General Instructions
General Instructions
General Instructions
Strictly Confidential
(For Internal and Restricted use only)
Senior School Certificate Examination, 2023
General Instructions: -
1 You are aware that evaluation is the most important process in the actual and correct
assessment of the candidates. A small mistake in evaluation may lead to serious problems
which may affect the future of the candidates, education system and teaching profession.
To avoid mistakes, it is requested that before starting evaluation, you must read and
understand the spot evaluation guidelines carefully.
3 Evaluation is to be done as per instructions provided in the Marking Scheme. It should not
be done according to one’s own interpretation or any other consideration. Marking
Scheme should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed. However, while
evaluating, answers which are based on latest information or knowledge and/or are
innovative, they may be assessed for their correctness otherwise and due marks be
awarded to them.
4 The Marking scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers
These are in the nature of Guidelines only and do not constitute the complete answer. The
students can have their own expression and if the expression is correct, the due marks
should be awarded accordingly.
5 The Head-Examiner must go through the first five answer books evaluated by each
evaluator on the first day, to ensure that evaluation has been carried out as per the
instructions given in the Marking Scheme. If there is any variation, the same should be
zero after delibration and discussion. The remaining answer books meant for evaluation
shall be given only after ensuring that there is no significant variation in the marking of
individual evaluators.
6 Evaluators will mark( √ ) wherever answer is correct. For wrong answer CROSS ‘X” be
marked. Evaluators will not put right (✓)while evaluating which gives an impression that
answer is correct and no marks are awarded. This is most common mistake which
evaluators are committing.
7 If a question has parts, please award marks on the right-hand side for each part. Marks
awarded for different parts of the question should then be totaled up and written in the left-
hand margin and encircled. This may be followed strictly.
8 If a question does not have any parts, marks must be awarded in the left-hand margin and
encircled. This may also be followed strictly.
9 If a student has attempted an extra question, answer of the question deserving more
marks should be retained and the other answer scored out with a note “Extra Question”.
10 No marks to be deducted for the cumulative effect of an error. It should be penalized only
12 Every examiner has to necessarily do evaluation work for full working hours i.e., 8 hours
every day and evaluate 20 answer books per day in main subjects and 25 answer books
per day in other subjects (Details are given in Spot Guidelines).
13 Ensure that you do not make the following common types of errors committed by the
Examiner in the past:-
● Leaving answer or part thereof unassessed in an answer book.
● Giving more marks for an answer than assigned to it.
● Wrong totaling of marks awarded on an answer.
● Wrong transfer of marks from the inside pages of the answer book to the title page.
● Wrong question wise totaling on the title page.
● Wrong totaling of marks of the two columns on the title page.
● Wrong grand total.
● Marks in words and figures not tallying/not same.
● Wrong transfer of marks from the answer book to online award list.
● Answers marked as correct, but marks not awarded. (Ensure that the right tick mark is
correctly and clearly indicated. It should merely be a line. Same is with the X for
incorrect answer.)
● Half or a part of answer marked correct and the rest as wrong, but no marks awarded.
14 While evaluating the answer books if the answer is found to be totally incorrect, it should
be marked as cross (X) and awarded zero (0)Marks.
15 Any un assessed portion, non-carrying over of marks to the title page, or totaling error
detected by the candidate shall damage the prestige of all the personnel engaged in the
evaluation work as also of the Board. Hence, in order to uphold the prestige of all
concerned, it is again reiterated that the instructions be followed meticulously and
16 The Examiners should acquaint themselves with the guidelines given in the “Guidelines
for spot Evaluation” before starting the actual evaluation.
17 Every Examiner shall also ensure that all the answers are evaluated, marks carried over to
the title page, correctly totaled and written in figures and words.
18 The candidates are entitled to obtain photocopy of the Answer Book on request on
payment of the prescribed processing fee. All Examiners/Additional Head Examiners/Head
Examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that evaluation is carried out
strictly as per value points for each answer as given in the Marking Scheme.
Senior Secondary School Examination, 2023
BUSINESS STUDIES (Subject Code — 054)
[ Paper Code — 66/2/1]
3. Q.
1 mark
Ans.(b) Technological Environment
1 mark
Ans. (c) Flexible
(d) Management is an intangible force.
10. Q. ‘RP Infotech Ltd.’ decided to approach ‘Patel
Engineering College’ to recruit qualified personnel for
various technical jobs in its newly opened branch in
Which source of recruitment from the following has
been used by ‘RP Infotech Ltd.' in the above case:
(a) Direct Recruitment
(b) Placement Agencies and Management Consultants
(c) Campus Recruitment
(d) Recommendation of employees
1 mark
Ans. (c) Campus Recruitment
1 mark
Ans. (a) a (ii), b (iii), c (i)
1 mark
Ans. (c) Capital structure
15. Q. The function of marketing ensures the buyers that
goods confirm to predetermined standards of quality
and reduces the need for inspection. It also ensures
that goods belong to a particular quality and helps in
realising higher prices for high quality output.
(a) Product Designing and Development
(b) Standardisation and Grading
(c) Marketing Planning
(d) Branding
1 mark
Ans. (b) Standardisation and Grading
1 mark
Ans. (c)When the firm wants to cover high cost of
Research and Development to attain product quality
21. Q. The students of Class XII of ‘NK Senior Secondary
School' visited the factory of ‘Jaipur Exports Private
Limited', a company manufacturing readymade
garments. They observed that different workers were
allocated different tasks like cutting the fabric as per
specification, stitching dresses, putting buttons,
ironing the finished dresses, packing them and
putting labels. The Chief Executive Officer told the
students that this results in efficient and effective
output. They also observed orderliness in the factory
as there was a fixed place for everything and it was
present there.
The students later discussed with their Business
Studies teacher and understood that principles of
management given by Fayol were being followed in
the factory.
Identify and explain the two principles of
management that have been discussed in the above
22. Q. Keshav Bannerjee is the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) of ‘Das Networking Ltd.’, a leading IT
company in Bengaluru. He believes that if needs of
employees are taken care of, the employees take good
care of the customers. In this company various
benefits are provided to the employees to help them
meet their medical and housing needs etc., while in
job. It is also providing benefits like gratuity at the
time of their retirement. The employees are provided
various opportunities to attend skill development
programmes to improve their skills and be promoted
to the higher level jobs.
Identify and state the three incentives offered by
the company in the above para to improve the
performance of its employees. ½ mark for
Ans. Incentives offered by the company of each
(i) Perquisites
Perquisites such as car allowance, housing and medical
aid etc., are offered to employees over and above the + ½ mark for
salary to provide motivation to them. its statement
Ans. Vestibule Training = 13
(ii) It helps in avoiding business shocks and surprises
and helps the company in preparing for the future. =3 marks
25. Q. (a) State the first four steps involved in the process
of choosing the best candidate out of a number of
prospective candidates for a job.
purpose of verifying information and gaining additional
information on an applicant.
b) State any four benefits of using internal sources of
(vi) Facilitating coordination in action
(vii) If tax on dividend is higher, it is better to pay less
by way of dividends as compared to low Dividend
Distribution Tax.
(i) Investment decision 1 mark for
The investment decision relates to how the firm’s identification
funds are invested in different assets. +1 mark for
the statement
(ii) Factors affecting Investment decision (any two): +
(a) A company should carefully analyse the cash flows 1 mark for
that will be generated over the period as a series of each factor
cash receipts and payments over the life of an
= 4 marks
(b) The rate of return expected from a proposal involving
huge sums is a factor affecting investment decision.
(ii) If Rajneesh is not satisfied by the order of District
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (District +
Commission), he can appeal against such order to the State
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (State
Commission) within 45 days from such order.
(iii)Method Study
Method study is a technique to find out the one best 2
way of doing the job.
The objective of method study is to minimise the = 6 marks
cost of production and maximise the quality and
satisfaction of the customer.
Facilitates decision-making – Planning helps the
manager to look into the future and make a choice from
amongst various alternative courses of action by =6 marks
evaluating them.
Develops Employees -As a result of delegation,
employees get more opportunities to utilize their talent
and allows them to develop those skills which enable
them to perform complex tasks. Delegation helps them
to prepare better future managers.
Delegation motivates employees-