Oral Presentation Rubric
Oral Presentation Rubric
Oral Presentation Rubric
Student: _____________________
Class: ______________________
Grade: _________
Outstanding Great Good Okay Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts 0 pts
Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Facial expressions and Very little use of facial Student made no
body language body language body language are expressions or body effor to show
generate a strong sometimes generate a used to try to language. Did not enthusiasm.
interest and strong interest and generate enthusiasm, generate much
enthusiasm about the enthusiasm about the but seem somewhat interest in topic being
topic in others. topic in others. faked. presented.
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Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is It is clear that both Student does not
prepared and has prepared but might somewhat prepared, preparationa and seem at all prepared
obviously rehearsed. have needed a couple but it is clear that rehearsal were to present.
more rehearsals. rehearsal was lacking. lacking.
Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or can Mostly mumbling,
distinctly all (100-95%) distinctly all (100-95%) distinctly most ( 94- not be understood OR could not be heard by
the time, and the time, but 85%) of the time. mispronounces more audience members.
mispronounces no mispronounces one Mispronounces no than one word. No effort to transfer
words. word. more than one word. information to
Presentation is 4-5 Presentation is less Presentation is less Presentation is less Presentation is less
minutes long. than 4 minutes long. than 3 minutes long. than 2 minutes long. than 1 minutes long
OR more than 6
minutes long.
Types: Presentation
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