Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Perlite and R

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Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Perlite and Rubber Insulation Cement


Article  in  International Journal of Environment and Sustainability · December 2018

DOI: 10.24102/ijes.v7i2.907

3 370

4 authors, including:

Waleed A. Al-awsh Ahmed Al-Tamimi

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


Omar S.Baghabra Al-Amoudi

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


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Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Perlite and Rubber
Insulation Cement Mortar
Waleed Ahmed Al-Awsh, Ahmed Salem Al-Tamimi*, Mohammed Ali
Al-Osta, and Omar S. Baghabra Al-Amoudi
Department of Civil Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Abstract. The thermal analysis of the concrete walls showed that the connection
International Journal of
mortar between the bricks works as thermal bridges, which transfer the heat to
Environment and
Sustainability [IJES] the interior wall surfaces. Therefore, insulation materials were used to produce
ISSN 1927-9566 insulation mortar in this research. Powder perlite and fine rubber were substi-
Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 1-7 tuted with sand with three dosages 5%, 10%, and 15% by weight. The compres-
sive strength, thermal conductivity, density, and absorption were measured ex-
perimentally in the lab. The results showed that the maximum reduction in com-
pressive strength was 44% and 63% for 15% substitutions of perlite and rubber,
respectively. On the other hand, the absorption of perlite was higher than rubber
mortar by 59%, for the content of 10%. The thermal conductivity results proved
the higher efficiency of perlite and rubber, which reached around 50% and 30%,
respectively for the contents of 15%. According to ASTM C 270, the perlite and
rubber mortars were satisfying the conditions.

Keywords. compressive strength, insulation mortar, perlite, rubber, thermal

*Correspondence: conductivity.

In Gulf countries, the exterior surfaces of build- tion that can be penetrated to the interior sur-
ings are exposed to excessive solar radiation be- faces, could be minimized by using insulation
cause it is sunny on most days throughout the materials in mortar, thereby, the electricity and
year in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), thereby fuel consumptions could be minimized. In fact,
the temperature increases sharply on the exte- decreasing the temperature of air conditioning
rior surfaces of building (roofs and walls). In (AC) just by one degree could reduce the electric-
summer, the air temperature can reach 50°C in- ity consumption by 6% (Powerwise, 2018). The
ducing the exterior building envelopes to absorb main objective of this research was to reduce the
the heat rapidly, resulting in a surface tempera- heat flow from outdoor to indoor through pro-
ture of about 80°C (Zhou et al., 2014). As a con- ducing insulation mortars experimentally that
sequence, the interior surface temperature and could be used to build the masonry brick walls.
the air-conditioning demand will significantly in-
crease. In Abu Dhabi, around 70% of electricity
consumption was attributed to the high usage for Literature Review
air conditioning due to the desert climate in UAE
Many studies were conducted to enhance the in-
(Powerwise, 2018). In Saudi Arabia, air-condi-
sulation of buildings by reducing the thermal
tioning systems constitute 65% of the building’s
conductivity using different materials and tech-
electrical consumption due to the hot environ-
niques. Many researchers used perlite and rub-
ment (Almujahid and Kaneesamkandi, 2013).
ber to produce thermally efficient mortars.
Therefore, controlling the amount of solar radia-
2 © Al-Awsh, Al-Tamimi, Al-Osta, and Al-Amoudi 2018 | Mechanical and Thermal Properties

Bulut (2010) investigated the possibility of using days, while the k-values were 0.364 and 0.323
a fine particle size of perlite as a pozzolanic addi- W/Km.
tive material to lime mortar. The addition of per-
Al-Tamimi et al. (2017) have developed FEM for
lite increased the compressive strength by about
a hollow brick masonry wall by filling the cavi-
0.5 MPa, as compared to lime mortar, which can
ties with insulation materials. Three types of
be used in historical buildings. This mortar
mortar were used to join the bricks (ordinary,
(without using cement) is useful in preserving
light, and insulation mortars). The insulation and
the historic style of buildings.
light mortars reduced the temperature by 1.30
Zulkifeli and Saman (2016) evaluated experi- and 0.60°C, as compared to ordinary mortar. The
mentally the effect of fire on the perlite cement effect of the mortar reduced when increasing the
mortar. The sand was replaced by perlite with thermal conductivity of the cavity insulation ma-
the contents of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% by vol- terial.
ume. The mortars were exposed to different high
temperatures of 200°C, 400°C, 700°C, and
1000°C. The compressive strength was reduced Experimental Program
with increasing the perlite content, particularly
This section presents the replacement insulation
for low temperature exposure, while the perfor-
materials, mix proportions, casting, and curing
mance improved in high temperature.
the samples.
Lanzón and García-Ruiz (2008) studied the influ-
Insulation Materials
ence of perlite on the fresh and hardened state of
cement mortar. Water absorption, workability, Two insulation materials were used in the mix as
mechanical strength, and sorptivity were re- replacement of sand. The perlite was powder
ported. The outcomes indicated that water ab- (Figure 1) with a specific gravity of 0.30 and ab-
sorption, sorptivity, and mechanical strength in- sorption of 100%. The rubber particles were fine
duced a negative effect, while water retentivity with a particle size of 0.6 mm to 2 mm, as shown
and workability have improved generally. in Figure 1. The specific gravity was 1.12 and no
Xu et al. (2016) produced a new type of rubber
and perlite mortar modified by SBR latex and
polyester. Thermal and Mechanical properties
were studied. The experimental results showed
that the amount of rubber and perlite have a ma-
jor influence in a compressive strength and ther-
mal conductivity. With increasing rubber and
perlite dosages, the compressive strength and
thermal conductivity decreases. The reduction in
compressive strength was 25–65%, as compared
to the control mortar. The reduction of thermal (a) (b)
conductivity was 6–12% and 30–35% for rubber Figure 1: (a) Powder perlite; (b) Fine rubber
and perlite, respectively.
Meshgin et al. (2012) used recycled tires rubber
as insulation material in cement mortar with ad- Mix Proportions
ditive materials. Two different size of rubber The control mix followed the conditions of the
particles were used in four mix groups. The ASTM C 270 (ASTM, 2004). The sand was re-
study indicated that adjusting the size of rubber placed with perlite and rubber with percentages
particles had a slightly effect on mechanical and of 5%, 10%, and 15% by weight. Seven mixes
thermal properties. Two mix proportions with were prepared, the control, perlite, and rubber
fine and course rubber were prepared. The re- mortars, as presented in Table 1.
sulted strengths were 6.93 and 7.55 MPa for fine
and coarse rubber particles, respectively, at 28

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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2018, 7(2): 1-7 3

Table 1
Mix proportions for 1 m3 of control, perlite, and rubber mortars
Mix Proportion Control PL-5 PL-10 PL-15 Ru-5 Ru-10 Ru-15
Cement 445 445 445 445 445 445 445
Water 267 315 342 359 265 263 261
Sand 1495 1032 767 597 1334 1192 1065
Perlite or Rubber --- 54 85 105 70 132 188

Table 2
Compressive strength of control, perlite, and rubber (MPa)
Time Control Perlite Rubber
(Days) (MPa) 5 10 15 5 10 15
7 25.52 13.39 11.49 9.64 20.00 14.08 7.75
14 26.93 22.32 16.96 15.91 22.68 17.27 10.67
28 32.83 27.06 19.82 18.34 25.95 19.21 12.31

mortar specifications (5.4 MPa; ASTM, 2014).

Casting and Curing
For control mortar, 80% of the strength was
For each mix, nine cubes (50 mm) and three gained in the first 7 days with 25.52 MPa and in-
discs (50 mm dia. and 25 mm thickness) were creased slightly to 26.93 and 32.83 MPa, for 14
cast and compacted using a vibration table, to and 28 days, respectively.
measure strength absorption and thermal con-
As shown in Figure 3, the strength of perlite was
ductivity (Figure 2). Each three cubes were
lower than the control by 48%, 55%, and 62%
cured for 7, 14, and 28 days in sweet water inside
for 5%, 10%, and 15% perlite mortar, respec-
the lab.
tively, for 7 days curing. The strength reduced
sharply on the seventh day because hydration
was not completed due to the presence of perlite.
Then, the strength was gained gradually until
day 28 with an increment of about 50%. The re-
duction with perlite content of 10% was about
27% and 7.5%, as compared to 5% and 15%, re-
Figure 4 shows the strengths of rubber mortar
with rubber contents of 5%, 105, and 15% at cur-
ing days of 7, 14, and 28. The strength was obvi-
ously dropped with increasing rubber content
with 21%, 41%, and 63% for 5%, 10%, and 15%
rubber content, as compared to the control mor-
Figure 2: 50-mm cubes and thermal discs tar (after 28 days). Furthermore, the reduction
was 26% and 36% for 10% and 15% rubber con-
tent, as compared to 5%, for day 28, while 5%
Results and Discussions rubber reduced the strength by 21% relatively to
the control mortar.
As shown in Table 2, the compressive strength of
control, perlite, and rubber mortars were sum-
marized with a curing time of 7, 14, and 28 days.
All strengths was satisfying the ASTM C 270 for

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4 © Al-Awsh, Al-Tamimi, Al-Osta, and Al-Amoudi 2018 | Mechanical and Thermal Properties

35 Figure 6. The maximum reductions were 50%

Compressive Strength (MPa) 30 and 30% for perlite and rubber, respectively, for
the content of 15%. The thermal conductivity of
perlite reduced when increasing the content by
20 20% per each extra 5% of perlite.
10 Control PL-5 30

Compressive Strength (MPa)

PL-10 PL-15
0 7 14 21 28 35 25

Curing Period (Days) 20

Figure 3: Compressive strength for perlite 15

mortar PL-5
10 Ru-5

35 5
Control 0 7 14 21 28 35
Compressive Strength (MPa)

30 Ru-5
Curing Period (Days)
25 25

20 Compressive Strength (MPa) 20

5 10 Ru-10
0 7 14 21 28 35
Curing Period (Days)
Figure 4: Compressive strength for rubber 0 7 14 21 28 35
mortar Curing Period (Days)
Compressive Strength (MPa)

Figure 5 shows comparisons between perlite

and rubber mortars with the contents of 5%, 15
10%, and 15%. For 5% and 10%, the difference
was very slight on day 14 and 28, while on the
seventh day, the strength of rubber was higher PL-15
with 20–30% compared to perlite due to the de-
laying of hydration. For 15% of perlite and rub- 5
ber, the strength for rubber mortar was reduced 0 7 14 21 28 35
greatly (30–40%) for curing days of 14 and 28. Curing Period (Days)
On day 7, the perlite was higher than rubber by
20% due to the presence of a high quantity of Figure 5: Comparisons between compressive
rubber. strength for perlite and rubber mortar
The results of thermal conductivity (k-value) for
perlite and rubber mortars were summarized in On the other hand, the values for rubber mortar
Table 3 for the contents of 5%, 10%, and 15%. depicted a reduction of 15% for adding each 5%
The k-values were reduced with increasing the of rubber excluding the first 5%, which achieved
content of rubber and perlite, while perlite half the reduction.
achieved higher thermal resistivity, as shown in

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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 2018, 7(2): 1-7 5

Table 3 with 10% perlite, which was ascribed to mini-

mizing the air gaps with increasing the perlite
Thermal conductivity of perlite and rubber
content (i.e. increase the rate of hydration).
Content Thermal Conductivity (W/m.k)
The absorption of control mortar was 6.19%,
Perlite Rubber which increased sharply for perlite mortar by
42%, 58%, and 55%, for 5%, 10%, and 15% per-
0 1.40 1.40
5 1.15 1.31 lite content, respectively, as illustrated in Figure
10 0.94 1.12 7. Since the absorption of sand was higher than
15 0.73 0.97 rubber (rubber absorption = zero), the absorp-
tion of 5% rubber mortar was reduced by 5%, as
compared to the control mortar. Although the
1.50 amount of sand was higher in 5% rubber mortar,
Thermal Conductivity

Rubber Mortar the absorption was slightly lower (2%) than

Perlite Mortar 10% rubber mortar, in which air gaps take place.

Similarly, 15% rubber mortar has a much higher

absorption than 5% rubber mortar by about
0.90 28%. The increment tends to the air gaps, which
increase when increasing the rubber content,
0.70 due to gathering rubber particles.
0 5 10 15 20 2.30
Rubber and Perlite Content (%)
Dry Density (gm/cm3)

2.10 Rubber
Figure 6: Thermal conductivity for perlite and
rubber mortars 1.90

The wet and dry densities were summarized in
Table 4 with the absorption for perlite and rub-
ber mortars. The wet density was in the range of 1.50
0 5 10 15 20
1.94 to 2.28 gm/cm3, while the dry density was
Rubber and Perlite Content
1.70 to 2.15 gm/cm3. For perlite mortar, the dry
densities were reduced with increasing perlite 14
content by about 12% for 5% perlite and 21% for 13
both 10% and 15%, as compared to the control 12 Perlite
Absorption (%)

mortar (Figure 7). 11
The dry density for rubber mortar reduced 9
slightly for 5% and 10% of rubber content rela- 8
tively to the control mortar, while the content of 7
15% reduced the density by 15% due to the little 6
segregation with high content of rubber particles
0 5 10 15 20
(i.e. high content of air gaps), as shown in Figure Rubber and Perlite Content
7. The dry density of perlite was much lower
than rubber mortar with a maximum reduction Figure 7: Dry density and absorption of perlite
of 19% for the content of 10% (Figure 7). For and rubber mortars
15% perlite, the dry density was almost the same

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6 © Al-Awsh, Al-Tamimi, Al-Osta, and Al-Amoudi 2018 | Mechanical and Thermal Properties

Table 4
Absorption for wet and dry densities of perlite and rubber mortars
Content 0 5 10 15
Mortar Control Perlite Rubber Perlite Rubber Perlite Rubber
Wet Density(gm/cm3) 2.28 2.09 2.21 1.94 2.2 1.94 1.97
Dry Density (gm/cm3) 2.15 1.89 2.08 1.69 2.08 1.7 1.82
Absorption (%) 6.19 10.75 5.89 14.64 6.01 13.99 8.2

Conclusions (4) The dry density of perlite was much lower

than rubber mortar with a maximum reduc-
Perlite and rubber were used to produce insula-
tion of 19% for the content of 10%.
tion mortar experimentally with three dosages
(5%, 10%, and 15% by weight). Compressive (5) The absorption of control mortar was 6.19%,
strength, thermal conductivity, densities, and ab- which increased sharply for perlite mortar by
sorption were measured in the lab. Based on this 42%, 58%, and 55%, for 5%, 10%, and 15%
experimental investigation, the following con- perlite content, respectively.
clusions could be drawn: (6) The absorption of rubber mortar was re-
(1) The strength of perlite and rubber mortar duced by 5% (for 5% rubber) because the ab-
dropped with maximum values of 44% and sorption of rubber was zero and the particles
63%, respectively, for the content of 15% af- were distributed homogeneously (no particle
ter day 28. segregation).
(2) The maximum reductions of thermal conduc- (7) For 10% and 15% rubber content, the ab-
tivity were 50% and 30% for perlite and rub- sorption was increased by 2% and 28%, re-
ber, respectively, for the content of 15%. spectively, as compared to 5% rubber mortar.
The increment tends to the air gaps, which in-
(3) The dry density for rubber mortar reduced
crease when increasing the rubber content,
slightly for 5% and 10% of rubber content rel-
due to gathering rubber particles.
atively to the control mortar, while the con-
tent of 15% reduced the density by 15% due
to the little segregation with high content of
rubber particles.
The authors acknowledge the support of King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, for this research.

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