Notification: (V.LL:::.T?R
Notification: (V.LL:::.T?R
Notification: (V.LL:::.T?R
. pleased to order the publication of the following English translation of notification no ... ~.J1..{v.Ll:::.t?r 1....c.?,
for general inform~tion 1-l ~~-?-- l:l )....O
Government of Uttarakhand
Industrial bevelopment Section-2
No-VI I-A-2/2022/11-SI DCU L-2020
DEHRADUN: Dated bT,January, 2022
Whereas, in order to accelerate and encourage industrial development in the State, the State
Industrial Development Authority (SIDA) was constituted by notification no. 2381 / Seven-O.V.-1 / 2005-
137 Industries / 2005, dated 07.07.2005 under the provisions of the Uttar Pradesh Industrial Area
Development Act, 1976 . ·
And whereas, Unified Building Byelaws were implemented in the year 2016 as per
suggestions given under Ease of Doing Business (EoDB). At present, industrial cases are being dispo~ed
of according to the building bye-laws issued by the Housing Department for disposal of the cases of
industrial building under the jurisdiction of SIDA. There has been a demand to make amendments from
time to time by industrialists and industrial organizations regarding the bye-laws of the existing State
Industrial Development Authority for industrial buildings under the jurisdiction of SIDA. In addition to
this there has also been provided a special encouragement by the State Government to set up industries
in the hilly areas, in order to which there is a need to amend the industrial building construction bye-
By 9rder,
(Umesh Narain Pandey)
Additional Secretary
State·lndustrial Development Authority
29-IIE IT Park, Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun-248001
Phone -2708100, 2608097
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\:3ct'lxml 0 -s xW1RT Jl~lfrtct> Rlcm:t Piti.:,io1 ~-2022 UGIDCR-2022 cf)l" l=IT0 xl\Tll4lc1
07.01.2022 <fr !I
In pursuance of the provision of clause (3) of Article 348 of the constitution of India, the
Governor is pleased to order the publication of the following English translation of
notification no………………. dated ……….for general information
1.1 Short title, commencement and application -
1.1.1 These regulations may be called the Uttarakhand General Industrial Development
Control Regulations– 2022(UGIDCR-2022.
1.1.2 These shall come into force with effect from the date of notification.
1.1.3 Any provisions not covered by UGIDCR 2022, the latest provisions of National
Building Code of India-2016, Building Bye Laws and Government Orders issued by
Housing Department, Government of Uttarakhand from time to time and Model
Building Byelaws 2016(MoUD-GOI) shall be followed.
1.1.4 These regulations shall be applicable for Industrial area notified by the state government.
2.1 ‘Act’ means Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Area Development Act,1976(U.P. Act
No.6 of 1976 as adopted and modified by the State of Uttarakhand.
2.2 Hill area/Plain Area as defined in Building Bye Laws issued by Housing Department,
Government of Uttarakhand will be followed. However, the notified industrial area of
Kotdwar will be considered in Plains. In addition areas notified in future will, if required,
can be differently classified based on their geographical location and general
2.6 'Plan' means a Master Plan/Zonal Plan/Area Development Plan/Layout Plan of the
Industrial Areas notified by the State Government.
2.7 Words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the “National Building
Code of India,2016” “Building Bye –laws” issued by Housing Department, Government
of Uttarakhand and “Model Building bye-laws 2016 (MoUB-GOI) shall have the
meaning respectively assisted to them in these.
Building Permit /Layout and Occupancy
i) Every person who intends to erect a building within areas under SIDA's jurisdiction shall
apply in the form as given at Appendix 1.
ii) The application for building permit shall be accompanied by documents as mentioned
in the checklist annexed in Appendix 1.
iii) Such application shall not be considered until the applicant has paid the fees mentioned
in Regulation no. 3.06.
iv) In case of objections resulting in cancellation, the submission fees so paid shall not be
refunded to the applicant.
3.02 No application shall be required for the construction works as specified in Building Bye-
Laws issued by the Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand, provided they do
not violate any of the provisions regarding General Building Requirements, Structural
Stability and 'Fire and Life Safety' as specified in the National Building Code of India-
(I) Site plan: As per information/specifications mentioned in the Building Bye Laws
issued by the Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand..
3.04.01 Notation for colouring of plans: As specified in Building Bye Laws issued by
the Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand.
3.06.01 The applicant shall deposit fees as stipulated by SIDA from time to time. The
present scale of fees is as follows: Building completion/occupancy fees for all
type of buildings shall be @Rs.4.00 per sqm.(on covered area).
UGIDCR-2022 6
Plots more than 300 sqmt. (On Plot area) @ Rs. 2/sqmt. @Rs. 2/sqmt.
Residential layout Rs. 5000 Rs. 5000
Group Housing/Tourism /Recreational Rs. 3000 Rs. 3000
Commercial/Commercial Layout Rs. 5000 Rs. 5000
Office/Education/Institution/ Technological
Rs. 3000 Rs. 3000
Institutes/IT/Other community facilities
Single Industrial Units
Plot Area upto 500 sqmt. Rs. 500 Rs. 500
Plot Area Above 500 sqmt. to 2000 sqmt. Rs. 1000 Rs. 1000
Plot Area Above 2000 sqmt. to 4000 sqmt. Rs. 2000 Rs. 2000
3.06.02 If the use of the buildings is changed and the proposed change of the
use is permissible, then the fee in case of additions and alterations shall
be calculated with reference to the use proposed.
3.06.03 In case of re-erection of an existing building, after demolition, fees
chargeable shall be the same as for a new building.
3.06.04 In case of revised plans, where the proposed covered area is less or
equal to the earlier sanctioned plan, the building permit fee for the
revision should be one fourth of the fee charged. If the covered area is
increased, then said fee for the additional area has to be charged.
3.06.05 The area covered in the basement and service floors shall be added in
the covered area for purpose of calculation of fees.
3.06.06 The fee in case of buildings with principal and subsidiary occupancies,
in which the fees liveable are different, then the fees for the total
building scheme, shall be as per rates for individual occupancies.
3.06.07 The revalidation fee of a building permit shall be 10 per- cent of the
original building permit fee paid with the application, if the application
is made within the period of validity of the building permit. Otherwise,
the process starts afresh with all fees liveable at existing rates. In case
the building is under construction as per sanctioned plans and the
application is made after the validity period, the revalidation fee shall
be as per the prevailing building permit fee.
3.06.08 In case construction is carried out without issue of building permit or
fees accompanying the application for building permit, a penalty shall
be levied as per provision of Section 13.
3.06.09 In case construction is carried out without revalidation, a fee/penalty
@Rs. 20 per sqm of covered area shall be levied if all provision as per
byelaws are complied with.
3.06.10 An affidavit on Rs. 10 stamp paper, duly notarized, shall be submitted
by applicant that all malba during construction shall be kept within the
3.06.11 If rectification of all objections is not done even after two objection
letters issued by SIDA, Rs. 500 shall be levied towards site visit fees
for each subsequent visit.
3.06.12 The applicant shall deposit 25% of the building permit fees for
temporary structures (other than labour hutments) as per individual use
of the structure. Labour hutment fees shall be Rs. 0.25 per sqm. of
covered area.
3.06.13 Water, Sewer and other service connection charges shall be paid as
levied by SIDA Board.
3.06.14 The SIDA Board shall be empowered to revise the fees/charges
The applicant may, prior to the sanction of the maps, withdraw his
application for a building construction permit and such withdrawal
shall terminate all proceeding with respect to such applications but the
submission fees paid shall not be refunded.
3.08.01 The Authorized Officer of SIDA shall verify or cause to be verified the
facts given in the application for permit, and enclosures. The title of the
land shall also be verified. All documents submitted with the plans
should be self-attested by the owner and Architect/Authorized
Technical person.
UGIDCR-2022 8
3.08.02 For lay out plan and all buildings and temporary structures, the
Technical Persons shall provide all necessary information including
provisions of fire safety requirements, public convenience, safety
provisions and other relevant laws and provisions as per Factories Act.
Technical Persons shall also be responsible for implementation of all
other provisions as per Building Regulations, Planning and
Development Directions, National Building Code, ISI codes and such
other provisions as required by SIDA from time to time.
3.08.03 The Owner and Technical Persons shall be jointly and severely liable
and they have to submit an indemnity bond in favour of SIDA against
possible violation of Building Regulations, Planning and Development
Directions and provisions of National Building Code in the form given
in Appendix 5.
3.08.04 SIDA, however reserves the right to perform test checks by scrutiny of
any of the plans submitted for approval.
3.08.06 In case the Owner is found responsible, the plot may be cancelled or
any other action can be taken as decided by the CEO depending upon
the circumstances of each case.
If any violations are found during or after the construction with respect
to the sanctioned plan, the applicant shall be required to rectify the
same to the satisfaction of the Authority within a period of 30 days
from the date when such violations are intimated to the applicant. In
case the applicant fails to comply, the Authority shall ensure
compliance and the expenditure incurred in doing so shall be recovered
from the applicant beforehand.
3.09.03 In case of refusal, the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO
shall give reasons and quote the relevant provisions of the regulations
which the plan contravenes, as far as possible in the first instance.
3.09.04 Once the plans have been scrutinized and objections, if any, have been
pointed out, the applicant shall modify the plans to comply with the
objections raised and resubmit them. If the objections remain
unremoved for a period of 30 days, the permit shall be refused and the
plan shall stand rejected and fee submitted shall be forfeited.
3.09.05 When owner submits the application for seeking the occupancy
certificate without actually completing the building, inspection shall be
done within 30 days from the date of application received in the office
of SIDA. If during the inspection for issue of completion certificate any
building is found incomplete application for occupancy shall be
3.10.02 Validity of a building permit for a temporary structure shall be for the
sanctioned period or the period specified in the lease deed conditions.
Temporary structures shall be removed immediately after the
construction of the building is over and before seeking occupancy
3.10.03 After the lapse of the validity period the applicant is liable to remove
all such temporary structures and certificate shall be granted only after
the removal of the same.
If any additions or alterations from the sanctioned plans are intended to be made,
permission of the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO shall be obtained in
writing before the proposed additions/alterations are carried out. It shall be incumbent
upon the applicant, to whom a building permit has been sanctioned, to submit amended
plans for such additions or alterations. The provisions relating to an application for permit
shall also apply to such amended plans as per 3.09.01 and 3.09.02.
At any time after the permit has been sanctioned to proceed with any building activity, if
the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO finds that such permit was sanctioned
in consequence of any material misrepresentation or fraudulent statement contained in the
application given or the information furnished or concealment of facts the CEO or the
officer duly authorized by the CEO may, after giving reasonable opportunity to the
applicant of being heard, cancel such permit and any work done there under, shall be
deemed to have been done without permit. The Technical Persons found responsible for
the same may be blacklisted and debarred from practicing in area under SIDA
jurisdiction for 3 years, after an opportunity of hearing is given to the applicant.
Granting of permit, approval of drawings and specification and inspection made by the
SIDA during erection of the building shall in no way relieve the Owner of such buildings
from full responsibility for carrying out works in accordance with the requirements of
Regulations of Area development Plan, Building Regulations and/or Planning Directions.
In case any violations are found during construction or after completion, the owner shall
be required to rectify the same to the satisfaction of the CEO or the officer duly
authorized by the CEO within a period of 15 days from the time such violations are
intimated to the owner.
The following documents are to be kept at site during the construction of the buildings
and for such a period thereafter as required by SIDA:
The CEO may authorise any person to enter into or upon any building or land with or
without assistants or workmen for the purpose of:
a) Making any enquiry, inspection, measurement or survey or taking levels of such land or
b) Examining works under construction.
c) Ascertaining whether any land is being or has been developed which is in
contravention of the master or zonal plan or any such approved plan or Regulations.
d) Any other activity necessary for efficient administration or compliance of the
Every Owner shall have to submit an application to SIDA regarding completion of works
described in the building permit as per Appendix 7, accompanied by the documents
mentioned therein.
In case objections are intimated by the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO
showing inability to issue Occupancy/Completion certificate, the owner shall take
necessary action to remove the objections. If the objections remain un-removed for a
period of 01 month from the date of intimation, the application for issue of
occupancy/completion certificate shall automatically stand rejected and the C E O or the
officer duly authorized by the CEO shall take suitable action for removal of unauthorized
construction. Thereafter, the applicant has to apply afresh with fee for
Occupancy/Completion certificate and in such cases time extension shall not be
An unsafe building shall be considered to constitute danger to public safety, hygiene and
sanitation and shall be restored by repair/retrofitting or to be demolished or dealt with as
otherwise directed by the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO.
UGIDCR-2022 12
In case of unauthorized development, the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO
shall —
i) Take suitable action against such unauthorized construction as provided in the
ii) Take suitable action against the technical person concerned.
Where the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO on the certificate of the
technical personnel, is satisfied that the temporary occupation of a building or any portion
thereof before its completion does not adversely affect public welfare, may permit
temporary occupation in the Form given in Appendix-12A of such building or portion
thereof, as the case may be, for such period as he deems fit.
UGIDCR-2022 13
4. Group Housing –
The building parameters related to the group housing shall be the same as provided in Building
Bye-Laws issued by the Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand.
Building Parameters;
The building parameters related to the Single Residential buildings and multiple units shall be
same as provided in Building Bye-Laws issued by the Housing department, Government of
The building parameters for Buildings, other than Residential and Industrial, shall be same as
provided in Building Bye laws issued by Housing Department, Government of Uttarakhand.
7. Industrial Buildings
(2) Setbacks:
Required Minimum Setback (mt.)
Area Of Plot (Sq.
Plain Areas Hill Areas
Front Back Side -1 Side -2 Front Back Side -1 Side -2 Plot Area Front set back Rear set back Side1 Side2
1. Up to 100sqm 3.00 - - -
2 Above 100 upto 300sqm 3.00 1.5 1.5 -
In Plains : 9m
In Hills* : 6m
* In case where the site abuts on a road which is less than 6m wide but is within a distance
of 50 m from a wider motorable/ PWD road, the width of the PWD road will be considered as the
approach road to the site.
7.02.04 Parking
I. Minimum 1 parking space (2.75m x 5.00m) is required for plot size up to 100 sqm..
II. Minimum 2 parking space (@2.75m x 5.00m/parking space) is required for plot size
above100 sqm upto 200 sqm.
III. Minimum 3 parking space (@2.75m x 5.00m/parking space) is required for plot size
above 200sqm upto 300 sqm.
IV. For plots more than 300 sqm, parking requirement shall be as per 11.03 of this
*Maximum height of building: As provided in Building Bye Laws issued by the Housing
department, Government of Uttarakhand.
UGIDCR-2022 16
7.4.01 The relevant provisions contained in the Factory Act.1948 shall apply in the construction
of factory buildings. The minimum height of the workrooms shall not be less than 4.5 m.
measured from the floor level to the lowest point in the ceiling provided that this shall not
be intended for storage, godowns and the like purposes. Such work rooms occupied by
workers shall be for the purposes of manufacturing.
For factories and flatted factories, employing less than 50 workers for purposes
of manufacturing and carrying on class of manufacturing, the minimum height of
workrooms shall be 3.66m.
7.4.02 Requirements of water supply, drainage and sanitary installation shall be as per Table
5.14(Sanitation requirements for factories) given in 5.4(Plumbing services) of Annexure
'2' in Building Bye laws issued by Housing Department, Government of Uttarakhand, but
in no case less than one W.C. and one urinal shall be permitted.
7.4.03 The Effluent Disposed i.e. Solid Waste / E-Waste/ Industrial Waste Management/
Disposal from industries(industrial and biological in nature) shall be treated and shall be
of quality to the satisfaction of the concerned local bodies before letting out the same into
a watercourse or municipal drains or shall connect to the CETP of that industrial estate.
7.4.04. Where any building permission, which has been issued by the Competent Authority
before the commencement of these Regulations and where construction is in progress and
has not been completed within the specified period from the date of such permission, the
said permission shall be deemed to be permitted under these Regulations and shall only
be eligible for re-validation there under. Furthermore, any deviation has to be viewed in
the light of provisions under which plan has been sanctioned. Where the validity of
permission has expired and construction has not commenced, such construction shall be
governed by the provisions of these Regulations.
i) Guard room, Toilets, Meter room, DG shed, Time office and Watch Towers:
No project shall be allowed outside the plot line. Maximum height of such
construction shall be 3m and for watch towers maximum height shall be 15m.
Based on the plot sizes as mentioned below, such construction/facilities shall
be split up in desired numbers as per site conditions/minimum area
requirement. The total area of such construction shall be as mentioned below
in Table1.
Table No 1
Permissible Construction and Area under setback
S.No. Plot Size Total Area of Guard Room, Toilets, Meter Room,
Time Office & Watch Tower.
1. Less than 300 7.5 sqm.
2. Above 300 sqm. upto 450 sqm. 9 sqm.
3. Above 450 sqm. upto 2000 sqm. 20 sqm.
4. Above 2000sqm.upto 4.00 hect. 45 sqm.
5. Above 4 hect. upto 20 hect. 60 sqm.
6. Above 20hect. for each For every increase of 5 hectares an additional 5 sqm.
additional 20 hectare or part area, subject to maximum 100sqm.
UGIDCR-2022 17
ii) Meter room.-It will be a separate room and shall be as per the norms of
electricity department.
iii) Other features as mentioned in Table 2 below are subject to Fire and Life Safety.
iv) Open transformers without any permanent enclosure, subject to the necessary
safety requirements.
v) In specific cases, water bodies/pools and other landscape features may be
permitted with approval from the CEO, provided Fire and Life Safety
requirements are fulfilled.
vi) Any other feature purely ornamental in nature may be permitted by the CEO
on a case to case basis. However, such features which may form an
enclosed/covered space and may be used for commercial purposes shall not be
vii) No temporary structure shall be permitted in front/side setbacks abutting the
viii) Rockery, well and well structures, water pool, swimming pool (if uncovered),
uncovered platform around tree, tank, E.T.P., fountain, bench, chabutra with
open top and unenclosed by side walls, compound wall, gate, slide swing,
culverts on drains, catch – pit, gully pit, chamber, gutter and the like.
ix) Upto 1.2 m wide projection in the form of balcony/chajja/roof/ or any form of
projection will be free from FAR. More than 1.2 m wide balcony/chajja/roof/ or
any form of projection will be counted in FAR
Table No 2
7. Bands Vertical perimeter bands may be permitted over chajjas and canopies
projections for architectural reasons upto 500mm in height.
UGIDCR-2022 18
8.02 Construction included in F.A.R computation: As per Building Bye Laws issued by
Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand.
8.03 Construction excluded in F.A.R computation: As per Building Bye Laws issued by
Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand.
8.04 Construction of Basement: As per Building Bye Laws issued by Housing department,
Government of Uttarakhand. For construction of a basement, Indemnity Bond, as given
in Appendix '13', is mandatory.
8.05 Service Floor: For all industry categories, service floor, having a maximum height of
2.4m from floor to ceiling, shall be permitted. The height of such a service floor will be
exempted from building height and F A R. However, in Pharmaceutical Industry and
all such specific industry categories, where the provision of service floor is mandatory
by the competent agency/institution, more than one service floor shall be permitted and
exempted from F A R. Such additional service floors shall however be accounted for in
the calculation of total building height.
1. Minimum area required for completion shall be as per the lease deed or as
mentioned in the project report at the time of allotment or phasing plan approved
by the CEO/SIDA. Such area requirement shall be 25% of maximum
permissible F.A.R., with provisions of a functional toilet / bath and kitchen.
2. Provision of following items in buildings shall be mandatory for issue of
completion certificate:
(i) Flooring.
(ii) Electrical wiring.
(iii) Number plate and illumination board as per direction issued from time
to time.
(iv) Plumbing, CP fittings and fixtures.
(v) Parking and landscaping.
UGIDCR-2022 19
9.01 Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, SIDA may, where it considers
expedient to do so and having regard to the special features of a particular Zone, the
width of road abutting any building and the Development plan of the area, permit such
ground coverage, building height and set-back of a building or a group of buildings as it
thinks fit, subject to structural stability and Fire and Life Safety. However, no change in
the proposed road width and land use as defined in the Plan will be considered.
9.02 No habitable space shall have a floor to floor height of less than 3 m in industrial
9.03 Provision for day lighting and ventilation have to conform to National Building Code of
India-2016, Volume 2, Part 8,Section-1,'Lighting and Natural Ventilation' .
10.06 Plumbing:
The planning design, construction and installation and requirement of water supply,
drainage and sanitation, solid waste management and gas supply system in building shall
be in accordance with the Part 9 'Plumbing Services', of National Building Code of India
2016 , Volume 2 and as amended from time to time.
10.08 Structural Safety for Natural Hazard Protection: Shall be applicable as per
National Building Code of India-2016.
10.09 Provisions for Accessibility in Built Environment for Elders and Persons with
Disabilities: Shall be applicable as per National Building Code of India-2016.
10.10 Responsibility:
The Owner and Technical Persons shall be fully responsible for all provisions to be made
in accordance to the above said provisions. A certificate to this effect shall be given as
per Appendix-4.
For rain water collection tank, provisions in Building Bye Laws issued by Housing
Department, Government of Uttarakhand shall be followed.
The detailed proposal of the system comprising collection, conveyance and dispersion of
rain-water harvesting, well/ tube well shall have to be shown on the building plan
submitted for approval.
Provision should be made not to inject contaminated water into recharge structures in
industrial areas and care is to be taken to keep such structures away from sewer lines,
septic tanks, soak pits, land fill sites and other sources of contamination. If at any point of
time, it is found that contaminated water or effluent of industry is being injected into
subsoil or ground water, the information of such industry shall immediately be sent to
NGT, CPCB and State PCB and criminal proceedings as per law against such industry
will also be initiated.
An Architect/ Engineer duly engaged for supervision and execution of the construction of
the building shall submit the certificate stating that the rain water harvesting system is
functional at site. However, if the Architect/ Engineer is found guilty of
misrepresentation of the facts, penal proceedings shall be initiated along with debarring
the concerned Architect/ Engineer from practicing in SIDA area.
All the plot owners/allottees are required to intimate the concerned offices in writing
about completion of RWHS. Such plots, where even on completion of other prescribed
norms, the RWH System has not been completed, will be treated as unutilized and CTO
will not be issued.
UGIDCR-2022 21
However in certain specific areas where the underground water level is higher and
RWHS is not affected, such provisions can be exempted on case to case basis
A condition should be mentioned in the building approval letter for compliance of Energy
Conservation Building Code (ECBC). That if the proposed conditioned area is more than
500 sqm, in that situation the NOC from Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development
Agency (UREDA) is mandatory, otherwise the approval shall be considered cancelled.
11.0 Directions
SIDA in its endeavour to develop the areas in a planned manner and to ensure the
development and improvement of streetscapes and controlled urban form, has framed
Urban Design guidelines regarding Built Form, Landscaping and Street Furniture as
mentioned in the following section:
11.01 General
i) Ramps in front of the plots shall not exceed 1.0 m. from the plot line. Excess length of
the ramps shall be within the plot. All the drains under the ramp should be maintained
and kept clean. Approach ramps of all types of buildings or into any premises over the
storm water drains shall compulsorily be designed in the form of iron/steel/concrete
grills (gratings) so as to ensure that no water from the building premises enters the road
ii) Plinth
S.No. Type of drains Level of plinth of boundary wall and gate from top of the drain
(in meters)
Plots abutting road of 9.0 - Plots abutting roads of ROW
12.0 m. ROW above 12.0 meters
1. Open drains/covered pipe 0.35 0.50
2. Covered drains other than Same level flush with the top Same level flush with the top
pipe drains of the drains of the drains.
S.No. Type of buildings Height of boundary wall measured from Height of the gate
plinth of the boundary wall (in meters) from plinth of the
Abutting road All other sides boundary wall
1. All buildings 2.4 m with lower 2.4 meter can be Minimum 2.4 meters.
solid portion of 1.5 m solid or grill Maximum as approved
and upper 0.9m of by SIDA.
iv) ROW of the road in front of the plot in between plot line and metalled
portion -
11.02 Landscaping.
Minimum 70% of the total required area shall be for 4 wheelers for which the minimum width
shall be 2.75m and length should not be less than 5.0 m.
Maximum 30% of the total required area shall be for 2 wheelers for which the minimum width
shall be 2.0m and length should not be less than 1.2 m.
For parking calculations a minimum distance of 3.6 m around the building shall be kept free from
any parking, loading or unloading spaces subject to the provisions of Part 4 'Fire and Life Safety'
of the National Building Code of India-2016.
Note: In the rear and side setbacks, where 3.6m wide passage for fire tender movement is not
mandatory, a minimum width of 2.0m for two wheeler parking shall be permitted after leaving a
minimum 1.5m wide passage from the building line.
(i) Industrial area- Related and ancillary activities of industrial units, industrial plots(or all
industry types), flatted industrial units (with godown), IT and ITES Industries.
(ii) Residential Area-
For labour residence, a minimum 60% of net residential area shall be essentially for
affordable/labour housing classified under EWS, LIG and LMIG category as defined
in the Building Bye Laws issued by Housing Department, Government of
UGIDCR-2022 24
Uttarakhand. These residences shall be allotted essentially during the service period
of employed labour/maintenance/security staff of the industry.
Maximum 40% of net residential area shall be permissible for residence of
management/ technical/engineering cadre/class of employees of the industry.
(iii) Commercial area- Public shops and local sector market, petrol pump, guest
house/budget hotel, transit hostel, lodge/rest house, service and repair shops, tele-
communication facilities/telephone exchange etc.
(iv) Transportation and Communications- Roads, Parking area, Loading-Unloading areas,
Pedestrian Pathways, Bicycle tracks, Weighbridge, Bus stops and the like.
(v) Public-Semi Public area-
Public Facilities:- Fire Station, Police Station/Chauki, Hospital, Dispensary, Clinic
Government Guest House, Night shelter, Kindergarten, Child care, Canteen, Club,
Community Centre etc.
Utilities:- Electric substations, fire fighting, Water tank, Treatment plant etc. and
ancillary facilities.
Note: The use group falling within the above land use classification shall be as
defined in the Building Bye Laws issued by Housing Department, Government of
12.01.02 In industrial development layouts, landscape plan, having following provisions, shall be
necessary -
(i) In part of total open area 125 trees per hectare. Shall be planted and which shall be
developed as a park, greenery/green belt etc. the minimum 50% of open area shall be
covered with trees.
(ii) The minimum average width of open space shall be 10 meter and minimum 3 meter from
plot /building line.
(iii) In Industrial campuses/industrial units of more than 6.0 hectare plot area, a 15.0 meter
wide green belt on all sides shall be mandatorily developed.
(iv) In plots ranging from 1.0 hectare to 6.0 hectare, tree plantation shall be mandatory in half
of the width of setback.
(v) Minimum 10 meter wide tree covered space shall be left necessarily as a buffer zone
between Industrial and Non Industrial Use Zones. If the buffer is in the form of Road, a
minimum of 3 meters wide green belt in the form of tree plantation shall be required.
12.01.03 No permit for development of land will be granted in case of following conditions:
(i) If the proposed land-use of the land in question does not correspond to the land-
use/activities permissible in the said use in the Plan.
(ii) If the construction of any building within the estate is for religious purpose , which
in the opinion of SIDA will offend the religions sentiments of persons inhabiting the
(iii) If the proposed use may, in the opinion of SIDA, is a potential source of public
nuisance or to peace and tranquillity of the neighbourhood.
(i) Arterial Road: It is a peripheral road surrounding an industrial estate, having fast moving
traffic, with very little cross traffic and minimum intersection. No direct access to an industrial plot
and On-Road Parking shall be permitted along such roads. The minimum distance between
intersections shall be at least 500 m.
UGIDCR-2022 25
(ii) Collector Road: It is a road with commercial/other activities on one side only. It is open to a
variety of through traffic with direct access but with no standing vehicle and having high cross
traffic. The minimum distance between intersections shall be at least 300 m.
(iii) Service Road: It is an internal circulation road for collection and distribution of traffic to and
from local access roads and also for providing access to Arterial and Collector roads, having free
frontage access but no parked vehicles. The minimum distance between intersections shall
be at least 150 m.
(iv) Access Road: Roads having free access to abutting properties with necessary provision for
parking and pedestrian movement.
The width and length for different categories of roads shall be as follows.
S.No. Category Min. ROW Carriageway Max. length
1. Access Roads* 12 m 6m 200m
15m. 7m 500m
2. Service Road* 18m. 11m 1500m
3. Collector Road 24m. 12m No limit
4. Arterial Road 30m. 14m No limit
*Sewer on one side only.
Guiding Principles for Composition of Offences
13.01 Any act by the occupier that contravenes any provisions of UP State Industrial Area
Development Act 1976 (UP Act No-VI of 1976) as modified and adopted by Government
of Uttarakhand, provisions under this regulation or any directions issued by authority
under section 8 of the Act shall be an offence under these regulations.
13.02 Offences committed on the plots/land parcels in the Industrial Development Area as
described in the above mentioned point 13.1 may be compounded by the Authority in
accordance with the section 12 of Act 1976 to be read along with section 32 of UP Urban
Planning and Development Act 1973 (Duly Amended as Uttarakhand Town and Country
Planning and Development Act 2013).
13.03 The authority shall consider the following before issuance of permission/rejection for
compounding of Offences of Unauthorized construction/ Development works as specified
under clause 13.01:
(a) Location of unauthorized construction/ development work as per Clause 13.01 and
its effect on structural stability and lighting/ventilation and privacy of neighbouring
buildings and neighbouring plots.
(b) Whether the construction of building are beyond the permissible limits and its
effect/impact on nearby properties and existing infrastructure.
(c) Whether the permission for compounding of offences for unauthorized construction
as specified under Clause 13.01 has been rejected earlier and if so the justification
for such compounding.
(d) Whether the unauthorized construction as specified under Clause 13.01 violates the
existing building line in the area and its effect on neighbouring buildings/plots.
(e) Whether the construction is affected by Road-side Land Control Act. If so, the
necessary permissions from the competent Authority have been obtained.
(j) If the construction exceeding the permissible height of a building by more than 1.5m.
(k) If the Construction has been done without obtaining necessary No Objection Certificate
from competent authorities like Fire Department, Pollution Control Board etc.
(l) Construction within the Heritage Zone, Civil Aviation Zone, Monument zone or any
other area for which a prohibitory order has been issued by the competent authority and
in the buildings which violate the norms of the maximum building heights.
(m) Construction without making arrangement for prescribed parking space.
(n) Construction without making arrangement of rain-harvesting system where ever
(o) Construction on the land shown as pond/water bodies, river, naala in the lay-out plan/
development plan/ deemed development plan/revenue records.
13.05 When development/construction has been carried out without obtaining prior permission
of the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO, or when permission has been
obtained but development/construction, which though as per bye laws, is not in
accordance with the sanctioned plan, the offence may be compounded after charging the
composition fee at the following rates:
(a) Development of land @Rs. 100 per sqm of the area under
(b) Erection, re-erection, @Rs. 200 per sqm of the covered area
addition or alteration or a erected, re-erected, added or
building. altered.
(c) Construction of boundary @Rs. 100 per running metre.
13.06 When development/construction has been carried out without obtaining prior permission
of the CEO or the officer duly authorized by the CEO, or when permission has been
obtained but development/construction is neither as per bye laws nor in accordance with
the sanctioned plan, the offence may be compounded after charging the composition fee
at the following rates:
(a) Development of site @Rs 200 per sqm of the Area under
(This composition fee shall be in addition to the development charges leviable as above mentioned
point 13 of GIDCR-2022 or provisions in prevailing byelaws cost of development recoverable
under any other provision of this GIDCR-2022 or bye-laws.)
(b) Construction within Side Setback @Rs. 5000/- per sqm. of the covered
(maximum 20% of side set back area) area subject to the minimum of
(c) Construction within rear setback @Rs. 4000/- per sqm of the covered area
(maximum 40% of Rear Setback area) subject to minimum of Rs.4,00,000/-*
(d) If the Ground Coverage is @Rs. 3000/- per sqm of the area
more than prescribed. exceeding the prescribed limit.
(maximum 10% of the permissible
ground coverage)
(e) If the FAR is more than Upto 10% of F.A.R @Rs. 10000/-
prescribed . per sqm of the covered area, above
10% but below 20% @Rs. 20,000/- per
sqm, of the covered area.
UGIDCR-2022 28
(f) If the clear height inside the @Rs. 2400/- per sqm of the area of the
room is less than the room.
(g) Construction of a boundary wall @Rs. 500/- per running metre.
Note*: For single residential units/all non-residential units upto 300 sq.m. area 'minimum
composition charges' as mentioned above shall not be applicable.
13.07 Composition fees for height exceeding permissible limit by a maximum of 1.5m shall be
@Rs. 200/- per sq.m. on the covered area of the raised portion.
13.08 Max. compoundable height of boundary wall shall be 2.5m.
13.09 Composition fee for carrying out construction work without the approval from SIDA.
Plot area upto 2000 sq.m. – Rs. 50,000/-
Above 2000 sq.m. – Rs. 1,00,000/-
13.10 Composition fee for truss roof above permissible height by a maximum of 1.5m. @ Rs.
100/- sq.m on covered area of the raised portion.
13.11 Compounding of other setbacks:
Front setback : Not permitted
Side and Rear setbacks : Within the permissible limits.
13.12 If the development has been carried out without approval and the construction is as per
bye laws, the prescribed map application fee and development charges shall also be
levied in addition to the composition fees as prescribed in bye-laws for composition of
13.13 If the offence is committed by carrying out unauthorised development and which falls in
more than one category of offence indicated in the compounding bye-laws, the
composition fees may be charged separately for each type of offence committed.
13.14 For development in and within 100 metres of the old village abadis, the rates of
composition fee shall be half of those prescribed in the compounding bye-laws.
13.15 The rates of composition fees as laid down in the compounding bye-laws are final.
However SIDA board may use it's discretion regarding the composition fees.
13.16 For matters not specified in the compounding bye-laws SIDA or the officer empowered
for the purpose, may determine the composition fees at the rates which in his discretion
are appropriate, reasonable and justified.
13.17 It shall be on the discretion of CEO/SIDA to permit compounding. Before permitting/
compounding. The neighbour shall be given an opportunity to oppose the compounding
UGIDCR-2022 29
A. Permissibility
(i) When two or more premises/plots, adjacent to each other and part of a an approved
layout, are proposed to be developed in such a way that they are amalgamated in full (and
not in part)and that after amalgamation they become operational as one single
premise/plot on which the proposed construction shall be based on the revised area/limits
resulting from the amalgamation of the territorial limits of the erstwhile individual
(ii) SIDA can effectuate proposals for amalgamation of premises/plots within the provisions
of this Regulation, after approval from the Board and take necessary steps for
Amendment of Plan resulting from such amalgamation as per the provisions.
(iii) Provision of amalgamation of plots is an Enabling Provision and shall not be available to
applicant as a matter of right. The Board in its discretion may permit such an
amalgamation by taking into consideration factors such as regularity of shape, resultant
traffic load, width of approach road and availability of other infrastructure
facilities/services, parking requirement etc. In the area.
B. Conditions of Amalgamation
(i) Only industrial plots for which Lease Deed has been executed and registered shall be
(ii) All such industrial plots that are proposed for amalgamation have to be contiguous with
each other (laterally in a row or back to back in column) and no other property (public/
private/leased) should lie in between the premises/plots in question. Such subdivided
premises/plots can be amalgamated only in the framework of the boundaries of the
original premises/plots. However, where specific direction has been issued by a court of
law, partial amalgamation of plots/premises may be considered
(iii) On approval of the proposal for amalgamation of plots, amalgamated plot may be
considered as one single plot for the purpose of Ground Coverage, FAR and Setback as
per the building regulations in force. In situations where the setback, ground coverage
and F A R limits of the existing structures (within the erstwhile smaller plots) exceeds
permissible limits otherwise prescribed for the amalgamated plot size/area, such
deviation (including deviation in front set back and/or deviation beyond compoundable
limits) can be considered for compounding only after in principle approval from the
board and at such rates as decided by it. In such cases the Layout plan also has to be
amended accordingly.
(iv) The use of the amalgamated premise/plot shall be the same as specified for the erstwhile
un-amalgamated premises/plots.
(v) After amalgamation, the applicant has to seek a formal approval of the building within
the subdivided plot wherein all other provisions of bye laws shall be applicable.
necessary steps for Amendment of Plan resulting from such subdivision as per the
(iii) Provision of subdivision of plots is an Enabling Provision and shall not be available to
applicant as a matter of right. The Board in its discretion may permit such an sub division
by taking into consideration factors such as regularity of shape, resultant traffic load,
width of approach road and availability of other infrastructure facilities/services, parking
requirement etc. in the area.
B. Conditions of Subdivision
(i) Only industrial plots for which Lease Deed has been executed and registered shall be
(ii) All such industrial plots that are proposed for subdivision have to be contiguous with each
other (laterally in a row or back to back in column) and no other property
(public/private/leased) should lie in between the premises/plots in question. Such
subdivided premises/plots shall strictly be within the framework of the boundaries of the
original premises/plot. However, where specific direction has been issued by a court of
law, partial subdivision of plots/premises may be considered provided such subdivision
should have the required minimum plot area as per regulation.
(iii) On approval of the proposal for subdivision of plots, subdivided plot may be considered
as one single plot for the purpose of Ground Coverage, FAR and Setback as per the
building regulations in force. In situations where the setback, ground coverage and F A R
limits of the existing structures (within the subdivided plots) exceeds permissible limits
otherwise prescribed for such plot size/area, such deviation (including deviation in front
set back and/or deviation beyond compoundable limits) can be considered for
compounding only after in principle approval from SIDA Board and at such rates as
decided by it. In such cases the Layout plan also has to be amended accordingly.
(iv) The use of the subdivided premise/plot shall be the same as specified for the erstwhile
(v) After subdivision, the applicant has to seek a formal approval of the building within the
subdivided plot wherein all other provisions of bye laws shall be applicable.
16.0 Procedure for revision of layout plans resulting from plot amalgamation and subdivision.
As per requirement of industries from time to time, revision in the already approved
layouts of Industrial Estates/Parks/Area of SIIDCUL or any other Private Developer with
regard to Merger/ Sub-division and inter-changeability of vacant plots (within permissible
activity and without changing the proposed land uses), change in plot dimensions/ plot
areas, internal roads & related industries, can be done by SIIDCUL or Private developer
subject to the compliance of following conditions:
(i) Revision of layout in terms of changes resulting from Merger/ Sub-division of vacant
plots, change in plot dimensions or plot areas, internal roads and related industries shall
not violate the minimum and maximum required limits provided in the relevant clauses of
General Industrial Development Control Regulations 2022(GIDCR-2022).
(ii) SIIDCUL/ Private Developer shall submit the proposal of revised layout to SIDA which
will take due cognizance of the same as per extant byelaws. In case of objections from
SIDA regarding violations, the same has to be communicated to SIIDCUL/ Private
developer within maximum 15 days, of receiving revise layout, failing which it shall be
deemed as NOC from SIDA. However, the deemed NOC will not relieve the applicant
from its obligations in case of violation of byelaws in the revised layout submitted by the
UGIDCR-2022 31
(i) The Authority may assign duties and responsibilities to the officials/staff of SIDA for the
performance of its functions.
(ii) The CEO SIDA may delegate/assign his duties to the officers/staff of SIDA for the
performance of the functions of the Authority.
(iii) The CEO SIDA may seek assistance from SIIDCUL/Department of Industries or District
Administration of the district, including Police to assist in carrying out the functions of the
19.0 The Risk based classification of the building under high, medium and low risk category and
inspection procedures shall be as per provisions as mentioned in Govt. Order No.
837@v&2&2016&127¼vk0½@15 Vh0 lh0 dated 03/june/2016 passed by Housing
Department of Uttarakhand which is incorporated under Annexure -07.
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide building certifiers with guidance on how to meet
their responsibilities for sufficient inspections. Guidelines for the inspection of building work will
not only help ensure safe community Outcomes through higher levels of statutory compliance of
buildings, but Will also encourage accountability among building industry practitioners
The Risk Based Classification for Buildings has been prepared as below includes several
components like:
b. Identifying who will conduct inspections Risk-based classification of Buildings that has been
introduced has been tied to the Inspection Mechanisms and clearly identify the body which
will conduct which type of inspection at what stage of the buildings These inspections
clearly outline the body who will be responsible for ensuring that buildings are constructed
according to safety standards,
c. Identifying the responsibilities of those authorities —The 'identified inspecting body have
clearly defined qualifications, competence/functions and responsibilities in the bye laws and
UGIDCR-2022 32
additionally, necessary mechanisms have been put in place In the bye laws to ensure strict
compliance from the inspecting bodies / professionals.
Building certifiers are required to undertake sufficient Inspections of buildings at stages at which
the building development approval states the work must be *inspected, An practice, this means
that a building certifier is required to take a holistic view of a building rather than just consider a
single aspect, such as structural adequacy.
A risk matrix forms part of the guidelines and complements the risk-based approach to
Risk Level
All the parameters shall be assessed separately to classify the building low, medium or high risk
'in that particular parameter and the overall risk category of the building will determined on the
basis of the highest risk category for any parameter. The inspections shall be done specifically for
the identified risk nature.
UGIDCR-2022 33
In addition to the above Risk Based Classification, the concerned Authority will further determine
whether the location of plot is faced by any of the known risks in terms of Natural Disasters like
flood, bushfire, earthquake zone 4/5, landslide, contaminated land, cyclone, landslide,
avalanche, Soil liquefaction etc. and take necessary corrective action to reduce such risks by
either requesting modification from the application in their submitted building plan or rejecting
the Application, in case the incidence of any such risk is very high.
Normal Reduced
Sl. Approving Stage Of Activity
Type of approval Duration Duration
No. Authority project Sequence
(Days) (Days)
A Intimation of Development 5
30 Start
Disapproval (IoD) Authority/ Pre-
Municipality construction
B Development pre - 50/15*
Building plan
Authority / construction 30-60 Following A
Road Access Pre- Following B
C NHAI/PWD construction 30-60 5
Explanatory Notes:
1. The above Table and Chart indicates that the processes after the applicant applies for building
approval with clear land title and possession of land. Hence, clearances related to CLU and Land
Title has not been considered.
2. The table illustrates the duration of clearances obtained in Norma/ course and suggests the
reduced duration of 26 days (Pre- Construction) if the Approving Authority adopts online
3. Clearances indicated at S Nos. C-1 are concurrent with applications at the pre-construction
stages, wherein their process of approval can be taken up simultaneously.
4. Clearances indicated at S Nos. K-M are concurrent with applications during-construction stage,
wherein their process of approval can be taken up simultaneously.
5. S.NO. P has to be linked with S No. O, once applicant receives the Completion Certificate, service
plan clearances and connections would be deemed to be sanctioned.
Joint Inspection-
Third party inspection
by empanelled
Final Structural
At Building By Sanctioning
Inspection Engineer along with
Completion By Sanctioning Authority, Fire Dept. Sanctioning
Authority and any other line
Authority, Fire Dept.
and any other line
Not required Minimum One Minimum Two
Surprise Inspection by inspections by
At any time
Inspection Sanctioning Authority Sanctioning Authority
Based Whenever. complaint is received by the Sanctioning Authority
Inspection At anytime
Periodic After obtaining Not required Once after Every 5 Once after Every 3
Occupancy years years
Renewal Occupancy
Certificate certificate (by
Fire Dept. &
regarding mock
drills etc.)
Form for first application to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make material alteration in any Place in a
The CEO,
State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA)
I intend to erect/re-erect/demolish or to make material alteration in the building on Plot
No…………………….in Estate ………………….in Sector……………………….in accordance with the
GIDCR-2020 and Building Bye Laws issued by Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand, and I
enclose herewith the documents duly signed by me as per checklist annexed to this application.
I request that the construction may be approved and permission accorded to me to execute the work.
i) Ownership documents/ copies of allotment letter/ possession certificate/ the lease deed
(transfer deed in case of transfer), and dimension plan (key plan) issued by the SIDA.
ii) Application to erect, re-erect, demolish or to make material alteration in a building
Appendix 1
iii) (a) Certificate of Undertaking by person holding Project Management Responsibility
Appendix 2A
(b) Certificate prescribed in Appendix 2B by the Technical person.
iv) Structural design certificate from the Structural Engineers as per Appendix 3
v) Certificate for Hazard safety as per Appendix 4
vi) Indemnity bond as per Appendix 5 on Rs. 100/-stamp paper duly attested by a Notary.
vii) Photocopy of the registration of the licensed technical person as per Appendix 11 duly
authenticated with plot No. for which it is submitted.
viii) Photocopy of receipt of development fees deposited
ix) Three copies of drawings duly signed by the Licensed Technical Person and Owner, Site
Plan and Building Plan.
x) Two copies of the drawings giving details of provisions for fire safety, security as per
National building Code.
xi) Approval from the competent authority in case of Hazardous buildings.
xii) Soft copies of the drawings with documents.
UGIDCR-2022 37
State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA)
Dehra Dun.
……………………………………………………………………………………………. ..
(Title of the work)
at village ……………………………………………………………………………………
Block ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Owner: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………
I shall be responsible for the quality assurance procedure; obtain development permission
from Competent Authority; obtain Occupancy Certificate from the Competent authority and in
case of any change in his/her status as the Person Holding Project Management Responsibility.
I am fully conversant with the provisions of the Regulations, which are in force and shall
fulfil my responsibilities under the same.
. ……………………………………………
State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA)
Dehra Dun.
At Village: …………………………………………………………………………………
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………
I hereby certify that I was appointed as the Architect, to prepare the plans and all other drawings
for buildings on above plot. These have been prepared and signed by me according to GIDCR-2020(SIDA)
and Building Bye Laws issued by the Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand.
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA)
Dehra Dun.
At village ……………………………………………………………………………….
Block……. ………………………………………………………………………………
Owner: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Address: ….…………………………………………………………………………….
Address:…………………………..Membership No.:…………………Date:…………….
Enclosure - Photo-copy of the certificate of B.E & certificate of empanelment
State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA)
At village ………………………………………………………………………………….
Block ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Owner: ……………………………………………………………………………………
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Certified that the Hazardous building plans & drawings submitted for approval are according to
requirements as stipulated under Building Regulations and all regulations of concerning authorities.
Date:…………………… Date:……………………
Name:………………………… Name:…………………………
Address:……………………… Address:………………………
Format of Appendix-05, to be printed on non-juridical stamp paper of Rs. 100 duly notarized.
Indemnity Bond In consideration of the State Industrial Development Authority of Uttarakhand, Dehradun,
a body constituted by Govt. of Uttarakhand vide its Gazette Notification no 2381/VIIID-1-2005-137
UDYOG /2005 , dated July ,2005 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the promisee’- which expression shall unless
the context does not so admit, include its successors and assigns) having sanctioned issue of completion
certificate the construction of the building of the ......................................Building to be constructed on plot
no .....................Estate .................................. in Sector ...................... District ............................on behalf of
declaration submitted by Architect/Owner........................................ Aged .........About .................R/O
..............................................& Architect .............................................. aged about ......................resident
of................................................. (Here in after called the ‘promisor’) which expression shall unless the
context does not so admit include his/her heirs, executors, administrators representative and referred to
above the promisor hereby agrees to execute this bond of Indemnity. NOW THEREFORE THIS
1. If the promisors commits any act or omission on the demised premises resulting in
nuisance/unauthorized construction it shall be lawful for the promisee to ask the promisors to remove the
nuisance unauthorized construction within a reasonable period failing which the promisor shall itself get
the nuisance/unauthorized construction removed at promisors cost and charge damages form the promise
during the period of subsistence of nuisance unauthorized construction.
2. All notices, orders and other documents required under the terms of the lease or under the 2005 & 2016
Of any rules or regulations made there under shall be deemed to be duly served as provided
3. All powers exercised by the promise under this bond may be exercised by the CEO of the lessor. The
promisee may also authorize any of its other officers or any of the powers exercisable by it under this bond.
5. That we have applied and as yet not received No Objection Certificate from Pollution Control with our
6. That we have requested SIDA to approve our Building plan and permit us to start construction with
request that we will submit the No Objection Certificate, once it is received.
7. That I /We will not claim against SIDA anything in future due to the loss/cost suffered by us on account
of failure to obtain No Objection Certificate from Pollution Control Board. I/ We confirm that SIDA does
not owe any responsibility for obtaining the No Objection Certificate by us and it will not incur any
liability of any nature as a consequence.
8. That we understand that failure to obtain No Objection Certificate might tantamount to cancellation of
the allotment and lease of the land and SIDA owes no responsibility on this count.
9. The CEO or the promisee reserves the right to make such additions and alterations or modifications in
these terms and conditions as may be considered just and expedient.
10. In the event of any dispute with regarded to the terms and conditions of the Indemnity bond the same
shall be subject to the jurisdiction of District Court at.................................................. (Where the property is
situated) or the High Court of judicature at Nainital.
UGIDCR-2022 43
12. Architect shall in case of completion be responsible for any unauthorized construction up to one month
from date of submission of documents. After one month the lessee is fully responsible for any unauthorized
13. In case, the application is incomplete in any respect the same can be rejected by promisee without any
prior notice /information.
14. In case. Any additional charges are levied by promise with respect to submission of document for
sanction/completion the same shall be payable by promisor.
15. The drawing, documents and building (in case of completion) is as per Unified Building ByeLaws
(BBL-2005 &2016)…………………………………………….(all as amended from time to time) and all
other requirement stipulated by the promisee from time to time. In case any violation is found necessary
action as deemed fit by promise may be taken. In witness where of the promisor executed this Bond of
Indemnity at ………………...................................................
……………………………………………………………………………………………………. On
……………………………………………… of ………………………………………..
With reference to your application no……………dated…………for grant of permit for
the erection/re-erection/material alteration/demolition in/of building on Plot No………
Estate…………………………………….in Sector …………………………………, in
……………………………..I have to inform you that the sanction has been
……………………………………………. granted/refused by the SIDA on the following
conditions for the following-
Office Stamp.
UGIDCR-2022 45
Intimation of Completion
Reference No.
State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA)
Dehra Dun.
The work of erection/re-erection of building/development of layout as per approved plan
is completed under the supervision of Architect/Engineer who has given the completion
Certificate, which is enclosed herewith in the prescribed form (Appendix 8 of GIDCR-2020)
certificate of Technical Person is also enclosed herewith in the prescribed form (Appendix 9 of
We declare that the work is executed as per the provisions of the Act, GIDCR-2020 and
Bye Laws issued by the Housing department, Government of Uttarakhand., to our satisfaction. We
declare that the construction/development is to be used for ______________________ (the
purpose) as per approved plan and it shall not be changed without obtaining prior written
Any subsequent change from the completion drawings will be our responsibility.
Occupancy certificate may kindly be issued.
Yours faithfully,
(Owner’s Signature)
Name of Owner
UGIDCR-2022 46
1. Certified that the completion plan of the building submitted for approval conforms to the
requirements of relevant Indian Standard Codes and National Building Code in respect
of Structural Safety & fire safety in general and earthquake resistance in particular.
3. It is also certified that building has been constructed as per approved foundation and
structural designs provided by the structural Engineer where are certified to be based on
relevant Indian Standard Code and national Building code and the building is safe for
4. Location/Address of Building.
Plot No.______________________
5. Particulars of Building
I hereby certify that the development of layout/erection/re-erection/material alteration/demolition
in/on building on Plot No…………in Estate……………Sector………………….in
………………….has been supervised by me and the completion plan along with the required
documents as given below in the check list are attached herewith. The plans were sanctioned vide
letter no………… …..dated…………..and the work has been completed to my best satisfaction.
The development of layout/building(s) has been constructed according to the sanctioned plan and
structural design which incorporate the provision of structural safety given in relevant I.S. Codes
& National Building Code of India-2016.
Note: Soft copy of layout/building plans to also include scanned copies of all
documents mentioned in Appendices 1 to 12 inclusive.
UGIDCR-2022 48
(To be given by the Architect Registered with the Council of Architecture with minimum qualifications &
experience given in annexure 11)
Certified that the drawings, documents submitted along with this certificate for information
regarding construction on Plot ………………Block………………
Sector…………………have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of General
Development Control Regulations (Revised) and Directions (as amended up to date) and all other
requirements stipulated by the authority from time to time.
Attested photocopy of the certificate of Council of Architecture, Building Plan and all Prescribed
UGIDCR-2022 49
Minimum Qualifications and Experience of Technical Personnel for Preparation of Schemes for
Building Permit and Supervision
The minimum qualifications of the technical personnel and their minimum experience to carry out
different jobs for building permit and supervision shall be as hereinafter indicated.
Village ………………………………………….
Block ………………………………………………………………………….
has been inspected by officers of SIDA and I declare that the construction & development has
been carried out in accordance with the General Development Control Regulations, and the
conditions stipulated in the Building permit
number…………….…………………………………..….Dated……….…………and that
Building & development work is fit for the use for which it has been permitted.
State Industrial Development Authority of
Uttarakhand (SIDA)
UGIDCR-2022 51
The Chief Executive Officer,
State Industrial Development Authority',
I hereby certify that the erection/re-erection/material alteration/demolition on plot
No.…………………Sector…………………….. completed under the supervision of………………………
Architect/Engineer…………… has been inspected by me/officers of the Authority and declare that the
building does not conforms in respect of the following requirements of the --------------
Regulations/Directions as amended up to date.
However, a temporary occupancy certificate is being issued for a period of
……………….. subject to the condition that the above mentioned defects/discrepancies will be got
corrected and a fresh completion certificate is submitted to the Chief Executive Officer for further
necessary action.
Note :-- Strike out the works which are not applicable.
UGIDCR-2022 52
Whereas the executant has submitted to the concerned Authority the plans for, sanction of basement over
Plot No………………… under the provisions of the Act and lie bye- laws made there under:-
And whereas the concerned Authority has agreed to sanction the aforesaid construction subject to the
conditions that the owner shall indemnify the concerned Authority in the event of any loss or damage being
cause to the adjoining building on account of the construction of the said basement either at the time of
digging of its foundations or in the course of its construction or even thereafter and also against any claim
of any concern thereto.
And whereas the executant has agreed to execute an indemnity bond to the above affect and also to abide
by the terms imposed by the concerned Authority to the grant of sanction for construction of the basement.
1. That in consideration of the sanction of the plans by…………………………… for construction of the
basement the executant undertakes that he/she shall at all times keep…………………harmless and free
from any liability, loss or damages/ flowing from any injury or damage caused to the adjoining built-up
properties or to any person as a consequence of the construction of at the time of digging of its foundations
or during the course of its construction or at any time thereafter.
2. The owner agreed and undertakes that in the event of any claim being made by any person or persons
against the concerned Authority either in respect of the sanction granted by the concerned Authority to the
owner for the construction of basement or in respect of the construction or manner of construction of the
basement by the owner or the consequences flowing from the said sanction the executant shall be
responsible and liable and not the concerned Authority.
3. The executant agrees and undertake to indemnify the concerned Authority fully in respect of any amount
which the concerned Authority may be required to pay to any person either by way of compensation or
damages or on any other account as a result of any claim or suit or any other proceedings concerning the
of the construction of the basement of the making thereof and also in respect of the costs and expenses
which the concerned Authority may incur on defending any action.
4 Without prejudice to the above undertaking the executant hereby binds itself to pay to the concerned
Authority to the full extent any amount which the concerned Authority may be required to pay to any
person in connection with, relating to or concerning the sanctioning of the basement or the making thereof.
5 The owner further agrees and undertakes that this bond shall remain in full force and effect till the
executant faithfully observes/performs the undertaking herein before contained.
In witness whereof the executant above named has signed this bond on this …………….. day of
Witness: (Signatures)……………………………
1. Name………………………………………
Full Address……………………………….
2. Name………………………………………
Full Address……………………………….
UGIDCR-2022 53
CEO/General Manager
State Industrial Development Authority of Uttaranchal (SIDA) / District Industries Centre
I/We hereby apply for permission for development as described in the accompanying drawings and documents.
The Project Management Responsibility is held by me/us:
1. Name:….………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Name………………..………………………………………………………………….
(Architect/Engineer appointed by the Owner)
The persons appointed by me/us for the preparation of plans, structural deign and supervision of the work
area are:
1. Name:
2. Name:
(Structural Designer)
The proposed development is in conformity with the GIDCR-2020 and Bye Laws issued by the Housing
department, Government of Uttarakhand. We/I shall fulfil my/our responsibilities in accordance with the
provisions of the GIDCR-2020 and Building Bye Laws issued by the Housing department, Government of
Signature of Owner/Owners
UGIDCR-2022 54
Additional Information
Details required in Layout/Site Plan (Three Copies) for development permission of Industrial Estate. This
layout plan/site plan shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1:500 for area upto 10 Hectare and 1:1000 for
area more than 10 Hectare. The plan shall show:
1. Boundaries of the plot/s, its sub divisions, position of the plot in relation to the neighbouring
streets, street names/widths and direction of north point relative to the plan of building
2. Existing building, roads/street and other existing development on site.
3. The positions of the building units immediately adjoining the proposed development.
4. The area within the regular line of street not to be built upon but to be added to the street, hatched
in green together with its measurements.
5. Existing physical feature such as trees, wells, drains, pipeline, high-tension line, railway line and
6. Location of plot proposed to be constructed with complete dimensions and means of access from
the road/street and proposed new roads and streets, their levels and width, buffer zones.
7. Community facilities/utility/service buildings with proposed use.
8. Open space required as per GIDCR-2005, green buffer around proposed area for development .
9. Parking provisions as per GIDCR-2005, loading & unloading areas.
10. Land use pattern.
11. Details of existing services-water supply, sewerage and storm water.
12. Details of proposed water supply, sewerage and storm water services.
13. Location of the plot in relation to the near by public road.
14. Alignment and width of all the existing roads including the road from which the plot has access
from the major road. Existing access road and proposed new road should be shown clearly and
15. Dimensions and area of common plot, as required under these regulations provided in the
layout/sub division of plot.
16. Tree-plantation required as per GIDCR-2005.
17. Lay out and details of percolating wells required for rain water harvesting.
18. Lay out of bore wells / tube wells if any.
19. Details/ layout of proposed Rainwater Harvesting System.
20. Solid waste disposal system.
21. Waste/effluent treatment & disposal system.
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