Meron talaga
sukad sakong
pagbuntis when
it came to
supporting this
family, I cant
look out for my
own son, I cant
really help my
financially kay
nag (pregnancy)
leave naman din
Cheyenne Mari
B. Rodriguez, St.
Alden, K.R. (2016). Nursing care of the family during pregnancy. Nurse Key. Retrieved online from https://nursekey.com/nursing-care-of-the-
→ foreseeable crisis because pregnancy is inevitable/anticipated even—you can achieve a family through pregnancy. It is only a stress point
because given the situation of the family, being pregnant Is highly demanding and majority of the family resources are being exhausted for the
sake of sustaining the pregnancy. It’s not a health threat because pregnancy itself doesn’t ALWAYS directly lead to having a disease so pregnancy
itself is not a threat nor a health deficit. Currently she has HYPERTENSION but there’s sufficient evidences of it making the pregnancy
complicated/fatal for mother,
→ since it’s only a stress point, it can be certainly resolved/manageable. Given the appropriate interventions, ideally pregnancy can run smooth
and easy to manage to. Hypertension is also a common medical problem encountered during this period of time BUT EASILY preventable and
→ given their family situation and health history/genetics, it’s not quite guaranteed that it can be totally prevented. It can still happen in the
future when mother becomes pregnant again, but since we have applied nursing interventions the chances/intensity ng
→ family DOESN’T REALLY perceive pregnancy itself as a problem; only the disadvantages associated to pregnancy
TOTAL = 3.5
- tired & irritable
After an hour/week (?) of nursing intervention, the family will be able to:
a. Prioritize and maximize available human resources
c. effectively cope with death of husband ( b. Look for ways to sustain oneself as if husband is there)
a. identify priority needs for proper growth and development of the members especially those at-risk/vulnerable.
- LMP April 25, 2021
- currently wife has hypertension at 15 wks gestation
- first pregnancy in 2019 wife had history of preeclampsia at 28 wks gestation 145/100
- current supplements are Vit C & Hemarate FA
- husband and wife both finished degree (graduated) at same school
- Anton (eldest) is turning 3 y/o CURRENTLY HOSPITALIZED d/t asthma attack
- 1 empty room, 2 bedrooms, closed pit privy toilet, wood & concrete-made house w/carinderia
- Maria COULD NOT LOOK OUT FOR ANTON ALWAYS bc of pregnancy/loss of husband
- Anton is very active, plays & strolls EVERYDAY in afternoon on narrow streets w/friends (can be infected with measles/can spread measles to
- Anton is vaccinated incompletely (failure to do so when he’s 9 mos old) & now fears vaccination
- 3 adults (if including Maria’s sister Angelita), 1 child, 1 unborn child
- total floor area is 4 meters width and 6 meters height. Window opening is 1.5m x 1.5 m
→ (is this too small for them??”
- diet: Monday = fried egg, ampalaya w/egg, chopsuey
Tuesday = boiled eggs, law-uy, sinabawang isda
Wednesday = ginataang langka, pinakbet, bulad
Thursday = adobong kangkong, isdang paksiw, tortang bolinao
Friday = kare-kare, bistek
Saturday = tortang talong, escabeche, fish monggos
- income: 5-10k/month (Jollibee); 200-300 pesos/day OR 6k-9k/month (carinderia) OR 5200k – 7800k/month (excluding all Sundays in a month)
→ but Maria is currently taking PREGNANCY LEAVE (so decreased income)
→ Inability to give adequate nursing care to the at risk member of the family due to lack of necessary child care/attention (“wife can’t look out
for Anton always d/t pregnancy/husband death”)
→ Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the vulnerable member of the family due to member’s preoccupation with pregnancy.
- diet (most are high in sodium, most are fish-based) (they almost always EAT LEFTOVERS???? or not)
- storage of food/leftovers (stored in plastic container) (they don’t have REFRIGERATOR!!!) → can spoil if left unattended
- hypertension??
→ Inability to give adequate nursing care to sick member of the family due to inadequate family resources of care specifically absent responsible
- Health History which may induce the occurrence of health deficit specifically previous history/family history of preeclampsia/hypertension as a
health threat.
- Health History which may induce the occurrence of health deficit specifically family history of asthma as a health threat.
- Lack of Immunization/Inadequate Immunization Status for Children specifically Measles Vaccination/Immunization as a health threat.
→ Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to psychological consequence, specifically fear of vaccination.
→ Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to lack of preventive measures
specifically measles immunization.
- Threat of cross infection from communicable disease case specifically measles as a health threat (???)
- poor home condition specifically lack of food storage facilities as a health threat.
→ Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to inadequate family resources
specifically limited financial resources & limited physical resources
→ Inability to give adequate nursing care to at-risk member of the family due to lack of necessary child care/attention (“wife can’t look out for
Anton always d/t pregnancy/husband death”)
→ Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to inadequate competencies in
relating to each other for mutual growth and maturation specifically reduced ability to meet the physical needs of other members as a result of
preoccupation with pregnancy, hospitalization of child, and loss of husband.
→ Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the vulnerable members of the family due to member’s preoccupation with death of a family
- Asthma / Asthma Attack as health deficit.
- Family size beyond what family resources can adequately provide (temporary only, pls solve monthly income)
→ Inability to provide adequate nursing care to the sick member of the family due to inadequate family resources, specifically financial
→ Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to inadequate family resources
specifically limited financial resources & limited physical resources
- Potential for enhanced capability for healthy lifestyle specifically on nutrition and diet.
Amid the ruckus sparked by a government economist’s pronouncement that a P10,000 budget is enough for a family of five to survive,
Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia clarified the figure should actually be P42,000. Pernia was quoted as saying in an interview
with GMA-7 that an average Filipino family would actually need an aggregate income of P42,000 to live above the poverty line
Militant group Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) also scoffed at the P10,000 figure, saying the figure should at be least P39,000 or P1,300 a day.
- Lack of Immunization/Inadequate Immunization Status for Children specifically Measles Vaccination/Immunization as a health threat.