Collision Assgnmnt

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Chapter Exercises

(A) Taking it together

Assorted questions of the chapter for advanced level practice

1 If the net external forces acting on the system of 7 A machine gun fires a steady stream of bullets at the
particles is zero, then which of the following may rate of n per minute into a stationary target in which
vary? the bullets get embedded. If each bullet has a mass m
(a) Momentum of the system and arrives at the target with a velocity v, the
(b) Velocity of centre of mass average force on the target is
(c) Position of centre of mass 60 v mnv mv
(a) 60 mnv (b) (c) (d)
(d) None of the above mn 60 60n
2 For which of the following does the centre of mass 8 A machine gun fires a bullet of mass 40 g with a
lie outside the body? [NCERT Exemplar] velocity 1200 ms −1 . The man holding it, can exert a
(a) A pencil (b) A shotput (c) A dice (d) A bangle
maximum force of 144 N on the gun. How many
3 Conservation of momentum in a collision between bullets can be fired per second at the most?
particles can be understood from [NCERT Exemplar] (a) One (b) Four (c) Two (d) Three
(a) Conservation of energy
9 A particle of mass m moving with speed v hits
(b) Newton’s first law
elastically another stationary particle of mass 2m
(c) Newton’s second law
inside a smooth horizontal circular tube of radius r.
(d) Both Newton’s second and third laws
The time after which the second collision will take
4 A body of mass a moving with velocity b strikes a place is
body of mass c and gets embedded into it. The 2πr 4πr 3πr πr
velocity of the system after collision is (a) (b) (c) (d)
v v 2v v
a +c ab
(a) (b)
ab a +c 10 A bullet of mass 20 g moving with 600 ms −1 collides
a a with a block of mass 4 kg hanging with the string of
(c) (d) length 0.4 m. What is velocity of bullet when it
b +c a +b
comes out of block, if block rises to height 0.2 m
5 A cannon ball is fired with a velocity 200 ms −1 at an after collision? (Take, g = 10 ms −2 )
angle of 60° with the horizontal. At the highest
(a) 200 ms −1 (b) 150 ms −1 (c) 400 ms −1 (d) 300 ms −1
point of its flight, it explodes into 3 equal fragments,
one going vertically upwards with a velocity 11 A mass of 10 g moving horizontally with a velocity
100 ms −1, the second one falling vertically of 100 cms −1 strikes a pendulum bob of mass 10 g.
downwards with a velocity 100 ms −1. The third Length of string is 50 cm. The two masses stick
fragment will be moving with a velocity together. The maximum height reached by the system
(a) 100 ms −1 in the horizontal direction now is (Take, g = 10 ms −2 )
(b) 300 ms −1 in the horizontal direction (a) 7.5 cm (b) 5 cm
(c) 300 ms −1 in a direction making an angle of 60° with (c) 2.5 cm (d) 1.25 cm
the horizontal
12 In a gravity free space, a man of mass M standing at
(d) 200 ms −1 in a direction making an angle of 60° with
the horizontal a height h above the floor, throws a ball of mass m
straight down with a speed u. When the ball reaches
6 Two balls of equal mass have a head on collision with the floor, the distance of the man above the floor
speed 4 ms −1 each travelling in opposite directions. If will be
the coefficient of restitution is 1/2, the speed of each ⎛ m⎞ ⎛ M⎞
ball after impact will be (a) h ⎜1 + ⎟ (b) ⎜1 + ⎟ h
⎝ M⎠ ⎝ m⎠
(a) 1 ms −1 (b) 2 ms −1 m
(c) 3 ms −1 (d) data insufficient (c) h (d) h
COM, Conservation of Momentum and Collision 351

13 A cracker is thrown into air with a velocity of 10 ms −1 19 A particle of mass 1 kg is thrown vertically upward
at an angle of 45° with the vertical. When it is at a with speed 100 ms −1 . After 5 s, it explodes into two
height of (1/2) m from the ground, it explodes into a parts. One part of mass 400 g emerges with speed
number of pieces which follow different parabolic 25 ms −1 in downward direction , what is the
paths. What is the velocity of centre of mass, when velocity of other part just after explosion?
it is at a height of 1 m from the ground? (Take, g = 10 ms −2 )
(Take, g = 10 ms −2 )
(a) 100 ms −1 upward (b) 600 ms −1 upward
(a) 4 5 ms −1 (b) 2 5 ms −1 (c) 100 ms −1 downward (d) 300 ms −1 upward
(c) 5 4 ms −1 (d) 5 ms −1
20 A circular plate of diameter a
14 Two blocks of masses 10 kg and 30 kg are placed is kept in contact with a
along a vertical line. The first block is raised through square plate of edge a as
a height of 7 cm. By what distance should the shown in figure. The density
a a
second mass be moved to raise the centre of mass by of the material and the
1 cm? thickness are same everywhere. The centre of mass
(a) 2 cm upward (b) 1 cm upward of the composite system will be
(c) 2 cm downward (d) 1 cm downward (a) inside the circular plate
15 A cricket ball of mass 150 g moving with a speed of (b) inside the square plate
(c) at the point of contact
126 kmh −1 hits at the middle of the bat, held firmly
(d) outside the system
at its position by the batsman. The ball moves
straight back to the bowler after hitting the bat. 21 A ladder is leaned against a smooth wall and is
Assuming that collision between ball and bat is allowed to slip on a frictionless floor. Which figure
completely elastic and the two remain in contact for represents trace of its centre of mass?
0.001 s, the force that the batsman had to apply to
hold the bat firmly at its place would be
(a) 10.5 N (b) 21 N [NCERT Exemplar] (a) (b)
(c) 1.05 ×104 N (d) 2.1 × 104 N
16 Which of the following points is the likely position
Time Time
of the centre of mass of the system as shown in
figure? [NCERT Exemplar]
Hollow sphere
Air (c) (d)

R/2 A
Time Time
R/2 22 Both the blocks as shown in the given arrangement
D are given together a horizontal velocity towards
Sand right. If a CM be the subsequent acceleration of the
(a) A (b) B centre of mass of the system of blocks, then a CM
(c) C (d) D will be
17 A metal ball falls from a height of 32 m on a steel 1kg µ = 0.1
plate. If the coefficient of restitution is 0.5, to what
2kg µ = 0.2
height will the ball rise after second bounce?
(a) 2 m (b) 4 m
(c) 8 m (d) 16 m (a) zero (b) ms −2
18 10000 small balls, each weighing 1 g, strikes 1 cm 2 7 −2
of area per second with a velocity 100 ms −1 in a (c) ms (d) 2 ms −2
normal direction and rebound with the same
velocity. The value of pressure on the surface will 23 In a free space, a rifle of mass M shoots a bullet of
be mass m at a stationary block of mass M at a distance
(a) 2 × 10 Nm
3 −2
(b) 2 × 10 Nm5 −2 D away from it. When the bullet has moved through
a distance d towards the block, the centre of mass of
(c) 107 Nm−2 (d) 2 × 107 Nm−2 the bullet-block system is at a distance of
352 OBJECTIVE Physics Vol. 1

(D − d ) m 28 A bullet of mass m is fired into a block of wood of

(a) from the bullet
M +m mass M which hangs on the end of pendulum and
md + MD gets embedded into it. When the bullet strikes the
(b) from the block wooden block, the pendulum starts to swing with
M +m
maximum rise R. Then, the velocity of the bullet is
2md + MD given by
(c) from the block
M +m M M +m
(a) 2gR (b) 2gR
(D − d ) M m +M m
(d) from the bullet
M +m M
(c) 2gR (d) None of these
24 A man of mass M stands at one end of a plank of m
length L which lies at rest on a frictionless surface. 29 A ball falling freely from a height of 4.9 m , hits a
The man walks to the other end of the plank. If the horizontal surface. If e = 3 /4, then the ball will hit
mass of the plank is , the distance that the man the surface second time after
3 (a) 1 s (b) 1.5 s (c) 2 s (d) 3 s
moves relative to the ground is
3L L 4L L 30 In a one dimensional collision between two identical
(a) (b) (c) (d) particles A and B, B is stationary and A has
4 4 5 3
momentum p before impact. During impact, B gives
25 A 2 kg block of wood rests on a long table top. A 5 g an impulse J to A. Then, coefficient of restitution
bullet moving horizontally with a speed of 150 ms −1 between the two is
is shot into the block and sticks to it. The block then 2J 2J J J
slides 2.7 m along the table top and comes to a stop. (a) −1 (b) +1 (c) +1 (d) −1
p p p p
The force of friction between the block and the
table is 31 A particle of mass m kg moving with a velocity
(a) 0.052 N (b) 3.63 N (c) 2.50 N (d) 1.04 N (3 $i + 2$j ) ms −1 collides with a stationary body of
26 A particle falls from a height h upon a fixed mass M kg and finally moves with a velocity
horizontal plane and rebounds. If e is the coefficient m 1
(− 2$i + $j ) ms −1. If = , then
of restitution, the total distance travelled before M 13
rebounding has stopped is (a) the impulse is ±m (5i$ + $j) kg-ms −1
⎛1 + e 2 ⎞ ⎛1 − e 2 ⎞ 1 $ $
(a) h ⎜ ⎟ (b) h ⎜ ⎟ (b) the velocity of the M is (5 i + j) ms −1
⎝1 − e 2 ⎠ ⎝1 + e 2 ⎠ 13
h ⎛1 − e 2 ⎞ h ⎛1 + e 2 ⎞ (c) Both (a) and (b) are wrong
(c) ⎜ ⎟ (d) ⎜ ⎟ (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct
2 ⎝1 + e 2 ⎠ 2 ⎝1 − e 2 ⎠
32 A ball falls freely from a height of 45 m. When the
27 Two identical balls bearing in 1 2 3 ball is at a height of 25 m, it explodes into two equal
contact with each other and pieces. One of them moves horizontally with a speed
resting on a frictionless table of 10 ms −1. The distance between the two pieces on
are hit head on by another ball v the ground is
bearing the same mass moving (a) 20 m (b) 30 m (c) 40 m (d) 60 m
initially with a speed v as shown in figure.
33 A ball of mass m is released from the top of an
If the collision is elastic, which of the following inclined plane of inclination θ as shown in figure. It
(figure) is a possible result after collision? 3h
[NCERT Exemplar] strikes a rigid surface at a distances from top
1 1 2 3 elastically. Impulse imparted to ball by the rigid
(a) (b)
surface is

v=0 v/2 v=0 v m

1 2 3 1 2 3 l

(c) (d)

v/3 θ
v/1 v/2 v/3
COM, Conservation of Momentum and Collision 353

3 Which of the following cannot be the coordinates of

(a) m gh (b) m 3gh
2 centre of mass of the object?
(c) 2m 3gh (d) m 6gh Y

34 A block A of mass M moving with speed u collides B

elastically with block B of mass m which is
connected to block C of mass m with a spring. X
A u A
M m m
⎛R R ⎞ ⎛R R ⎞
(a) ⎜ , ⎟ (b) ⎜ , ⎟
When the compression in spring is maximum, the ⎝ 3 3⎠ ⎝ 2 2⎠
velocity of block C with respect to block A is ⎛R R ⎞
(Neglect the friction everywhere) (c) ⎜ , ⎟ (d) None of these
⎝ 4 4⎠
⎛ M ⎞ ⎛ m ⎞ ⎛m ⎞
(a) zero (b) ⎜ ⎟ u (c) ⎜ ⎟u (d) ⎜ ⎟ u 39 A circular ring of mass 6 kg and radius a is placed
⎝M + m ⎠ ⎝M + m ⎠ ⎝M⎠
such that its centre lies at the origin. Two particles
35 A particle of mass m moving with velocity u makes an of masses 2 kg each are placed at the intersecting
elastic one dimensional collision with a stationary points of the circle with positive X-axis and positive
particle of mass m. They are in contact for a brief time Y-axis. Then, the angle made by the position vector
T. Their force of interaction increases from zero to F0 of centre of mass of entire system with X-axis is
T ⎛ 4⎞
linearly in time and decreases linearly to zero in (a) 45° (b) 60° (c) tan−1 ⎜ ⎟ (d) 30°
2 ⎝ 5⎠
further time . The magnitude of F0 is 40 A particle A of mass m initially at rest slides down a
2 height of 1.25 m on a frictionless ramp, collides with
mu 2mu mu
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these and sticks to an identical particle B of mass m at rest
T T 2T as shown in the figure.
36 A T-shaped object with dimensions as shown in the m
figure, is lying on a smooth floor. A force F is A
applied at the point P parallel to AB, such that the 1.25 m
object has only the translational motion without B C
rotation. Find the location of P with respect to C .
m 2m
A B Then, particles A and B together collide elastically
with particle C of mass 2m at rest. The speed of
P particle C after the collision with combined body
F 2l
(A + B ) would be (Take, g = 10 ms −2 )
C (a) 2 ms −1 (b) 1.25 ms −1 (c) 2.5 ms −1 (d) 5 ms −1

4 41 A man of mass m moves with a constant speed on a

(a) l (b) l plank of mass M and length l kept initially at rest on
2 3 a frictionless horizontal surface from one end to the
(c) l (d) l other in time t. The speed of the plank relative to
3 2
ground while man is moving, is
37 A ball is projected vertically down with an initial l ⎛M⎞ l ⎛ m ⎞
velocity from a height of 20 m onto a horizontal (a) ⎜ ⎟ (b) ⎜ ⎟
t ⎝m ⎠ t ⎝m + M⎠
floor. During the impact, it loses 50% of its energy
and rebounds to the same height. The initial velocity l ⎛ M ⎞
(c) ⎜ ⎟ (d) None of these
of its projection is (Take, g = 10 ms −2 ) t ⎝M + m ⎠
(a) 20 ms−1 (b) 15 ms−1 (c) 10 ms−1 (d) 5 ms−1 42 You are supplied with three identical rods of same
38 An object comprises a uniform ring of radius R and length and mass. If the length of each rod is 2π.
its uniform chord AB (not necessarily made of the Two of them are converted into rings and then
same material) as shown in figure. placed over the third rod as shown in figure. If
point A is considered as origin of the coordinate
354 OBJECTIVE Physics Vol. 1

system, the coordinates of the centre of mass will be 46 A girl throws a ball with initial velocity v at an
(you may assume AB as X-axis of the coordinate inclination of 45°. The ball strikes the smooth
system) vertical wall at a horizontal distance d from the girl
and after rebounding returns to her hand. What is
the coefficient of restitution between wall and the
(a) v 2 − gd (b)
⎛ π 1⎞ ⎛ π 2⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 2⎞ 2
v − gd
(a) ⎜ , ⎟ (b) ⎜ , ⎟ (c) ⎜ π, ⎟ (d) ⎜ π, ⎟
⎝ 2 3⎠ ⎝ 2 3⎠ ⎝ 3⎠ ⎝ 3⎠
gd v2
(c) 2
43 A pendulum consists of a wooden bob of mass m and v gd
length l. A bullet of mass m1 is fired towards the
47 A disc of mass 10 g is kept floating horizontally by
pendulum with a speed v 1 and it emerges from the
v throwing 10 marbles per second against it from
bob with speed 1 . The bob just completes motion below. If the mass of each marble is 5 g. What will
3 be velocity with which the marbles are striking the
along a vertical circle. Then, v 1 is disc? Assume that, the marble strikes the disc
normally and rebound downwards with the same
(a) 2.98 ms −1 (b) 0.98 ms −1
(c) 0.49 ms −1 (d) 1.96 ms −1
m1 v1 m m1 v1 /3 48 Two blocks of masses m and 2m are kept on a
m 3m smooth horizontal surface. They are connected by an
(a) 5gl (b) 5gl ideal spring of force constant k. Initially, the spring
m1 2m1
is unstretched. A constant force is applied to the
2 ⎛m⎞ ⎛m ⎞ heavier block in the direction as shown in figure.
(c) ⎜ ⎟ 5gl (d) ⎜ 1⎟ gl
3 ⎝ m1⎠ ⎝m⎠ Suppose at time t, displacement of smaller block is x,
44 From a circular disc of radius R, a square is cut out then displacement of the heavier block at this
with a radius as its diagonal. The centre of mass of moment would be
remaining portion is at a distance (from the centre) m 2m
(a) (b)
(4π − 2) 2π
(c) (d) x Ft 2 x x Ft 2 x
(π − 2) (2π − 2) (a) (b) + (c) (d) −
2 6m 3 3 4m 2
45 A uniform circular disc of radius a is taken. A 49 Three identical blocks A, B and C are placed on
circular portion of radius b has been removed from it horizontal frictionless surface. The blocks B and C
as shown in the figure. If the centre of hole is at a are at rest but A is approaching towards B with a
distance c from the centre of the disc, the distance
speed 10 ms −1 .
x 2 of the centre of mass of the remaining part from A B C
the initial centre of mass O is given by

The coefficient of restitution for all collisions is 0.5.

a The speed of the block C just after collision is
O2 O O1 X-axis (a) 5.6 ms −1 (b) 6.4 ms −1
x2 c (c) 3.2 ms −1 (d) 4.6 ms −1
50 A train of mass M is moving on a circular track of
radius R with constant speed v. The length of the
πb 2 cb 2 train is half of the perimeter of the track. The linear
(a) (b)
(a 2 − c 2 ) (a 2 − b 2 ) momentum of the train will be
πc 2
ca 2 2Mv πMv
(c) (d) (a) πMv (b) (c) (d) Mv
(a − b ) 2 2
(c − b ) 2 π 2
COM, Conservation of Momentum and Collision 355

51 n elastic balls are placed at rest on a smooth 52 A small ball rolls off the top landing of the staircase.
horizontal plane which is circular at the ends with It strikes the mid-point of the first step and then the
radius r as shown in the figure. The masses of the mid-point of the second step. The steps are smooth,
m m m and identical in height and width. The coefficient of
balls are m, , 2 , K, n − 1 , respectively. What is
2 2 2 restitution between the ball and the first step is
the minimum velocity which should be imparted to 3
(a) 1 (b)
the first ball of mass m such that this nth ball will 4
complete the vertical circle? 1 1
(c) (d)
2 4
53 Two identical blocks A and B, each of mass m
r resting on smooth floor are connected by a light
m spring of natural length L and spring constant k with
the spring at its natural length. A third identical
n −1 n −1
⎛ 3⎞ ⎛ 4⎞ block C (mass m) moving with a speed v along the
(a) ⎜ ⎟ 5gr (b) ⎜ ⎟ 5gr line joining A and B collides with A, the maximum
⎝ 4⎠ ⎝ 3⎠
n −1 n −1 compression in the spring is
⎛ 3⎞ ⎛ 2⎞
(c) ⎜ ⎟ 5gr (d) ⎜ ⎟ 5gr m v mv mv
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 3⎠ (a) v (b) m (c) (d)
2k 2k k 2k

(B) Medical entrance special format questions

Assertion and reason
Linear momentum of the system will not remain
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) These questions consist of two
statements each printed as Assertion and Reason. While constant till the spring reaches its initial natural
answering these questions, you are required to choose any length.
one of the following four responses
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the A B
correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not Reason An external force will act from the wall on
the correct explanation of Assertion. block A.
(c) If Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct. 5. Assertion Two blocks of masses m A and
1 Assertion The relative velocity of the two particles mB (mB > m A ) are thrown towards each other with
in head on elastic collision is unchanged both in same speed over a rough ground. The coefficient of
magnitude and direction. friction of both the blocks with ground is same.
Reason The relative velocity is unchanged in Initial velocity of CM is towards left.
magnitude but gets reversed in direction. A v v B
2. Assertion If net force on a system is zero, then Rough
momentum of every individual body remains
constant. Reason Initial acceleration of centre of mass is
towards right.
Reason If momentum of a system is constant, then
kinetic energy of the system may change. 6. Assertion Two identical spheres are half filled with
two liquids of densities ρ1 and ρ 2 ( > ρ1 ). The centre of
3. Assertion Two bodies moving in opposite
mass of both the spheres lie at same level.
directions with same magnitude of linear momentum
collide with each other. Then, after collision both
the bodies will come to rest.
Reason Linear momentum of the system of bodies is zero.
(a) (b)
4. Assertion Two blocks A and B are connected at
the two ends of an ideal spring as shown in figure. Reason The centre of mass will lie at centre of the
Initially spring was relaxed. Now, block B is pressed. sphere.

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