Liuetal Haootia
Liuetal Haootia
Liuetal Haootia
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635 Ma [25]; though see [26]); various specimens interpreted as Peninsula (figure 1f; electronic supplementary material, figures 2
possible sponges from the Early and Middle Neoproterozoic S1 and S5; designated the paratype). The smaller paratype speci-
([27–29]; though see [8]); and traces of contested age and men has been preserved in lateral view and displays an
origin [30–32]. The absence of clear metazoan body fossils anchoring support structure, lineated stem and a furrowed
until the latest Ediacaran Period renders these earliest reports body with apparent branches (figure 1f; electronic supplemen-
open to debate. Independent estimates for the first appearance tary material, figure S5).
of animals in the Neoproterozoic vary widely, but recent mol- Description. The non-retrodeformed holotype bears a
ecular phylogenetic studies predict that most stem-group discoidal structure 56 37 mm in diameter, preserved in nega-
divergences between extant metazoan phyla occurred within tive epirelief. The disc interior is smooth, apart from faint
the Cryogenian and Ediacaran Periods [33]. concentric ridges at its outer margin (figure 1a), and a small
Newfoundland, in eastern Canada, contains some of the slightly raised central structure of 9 mm diameter with several
oldest non-algal Ediacaran macrofossil assemblages, dated to tight concentric rings (figure 1e). This central structure appears
(b) 3
Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20141202
(d ) (e) (f)
Figure 1. Haootia quadriformis n. gen., n. sp., lower Fermeuse Formation of Back Cove, Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland. (a) Haootia quadriformis holotype
specimen. Note the negative-relief central disc, interpreted as a holdfast, and the broadly bilaterally symmetrical bundles of linear ridges, extending into discrete
bifurcating branches. Inferred current direction indicated by the arrow. (b) Fibres running along the right-hand margin of Haootia; each fibre is composed of finer,
thinner fibres. (c) Bottom left corner of Haootia, detailing the connection between a primary bifurcating branch and the main body. Note the twisted fibres along
the branch. (d ) Pinching, bundling and superposition of fibres at the base of a subsidiary branch. (e) The small circular depression at the centre of the disc, showing
mantling parallel fibres forming the base of a short stalk that connects the disc to the body. (f ) Incomplete paratype specimen of H. quadriformis, from the
Trepassey Formation of Burnt Point, Bonavista Peninsula. This specimen is preserved on its side, but clearly displays fibres extending up its stem and around
the body. A small partially buried holdfast disc is arrowed. Scales bars (a,c,f ), 10 mm; (b,d,e), 5 mm.
and the upper surface and internal structure of the body. The the position of the disc upstream of the quadrate body, we
apparent draping of the quadrate body over the disc edge infer that the disc was a tethering structure similar to those of
implies that the body lay above both the disc and stem on the associated frondose taxa (e.g. electronic supplementary
seafloor at the time of burial (figure 1a). On the basis of material, figure S3a–c), and that Haootia was epibenthic.
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(a) (b) 4
(c) (d)
Figure 2. Digitized images of H. quadriformis n. gen., n. sp., emphasizing the convergence of fibrous linear features at the corners of the body, and the symmetry of
the fossil. (a) Photograph of the holotype as it appears in situ. (b) Interpretive sketch of the non-retrodeformed specimen. Labels indicate: (a) muscle bundles,
(b) expanded bundles, (c) ‘contracted’ bundles, (d ) twisting fibres, (e) superimposed fibres and (f ) disc. (c) Digitized overlay of the fossil. Symmetrical regions of
the organism are colour coded. Note the thick bulging of fibres (indicating muscle contraction?) along short axes of the sheet (light green). (d) As in (b), but the
image has been corrected to account for tectonic deformation on the surface by compressing the disc into a perfectly circular structure (cf. [38], though see [39]).
Scale bar, 10 mm.
The complex structure of H. quadriformis, with prominent branching elements [41,42], such features are lacking in Haootia.
bundles of fibres showing consistent directional changes Primocandelabrum sp. [37] (electronic supplementary material,
within a discrete sheet-like structure, is not readily explained figure S6d), a superficially similar contemporaneous rangeo-
by tectonic or sedimentological processes. Unusual environ- morph bearing multiple branches attached by a stem to a disc,
mental taphonomic conditions can also be ruled out, because can be distinguished by its lack of quadrilateral symmetry,
neighbouring specimens of recognizable macrofossil taxa on and its rangeomorph branching. Furthermore, in rare specimens
the bedding planes (e.g. figure 1a) do not differ in preservation where longitudinal ridges are preserved along the length of a
or appearance from those found abundantly throughout the Primocandelabrum [43], such ridges are wider, more broadly
region. All other fossil impressions on these surfaces (electronic spaced and less regular in arrangement than those seen in
supplementary material, figure S3) lack fibrous structures of Haootia. The disc in the holotype Haootia specimen also differs
the kind described here. distinctly from others found on the same surface, being
smoother, with lower topographic relief (figure 1a) and fewer
concentric rings (electronic supplementary material, figure S3).
Examples of putative tissue differentiation in Ediacaran
3. Is this a known Ediacaran macrofossil taxon? macrofossils have typically proved controversial. Structures
Whereas typical frondose Ediacaran taxa possess either leaf-like interpreted as external sheaths and membranes have been
morphologies or some evidence for alternating rangeomorph described in Pteridinium and Rangea from Namibia [44,45],
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ate from the centre of the organism to the outer margin, and
become more finely spaced towards the specimen edges.
Differences are also apparent when considering linear features
associated with ‘mop’ structures in Australia. ‘Mop’ plausibly
results when a disc, embedded in a microbial mat, has been
dragged by unidirectional currents [53] to produce uni-
directional or evenly radiating marks. By contrast, Haootia
fibres form bands that are multidirectional, often running paral-
lel to the margins of the impression and appearing to converge
with neighbouring fibres (figure 1a). Longitudinal furrows are
4. Metazoan affinities?
Haootia’s size and complex, regular morphology demand con-
sideration of metazoan affinities. Its symmetry and the lack of
evidence for pores or spicules argue against Porifera (following
[8]). The presence of numerous branches, absence of comb rows
and inferred benthic mode of life likewise make comparison
with Ctenophora problematic. Possession of quadrilateral
structure, a central radial disc and fibrous soft tissues, clearly
invite comparison with living and fossil Cnidaria.
Although the extant phylum Cnidaria includes morphologi-
cally and genetically disparate taxa [56,57], their molecular
phylogeny confirms a basal position within the Eumetazoa
[58]. Cnidarians are classically united by the possession of
Figure 3. (a) The extant staurozoan Lucernaria quadricornis, exhibiting a cnidocytes, diploblastic construction and radial symmetry, but
body plan similar to that hypothesized for H. quadriformis n. gen., n. sp. suggestions of a wider variety of symmetry states (e.g. [59–
The Staurozoa are known from a range of marine depositional environments 61]) are supported by genetic arguments for the presence of
and water depths [40]. (b) Artistic reconstruction of H. quadriformis. Scale bilateral symmetry in the eumetazoan common ancestor [62],
bars, 10 mm. and the presence of a mesoderm-like layer has been recognized
in some cnidarian taxa (cf. [63]; electronic supplementary
material, text S2).
and in rare rangeomorphs from Newfoundland [46], although The bundles of fibrous ridges within the body of Haootia
the latter examples likely have a sedimentological origin [47]. compare favourably in size, order and arrangement to the
Such claimed sheaths are typically smooth and lack the fibrous preserved muscular tissue of modern cnidarians. Cnidarians
character of Haootia. The internal anatomy of other Ediacaran can possess smooth and/or striated muscular tissue [63,64]
macrofossils is largely inferred from composite impressions (electronic supplementary material, text S2), both of which
explained by biostratinomic collapse of tissues (e.g. [48], can form fibrous bundles arranged in a similar manner to
fig. 2), or from three-dimensional specimens in-filled by sedi- those in Haootia [65] (figure 3a; electronic supplementary
ment (e.g. [49,50]). However, such typically lobate structures material, figure S6). Rare fossil examples of cnidarian muscu-
do not exhibit the wavy fibrous symmetry of H. quadriformis. lar tissue (e.g. [66 –68]) typically comprise impressions of
Whereas the linear fibrous construction of the alga Flabellophy- regularly arranged ridges (e.g. [67], p. 63, fig. 55). These are
ton from South China and Australia [51] shows some similarity best known in fossil scyphozoan medusae, where coronal
with fibres of Haootia, those fossils lack a large holdfast, a stem- and radial muscles of the sub-umbrella are often grouped
mounted body or quadrilateral symmetry. It could be argued into bundles (e.g. [69]) and are preserved as casts and
that the linear fibres in Haootia result from the deformation or moulds in a taphonomic style similar to that seen in the
twisting of a non-muscular integument, but that cannot explain Ediacaran siliciclastic settings of Newfoundland [70]. The mor-
their presence across the whole body, their multi-directionality phology of soft-bodied fossil cnidarians is typically influenced
or their symmetry. Rough comparison may be made with the by muscle contraction at the time of burial [67]. Twisting and
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overlapping of fossil medusa tentacles [71] also compare clo- food, as with the tentacles of modern cnidarian polyps. 6
sely with Haootia’s flexible branches. Phalloidin fluorescence We see neither a distinct mouth-like structure nor a gastro-
reveals that the 1–2.5 mm-width smooth muscle fibres in the vascular cavity, so their presence must be inferred at the
extant parasitic hydrozoan Polypodium hydriforme run longitud- centre of the quadrilateral body. Similarly, structures similar
inally up the length of the tentacles [65] in an arrangement to canals or mesenteries are not clearly distinguishable.
strikingly similar to individual fibres in H. quadriformis. Fur- Interpretation of the disc as a benthic holdfast then implies a
thermore, the junction between muscles in the tentacles and polyp-like organism, with a gross body-plan most similar to
those in the body of P. hydriforme produces a similar ‘truncated’ that of living staurozoans (e.g. figure 3). The fibres within
surface to the ridges observed in Haootia (figure 1d; [65], fig. 4a), Haootia are consistent with the positioning of muscular fibres
and individual fibres can also split and/or join one another. in the calyx of modern Staurozoa [85] (figure 3a), being longi-
These morphological and structural similarities lead us to the tudinal within the stalk and branches of the specimen but
conclusion that the fibrous structures preserved within Haootia mainly positioned laterally (i.e. parallel to the margins in a
and morphodynamic analysis [77]. Other reports of cnidarians tissue differentiation, feeding strategy, food sources and the 7
in latest Ediacaran rocks include Pambikalbae as a ?hydrozoan complexity of Late Ediacaran ecosystems. Our interpretation
[108]; interpretation of the tubular fossils Corumbella and of H. quadriformis as a muscular metazoan of cnidarian grade
Vendoconularia as scyphozoans similar to the conulariids arguably represents the earliest known evidence for preser-
[9,11,109]; discussion of the biomineralized genera Cloudina vation of muscular tissue in the geological record, and one of
and Namacalathus as ‘cnidariomorphs’ [110]; and the possible the earliest claims for a eumetazoan (see also [10,114]). Haootia
calcified cnidarian Namapoikia [111]. Fossils from the Late therefore delivers a key calibration point for studies of early
Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation have been tentatively com- Eumetazoan evolution and body symmetry.
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