Mics Progress
Mics Progress
Mics Progress
instructions A400-A500
© Publication : ref G.P.A.O.33502003001
Rédacteur : Sce Doc. Vérificateur : B.E.E. Approbateur : Sce Doc Administrateur : Sce Doc.
This equipment has been configured for a specific application. It is forbidden to modify the system
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In the event of not respecting this procedure, our company disclaims all responsibility on the
consequences that could result from such action..
Due to on-going research in our design offices and the continuous improvement of our products, our Company
reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.
All rights to change the contents of the current manuals reserved.
Reproduction and translation, even partial, forbidden without special authorisation.
Design and production : Publication Department
from the following documents :
Generating sets manufacturer's source documents + Electrical Design Office documentation
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XinKe power equipment Co .Ltd Http://www.xinke-hk.com
The control racks are fitted with various standard or optional instruments and gauges. Depending
on the options selected, the positioning of these instruments on the front may vary. The figures
below define their functions
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It also ensures :
- delays,
- set-up thresholds,
- genset general parameters (basics)
- access to the various configuration screens
(checks, control, set-up).
4 02/99
ShenZhen XinKe power equipment Co .Ltd Http://www.xinke-hk.com
- RESET : Pressing this key will erase the message
indicating a fault.
02/99 5
° SEQUENCE ° SET-CLOCK Battery Volts : 23.8
° SET-COUNT CODE MPU : 1513 rpm 50.36 Hz > Set Overspeed = 3 ”0 Led blink indicates :
Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc Γ OVERVIEW kW Hours : 00,001,234 ° Gen OverVolts = 1 ”0 Green ~ Activity
HoursRun : 000,150 : 10 ° Gen UnderVolts = 1 ”0 Yellow ~ Warning
Gen Volts Amps Hz ° Gen OverFreq = 1 ”0 Red ~ Shutdomn
Mode MAN ΦA 221 115 50.07
ΦB 222 117 >kW MAINS or BUS
> MAN ~ OFF ° LOAD-GEN ΦC 220 125 69.9 Mains Φ Α
CODE Frequency Hz : 50.14 > User Password = 1234
Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc Γ POWER + PF Voltage Vrms : 223 ° Crancking attempts = 3
Distorsion % THD : 0.1 ° Overspeed RPM = 1800
Total- COS Φ (PF) ° Crankstop RPM = 400
EXPORT >kVA : 78.9 ΦA 0.91
>kW : 69.9 ΦB 0.88
Export Power Quotas >kWAr : 36.4 ΦC 0.87 > OVERVIEW ° POWER+PF OPTIONS
Enter new value by GEN ΦA ou ΦB ou ΦC ° GEN Φ C ° GEN ΦΦ question ? 0~NO, I~YES
Press “enter”
to have the
Leave unchanged byΓ Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc⇔ Select AIB : 0~A, 1~B list of the
Gen Φ A Hz : 50.07 options.
S I W = shutdown I Warning
Volts : 221 % THD :0.1
SEQUENCE Amps : 115 kVAr :10.5 SYNCscope
kVA : 25.4 kW :23.1 Gen Φ A v Mains (*) or BUS Φ A
IDS ∅ 2 ∅ 1 ∅ 3 IN 1..16
This Gen-Set ID No = 1 Freq Slip Hz : -0.07
Exchange Command 2,3 GEN ΦΦ Phase Shift ° : 11 In# : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Initial sequence 0,0 Voltage Match : -2 N/O :
Gen Volts Hz : 50.07 N/C : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ΦA 221 Φ AB : 384 Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc Γ
SET-CLOCK ΦB 222 Φ BC : 383 IN 1..16
ΦC 220 Φ CA : 382 In# : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Clock : 3 - 17.57 BASICS
On :
Note, Mon = 1… Sun = 7
Off : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > Controller ID N° = 1
Enter new value by
RUN WITH LOAD : OFF ° Number of Poles = 4
Leave unchanged byΓ
° Pick-up Teeth = 126
° CT Ratio = 100.0
SET-COUNT Mot de passe 1234
Function : Master FACTORY Mot de passe :
kW Hours : 00, 000,000 Network Ids : I----------
Hours Run : 000,000 : 80 ANALOG OUT (V) : 1.58 Vx Volt Max = 260.4
Enter new value by PWM OUT (%) : 50.0 ° Ix Amps Max = 5.900
Leave unchanged byΓ ° B + Volt Max = 40.00
° D/A Volt Max = 7.432
(*) Suivant la sélection utilisée
—> ATS = 0 ou ATS = 1
Sets Runs With Load
Mains failure ∅ Run ! This panel indicates the Progress operating mode and also
Power source : GenSet
enables you to know which state the genset is in.
Press "Esc" to return to the higher Example : mains failure, genset start-up – speed stabilisation –
level menu voltage – synchronisation – load transfer – Shut down, cooling,
Logged ∅ Sat 17/06 REPORT
Clear message by
Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc Γ This panel displays the various messages (alarms and faults)
recorded with their associated time. A maximum of 8 messages
Press "Esc" to return to the higher
level menu can be recorded and viewed.
Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc Γ When the letters "OFF" are placed in front of "AUTO" and
Press "Esc" to return to the
"MAN", the Progress is stopped.
higher level menu In the example, the Progress is in "AUTO" mode.
Mode MANuel
> MAN ~ OFF ° LOAD-GEN - MANual mode
Selecting "OFF - MAN" (see previous screen) enables you to go
Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc Γ to "MAN - OFF" mode. The genset starts immediately regard-
Press "Esc" to return to the higher
less of the position of the 4-position function switch.
level menu
Pressing "Enter" enables you to go from MAN —> OFF
to “OFF ~ MAN” and shuts down the genset after a cooling per-
This function enables the genset to take the load.
The user password is required. It leads to the automatic closure
of the contactor. The message "OFF-LOAD" then appears.
This function has the effect of opening the contactor.
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8 02/99
° MAINS ° SYNCscope
° IN 1..16 ° SYSTEM Main panel enabling viewing of the various possible readings on
Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc Γ
the engine, alternator, mains or bus, synchronisation, logic sta-
Press "Esc" to return to the tus of the various I/O, signal level on speed and voltage regula-
higher level menu
tion outputs.
- ENGINE- This screen indicates :
Battery Volts : 23.8
MPU : 1513 rpm 50.36 Hz • Battery voltage, 40V maximum,
kW Hours : 00,001,234 • Engine speed in RPM and frequency in Hz,
HoursRun : 000,150 : 10
• Energy supplied in kWh (stored),
Press "Esc" to return to the higher • Genset Hours Run (stored)
level menu
- MAINS or BUS – This screen indicates:
Mains Φ Α
Frequency Hz : 50.14
• Frequency in Hz (*),
Voltage Vrms : 223 • Phase/neutral voltage in Volts (*),
Distorsion % THD : 0.1
• Total harmonic distortion % (*).
Press "Esc" to return to the higher (*) depending on the value of {mains control INS = 0 or 1}, the
level menu values measured come from the mains or bus.
° GEN Φ A ° GEN Φ Β Main panel to view the electric variables relating to the alterna-
° GEN Φ C ° GEN ΦΦ tor.
Select ∆ ~ Enter Esc Γ
Gen Volts Amps Hz
ΦA 221 115 50.07 This screen indicates :
ΦB 222 117 >kW • Phase/neutral effective voltage and current for Phase
ΦC 220 125 69.9
Press "Esc" to return to the higher • Phase/neutral effective voltage and current for Phase
level menu
• Phase/neutral effective voltage and current for Phase
• Frequency in Hz, total active power.
Total COS Φ (PF)
>kVA : 78.9 ΦA 0.91 This screen indicates :
>kW : 69.9 ΦB 0.88 • Total apparent power in kVA,
>kWAr : 36.4 ΦC 0.87
• Total active power in kW,
• Total reactive power in kVAr,
• Power factor on each phase (A, B and C).
02/99 9
Gen Φ A v Mains Φ A
Freq Slip Hz : -0.07 This screen gives information on the synchronisation status bet-
Phase Shift ° : 11 ween the genset between the genset and the bus or the genset
Voltage Match : -2
and the mains.
Press "Esc" to return to the higher • Voltage match : V1 – V4 (Volts) (line 4),
level menu
• Phase shift between these 2 voltages, in degrees (line 3),
• Frequency slip: frequency V1 – frequency V4 (line 2).
IN 1..16
In# : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
On : IN 1..16
Off : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This screen enables the status of each Progress logic input to
be viewed.
Press "Esc" to return to the higher The cursor on the first line indicates the input title.
level menu
Function : Master
Network Ids : I---------- BASICS
ANALOG OUT (V) : 1.58 This screen indicates whether the Progress concerned is "mas-
PWM OUT (%) : 50.0
ter" or "slave". It also indicates the controller No (when there are
Press "Esc" to return to the higher several networked Progresses) and the values for the speed
level menu and voltage regulation outputs.
10 02/99
> Set Overspeed = 3 ”0
° Gen OverVolts = 1 ”0 This screen enables you to view and possibly modify the
° Gen OverVolts = 1 ”0 various delays taken into account by Progress.
° Gen OverVolts = 1 ”0
To scroll through, use the arrows and . To modify, use
Press "Esc" to return to the higher and the keypad.
level menu
> User Password = 1
° Crancking attempts = 3 This screen enables you to view and possibly modify the
° Overspeed RPM = 1650 various set-points taken into account by Progress.
° Crankstop RPM = 600
To scroll through, use the arrows and . To modify, use
Press "Esc" to return to the higher and the keypad.
level menu
question ? 0~NO, I~YES This screen enables you to view and possibly modify the
Select AIB : 0~A, 1~B various options offered by Progress.
S I W = shutdown I Warning
An intermediate screen explains the various possible choices
Press "Esc" to return to the higher and their abbreviations.
level menu
To scroll through the various options, press and use the
arrows and .
IN 1..16
- IN 1..16
In# : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
N/O : This screen enables you to change the logic status of the 16
N/C : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * inputs :
Select ∆ ~ Toggle EscΓ
- normally open N/O
Press "Esc" to return to the higher - normally closed N/C
level menu
> Controller ID N° = 1
° Number of Poles = 4 This screen enables you to view and possibly modify the gen-
° Pick-up Teeth = 126 set general parameters.
° CT Ratio = 100.0
To scroll through, use the arrows and . To modify, use
Press "Esc" to return to the higher and the keypad.
level menu
Vx Volt Max = 260.4
° Ix Amps Max = 5.900
This screen is available only after entry of the factory code. It
° B + Volt Max = 40.00 defines the factory-set parameters.
° D/A Volt Max = 7.432
02/99 11
Led blink indicates : Press to bring up the meaning of the LEDs on the front
Green ~ Activity panel.
Yellow ~ Warning
Red ~ Shutdomn
Special push-button
Press this key again and you will get to this screen which gives
STOP ~ Shutdown set the function of buttons and .
RESET ~ Stop alarm
RESET ~ Clear fault
To quickly access some menus, the 10 keys on the keypad, from version 2.5f, can be used if the system is
not being used for set-ups.
0 General panel for generator (voltage, current, frequency for the 3 phases)
12 02/99
Set Overspeed :
Overspeed delay.
GEN OverVolts :
Alternator overvoltage delay
GEN UnderVolts :
Alternator undervoltage delay
GEN OverFreq :
Alternator over frequency delay
GEN UnderFreq :
Alternator under frequency delay
G 2x OvCurr :
Delay assigned to the genset before overload triggering
G Revrse kW :
Delay assigned to the genset before triggering on an active reverse power
G Rvrs kVAr :
Delay assigned to the genset before triggering orse power
G Over % THD :
Delay assigned to the genset before triggering caused by a harmonic distortion rate higher than the set point.
SyncTimeout :
Delay assigned to the genset to synchronise on the mains or bus.
Sync Dwell Time :
Delay assigned to the parallel device to observe synchronisation, voltage equality, frequency equality and phase
kw Surge Enable :
Not used.
Test Delay :
Time the genset runs in test mode.
V4 Volts Status :
Delay to observe bus or voltage stability depending on the voltage configuration on V4.
Standby On :
Delay after mains failure before the genset starts in automatic mode with (control INS = 1).
Stanby Off :
Delay after mains return before load is removed from genset, in automatic mode with (control INS = 1).
Eng Preglow :
Delay for preheating of air intake glow plug(s) before start-up.
Engine crank :
Time for starter to trigger (period of one attempt).
CrankFail Rest :
Time between two start-up attempts.
Set Stabil Max :
Maximum delay assigned to the genset from starter throw-out to complete stabilisation in speed and voltage.
GE stabil min :
Minimum delay assigned to the genset from starter throw-out to closing of genset power delivery.
Coolin Down :
Engine cooling delay after genset is delivering power.
02/99 13
User Password :
The user must enter a 4-digit password to change the operating mode or to change parameters.
Cranking Attempts :
Number of start-up attemps.
Overspeed RPM :
Overspeed threshold depending on the engine rating.
CrankStop RPM :
Threshold of starter throw out depending on the type of starter used.
Bat OvVoltage :
Threshold of battery overvoltage authorised.
Bat UnVoltage :
Threshold of battery undervoltage authorised.
GEN OvVoltage :
Threshold of overvoltage applied to phase/neutral voltage.
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Controller ID No :
Progress ID, between 1 and 8. A unique value must be allocated to each Progress that is connected to the RS 485
communication bus (use in configuration #3 only).
Number of poles :
Number of pairs of rotor poles (always an even number).
PickUP Teeth :
Number of teeth on the flywheel. This value is used to calculate the engine rotation speed (for display).
CT Ratio :
Transformation ratio of the current transformers. For example, a 160 ratio corresponds to a 800A/5A current transfor-
Pt Ratio :
Transformation ratio of the potential transformers for use with average voltage. The minimum value to enter is 16.
Xap : Rated kVA :
The genset power expressed in kVA.
Xre : Rated kW :
The genset power expressed in kW.
Adj Sec/Week :
Real time clock adjustment specified in seconds per week.
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Configuration # 1 0 0 0 0 0
Configuration # 2 0 0 1 0 0
Configuration # 3 0 1 0 0 0 or 1
Configuration # 4 0 1 0 1 0
Configuration # 5 0 1 1 0 0
Configuration # 6 0 1 1 1 0
02/99 21
• Powering up :
When powering up, screen "HELP" appears (see page 6). If there is a fault or an alarm (e.g. emergency shut
down triggered), screen "REPORT" will appear and depending on the type of problem, the red and orange
LEDs will flash.
- If there is no fault, press "ESC" and enter the day and time.
- Press "ENTER" to validate, menu "COMMAND" will appear (see page 6).
- Press "ESC" to get the main menu :
• Manual operation :
Move the 4-position function switch to "MANU". The genset starts instantly. 2 cases can then arise :
1 – Configurations #1, #2, #3 (modes 1, 2 and 3), #4, #5 and #6.
2 – Configurations #3 (mode 4).
In case (1), the genset contactor or motorised circuit-breaker does not close. The genset runs off load.
In case (2), the genset contactor or motorised circuit-breaker closes and the genset takes the load.
Pressing "STOP" (Progress button) shuts the genset down instantly. Using the 4-position function switch to
go from "MANU" to "STOP" will shut the genset down after a cooling period. An adjustable delay in menu
"SET-UP/DELAYS" sets the time during which the genset will run manually.
• Automatic operation :
To start in automatic mode, the 4-position function switch must be moved to "AUTO". The genset is on stand-
by and Progress awaits a command to start. This command comes from :
- information V4 (mains or bus) (mains failure or bus available), or
- external information.
• Test operation :
To start in "TEST" mode, the 4-position function switch must be moved to "TEST". The genset starts imme-
diately and takes the load. Pressing "STOP" (Progress button) will stop the genset instantly. Using the 4-posi-
tion function switch to go from "AUTO" to "STOP" will shut the genset down after a cooling period. An adjus-
table delay in menu "SET-UP/DELAYS" sets the time during which the genset will run in test mode.
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