Boiling Curves in Relation To Quenching
Boiling Curves in Relation To Quenching
Boiling Curves in Relation To Quenching
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Experimental investigations have been conducted for quenching of a hot rotating cylinder with initial
Received 20 February 2008 temperature of about 500–600 °C by a subcooled planar water jet. An original experimental device allow-
Received in revised form 15 September 2008 ing the estimation of the local boiling curves in the case of a static surface and of a moving surface has
Available online 29 November 2008
been designed. Heat fluxes were measured on both side of the axis of the jet until a reduced distance x/l of
18, in a range of subcooling from 10 to 83 K, for a jet velocity from 0.8 to 1.2 m/s and for a velocity flow-
Keywords: surface ratio (uS/uj) from 0.5 to 1.25. In the case of static surface, the measurements confirmed the
existence of a ‘‘shoulder of flux” in the stagnation zone of the jet. In the case of a moving surface, the
Boiling curve
Inverse heat conduction problem
maximum of heat transfer (for a given regime) is moving during the cooling time from downstream (film
Impinging jet boiling regime) to upstream (forced convection).
Moving surface Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Gradeck et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1094–1104 1095
subcooled water jet (subcooling between 5 and 80 K, for a velocity (in the case of an impinging jet). CHF decreases with the distance
jet from 2 to 7 m/s). Five thermocouples (diameter 50 lm) left from the stagnation line but increases with higher jet velocities
again with interval of 6 mm measure the instantaneous near wall and subcooling. Moreover, they outlined a particular transition
temperature. The authors have numerically estimated the heat flux boiling regime at the stagnation line extended on a broad beach
and the wall temperature by solving the axisymmetrical heat con- of wall overheating. This phenomenon can be related to the break
duction equation. The boiling curves measured by Ochi [2] show up of the vapour layer beneath the jet that conduced to wetting of
the same typical characteristic than those reported in the works the wall. Hence, as the vapour layer cannot be stabilized, the heat
of Ishigai et al. [1]. Flux decreases with the diameter of the jet be- flux increased again and the Leidenfrost temperature is widely in-
cause the radial gradient of velocity becomes weaker on impacted creased. A complete description of this particular regime and a
surface. It is very difficult to determine a ‘‘shoulder of flux” from modelling of this phenomena called ‘‘shoulder of flux” is reported
transient experiments as shows in the work of Hall et al. [3] who in an article of Seiler et al. [6]. According to the study of Seiler
have measured local boiling curves for a jet velocity of 3 m/s with et al. [6], the « shoulder of flux » should be a consequence of a time
subcooling of 75 K. The diameter of the jet is 5.1 mm and the dis- dependent phenomenon during which the amount of liquid that
tance from the exit to the wall is 100 mm. The plate is initially reaches the wall is heated and then evacuated because of phase
heated up to 650 °C.flux decrease with the distance to the stagna- change. Outside the stagnation zone, the boiling curves seems to
tion line. be similar to those obtained in pool boiling conditions.
Wolf et al. [4] presented some experimental results for a free On Fig. 2, a scheme of a cooling system at the very end of the
surface impinging jet on a hot surface. They provided valuable data rolling process is represented. As the cooling is done with circular
of local boiling curves at several streamwise distance from the jet on the upward face and generally with sprays on the down-
stagnation line. ward face, the cooling rate can be very different. On the upward
Robidou et al. [5] carried out experiments under steady-state face, we can observe dark zones on the photo corresponding to
conditions. They used a temperature controlled system in order the zones beneath each jet (quick cooling rate) and red zones
to measure the entire boiling curve under steady-state conditions. which correspond to temperatures over 700 °C in the external
Their set-up enable measurements at wall temperature up to zone of the jet (low cooling rate); that is to say that the heat
700 °C. The local boiling curves are estimated from wall tempera- transfer at the wall is very heterogeneous because of the very
ture inversion as a function of the distance from the stagnation complex flow due to interaction between impinging jets and
line. They investigated both free jets and immersed jets for various the moving wall and interactions betweens the jets as well. Sim-
jet subcooling and jet velocity. They noticed no influence of jet plifying the problem (without considering the phase change), for
velocity, subcooling on the heat flux in the parallel flow region a free surface jet impinging a static surface, we can distinguish
three main zones according to Watson [7]: the impingement zone
beneath the water jet known as the stagnation zone, the develop-
ment zone (parallel flow region) and finally the hydraulic jump.
Impinging zone For each zone, we expect to find various heat flux or heat transfer
Far from impinging zone coefficient because of the strong influence of the velocity field. In
real conditions, jets can act on each other, the strip moves, and as
the wall temperature can be over the saturation temperature of
heat flux (W/m²)
water, boiling can occur. So, the real problem is really complex
and that is why the basic mechanisms of this cooling process
are still an open problem.
Our first goal is to complete the database for impinging water
jet on hot surfaces but for moving ones. To achieve that, we built
a set-up which can perform experiments in the case of a hot mov-
ing surface (rotating cylinder). The results presented here have
been obtained in the configuration of an impinging planar water
jet on a static hot cylinder (initial temperature of about 600 °C)
for a various range of operating conditions (subcooling tempera-
ΔTsat (K) ture of the jet, jet velocity) and for a rotating hot cylinder in order
to simulate conditions which are not far from the real cooling sys-
Fig. 1. Shape of the boiling curve in impinging jet experiments. tem. Particular attention was paid to boiling conditions since the
1096 M. Gradeck et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1094–1104
Cooling system
(several circular jets or one planar jet)
d D VS
two-phase cooling of hot surfaces is a fundamental task in steel are wounded on another cylinder which itself is adjusted with
making industry. All the results presented here are part of the the external cylinder. A heating with constant heat flux (P) is
experiences made in our team research during the Ph.D. thesis of thus ensured on the internal radius. Resistances can dissipate
A. Kouachi [8]. 2000 W each one (10). Two cooled stainless steel flasks (6) are
laid out on both sides of the main cylinder in order to insulate
2. Experimental set-up the heated cylinder from the revolving contacts and to center it
in order to avoid the unbalances. An automatic device allows
The set-up which has been used in this study is schematically the system to dilate without generating additional constraints
outlined in Fig. 3. The boiling vessel contains the jet (5) and the with the device. 24 thermocouples (N type) are inserted on the
hot revolving cylinder (7). The external diameter of the cylinder external diameter; they are placed in bleedings and a coating is
is equal to 175 mm and the internal equals 100 mm (length = deposited. The electrical output is provided to resistances by
200 mm). The heating is ensured by three electrical wires which means of revolving contacts (8). The signals (9) of the thermo-
couples are then also transmitted to a computer (11) to be re-
corded via revolving contacts (8).
The test fluid (water) is firstly heated at the subcooled temper-
ature in a vessel (1) and circulates firstly in a primary circuit. Then,
the flow rate is adjusted using a pump (2) and an electromagnetic
flowmeter (3). When all the initial parameters are adjusted, the
Inspection 5 Planar Jet electromagnetic sluice gate (4) is open and the cooling of the cyl-
Glass inder can begin. The jet has an outlet cross sectional area of
6 6 180 4 mm2. The water jet outlet is located at a distance d from
8 8
the hot cylinder and impinges the higher line of the cylinder. This
distance can be adjusted.
24T 9 10 3. Data reduction
3.1. Direct problem
Fig. 3. Schematic of the experimental set-up Stagnation zone, x* = 0 parallel flow R1 is the internal radius of the heated cylinder and R2 is its
zone, x* = 9.15. external radius where boiling occurs.
M. Gradeck et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1094–1104 1097
q_ 1 is the heat flux density supplied by the three electrical resis- [11,12] but they are not sufficient to stabilize the solution of the in-
tances which is assumed to be without losses due to the transverse verse problem because the temperature signal is noised and be-
conduction; q(h,_ t) is the extracted flux. Tt=0 is the initial tempera- cause the measurements are done in a remote position (not
ture. An analytical solution can be developed assuming that the directly at the wall). So Beck’s future time steps [13] have been
thermophysical properties of the material are constant on the tem- implemented in our inverse code to stabilize the solution. A good
perature range of the experiments. This solution, based on Laplace comparison is obtained between the heat flux estimated through
and Fourier transforms, is obtained by solving the heat equation this semi-analytical solution and those estimated through the
and is explicitly given using series expansions and modified Bessel method developed by Blanc et al. [14]
functions. The temperature (in the Fourier and Laplace spaces) can The great advantage of the analytical method that we used for
be expressed as a linear relation with the unknown condition. q_ 2 the heat fluxes estimation is the weak time of treatment. In our
The full description of the solution is developed in reports by Volle cooling experiments, the total time of the experiment can be up
et al. [9–10]. to 10 min so depending on the frequency of the recording, the data
file could exceed more than six hundred thousand points.
3.2. Inverse problem
3.3. Building of the local boiling curves
The measured temperature signal is transformed in the Fourier
(angular transform) and Laplace (time transform) spaces. These In the case of a static surface and as the solution of the inverse
transforms corresponds to a Singular Value Decomposition problem is obtained in the reference frame of the cylinder, the
Stagnation zone, x* = 0
700 4.5
Wall temperature
Heat flux
500 3
Temperature (°C)
300 1.5
100 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (s)
Wall temperature
Heat Flux
Heat Flux (MW/m²)
Wall temperature (°C)
100 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (s)
Fig. 4. Example of temperature and wall heat flux evolutions x = 0; DTsub = 15 K; uj = 1.2 m/s; d = 50 mm.
1098 M. Gradeck et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1094–1104
building of the local boiling curves is easy. Each wall temperature 4. Results and discussion
corresponds to one estimated heat flux at one location. In the case
of a rotating cylinder, it is more difficult because the reference 4.1. Case of a static cylinder (x= 0 rad/s)
frame of the cylinder is moving compared to the reference frame
of the jet. But a position encoder enables us to know at each time 4.1.1. Time evolution of the temperature and heat fluxes
where are located the temperature sensors compared to the posi- The cooling experiments are all made under transient condi-
tion of the jet. So the building of the transient local boiling curves tions. The temperature of the cylinder is firstly stabilized to a value
is still possible. close to 600 °C; then it is cooled by a subcooled planar water jet.
Heat flux (MW/m²)
1 point = B
Leidenfrost A
point = B A
0 100 20 300 400 500 600
ΔTsat (K)
Fig. 5. Example of boiling curves from temperature measurements and estimated heat flux x = 0; DTsub = 15K; uj = 1.2 m/s; d = 50 mm.
Table 1
Thermophysical properties of water and steam (p = 1 bar).
Fig. 6. Hydraulic jump visualizations for different surface velocities uj = 1.4 m/s From Gradeck et al. [17].
M. Gradeck et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1094–1104 1099
Fig. 3 shows the time evolutions of the temperatures measured by ing and stops after 3.7s (BC). According to Seiler et al. [6], this
thermocouples located at a point beneath the jet axis (stagnation ‘‘shoulder of flux” vanishes when the diameter of the bubbles is
line, x* = x/l = 0) and at a reduce distance x* = 9.15 (x = 36.6 mm of the order of the critical diameter of fragmentation; extracted
in the parallel flow zone) and the time evolutions of the estimated heat flux increases then until CHF. Then nucleate boiling regime
heat flux. This experiment has been done with a jet velocity of is characterized by a significant reduction of flux values when
1.2 m/s, a subcooling of 15 K and a nozzle to plate distance of overheating decreases. The limit of boiling is characterized succes-
50 mm. In the case of the stagnation point, the wall temperature sively by a decrease and then a growth of overheating (establish-
falls down in the first times which correspond to the initial ment and destruction of the thermal boundary layer). The forced
quenching (establishment of a vapour layer). At the same time, convection regime is characterized by a linear evolution of the heat
the heat flux will rise and stabilize at a weak value (Film boiling flux extracted with overheating at the wall.
corresponding to point A). During film boiling regime (part AB), Boiling curves are thus very different in the two regions (Fig. 4).
heat transfer remains weak and nearly constant (thermal resis- At the stagnation line, the heat flux is always greater than heat flux
tance of the vapour film). Then the temperature decreases again estimated in the parallel flow region; hence, as the distance from
in a spectacular way because the Leidenfrost point has been the stagnation line increases, the effect of the jet velocity will de-
reached at point B (transition boiling). The heat flux remains very crease because of the spread out of the jet and the development
high on a large range of temperature; this boiling regime can be of the boundary layers. Thus, the critical heat flux (CHF) decreases
compared to a transition boiling regime until CHF at point C. After as the distance from the stagnation line increases. For the given
that, the temperature will decrease again, during the nucleate boil- test conditions (DTsub = 15 K; uj = 1.2 m/s; d = 50 mm), the CHF at
ing regime. After the end of boiling at point D, the wall tempera- the stagnation line is two times greater than the one measured
ture still decreases but according to weaker kinetics (forced in the parallel flow region. After CHF, at the stagnation line, the
convection). heat flux shape is very unstable and its values remain very high
In the parallel flow region, the evolution of the temperature is (2.5 MW/m2). This result can be compared to the ‘‘shoulder of
quite different; the temperature still decreases but much more flux” observed by Ishigai et al. [1], Ochi et al. [2] and very well de-
slowly; that is to say that at the same time, boiling regimes are scribed by Robidou et al. [5]. The boiling curve obtained at the stag-
very different compared to those occurring in the stagnation re- nation is consistent with Robidou’s one in similarly conditions
gion. A wetting front is displacing slowly from the stagnation zone (DTsub = 15 K; uj = 0.8 m/s).In the parallel flow region, the heat flux
to the parallel flow region as describe by Mozumber et al. [15]. In value decreases to a minimum; it is possible that this minimum
our case, Leidenfrost point B is reached after 30 s. But these tem- corresponds to a dry out of the surface probably because of its cur-
perature evolutions must be discussed in reference with the corre- vature: a stable film boiling regime cannot take place. However, if
sponding boiling curves (Fig. 4). we compare our results to the data of Robidou et al. [5] obtained in
similar conditions, the values of characteristic points of our boiling
curves are close to those observed by these authors [5]. Eq. (3) for
4.1.2. Local boiling curves in the case of a static cylinder (x = 0 rad/s)
CHF heat flux given by Miyasaka et al. [16] which is valid for the
At the impact point, initial quenching is observed approxi-
stagnation region for impinging planar jets of water gives a CHF va-
mately until 500 K (see Fig. 5) and during 1.5 s (see Fig. 4). This
lue of about 3.17 MW/m2. The thermophysical values used for this
zone results from the first wetting by the water followed by a set-
calculation are reported in Table 1.
ting in thermal balance with the hot surface. In the film boiling 8 #1=4 9
mode (AB), heat flux extracted varies slightly, it remains about
< rðql qg Þ =
0.5 MW/m2. The wall is insulated by a vapour film. The wetting q00CHF ¼ ð1 þ 0:86u0:38
j Þ 0:16qg hg
of the wall lead to a sharp increase of heat flux; transition boiling
: ;
takes place. It is characterized by the appearance of a plate of flux
0 !0:8 1
q c T
l pl D sub
(or shoulder of flux) which extends between approximately @1 þ 0:112 A ð3Þ
DTsat = 430 and DTsat = 250 K. This plate appears after 2.7 s of cool- qg hlg
Temperature (°C)
Film Boiling
300 Leidenfrost
200 CHF
150 (e)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (s)
The cooling rate is also affected by the subcooling of the liquid studies. On the other hand, the influence of the subcooling is very
jet. In a recent paper, Gradeck et al. [18] have made some measure- marked on the CHF as it has been already observed by Miyasaka
ments of the temperature at the stagnation line for a jet velocity of et al. [15] and Robidou et al. [5].
1.2 m/s, and different subcooling (15, 25 and 34 K). In these subco-
oling cases, Eq. (3) gives results which are close to our estimated 4.2. Rotating cylinder (x – 0 rad/s)
values: 3.17 MW/m2 for DTsub = 15 K, 4.33 MW/m2 for DTsub = 25 K
and 5.38 MW/m2 for DTsub = 34 K. In nucleate boiling regime, the In the case of a moving surface impinged by a free water jet, the
subcooling has no influence as it has always been observed in other flow field will be deeply modified as it has been experienced by
512 390
Temperature (°C)
506 386
Temperature (°C)
498 380
492 376
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 150 150.2 150.4 150.6 150.8 151 151.2 151.4 151.6 151.8 152
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) quenching time (b) film boiling
264 195
263 190
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
257 155
256 150
446 446.2 446.4 446.6 446.8 447 447.2 447.4 447.6 447.8 448 461 461.2 461.4 461.6 461.8 462 462.2 462.4 462.6 462.8 463
Time (s) Time (s)
(c) transition boiling (d) nucleate boiling
Temperature (°C)
x* = 0
x* = - 10.3 x* = 10.3
x* = - 13.75 x* = 13.75
125.5 x* = - 17.2 x* = 17.2
125 π/4
x* = - 34.4 x* = 34.4
470 470.2 470.4 470.6 470.8 471 471.2 471.4 471.6 471.8 472
Time (s)
(e) forced convection
Fig. 8. Cooling curve, DTsub = 34K; uj = 1.06 m/s; u* = 1.25.
M. Gradeck et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1094–1104 1101
Gradeck et al. [17]. Phase change will also locally modify the flow ing reference frame of the sensor. So, when the hot rotating cylin-
field, but how deep is the influence of the flow field modification der is quenched by the jet, the sensor is located in two main zones:
on heat transfer coefficient, that is a great question and we are able a zone influenced by the water jet impingement where the cooling
to give some answers. The first obvious effect shown on the photos is efficient and a zone where the jet has no influence anymore be-
of Fig. 6 is the displacement of the position of the hydraulic jump cause of the curvature of the cylinder (‘‘dry” zone). When the sen-
as well as the modification of its radius. sor is in the first zone, the temperature will strongly decrease and
when it is in the second zone, the temperature will rise again be-
4.2.1. Time evolution of measured temperatures and estimated fluxes cause of internal conduction effects. If we focus on Fig. 7 which
In rotating cases, the temperature sensors give an information represent the time evolution of the temperature (DTsub = 34 K;
which must be post treated because we want to give an overview u* = 1.25; d = 50 mm), we first observe that the full time for cooling
of the heat transfer in the jet reference frame and not in the mov- in the case of a moving surface is much more greater than the full
x 10
x* = 6.9
x* = 9.15
x* = 11.45
x* = 13.75
x* = 16
Heat flux (W/m²)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
DTsat (K)
a x 10
b 3.5 x 10 6
16 x* = 6.9 x* = 6.9
x* = 9.15 CHF at MHF x* = 9.15
x* = 11.45 x* = 11.45
14 x* = 13.75 3 x* = 13.75
nucleate boiling x* = 16 x* = 16
Heat flux (W/m²)
Heat flux (W/m²)
10 ONB 2.5
Forced convection
0 1
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
DTsat (K) DTsat (K)
c 3
x 10
x* = 6.9
x* = 9.15
x* = 11.45
2.5 x* = 13.75
x* = 16
Heat flux (W/m²)
transition boiling
1 film boiling
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
DTsat (K)
time for cooling in the case of a static surface (considering only the experiment, Fig. 8a), the temperature begins to fall down only
temperature sensor area). The temperature measurement seems to when the thermocouple is crossing the jet axis (x* = 0); after that,
be noisy but it is not the case; it is simply the effect of the rotation the temperature rises again at the point x* = 13.75. During the film
of the cylinder (see Fig. 8 which is a zoom of Fig. 7). boiling regime (Fig. 8b) and the transition boiling (Fig. 8c), the
Some details of the time evolution of the temperature are cooling zone evolves a little bit and until the point x* = 17.2. After
shown on Fig. 8. Some characteristics crossing points have been CHF, the cooling zone is extending and will progressively cover the
marked: the stagnation line (x* = 0) corresponds to the crossing upstream zone (Fig. 8d, nucleate boiling and Fig. 8e, forced convec-
of the thermocouple beneath the jet axis; other points which cor- tion). So according to Fig. 8, the extend of the cooling zone depends
respond to the downstream zone (x* > 0) and the upstream zone on the boiling regime. In the case of film boiling and transition, this
(x* < 0) have been marked. During the cooling time, the ‘‘cooling cooling zone is observed downstream from the jet line (x* = 0). This
zone” always evolves; at the quenching time (beginning of the zone will be spread out on both sides of the axis of the jet,
a 12
x 105
x* = 0
DTsub = 34K
DTsub = 18K
Heat flux (W/m²)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
DTsat (K)
x 106
b 3
x* = 11.45
DTsub =34K
DTsub = 18K
Heat flux (W/m²K)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
x 106
c 3
x* = 16
DTsub = 34 K
DTsub = 18 K
Densité de flux (W/m²)
Fig. 10. (a) Influence of subcooling: x* = 0 (center line of jet); uj = 1.06 m/s ; u* = 1.25. (b) Influence of subcooling: x* = 11.45; uj = 1.06 m/s ; u* = 1.25. (c) Influence of
subcooling: x* = 16; uj = 1.06 m/s ; u* = 1.25.
M. Gradeck et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1094–1104 1103
especially downstream from the jet in nucleate boiling. In forced ing regime, we observed that the heat flux is greater for x* < 11.45
convection regime, this zone will extend more upstream because because the rewetting of the wall by fresh liquid must be more easy
of the influence of the hydraulic jump. because of the shearing of the vapour columns (Fig. 9c). The Leiden-
As a consequence of the motion of the wall, we cannot expect frost point (Tlei. = 260 °C) has been determined by the comparison of
various boiling regime at the same time on the wall. When the wall the temperature’s time evolution (Fig. 7) and the corresponding boil-
is moving (x – 0 rad/s), we observed the homogenization of the ing curves. In film boiling(Fig. 9c), heat flux is still greater upstream
boiling regimes over the cylinder wall in the ‘‘cooling zone”. In the MHF and it decreases with the increase of curvilinear x-coordi-
the following section, local boiling curves which have been built nate. A thicker vapour film should be formed by the vapour flowing
as described in Section 3.3 will be analysed. within the wall motion.
4.2.2. Boiling curves influenced by surface velocity and subcooling 4.2.3. Effect of subcooling on the local boiling curves
Local boiling curves are plotted on Fig. 9 for different points (in Subcooling moves the boiling curves towards greater fluxes and
the reference frame of the jet). As we said in the previous section, greater overheatings as it is shown on Fig. 10. We notice an increase
at the beginning of the quenching experiment, the cooling zone is lo- of the heat flux in forced convection, a delay in the onset of boiling
cated downstream the centerline of the jet (x* = 0); so, the boiling when subcooling increases, a weaker influence on the heat flux ex-
curves have been only built downstream the jet centerline (x* = 0). tracted in nucleate boiling (when subcooling increases). The Leiden-
For the set of data corresponding to the experimental conditions frost temperature corresponding at a minimum of heat flux between
(DTsub = 34 K; uj = 1,06 m/s–u* = 1,25), the maximum of CHF has the film boiling regime and the transition boiling regime increases
been located at x* = 11.45. So on the Fig. 9, we compared the boiling with subcooling. The various boiling curves are presented for a jet
curves of two pairs of symmetrical points located upstream and velocity of 1.06 m/s or u* = 1.25.
downstream the point where the maximum of CHF is located A decrease of the heat flux on the entire boiling highlights the
(x* = 11.45). In what follows, we call the ‘‘upstream zone”, the zone influence of the wall motion on the boiling curves (Fig. 11). The influ-
which is upstream the point where the maximum of CHF is located ence of the wall motion in nucleate boiling regime is weaker than in
(x* = 11.45) and ‘‘downstream zone”, the zone which is down- the other regimes but CHF decreases strongly as the speed of the wall
stream the point where the maximum of CHF is located (x* = 11.45). increases. Indeed the MHF point is located upstream the centreline
In forced convection regime (Fig. 9a), heat flux values are of the jet (point where is located the maximum of CHF for the given
slightly greater upstream of the point corresponding to the maxi- u* ratios). The more the speed of the wall increases, the more this
mum of CHF (x* = 11.45). As the jet impinges a moving wall, the point moves away from the centreline of the jet. CHF decreases also
further we are of the jet axis (x* = 0), the lower the heat transfer with the distance to the point of MHF. In other words the decrease
is. At the onset of nucleate boiling regime, we notice a homogeni- will be much more significant when the speed of the wall will in-
zation of the heat flux and then for fully developed nucleate boiling crease. In film boiling regime, the hydrodynamics of the jet probably
regime, the heat flux is minimum in the beginning of the upstream modifies the vapour film thickness. The vapour film cannot being
zone and maximum in the downstream zone. In fact, in nucleate very stable for film boiling, as we observe strong fluctuations of heat
boiling, heat transfer is controlled by the dynamic of the bubble flux in this regime, we suppose that some rewetting of the wall are
growth, detachment diameter and its frequency. It is well known involved. Indeed, these fluctuations are weaker when increasing
that buoyancy and hydrodynamic forces control these phenomena. the wall speed because the residence time of the fluid is decreasing.
In the case of the rotating cylinder, bubbles growing at the wall
move with it and thus, from a local point of view, the heat transfer 4.2.4. CHF influenced by surface velocity
increases from the upstream zone to the downstream zone Local CHF values reported on Fig. 12 were estimated at a jet
(Fig. 9a). velocity of 1.06 m/s, a subcooling of 50 K and different surface
CHF also depends on the curvilinear x-coordinate (Fig. 9b). It de- velocities (i.e., different velocity ratio u*). The maximum of CHF de-
creases more slightly beyond the MHF (x* = 11.45). In transition boil- creases as the velocity surface increases. Moreover, the MHF is shift
x 10
u* = 0.5
u* = 0.75
u* = 1
2.5 u* = 1.25
Heat flux (W/m²)
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
DTsat (K)
Fig. 11. Influence of the wall speed at the centreline of the jet, uj = 1.06 m/s; DTsub = 18 K.
1104 M. Gradeck et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1094–1104
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 [1] S. Ishigai, A. Nakanishi, T. Ochi, 1978, Boiling heat transfer for a plane water jet
x* impinging on a hot surface, in: 6th International Heat transfer Conference, 1,
FB 30, pp. 445–450.
Fig. 12. Influence of the wall speed on the local CHF, uj = 1.06 m/s, DTsub = 50 K. [2] T. Ochi, S. Nakanishi, M. Kaji, S. Ishigai, Multi-phase and Heat Transfer III. Part
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