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Ilo F.U. et al: Development and Performance Evaluation of Poultry Feed Mixing and Pelleting Machine



*Ilo F.U.1, Ugwu K.C.2, and Obeta C.N.3

1,3 Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Enugu state University of science and

Technology, (ESUT), Enugu state, Nigeria
2 Department of Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, Enugu State University of Science
and Technology, Enugu state, Nigeria

*Author for Correspondence: Ilo F.U; Email: audeilo2005@yahoo.com

Poultry feed mixing and pelleting machine was designed, fabricated and tested. The machine
consists of two chambers (mixing and pelleting) horizontally assembled together as a single
machine. It consists of single hoper, single electric motor and a stand frame. The components of
mixing chamber are mixer auger, single pulley and bearing, whereas, the pelleting chamber consists
of pelletizer auger, die plate and discharge chute. It was observed that the mixing and pelletizing
efficiency, through put capacity and the percentage. Error recovery of the machine increased with
increase in moisture content and the speed of the machine. The results, obtained from experiments
were compared with that of locally made existing poultry feed mixing and pelleting machine. From
the result of newly designed machine, the average machine capacity of 68.04kg/h was obtained on
using 2litres of water and 70.37kg/h on using 3litres of water in feed formulation I while from the
existing machine, the average machine capacity of 61.24kg/h was obtained on using 2liters of water
and 63.34kg/h on using 3litres of water in feed formation I .The new designed machine shows higher
throughput capacity of 166.67 kg/hr with maximum pelletizing and mixing efficiency of 97.24%
while the existing machine throughput capacity of 150kg/hr with maximum pelletizing and mixing
efficiency of 87.52% was obtained. The material hold up in both machines occurs at higher feed rate
than the lower feed rate. The material recovery rate in newly designed machine was highest at
35minutes (68.06 Kg) and lowest at 25minutes (65.13 Kg) in formulation II. The ANOVA for the
effect of liquid quantity in moisturizing the feed, feed formulation and feed rate and their interactions
on the capacity of the mixing and pelleting confirms that these factors are significant processing
parameters that affect the performance and capacity of the machine.

Keywords: Poultry Feed, Mixing, Pelleting, Machines.

1.0 INTRODUCTION extruders, cooker, driers, fat sprayers and

steam boilers. The mixing and pelleting
Feed production for livestock, poultry or operations in particular, is of great importance,
aquatic life involves a range of activities, since mixing is the means through which two
which include grinding, mixing, pelleting and or more ingredients that form the feed are
drying operations. Kwari, and Igwebuike interspersed in space with one another for the
(2001), gave a summary of the different types purpose of achieving a homogenous mixture
of machinery needed for the production of capable of meeting the nutritional requirements
various types of feeds to include grinders, of the target livestock, poultry or aquatic life
mixers, elevators and conveyors, mixer, being raised (Akpobi J. (2008). Pelleting is an

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Ilo F.U. et al: Development and Performance Evaluation of Poultry Feed Mixing and Pelleting Machine

extrusion type thermoplastic molding operation number of industries involved in the

in which the finely reduced particles of the manufacture of poultry feed equipment. The
feed ration are formed into a compact, easily main objective of this work is to design and
handled, pellets. Essentially, feed mixing can fabricate a machine capable of mixing and
be done either manually or mechanically. The pelleting poultry feed and also carry out its
manual method of mixing feed entails the use performance evaluation.
of shovel to intersperse the feed’s constituents
into one another on open concrete floors. The
manual method of mixing feed ingredients is 2.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS
generally characterized by low output, less
efficient, labor intensive and may prove unsafe, There are several methods of designing
hence, hazardous to the health of the animals. machines for factory use. One of the
The mechanical method of mixing is achieved disadvantages of the present day machine
by using mechanical mixers developed over the efficiency is poor design technique. In this
years to alleviate the shortcomings associated research work, a detailed design of poultry feed
with the manual method. A wide variety of mixing and pelleting machine consists of two
mixers are available for use in mixing sections. The first consist of electrical model
components, the selection of which depends equations and the second was mechanical
mainly on the phase or phases the components model equations. Some sections of the machine
exists such as solid, liquid or gaseous phases high performance of the machine. Figure (1)
Diarra S. (2001). Some commonly used solid shows the electrical model equations are given
mixers received by Brennan et al. (2008) by
includes, tumbler mixers, horizontal trough dI a I
 Va  RI a  K M  WSin ( No) (1)
mixers, vertical screw mixers etc. These are dt L
quite quick and efficient particularly in mixing dI a I
small quantities of additives into large masses  Va  RI b  K M  W cos ( No) (2)
dt L
of materials. New, (2007) observed that The mechanical model equation for the
regardless of the type of mixer, the ultimate machine is
aim of using a mixing device is to achieve a
uniform distribution of the components by dI a I
means of flow, which is generated by   (KM  Ia Sin ( NO)  KaIb (3)
dt J
mechanical means.
In most developing countries including dw
Nigeria, a major common problem facing w (4)
farmers raising livestock, poultry and/ or Where Va and Vb are the voltage on phases A
aquatic life is the lack of access to proper feeds and B respectively (volt), Ia and Ib are the
that can meet the nutritional requirements of currents in phases A and B respectively (Amp)
their flocks at the right time and in the right  is the angular speed (rad/sec),  is rotor
quality and price. Dogo (2001) observed that position (rad), R is the resistance of the phase
the rate of poultry production in Nigeria is not winding (Ohms) and L is the self inductance of
commensurate with human population growth the phase winding (h) L is assumed to be
and demand. He therefore, opined that the constant (by neglecting magnetic saturations).
major constraint is the high cost of feeds in the Kmis the motor torque constant (Nm/A), Kv is
market. A holistic review of poultry pelleting the viscous friction coefficient (Kg/M2/s) and
machines revealed that only a handful of J and Ti are the rotor inerhtia (kgm2) and load
pelleters are available for the poultry industry torque (Nm) respectively.
worldwide as compared to other animal
pelleters. This is as a result of the limited
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The model can be represented by the Therefore by using equation (5) and (6) the
following general form, non-linear continuous operation of the machine
X = f(x,u) (5) which also represents the model of molar
Y = h(x) (6) machine can be expressed as

Where x= and Y = [

+ + (7)

K  Km1 
 0 sin( N) 0 
 Ia   L L   Ia 
     
  0 K Km  
 Ib  Cos( N) 0   
 L L  Ib
     
+       
      
0  
K K kt
  Sin ( N) m
Cos( N) (cos)
 L L L 
     
     
  0   
  0 0 0
 
 

+ x


In order to test the dynamic performance of the

machine with the proposed control algorithm, it = +Tf (9)
is preferred to utilize the discrete model of the
electric motor in discreet state space vector =h (10)
form instead of continuous form. This
procedure can be obtained using the first order
Where = =
Eiler approximation Ahmed Rubaai, (2011) as
and T is the samphine period (sec) which must
be small compared to the electrical time
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constant of the motor. By using equation 9 and 10 the motor model can be expressed as

+ (11)


V -

Figure 1: Electrical circuit equivalent of DC motor.

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Ilo F.U. et al: Development and Performance Evaluation of Poultry Feed Mixing and Pelleting Machine

Parameter of the motor drive is: diameter, we adopt the formula; (Fagbeuro
Rated phase current I = 15 Amp O.A,(2008).
Rated phase voltage V = 90 volt
Self-inductance of Phase winding L = 22mH
Resistance of the phase Winding R = 2.202 d3 = (13)
Number of rotor teeth N = 50 Where;
Motor torque constant Km= 0.252 Nm/A d = diameter of shaft (mm)
Viscous- friction coefficient Kv= 0.0123 kg. Kb = combined shock and fatigue factor
M2/s for bending moment.
DC motor and load inertia J= 6.9849 x 10-4 Kt = combined shock and fatigue factor
Kg.m2 for torsional moment.
Load torque constant Ji = 0.01 Nm Mb = Resultant bending moment (Nm)
Mt = Resultant torsional moment (Nm)
δsy = Allowable shear stress (MN/m2)
Shafts design consideration.
The shaft is a cylindrical solid rod for π = constant, 3.142
transmitting motion through a set of load
carried on it. The shaft uses for the pelleting is Determining the Capacity of the Conveyor
loaded by a press screw auger, bearings, A horizontal mixing auger conveyor (Fig.2)
pulley, and belt tension. All these forces act on which operates inside a close fitted tube to
the shaft. The design is based on Fluctuating effect blending of feed components was
torque, bending moment and shearing force. designed. The auger is designed with helices of
These called for knowing the combined shock uniform diameter of 145 mm and a pitch 16
and fatigue on the shaft. To determine the shaft mm.

Fig 2: Feed Mixer Auger

For mixing auger, the capacity was determined n = number of screw rotations, 800 rpm;
using the formula below; figure 3 shows feed p = conveyor pitch, 0.16 m;
pelletizer screw Auger D = pitch diameter of conveyor, 0.145 m;
 d = diameter of shaft, 17.62 m,
= 60 Ф γ (D− ) (14) π = constant, 3.142,
Ф = factor introduced for inclined conveyor,
Where :
Q = capacity of conveyor, t/h;
( Okojie, 2011).
γ = bulk density of conveyed material, 800
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The capacity of the pelletizer auger was

computed using equation given by Kubota = 60 γ( − 2) (15)
(1995) as:

Fig 3: Feed Pelletizer Screw Auger

vertical acting auger, lifts it up from the lower
Where: cylinder through the close fitting tube and
Q = capacity of conveyor, t/h; drops it high up at the end of the tube. After
γ = bulk density of conveyed material, 800 thorough mixing is achieved as assessed
kg/m3; through a look-in window located at the side of
n = number of screw rotations, 800 rpm; the mixing chamber, the flap of the discharge
p = conveyor pitch, 0.32 m; channel is open to allow the mixed components
D = pitch diameter of conveyor, 0.145 m; out of the mixer where the need for using the
d = diameter of shaft, 18.06 m, machine is only to blend feed constituents.
π = constant, 3.142, Complete evacuation of the material is
facilitated by the rotating action of the stirrer,
Principles of Operation of the Machines. which work close to the surface of the frustum
During operation with the switch of the mixer’s section of the mixing chamber.
electric motor set at the “ON” position, the
feed ingredients are introduced into the mixer Fabrication of the machine parts
via a trapezoidal shaped hopper located at the Figure 5 shows how the machine parts were
upper part of the mixing compartment. fabricated. The items used to build the
Material introduction into the mixer is in order machine; the quantity of the items and their
of quantity, with the bulkier among the names is shown in Figure 5. The complete
components introduced into the machine first. functional poultry feed mixing and pelleting
With the material inside the mixing chamber, machine is shown in figure 4.
the rotating action of the centrally based

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Fig 4: Isometric Drawing of the poultry feed Mixing and Pelleting Machine

Figure 5: Exploded View Drawing of the poultry Feed Mixing and pelleting Machine.

Performance evaluation procedure. 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

The machine was first run under no-load The performance results of newly designed
condition using an electric motor of 3 hp to machine and that of existing poultry feed
ascertain the smoothness of operation for the mixing and pelleting machine was compared.
machines rotating parts. The actual test was The performance test carried out was to
conducted using two different feeds determine the machine’s mixing and pelleting
formulation. Two different feed rates were efficiency, through put capacity and percentage
used on both formulations to get the mixing recovery rate on two different feed
and pelleting capacity of the machine. Testing formulations and feed rates. The results
of the machine was targeted at evaluating its obtained are presented in tables 1 and 2 for
mixing and pelleting efficiency, through put newly designed machine and tables 3 and 4 for
capacity and percentage recovery rate. The existing machine.. From the results presented
results obtained were analyzed using analysis in table 1,2,3 and 4, it was seen that machine
of variance (ANOVA). capacity increases with an increase in quantity
of liquid used in moisturizing the feed. With

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newly designed machine and the existing with 70kg/h feed rate to 13.74kg/h with 80kg/h
machine, an average machine capacity of feed rate. Again when using 3 litres of water,
68.04kg/h and 61.24kg/h were obtained with the material feed rate increases from 9.58kg/h
2litres of water respectively. The machine feed rate to 12.29kg/h feed rate. This implies
capacity rose by 2.33kg/h and 2.10kg/h to that regardless of the quantity of water used,
reach 70.37kg/h and 63.34kg/h respectively at material hold up or blockage is more likely to
3litres of water used in feed formulation I. In occur at higher feed rate than at lower feed rate
table 1 and 3 the material hold up in the levels. But with the new designed system, the
machine decreases from 6.97k/h to 4.63kg/h material hold up is lesser than that of the
and 13.77kg/h to 11.67kg/h for the 2 and 3 existing system by using the same quantity of
litres of water respectively. This means that in material feed rate. The proximate analysis of
machines, the lower the quantity of water, the feed nutrients for the formulation of feeds was
higher the material hold up in the machine. In given in table 5.The percentage of nutrients
table1, the average material feed rate recorded required for the formulations of any type of
using 70kg/h was 64.54kg/h and at 80kg/h was feed was given in the table5. The machine
71.53kg/h on 2 litres of water as against performance on the four durations of
67.44kg/h and 73.30kg/h on 3 litres of water. 20minutes, 25minutes, 30minutes and
In table 3, the average material feed rate 35minutes was presented in table 6. The
recorded using 70kg/h was 58.09kg/h and at material recovery rate was highest at
80kg/h was 64.38kg/h on 2 litres of water as 35minutes (68.06 Kg) and lowest at 25minutes
against 60.70kg/h and 65.97kg/h on 3 litres of (65.13 Kg). This shows that the more the time
water. This means that higher quantity of used on the machine, the more materials
materials was recorded using higher quantity of recovered. The average performance of the
water at different feed rate. The material hold machine using the four durations was 97.24%
up in table 2 using newly designed system was while that of the existing machine was 87.52%.
influenced by material feed rate. On using 2 Table 7 shows the ANOVA for the effect of
litres of water, material hold up rose from liquid quantity in moisturizing the feed, feed
4.07kg/h at 70kg/h feed rate to 6.38kg/h at formulation and feed rate and their interactions
80kg/h feed rate and from 2.87kg/h at 70kg/h on the capacity of the mixing and pelleting
feed rate to 4.77kg/h at 80kg/h feed rate using confirms that these factors are significant
3litres of water. In table 4, using existing processing parameters that affect the
system it was observed that when using 2 litres performance and capacity of the machine.
the material hold up increases from 8.66kg/h

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Table 1: Effect of liquid quantity and feed rate on the mixing-pelleting feed formulation I for new
designed machine
Quantity of Replicates 70kg/h 80kg/h Total Average
Liquid(Litres) Feed rate Feed rate
2 1 64.03 69.03 133.06 66.53
2 66.20 71.20 137.40 68.70
3 63.40 74.35 137.75 68.88
Total 193.63 214.58 408.21 204.11
Mean 64.54 71.53 136.07 68.04
Material 5.46 8.47 13.93 6.97
Hold up
3 1 66.03 72.32 138.35 69.18
2 67.05 74.33 141.38 70.69
3 69.23 73.25 142.48 71.24
Total 202.31 219.90 422.21 211.11
Mean 67.44 73.30 140.74 70.37
Material 2.56 6.70 9.26 4.63
hold up

Table 2: Effect of liquid quantity and feed rate on the mixing-pelleting feed formulation II for new
designed machine
Quantity of Replicates 70kg/h 80kg/h Total Average
Liquid(Litres) Feed Feed
rate rate
2 1 63.05 70.38 133.43 66.72
2 68.50 74.24 142.74 71.37
3 66.25 76.25 142.50 71.25
Total 197.80 220.87 418.67 209.34
Mean 65.93 73.62 139.55 69.78
Material 4.07 6.38 10.45 5.23
Hold up
3 1 66.11 74.22 140.33 70.17
2 67.23 76.23 143.46 71.73
3 68.04 75.24 143.28 71.64
Total 201.38 225.69 427.07 213.54
Mean 67.13 75.23 142.36 71.18
Material 2.87 4.77 7.64 3.82
hold up

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Table 3: Effect of liquid quantity and feed rate on the mixing-pelleting feed formulation I for the
existing machine
Quantity of Replicates 70kg/h 80kg/h Total Average
Liquid(Litres) Feed Feed
rate rate
2 1 57.627 62. 13 119.76 59.88
2 59.58 64.08 123.66 61.83
3 57.06 66.92 123.98 61.99
Total 174.27 193.13 367.40 183.70
Mean 58. 09 64.38 122.47 61.24
Material 11.91 15.62 27.53 13.77
Hold up
3 1 59.43 65.09 124.52 62.26
2 60.35 66.90 127.25 63.63
3 62.31 65.93 128.24 64.12
Total 182.09 197.92 380.01 190.01
Mean 60.70 65.97 126.67 63.34
Material 9.30 14.03 23.33 11.67
hold up

Table 4: Effect of liquid quantity and feed rate on the mixing-pelleting feed formulation II for the existing
Quantity of Replicates 70kg/h Feed 80kg/h Feed Total Average
Liquid(Litres) rate rate
2 1 56.75 63.34 120.09 60.05
2 61.65 66.82 125.47 64.24
3 59.63 68.63 128.26 64.13
Total 184.03 198.79 382.82 191.41
Mean 61.34 66.26 127.60 63.80
Material Hold 8.66 13.74 22.40 11.20
3 1 59.50 66.80 126.30 63.15
2 60.51 68.61 129.12 64.56
3 61.24 67.72 128.96 64.48
Total 181.25 203.13 384.38 192.19
Mean 60.42 67.71 128.13 64.07
Material hold 9.58 12.29 21.87 10.94

Table 5: Proximate analysis of feed nutrients

Nutrients (%) Starter’s mash Growers mash Finisher’s mash Layer’s mash
Crude protein 25.00 14.00 16.00 14.00
Crude fat/oil 4.40 2.40 2.10 3.20
Crude fibre 6.10 2.40 2.30 4.80
Vitamin 16.00 31.00 27.90 30.00
Minerals 3.60 4.00 3.30 5.00
Energy 33.70 36.80 40.80 36.80
Additives 3.10 4.00 1.60 2.00

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Table 6: Machine Performance at different durations

Time Replicates of Material recovered Mean Coefficient Machine
(Seconds) (Kg) of variation Performance (%)
(%) (Degree of Mixing-
I II III Pelleting)
20 67.40 65.60 66.20 66.40 3.26 96.87
25 65.20 66.50 64.60 65.13 3.40 96.59
30 64.20 66.20 64.80 65.73 2.82 97.18
35 68.60 67.00 68.60 68.06 1.70 98.30
Total 265.40 265.30 264.20 264.96 11.18 388.94
Mean 66.32 66.33 66.05 66.24 2.80 97.24

Table 7: ANOVA for the effect of Liquid, Feed Formulation and Feed rate on Mixing-Pelleting
Sources of Variations Sum of Degree of Mean Square Computed F
Squares Freedom
Liquid ( A) 9.790 2 4.895
Formulation (B) 20.930 2 10.465
Feed rate( C) 48.390 2 24.195
AB 1.310 2 0.655 0.094
AC 3.260 2 1.630 0.234
BC 0.190 2 0.095 0.014
ABC 0.880 2 0.440 0.063
Error 62.660 9 6.962
Total 147.410 23
Significant at 5% probability level

4. CONCLUSIONS AND pelletizer can be fabricated vertically and

RECOMMENDATION horizontally, but the vertical type requires less
The Mixing and Pelleting machine was power to horizontal type. For hygienic, better
developed, fabricated and tested. The results purposes, and better quality of feed, a stainless
obtained shows that the machine performance steel materials is recommended.
was 97.24% while that of the existing system
was 87.52% which was obtained in 35minutes 5. REFERENCES
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