3074017-The Strigoi V2
3074017-The Strigoi V2
3074017-The Strigoi V2
"Unleash the Vengeful Spirits: Discover the Strigoi, an evil and restless family of Vaesen creatures,
known for their shape-shifting abilities and thirst for blood. Explore their dark powers, from
bloodthirsty embraces to ghastly possessions, in this supernatural RPG supplement."
By David Wartmann
This product was created under license. Vaesen and its logo are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB and Johan
Egerkrans. This work contains copyrighted material by Fria Ligan AB, Johan Egerkrans and/or other authors.
Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.
All other original material in this work is copyrighted in 2023 by David Wartmann and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.
Title image taken from the Public Domain.
Dante and Virgil in Hell (1850). Oil on canvas, 281 × 225 cm (111 × 89 in). Musée d'Orsay, Paris
“Listen to them, the children of the night. strength and agility. They may also have
What music they make!” the power to control animals, manipulate the
weather, and even cast spells and curses on
- Bram Stoker,
their victims.
As with many creatures of folklore and leg-
Throughout history, tales of evil spirits seeking
end, the Strigoi have only been passed down
revenge on the living have been passed down
through oral tradition, songs, and tales for cen-
through generations. These vengeful spirits take
turies. However, they continue to capture the
many forms, from the Slavic Strigoi to the Norse
imagination of people worldwide and have in-
Draugr, the Greek Vrykolakas, and the Balkan
spired countless works of literature, art, and
Dhampir. These creatures have captured people's
film. In the world of Vaesen, they are a fasci-
imaginations across cultures and inspired count-
nating and mysterious group of creatures that
less stories, songs, and legends.
are sure to capture the attention of any curious
The Strigoi family is a particularly interesting investigator.
group of creatures that have been the subject of
many tales and legends. As a standard form of Historical Background
an evil spirit, the Strigoi can take on many dif-
The Vaesen world is full of dark and mysterious
ferent forms and manifestations. They are of-
creatures, and the Strigoi is one of them. The
ten associated with vampires, werewolves, and
term "Strigoi" originated from the medieval Ro-
other supernatural creatures that are said to be
manian language, and it is derived from the
created by their possession of animals or hu-
Latin terms "strix" and "striga" which mean
screech owl and evil spirit, respectively. The
In some traditions, the Strigoi are considered addition of the augmentative suffix "-oi" re-
a type of ghost or wraith; in others, they are sulted in the word "Strigoi," with its feminine
associated with zombies, ghouls, and other un- version being "Strigoaie." The Romanian verb
dead shades. Depending on the local legends "a striga" means "to scream," and it's the word's
and folklore, this family may include banshees, origin.
wights, and other supernatural beings.
The first written record of Strigoi dates back to
The Strigoi are often portrayed as malevolent Jure Grando Alilović in 1656 in the small town of
and dangerous creatures seeking revenge on Kringa, Istria, which is now in Croatia1 . Locals
the living for wrongs committed against them described Jure as a Strigoi, as he conducted
in life. They may also be driven by a desire peculiar and strange behaviors that terrorized
for blood, flesh, or other forms of sustenance, the town 16 years after his death. The haunt-
which they seek to obtain by preying on the liv- ing stopped when the local priest and a group
ing. of villagers decapitated his corpse. The tales
were collected by Johann Weikhard von Valva-
Despite their evil reputation, the Strigoi are
sor, a Carniolan scientist and scribe, during his
also thought to possess certain powers and
travels along the Croatian coast and compiled
abilities that make them formidable opponents.
1 Vinšćak, T. (2005). On ”Štrige”, ”Štriguni” and
They are said to be able to shape-shift, move
”Krsnici” on Istrian Peninsula. Studia ethnologica Croat-
quickly and silently, and possess superhuman ica, 17 (1), 221-235.
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Characteristics Magic and Curses:
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Ritual Tales and folklore of the strigoi have • Place a clove of garlic under its tongue.
spread over Europe, resulting in several local • Smear its body with pig fat killed on a par-
legends telling of ways to deal with them. One ticular gypsy holiday.
of many ways to identify a strigoi mort is de- • Turn its body face down so that if the
scribed by Serbian folklore in which a 7-year- strigoi ever woke up, it would be headed
old boy dressed in white on a white horse is to the afterlife.
placed near the suspected haunted graveyard
An alternative version enables family members
at midday. The horse is believed to stop at the
haunted by a strigoi or children destined to be-
grave of the alleged strigoi mort.
come a strigoi vii to perform a ritual to end the
Upon his return to Switzerland after a research family curse:
tour for his book “L'Homme et la terre” (The
• Exhume the strigoi mort that haunts the
Earth and Its Inhabitants”)6 , Élisée Reclus de-
family before dusk
scribes eastern European burials in Romania:
• Remove its heart, liver, kidney, and intes-
"If the deceased has red hair, he is very con-
cerned that he was back in the form of a dog,
• Cut the removed organs into equal
frog, flea or bedbug, and that it enters into
amounts of children or infected family
houses at night to suck the blood of beautiful
young girls. So it is prudent to nail the cof-
• Burn the organs separately at the same fire
fin heavily, or, better yet, a stake through the
to ashes
corpse's chest."
• Behead the strigoi mort
A widespread and adapted ritual summarized • Drive an iron nail through its head and
by Simeon Florea Marian in “Înmormântarea la hammer it between the feet when return-
7 ing to the casket
români” (1892) describes the most commonly
known preventive method. When the body of • Mix the ashes with milk and let the in-
the suspected strigoi is identified, it will have to fected drink it
be unearthed and beheaded, then re-interred
The curse will be lifted if the suspension is
the corpse and head placed face-down - varia-
drunk before the last call of the rooster
tions describe various forms of this ritual.
Examples of Conflict
Based on Romanian superstition, another
method of guarding against a strigoi is to use, Creştinii câţi nu dorm, cu spaimă cheamă 'Pe
process, and eat the meat of a pig killed on the maica lui Hristos şi-aprind gră bit''Tă mâie şi
October 17 - feast day of Saint Ignatius. usturoi pe-un vas de aramă Ea singură -n căs-
cioară, biata mamă 'Stă chip înmă rmurit…
Various methods used by Sinti and Roma are
said to get rid of a strigoi following a precise (The Christians that are awake, with fear they call
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Several peasant children from a village in the
stands the struggles of those who come to
Carpathian Mountains died mysteriously. The
Uppsala seeking a better life and has made
villagers began to suspect a recently deceased it his mission to provide them with aid and
count in a nearby castle was a strigoi, dwelling support. Despite facing countless obstacles
in his old fortress just outside the town. Fright- and opposition from the city's conservative
ened villagers are now contemplating burning authorities, he has tirelessly collected dona-
the castle to stop the deaths. Unbeknownst to tions to help new immigrants settle in. He
most, one of the town elders has already been has helped construct a makeshift hut in the
infected by the strigoi curse. east of the city as a temporary home for
Last month a strigoi vii moved to Upsala, flee- Fr Troester symbolizes hope for the immi-
ing his hometown in Romania. During the voy- grants and a thorn in the side of those who
age, he got infected with cholera and almost seek to oppress and mistreat them. He
died due to the infection. Finding shelter in a has faced physical violence and intimidation
from off-duty cops and conservative nation-
local bakery, he regained his strength and used
alists but refuses to back down in the face
his talents as a baker in the shop. Unbeknownst
of adversity. He is a man of great conviction
to him, he initiated the strigoi curse, separated
and willpower and is respected and admired
himself at night while sleeping from his body,
by those who know him.
and haunted the streets of Upsala for blood.
Role-playing hooks:
In a small village, a group of Sinti and Roma
Father Troester guides players in the chal-
lay camp while traveling. The local landlord de- lenging environment of Uppsala, offering
cides to raid, "deal with them”, and summons a help and advice while protecting the Cen-
small army of villagers. Hours later, the camp ter from hostile groups. With his firsthand
is overrun, and many dead. In confusion, the knowledge of the strigoi from childhood and
Darul tatălui was left behind. A local farmer in- clerical travels throughout Eastern Europe,
spected it and got pricked by it. He hides the he also assists in secret efforts to help immi-
box in his house, but waking the following day, grants escape the city.
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