Examination of August 2023: K E Academy
Examination of August 2023: K E Academy
Examination of August 2023: K E Academy
Overall Score:………./60
a. Never is
1 Write questions with when or how often.
b. Is never
1. Jim and Ed never exercise.
___________________________________________? 3. _______________ on weekends?
2. Rose goes to the gym on Mondays. a. Often do you travel
b. Do you often travel
3. I eat hamburgers once a month.
___________________________________________? c. Often you do travel
!សយ$%ន៖ ភូមិ,តពំចរ ឃុ,ំ ក5 ,ស6កកំពង់េស;ម េខត=កំពង់ចម (ផ?ូវជតិ 7A ខងេកីតវ ិទយល័យសេម=ច ជួន Kត ,បែហល ៥០ ែម៉,ត) 1
េលខទូរស័ពទ៖ ០១២ ៤៥១ ៩១៥
Write your answers here:
VOCABULARY (10 Marks) 1. ……………………………………………..
2. ……………………………………………..
1 Complete the names of the organs. 3. ……………………………………………..
4. ……………………………………………..
5. ……………………………………………..
6. ……………………………………………..
7. ……………………………………………..
8. ……………………………………………..
!សយ$%ន៖ ភូមិ,តពំចរ ឃុ,ំ ក5 ,ស6កកំពង់េស;ម េខត=កំពង់ចម (ផ?ូវជតិ 7A ខងេកីតវ ិទយល័យសេម=ច ជួន Kត ,បែហល ៥០ ែម៉,ត) 2
េលខទូរស័ពទ៖ ០១២ ៤៥១ ៩១៥
WRITING (10 Marks)
Write to describe KHE Academy. Write at least 60-90
LISTENING (10 Marks)
1 Listen to the conversation and complete the
enrollment form. …………………………………………………………
SPEAKING (10 Marks)
!សយ$%ន៖ ភូមិ,តពំចរ ឃុ,ំ ក5 ,ស6កកំពង់េស;ម េខត=កំពង់ចម (ផ?ូវជតិ 7A ខងេកីតវ ិទយល័យសេម=ច ជួន Kត ,បែហល ៥០ ែម៉,ត) 3
េលខទូរស័ពទ៖ ០១២ ៤៥១ ៩១៥