3 Microbial Growth and Control
3 Microbial Growth and Control
3 Microbial Growth and Control
Ms. Raquel M. Fernandez, RMT, MSPH
August 25, 2021
Osmotic Pressure
• Organisms require water for growth
• The growth of the cell is inhibited as the plasma membrane
pulls away from the cell (addition of salts)
• Hypertonic or hypotonic environment
o Hypertonic environment
- Adding salt
- Will cause the cellular water (the water
from the bacterial cell inside) to pass out
through the plasma membrane whether it
is high salt concentration, from rigid low
concentration to higher region of
concentration (high solute
- If the bacterial cellular water passes out
to the plasma membrane the bacterial Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Phosphorus
cell will shrink and will die • Nitrogen makes up the 14% of the dry weight of the bacterial
o Hypotonic environment cell. Sulfur and Phosphorous are about 4%
- Exposed to distilled water, the water • These chemicals are needed by the bacteria for synthesis
tends to enter the cell (from a region of of protein
lower concentration to a higher • For protein synthesis (Nitrogen and Sulfur)
concentration). It will enter the bacterial • For DNA and RNA synthesis
cell and the bacterial cell will swell, when
• K, Mg, and Ca are also needed as co-factors for bacterial
it cannot hold the water coming inside, it enzymes
will burst.
- Bursting means lysing of the cell, the Trace Elements
bacterial cell will die.
• Some microbes have relatively weak cell wall maybe by the
• (Fe) Iron
increase of osmotic pressure, it can also inhibit bacterial
• (Cu) Copper
growth. It is very important to provide the correct amount of
• (Mo) Molybdenum
water, hypotonicity, and hypertonicity of the environment
• (Zn) Zinc
should also be carefully considered.
• They are naturally present in tap water
• Obligate or extreme halophiles (30% salt)
• Halophiles - salt loving bacteria that can tolerate 30% salt Oxygen
• Obligate halophiles - strictly needed for a hypertonic • Metabolic systems require oxygen for aerobic respiration
environment for them to be able to live (metabolic pathways, final electron acceptor is oxygen)
• Facultative halophiles - 2-5% salt concentration is what • Microbes that use molecular oxygen produce more energy
they need in order to grow from nutrient than microbes that do not use oxygen (more
• Bacteria have diverse requirement ATP, more energy is produced when you use molecular
oxygen than those do not use oxygen)
• Oxygen is important for living organisms. Oxygen is also
poisonous, a toxic gas. We normally produce the toxic
• Sources of C, N, S, P, trace elements, O2, and organic forms of oxygen during respiration in small amounts.
growth factors. Therefore, we also produce toxic gas as well, this is the way
how oxygen is toxic. It will instigate the chemical reactions
Carbon inside the body that can produce free radical, super active
• All organic compounds are made up of Carbon (even molecules that can destroy our cells. But our bodies are
humans) designed to capture and be able to use nutrients like oxygen
• C is the structural backbone of living matter to our advantage.
• Half of the dry weight of typical bacterial cell is carbon • Obligate aerobes – strict aerobes, oxygen is a requirement
• Chemoheterotrophs, chemoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, • Facultative anaerobes – part time anaerobes, basically
and photoautotrophs aerobes their energy will decrease in the absence of
• Chemotrophs (chemical energy source), Phototrophs oxygen, they can use oxygen to their advantage
(light energy source) • Obligate anaerobes - strict anaerobes, they can live
• Largely, bacteria are classified under chemoheterotrophs. without the presence of oxygen
• Aerotolerant anaerobes - anaerobes that can tolerate
oxygen, they cannot use oxygen to their advantage
Anaerobic System
Definition of terms
Classification of Infection
• Primary infection
o Initial infection with organism in host
o First time that the host will encounter a
microbe, virus, or any microbe is the primary
Microbial Control Methods
• Reinfection
o Subsequent infection by same organism in a
host (after recovery)
o After recovery, the same organism will attack
the host
• Superinfection
o Infection by same organism in a host before
o Infection by the same organism before the
host could hardly recover
• Secondary infection
o When in a host whose resistance is lowered
by preexisting infectious disease, a new
organism may set up infection
o The host could have a bacterial infection in the
beginning, because of the
immunocompromised situation of the patient,
another infection set up by maybe a virus is
now on its way
• Focal infection
o It is the condition where due to infection at
localized sites like appendix and tonsil,
general effects are produced.
o Only in a certain area of the body
• DAMAGE to host
Convalescent Period
o The host defenses have been evaded by the
• The time when the person recovers. Person may pathogen so it will now create damage to the host
recover from the illness but there may be permanent
damage of tissues of the affected area Virulence
• This 4th period may be either convalescent period or • It is a measure of the degree of pathogenicity; different
death/disability (depending on the outcome) species or different strains of microbe vary in durability to
• This is the time when the person recovers cause disease.
(convalescent) • Virulence factors are the phenotypic characteristics of
• The person may recover from the illness but there may microorganisms that enable it to cause disease
be permanent damage of the affected areas (disability) • Virulent Strains – are capable of causing disease
or death • Avirulent strains – not capable of causing disease
Virulence Factors
• Highly potent, e.g. 3kg botulinum can kill all the inhabitants
of the world
• They are also poisonous substances but they are • They are generally formed by Gr+ bacteria and also by some
producing within the bacterial cells and it is released Gr- organisms like Shigella, V. cholorae, and E. coli
from them. They are usually named from the target - Usually produced primarily by gram positive
organs that they affect. • Exotoxin is specifically neutralized antitoxin
• Neurotoxin • Can be separated from culture by filtration
o most potent exotoxin produced by • Action is enzymatic and it has specific tissue affinity
Clostridium tetani (causative agent of tetanus) • Cannot cause pyrexia (high fever) in a host
and Clostridium botulinum • Can be toxoided
o Toxin that will affect the nerves
o Tetanospasmin - neurotoxin of C. tetani; it Mechanisms by which Pathogens Escape Immune
will create the condition of spastic paralysis Response
o Botulinum toxin – blocks nerve impulses
producing a different kind of paralysis called • Antigenic Variation
flaccid paralysis o Pathogens are able to periodically change their
• Enterotoxins surface antigens
o Cause diarrhea and sometimes vomiting o Ex. Influenza viruses – by the time the host has
o Toxin that is produced in the intestine produced antibodies, they will come up with new
o Toxin B produced by C. difficile damages the antigens and had already shed the old ones. Even
surface of the colon leading to if the antibodies are present already, it will not be
pseudomembranous colitis effective anymore because they had changed their
• Toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST) antigens already. Once they change their antigens,
o Produced by strains of S. aureus and S. there are new strains of influenza.
pyogenes which primarily affect the integrity o Ex. Trypanosomes – these are the blood
of capillary walls. flagellates. They can keep up their antigenic
• Exfoliative Toxin variations for 20 years. They never presented the
o Also called epidermolytic toxin, causing sloughing same appearance twice.
of the epidermal layers of the skin leading to SSSS
(staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome) cause by • Camouflage and Mimicry
Staphylococcus aureus or by some Streptococcus o They can mimic or coat and hide themselves.
pyogenes o Ex. Schistosomes - they are able to hide their
o It is usually seen in newborn babies (skin reddish foreign nature by coating themselves with host
and sloughing). The epidermal layer is removed in proteins (camouflage)
the process. o Molecular mimicry – pathogen surface would
• Leucocidin resemble the host antigens. It will not be
o Toxin that will destroy leukocytes, produced by recognized by the immune capabilities
Staphylococcus and Streptococcus
• Diphtheria toxin • Destruction of Antibodies
o Toxin produced by Corynebacterium which o Some bacteria can produce molecules or enzymes
inhibits protein synthesis killing mucosal epithelial that could destroy our antibodies produced.
cells and PMN’s (polymorphonucleus) o Ex. Heamophilus influenzae and Neisseria
o This is the one that causes diphtheria. If a gonorrhea – can produce the enzyme called IgA
Corynebacterium is not able to secrete exotoxin protease, that will counter act and destroy the
therefore it is non-pathogenic. antibody IgA that we can produce.
o This is why after identifying Corynebacterium, the
next step to do after it is isolated and identified is HOST DEFENSE MECHANISMS
to do toxigenicity test (if the Corynebacterium is
not positive in diphtheria toxin then it is not at all Definition of Terms
pathogenic) • Resistance – the ability to ward off disease
• Endotoxin is a lipid a component of the gram-negative outer o Nonspecific Resistance- Defenses that protect
membrane, and exotoxin that can be produce by the against all pathogens like virus, bacteria and fungi
bacteria and release it outside. o Specific Resistance- Protection against specific
Characteristics of Endotoxins • Susceptibility – vulnerability or lack of resistance. If you are
• Heat labile protein susceptible, you are prone to contract disease and different
• Diffuse readily into the surrounding medium infections brought by different microbes or pathogen.