Dietrich Et Al. 2012 Feasting at Gobleki Tepe
Dietrich Et Al. 2012 Feasting at Gobleki Tepe
Dietrich Et Al. 2012 Feasting at Gobleki Tepe
Few fields of research have undergone such dramatic changes over a relatively short time
span as the advent of the Neolithic in the Near East. Since the seminal work of Kenyon at
Jericho, the roots of food-producing were sought in the southern Levant (Kenyon 1981).
With the influential research of the Braidwoods at Jarmo, the focus shifted to the north-east
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Orient-Abteilung, Podbielskiallee 69–71, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
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ANTIQUITY 86 (2012): 674–695
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
of the Fertile Crescent, or, as Braidwood put it, to its ‘hilly flanks’ (Braidwood & Braidwood
1953; Braidwood 1974, 1981). In recent years it has become clear that the region between
the middle and upper reaches of the Euphrates and Tigris and the foothills of the Taurus
Mountains, Upper Mesopotamia, has the potential to be the cradle of the new way of
life. Aurenche and Kozłowski (2001) termed this region, where wild forms of several early
domesticated plant species concentrate, the ‘Golden Triangle’ and Lev-Yadun et al. (2000)
refer to it as the ‘cradle of agriculture’ (Figure 1). The distribution areas of the wild forms of
einkorn and emmer wheat, barley and the other Neolithic founder crops overlap here, and
the transition of the two species of wheat to domesticated crops has been pinpointed to this
area (Harlan & Zohary 1966; Nesbitt & Samuel 1996; Heun et al. 1997, 2008; Lev-Yadun
et al. 2000; Özkan et al. 2002, 2011; Luo et al. 2007).
At the same time, this region has yielded evidence for a degree of social complexity
that was hitherto quite unsuspected. Nearly every site excavated at the appropriate scale
shows a spatial division of residential and specialised workshop areas, and special buildings
or open courtyards for communal and ritual purposes, as well as evidence for extensive
feasting (Hauptmann 1993; Cauvin 1994; Özdoğan & Özdoğan 1998: 583–88; Stordeur
2000; Watkins 2004; Schmidt 2006). Çayönü (Schirmer 1990: 378–85), Nevalı Çori
(Hauptmann 1993, 1999: 70–78), Hallan Çemi (Rosenberg & Redding 2000), Nemrik
(Kozłowski 2002: 41–47) and Qermez Dere (Watkins et al. 1995: 3–9; Watkins 2004: 7),
as well as Mureybet, Jerf el Ahmar (Stordeur et al. 2001), Tell ‘Abr 3 (Yartah 2004) and Tell
Qaramel (Mazurowski 2003, 2004), are well-known examples. They date to the PPNA/early
PPNB, the second half of the tenth and ninth millennia cal BC.
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
Figure 1. Map of Upper Mesopotamia showing the spatial overlapping of wild variants of the earliest domesticated cereals with key elements of the material culture of the ritual
c DAI).
community of Göbekli Tepe (graphics: T. Götzelt,
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
Figure 2. Göbekli Tepe: overhead view of the main excavation area (photograph: N. Becker,
c DAI).
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
c DAI).
Figure 3. Plan of excavations and geophysical surveys at Göbekli Tepe (graphics: T. Götzelt,
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
Figure 4. Enclosure C seen from above (photograph: K. Schmidt,
c DAI).
a virtual reconstruction was achieved, showing an original height of 5m. The floor was
natural bedrock, carefully smoothed. Two pedestals for the central pillars had been cut out
of the bedrock. In Enclosure C, there were three (possibly four) concentric rings of walls
and pillars. On pillar 27, besides the low relief carving of a boar, there is a spectacular figure
of a predator carved in high relief (Figure 5). Animals and pillar are carved from a single
piece of stone. The images here are dominated by depictions of wild boars: of the wild
boar sculptures found so far at the site, the majority have been discovered in Enclosure C
(Figure 6).
Enclosure D (Figure 2, foreground) is the largest and is well preserved apart from some
damage dating from ancient times that had been more or less successfully repaired. There
are two huge central pillars and pillars in the surrounding walls, probably numbering 12
in all; 11 are visible so far, and the remaining one is thought to be hidden in the northern
baulk. Among the animals on the pillars of Enclosure D, depictions of foxes and snakes
are dominant, but in this enclosure a very wide range of creatures is depicted. When the
floor level was finally reached in 2009, both central pillars were revealed as complete, with a
breathtaking height of about 5.5m. The forms of hands and fingers were soon visible, carved
on both pillars, and just below the hands were decorated belts and a loincloth hanging down
(Figures 7 & 8). These abstracted, impersonal, but clearly anthropomorphic, T-shaped
beings clearly belong to another, transcendent sphere.
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
Figure 5. Pillar 27 in Enclosure C with the sculpture of a predator in high relief (photograph: D. Johannes,
c DAI).
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
Figure 6. Sculpture of a boar and stone plates discovered near one of the central pillars of Enclosure C (photograph: K.
Schmidt, c DAI).
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
Figure 7. Arms, hands and elements of clothing reveal the anthropomorphic character of the pillars (pillar 31 in the centre
of Enclosure D; photograph: N. Becker,
c DAI).
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
Figure 8. The second central pillar of Enclosure D shows elements of clothing as well. Its socket is decorated with a row of
ducks in high relief (photograph: N. Becker,
c DAI).
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
Figure 9. Symbolic objects defining the ritual community of Göbekli Tepe: 1–4) shaft straighteners; 5–7) plaquettes of Jerf
el Ahmar type; 8, 9, 11) bowls of Hallan Çemi type; 10, 12) sceptres of Nemrik type. 1, 4) Tell Qaramel (after Mazurowski
& Yartah 2001: fig. 10/636, 638); 2, 3, 7) Jerf el Ahmar (after Cauvin 1994: fig. 19/1, 2, 4); 5) Tell ‘Abr 3 (after Yartah
2005: fig. 7/3); 6, 8, 10a–b) Göbekli Tepe; 9, 12) Hallan Çemi (after Rosenberg & Redding 2000: fig. 5, 6/1); 11) Körtik
Tepe (after Özkaya & San 2007: fig. 18). Not to scale.
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
Figure 10. Snakes and scorpions are important elements of Göbekli Tepe’s iconography (photographs: C. Gerber, D. Johannes,
I. Wagner,
c DAI).
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
work required to build a monumental sanctuary like Göbekli Tepe, there had to be a means
of bringing together groups from different areas and organising communal work. An answer
on how this was achieved lies in the widespread evidence for extensive feasting, including
the consumption of—most likely alcoholic—beverages, in the PPN archaeological record.
Production and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the Near
Eastern PPN
Until recently it was widely accepted that beer brewing and wine production started with
the civilisations of Mesopotamia and Egypt (Sherratt 1995: 24–26), documented by literary
and iconographical evidence (Röllig 1970; Samuel 1996: 3–4). But in recent years, the
starting point for the production of alcoholic beverages has been pushed ever further into
the past. Not only could the residues of alcoholic beverages be pinned down chemically
in early dynastic Egypt at Hierakonpolis (Maksoud et al. 1994) or the late Uruk period
site of Godin Tepe, Iran (Michel et al. 1993), and fifth-millennium BC Neolithic Greece
(Valamoti et al. 2007), but wine has been detected even earlier in a Neolithic (mid sixth-
millennium BC) jar from Hajji Firuz Tepe in northern Iran (McGovern et al. 1996) and
in stone bowls from the PPN burial site of Körtik Tepe, south-eastern Turkey (McGovern
2009). It can be safely stated that people’s first interest in wild grapes in western Asia was
for alcohol production, evidence for domestication only following in the fourth millennium
BC (Miller 2008: 944). From Göbekli Tepe now comes further chemical evidence this time
for beer brewing, although it is not fully conclusive as yet.
There are two principal approaches to the identification of alcoholic beverages in the
archaeological record. The first includes looking for material evidence of brewing and has
been followed by Dineley (2004) in her work on Neolithic beer making. She concentrates
on suitable vessels and especially on so-called ‘malting floors’ that could have been used for
germinating and drying grain. The second and more direct approach is the examination
of organic residues adhering to pottery or stone vessels; for example, residues on two stone
bowls from Körtik Tepe gave preliminary evidence of tartaric acid, hinting at the production
of grape wine (McGovern 2009: 81). Chemical analysis was recently conducted also on a
group of large limestone basins from Göbekli Tepe. Six barrel- and trough-like vessels have
been found in PPNB contexts. Due to their size and capacities of up to 160 litres they are
static, integral parts of particular rooms (Figure 11), but fragments of such vessels appear
in all strata. Some of them show grayish-black residues adhering to the lower parts of the
First results show probable evidence of oxalate for some samples, but the applied Feigl test
was not sensitive enough to give reproducible results. Oxalate develops during the steeping,
mashing and fermentation of cereals (barley, but also einkorn wheat and others, see Zarnkow
et al. 2006: tab. 2) and can indicate the production of malt and beer. A complete scapula
of an onager was found at the bottom of one vessel at Göbekli Tepe (Figure 11). A very
similar find is known from Tell ‘Abr 3 in Syria, where five large limestone vessels stood on
the floor of a structure described as a “communal building”, and a large bone lay within
one of the vessels (Yartah 2005: 6). These bones could well have been used to stir up the
contents of the vessels or to skim parts of it. At Jerf el Ahmar, Syria, three limestone basins
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
Figure 11. A barrel- (upper right) and a trough-like (lower right) limestone vessel from Göbekli Tepe (photographs: K.
Schmidt, N. Becker,
c DAI). Six vessels with capacities up to 160 litres have been so far discovered in situ (left).
of similar size stood in a domestic building with different activity zones, yielding evidence
for food processing in the form of grinding stones, saddle querns, plates and two charred
seed cakes, containing primarily Brassica/Sinapis seeds (Willcox 2002: 55–56). This and
the presence of a hearth encouraged the excavators to interpret the room as a kitchen area.
Since the simplest brewing process would need, in addition to cereal processing equipment,
only large containers for malting and mashing, this ‘kitchen’ could have produced beer as
well. In Göbekli Tepe, the occurrence of beer making is not yet certain, but as signs of
habitation are also absent, it is a possibility that not every step of production was carried out
there. The grain may have been malted at nearby settlements and been brought there only
on special occasions. Genetic analyses have shown that the domestication of single-grained
einkorn and emmer wheat took place around the Karacadağ (Heun et al. 1997; Luo et al.
2007) in close vicinity to Göbekli Tepe. It is an intriguing thought that brewing and the
domestication of wheat might be interrelated.
The idea of alcoholic beverages at such an early date is not new. Since the so-called
‘Braidwood Symposium’ in 1953 there has been ongoing discourse on this topic. Based on
finds of several kinds of cereals at Qalat Jarmo in eastern Iraq and encouraged by a remark by
paleobotanist Sauer, Braidwood questioned the common assumption that the appearance
of domesticated cereals in the Near East was linked with bread making. He and Sauer asked
whether the discovery of fermentation (barley for example ferments naturally under certain
conditions: Katz & Maytag 1991: 26–27) might have operated as the initial step towards
experimental selection and domestication of cereals (Braidwood et al. 1953). However, the
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
symposium was rather inconclusive, leaving no more than the awareness that the collection
of wild grain as a basic food supply was not an option, due to small harvests resulting
from its brittleness; early cereals were acknowledged as better suited to making gruel or beer
than bread because of the glume adhering to the grain, although beer production was then
seen as rather improbable. Katz and Voigt (1986) revisited this question stating that a diet
containing beer was much more nourishing than one just based on gruel or bread. The
discovery of fermentation and the use of beer in social and religious life could thus have
led to the domestication of cereals. A similar approach was recently followed by Reichholf
(2008). McGovern (2009) added the possibility of supply of alcohol through grape wine to
the discussion.
Seen from the point of view of nutritional science, there are some advantages in favour
of beer. Its lack of oxygen and its low pH value make it less perishable than other cereal
products (Back 1994: 16). There is an ongoing discussion about the question of whether
most cereals would have been toxic before mankind adapted to them, adverse reactions to
gluten proteins (coeliac disease) being the result of a missing evolutionary adaption (Greco
1997). Malting and fermentation could have been a method to weaken these toxic effects
as gluten is debranched, agglomerated and filtered to a high extent through malting and
brewing. Interestingly, there seems to be a natural lack of toxicity in einkorn (Pizzuti et al.
2006). Whether one of these aspects was known to PPN people remains unknown, but
prolonged observations could have led to that knowledge.
Although none of the elements discussed above necessarily implies the production of
alcoholic beverages in itself, and chemical evidence is still sparse, all factors taken together
support the idea that the possibility of creating alcoholic intoxicants was already known in
the early PPN. The question remains why this should have happened just then and there.
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
Figure 12. Overhead view of Enclosure F at Göbekli Tepe, showing the circle of pillars with interconnecting benches
(photograph: K. Schmidt,
c DAI).
food for these feasts is seen as a possible reason for the start of domestication (Hayden 2003).
Regardless which position seems more compelling, ethnographic and archaeological records
are abundant for the holding and managing of feasts. Large amounts of food were needed
for this purpose and, of course, beverages, the latter often being alcoholic (cf. Everett et al.
1976; Douglass 1987; Hayden 1995; Jennings et al. 2005).
Göbekli Tepe adds a new dimension to this discussion. The sediments used to backfill the
monumental enclosures at the end of their use consist of limestone rubble from the quarries
nearby, flint artefacts and surprisingly large amounts of animal bones smashed to get to
the marrow, clearly the remains of meals. Their amount exceeds everything known from
contemporary settlements, and can be taken as a strong indication of large-scale feasting.
The species represented most frequently are gazelle, aurochs and Asian wild ass, a range of
animals typical for hunters at that date in the region. There is evidence for plant-processing,
too. Grinders, mortars and pestles are abundant, although macro remains are few, and these
are entirely of wild cereals (among them einkorn, wheat/rye and barley) (Neef 2003).
The character of Göbekli Tepe makes it clear that these feasts had a strong cultic
significance. They can also be attributed to a special category of feast highlighted by Dietler
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Oliver Dietrich et al.
Figure 13. A dancing scene on a bowl from Nevalı Çori shows how Neolithic feasts might have appeared. The turtle-like
being dancing between two persons might well hint at the dancers’ altered state of consciousness (after Hauptmann 1999:
fig. 16).
and Herbich (1995): collective work events. To construct the monumental buildings, people
from a wider area had to be drawn together. Records of the erection of megalithic graves on
the island of Nias, Indonesia, dating from the beginning of the twentieth century can give
us an idea on how many people could be attracted to help in construction by the prospect of
a lavish feast. Schröder (1917) noted that 525 men hauled a megalith of 4m3 over a distance
of 3km to its final location in three days using a wooden sledge. At Göbekli Tepe, the
distances between the quarries and the enclosures are smaller, but the megaliths transported
are much larger (up to 7m long weighing 50 metric tons with a volume of 20m3 ). The role
of beer in such events is known, e.g. from the big building projects of ancient Egypt, where
workers were paid, at least partly, in beer (Helck 1971: 53–65).
The requirements of collective work events have to be taken into account also for other
sites, especially for the elaborate communal buildings of Tell ‘Abr 3 or Jerf el Ahmar. Outlines
of these buildings and of the enclosures at Göbekli Tepe illustrate their character as meeting
places. They contain benches along the walls ready for gatherings (Figure 12), and at Göbekli
Tepe, the setting of the anthropomorphic pillars seems to represent an assembly of some
sort, with about a dozen stone figures around the perimeter bench, attendant on a pair of
larger figures at the centre.
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The role of cult and feasting in the emergence of Neolithic communities
A rich repertoire of PPN dancing scenes (Garfinkel 2003) sheds some light on the nature
of early Neolithic feasts. One of the most remarkable examples is the sherd of a limestone
bowl from Nevalı Çori (Figure 13) depicting two persons with raised arms (Hauptmann
1999: fig. 16). Between them, a turtle-like being is joining the dance, maybe reflecting the
altered state of consciousness of the dancers (McGovern 2009: 80). The cemetery of Körtik
Tepe, where numerous stone vessels were broken at the gravesite also suggests feasting with
an ecstatic aspect.
In concordance with Hayden’s thoughts, it seems obvious that repetitive feasts of the
amplitude implied at Göbekli Tepe must have placed stress on the economic production of
hunter-gatherer groups. Maybe in response to the demand, new food sources and processing
techniques were explored. In this scenario, religious beliefs and practices may have been
a key factor in the adoption of intensive cultivation and the transition to agriculture.
Archaeological and chemical evidence further suggests that this innovation may have been
fuelled by alcoholic beverages, giving a new response to Braidwood’s question ‘Did man
once live by beer alone?’ Probably not, but beer—and wine—may have played an important
role in one of the most significant turning points in the history of mankind.
We are grateful to the General Directorate of Antiquities of Turkey for kind permission to excavate this important
site. The work at Göbekli Tepe is funded by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and the German Research
Foundation (DFG). Thanks are due to Trevor Watkins for valuable comments on the text; Thomas Götzelt and
Nico Becker assisted with the illustrations.
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