Grade 10 Ict Q4 W34
Grade 10 Ict Q4 W34
Grade 10 Ict Q4 W34
Image Manipulation
21st Century Skills Creativity |Critical Thinking Skills | Digital | Technology skills and digital literacy
Core Values EXCELLENCE: Critical thinking
Explore: Let’s begin the module by performing the activity below in order to check your prior knowledge
about the lesson.
What comes to your mind when you see/hear phrase “image manipulation”?
What is it?
Image manipulation is an art that involves enhancing or modifying an image using different methods and techniques to
achieve desired result. By using image manipulation on your photos, you can remove blemishes on your face, change
backgrounds, smooth out rugged areas, and so on and so forth.
End of Explore
Firm Up: Your goal in this section is to learn and understand image manipulation techniques.
What is it?
The activity above shows you the different ways, photographers or editors manipulate images using photo editing
software. Photo manipulation didn’t begin with the invention of photo editing software. Photographers, editors, and
retouchers have been cutting up, combining, and creating new work out of existing assets for over a century. Photo
manipulation can be used for artistic pursuits such as surrealistic photomontage or the creation of alien worlds on the
covers of sci-fi novels.
Deepen: Your goal in this section is to intensify your knowledge and understanding of Elements of design
and principles of design.
What is it?
Not only are photos being manipulated by professionals for the media, but also with the rise of social media, everyone has
easy access to edit photos they post online. The activity above shows you how you can edit your own photos and you were
able to distinguish the difference between a stock image to an image that was enhanced using a photo editing app.
Process questions
1. Why do you think uploading edited images can be harmful?
2. Which LSRC core value guides you to avoid posting harmful images on Facebook?
1. Innovative Training Works, (2016). Empowerment Technologies. Rex Book Store, Inc.
2. E.R Callo, R.L Sotto, (2018) Empowerment Technologies. Sibs Publishing House, Inc.
Ways to
Item 2
Item 3