Customs Valuation
Customs Valuation
Customs Valuation
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The purposes of customs valuation 1
1.1.1 What is customs valuation? 1
1.1.2 The importance of customs valuation 2
1.2 History 4
1.2.1 Before common valuation rules 5
(a) Brussels Definition of Value 6
(b) Positive value systems 6
(c) Early GATT initiatives on common valuation rules 7
(d) Precursor to an agreement 10
1.2.2 Tokyo Round negotiations 14
1.2.3 Uruguay Round negotiations 16
(a) Burden of proof 18
(b) Sole agents and minimum values 19
(c) A “single undertaking” 20
(d) Dispute settlement 21
1.3 Agreement overview 22
1.3.1 The WTO standard – transaction value 22
1.3.2 Structure of the Agreement 22
1.3.3 Primacy of transaction value 24
1.3.4 Alternative methods of value 24
1.3.5 Limits of the Agreement 25
6 Conclusion 170
6.1 A developing–developed country divide? 170
Index 257
W. Smith (ed.), Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (Boston: Little Brown & Co. 1859),
944–45; J. R. McCulloch, A Treatise on the Principles and Practical Influence of Taxation and the
Funding System, third edition (Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black 1863), 240.
On average, WTO Members use ad valorem rates for more than 97 percent of all tariff lines in their
schedules. A notable exception is Switzerland which uses specific type rates for 80 percent of its tariff.
WTO, Trade Profiles 2007.
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
40 Other..............................................................................1 liters
60 Other.....................................................................................1 liters
2202.50 Other:
Milk-based drinks:
2202.50.10 00 Chocolate milk drink.......................................................liters ............. 17% Free (A+, CA, D, E, 20%
IL, J, JO, MX, P, CL)
8.5% (8G)
14.1% (AU)
Today, the rules for valuing imports for purposes of assessing customs duties
are well settled. They are defined in the WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
(the formal name of which is the Agreement on Implementation of Article
VII of the GATT), a system that is designed to promote fairness, neutrality
and uniformity in customs duty assessment, and which is used by more than
150 WTO Member countries worldwide.
In 1947 – before the GATT – the average tariff rate applied by industrial coun-
tries was between 20 and 30 percent.3 Fifty years and eight GATT rounds of
tariff negotiations later, the average tariff rate applied by industrial countries
on non-agricultural goods is about 5.5 percent.4 With implementation of the
1994 Uruguay Round, for example, the US average tariff on non-agricultural
goods is just 3.2 percent, and nearly half the tariff lines applicable to such
goods are duty free.5 Given these diminishing tariffs, one might ask how
important is customs valuation? If import duties are reduced to trivial levels or
WTO, World Trade Report 2007, at 207.
WTO, World Trade Profiles 2008 (simple average of applied MFN rates).
disappear altogether, what use will remain for the rules that are used for their
Despite the successes of the GATT rounds, import duties stubbornly remain
a factor in international trade. This is particularly true in developing countries,
where the average applied rate for all goods is 16.9 percent.6 Even in industrial
countries, where average rates are low, some industrial products and sectors,
and many agricultural products, remain protected by tariffs of 20 percent or
higher.7 Moreover, a number of developing countries continue to depend upon
import duties for a significant portion of the national budget (see Figure 2).
Even if import duties were completely eliminated, the need for customs
valuation rules likely would still exist. One important reason is the use by
a number of countries of value added tax (VAT), excise, or sales taxes on
imported products; these taxes, unlike customs duties are not subject to
GATT/WTO tariff reductions.8 Customs authorities commonly apply the
same customs valuation rules to calculate these kinds of taxes on imports as
they do for customs duties, although they are not obligated by GATT rules
to do so.9
For example, the simple average duty rate applied by the European Union is just over 5%, among the
lowest of WTO Members. However, the average rates applied to selected products exceeds 20% (i.e.
dairy products (62.4%); sugars and confectionery (29.8%); animal products (25.4%)).
VAT systems are now used in over 120 countries; they are said to have been adopted by some countries
to replace the trade tax revenues lost as a consequence of GATT tariff reductions. IMF, Dealing with
the Revenue Consequences of Trade Reform (February 15, 2005).
GATT Article VII, Interpretative Note Ad Paragraph 1.
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
Apart from tax and duty assessment, customs valuation rules are used by
customs authorities in their administration of non-revenue measures, such as:
• Import quotas based on customs value.
• Rules of origin. For example, a country may allow goods from a spe-
cific foreign country to enter free of duty if 50 percent of the customs
value of the import is contributed by operations carried out in that
foreign country.
• Collection of trade statistics.
GATT Article VII establishes general principles for national customs valuation
systems. However, it does not mandate a specific valuation method, but allows
countries to develop their own system, subject to these principles.
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
In fact, there was a large diversity and inconsistency when it came to customs
valuation practices among countries before 1979. Customs valuation systems
generally followed one of two conceptually different approaches: those based
on a “notional” concept of value, and those based on a “positive” concept.
December 15, 1950, 171 U.N.T.S. 307 (entered into force on July 28, 1953).
Convention Establishing a Customs Co-operation Council, December 12, 1950, 157 U.N.T.S. 130;
GATT Working Party I on the International Chamber of Commerce Resolutions, Statement by Mr.
F. Redmond-Smith, Representative of the European Customs Union Study Group, W.7/8 (October 7,
1952). The CCC Convention was also drafted by the European Union Customs Union Study Group,
a body established in 1947 to consider freer intra-European movement of goods and services in the
context of European recovery from the Second World War. GATT Contracting Parties, The Work
Undertaken by the European Customs Union Study Group on Customs Nomenclature and Questions
of Customs Regulations: Statement Made by the French Representative, GATT/CP.4/45 (April 20,
Annex I, Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes, note 10, above.
actual invoice price could not be found or used (such as where the goods were
imported under a lease, and therefore a sale price did not exist).
For example, the US system, which strongly influenced the structure of the
WTO Valuation Agreement, generally required customs to appraise goods first
on the basis of the “export value” or price at which the goods were sold or
offered for sale for export to the United States or, second, on the basis of the
“United States value”, which was the selling price of imported goods in the
US market; and finally, if the preceding methods failed, on the basis of a “con-
structed value” or cost of production of the imported goods.13
There was also diversity in the application of both of these systems. The
BDV was subject to varying interpretations in different countries. Positive sys-
tems were equally diverse: for example, the US primary valuation method was
based on the export value (the price of the goods at the time of exportation to
the United States), whereas Australia used the price paid by the importer or the
price at which the same goods are sold in the export country market, whichever
was higher. Moreover, as noted in the discussion below of the American Selling
Price valuation method, some of the “secondary” valuation methods employed
by these countries were at best complex and at worst explicitly protectionist.
See GATT Committee on Trade and Development, Trade Barriers Arising in the Field of Customs
Valuation: Note on Implications for Developing Countries of Ad Referendum Solutions, COM.
TD/W/195 (August 2, 1973).
Because the GATT was a treaty and not a legally established organization (in contrast to the World
Trade Organization), GATT signatories were called “contracting parties.” See WTO, Understanding
the WTO (2007), at 3.
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
Barriers, The Use of Arbitrary or Excessive Values in Levying Customs Duties: Note by the Danish
Delegation,TN.64/NTB/34 (July 22, 1964).
“Toward Agreement,” Time, May 19, 1967, at,9171,840930,00.
If the ASP was contrary to GATT Article VII, how could it have been used by the United States?
The reason is that the ASP predated the GATT. Under the terms of the 1947 Protocol of Provisional
Application of the GATT, by which the United States accepted the GATT Treaty, the United States was
obliged to apply provisionally Part II of the GATT (which included Article VII) only “to the fullest
extent not inconsistent with existing legislation.” Thus, while the ASP contradicted GATT Article VII
principles, as the United States itself freely acknowledged, its use was nonetheless permitted by this
“existing legislation” exception. See GATT Contracting Parties Twenty-Second Session, Definitive
Application of the GATT: Note by the Executive Secretariat, L/2375/Add.1 (March 19, 1965).
GATT, Agreement Relating Principally to Chemicals Supplementary to the Geneva (1967) Protocol,
L/2819 (July 17, 1967).
The agreement was not implemented due to the failure by the US Congress to enact necessary domes-
tic legislation to eliminate use of the ASP. The US rubber footwear industry opposed elimination as
did the powerful US chemical industry, which was said to be “almost totally opposed to losing ASP
protection and question[ed] the value of it of lower duties abroad.” Memorandum from Secretary of
State Rogers to President Nixon (March 24, 1969) in US Department of State, Foreign Relations,
1969–1976, Foreign Assistance, International Development, Trade Policies, 1969–1972, Vol IV, docu-
ment 188, available at
One outcome of that review was a recognition that more focus should
be given to the use of non-tariff, trade-restrictive measures, as these had the
potential to offset the gains that had been made over the years by the GATT
tariff reductions. The contracting parties thus ordered the GATT Secretariat
to establish an “inventory” of non-tariff barriers affecting international trade,
based on information supplied by governments. Once the inventory was com-
plied and analyzed, working groups under the GATT Committee on Trade in
Industrial Products were appointed to “explor[e] … the possibilities for con-
crete action … both with regard to reducing or removing such barriers and to
developing possible rules of conduct.” 28
Customs valuation practices figured prominently in that inventory of non-
tariff barriers: more than thirty valuation complaints were registered against
over twenty countries.29 According to the working group that analyzed the
inventory, the valuation problems notified were primarily the result of the
different “special valuation” or secondary valuation methods that countries
applied where valuation could not be taken from the invoice price:
the great majority of countries currently follow the practice of the
Brussels Convention on Valuation (BCV), which is based on c.i.f. values
[that is, costs of international transport are included in customs value] and
that another smaller group of countries, including some important trading
countries, use systems varying from one to another but based upon f.o.b.
values of mixed in character [international transport costs not included in
customs value]. Both groups use invoice values in most cases. In cases
where no invoice can be produced (for example, where there is no sale) or
where the invoice price appears to be unacceptable or it is not accepted,
the value for custom purposes is established by the two groups according
to widely differing methods.30
Some of the important specific valuation problems listed in the GATT inven-
tory were the following:
1. Use of domestic prices in the country of export as a basis for
Certain countries valued imported goods on the basis of invoice price
or the price of similar goods in the export country market, whichever
was higher. This system made it difficult for traders to estimate in
advance their duty liability; it presented particular problems where
GATT, Review of the Work of the Contracting Parties through the Last Two Decades and Conclusions
on their Future Work Programme, L/2943 (November 28, 1967); GATT Committee on Trade in
Industrial Products, Report to the Council, L/3298 (December 22, 1969).
GATT, Multilateral Trade Negotiation, Part 2 of the Inventory of Non-Tariff Measures, Customs and
Administrative Entry Procedures: Note by the Secretariat, MTN/3B/2 (February 12, 1974).
GATT Committee on Trade in Industrial Products, Report to Council, L/3496, at 33 (February 10,
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
the goods were not sold in the exporting country market; and it was
said to require exporters to divulge confidential business information
in course of customs price investigations.
It also, apparently, worked to the disadvantage of exporters in devel-
oping countries where, it was claimed, prices could be higher than in
international markets due to “structural imbalances and the supply
scarcities” and “inflationary pressures to which their economies were
often subject.”31
2. Use of arbitrary values determined at the discretion of customs
Under certain valuation systems which used the invoice price or price
in the export country market, whichever was higher, customs or other
governmental authorities were authorized to determine the value
where the current price in the exporting country market could not be
ascertained. The claim was made that these determinations of value
were arbitrary or, at the least, not transparent.
3. Valuation based on prices for similar domestic-origin goods in the
country of import.
The US ASP valuation method, discussed previously, was identified
as the main example of this problem.
4. Use of “official” or “minimum” values.
Certain countries established, by decree or regulation, minimum prices
for specified products or range of products. For example, a number of
countries were said to set a minimum value for imports of used cloth-
ing, based on weight. The justification of these practices, which were
more commonly found in developing countries than developed, has
been explained as follows:
The developing countries maintaining “official indicative values” for a
limited number of products have stated that they have found it neces-
sary to adopt such a system to curb “underinvoicing” of goods or similar
unfair practices. It has been stated that apart from such cases, fixing offi-
cial values on the basis of “average prices of imports” may be necessary
for commodities which are subject to wide fluctuations in prices … In
regard to “minimum values”, developing countries fixing such values
have explained that they were being determined for a limited number
of products, in order inter alia, to protect their nascent industries from
competition from well-established industries in other countries.32
Duty is levied on the basis of the “minimum value” or invoice price,
whichever is higher. The complaint of exporters, however, was that
GATT, Non-Tariff Measures Affecting Trade of Developing Countries: Note by the Secretariat,
MTN/3B/23 (December 31, 1974), at 24.
the minimum values set exceeded the actual market values of the
goods, to the extent that import became economically prohibitive.
5. Use of customs valuation to combat dumping.
For example, Australia applied a system of “support values” to a
number of industrial chemicals. If the duty-paid price of the imported
product fell below this value, an extra customs duty was collected
equal to 90 percent of the difference between the two prices. Exporting
countries claimed that this was, in effect, a dumping measure applied
without following the dumping procedures.
6. Lack of transparency in valuation methods and procedures.
7. Inadequate facilities for appeal against decisions by customs
How to resolve these barriers? A group of countries proposed harmonization
of valuation systems based on the BDV, which was then applied by most of
the GATT contracting parties. This proposal was, however, opposed by the non-
BDV countries – viz. the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand – who
believed that their valuation systems were as consistent as the BDV with GATT
Article VII. These non-BDV countries also found objectionable the “extensive
discretion” that the BDV allowed customs officers to reject the invoice price
in favor of a notional value. Moreover, they were concerned about the “exten-
sive distortion of existing competitive relationships among trading partners” that
would result in shifting from a f.o.b.-based system to the BDV’s c.i.f. system,
which would mean that transportation costs would be included in customs value.
On this last point, it was said that increasing the dutiable basis of imported goods
by including costs of international transport would particularly impact traders in
North America due to the large overland distances between ports of entry and
market centers and greater distances from overseas suppliers.34
Accordingly, rather than unified valuation rules based on the BDV, the
working group agreed to develop “draft principles” and “draft interpretative
notes” for the guidance of governments. It was hoped that these would help
to move existing valuation systems into closer alignment and thereby resolve
the specific problems identified in the inventory.35 These “draft principles” and
“draft interpretative notes,” were released to GATT contracting parties in 1971
for their consideration, and later became a starting point of negotiations in the
Tokyo Round. A number of these principles thus surfaced again in the pre-
amble to the Tokyo Round Agreement (and now the current WTO Valuation
GATT, Part 2 of the Inventory of Non-Tariff Measures: Customs and Administrative Entry Procedures,
MTN/3B/2 (February 12, 1974).
L/3496, at 37–40.
GATT Committee on Trade in Industrial Products, Group 2 On Valuation: Report by Chairman, COM.
IND/W/64 (November 5, 1971).
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
See e.g. GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations Group “Non-Tariff Measures” Sub-Group “Customs
Matters,” Customs Matters: Communication from the Customs Co-operation Council, MTN/NTM/
W/17 (August 26, 1975); GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations Group “Non-Tariff Measures” Sub-
Group “Customs Matters,” Customs Matters: Background Note by the Secretariat, MTN/NTM/W/7
(April 29, 1975).
GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations Group “Non-Tariff Measures” Sub-Group “Customs Matters,”
Statement Made by the Commission of the European Communities at the Meeting of the Sub-Group
of November 15, 1977, MTN/NTM/W/126 (November 21, 1977). In the following chapters, we have
noted some of the more obvious influences of the US value law on the text of the WTO Valuation
Agreement, such as the definition of related parties and restrictions on use of transaction value (see
section 2.3) and deductive value (see section 3.2).
The final result was the GATT Valuation Code, which is substantially iden-
tical in its terms to the present WTO Customs Valuation Agreement. Like
other “codes” negotiated in the 1979 Tokyo Round, the GATT Valuation Code
bound only those GATT Members that elected to accept its terms. As it turned
out, while all developed countries signed the GATT Valuation Code, the large
majority of developing countries chose not to do so.38
Differences between developed and developing countries were apparent
during the negotiations. For example, there was reportedly “strong opposition”
from developing countries to the treatment of transactions between related
companies under the proposed GATT Valuation Code which, they argued,
favored firms and enterprises from the developed countries. Developing coun-
tries wanted customs authorities to have greater authority to reject related-
party prices where they found the prices to differ substantially from values in
transactions involving like goods and for reasons that could not be justified.
Also, difficulties were foreseen in the use of the deductive and computed value
methods, and there was “outright opposition” to the idea that an importer,
rather than the customs authorities, could choose whether to apply the deduct-
ive or computed value method.39
These differences could not be resolved by the end of the negotiations in
April 1979. Two “competing” versions of a valuation code were thus presented
to the GATT contracting parties for consideration – one favored by developed
country delegations, and a modified version proposed by developing countries
containing “special provisions to meet [their] trade, financial and development
In the end, however, the developing and developed countries compromised
their differences, and in November 1979 adopted a Protocol to the Agreement
on Implementation of Article VII.41 In the Uruguay Round, the terms of this
Protocol were incorporated into the WTO Valuation Agreement itself, where
they now appear as Annex III.
Seventeen GATT Members (the (then) EEC counting as one) had signed or accepted the Tokyo Round
Agreement at the time that it entered into force, January 1, 1981. Seven of the original signatories were
developing countries. GATT Consultative Group of Eighteen, MTN Agreements: Legal Status as of 2
March 1981, CG.18/W/46/Supp.1 (March 6, 1981). Over time, however, additional developing coun-
tries would sign onto the GATT Valuation Code.
GATT, The Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Report by the Director-General of GATT,
72–74 (April 20, 1979).
GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations Group “Non-Tariff Measures” Sub-Group “Customs Matters,”
Customs Valuation, MTN/NTM/W/222/Rev.1 (March 27, 1979); GATT Trade Negotiations Committee,
Proceedings of the Session Held at the International Labor Office Geneva, 11 and 12 April 1979,
MTN/P/5 (July 9, 1979); GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations Committee, Proces-Verbal, MTN/28
(April 11, 1979).
GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations Group “Non-Tariff Measures” Sub-Group “Customs Matters,”
Customs Valuation: Agreement on the Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade, MTN/NTM/W/229/Rev.1/Add.1 (October 22, 1979).
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations, The Uruguay Round, Ministerial Declaration on the Uruguay
Round, MIN.DEC (September 20, 1986).
GATT, Report (1986) of the Committee on Customs Valuation, L/6094 (November 20, 1986) (report-
ing that twenty-six countries were parties to the Valuation Agreement); GATT, GATT Membership as
at 1 June 1986, GATT/1386 (ninety-one GATT contracting parties).
The 1982 Ministerial Declaration, which defined the GATT work program and priorities for the
1980s, mandated a review of the operation of the Tokyo Round Codes, with a focus on “adequacy
and effectiveness … and the obstacles to acceptance of these [codes] … by interested parties.” GATT
Contracting Parties Thirty-Eighth Session, Ministerial Declaration Adopted on 29 November 1982,
L/5424 (November 29, 1982). Two years later, the GATT contracting parties “invited” each GATT
committee responsible for administering a Tokyo Round Code to examine these issues in a special
Technical Committee in the early 1980s, GATT contracting parties and obser-
vers were consulted, special meetings were held, and surveys were produced
on the “obstacles” developing countries foresaw in adopting the Valuation
Broadly speaking, three main factors were said to influence the decision of
countries not yet signatories to the Valuation Code:
1. the need to take the decision collectively or in a coordinated fashion
in the framework of a regional grouping
2. concern that the Agreement might not give customs adequate possibil-
ities to deal with false invoicing and to maintain government revenue
3. the legal and administrative requirements to be fulfilled by signator-
ies, for example the need to adapt national legislation and procedures
and to train staff.46
That second point (false invoicing and government revenue) became the
main focus of the discussions in the Uruguay Round negotiating group on
meeting, open to non-signatories, and to report the results to a working group specially created to carry
out an overall review. GATT, MTN Agreements and Arrangements: Fortieth Session of the Contracting
Parties, Action taken on 30 November 1984, L/5756 (December 20, 1984).
See Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and
Arrangements, MTN Agreements and Arrangements: Special and Differential Treatment for Developing
Countries, Note by the Secretariat, MTN.GNG/NG8/W/2 (May 4, 1986).
GATT Working Group on MTN Agreements, Adequacy and Effectiveness of the MTN Agreements
and Arrangements and Obstacles to their Acceptance: Consolidation of the Observations Made and
Conclusions Reached in the Committees and Councils, MDF/12 (June 11, 1985).
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements,
Meeting of 6 March 1987: Note by the Secretariat, MTN.GNG/NG8/1 (March 23, 1987).
Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT), Fifth Meeting of the Group of Negotiations on Goods: Record
of Decisions Taken, MTN.GNG/5 (February 9, 1987) (negotiating plan set out in annex).
Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements,
Communication from India, MTN.GNG/NG8/W/9 (September 30, 1987); Group of Negotiations on
Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements, Customs Valuation
Agreement: Justification for India’s Proposal on Burden of Proof, MTN.GNG/NG8/W/54 (October 9,
Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements,
Proposal Submitted by Kenya on behalf of the Member States of the Preferential Trade Area for
Eastern and Southern African States (PTA), MTN.GNG/NG8/W/73 (March 19, 1990).
See GATT Committee on Customs Valuation, Report by the Technical Committee on Customs
Valuation Concerning the Effects of False Invoicing on Customs Valuation, VAL/W/32 (November 7,
Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and
Arrangements, Agreement on Implementation of Article VII: Submission by Brazil, MTN.GNG/
NG8/W/57 (November 22, 1989); Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group
on MTN Agreements and Arrangements, Minutes of Meeting 16–18 October 1989, MTN.GNG/
NG8/13 (November 15, 1989).
Customs Co-operation Council, Different Systems of Valuation and their Comparative Advantages
and Disadvantages 18 (1963).
The general concern was that the GATT Valuation Code placed too great a bur-
den on customs to prove that a declared price was false before it could reject
the transaction value, particularly in cases where importers and their suppliers
acted in collusion to hide the fraud. This problem was particularly acute for
developing countries, it was said, because they did not have access to com-
parative price information, the automated processes and databases, or the tech-
nical expertise needed to detect false declarations. Therefore India proposed
that customs administrations be given more flexibility under the Valuation
Agreement to reject suspect declared values.
The India proposal and the subsequent negotiation in the Uruguay Round
are covered in greater detail in section 4.3, which deals with customs verifica-
tions under the Agreement. In short, however, while India’s proposal did not
result in any alteration of the terms of the Agreement itself, it did produce
the important WTO Ministerial Decision clarifying the burden of proof issue,
namely the Decision Regarding Cases Where Customs Administrations
Have Reasons to Doubt the Truth or Accuracy of the Declared Value.
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
The PTA countries also proposed to extend the right of developing coun-
tries under the GATT Valuation Agreement to continue to apply “minimum
values,” such as official lists of minimum prices for specific goods. The GATT
Valuation Code protocol allowed developing countries the possibility to con-
tinue such practices, but on a limited and transitional basis only, and subject
to terms and conditions agreed by the other Code signatories in ad hoc negoti-
ations. To ensure the utility of this concession to developing countries, the PTA
proposed that minimum value reservations “should not be limited in scope nor
subject to the imposition of restrictive terms and conditions.”
The Uruguay Round response to the PTA proposal was the second of
two WTO Ministerial decisions on customs valuation, the Decision on
Texts Relating to Minimum Values and Imports by Sole Agents, Sole
Distributors and Sole Concessionaires. Essentially, this decision requires the
WTO Valuation Committee to give “sympathetic consideration” to developing
country requests to retain officially established minimum values for a limited
period, and to take into account the “development, financial and trade needs of
the developing country concerned.”
With regard to treatment of sole agent or distributor discounts, the WTO
Ministerial decision makes no change to the text of the Agreement.53 Rather,
the decision asks the WTO Valuation Committee to recommend to the Customs
Co-operation Council (now known as the World Customs Organization) that
it “assist developing country members … to formulate and conduct studies
in areas identified as being of potential concern, including those relating to
importations by sole agents, sole distributors and sole concessionaires.”
The question of “sole agents” is discussed further in section 2.3.4 in con-
nection with the treatment of “related parties” under the Agreement.
“With respect to sole concessionaires and discounts, while understanding the revenue concerns and
that the Code might provide an unfamiliar method of valuation for those who had been used to the
[BDV], [one delegation] believed strongly that it was not possible to combine elements of those two
fundamentally different systems. A number of delegations shared these views.” Group of Negotiations
on Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements, Meeting of 1 June
1990, MTN.GNG/NG8/18 (June 14, 1990).
Group of Negotiations on Goods (GATT), Negotiating Group on MTN Agreements and Arrangements,
Meeting of 29–30 October 1990, MTN.GNG/NG8/22 (November 1, 1990).
“The launching, the conduct and the implementation of the outcome of the negotiations shall be treated
as parts of a single undertaking.” GATT, Ministerial Declaration on the Uruguay Round, Min.Dec.
(September 20, 1986).
“The [Customs Valuation and other Multilateral Agreements] … are integral parts of this Agreement,
binding on all Members.” Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Article
This is according to the GATT Secretariat’s Annual Review of Implementation and Operation of the
Agreement recorded from 1981 until the termination of the Tokyo Round code in 1996.
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
between WTO Members, and the administration and review of the Agreement
by the WTO Valuation Committee and Technical Committee.
Agreement outline
Articles 1–8 – Valuation methods
Article 9 – Rules for converting currency
Article 10 – Confidentiality of valuation information
Article 11 – Importer’s rights of appeal against customs decisions
Article 12 – Publication requirement
Article 13 – Importer’s right to release of imported goods, pending customs final
Article 14 – Legal effect of Interpretative Notes (Annex I) and other annexes
Article 15 – Definitions
Article 16 – Importer’s right to an explanation from customs
Article 17 – Customs right to question importers on value
Article 18 – Establishes WTO and WCO Committees
Article 19 – Dispute settlement
Article 20 – Special/differential treatment available to developing countries
Article 21 – No reservations without Member’s consent
Article 22 – National legislation to conform to Agreement
Article 23 – WTO Committee annual review
Article 24 – Appoints WTO Secretariat
Annex I – Interpretative Notes
Annex II – Technical (WCO) Committee responsibilities and procedures
Annex III – Reservations and concessions allowed developing countries
See e.g. GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations Group “Non-Tariff Measures” Sub-Group “Customs
Matters,” Customs Valuation: Revision, MTN/NTM/W/175/Rev.1 (November 6, 1978) (draft code
circulated by delegations).
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
Agreement. Annex III of the Agreement contains provisions that define rights
of developing country Members to delay or make reservations against appli-
cation of certain provisions of the Agreement. As noted above, this Annex III
restates the Protocol to the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII that
was negotiated in the Tokyo Round.
See GATT Committee on Customs Valuation, First Annual Review of the Implementation
and Operation of the Agreement: Background Document by the Secretariat, VAL/W/4/Rev.1
(November 17, 1981) (use of various valuation methods by seven GATT Members, including the
countries of the EEC); GATT Committee on Customs Valuation, Use of Valuation Methods by
Parties: Addendum (Norway), VAL/W/5/Add.8 (March 25, 1982); GATT Committee on Customs
Valuation, Minutes of the Meeting Held on 10–11 November 1983, VAL/M/8, (January 18, 1984)
(paragraph 49).
Incidentally, what if there is a conflict between the terms of the WTO Valuation
Agreement and the terms of GATT Article VII? Which has priority? An inter-
pretative note to the 1994 Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
indicates that the WTO Valuation Agreement “shall prevail to the extent of the
conflict.”60 This question, however, has not yet been examined in WTO panel
or appellate body decisions.
Finally, as stated in the Preamble to the Agreement, Customs administra-
tions may not use the WTO valuation rules to “combat dumping.” Imports are
“dumped” when a company exports at a price lower than the price it charges
in its home market, and causes injury to competing industries in the importing
A separate WTO agreement – the Agreement on Implementation of Article
VI of the GATT (otherwise known as the Agreement on Anti-Dumping) –
defines the rights and obligations of WTO Members who wish to take action
General Interpretative Note to Annex 1A, Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade
A Handbook on WTO Customs Valuation Agreement
against dumped imports. A country should not misuse the WTO Customs
Valuation Agreement (by, for example, rejecting the declared price) to deal
with dumping, rather than following the detailed procedures laid out in the
WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement. As strange as it may seem, for purposes of
customs valuation, the price of a dumped import may be in fact an acceptable
transaction value!