7.40%). The other families represent a rate of
about 3.7% (Fig. 2).

Megharbi and Kechairi 2021. Genet. Biodiv. J, Special issue (Characterization and valorisation of Plants), 135-145

Biogeographic Elements
While examining, we notice that the species are the Mediterranean species that predominate in
this formation with 33.96%. The cosmopolitan species come in the second position with a portion
of order 28.30%. In third position are the broadly distributed species with a portion of order
18.86%, followed by Nordic species 15.09%. Finally, two endemic halophytic species with
medicinal virtues present a rate of 3.77%.
Biodiversity analysis
There are five main habitats in the Macta marshes; coastal sands, wet meadows, lawns, swamps,
and succulent salt steppes (Quezel and Santa, 1962, 1963). The wet meadows contain a very
important number of medicinal halophytes. This is the Sarcocornia fruticosa grouping (Table 3).
Wet depressions occupy second place with ten medicinal halophytic species, dominated mainly by
Cressa cretica. Coastal sands and marshes contain the same number of medicinal halophytic
species. These two environments are dominated respectively by: Mesembryanthemum
crystallinum and Phragmites australis. Finally, the salt steppes, an environment dominated by
Suaeda vera contains three medicinal halophytes.

Figure 2. Comparative of botanical families with medicinal properties of Macta wetland halophyte.
Table 3. Biodiversity indices of medicinal halophytes
Coastal sand Wet meadows Wet depressions Mashes Salty steppes
4 14 7 4 3
Medicinal Halophytes
12.5% 43.75% 21.87% 12.5% 9.37%
Average richness 11.2 5.3 7.5 12.8 14
Shannon Index 1.272 1.331 1.620 1.613 1.902
Piélou Index 0.526 0.798 0.804 0.632 0.720
Biodiversity indices
Diversity index values are lower in near shore sands and wet grasslands than in the other three
habitats (Table 3). The equitability of Pielou leads to the conclusion that wet depressions present
a homogeneous and specialized environment.

Megharbi and Kechairi 2021. Genet. Biodiv. J, Special issue (Characterization and valorisation of Plants), 135-145

Therapeutic properties
The hierarchical ascending classification reveals five classes of traditional therapy, which are the
anti-inflammatory, astringent and diuretic properties, genitourinary affections, digestive
affections and finally metabolic affections (Fig. 3).
The analysis of the main components of the therapeutic effects gave the results that we present in
the two figures 4 and 5:
On the hand, on the positive side, at the end of axis 1, a group of species with strong contributions
namely Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, Juncus acutus, Tamarix africana and Peganum harmala
well correlated with anti-inflammatory properties (3.087) and those related to genitourinary disorders
(1.043). On the other hand, on the negative side, we note the presence of Bolboschoenus glaucus,
Tamarix gallica and Schismus arabicus, which are related to astringent activities (-0.849). The axis 2
remains explained in its positive side the species used as diuretic (+2.27) namely Mesembryanthemum
crystallinum and Lactuca saligna. This axis opposes on its negative side the species effective against
the digestive affections (-1.34) and which possess antirheumatic activities (-0.790) namely
respectively Atriplex halimus, Sarcocornia fruticosa and Teucrium pseudo-chamaepilys (Figure 4).

Figure 3. Dendrogram of the therapeutic properties of Macta halophytes.

Figure 4. PCA factor A1-A2 design.

Megharbi and Kechairi 2021. Genet. Biodiv. J, Special issue (Characterization and valorisation of Plants), 135-145

Axis 3 shows on its positive side the use of halophytes for endocrine disorders (diabetes) (+1.205) of
which three species are included Atriplex halimus, Teucrium pseudo-chamaepilys and Chenopodium
murale. The negative side of this axis explains the traditional application against genito-urinary
affections (-1.374) and dermal affections (-0.730) and respiratory affections (-0.591). The species
correlated by these uses are Silene rubella, Spergularia marina, Atriplex halimus and Rumex crispus
(Fig. 5). It is distinguished that these halophytes play an important role in the regulation of the
metabolism and can be used as vitamins.

Figure 5. PCA factor A1-A3 design

Therophytes mainly make up the biological spectrum. The dominance of annual species reflects
the adaptation of communities to unpredictable environmental conditions (Tomaselli et al., 2011).
Hemicryptophytes are also fairly well represented. Wetlands are generally favorable to their
proliferation (Dargie and El Demerdash, 1991). The richest families are Amanranthaceae,
Poaceae, Juncaceae, Tamaricaceae, Synantheraceae and Aïzoaceae, with respectivel y 33.33%,
11.11%, 7.4%, and 7.4% of taxa. This order is different from that recorded for the whole flora of
salt marshes in Italy (Adi et al., 2016) and that of the Mediterranean coast of Sinai (Megharbi,
2017). Chorologically, the Mediterranean element dominates the other elements (Benwahhoud et
al., 2001). The meadows and wet depressions shelter an important diversity of medicinal
halophytes, which gives a strong chance for the multiplication of these species (Saidana et al.,
2008, 2012).
The flora of halophytes with medicinal virtues in the wetland of the Macta is rich with 27 species
among which we count 47% of Therophytes and 37% of Chamaephytes. The distribution of these
species in the major taxonomic groups indicates that the dominant families are Amaranthaceae
and Poaceae. These species are diversely distributed according to continent and more than 44%
are Mediterranean. The Ethnobotanical investigations carried out in the Macta wetland show that
the thirty-two medicinal halophytes species identified are used, in different forms of medicinal
preparations, in the fight against various pathologies (diabetes, digestive problems,
inflammation…etc.). The therapeutic effects of these halophytes are multiple and constitute a
basis for the pharmaceutical industry.
Many halophyte species with medicinal virtues in the wetland of Macta, have become threatened

Megharbi and Kechairi 2021. Genet. Biodiv. J, Special issue (Characterization and valorisation of Plants), 135-145

due to habitat loss caused by several factors (draining of marshes, rapid urbanization and
pollution). Thus, the current result can be integrated into future management plans for the
conservation of threatened medicinal plants, while local populations should be involved in the
formulation of problems and in the decision-making process.
Despite the importance of these medicinal plants reported, much of this potential remains poorly
and undervalued for a variety of reasons ranging from lack of knowledge to lack of efforts to
conserve this heritage. This article constitutes a source of information / which contributes to
knowledge of halophytes with medicinal virtues and to a safeguarding of the local popular know-
how. It can also constitute a database for the valorization of medicinal halophytes of wetlands in
Algeria with a view to the active principles that can be used in pharmacology.
Author’s Contributions
Dr Megharbi Ahmed contribution: field trips, carrying out statistical processing.
Dr Kechairi Réda contribution: drafting and correspondence of the manuscript.
No conflicts to report.
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