Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation Pisa, ITALY, 22-25 September, 2004
G.P. Celata
ENEA CR Casaccia, Rome, ITALY
P. Di Marco
Department of Energetics University of Pisa, ITALY
A. Mariani
ENEA CR Casaccia, Rome, ITALY
R.K. Shah
R.I.T. Rochester, NY USA
Volume 1
Edizioni ETS
ISBN: 88-467-1075-4 2004 Edizioni ETS Pisa, Italy. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Edizioni ETS. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher and the editors for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Printed in Italy.
These Volumes contain papers presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, held in Pisa, ITALY, during September 22-25, 2004. Specifically, the volumes contain the texts of the 7 Invited Lectures, and 340 Contributed Papers. The number of the papers and the variety of subjects addressed attest to the continued vitality and vigour of two-phase flow research work. The papers cover a broad spectrum from the experimental investigation of complex fundamental aspects of two-phase flow to the study of practical devices and applications, the modelling of two-phase flow phenomena, and the numerical analysis. Multiphase flow is one of the most common flows of fluids in nature as well as in industrial applications. It covers gas-solid, liquid-liquid, solid-liquid and gas-liquid flows, and also investigation in three-phase flows has gained increasing popularity in the recent past. As an example, gas-liquid flow, that also embraces the whole subject of boiling and condensation, is a topic of the utmost importance and exists in a wide range of industrial plants including evaporators, boilers, distillation towers, chemical reactors, air ejectors, condensers, turbines, nuclear reactors, etc. Advancements in the knowledge of multiphase flow phenomena necessitates a close working relationship among experimentalists, modellers and numerical analysts in order to produce the maximum synergism. Computation may provide the direction for the conduct of efficient experimentation while experimentation is necessary to verify complex computational codes and for complex situations for which no reasonably accurate numerical analysis is possible, and as a basis for modellization of phenomena. The papers contained in these volumes reflect the objectives of this third Symposium, which follows the first one held in Rome, on October 9-11, 1995, and the second held in Pisa, on May 2326, 1999. They confirm the necessity to gather researchers, designers, experimentalists, modellers and numerical analysts of two-phase flow for the timely dissemination and cross-fertilisation of ideas, needs, results, interactions, to solve highly complex fundamental and applied problems. We strongly believe interchange of ideas between experimentalists and people involved in mathematical modelling to be of the utmost importance for synergism between the two disciplines. A quick perusal of the papers also indicates that the quality of work is not limited by geography. The contributors to the Volume come from more than 40 countries and provide a clear indication of how well the worldwide scientific community is networked. An attempt has been made to use a uniform outline and method of presentation of each paper. The International System of Units (SI) is used throughout the proceedings. All invited papers are included first followed by Contributed papers. The latters are grouped in appropriate sections to provide better access to readers. In addition to the Table of Contents at the beginning of the proceedings, an author index is included at the end of the volume. We are grateful and indebted to the lead scientists of this symposium, experts in the area of twophase flow, for their contributions in coordinating the evaluation of contributed papers and maintaining the high quality of research papers presented in this proceedings. They were responsible for the selection of the papers and took a very active part in the release of information about the Symposium in their respective countries. Their work and efforts in gathering the papers accepted for presentation at the Symposium and inclusion in the three volumes of the Proceedings has been essential for the success of the Symposium. We would like to mention here a special acknowledgement for the professional help of over 600 reviewers from all over the world for selection of papers and suggestions for improvement of the content of accepted papers published in the proceedings. Refereeing is a difficult, time consuming and demanding task, often accomplished during the week-end (in spite of the family's demand!), and we very much appreciated this help in assessing the suitability of these papers for inclusion in our Symposium. Finally, we greatly appreciate the cooperation provided by Ms. Gloria and Sandra Borghini of ETS for their preparation of these fine proceedings in a very timely manner. Gian Piero Celata Paolo Di Marco Andrea Mariani Ramesh K. Shah
Symposium Chairman G.P. Celata
ENEA, CR Casaccia, Rome, ITALY
H. Auracher, Technische Universitt Berlin, Berlin - Germany B. Azzopardi, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK J. Bataille, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Lyon, France J.B.L.M. Campos, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal A. Chvez Argelles, Instituto Mexicano del Petrleo, Veracruz, Mexico A. Clausse, Universidad Nacional del Centro, Tandil, Argentina J.M. Corberan, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Caminono de Vera, Valencia, Spain J. Drahos, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Prague, Czech Republic M. Giot, Universit Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium W. Grassi, Universit di Pisa, Pisa, Italy G. Hetsroni, Technion, Haifa, Israel K. Hishida, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan R. Issa, Imperial College London, London, UK S.G. Kandlikar, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA A.J. Karabelas, AristotleUniversity of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece M. Kawaji, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada R.T. Lahey, Jr., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA S.Y. Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon, Korea Z.H. Lin, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China J.P. Meyer, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa V.E. Nakoryakov, Institute of Thermophysics, Novosibirsk, Russia O-J. Nydal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway B.V.S.S.S. Prasad, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India C. Saccani, Universit di Bologna, Bologna, Italy P. Schwarz, CSIRO Minerals, Clayton Vic, Australia T. Skiepko, Bialystok Technical University, Bialystok, Poland R.J. Shyu, ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan A. Soldati, Universit Degli Studi di Udine, Udine, Italy M. Sommerfeld, Martin-Luther-Universitt Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany P. Stephan, University of Technology Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany S. Takagi, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan P. Tartarini, Universit di Modena, Modena, Italy J. R. Thome, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland A. Tomiyama, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan M. Trela, Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Gdask, Poland C.W.M. van der Geld, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands V.V. Wadekar, Hyprotech UK Ltd, Harwell, UK S. Zaleski, Ecole Centrale de Paris, Paris, France I. Zun, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
A. Mariani (Chairman), ENEA, Rome, Italy, A. Franco, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, S. Paci, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, G. Zummo, ENEA, Rome, Italy
General Members
H. Auracher, Germany B. Azzopardi, UK D.R.H. Beattie, Australia A. Clausse, Argentina J. Corberan, Spain W.J.A. Dahm, USA P. Di Marco, Italy P. Downar-Zapolski, Poland F.A. Franca, Brazil S. Fujikawa, Japan M. Giot, Belgium A.M. Jacobi, USA A.K. Kolar, India Z.G. Ling, China
L. Maroti, Hungary S. Maruyama, Japan L.F. Melo, Portugal J. Meyer, South Africa D. Mewes, Germany V.E. Nakoryakov, Russia U. Renz, Germany W. Rodi, Germany M. Shoji, Japan R.J. Shyu, Taiwan B.S. Sunden, Sweden H.E.A. van den Akker, The Netherlands M.C. Welsh, Australia G. Yadigaroglu, Switzerland
Preface Conference Scientific Committee Invited Lectures Drag, lift and virtual mass forces acting on a single bubble A. Tomiyama Drag reduction with microbubble injection Y. Hassan Heat transfer and crisis in swirl flow boiling V.V. Yagov The flow of oil-water mixtures in horizontal pipes. State of the art and recent developments on pressure drop reductions and flow regime transitions G. Sotgia and P. Tartarini Enhancement of condensation heat transfer by using passive and active drainage techniques D. Butrymowicz DNS and LES of turbulent multifluid flows D. Lakehal Small-scale and coarse-grained dynamics of interfaces: The modeling of volumetric interfacial area in two-phase flows D. Lhuillier CONTRIBUTED PAPERS Bubbly Flow Numerical evaluaton of two-fluid model solutions for turbulent fullydeveloped bubbly two-phase flows O.E. Azpitarte and G.C. Buscaglia Data analysis for hot-film anemometry in turbulent bubbly flow S. Luther, J. Rensen, T.H. van den Berg and D. Lohse Models for the forces acting on bubbles in comparison with experimental data for vertical pipe flow D. Lucas, J.M. Shi, E. Krepper and H.-M. Prasser Numerical simulations of a bubbly flow in a sudden-expansion with the NEPTUNE code C. Morel, J. Pouvreau, J. Laviville and M. Boucker Flow characteristics around and drag of obstacle in vertical upward gasliquid bubbly pipe flow T. Shakouchi, T. Nakamura, A. Voutsinas, J. Kawaguchi and K. Tsujimoto I-3 I-13 I-19 v vi
I-51 I-67
I-87 I-95
Turbulence modification in bubbly upward pipe flow (Extraction of microscopic turbulent structure by high speed time-resolved PIV) K. Yoshimura, D. Minato, T. Tanaka, Y. Sato and K. Hishida The clustering phenomena near the wall in a turbulent bubbly channel flow T. Ogasawara, Y. Tagawa, A. Fujiwara, S. Takagi and Y. Matsumoto Bubble breakup by pressure wave in bubbly flow A. Fujiwara, K. Watanabe, S. Takagi and Y. Matsumoto Numerical analysis for bubbly flows through a convergent-divergent nozzle K. Okita, S. Takagi and Y. Matsumoto Using geometrical automata to develop constitutive laws in bubbly flows V. Herrero, G. Venere and A. Clausse Modeling and simulation of full-scale bubbly flows around surface ships F.J. Moraga, D.A. Drew and R.T. Lahey Prediction of void fraction distribution for turbulent bubble flow in a vertical pipe with sudden expansion K. Kondo, K. Yoshida, T. Okawa and I. Kataoka Numerical simulation of turbulent bubbly flows D. Kuzmin and S. Turek Axial development of bubbly flow under microgravity environment T. Takamasa, T. Hazuku, N. Tamura, T. Hibiki and M. Ishii Hydrodynamic structure of two-phase bubbly flow in a horizontal channel O.N. Kashinsky, E.V. Kaipova and A.V. Chinak Micro and Minichannels Non-stationary analysis of flow boiling in a minichannel D. Brutin and L. Tadrist Numerical calculation of critical mass flow rate in adiabatic capillary tubes D. Fuentes,, J.M. Corberan and A. Perez-Navarro Experimental research on the correlations of hold up and frictional pressure drop in air-water two-phase flow in a capillary rectangular channels H. Ide and T. Fukano Flow boiling incipience in minichannels M. Piasecka and M.E. Poniewski Flow boiling heat transfer in a vertical narrow channel J. Shuai, R. Kulenovic, E. Sobierska, R. Mertz and M. Groll High heat flux cooling by forced convective boiling in narrow channels Y. Shinmoto, T. Ohno, H. Ohta, O. Ogawa and H. Shida
I-205 I-213
Experimental study of convective patterns for volatile wetting films C. Buffone and K. Sefiane Numerical study of heating effect on thermocapillary convection for an evaporating meniscus C. Buffone, K. Sefiane, R. Bennacer and M. El Ganaoui The effect of operating temperature and working fluid on the heat transport capacity of an inclined triangular micro heat pipe D. Sugumar, K.K. Tio and K.E. Chong Experimental research on flow patterns in two-phase flow in microchannels J.K. Keska Liquid velocity field measurements in two-phase microchannel convection E.N. Wang, S. Devasenathipathy, C.H. Hidrovo, D.W. Fogg, J.M. Koo, J.G. Santiago, K.E. Goodson and T.W. Kenny Fluorescent imaging of void fraction in two-phase microchannels D. Fogg, R. Flynn, C. Hidrovo, L. Zhang and K. Goodson Experimental analysis of the flow through a micro-orifice J.J. Shin, C.H. Lee, S.G. Kim and S.K. Oh Flow boiling heat transfer and regimes of upward flow in minichannels V.V. Kuznetsov, A.S. Shamirzaev and I.N. Ershov Two-Phase Flow Modeling A conservative scheme for the study of multi-dimensional two-phase flow J.R. Garca-Cascales and H. Paillre Numerical analysis of two-phase flow in condensers and evaporators with special emphasis on single phase - two-phase transitions zones S. Morales, J. Rigola, C.D. Prez-Segarra and A. Oliva Simulation of two-phase flows using a multiple-size group model A. Kumbaro Two-dimensional two-fluid simulation of LBE-Argon two-phase flows for ADS target systems R. Chaudhary, A. Khanna, P. Satyamurthy and P. Munshi A method to fix the velocity and temperature fields in two-phase flow - A homogeneous model P.K. Sarma, V. Srinivas, V. Dharma Rao, T. Subrahmanyam, P. Sivannarayana and H. Liu Simplified transient multiphase model for oil field development analysis V. Faluomi, M. Bonuccelli and A. Bousbia Salah Modelling annular flow at high gas velocities for well blowout analyses M. Bonuccelli, V. Faluomi, A. Ansiati, A. Bousbia Salah and P. Blotto
I-267 I-275
I-321 I-329
Assessment and uncertainty evaluation for the CATHARE 3-dimensional module J. Dufreche and I. Dor Two-phase flow modeling in a solar concentrator with evaporation N. Ortega, O. Garcia-Valladares and R. Best Fluid Particle Flow Bases for dust mobilisation modelling in the light of STARDUST experiments S. Paci, N. Forgione, F. Parozzi and M.T. Porfiri Numerical simulation of suspension flow in the entrance part of a tube R. Shtinkova, E. Toshev and B. Hristov Experimental and numerical studies of pressure drop in particle-laden horizontal channel flow S. Lan, M. Sommerfeld and J. Kussin Riser fluid dynamics simulation in a Spherizone reactor G. Amati, E. Balestra, A. Bianchini, G. Penzo, R. Rinaldi, and C. Saccani An experimental investigation of effect of the velocity slip on modification of the grid-generated turbulence in a gas-solid particles flow M. Hussainov, A. Kartushinsky, U. Rudi, I. Shcheglov and S. Tisler Experimental measurements of solid concentration mechanically stirred solid-liquid systems E. Brunazzi, A. Paglianti and S. Pintus distribution in ammonia
I-385 I-393
I-401 I-409
Role of CFD techniques in discriminating experimental solids concentration data in stirred suspensions and modelling of the solids concentration profiles in a pilot reactor G. Montante, D. Fajner, F. Orlandini and F. Magelli Characterization of solid-liquid suspensions (real, large and non-spherical particles in non-Newtonian carrier fluid) flowing in horizontal and vertical pipes A. Legrand, M. Renuy, E. Goudaliez, L. Fillaudeau, S. Bournaud, M. Berthou and J.C. Leuliet Numerical simulation for microconvection around brownian motion moving nano-particles B.X. Wang, H. Li, X.F. Peng and G.P. Peterson Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling of solid-liquid flow in turbulently stirred tanks J. Derksen TpSimWin: An advanced simulation algorithm for gas-solid and gasliquid conveying plants analysis C. Saccani
Interaction of particles with secondary flow in high Reynolds number horizontal pipe flow J.M.C. Van 't Westende, R.J. Belt, L.M. Portela, R.F. Mudde and R.V.A. Oliemans Interaction between transitional structures and particles in the near-field of a round, confined jet F. Sbrizzai, R. Verzicco, M.F. Pidria, P. Faraldi and A. Soldati Two-phase gas-particle flow structure and heat transfer in high speed flow over a blunt body A. Volkov, Yu. Tsirkunov and B. Oesterle 3-D simulation of gas-solid two-phase flow in an operating pre-calciner J.D. Lu, L. Huang, S.J. Wang, H.B. Ren and Z.H. Li Particle-driven secondary flow in turbulent horizontal pipe flows R.J. Belt, J.M.C. Van 't Westende, L.M. Portela, R.F. Mudde and R.V.A. Oliemans Non maxwellian behavior in sedimentation C. Bounhoure, Y. Brunet and A. Merlen Direct simulation of rigid fibers in viscous fluid A. Megally, P. Laure and T. Coupez Modeling and simulation of three-dimensional two-phase flows using finite elements and global Lagrange multipliers C. Diaz-Goano, P. Minev and K. Nandakumar Large eddy simulation of dense gas-particle flow in a riser P. Xiang and Y.C. Guo Statistical models of particle dispersion and preferential concentration in turbulent flows L.I. Zaichik and V.M. Alipchenkov On numerical simulation of dilute particulate-gas flow over a backward facing step: Lagrangian versus Eulerian approach Z.F. Tian, J.Y. Tu and G.H. Yeoh An experimental study of air-solid flow characteristics near blunted body A.Yu. Varaksin and T.F. Ivanov Nonlinear oscillations of aerosol in a resonance tube D.A. Gubaidullin, R.G. Zaripov, R.G. Galiullin, E.R. Galiullina and L.A. Tkachenko Experimental study on sand incipience process in wind-blown-sand flow by PTV H.Y. Qi, B. Xi and C.F. You Particle dynamics in a vortex pair F. Kaplanski, S. Sazhin and Y. Rudi Interaction between boundary layer flow and moving particle A. Mori, Y. Kobayashi, K. Hirose and M. Fujie
I-515 I-523
Precipitation of very fine particles electrophoresis in laminar tube flow L. Reime and D. Mewes
and I-577
Experimental investigations of particle distributions in stirred solid/liquid systems R. Angst and M. Kraume The structure-phenomenological study of two-phase liquid systems E.Yu. Taran, Yu.V. Pridatchenko and V.A. Gryaznova Application of ECT for measuring gas-solid flow regime in circulating suspension bed C.P. Wang,, D.K. Li and Z.A. Lu Jets Liquid jets expanding into a low-pressure environment - Experimental results M.M. Vieira and J. R. Simes-Moreira Liquid jets expanding into a low-pressure environment - Numerical solution E. Angelo and J.R. Simes-Moreira Numerical simulation of water-jet-cooling process by using VOF model including phase change and cnjugated heat transfer S.I. Shimasaki, P. Gardin, J.L. Borean and M. Lebouch Numerical simulation of particle-laden compound jet by vortex method T. Uchiyama, A. Fukase and K. Minemura Numerical simulation of unsteady cavitating vortex flow in submerged water jet G. Peng, S. Fujikawa and M. Hayakawa Studies of flow characteristics affected by two-phase jet flow in aeration tank K. Ode, K. Yoshida and I. Kataoka Modelling and computation of heat exchanges in the configuration of an impinging jet on a hot plate N. Seiler, P.Gardin, O. Simonin and S. Mimouni Measurement Techniques Liquid re-circulation beneath a ventilated cavity in a vertical pipe A.A. Sotiriadis, R.B. Thorpe, N.F. Kirkby and N. Rockliff Validation of the granular temperature prediction of the kinetic theory of granular flow by particle image velocimetry and a discrete particle model N.G. Deen, W. Dijkhuizen, G.A. Bokkers, M. van Sint Annaland and J.A.M. Kuipers
I-585 I-591
I-621 I-629
Leak detection in pipelines operating with gas-liquid mixtures I.B. Macias, C.F. Braga, S.L. Cruz and J.F.R. Pereira The lift force on bubbles in a swarm: Experimental analysis using LDA A.A. Kulkarni, and J.B. Joshi Estimation of fiber orientation in pulp-suspension flow H. Eloranta, P. Saarenrinne and T. Prssinen Bubble shape and orientation determination with a four-point optical fibre probe S. Guet, S. Luther and G. Ooms On the accuracy of wire mesh tomography for gas-liquid flow measurement W. Wangjiraniran, M. Justus, H. Kikura, M. Aritomi and T. Yamauchi The effect of the structural evolution of snow on heat transfer TH. U. Kaempfer, S.A. Sokratov and M. Schneebeli Online measurements of droplet characteristics in a flowing crude oil/water system using an endoscope and a CCD-NIR camera H. Aakre, T. Solbakken and R.B. Schller Analyzing the surface velocity field of multiphase film flow I. Ausner, A. Hoffmann, J.U. Repke and G. Wozny Void fraction measurement for gas-liquid two phase flow of magnetic fluid T. Kuwahara and H. Yamaguchi Study of hydrodynamics and mixing in an airlift reactor with an enlarged separator using magnetic tracer method J. Klein, A.A. Vicente and J.A. Teixeira Estimation of two-phase flow quality with pressure difference oscillation M. Osakabe and S. Horiki The use of fibre optic probes for flow monitoring within a small-scale tube N. Reis, A.A. Vicente, J.A. Teixeira and M.R. Mackley On-line measurement of dust concentration in the exaust duct by laser scattering integration method S.M. Wang, Y.Z. Wu, M. Ye and Y.J. Zhao Simultaneous measurement of the local solid phase velocity and the local solid hold-up in a three-phase flow using an X-ray based method U. Kertzscher, A. Seeger, K. Affeld and E. Wellnhofer Application of ultrasonic Doppler method for bubbly flow measurement using two ultrasonic frequencies H. Murakawa, H. Kikura and M. Aritomi Local two-phase flow measurements with advanced data processing methods in bubbly plumes R. Zboray, M. Simiano and F. de Cachard
Measurement of bubble velocity profiles and turbulent diffusion coefficients of the gaseous phase in rectangular bubble column using image processing A. Zaruba, E. Krepper, H.M. Prasser and E. Schleicher Measurements of velocity, turbulence and phase fraction in horizontal oilwater pipe flow G. Elseth, H. Kvandal and M.C. Melaaen Characterization of turbulent flow and floc morphology in a flocculation process: PIV/digital imaging experiments M. Honkanen, P. Saarenrinne and J. Reunanen Improving multiphase flow intelligence algorythms C. Alimonti and G. Falcone metering performance using artificial
II-811 II-817
Isokinetic sampling in large scale high-pressure two-phase pipe flow P. Hedne and P. Fuchs Minor geometrical change from erosion affects the three-phase mass flow rate through chokes S. Munaweera, T. Solbakken and R.B. Schller Benchmarking of five-sensor probe method for interfacial concentration measurement D.J. Euh, B.J. Yun, W.M. Park, Y.J. Youn, C.H. Song and K.B. Baek area
Velocity bias and concentration fluctuations in two-phase flow applications of phase Doppler particle analysis: A post-processing algorithm T. Bergenblock and B. Leckner Foam drainage characterization by using impedance methods B. Fournel, H. Lemonnier and J. Pouvreau A rotating electric field multiple-electrode impedance sensor for void fraction measurement M.S. Rocha and J.R. Simes-Moreira Application of electrical resistance imaging to two-phase flows S. Kim, K.J. Lee, Y.J. Ko, K.Y. Kim, B.S. Kim, M.C. Kim, H.S. Cho and B.S. Lee Measurement of the two-phase mass flow rate using bidirectional flow tube B.J. Yun, D.J. Euh, K.H. Kang, C.H. Song and W.P. Baek an average
II-843 II-851
II-859 II-867
Gas-liquid phase distribution and void fraction measurements using the MRI N.E. Daidzic, E. Schmidt, M.M. Hasan and S. Altobelli Bubbles Behavior of bubble departure in the direct-contact boiling field with a continuous liquid-liquid interface K. Kadoguchi
Transient effect of bubble contamination on the drag coefficient and on the gas-liquid mass transfer: An experimental study S.P. Orvalho, J.M.T. Vasconcelos and S.S. Alves Bubble formation: High speed images and acoustic signals R. Bunganic, M.C. Ruzicka and J. Drahos Characteristics of microbubble drag reduction on a 50 m-long flat plate Y. Kodama, T. Takahashi, T. Hori, M. Makino, and T. Ueda Optical measurements of velocity gradient in the near-wall region of microbubble-laden turbulent channel flow Y. Saitoh and K. Hishida Bubble behavior and coalescence condition of two bubbles rising side by side T. Sanada, M. Watanabe, H. Noda and T. Fukano Bouncing and coalescence of a single bubble approaching to free surface T. Sanada, M. Watanabe and T. Fukano Experimental study of the onset of the 3D oscillatory thermocapillary convection around a single air or vapor bubble. Influence on heat transfer C. Reynard, M. Barths, R. Santini and L. Tadrist Effect of bubble size on a bubble plume and bubbly flow in a bubble column M. Maekawa, A. Tomiyama, M. Kageyama, S. Yoshida, A. Sou and I. Zun Considering bubble size distributions in CFD simulations using a moment method R. Jeschke, O. Gnotke and R. Loth Simultaneous convective heat and mass transfer during gas bubble dissolution in an alternating electric field T. Elperin, A. Fominykh and Z. Orenbakh Effects of an applied magnetic field on the bubble growth and departure in a magnetic liquid F.D. Stoian, G. Pop, D. Bica, V. Stoica, O. Marinica, and L. Vekas Electric field effects on bubbles of nitrogen in FC-72 originating from a flat plate P. Di Marco, W. Grassi, A. Faini and G. Memoli Bubble nucleation in ducts (numerical simulation) E.Yu. Kumzerova and A.A. Schmidt Turbulent bubbly flow in pipes A.V. Gorin, A. Vakhguelt and S. Al-Zubaidy Phase Distribution and Separation Dispersion in bubble columns with and without mass transfer D. Wiemann and D. Mewes
II-927 II-933
Two-phase flow behavior inside a header connected to multiple parallel channels J.K. Lee and S.Y. Lee The approach to stratification of a dispersed liquid-liquid flow at a sudden expansion L. Yang, B.J. Azzopardi, G. Baker, A. Belghazi and D. Giddings Uniform distribution conditions of two-phase flow in horizontal header to vertical branch pipes with horizontal entrance connections S. Horiki and M. Osakabe The research on the steam-water separator with corrugated plates X.M. Wang, S.Y. Huang and J. Li Improvement of the formulation of the dispersed phase boundary conditions for a rough wall needed in two-fluid models M. Khalij, B. Arcen and A. Tanire Rotating filtration with Taylor-Couette vortex flow for particle-liquid separation H. Kawai, H. Takahashi and A. Suzuki Neutral and charged clusters in external and internal gasdynamic flows of flying vehicles A.S. Artyukhin, B.V. Egorov, Yu.E. Markachev, E.A. Plekhanov, I.S. Ufimtsev and A.Yu. Khlopkov Numerical simulation of the liquid-sand hydrocyclone Z.M. Li, B.F. Li, Z.H. Zhang and L.C. Fu separation with downhole
II-1025 II-1031
Two-phase phase distribution effect on drift-flux parameters in a vertical large diameter pipe X. Shen, K. Mishima and H. Nakamura An application of Hele-Shaw kind flow in the devices for separation of multiphase mixtures S.M. Drozdov Prediction of phase distribution eulerian/lagrangian method T. Wen, D. Che and G. Xi in laminar bubbly flow by
Particle Motion and Dynamics On the preferential concentration of inertial particles dispersed in a turbulent boundary layer M. Picciotto, C. Marchioli, M.W. Reeks and A. Soldati Particle dynamics simulation - Modeling and application to multiphase flow in a cavity K. Nagayama and K. Tanaka Forces between two spheres at low Reynolds numbers S. Vargas and W.J. Easson
II-1091 II-1097
Separation of particles by chaotic advection R. Chevray and A. Omurtag Calculation of inclusion concentration in a spherical rotating volume of self-gravitating fluid A.N. Osiptsov, A.B. Belonoshko, R. Ahuja and B. Johansson Measurement of particle velocity in a free stream by means of a modulated laser beam P. Mirek, J. Pisarek and W. Nowak Condensation Numerical solution of transonic flow of condensing steam J. Fort and J. Halama Modeling of condensation-induced water hammer J. Gale, I. Tiselj and I. Parzer Steam condensation on finned tubes, in presence of non-condensable gases and aerosols: Influence of impaction, diffusiophoresis and settling on aerosol deposition J.L. Munoz-Cobo,, J. Pena, L.E. Herranz and A. Perez-Navarro The effect of turbulence on spontaneously condensing wet-steam flow A.R. Avetissian, G.A. Philippov and L.I. Zaichik Numerical modeling of supersaturated vapor condensation: On the possibility of the experimental determination of the nucleation rate N.M. Kortsenshteyn and E.V. Samuilov Thermal design of a condenser operating under mixed regime on the twophase flow side T. Skiepko Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerant R-410A flow in a vertical plate heat exchanger Y.Y. Hsieh, Y.M. Lie and T.F. Lin Analysis of condensation flow instabilities in a narrow channel B. Mederic, M. Miscevic, P. Lavieille, V. Platel and J.L. Joly An assessment of theoretical modeling for in-tube condensation in the presence of air F. Aglar and O. Yesin Analysis of laminar film condensation from vapor-gas mixtures in vertical tubes M.K. Groff, S.J. Ormiston, and H.M. Soliman Electrohydrodynamic organisation of condensate drainage for integral-fin tube by means of double electrode D. Butrymowicz, J. Karwacki and M. Trela
II-1123 II-1131
II-1139 II-1147
II-1171 II-1179
Generalization of experimental data on heat transfer for condensing vapor flowing inside vertical tubes I.I. Gogonin Boiling Heat Transfer A 2D ill-posed problem in predicting boiling heat transfer coefficient T. Orzechowski Characterization of nucleate pool boiling in aqueous surfactant solutions on a cylindrical heater J.T. Zhang and R.M. Manglik Heater size and heater aspect ratio effects on subcooled pool boiling heat transfer in low-g C.D. Henry, J. Kim, B. Chamberlain and T.G. Hartman Simulation of subcooled nucleate boiling in a vertical annulus with coupling of bubble-tracking and two-fluid models I. Kljenak, B. Konar and B. Mavko Boiling of hydrocarbons on a PTFE coated surface S. Bhaumik, L. Prasad, V.K. Agarwal and S.C. Gupta Variation of the local wall superheat along the circumference of a horizontal tube on pool boiling heat transfer G. Ribatski, J.M. Saiz Jabardo, E. Fockink da Silva and E. Bugana Stelute Heat transfer regimes at subcooled water swirl flow A.T. Komov, A.N. Varava, A.V. Dedov and V.V. Yagov Heat transfer at subcooled flow boiling M.A. Gotovsky, N.D. Agafonova and I.L. Paramonova Certain features of film boiling on a solid hemispherical surface V.S. Grigoriev, Yu. P. Ivochkin, A.P. Kryukov, Yu.A. Zeigarnik and V.G. Zhilin Explosive vaporization dynamics on a flat microheater V.V. Kuznetsov and E.S. Vasserman Liquid-Liquid Systems Two-phase liquid-liquid flows in pipes of small diameters A. Wegmann and P.R. von Rohr The CFD modelling of the turbulent liquid-liquid flow in a Kenics mixer Z. Jaworski and P. Pianko-Oprych Theoretical prediction with PBE of phase inversion in dispersed two-phase liquid systems B. Hu, K. Ioannou, O.K. Matar, G.F. Hewitt and P. Angeli Investigation of phase inversion in concentrated emulsions using laserinduced fluorescence L. Liu, O.K. Matar, E.S. Perez de Ortiz and G.F. Hewitt
II-1239 II-1247
II-1287 II-1295
Distribution and properties of liquid drops in liquid-liquid contacting processes C.G. Lee, S.M. Son, H.T. Kim, Y. Kang and S.D. Kim Drop Motion and Dynamics Transient heating of droplets S.S. Sazhin, P.A. Krutitskii, W.A. Abdelghaffar, E.M. Sazhina and M.R. Heikal The effects of plate thickness, surface tension and fluid flow on detachment of drops from a plate A.S. Lexmond and C.W.M. van der Geld An experimental investigation on the relative roles of energy input, surface tension and viscosity on the break-up of a liquid drop J.P. Monteiro, M.G. Rasteiro and J. M. Barata Controlling drop impact on cold and hot surfaces by polymer additives V. Bertola The study of structure, heat and mass transfer in the gas-droplet near-wall jet in a tube V. Terekhov and M. Pakhomov Computation of asymmetrical drops at rest on surfaces with regular roughness according to the Wenzel equation M. Mantegna Theoretical analysis on the effect of liquid droplet geometry on contact angle S. Vafaei and M.Z. Podowski, Enhancement of single drop mass transfer due to Marangoni convection K. Schulze, A. Paschedag and M. Kraume Numerical Modelling Two-and three-phase flow computation for the optimization of oil skimming systems G. Clauss and M.A. Amro Numerical simulation of bubble-laden plane mixing layer by vortex in cell method T. Uchiyama and T. Degawa Numerical simulation of two-phase flows using a volume-of-fluid model with various interface reconstruction schemes L. Wang and B. Sunden Hydraulic parameter estimation and uncertainty in using them to calculate the rate of air flow in compressed air tunnelling A. Chinkulkijniwat, S. Semprich and G. Steger A priori testing of large-eddy simulation of particle-laden channel flow J.G.M. Kuerten
III-1345 III-1353
III-1377 III-1387
III-1419 III-1425
A kinetic energy correction factor for the laminar pipe flow of viscoplastic fluids M.M. Baudouin, V.G. Pienaar and P.T. Slatter Verification and validation of volume of fluid methods L. Leal, J. Castro, P. Pozo and A. Oliva Modelling of liquid heating under inverted annular film boiling conditions A.V. Palagin Pressure Drop A new model for the pressure recovery of air-oil two-phase flow across sudden expansion W.H. Ahmed, C.Y. Ching and M. Shoukri Pressure drop for gas-liquid two-phase flow in microchannels - Effects of channel size and liquid properties A. Kawahara, M. Sadatomi, K. Okayama and K. Kano Single-phase and two-phase frictional characteristics of R-410A flow in small U-type return bends I.Y. Chen, C.C. Wang and S.Y.Lin A study on the two-phase flow in single- and multi-channel M.Y. Ha, C.H. Kim, Y.W. Jung, G.H. Jeong and S.G. Heo Measurement of pressure gradient during two-phase flow inside multi-port mini-channels A. Cavallini, D. Del Col, L. Doretti, M. Matkovic, L. Rossetto and C. Zilio Oscillation, Instability and Unsteady Flow Fluctuation phenomenon of two-phase flow through a vertical pipe with contraction Y. Morimoto, H. Madarame and K. Okamoto Analysis of two-phase flow distribution in Couette-Taylor reactor E. Dluska, R. Hubacz, J. Wolinski and S. Wronski Modelling of instability of water and steam water flow in evaporator K. Wojs and P. Szulc Stability of gas-liquid flow in vertical helical coils and inclined tubes V.Yu. Liapidevskii and A. Boudlal Numerical modeling of self-oscillations in a two-layer viscous fluid with bottom mass supply A.A. Osiptsov A study on the two-phase Strouhal number of cylindrical structures Z.H. Lin, R.R. Huang,Y.G. Li and J.C. Lu
III-1473 III-1479
III-1519 III-1525
Combustion Burning processes of polyethylene terephthalate resin powder in a high temperature oxidizing atmosphere R. Yamakita, K. Miura, Y. Ishino and N. Ohiwa Reactivity and attrition characteristics of oxygen carrier particles for chemical-looping combustion S.R. Son and S.D. Kim Modelling of multiphase unconfined high speed jet flames P. Blotto, M. Bonuccelli, M. Falcitelli, N. Mancini and F. Podenzani Combustion of isolated single droplets of vacuum residue-water emulsions R. Ocampo-Barrera, M. Ramirez de Santiago, A. Chavez-Arguelles and J.P. Martinez-Ramon Numerical investigation of cellular heterogeneous detonation in aluminum particle gas suspension T.A. Khmel, A.V. Fedorov and V.M. Fomin An experimental study on removal of NOx in flue gas at the nonequilibrium plasma Q. Zhang, S.S. Xu, F. Gu and T. Zhou Slug Flow Flow in the annular film around a Taylor bubble rising through vertical columns of liquid S. Nogueira,, M.L. Riethmuller, J.B.L.M. Campos and A.M.F.R. Pinto A simple model for slug flow of gas and non-newtonian liquid mixtures in a vertical pipe M. Dziubinski and H. Fidos Evolution of local characteristics of upward slug flow in a vertical pipe O.N. Kashinsky, V.V. Randin and A.S. Kurdyumov Dynamic slug tracking model for horizontal gas-liquid flow E. de Moraes Franklin and E. Span Rosa Improving the sour wet gas transport "Sunuapa - Giraldas - CPG Cactus" using a multiphase transient simulator A. Surez Chvez, C. Cabrales Cruz and E. A. Bustos On the influence of the inlet slug length distribution - A slug flow simulator T. Sotto Mayor, A.M.F.R. Pinto and J.B.L.M. Campos Flow around individual Taylor bubbles rising in stagnant CMC solutions: PIV measurements R.G. Sousa, A.M.F.R. Pinto, M.L. Riethmuller and J.B.L.M. Campos Predicting the rise velocity of a single gas slug in stagnant liquid: Influence of liquid viscosity and tube diameter M.A.R. Talaia
III-1539 III-1547
Mixtures Numerical simulation of capillary-tube working with pure and mixed refrigerants under adiabatic and non-adiabatic conditions O. Garca-Valladares and A. Oliva Mixing of viscous binary mixtures N. Vladimirova and R. Mauri Studies on the drag reduction by the mixtures of polymer/surfactants solutions L. Broniarz-Press and I. Poltorak Flow and heat transfer properties of ice slurries in a vertical rectangular channel E. Stamatiou and M. Kawaji Simulation of laser-induced detonation in multi-phase mixtures V. Emelyanov and K. Volkov Critical Heat Flux The effect of porous coating on critical heat flux temperature S. Yildiz and G. Bartsch Critical heat flux phenomena in one-dimensional narrow gap Y.H. Kim, S.J. Kim, J.J. Kim, S.W. Noh, K.Y. Suh, J.L. Rempe, F.B. Cheung and S.B. Kim An experimental study of third heat transfer crisis at stepwise power generation B.P. Avksentyuk, V.M. Kravchenko and V.V. Ovchinnikov Study of CHF on graphite rod in annular channel at low velocity of subcooled flow boiling J. Avaliani, M. Chkheidze, G. Goderdzishvili and I. Kordzakhia Critical heat flux in thin rectangular channels for low flow rate D.H. Lu, Y.P. Huang, X.S. Bai and Y. Liu Turbulence An anisotropic dispersion model based on a G.L.M.-like approach for turbulent shear flows O. Caballina, A. Kheiri and B. Oesterle Modeling of anisotropic particle motion in turbulent channel flow and comparison with experiments J.Ph. Carlier, M. Khalij and B. Oesterle Infuence of lift force on microbubble behaviour in the wall region of upward/downward turbulent channel flow F. Lucci, A. Giusti and A. Soldati III-1665
III-1629 III-1637
III-1647 III-1655
III-1687 III-1693
Turbulent structure in a turbulent boundary layer with microbubbles M. Hamada, H. Kato, S. Shishikura and T. Usui Liquid turbulence measurements in gas-liquid bubbly flow in a large diameter vertical pipe M.E. Shawkat, C.Y. Ching and M. Shoukri Prediction performance of a thermodynamically consistent turbulence modulation for multiphase flows M. Chrigui and A. Sadiki Large eddy simulation of particle-laden vertical channel flow under consideration of a consistent modeling of turbulence modulation B. Groh, A. Sadiki and J. Janicka Study of turbulent particle-laden flow by a nonlinear eddy-viscosity model with direct simulation Monte Carlo method C.H. Hsu and K.C. Chang Dynamics of a bubbly turbulent boundary layer along a surface-piercing flat plate A. Aliseda and J.C. Lasheras Numerical study of turbulent heat transfer in an inclined pipe under supercritical pressure F. Xu, L.J. Guo, B.F. Bai and X.J. Chen Interfacial Phenomena Study of countercurrent flow limitation in a horizontal pipe connected to an inclined one M.A. Navarro Study of flow reversal phenomenon in crank-type vertical tubes C.B. Lee, S.Y. Lee, D.W. Jeong and M.H. Kim Radiation-induced and photo-induced hydrophilicity M. Furuya, T. Matsumura, Y. Honjo, T. Takamasa, K. Okamoto and Y. Imai Heat and mass transfer of an evaporating sessile drop: An experimental and numerical investigation L. Grandas, D. Veyret, R. Santini and L. Tadrist Absorption with high heat release in the presence of n-octanol V.E. Nakoryakov, N.S. Bufetov and R.A. Dekhtyar Analytical prediction of single and dual two-phase discharges from stratified regions J.T. Bartley, H.M. Soliman, and G.E. Sims Influence of environment parameters on the surface wetting by droplets Z. Zapalowicz and M. Trela Dynamic wetting angle of a spreading droplet S. Sikalo, C. Tropea and E. N. Gani
III-1801 III-1807
Influence of liquid content in foam flow on heat transfer intensity J. Gylys, S. Sinkunas and T. Zdankus Two-Phase Flow Equipment and Industrial Applications Rotating sorbent reactor E. Mondt, H.P. van Kemenade, J.J.H. Brouwers and E.A. Bramer Modeling of the packed thread dyeing process and numerical results for effective diffusivity D.P. Souza, E.A. Borges da Silva, S.M.A. Guelli U. de Souza and A.A. Ulson de Souza Thermodynamic effects on hydrofoil and inducer cavitation A. Cervone, E. Rapposelli, C. Bramanti and L. d'Agostino Investigation of siphon action in a discharge duct J.T. Kshirsagar, S. Gunaseelan, S.G. Joshi and R.K. Srivastava Two-phase heat pipes in heating systems for housings and civil structures R.M. Bayasan, A.G. Korotchenko, G.P. Pustovoit and N.G. Volkov Two-phase flow characteristics in gas-liquid microreactors S. Waelchli and P.R. von Rohr Gas hold-up and power input in agitated gas-liquid system in a tank L. Broniarz-Press, W. Szaferski and M. Sypula Analysis and experimental investigation of a bubble pump for absorption diffusion refrigeration systems A. Franco Modeling of two-phase convective-radiative heat exchange in the cooling basin V. Katinas, P. Vaitiekunas and A. Markevicius Heat exchangers and thermal systems for fuel cell systems R.K. Shah Mass Transfer and Non-Boiling Heat Transfer Mass transport enhancement in turbulent dispersed media L. Broniarz-Press and V. Press A numerical study on mass transfer efficiency in bubbly plumes for water purification with ozone X. Gong, S. Takagi and Y. Matsumoto Enhancement of absorption performance due to the film wave formation on the vertical absorber J. Kim and K. Cho Non-boiling heat transfer characteristics of annular two-phase flow of nitrogen gas and water in a small vertical tube J. Yi, Z.H. Liu and Z.F. Ma
III-1901 III-1907
Mixed convective flow and heat transfer of water in a horizontal pipe under supercritical pressure F. Xu, L.J. Guo, B.F. Bai and X.J. Chen Packed Beds, Porous Media Numerical simulation of segregation in fluidized bed using discrete element method and the experimental verification Z. Liu, T. Hirata, T. Kawaguchi, T. Tanaka and Y. Tsuji Liquid phase mixing in the loop-type column reactor B. Kawalec-Pietrenko Comparison of CFD models for fluidized beds; particle models, solver and experimental validation K. Johansson, B.G.M. van Wachem and A.E. Almstedt Shear-thinning fluids flow in fixed and fluidised beds L. Broniarz-Press, P. Agacinski and J. Rzanski Analysis of the behaviour of the simulated moving bed reactor in the sucrose inversion process E.A. Borges da Silva, D.P. Souza, A.A. Ulson de Souza and S.M.A. Guelli U. Souza Application of time-frequency analysis to fluidization regimes recognition in circulating fluidized beds Y.G. Chen, Z.P. Tian and Z.Q. Miao Bubble Motion and Dynamics Experimental study of the luminescence during the cavitation of a single bubble M. Barbaglia and F. Bonetto Free turbulence effects on bubble terminal velocity F. Scargiali, R. Di Maggio and A. Brucato Numerical prediction of bubble coalescence and breakage by the novel parallel parent and daughter classes technique (PPDC) S. Bove, T. Solberg and B.H. Hjertager The boiling bubble dynamics on the oxide metal accompanying radiation induced boiling enhancement phenomenon Y. Imai, K. Okamoto, H. Madarame, T. Takamasa and M. Furuya Modification of shear stress in Taylor-Couette flow containing bubbles Y. Murai, H. Oiwa, Y. Takeda and F. Yamamoto A simple method for evaluating fluctuating bubble velocity and its application to a hybrid bubble tracking method A. Tomiyama, K. Sakoda, G.P. Celata and I. Zun
III-1953 III-1959
III-1965 III-1973
IV-1997 IV-2001
IV-2017 IV-2021
Bubble rise characteristics after the departure from a nucleation site in water saturated and subcooled flow boiling T. Okawa, T. Ishida, I. Kataoka and M. Mori A unified model considering force balances for departing vapour bubbles and population balance in subcooled boiling flow G.H. Yeoh and J.Y. Tu Dynamics of bubbles and bubble clouds: Structure formation in acoustic cavitation S. Konovalova, K. Zakirov and I. Akhatov Effect of different breakup and coalescence closures on bubble column CFD simulation P. Chen, J. Sanyal and M.P. Dudukovic A model of bubble departure from copper-graphite composite surfaces N. Zhang, D.F. Chao and W.J. Yang Break-up of bubbles and droplets in stagnant media P. Budzynski and M. Dziubinski Approximations to the drag coefficient on a bubble moving through powerlaw or carreau fluid M. Dziubinski, M. Orczykowska and P. Budzynski Analysis of air bubbles probability distribution functions in a large-size dropshaft C. Gualtieri and H. Chanson A single bubble impact on the wall in upward laminar bubbly flow O.N. Kashinsky, L.S. Timkin, R.S. Gorelik and P.D. Lobanov Dynamics of bubble media under vibration V.S. Fedotovsky, T.N. Vereshchagina and L.V. Terenik Flow Structure Influence of the model bubble diameter on three-dimensional numerical simulations of thermal cavitation in pipe elbows E. Laurien Modeling of vertical annular and wispy-annular flow A. Laforgia, L.Y. Lao, C.J. Lawrence and G.F. Hewitt Bubble size distributions and three-dimensional flow pattern visualization in stationary and transient upward flashing flow A. Manera,, H.M. Prasser, D. Lucas and T.H.J.J. van der Hagen Air-water flow in a vertical pipe with sudden changes of the superficial water velocity H.M. Prasser and E. Krepper Two-phase flow regime identification in a horizontal flow using dynamical clustering method Z.H. Jia, G. Niu and J. Wang
IV-2113 IV-2121
Experimental and numerical studies of void fraction distribution in rectangular bubble columns E. Krepper, B.N.R. Vanga, H.M. Prasser and M.A. Lopez de Bertodano The levitation force on the core in a stationary core annular flow through a horizontal pipe P. Poesio and G. Ooms R134A flow patterns in small diameter tubes L. Chen, Y S. Tian and T.G. Karayiannis Falling Films Study of free falling liquid layer in inclined pipes: Effect of diameter and inclination angle J.S. Lioumbas, O.J. Nydal and S.V. Paras Effect of the microscale wall topography on the thermocapillary convection within a heated liquid film T. Gambaryan-Roisman, A. Alexeev and P. Stephan Performance of an air-cooled, falling film absorber of an ammonia-water absorption cooling machine J. Castro, L. Leal, P. Pozo and A. Oliva The study of flow dynamics and heat transfer in falling intensively evaporating wave films of liquid A.N. Pavlenko, A.M. Matsekh, I.P. Starodubtseva and A.V. Morozov Gas-driven disturbance waves on vertical liquid film S.V. Alekseenko, V.A. Antipin, A.V. Cherdantsev, S.M. Kharlamov and D.M. Markovich Waves Periodic travelling waves of finite amplitude in two-layer flow A. Boudlal Studies on dynamic interaction between gas and liquid flows through interfacial waves in vertical upward annular flow K. Yoshida, T. Matsumoto and I. Kataoka The analysis of interfacial waves A.Yu. Galimov, D.A. Drew, R.T. Lahey, Jr. and F.J. Moraga Numerical dissipation and simulation WCOBRA/TRAC thermal-hydraulic code C. Frepoli and K. Ohkawa A study of two-body forces in fluidization B.A. Kashiwa and R.M. Rauenzahn Pressure waves of moderate amplitude in gas-liquid medium with cluster structures V.E. Dontsov and V.E. Nakoryakov of Faraday waves with
IV-2161 IV-2167
IV-2225 IV-2233
IV-2239 IV-2253
Nuclear Reactor Safety Influence of subcooled boiling on out-of-phase oscillations in boiling water reactors L. Munoz-Cobo, S. Chiva and A. Escriv Gas driven circulation enhancement in an adiabatic air-water loop M. De Salve, M. Malandrone and B. Panella Validation of Eulerian multiphase flow models for nuclear safety applications Th. Frank, J.M. Shi and A.D. Burns Nodalisation qualification in preparation of counterpart test analysis M. Cherubini, F. D'Auria and G. Galassi Experimental study on combined natural and gas-injection enhanced circulation W. Ambrosini, G. Forasassi, N. Forgione, F. Oriolo and M. Tarantino Demonstration of the heat removing capabilities of the EPR core catcher M. Fischer, O. Herbst and H. Schmidt Design, experiments and RELAP5 code calculations for the PERSEO facility R. Ferri, A. Achilli, G. Cattadori, F. Bianchi and P. Meloni Rewetting of a hot vertical surface by liquid sprays M. Casamirra, F. Castiglia, M. Giardina, C. Lombardo, G.P. Celata, A. Mariani and L. Saraceno Direct vessel vertical injection for advanced emergency core cooling system S.H. Yoon, Y.H. Yu and K.Y. Suh Analysis of the Peach Bottom BWR turbine trip pressure wave propagation and its effect on the kinetic core dynamic A. Bousbia-Salah and F. D'Auria Analysis of effect of noncondensable gases in horizontal steam generator with Relap5/Mod3.2 O.I. Melikhov, V.I. Melikhov, G.V. Bychkova and A.A. Belsky Evaporation Study about the flashing process through a metering expansion valve M.A. Bahajji, J.M. Corberan, J. Urchueguia, J. Gonzalvez and J. Santiago Transient and steady-state computations of the direct-contact evaporation of a two-phase drop F. Dammel and P. Stephan Evaporation modelling in fields with strong pressure gradient-critical flashing flows in nozzles T. Skorek and P. Papadimitriou IV-2361
IV-2273 IV-2283
IV-2291 IV-2301
IV-2309 IV-2317
IV-2333 IV-2339
A model for two phase flow with evaporation R. Krahl, M. Adamov, M. Lozano Aviles and E. Bansch Evaporation of falling water sheet on a horizontal cylinder: Modelling and experimentation H. Louahlia-Gualous, L. El Omari, E. Artioukhine and P.K. Panday Transient natural convection with surface evaporation in partially filled tanks S. Prasanth Kumar, B.V.S.S.S. Prasad, G. Venkatarathnam, S. Srinivasamurthy and K. Ramamurthi Experimental analysis of two-phase flow in evaporators with special emphasis on single phase - two-phase transitions zones G. Raush, J. Rigola, S. Morales, C.D. Prez-Segarra and A. Oliva Experimental study of flash evaporation on enclosed water pool: Influence of characteristic parameters D. Saury, S. Harmand and J. Ermel On the possibility of the evaporator drastic scale reduction in a periodically operating two-phase thermosyphon S. Filippeschi, E. Latrofa and G. Salvadori Simulation of evaporative cooling of droplets in a mechanical draft cooling tower S.P. Fisenko, A.A. Brin and A.I. Petruchik Improvement of an evaporation drag model X.Y. Li, Y.H. Yang and J.J. Xu Enhancement of Heat Transfer Enhancement of heat transfer in subcooled flow boiling with microbubble emission K. Suzuki, T. Kokubu, M. Nakano, H. Kawamura, and I. Ueno Boiling heat transfer on enhanced carbon fibre reinforced microcoatings T. Orzechowski A dynamic model for pool boiling heat transfer on enhanced surfaces with sub-surface channels Y.M. Chen, M. Groll and R. Mertz Narmax identification for the prediction of the dynamics of the vapotron effect C. Biserni, A. Fichera, I.D. Guglielmino, E. Lorenzini and A. Pagano An experimental study of heat transfer between horizontal immersed tubes without and with annular fins of constant thickness in bubbling fluidized bed S. Rasouli, M. Reza Golriz, A. Asghar Hamidi Heat transfer enhancement in refrigerant R141b pool boiling with wire nets structures A. Franco, E. Latrofa and V.V. Yagov
IV-2427 IV-2433
IV-2441 IV-2447
Vibration-induced two-phase cooling technologies for high power thermal management S. Heffington, A. Glezer, S. Tillery and M. Smith Enhanced heat transfer using radial fins R.N. Krikkis and P. Razelos Boiling heat transfer enhancement on fin arrays with extended micro surfaces R. Pastuszko, M.E. Poniewski and P.J. Mroczek Effect of electric field on bubbles in two-phase system W. Dong, R.Y. Li and H.L. Yu Atomization and Sprays Coupling between instantaneous liquid flow rate and transient air entrainment for GDI sprays G. Delay, R. Bazile, G. Charnay and H.J. Nuglisch Dispersed phase measurements in sprays using optical probes A. Cartellier and F. Ben Rayana Flashing liquid fragmentation: Is there a hindered mass? J.P. Bigot, A. Touil, P. Bonnet and J.M. Lacome Characteristics of a two-phase flow inside the mixing chamber of an effervescent atomizer J. Jedelsky and M. Jicha Analysis of single point particle time series for detection of droplet clustering in sprays U. Fritsching and J. Heinlein A numerical study on the curvature effect on the behaviors of fuel sprays impinging on the concave surface G.H. Ko and H.S. Ryou T-Junctions Features of two-phase gas/liquid flow at a combining T-junction - Hold up profiles around the junction B.J. Azzopardi, A. Belghazi, M. Fossa and P. Guglielmini Further investigations into the phase split at a larger diameter vertical Tjunction E. Wren, R. Kaji, R. Geary, H. Robinson, E. Cheney, N.K. Omebere-Iyari and B.J. Azzopardi Compact gas-liquid phase separators for the use in solar-thermal power plants T. Hirsch
IV-2485 IV-2495
IV-2503 IV-2511
Effect of flow direction on flow distribution characteristics of two-phase refrigerant in T-junction S.J. Tae and K. Cho Dividing two-phase flow in branching conduits with large diameter horizontal main pipes and lateral branches M. Casamirra, F. Castiglia, M. Giardina, C. Lombardo and S. Molica Nardo Oil-Water Flow Experimental analysis of water fluid dynamics in oil-water wavy-stratified regime B. Pulvirenti and G. Sotgia Flow patterns and pressure gradient in horizontal, upward inclined and vertical heavy oil-water-gas flows: Experimental investigation and fullscale experiments A.C. Bannwart, O.M.H. Rodriguez, F.E. Trevisan, F.F. Vieira and C.H.M. de Carvalho Measurement uncertainty applied to the main parameters in oil-water flows and related critical transitions R. Marchesi, M.S. Mello and S. Menegozzi Nonlinear feature analysis and automatic pattern recognition of oil-gaswater multiphase flow L.J. Guo, B.F. Bai and X.J. Chen Author Index
IV-2621 A1