Tax 1
Tax 1
Tax 1
INHERENT POWERS OF THE STATE 3. Public Purpose - tax is intended for the common good, must
1. Taxation Power – to enforce proportional contribution be exercised absolutely for public purpose and it can’t be
from its subjects to sustain itself. exercised to further any private interest
2. Police Power – to enact laws to protect the well-being of
the people. 4. Exemption Of The Government – this will not raise
3. Eminent Domain – to take private property for public use additional funds but will only impute additional costs.
after paying just compensation.
Income of the government from its properties and activities
These rights, dubbed as “powers” are natural, inseparable conducted for profit including income from government
and inherent to every government. No government can sustain owned and controlled corporations is subject to tax.
or effectively operate without these powers.
government properties and income from essential public this Constitutional guarantee applies only when the debt is
functions are NOT subject to taxation (under NRC): acquired by the debtor in good faith.
Debt acquired in bad faith constitutes estafa, a criminal
5. Non-Delegation Of The Taxing Power – legislative taxing offense punishable by imprisonment.
power is vested exclusively in Congress, and is non-delegable
pursuant to the doctrine of separation of the branches of the Is non-payment of tax equivalent to non-payment of debt?
government to ensure a system of checks and balances Non-payment of tax compromises public interest while the
The power of lawmaking, including taxation, is delegated non-payment of debt compromises private interest.
by the people to the legislature The non-payment of tax is similar to a crime.
What has been delegated cannot further be delegated. The Constitutional guarantee on non-imprisonment for
nonpayment of debt does not extend to non-payment of tax,
Exceptions To The Rule Of Non-Delegation except poll tax.
1. Under the Constitution, local government units are Poll, personal, community or residency tax
allowed to exercise the power to tax to enable them to Poll tax has two components:
exercise their fiscal autonomy. a. Basic community tax
2. Under the Tariff and Customs Code, The President is b. Additional community tax
empowered to fix the amount of tariffs to be flexible to
trade conditions. The constitutional guarantee of non-imprisonment for
3. Other cases that require expedient and effective nonpayment of poll tax applies only to the basic
administration and implementation of assessment and community tax.
collection of taxes. Non-payment of the additional community tax is an act or
tax evasion punishable by imprisonment.
STAGES OF HE EXERCISE OF TAXATION POWER 7. Doctrine of Estoppel – any misrepresentation made by one
1. Levy Or Imposition – enactment of a tax law by Congress party toward another who relied therein in good faith will
and is called impact of taxation or legislative act in taxation. be held true and binding against that person who made the
2. Assessment And Collection – referred to as incidence of misrepresentation.
taxation or the administrative act of taxation. The error of any government employee does not bind the
Congress is composed of two bodies:
1. The House of Representatives 8. Judicial Non-interference – courts are not allowed to issue
2. The Senate injunction against the government’s pursuit to collect tax
Tax bills cannot originate exclusively from the Senate. as this would unnecessarily defer tax collection (Lifeblood
SITUS OF TAXATION – the place of the taxation.
Situs rules serve as frames of reference in gauging whether 9. Strict Construction of Tax Laws – “taxation is the rule;
the tax object is within or outside the tax jurisdiction of the exemption is the exemption”
taxing authority. There is no room for interpretation, there is only room for
Examples: application.
1. Business tax situs – where the business is conducted. When taxation laws are vague, the doctrine of strict legal
2. Income tax situs on services – where they are rendered. construction is observed.
3. Income tax situs on sale of goods – place of sale.
4. Property tax situs – location. Vague tax laws – construed against the government
5. Personal tax situs – place of residence. and in favor of the taxpayers.
It means no tax law.
OTHER FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES IN TAXATION Obligation arising from law is not presumed.
1. Marshall Doctrine – “the power to tax involves the power to
destroy”. Vague exemption laws – construed against the
Does not include the power to destroy if it is used solely taxpayer and in favor of the government.
for the purpose of raising revenue It means no exemption law.
Imposition of excessive tax on cigarettes. Construed strictly against the taxpayer in
accordance with the lifeblood doctrine.
Taxation power
- can be used as an instrument of police power Tax Exemption - cannot arise from vague inference and
- it can be used to discourage or prohibit undesirable must be clear and unequivocal.
activities or occupation - carries with it the power to A taxpayer claiming a tax exemption must
destroy point to a specific provision of law conferring on the
- does not include the power to destroy if it is used solely taxpayer, in clear and plain terms, exemption from a
for the purpose of raising revenue (Roxas vs. CTA) common burden. Any doubt whether a tax exemption
exists is resolved against the taxpayer.
2. Holme’s Doctrine – “taxation power is not the power to Right of Taxation - is inherent to the State
destroy while the court sits” - It is a prerogative essential to the perpetuity of the
Include the creation of Ecozones with tax holidays government
and provision of incentives. He who claims exemption from the common
burden must justify his claim by the clearest grant of
Taxation power organic or statute law.
- may be used to build activities or industries by the grant When exemption is claimed, it must be shown
of tax incentives. indubitably to exist. At the outset, every presumption is
- both are employed in practice even though they appear to against it. A wellfounded doubt is fatal to the claim; it
contradict each other is only when the terms of the concession are too
explicit to admit fairly of any other construction that
the proposition can be supported.
3. Prospectivity of tax laws – tax laws are generally
prospective in operation.
an ex post facto law or a law that retroacts is prohibited DOUBLE TAXATION – occurs when the same taxpayer is
by the Constitution. taxed twice by the same tax jurisdiction for the same thing.
B. Those That Do Not Result To Loss Of Government
1. Primary elements:
a. same object 1. Shifting – transferring tax burden to other taxpayers.
2. Secondary elements: Common with business taxes where taxes imposed on
a. Same type of tax business revenue can be shifted or passed-on to customers.
b. Same purpose of tax
c. Same taxing jurisdiction a. Forward – normal flow of distribution (manufacturer
d. Same tax period to customers).
common with essential commodities and services
TYPES OF DOUBLE TAXATION such as foods and fuel.
1. Direct Double Taxation – all element of double taxation
exists for both impositions. b. Backward – reverse of forward shifting.
Discouraged because it is oppressive and burdensome to Common with non-essential commodities where
taxpayers. buyers have considerable market power and
Examples: commodities with numerous substitute products.
a. An income tax of 10% on monthly sales and a 2% income
tax on the annual sales (total of monthly sales) c. Onward – any tax shifting in the distribution channel
b. A 5% tax on bank reserve deficiency and another 1% that exhibits forward or backward shifting.
penalty per day as a consequence of such reserve deficiency
3. Capitalization – adjustment of the value of an asset cause by
2. Indirect Double Taxation – at least one of the secondary changes in tax rates.
elements of double taxation is not common for both This is a form of backward shifting of tax.
Prevalent in practice. 4. Transformation – elimination of wastes or losses by the
taxpayer to form savings to compensate for the tax imposition
Examples: or increase in taxes.
a. The national government levies business tax on the sales
or gross receipts of business while the local government TAX AMNESTY – general pardon granted by the government
levies business tax upon the same sales or receipts. for erring taxpayer to give them a chance to reform and
b. The national government collects income tax from a enable them to have a fresh start to be part of a society with a
taxpayer on his income while the local government clean slate.
collects community tax upon the same income. Absolute forgiveness or waiver by the government on its
c. The Philippine government taxes foreign incomes of right to collect and is retrospective in application.
domestic corporations and resident citizens while a Covers both civil and criminal liabilities.
foreign government also taxes the same income Conditional upon the taxpayer paying the government of a
(international double taxation). portion of the tax.
Nothing in our law expressly prohibits double taxation. TAX CONDONATION – forgiveness of the tax obligation of a
certain taxpayer under certain justifiable grounds.
How Can Double Taxation Be Minimized? Also referred to as tax remission.
a. Provision Of Tax Exemption – only one tax law is Construed against the taxpayer and in favor of the
allowed to apply to the tax object while other tax law government.
exempts the same tax object. Covers civil liabilities of the taxpayer.
b. Allowing foreign tax credit – tax payments in the foreign Applies prospectively to any unpaid balance of the tax;
tax law is deductible against the tax due of the domestic hence, the porting already paid by the taxpayer will not be
tax law. refunded.
c. Allowing reciprocal tax treatment – provisions in tax Requires no payment.
laws imposing a reduced tax rates or even exemption if the
country of the foreign taxpayer also give the same
treatment to Filipino nonresidents therein.
d. Entering into treaties or bilateral agreements –
countries may stipulate for a lower tax rates for their
residents if they engage in transactions that are taxable by
both of them.
ESCAPES FROM TAXATION – available to the taxpayer to
limit or even avoid the impact of taxation.