Emonds 1976 - A Transformational Approach To English Syntax
Emonds 1976 - A Transformational Approach To English Syntax
Emonds 1976 - A Transformational Approach To English Syntax
and Local Transformations
Joseph E. Emonds
A Transformational Approach to
English Syntax
Root, Structure-Preserving, and Local Transformations
A Transformational Approach
to English Syntax
Root, Structure-Preserving, and
Local Transformations
Department of Linguistics
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
Emonds, Joseph E.
A transformational approach to English syntax.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. English language-Syntax. 2. English
language-Grammar, Generative. 3. Generative
grammar. 4. Grammar, Comparative and
general-Syntax. I. Title.
PEI 380.E6 425 75-28019
ISBN 0-12-238550-0
Preface vii
Acknowledgments xi
vi Contents
References 251
Index 259
For those working in generative syntactic theory, it has long been re¬
cognized that any formally manageable and empirically significant generative
model must drastically reduce the expressive power of grammatical transforma¬
tions; this book attempts to make a significant step toward this goal by justifying
the imposition of a “structure-preserving constraint” on transformations.
The nature of this formal constraint is such, moreover, that it can be fully
justified relative to a particular language only by examination and analysis of
every transformational syntactic process, excepting those which involve deletion
under identity. Thus, since the concentration here is on English (and, to a
lesser extent, on French), most of the syntactic transformations that have been
proposed for these languages are systematically examined, except those that are
principally deletions under identity. In particular, pronominalization and other
anaphora, coordination, and comparatives are not treated here.
As a result, with the exceptions noted, the book is a fairly systematic
investigation of the current “transformational approach to English syntax”
within the general theoretical framework advanced over the past 20 years by
Noam Chomsky. A comprehensive treatment of this sort has previously appeared
only once (Stockwell, Schachter, & Partee, 1968). It is therefore hoped that
this book can serve also as a sort of “handbook of (English and French based)
syntactic theory,” even beyond the period of its theoretical immediacy.
Ideally, then, both the theoretical and practical aspects of the book will
make all of it of use to anyone interested in thorough and formal syntactic
investigation. Beyond this, however, particular aspects of the book should render
it useful for many others who wish to apply the results of syntactic investiga¬
tion to another discipline. The general import of establishing the structure¬
preserving constraint for philosophy of language and for developing theories of
language acquisition, syntactic change, and mathematical linguistics should be
Vlll Preface
apparent from Chapter I alone (with Sections D3.7 and VI.5 added for com¬
pleteness). It is especially hoped that the formal restrictions on transformations
imposed here may inspire greater interest in the mathematical treatment of
transformational grammars —e.g., along the lines of a recent monograph by
Hamburger and Wexler (1973).
Teachers of English as a foreign language (or English teachers more
generally) will probably, on the other hand, want to concentrate on sections
that treat systematically various aspects of syntax particular to English. In this
regard, the following sections are recommended:
This book is, in the first place, an extension and refinement of the linguistic
theory created by Noam Chomsky. The method and the kind of results obtained
are, I believe, strictly within the paradigm of language investigation that he
has introduced into the domain of science. Moreover, he has had a direct,
positive influence on a very large percentage of the particular analyses presented
here, as well as on the general design of the work as a whole. For all these
things, I am extremely grateful.
This book is also in large part the result of cooperative effort with other
students of language and linguistics. I cannot here list all those who have made
important contributions to my thinking on various points, although I think the
bibliography turns out to be a fairly good approximation of such a list. Two
people, however, deserve special mention here because conversations I had with
them and with others about our similar ideas on certain points while in graduate
school played a role in my initial attempts to use the base rules of the grammar
to constrain transformations. They are John Kimball and Stephen Anderson.
I think it might be more appropriate here to list those “linguistic friends”
to whom I owe a large personal debt, because of their constant intellectual
interest in and personal encouragement of my work. Even in this case, the list
can only be partial: Ann Banfield, Michael Brame, Noam Chomsky, Peter
Culicover, Morris Halle, Michael Helke, Ray Jackendoff, Yuki Kuroda, Jean-
Claude Milner, Frederick Newmeyer, Carlos Otero, Henk van Riemsdijk, Mitsou
Ronat, Nicolas Ruwet, Jilali Saib, Arthur Schwartz.
I wish to thank William Moulton for making possible a year at Princeton
University as a visiting lecturer which was absolutely indispensable in the
preparation of this book. The situation he arranged and maintained made
possible a great amount of productive and innovative work that otherwise could
have easily never been done, and I am only one of many who he has benefited
in this way.
Xll A ckno ide dg merits
In a similar way, the research year I spent earlier at the Center for Ad¬
vanced Study at the University of Illinois was absolutely necessary for the
preparation of much of this material.
I am in great intellectual debt to those friends who are active socialist
militants. In general they, much more than the “academic milieu,” provide me
with constant motivation to search for explanations and coherent theories,
which I have tried to exploit in this technical work.
I owe much gratitude also to my parents, Joseph and Margaret Emonds,
who steadfastly encouraged and developed my “intellectual bent” from my
earliest years. My interest in formal linguistics can be directly traced to the
special interest of my father in mathematics and of my mother in grammar.
It is hoped that this book will be a source of considerable satisfaction to them
in these years when, because of illness, their satisfactions are quite limited.
In preparing this book, I did not have the opportunity to consult two
important but as yet unpublished dissertations (John Bowers, MIT, and Carlos
Quicoli, SUNY, Buffalo). These studies share the theoretical assumptions of the
present work and apply them creatively; they will certainly be most important
for any continuing research in the framework presented here.
The generally apolitical atmosphere of the American university tends to
mask the sharp political questions involved in publishing highly technical, theo¬
retical work in a society in which access to intellectual achievement is restricted
to a handful of atomized and politically fragmented specialists. An intellectual
cannot in fact really “make public” such work; one can at best hope that the
ruler-owners of society derive simply profit out of one’s labor, and not political
or technical capital (advantage) as well. True publication of research will occur
only when the divisive and restrictive social structures and ideologies of the
present order are overcome. To all the socialist militants who will participate in
this task, I express my gratitude in advance.
Constraints on Phrase Structure
lrrhis study is a revision of my doctoral dissertation (Emonds, 1970), supplemented by articles that
have appeared elsewhere (Emonds, 1972a, 1973c). There are of course changes from what appeared in the
dissertation and in the other articles. This first chapter is a revision (in places extensive) of Emonds (1973b)
and is reprinted with permission.
2 Constraints on Phrase Structure Configurations
In general, the notion of root S and the notion of independent clause, taken
from traditional grammar, are closely related. However, there are cases where
a root S apparently is derived by transformation from a clause that may be
dependent or even nonexistent in deep structure. Some examples of such root S’s
(boldface) follow:
(2) Had John arrived earlier, everyone would have been less upset.
The first chapter had been censured, as had the introduction.
Will we be welcome, do you think ?
The table goes with the lamp, doesn't it?
I guess the table goes with the lamp all right, doesn't it?
It would seem that the notion “independent clause” is therefore more closely
related to the generative notion “deep structure root S” than to the more
general “root S.”
It might be thought that special provision must be made in the definition
of root S for the S nodes of direct quotation, which, as we will see, have all
the properties of a root S. However, the most enlightening treatments of direct
quotation are in my opinion those that, for reasons independent of those of
interest here, treat the S nodes of direct quotation as separate sentences of
discourse in deep structure (cf. Partee, 1973; Banfield, 1973a). These authors
2If there is a nonrecursive initial symbol in the grammar (see Section 13.9.2), the definition of a
root S can be amended so that a root S is an S that is not dominated by any node that S can dominate,
other than S.
In Section 0.9.3, we will see that a root S should probably be defined slightly differently: S( is a root
S if and only if, for any noninitial node B P S such that B = WS^X, then W — X = 0. This refinement
was suggested by N. Chomsky.
II The Structure-Preserving Constraint 3
3Phrase nodes are, roughly, nodes that dominate phrases rather than lexical items or grammatical
formatives. I return later to an explicit characterization. The set of phrase nodes for English includes
S, NP, AP, VP, PP, and perhaps one, two, or three others, depending on the exact formal framework
used. The choice of a formal framework is of course dependent on empirical adequacy.
1.1 The Structure-Preserving Constraint 5
In order for the SP constraint to make any strong claims about the nature of language
or transformational rules, the PS rules must be independently motivated. All PS rules
postulated must be necessary to generate surface word orders that cannot be shown
to be derived by transformation. Emonds’ hypothesis is weakened considerably by
the postulation of nodes that are always empty in deep structure, because such nodes
can have no independent justification, i.e. they cannot be shown to be necessary for
generating surface word orders except through the application of SP transformations.
6 Constraints on Phrase Structure Configurations
4 It may be possible to impose the stronger restriction that every configuration generable by a
base rule must give rise to a productive class of semantically interpretable (well-formed) structures.
However, I do not rule out at this point a possibility like a base rule of the form
(7) a. NP -V- NP
_+ NOM, _+ ACC
Cinna \
b. NP -V- NP
l ‘anna)
Order (7a), according to Saib, occurs only in roots S’s, in accordance with
the structure-preserving constraint. Order (7b) is an optional variant of the
verb—subject—object order in main clauses and in certain limited types of sub¬
ordinate clauses. The deep structure verb-first order is always possible, al¬
though the clause in question is sometimes introduced by ‘an and sometimes
by ‘annahu.
As Saib has pointed out to me, order (7b) is a counterexample to the
structure-preserving constraint if the definition of root S given here is to hold
for Arabic. The rule that moves an NP to the left of the verb to yield (7b)
applies only in subordinate clauses introduced by ‘annahu, and it sometimes
moves the object NP, which is not adjacent to the verb, so it cannot be a
local movement transformation. Thus it may be that in Classical Arabic
certain complements S’s—those introduced by ‘anna(hu)—can play the role
of root S’s, in line with the suggestion of Hale’s mentioned earlier.6
5There are relatively few VSO languages. If VSO is a base order, the notion of “deep structure
subject NP” would not be realized in just these languages. These facts suggest that VSO languages might
be derived from SVO base orders by a local transformation, counter to Saib’s proposal. His arguments
are therefore of great import for grammatical theory if they stand up under comparison with carefully worked
out alternative analyses with an SVO base.
6 The types of subordinate clauses in which order (b) occurs in Arabic are similar, I believe, to the
indirect discourse contexts in which the structure-preserving constraint is sporadically violated in English,
giving sentences of doubtful acceptability. Cf. Sections II.6 and 11.7. In Arabic, however, the acceptability
of the (b) order in the appropriate contexts is not in doubt, as in English.
In Hooper and Thompson (1973) it is argued that certain dependent clauses even in English (those
that are “semantically asserted,” in their terms) act like root S’s, suggesting that the definition of root
S as given previously may be too restrictive even for English. At present Hooper and Thompson’s notion
of assertion can be formalized as a hst of different clause types or by a feature + ASSERTION to be
associated with main clauses and certain other structurally definable clauses.
I cannot yet definitively evaluate these claims, as I have not yet been able to systematicahy investi¬
gate the data in areas where different claims than mine are made. A comparative critique is to be found
in Ogle (1974, Chapter 6), who also argues for a different analysis regarding the applicability of root
transformations. My impression is that their alternative analysis faces as many counterexamples as mine
(not the same ones, by any means—which gives the proposal interest), and that there is also, unfortunately,
much disagreement over the acceptability of the data in crucial areas. In some cases, however, I am not sure
that really different claims are made. For example, it may be that nonrestrictive relative clauses, which
Hooper and Thompson consider to be semantically asserted, are derived from a coordination of root S’s
8 Constraints of Phrase Structure Configurations
However, at this point I am not in a position to define what are the pos¬
sible sets of nodes that may function as root nodes in languages other than
those like English. A reasonable working hypothesis would be that only S
nodes can play the role of root nodes in any language; a stronger one would
be that only left- or right-branching S nodes can play this role. Interesting
work in this regard I must leave for future research.7
Footnote 6 continued
John came in late, and he is usually reliable (by Parenthetical Formation, which here
postposes the first VP).
John, and he is usually reliable, came in late.
John, who is usually reliable, came in late.
Such an analysis predicts that the following example is unacceptable, because parenthetical formation
normally moves only constituents:
?Bill asked John, who is usually responsible, for the rent money Sunday.
Part of the evidence that should be used in determining whether such a derivation of nonrestrictive
relatives is correct is of course whether or not root transformations freely apply in such clauses, as Hooper
and Thompson claim. But if they do, it seems that the preceding analysis makes unnecessary a special
extension of the notion “root S of English” for nonrestrictive relatives.
Similarly, Hooper and Thompson claim that “nonrestrictive” subordinate clauses such as (i) freely
allow root transformations:
However, Edward Klima (personal communication) has pointed out that preposability is a characteristic
of subordinate, but not coordinate, clauses:
By this test, the nonrestrictive use of because in (i) acts like a coordinating rather than a subordinating
Sentence (iii) means the same as (ii), but not the same as (i). Thus if nonrestrictive because clauses
freely exhibit root transformations, we can assign nonrestrictive because to the class of coordinate con¬
junctions and thereby account for both (i) —(iii) and the data of Hooper and Thompson.
The nonpreposability of nonrestrictive because does not REQUIRE that we assign it coordinate conjunction
status; it only makes it possible. It may be that nonrestrictive subordinate clauses and coordinate clauses
simply share a structural similarity that excludes preposing. Also, if nonrestrictive because is a coordinate
conjunction (meaning that the clause it introduces is a root S), there is no requirement in the structure¬
preserving constraint that all root transformations be applicable in all root S’s.
' If some languages have a larger set of root S’s than English, another question that is immediately raised
is whether such variation is random or related to other formal properties of the languages in question.
1.2 Possible Generalizations of the Constraint 9
A revision of this type should account for many of the phenomena tra¬
ditionally called “free word order.” At this time, I can offer only preliminary
suggestions for stating these “certain conditions,” all of them based on
traditional linguistic ideas about free word order in Indo-European languages.
8In many ways these stylistic transformations resemble the feature-changing performance rule proposed
by Otero (1972) for certain acceptable but ungrammatical utterances of Spanish—in particular, the “up-to-
ambiguity” limitations on such utterances and the impression that they involve a partly conscious “inter¬
vention for effect” by the speaker are similarities.
9 It has been pointed out to me by Ann Banfield that if one considers topicalization and negated con¬
stituent preposing as the same rule, as seems plausible, then this rule must precede auxiliary inversion, an
obligatory rule. Thus topicalization in Modem English could not be stylistic in any case.
10 Constraints on Phrase Structure Configurations
For one thing, stylistic transformations apply more freely in literary and
poetic language than in conversational language. This dimension may be all
that is involved in differentiating Milton’s use of free word order from the
prohibition against it in spoken Modem English.
We also know that phrasal categories (NP, AP, PP, etc.) are more likely
to be subject to free word order in inflected languages. To simplify discussion
I assume with Banfield that stylistic transformations take surface structures
as their input. (This terminological decision can be made because stylistic
transformations are optional rules that follow all grammatical transformations;
it is also suggested by the fact that the input—not the output—of stylistic
rules is judged to be grammatically more acceptable, as pointed out by Ban-
field.) This means that surface structures are subject to the structure-preserving
constraint without reservation, and that the task is to specify when stylistic
transformations that break the structure-preserving constraint can be added to
the grammar of a language. The formal relation between inflection and non¬
structure-preserving free word order rules might now be stated along the
following lines:
10Notions such as “phrasal category,” “head of a phrase,” etc. are defined formally in the next section.
‘Sufficiently wide” is probably to be construed differently for literary and for conversational language styles.
1.2 Possible Generalizations of the Constraint 11
11 According to Keyser (1968), a node is transportable if it can freely appear before or after any of its
sister constituents. He claims that English adverbial phrases are in general transportable, but I argue in
Section V.2 that this is not true.
12 Constraints on Phrase Structure Configurations
12In subsequent chapters I entertain the possibility only once that a stylistic (not a grammatical) trans¬
formation of English breaks the structure-preserving constraint. In Section 13.10 I give an analysis of the
preposing of adverbial prepositional phrases that are “outside the VP” in deep structure that is in accord
with the structure-preserving constraint. As noted there, the analysis is questionable and perhaps should be
replaced by a (stylistic) adverb-preposing rule that can apply in a variety of dependent clauses. I think the
evidence weakly favors the analysis given in Section II. 10 (and not the stylistic rule), but the question is far
from decided.
Were the stylistic rule finally adopted, I would propose that such a free word order rule is possible in
English only because the PP’s moved by it (those “outside the VP”) enter into a single surface grammatical
relation (as a sister to VP), which is not obscured by the existence of one free word order rule in the language.
Carlos Otero has pointed out to me that the postposing of the subject NP in Spanish (much freer than
in French; cf. Section HI.4.3) may well not be construable as a stylistic rule in the sense here defined—under
certain conditions it may be obligatory. If so, this constitutes a situation not compatible with the form of the
structure-preserving constraint here defined.
13 “Preposition” as a name for the fourth lexical category would be unfortunate. On the one hand, the
category includes many “intransitive prepositions,” which are not “preposed” in any sense, such as together,
away, back (cf. Emonds, 1972a); on the other, many elements traditionally termed prepositions, such as a and
de in French, may well not be in a head-of-phrase category (cf. Ruwet, 1969). A better term that would also
have grammatical tradition behind it might be ADVERB; however, many elements traditionally termed adverbs
(e.g., adjective-modifying words like English very) are not members of the fourth lexical category. Further,
the category in question can modify nouns as well as verbs (the weather around the airport), and adverb
cannot be assigned a single mnemonic symbol (because A = adjective). I will continue the usage that has
begun in transformational grammar and retain the symbol P for the fourth lexical category. However, as a
name for the category particle is perhaps the least misleading. As I argue in Emonds (1972a), prepositions
belong to this categoiy.
1.3 Restrictions on Base Rules 13
they are modified by exactly the same type of grammatical constructions (com¬
paratives, superlatives, etc.) as adjectives. For English and French, at least,
similar statements would not hold for any two categories of the N, V, A, P group.
As a basis for the discussion, it is useful to have a formal definition of
the term phrasal category. In order to be as noncommittal as possible on
nonessential points, I will not exclude the possibility that phrase nodes directly
dominate certain formatives (i.e., the pronoun / could conceivably be an NP
but not an N), nor the possibility that nonphrase nodes like N may occur on
the left side of certain base rules (i.e., a rule of the form N -* V—P could
conceivably be the source of compound nouns like lean-to, walk-on, take-off,
build-up, talking-to, run-about, etc., as suggested in Kuiper, 1972). So I
will not identify phrase nodes with nodes that do not dominate lexical entries,
nor claim that they are the only nodes that occur on the left of (nonlexical)
base rules, although it is quite likely that one or both of these are also pro¬
perties of phrase nodes.
A definition of phrasal category compatible with a model in which neither,
one, or both of the preceding properties hold is the following:
It seems that base rules are permitted by which any phrasal category can
dominate any other. In the case of English the base rules proposed here will
yield almost every possible combination of immediate dominance among the
phrase nodes S, NP, AP, VP, and PP. (A nonoccurring case might be PP .
VP . . . ; PP apparently immediately dominates even AP in sentences like The
atmosphere changed from very depressing to quite gay when she arrived.)
Given this fundamental distinction between phrasal and nonphrasal
categories defined by the base rules, we can proceed to formalize a number of
restrictions on base rules that have generally been observed in practice by
transformationalists, if not explicitly recognized.
14I deny that lexical categories MUST be productive. A relevant point that supports my position has been
made by Vida Samiian, an Iranian linguistics student; she feels that the standard literary dialect of Modem
Persian may be best analyzed as having only noun and adjective as productive categories, with verbs being a
nonproductive category.
1 ’If one feels that base rules must also be used to define the possible categorial combinations in deriva¬
tional morphology (such as the N -*■ V—P rule for compounds like lean-to and walk-on), then Base Restriction
I applies only to those base rules with phrasal categories on the left side. The set of possible rules of this
type is further specified later.
1.3 Restrictions on Base Rules 15
(15) Base Restriction II: All phrase node expansions, except those of
S and of coordinate conjuction, are of the following form:
Base Restriction II claims that all phrases are endocentric, with the
exception of S. This possibility is proposed in Harris (1951, Chapter 16).
16tn part this may just reflect the fact that the languages extensively investigated in generative frame¬
works have been limited in number. But making precise hypotheses about base rules in general is the only way
to see if and exactly how other languages require that we modify these hypotheses.
16 Constraints on Phrase Structure Configurations
In more usual terminology, which will for the most part be retained in
the text, N" = NP, V" = VP, A" = AP, and P" = PP.
Since the restrictions being discussed are intended to put limits on
possible base rules, it is not relevant here to determine precisely what even
narrower limits can be set on base rules in an adequate grammatical theory;
if more such restrictions can be imposed without loss of explanatory adequacy
elsewhere in the theory, so much the better.1' In particular, it is possible that
there do not exist phrase nodes “between” NP and N, VP and V, etc. Thus
it may be that H' (H in the bar notation of Chomsky, 1970) does not exist
separately from H", so that only the phrase node expansions given in (i)
and (iii) are theoretically possible. In this study, I do not utilize H' nodes unless
I explicitly note the contrary.
A third restriction on base rules that can be imposed is that all com¬
plement and modifier constituents of phrasal category are optional (at the deep
structure level), whereas heads of phrases are obligatory. Another way to put
this, which will prove useful later, is as follows:
17 It will be of interest later that these restrictions exclude NP -► S or NP -* NP—VP (unless the NP on
the right is the head of the construction! as possible base rules. They do not, of course, prevent equivalent
configurations in surface structure that might arise as a result of deletion rules. In English the two configura¬
tions appear in surface structure as free (= “independent” or “headless”) relative clauses and as gerunds,
respectively. The two cases are discussed in Chapter IV.
1.3 Restrictions on Base Rules 17
some big ones are ugly and these lamps are beautiful, but some are ugly. In
the case of mass nouns, English lacks a lexical “pro-noun” like one, so that
the string that results when the head deletion rule does not operate is *that
dark wood is beautiful, but some light is ugly. The fact that this string is
ungrammatical indicates that the dummy terminal symbol A is present in the
surface structure, which, in turn, indicates that it must be obligatorily generated
in deep structure. (It is a condition on derivations that the dummy terminal
symbol A must be removed either transformationally or by lexical insertion—
see the discussion of agent postposing in Chomsky (1970). Cf. that wood is
beautiful, but some is ugly, where the noun head deletion rule has deleted A,
giving a grammatical sentence.) Of course surface nouns as well as verbs can also
be deleted (“gapped”) under identity. Cf. Jackendoff (1971) for a comparative
study of the two cases. In these cases also, the most convincing analyses in the
end hypothesize obligatory heads of phrases in deep structure.18
We can now approach the question of whether the subject NP node in
English is dominated by V"; if it is not, then V" cannot be identified with S.
In the literature one finds differing opinions: Chomsky (1970) keeps the two
distinct, while Jackendoff (1971) does equate them.
There are two ways in which the subject NP node in a sentence S differs
from other nonhead phrase nodes in English: (i) It is obligatory in deep
structure, independent of the selection or subcategorization features of the verb
(although it may consist only of a dummy element that is filled in during the
transformational derivation with an expletive subject such as it); (ii) it is a
phrase node to the left of the head node (the VP) and also exhibits free right¬
branching recursion in surface structure. I return later to the second character¬
istic of the subject NP, but for the moment let us use the first in order to
determine what the form of initial symbol (S) expansions should be.19
If the base expansions for S are to be subject to Base Restriction HI,
as are the expansions for other phrase nodes (those given by Base Restriction
II), then the obligatory subject NP and predicate VP nodes must be specified
in the appropriate metatheoretical statement (Base Restriction IV):
181 do not put forward any hypothesis for predicting when nonphrasal nodes in the expansions of H" and
H' are optional. While most such nodes seem optional, the French article (or determiner) and TENSE in
English and French are potential counterexamples to any claim that all such nodes are optional. Similarly,
H. Van Riemsdijk (personal communication) argues that in Dutch each predicate contains an obligatory
assertion or negation marker in deep structures. So I continue to assume that nodes that are neither phrase
nodes nor lexical category nodes must be marked as optional or obligatory in each base rule.
19Some recent work by Banfield (1973a), Quang Phuc Dong (1969), and Shopen (1972) indicates that
there is a nonrecursive initial symbol E or U (expression or utterance) in which nonembedded epithets,
expressions, and constructions occur; this symbol, in turn, can dominate the highest S of a sentence. The
arguments for this position seem convincing to me, so that the problem being dealt with in the text is actually
the determination of the expansions of the node that can dominate propositions.
18 Constraints on Phrase Structure Configurations
Like the schema in (i)—(iii) for expanding other phrase nodes given in
Base Restriction II, (iv) is subject to Base Restriction m. The second disjunct
of (iv) is for languages without subjects in deep structure. If these do not exist,
it should be eliminated (cf. note 5).
It is plausible that (iv) should be generalized, even for English, to include
predicates that are verbless NP’s, AP’s, and PP’s. There are, of course,
languages where the copula does not appear in certain surface sentences of the
form NP—NP, NP—AP, or NP—PP. But even when finite forms of the copula
do appear before predicate attribute NP’s, AP’s, and PP’s, they may be—in
some languages at least—realizations of the node TENSE or some node
other than the node V.20 In this view, sentences like John is a doctor, John is
very nice, or John was behind the house might contain no verb at all. In order
not to exclude such verbless deep structure sentences (whatever other category
name is given to the copula), I extend the schema for the base expansions of
S from (iv) to (v):
Let me now return to the observation made earlier that the subject NP
in English, unlike phrase nodes to the left of the head within an NP, AP, PP,
or VP, exhibits free right-branching recursion in surface structure—e.g., Your
decision about the report that the men who had been elected would take bribes
dismayed us. By contrast, such free surface recursion is not exhibited in English
by possessive noun phrases {the king of England* s hat), prenominal adjective
phrases, preadjectival measure phrases (three tiring miles long), intensifying
adverbial adjective phrases (so magnificently attired, quite simply boring),
preverbal adverbial adjective phrases (politely put it away, very quickly
finished his work), or preprepositional measure phrases (put it three feet
•“TENSE might better be considered as the node that marks the presence of an assertion, with (in
English) +PAST as an optional accompanying syntactic feature. It should be noted that nothing in what has
been said so far prevents base rules such as VP -> AUX—VP, VP -> . . . V . . . VP, or VP -+ AUX—. . .
V . . . VP. I take up this question in Chapter VI, but the restrictions set up here do not predetermine our
choice of analyses.
1.3 Restrictions on Base Rules 19
beyond the table). I have not investigated in detail how this restriction on re¬
cursion in surface structure can best be stated, but it certainly seems to exist.
The important point is that this restriction does not apply to subject NP’s,
and hence this corroborates the prediction made by Base Restriction DI that
subject NP’s are not within the VP = V".
However, for purposes of making this claim somewhat more precise, I
will venture a partial formulation of a “surface recursion restriction”:
Quite clearly this restriction, if correct, excludes the possibility that V"
dominates the subject NP. It should also be noted that the restriction as
stated does not apply to sentences (S). And in fact not only subject NP’s but
also presubject adverbial phrases exhibit free recursion: The day that John
said that . . . , Bill died. Further, the restriction does permit, say, an NP in
the surface configuration [yp . . . NP ... V ... S] to have surface recursion,
because only H" (and not S) to the right of the head prevents recur¬
sion before the head. It has been pointed out to me by H. Van Riemsdijk
that this possibility should be allowed for the analysis of Dutch and Ger¬
man. For further discussion of this restriction on recursion, see Zwarts
A consequence of the surface recursion restriction is that either all freely
recursive phrase nodes (except a subject NP and perhaps S) appear to the left
of a given head of a phrase in surface structure, or else all appear to the right of
the head. Thus it makes sense to speak of the “recursive side of (the head of)
a phrase” as that side of the head which exhibits all the freely recursive nodes
other than S.
Finally, we must specify the possible base rules for coordinate conjunction
of phrase nodes. In this, I use the rules proposed by Dougherty (1970a). He has
demonstrated, in my opinion, that all coordinate conjunction in English, except
what may be called “conjunction across constituent boundaries,”21 should be
generated by the base; he proposes the following base rules:
I will replace Dougherty’s Xby H" and S to be consistent with what has gone
before, and slightly generalize his formula for base conjunction in writing a
schema for possible base rules for conjunction. Conceivably X should be extend¬
ed to H and/or H' as well.
In standard American speech the subject NP and the auxiliary verb invert
in direct questions, except when the subject itself is questioned. By auxiliary, in
this study, I will always mean just those verbal elements that undergo this rule:
modals, have (in certain uses), be, and do. The full justification for this category
(AUX) is given in Chapter VI. This inversion is also used in certain exclama¬
tions, wishes, and sentences with preposed negative constituents:
22 Root Transformations
The mechanics of this transformation are well known; if the subject of the
highest S is preceded by a questioned (WH) or negated constituent, the order of
the subject and the following auxiliary, which includes a tense affix and a
possible n't, is reversed. According to Katz and Postal (1964), there is an under¬
lying preposed questioned constituent whether within yes—no questions that
causes auxiliary inversion like other WH constituents. This whether appears
explicitly in embedded questions:
The rule has the form given in (3), where COMP is the sentence-initial
“complementizer” node justified in Bresnan (1972a), under which we can as¬
sume that WH constituents are transformationally placed:
The important characteristic of this inversion rule for our purposes is that
it applies only in the highest S; it does not apply in relative clauses and indirect
(The conditions under which such mixed sentence types can be conjoined are not
known with precision, but this is of no consequence here.)
Sometimes the conjoined sentence exhibiting inversion is only an ab¬
breviated (tag) form of a full sentence. Thus neither—auxiliary—NP is derived
from NP—auxiliary—not either by preposing the negated constituent not
either, which, in turn, causes the inversion. Like full sentences containing in¬
version, such tags cannot be embedded:
II. 1 Subject—Auxiliary Inversion 23
(6) *Bill didn't come to the party because neither did Mary.
*John thought that Bill hadn’t come, and that neither had Mary.
*Mary doesn’t know why Susan is leaving, and we don’t know
why is she either.
(7) *1 am in great danger, and the knowledge that so are you isn’t very
Mm worried, and I’m sure (that) so are you.
(9) s
2There are a few other contexts in which subject—auxiliary inversion occurs, especially in very
“literate” speech, but in which rule (3) does not apply freely. For example, there are such inversions
after the complementizers than and as. The auxiliary inversion that occurs in sentence relatives
introduced by as is quite free, but may be attributed to the fact that these S s can be assigned a
24 Root Transformations
Footnote 2 continued
root status (that is, we can analyze sentence relatives as S sisters to the main clause; note the comma
Comparative clauses introduced by than and as are not root S’s, unless they are to be assigned that
status in sentence-final position by a special raising transformation, a possibility suggested to me by Thomas
Huckin. They therefore should not exhibit inversion according to the rules of Modem English proposed in
this study. If the following sentences were all completely regular and to be accounted for by the subject—
auxiliary inversion rule, my analysis would be deficient:
However, the fact that pronouns cannot invert in these sentences indicates that subject—auxiliary inversion
does not operate the same way in as and than clauses as it does in questions, exclamations, etc. Furthermore,
even the acceptable sentences with inversion are somewhat less acceptable than their counterparts without
Another difference between inversion in as and than clauses and normal subject—auxiliary inversion is that
the former is optional and the latter obligatory.
For these reasons, I am willing to regard the as and than clauses (other than sentence relative as
clauses) that exhibit inversion as (i) not fully grammatical in English [they would be derived by application
of a prestige-oriented performance rule of the type proposed in Otero (1972) for an ungrammatical class of
acceptable utterances in Spanish] or (ii) derived by a secondary inversion rule in the class of local trans¬
formations. In this case, the class of local rules would have to be extended slightly to permit structural
descriptions with sequences of at most one phrase node specified without a variable and TWO adjacent non¬
phrase nodes (COMP and AUX, in this case).
3German has two indirect discourse constructions. In one of these, the reported sentence is like other
nonroot S’s in that it is introduced by dass, its verb is in final position, certain fronting transformations
cannot occur in it, etc.:
and pronouns of indirect speech appear in clauses that otherwise have all the
characteristics of main clauses (i.e., of direct quotation). In fact such a con¬
struction appears in Standard English after a verb like wonder:
Footnote 3 continued
*Er sagte dass gestern er nach Hause gekommen sei.
*Er sagte dass mich sie geschlagen habe.
In the other type of indirect discourse, the reported sentence, like the reported sentence in direct discourse, is
a root S. The verb is second, certain fronting transformations can apply, dass does not introduce the clause,
and the clause is sometimes set off by a comma:
In embedded (nonroot) sentences the finite verb is last in the verb phrase. (In
this section, last means “last except for sentence complements.”)
(14) Ihm tat es leid, dass er gestern rtach Hause gekommen war.
Er weiss nicht, welche Bucher die Studenten genohmen haben.
Er wird mehr Kuchert mit derm Messer schneiden, als ich essert kann.
Weil Hans einen Bleistift gestohlen hat, wird er bestraft.
Dass er ein Auto stehlen wiirde, erstaunte seine Eltern und seinen
4See n. 3.
51 am ignoring the problems associated with positioning NEG correctly in these constructions. If pro¬
nouns are in the base, as seems correct to me, then the tag question rule must introduce pronouns rather than
a copy of the subject.
II. 3 Tag Questions 27
I assume that the surface structure that results from the tag formation
rules is as in (16). The fact that the right-hand S in (16) is a root means
that subject—auxiliary inversion may apply. Also, the comma that sets off the
tag from the preceding declarative follows from the principle relating commas
and root S’s proposed in Section HI.
The tag formation rule itself is a root transformation, since tag questions
are never nonroot S’s; the highest S immediately dominates the tag S:
(17) *Bill wanted to know whether Mary had come, hadn’t she?
*Bill asked if he could date someone, could he?
*The question of who Mary dates, doesn’t she, doesn’t bother him.
*The idea that Bill knew whether Mary had come, hadn’t she, is
However, the definition of a root transformation demands only that the con¬
stituents copied by tag formation be immediately dominated by a root S in
derived structure. There is no reason to believe that the tags in (18) are not so
attached, given the examples in (19):
(19) The idea that I imagine he is dating my wife (*isn’t he) bothers
The foreign beers that I guess he likes ( * doesn’t he) are expensive.
28 Root Transformations
The examples in (21) generally indicate that this preposing is limited to S’s that
are roots.6 Nagahara (1974, Section 3.3) cites some acceptable embedded
preposed negative constituents followed by inverted auxiliaries, and some
marginal ones (according to judgments he reports). Besides the remarks of note
6Some of the examples in (21) do not sound totally unacceptable. However, the fact that auxiliary
inversion occurs after WH constituents only in roots indicates that such examples may not be strictly
grammatical. Moreover, the general heuristic subscribed to here for classes of sentences of doubtful gram-
maticality (accepability judgments in such classes being erratic) is that they are ungrammatical, provided
that they are not semantically difficult or of undue length or embedding. The reason for this is that it would
be hard to explain even slight unacceptability for sentences that are relatively short and simple, semantically
clear, and perfectly grammatical. But it is to be expected that intelligent language users would possess
strategies of interpretation to render certain types of sentences that are relatively simple, semantically clear,
and slightly ungrammatical perfectly understandable and acceptable. According to this heuristic, then, I take
the sentences in (21) to be ungrammatical. See Otero (1972, 1973) for discussion of such matters.
II.4 Adverb Preposing 29
6, I simply extend the observations of Section II.7 (taken without change from
Emonds, 1970) to negated constituent preposing and subject—auxiliary in¬
(21) *// under no conditions may they leave the area, how can they pay
their debt?
?I have worked hard so that never have I had to borrow money.
* The proof that at none of the beaches are the lifeguards alert is that
there have been many fatalities.
*The students that only on weekends did I see are living in the
country now.
?We wouldn’t do it again, even though seldom has John been so
* The employees are happy that in not many years will Christmas
fall on Sunday.
If the verb of a sentence is in the simple past or present tense (no auxiliaries
being allowed), a prepositional phrase indicating spatial direction may be
preposed. This includes adverbs of direction that, like other adverbs of time
and space, are in the preposition category (cf. Emonds, 1972a). This con¬
struction seems limited to exclamatory statements. Also, the simple present
seems to paraphrase the present progressive of sentences with normal word
7At the point of this inversion in a derivation, the pronoun subject may already be attached to the verb
form as a prefix, so that the verb is already in second position after the preposing of the directional adverb.
II.5 Some Other Preposing Rules 31
(26) *Have I shown you the broom (that) these steps I used to sweep with ?
*/ fear (that) each part John examined carefully.
* We are going to the school play because our daughters we are proud
*Are you aware (of the fact) that poetry we try not to memorize?
*Do you think socialist theory many Czechs would deny ?
* That this house he left to a friend was generous of him.
II.5.2 VP Preposing
(27) Mary once predicted that John would pass an exam eventually, and
pass one he now has.
John hoped that Mary would find his hat, but find it she could not.
John intends to make a table, and make one he will.
We thought someone would fail the exam, and fail it plenty of people
These sentences are derived from the structures underlying those in (28) by
preposing a VP to the front of an S:8
(28) Mary once predicted that John would pass an exam eventually, and
he now has passed one.
John hoped that Mary would find his hat, but she could not find it.
John intends to make a table, and he will make one.
We thought someone would fail the exam, and plenty of people have
failed it.
(I show in Chapter VI that the first auxiliary have, be, or do is outside the VP
in AUX position when rules like this apply to VP; hence, the rule is not overly
8Actually the rule may be misnamed here, since it applies to any phrase node following the first
auxiliary: Mary said he was a bad risk, and a bad risk he was; We thought she would be in the running, and
in the running she is. Paul Postal first brought this rule to my attention.
32 Root Transformations
(29) Mary once predicted that John, who now has passed an exam,
would pass one eventually.
*Mary once predicted that John, who pass(ed) an exam now has,
would pass one eventually.
John hoped that Mary would find his hat, but I wonder how she
ever could find it.
*John hoped that Mary would find his hat, but I wonder how find
it she ever could.
*John intends to make a table, and his wife thinks that make one he
*John intends to make a table, and were afraid that make one he
*John intends to make a table, and I’ll get the materials so that
make one he can.
* We are looking for someone who failed the exam, and now we’ve
found someone who fail(ed) it (he) has.
In this section, we consider rules that remove NP’s from their ordinary
position in sentences, set them off by commas, and replace them with pronouns.
One such rule, left dislocation, moves an NP to the beginning of the sentence:
This rule apparently attaches NP’s to the highest S;9 if this condition is not
fulfilled, the impression is that of broken speech:
9This observation is due to Ross (1967a, pp. 233—234). He states that left dislocation “only places
constituents at the head of main clauses,” and observes that the same restriction holds for the topicalization
rule discussed in the preceding section. He also notes that sentences in which these two rules apply “in
certain object clauses seem to be acceptable.” To exemplify this exceptional behavior, Ross provides the
(31) */ told you that this movie, you wouldn’t like it much.
*Bill hopes that Johns sister, she wont do anything rash.
*They put so much furniture in here that this room, it really
depresses me.
* The fact that these clams, I buy them right at the shore means that
they are sure to be fresh.
*He doesn’t like the park that Jane, she visits it every weekend.
Footnote 9 continued
The remarks in Section II.7 (which I have left unchanged from Emonds, 1970) about exactly this
possibility of root transformations applying in certain object clauses so as to produce sentences of marginal
grammaticality (note, for instance, the last example in the precedirfg set) clearly extend to left dislocation
and topicalization. Invariably object clauses of the same type exhibit the phenomenon in question (those of
indirect discourse; cf. the following section).
A different explanation of why topicalization leads to well-formedness only when the preposed con¬
stituent is in the root S is given in Chomsky (1973). This alternative, if correct, would throw doubt on the
necessity of the “sentence boundary condition” (Chapter HI), and hence merits comparison on more than
one count.
I do not agree with Ross’s judgment that RIGHT dislocation can attach constituents to dependent clause
S’s (the depth of embedding of the NP in the input of the rule is not relevant here). The discussion in the
text, moreover, shows that Ross’s judgments on the following two sentences (that they are acceptable, which
I do not think they are) do not, even if correct, provide evidence against the claim that right dislocation
attaches NP’s to S’s:
That they spoke to the janitor about that robbery yesterday, the cops, is terrible.
That the cops spoke to the janitor about it yesterday, that robbery, is terrible.
34 Root Transformations
to the root, as in (33). [On the other hand, if (33) is unacceptable, itmaymean
that right-dislocated NP’s appear only on the right of the highest VP; thus we
can conclude nothing from a judgment on (33). ]
(34) *John has sold the garage that you store it in, that old car, to Mary.
*/ predicted that her attempt to do something daring, John’s sister,
would end in disaster.
*The fact that the girl Bill bought it for, the camera, is visiting him
doesn’t seem to improve his disposition.
*He doesn’t realize that the girl he bought it for, the camera, doesn’t
like him.
*1 didn’t say that it bothered me, riding in the back seat, on the trip
*John gave the boy she used to go out with, his girl friend, a
Since these crucial examples are unacceptable, I conclude that right disloca¬
tion is a root transformation. But I leave undecided the question of whether it
can attach NP’s between the subject NP and the VP, as in (33). For arguments
that left-dislocated NP’s are base constructions in French and Dutch, see
Hirschbiihler (1974) and van Riemsdijk and Zwarts (1974).
In this section, I discuss some constructions that are not so clearly root
transformations as those previously discussed. Rather, these constructions
throw into relief the possibility of falsification of the structure-preserving hypo¬
thesis, and ways in which other syntactic or semantic processes may interrelate
with the constraint on transformations I propose. The rules that produce these
constructions are not structure-preserving; nonetheless, they sometimes and
for some speakers only can apply in nonroot S’s in normal English speech. In
II.7 Preposing around Be 35
(36) *Bill wonders why more important has been the establishment of
legal services.
*A love for clothes that just as surprising was also got him into debt.
?That equally difficult would be a solution to Russell s paradox is
not at all clear.
*The deputies could extort with impunity, as long as no less corrupt
was the ward boss.
John Bowers (personal communication) has pointed out that the embedded
sentences that violate the structure-preserving constraint in (37) all seem to
be complements to verbs, nouns, or adjectives that report attitudes or state¬
ments of their subjects; i.e., these verbs, nouns, and adjectives are functioning
to introduce indirect discourse. If those parts of the meaning of a sentence that
involve connected discourse (presupposition, new information, etc.) are to be
found in the surface structure and surface order of elements (for a discussion
of this, see Chomsky, 1971, and Jackendoff, 1972), then the simplest way to
report this sort of meaning in indirect discourse would be to break the structure¬
preserving constraint and reproduce the surface order directly.
By mentioning the possibility of an explanation along these lines, I do not
mean to deny that the structure-preserving constraint, as it now stands, makes
some doubtful predictions about the sentences in (37). But as I said earlier,
the proper path for further study would seem to be investigation of the condi¬
tions under which the constraint can be broken. In the great majority of cases,
as we will continue to see, the constraint makes just the right predictions; for
example, if the constraint were abandoned, what would explain the unaccept¬
ability of sets of examples like (36)?
Another rule that preposes constituents around be we might term participle
preposing. In Chapter VI I give evidence that what follows the progressive or
passive uses of be is a single sister constituent to be (a VP). The sentences in
(38), which have limited use in English, seem to corroborate this contention:
(39) *Bill wonders why speaking at today’s lunch will be our local
*The person who taking tickets at the door was had roomed with
me at Yale.
* Since examined today and found in good health was our nation’s
chief executive, we can all breathe more easily.
* The fact that taking tickets at the door was my old Yale roommate
made it easy to get in.
*Bill said that taking turns, as usual, were his two sisters.
?Bill announced that speaking at today’s lunch would be our local
II.7 Preposing around Be 37
(40) In each hallway is (hangs, has long stood) a large poster of Lincoln.
Among the guests were (sat) John and his family.
On the porch is a large wicker couch.
Upstairs is (stands, lies) all the wine we bought in Europe.
Here will be (will stand) the memorial to the war dead.
(41) *7 have no idea how often among the guests were (sat) John and his
*The posters that in each hallway are (have long stood) subtly
influence the children.
*That here will stand a memorial to the war dead upsets the
7 wont be satisfied until upstairs is all the wine we bought in
*Now that on the porch is a large wicker couch, we can all relax.
(42) (The belief that in each hallway is (hangs, has long stood) a large
poster of Lincoln is erroneous.
(She convinced Bill that among the guests were (sat) John and
his family.
(Bill is happy that on the porch is a large wicker couch.
(Eve noticed that upstairs is (lies) all the wine you bought in Europe.
(Bill was just explaining that here will be (will stand) a war
(43) They are planning to destroy the old church under which are buried
six martyrs.
They destroyed the church in whose basement is buried the towns
These are the causes to which are attributed most of the financial
catastrophes of the decade.
I met the social director to whom fell that terrible task.
This would seem to indicate that the original proposal to limit the rule to
simple verbs is correct.
The rule needed to effect the subject shift in both (40) (the PP-sub¬
stitution cases) and (43) (the WH-fronting cases of Aissen and Hankamer) is
II.7 Preposing around Be 39
a restricted version of the rule of “stylistic inversion” that Kayne (1970) has
proposed for French.10 In Chapter m (and in Emonds, 1970) I argue that this
rule of French is structure-preserving precisely because it cannot apply when
the verb phrase contains a direct object NP. That is, I claim that stylistic
inversion in French is a structure-preserving substitution of the subject NP
for an empty object NP node.
The same analysis can be made for English. The inversions in (43) can
be effected by a structure-preserving substitution of the subject NP for an
empty object NP node:
This analysis is also that justified in Nagahara (1974, Section 3.2). He adds
the following interesting example:
(46) “All these attest how varied and how far-flung have been the influ¬
ences which have moulded the modem English vocabulary [From
C. L. Wrenn, The English Language. Tokyo, Kenkyusha, p. 70].”
[Nagahara points out that (46) suggests the correctness of an analysis utilizing
the concept of a doubly filled predicate attribute node in deep structure; for
further discussion of this concept, see Chapter III, n.26.]
An “object replacement” analysis for (40) and (43), as exemplified in
(45), predicts that, as in French, the movement of the subject NP will be
blocked if a direct object NP is present in the surface structure.
Aissen and Hankamer note that this (for them accidental) restriction on
moving the subject in fact holds for what they take to be instances of subject—
verb inversion in (47) (i.e., for the inversion of the subject in sentences where
WH fronting or PP substitution has fronted a PP); this means that the English
10The French version is not generally limited by the type of main verb appearing in the clause,
but only by what kinds of constituents appear within the VP when the rule applies. Incidentally, stylistic
inversion (Kayne’s term) is not a stylistic rule in the sense of Chapter I. For discussion see Section
40 Root Transformations
(47) * Under the old church buried the former inhabitants of the town
six martyrs.
*They are planning to destroy the old church, under which buried
the former inhabitants of the town six martyrs.
* Under the old church buried six martyrs the former inhabitants
of the town.
*They are planning to destroy the old church, under which buried
six martyrs the former inhabitants of the town.
*To these causes attributed the senator most of the financial cata¬
strophes of the decade.
* These are the causes to which attributed the senator most of the
financial catastrophes of the decade.
I therefore agree with Aissen and Hankamer that the rule inverting the
subject and the verbal complex (stylistic inversion) in (43) is not a root trans¬
formation; it is, rather, structure-preserving. But I do not agree that the
rule I call subject—simple verb inversion (as opposed to what they call by
this name) is not a root transformation.
There is evidence that all the root transformations that front phrasal
constituents without inducing comma intonation are substitutions for the
sentence-initial COMP node. The evidence is the fact that only one of these
transformations can occur in a given clause. To show this, I first list the pre¬
posing root transformations of this type so far studied, together with sentences
in which the boldface constituents have been fronted by each of the rules in
d. VP Preposing:
She never has bought a car, and buy one she never will.
He said I would like her, and like her I do.
e. Comparative Substitution:
Easier for us to solve would be a problem from number
Equally as welcome would be a theorem from geometry.
f. Participle Preposing:
Speaking to the President now is our top reporter.
g. PP Substitution:
Among the guests was standing John.
In (49) we see that combinations of the rules in (48) (within the same
clause) produce ungrammatically. The notation (x,y) after the examples in (49)
means that first rule 48x and then rule 48y must apply to yield the example
in question:
A root S (immediately) dominated by another S is set off by commas.
nI do not claim that movements of constituents that induce comma intonation are never substitu¬
tions, although in most cases it seems that they definitely are not.
12This entire section has appeared in Rohrer and Ruwet (1974) and in Corum, Smith-Stark, and
Weiser (1973), and is reprinted with permission.
44 Root Transformations
S S\
John came I think
later than Sue
If this structure is correct, all the S’s in (54) are root S’s. Accordingly, it
should be the case that root transformations can apply in both clauses, and
they do:
The sentences in (56) are more closely related to those in (53) and (55) than
to those in (57):
In the first place, the parentheticals in (53), (55), and (56) share the
comma intonation and exclude the complementizer that, but sentences like
(57) , except where quotation is involved, lack the comma intonation and permit
that. The inverted auxiliary in Was John here at that time? indicates a WH
complementizer in this clause as well as in the do you think parenthetical in
(55) and (56), but the main verb think in constructions like (57) cannot take
a complement introduced by whether:
(58) *J9o you think whether John was here at that time?
Further, some parentheticals, such as as far as I can tell, you know, and as
they say, either do not occur in main clauses like those in (57) or else do not,
in such a use, have their parenthetical meaning:
(59) You know that the books have already arrived, but Bill doesn’t (know).
4=-The books, you know, have already arrived, but Bill doesn’t know.
*The books have already arrived, you know, but Bill doesn’t.
II.9 Parenthetical Clauses 45
' NP
AP / \
[N. Chomsky has pointed out that (61) can be stated without brackets if the
place of comma intonation in a string can be referred to in the structural
description of a rule.]
There are syntactic restrictions to be imposed on the S that is to become
the parenthetical; usually coordinate clauses and sentential relatives (relative
clauses modifying the entire main clause) cannot become parentheticals:
(62) The books have not yet arrived, but they are due.
* The books, but they are due, have not yet arrived.
The books have not yet arrived, which bothers me.
*The books, which bothers me, have not yet arrived.
John put the car in the garage, for the weather was bad.
*John put the car, for the weather was bad, in the garage.
Exact statement of this and other conditions on the parenthetical S are not
important for the first point I wish to make here, which deals, rather, with
what kind of derived structure (61) produces.
It is more important that, in a very large class of cases, limiting the
second term of parenthetical movement to phrasal constituents makes the
correct predictions:
It thus appears that the second and third terms of (61) are normally
constituents and not variables. This enables us to pose the question as to the
derived structure produced by (61). Does (61) move the second term around the
parenthetical clause to the right, attaching it as a right sister to one of the
root S’s in the input structure in (54), or does it move the third term (the
parenthetical clause itself) to the left into the left-hand S? The constraint
argued for in Schwartz (1972)—that only constituents may be moved by
transformations—is satisfied by either of the alternatives, given that we have
established that the second as well as the third term of rule (61) is a con¬
stituent. 13
Intuitively the first alternative gives a surface structure—(65a) or
(65b) —that seems more accurate than one that might be given by the second
alternative—(66a) or (66b):
13Jorge Hankamer has pointed out that some examples like the starred ones in (64) appear to be accept¬
able if contrastive intonation appears in the constituent following the parenthetical:
For this reason, I leave the analysis in the text unchanged, lacking any explicit alternative that explains these
It is well known, of course, that contrastive intonation interferes with other tests for constituency (cf.
the discussion of coordination across constituent boundaries in Chomsky, 1957). For an interesting initial
study of a possible systematic relationship between contrastive intonation and certain root transformations,
see Ogle (1974, Chapter VI).
Parenthetical formation must also be restricted so that certain phrasal constituents that are “too
deeply embedded” do not serve as the second term of the rule:
He dislikes the man that Mary works for, I think.
*He dislikes the man that Mary, I think, works for.
In this case, Ross’s (1967a) “complex NP constraint” or its equivalent will exclude the starred example.
However, nothing in the literature, to my knowledge, would properly account for the following contrast:
She persuaded Bill that you worked for her company, it seems.
*She persuaded Bill that you, it seems, worked for her company.
I leave this problem unresolved, as it appears independent of the claim in the text that what follows
the parenthetical is normally a constituent and that this constituent, rather than the parenthetical, is
moved by parenthetical formation.
48 Root Transformations
(65) S S
John I think later than S S later than
came Sue Sue
John I think
John V AP
By virtue of the intonation rule in (52) we are led to prefer the derived
structures of (65), since this permits an explanation of the obligatory comma
intonation that sets off parentheticals. We can also support this choice with
the following two arguments based on syntactic theory.
John Ross has pointed out to me that the second alternative is a counter¬
example to the constraint proposed in Chomsky (1965), which prohibits trans¬
formations from moving morphological material into a clause from a higher
sentence. On the other hand, the first alternative [moving the second term of
(61) to the right] does not violate Chomsky’s proposed restriction on operations
performed by transformations. Thus the constraint, motivated on other grounds
(cf. Chomsky, 1973), indicates that the first alternative is the correct one.
(Actually the restriction against lowering constituents in trees is no doubt more
general; see Schwartz, 1972).
The structure-preserving constraint on transformations also decides in
favor of the first alternative, i.e., in favor of derived structures like (65) rather
than (66). Parenthetical formation as in (61) interchanges two phrase nodes, so
it violates one of the restrictions defining a local transformation (the only type
of non-structure-preserving rule permitted by this constraint that does not
attach constituents to a root sentence). The second alternative (moving the
parenthetical itself) does not attach a constituent to a root sentence [cf. (66)],
so it is not a root transformation; it does not move the parenthetical S to posi¬
tions where S can be generated by the base rules, so it is not a structure¬
preserving transformation either. One must conclude that the second alternative
is ruled out by the structure-preserving constraint; only the first alternative is
consistent with the constraint. In particular, this parenthetical formation is a
typical case of a root transformation.
II.9 Parenthetical Clauses 49
' NP'
AP / \
~x- i S — s 1 — 0 — 3—2
- VP s pp /
There are certain parentheticals that are appropriate only with focus
constituents that particularize the category mentioned in the parenthetical:
14It should be noted that both alternative'versions of parenthetical formation provide counter¬
examples to the coordinate structure constraint on movement proposed in Ross (1967a), meaning that
some revision of this (or, alternatively, of Chomsky’s A-over-A principle) is needed that will permit (67)
to violate such a constraint and yield the following sentence:
The notion that parenthetical formation very often moves the focus constituent
is confirmed by the requirement that parentheticals as in (70) can appear
sentence-internally only adjacent to the (focus) constituent that particularizes
the category involved:
Similar examples:
(72) *Mary was talking about birth defects to John, of all subjects.
Mary was talking to John about birth defects, of all subjects.
*Mary was talking about birth defects to, of all subjects, John.
Mary was talking to John about, of all subjects, birth defects.
(73) *The board of directors gave Nixon the peace award, of all people.
(normal, noncontrastive stress)
The board of directors gave the peace award to Nixon, of all people.
The board of directors gave the peace award to, of all people.
Nixon, [movement of the focus constituent, as in (71)—(72)]
The board of directors gave Nixon, of all people, the peace award.
(movement of a constituent to the right of the focus constituent
over the parenthetical, allowing the latter to appear adjacent
to the focus constituent)
In the first part of this section, I concluded that sentences with “internal”
parentheticals, as in (56), are transformationally derived from those with
“final” parentheticals, as in (53) and (55), and that the transformation involved
is a root transformation, as in (67), that moves a final phrasal constituent of
the nonparenthetical clause to the right over the sentence-final parenthetical.
However, I have not yet addressed the question of the source of sentence-
final parentheticals, i.e., the structure in (54). There are two initially plausible
analyses that I would like to compare. The first claims that the sentence-final
parenthetical is a main clause in deep structure, as in (74), and that (54) is
derived from (74) by a transformation that fronts the complement S, called
SLIFTING in Ross (1973):
(74) S
IV s
(75) They didn’t take into account the fact that I thought John came
later than Sue.
±They didn’t take into account the fact that John came later than
Sue, I thought.
Bill fears that it appears to us that he doesn’t deserve the job.
4=Bill fears that he doesn’t deserve the job, it appears to us.
Mary assumes that we don’t doubt she’ll get the job.
41Mary assumes that she’ll get the job, we don’t doubt.
The troops that you admit are in the South are southerners.
4^The troops that are in the South, you admit, are southerners.
She says that you can swim faster than I think you can.
4^She says that you can swim faster than you can, I think.
52 Root Transformations
15One could claim that (76) underlies (54) and that the proforms in (76) are, in turn, trans¬
formationally derived from fully specified S’s; I am not arguing here against this position, though it faces
some of the same problems as the alternative I am arguing against.
II. 9 Parenthetical Clauses 53
Banfield further notes that E’s, as identified by the presence of such non-
embeddable elements, can be coordinately conjoined—the only “recursion”
permitted. (Yes, I want that, but by God, I cant get money for it easily). We
can consider the examples in (77) as exhibiting the same structure as co-
ordinately conjoined E’s but lacking the conjunction; this corresponds to the
notion of school grammar that semicolons “substitute” for coordinate conjunc¬
tions between independent clauses. Thus the deep structure in (76) would be
revised to that in (79):
16The structure in (80) can also be taken as the structure of sentences modified by the “senten¬
tial relative clauses” introduced by as and which, as noted earlier, such as clauses can become sentence-
internal parentheticals by the parenthetical formation transformation in (67). In this way, nonrestrictive
relative clauses modifying noun phrases and sentences have parallel structures; i.e., the modified con¬
stituent and the modifying nonrestrictive relative clause (containing a proform referring back to the first
clause) are sister constituents.
I also take [sS—PPS] to be the deep structure source of certain sentence-modifying adverbial
phrases and clauses—to my knowledge, in your opinion, those concessive (although) and causal
(because) clauses that are separated from the main clause by comma intonation and are generally said
to modify the sentence rather than the predicate, etc. This structure was first suggested to me by Edward
In Chapter V I propose a similar deep structure, namely [VPVP—PPVP], for certain adverbial
phrases and clauses that modify the entire VP rather than complementing the main verb. In such cases
comma intonation is at least not obligatory.
54 Root Transformations
(82) He said John came later than Sue; by God, I believe that.
*He said John came later than Sue, by God, I believe.
Beer compares favorably with water; yes, we think so anyway.
*Beer compares favorably with water, yes, we think.
Mary has been fairly dishonest; John, I don't doubt it.
*Mary has been fairly dishonest, John, I don't doubt.
He is not really from this area; oh, you realize that.
*He is not really from this area, oh, you realize.
However, the examples in (82) can also be accounted for in the earlier
analysis involving complement fronting—if one stipulates that this root trans¬
formation attaches the complement S to the right of the exclamatory elements
that are generated as left sisters to the root S node by the E expansion rule. In
this view, the following pairs of sentences are transformationally related:
(88) “I hate this damned course!’*; by God, she said that in class.
(89) *By God, “I hate this damned course,” she said in class.
In the proform deletion analysis, however, nothing will happen to (87) and
nothing will happen to (88) either, as the rule creating parentheticals is
blocked by elements under E but not under S [recall the examples in
(82)]. Thus the proform deletion hypothesis but not the complement-fronting
hypothesis can exclude (89) and still treat direct discourse and other
parentheticals uniformly.
56 Root Transformations
If we assign (93a) the deep structure in (94), as proposed in note 17, parenthe¬
tical formation as in (67) will transform (94) into (95), the surface structure for
(94) S
Mr. Jones
he usually is
he usually is AP
(96) Mr. Jones, sensible though he usually is, insists on buying stock.
tion, the subordinate S becomes a root S.17 (The PP dominating this S domi¬
nates no material outside this S, so this S is a root S by definition.) The follow¬
ing surface structure then results:
(97) s
AP insists on
buying stock
though he usually is
(98) ?Mary, happy though she may seem to you, is on the verge of a
*Mary, happy though to you she may seem, is on the verge of a
*Mary, to you happy though she may seem, is on the verge of a
Handsome though I believe (that) Dick is, Fm still going to marry
(from Ross, 1967a)
* Handsome though Dick I believe is, Fm still going to marry
*Dick handsome though I believe is, Fm still going to marry Herman.
Cf. Dick I believe is handsome, (from topicalization)
17The removal of a subordinating conjunction from the P position automatically gives the S under
this PP the status of a root S; this is confirmed by the fact that another such removal, if deletion, also
induces main clause behavior; cf. note 2, Chapter I.
If he were more circumspect, John would not buy stock.
Were he more circumspect, John would not buy stock.
Of course if deletion and the (limited) auxiliary inversion that accompanies it (*Did he leave, he would
have been happy, etc.) are probably part of the same rule. My claim is that such a rule (and the rule
being discussed in this section of the text) cannot occur if the nonlocal, non-structure-preserving move¬
ments it performs do not attach constituents to root S’s.
II.9 Parenthetical Clauses 59
very seriously.
18The preferred position for concessive clauses as in (97) is, however, adjacent to the NP that is
described by the preposed adjective. Some of the judgments in (99) are affected by this factor.
60 Root Transformations
(100) / pledge that, during this examination, I have neither given nor
received assistance.
Mary asked me if, at that time, John saw any chance of a speedy
You can count on trouble when, without thinking, you call the police.
In many cities, the crime rates grow with the number of police
The data I present in this section, although they concern uncertain judg¬
ments of grammaticality, are very much like the data on parenthetical clauses in
Section 13,9.1. That is, I find that preposed adverbial PP’s as in (100) generally
sound acceptable if what follows them can be construed as a single constituent,
and slightly unacceptable if, other things being equal, what follows them cannot
be so construed. My analyses of the parenthetical clauses in the previous section
and of parenthetical (comma-separated) adverbial PP’s in this section both
depend crucially on such data.20
If it should be the case that all or some transformationally displaced
parentheticals in English are grammatical in a greater variety of dependent
clause positions than the structure-preserving constraint allows (i.e., if my data
and analyses in this and/or the preceding section are incorrect), then it would
appear that such parentheticals are subject to certain limited stylistic (not
grammatical) transformations of the type discussed in Section 1.2. Since the
data in this section are less certain than those in the preceding section, it is also
possible that my analysis there is correct but that here a stylistic adverb-
preposing rule should front the PP’s in examples like (100).
With this caveat, we can return to the construction under discussion. The
fronted PP’s in (100) can be distributed as parentheticals throughout the clause
they originate in, but they cannot go into a higher clause. For example, the
second example in (100) has the variants in (101) but not the (nonsynonymous)
variants in (102). The phrase at that time may appear with comma intonation
in any of the blanks in (101) without change in meaning.
20Since we are dealing in this section with dependent as well as independent clauses [e.g., (100)],
the generalization that what follows parentheticals is a constituent depends on and supports Bresnan’s
(1972a) hypothesis that the complementizer (COMP) of a sentence is a sister constituent to the rest of
the sentence. That is, she proposes that COMP is generated by the following base rule, and that S and
not S is what generally appears on the right side of other base rules:
S -»• COMP-S
Nagahara (1974, Section 2.3) gives many examples like those in (100), including some interesting
complex cases—cf. especially his examples (12)-(14). He also gives cases where adverbial PP’s, set
off by commas, intervene before M—VP sequences and not—V—. . . sequences. Independent evidence
that the former sequence must be a constituent is given in Dougherty (1970b), although this constituent
is generally not notated in the present volume. Similarly, I think the noncontracted not must be independ¬
ently analyzed as part of the VP in sentences like John couldn’t not try and John may simply not attend
(cf. the discussion of adverbials like simply in Section V.2). Thus the claim in the text that preposed
adverbial PP’s are followed by single constituents is consistent with Nagahara’s sets of examples.
62 Root Transformations
(102) Mary asked me, at that time, if John saw any chance of a speedy
Mary, at that time, asked me if John saw any chance of a speedy
(103) I pledge that I, during this examination, have neither given nor
received assistance.
I pledge that I have, during this examination, neither given nor
received assistance.
*1 pledge that I have neither, during this examination, given nor
received assistance.
*/ pledge that I have neither given, during this examination, nor
received assistance.
(104) *1 pledge that I have neither given nor received, during this
examination, assistance.
*It’s assistance that you shouldn't have given or received.
*The better students give the poorer ones, he claims, assistance.
*1 don’t think you should walk, during this exam, about.
*It’s about that they were walking.
*The students were walking, he claims, about.
for in such cases the boldface constituents in (105), for example, could possibly
be attached to the root S:
(105) ?The realization that after the dinner I would be sick didn't stop
me from ordering.
?Any child who by writing to Washington can improve his fortune
is exceptional.
The crucial cases are those like the following, where the constituents in
boldface cannot possibly be attached to a root S. In these cases, the evidence
weakly indicates that adverbial parenthetical formation is in fact blocked:
(106) The decision that the parks that millions visit in the summer are to
be barred to cars is a great victory for naturalists.
?The decision that the parks that in the summer millions visit are
to be barred to cars is a great victory for naturalists.
Any suspicion that John was red-headed in his youth that you might
be harboring is certainly false.
?Any suspicion that in his youth John was red-headed that you
might be harboring is certainly false.
Mary foolishly revealed the fact that Bill was friends with
communists in the thirties to his long-time employer.
?Mary foolishly revealed the fact that Bill, in the thirties, was
friends with communists to his long-time employer.
I'll gladly keep the men who wear hats in the presence of ladies
*FU gladly keep the men who in the presence of ladies wear hats
John stayed angry over the fact that we had called the police
without thinking for weeks after it happened.
?John stayed angry over the fact that without thinking we had
called the police for weeks after it happened.
They wanted to discuss the idea that we should leave even if it was
dangerous in a general meeting.
? They wanted to discuss the idea that even if it was dangerous we
should leave in a general meeting.
As noted earlier, the judgments are not clear in cases like (106) (for
example, the corresponding judgments with right dislocation are clearer); this
may mean that the analysis proposed here is incorrect and should be replaced
64 Root Transformations
21 Of course the analysis here claims that these adverbial parentheticals are not “preposed” but
that the constituent following them has been “postposed.”
Structure-Preserving NP Movement
66 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
Furthermore, the trees corresponding to (la) and (lb) after the application of
the passive rule can be represented as (2) and (3), respectively. [There is dis¬
agreement over the status of the passive auxiliary be, which I return to in
Chapter VI; in (3) it is simply represented in ad hoc fashion. ]
(2) s
Russia ed V NP
defeat Germany
(3) s
by Russia
Also, this by, like other prepositions, cannot have a for—to (infinitive) object:
There are, however, differences between “passive noun phrases” like (7) and
passive sentences. If and exactly how passive noun phrases and passive sentences
are grammatically related is not of direct interest here, since I will be demon¬
strating only that the rule or rules that derive passive sentences from active
III. 1 The Passive Construction 67
ones have a certain property. I return to the derivation of passive noun phrases
in Section III. 5.
There is some disagreement over what the common deep structures of
actives and passives should look like. In particular, it is not certain whether
the agent phrase (Russia in the preceding examples) should originate in subject
position or in the by phrase. The force of what follows does not depend on the
resolution of this question. For purposes of exposition I assume that agent
phrases are subjects in deep structure, in line with most transformational work.
Under this assumption, (3) is a transform of (2) (for a complete discussion see
Section III.5.3.).
A second question concerning the proper formulation of the passive rule(s)
is whether one rule that moves two NP’s or two rules that move one NP apiece
are involved. Again, the results of this section are neutral with respect to this
question, and for purposes of exposition I assume that one rule moves the deep
structure subject NP into the by phrase, and that a separate rule moves a deep
structure object into the subject position. Following the terminology of Chomsky
(1970), I call these rules agent postposing and NP preposing, respectively.
Agent postposing and NP preposing are both good examples of the struc¬
ture-preserving transformations defined in Chapter I and studied extensively
in this chapter. Both move NP constituents into positions where NP’s are
permitted by independently motivated phrase structure rules. Agent postposing
moves the subject NP into the NP position provided for in the rule PP ->• P—NP.
NP preposing moves an object NP into the position provided for by the rule
S -> NP—TENSE —(M)—VP. This notion of moving a constituent labeled X
into a position where a node X is already provided for by the phrase structure
rules is the central idea in the definition of a structure-preserving trans¬
To formalize this notion, I drop the requirement in the theory outlined
in Chomsky (1968, Chapter V) that all nodes dominate nonexpandable (terminal)
elements, and permit the designated terminal element A to be inserted by con¬
vention under any node at any point in the (phrase structure) derivation. This
insertion then terminates any further expansion at that point in the tree (phrase
marker). I call any node that dominates only A an empty node.
Thus we allow A to be inserted not only under lexical category nodes but
immediately under phrase nodes and grammatical formative nodes (WH, NEG,
M, DET, etc.) as well. Following Chomsky (1972, n. 12), we require that
A NOT APPEAR in A WELL-FORMED surface structure. In particular, this means
that either A must be replaced by the insertion of a lexical item (or a gram¬
matical formative, inasmuch as these are to be distinguished) at the deep
68 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
11 do not rule out the possibility that A may sometimes be accompanied by a phonetically nonrealized
feature at some level of structure (say, + ANIMATE) that itself contributes to semantic interpretation.
But in this case, the node dominating A is not empty at the level of structure in question, on the one
hand, and on the other, this instance of A (as well as any other) must be removed by rule during the
course of deriving any well-formed surface structure.
III. 1 The Passive Construction 69
(9) a. W-[BX]-Y-[BA]-Z
b. W-([bA])-Y-[bX]-Z
The agent-postposing rule (or the part of the passive rule that moves the
subject) moves an NP into the by phrase object position, as shown by the arrow
in (10). By formulating this rule as structure-preserving (i.e., we either assume
that by and its empty object NP are present in the deep structure of the passive,
or assume that there is an empty PP and insert by), we can account for the
derived PP structure that results from this rule without postulating any ad hoc
symbols such as PASSIVE in deep structure:
2 When A is left behind but no later grammatical transformation removes it, an ill-formed surface
structure of course results.
70 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
(ID s
by Russia
Thus we see that both the NP movements involved in the formation of the pas¬
sive construction in English (i.e., in defining the active—passive relation) are
paradigm cases of structure-preserving rules.4
It may be well to dwell here on the importance of showing that transforma¬
tions have the structure-preserving property, even if no other problems could
be resolved by this observation. The reason we want to limit transformations to
certain types (root or local or structure-preserving) is that the expressive power
of the theory of transformations is too great. Many hypothetical rules that are
3 See Emonds (1972a) for a demonstration that many other prepositions are subcategorized as intransi¬
tive in deep structure.
4It may be superfluous to remark that I do not claim that absolutely compelling evidence will present
itself for every structure-preserving rule considered in isolation to the effect that the rule must be formulated
in this way. Rather, I claim that every major transformational operation (in the precise sense of non¬
local, given in Chapter I) that can apply freely in embedded sentences may be written as structure¬
preserving, subject to the constraints on base rules given in Chapter I.
In the majority of cases (e.g., with agent postposing), independent arguments can be given that
the rule must be so written if explanatory adequacy on the question of how transformations assign derived
structure is to be achieved. If there were no structure-preserving constraint, agent postposing could as
well assign AP as PP structure to the by phrase, and NP preposing could assign PP structure to the
subject NP and/or insert a preposition marker, etc.
III.l The Passive Construction 71
5 Such an addition is in fact completely excluded by the condition on base structures proposed in
Chapter I, as no base construction in A would utilize this PP.
72 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
6 One might ask what the difference is in such a framework between the differently interpreted
the corn grew and the com was grown. One possible answer is simply that the deep structure gram¬
matical relation of the com to grow is the subject relation in the first case and the object relation in
the second. Another possible answer is that the deep structure of the second example (as well as that
of one grew com) contains the deep structure of the first and, also, an abstract “causative” verb that is
replaced by grow in surface structure. Thus the deep structure of the com was grown would be as in (i),
while that of the com grew would be as in (ii). I see no reason to choose between these alternatives at
this point.
III. 1 The Passive Construction 73
This analysis of agentless passives will also account for a verb like be born
(in the sense of be given birth to, not that of be carried), which cannot appear in
the active and never occurs with an agent by phrase:
Footnote 6 continued
(i) S
the corn V
the corn ed V
A third alternative is that the passive rule includes the deletion of an optional deep structure
feature F on the otherwise empty subject (as in 15b), where F either is mentioned explicitly in the
passive rule or is “recoverable” in the sense of Chomsky (1965). Not all verbs that can occur in
the passive would necessarily have to cooccur with such an element; for example, if F = ANIMATE,
then the deep structure subject of The hook has been read could be [NP + ANIM], while that of The
door has been scratched could be simply [ np A ] •
Culicover (1973) points out the important observation of Kurylowicz that any language with
a passive permits deletion of the agent phrase. According to the conditions on base rules in Chapter
I, any phrase node complement to a verb must be optional; hence, any agent phrase in a passive
construction (by definition such a phrase is within the complement system rather than the subject
of the verb) cannot be obligatory by virtue of the base rules. Thus in the analysis of the passive
in this section, in which the agent phrase arises from the replacement of an empty deep structure PP,
there cannot in principle be anything but an optional agent; this explains Kurylowicz’s observation.
Previous transformational accounts of the passive could not insightfully do this.
In a later section the possibility of the agent phrase’s being nonempty in the base is discussed.
Again, in this case, the normal situation must be that the agent phrase is optional. However, this
view would permit certain verbs to be lexically subcategorized for an obligatory agent phrase. If
some verbs in some languages do not permit “agent deletion” in the passive, even though Kurylowicz’s
observation holds for normal verbs, then the latter view is supported over that presented in this
74 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
The use of the progressive with be bom shows that it is a verb rather than an
adjective, since the progressive is not used with adjectives formed from past
We need only stipulate that bear (in the sense of give birth to) is sub¬
categorized to not take a deep structure subject; it is immaterial that an (empty)
subject NP appears before this verb in deep structure, in which lexical material
is never inserted, once we admit the notion of an empty node. We will see other
instances of verbs that may not take a deep structure subject throughout this
study. Thus the deep structure of (19) is (20):
(20) s
A ed V NP PP
bear this on
child Memorial
In connection with bear (give birth to), which cannot have a deep structure
subject, a few verbs that must can be mentioned, such as precede, follow, own:
The normal case is that a verb may or may not take a deep structure subject.
This concludes the introduction of the concept of a structure-preserving
transformation. The main purpose of this section has been to illustrate how the
two NP movement transformations, NP preposing and agent postposing, which
together account for the passive construction in English, satisfy what I have
defined as the structure-preserving property. In the remainder of this chapter,
other nonroot transformations that move NP’s are shown to have this property.
In Chapters IV and V, a number of structure-preserving transformations that
move other phrase nodes (AP, S, and PP) are studied, and in Chapter VI,
rules that move nonphrase nodes are discussed in some detail. In all, almost
every movement transformation that has found acceptance in transformational
literature as relevant to the description of English is discussed somewhere in
this study.
III.2 Movements of Noun Phrases into Higher Sentences 75
it V S it V AP
appear NP VP
this be
coat waterproof John otvns a
(23) s S
this V S
appear VP
likely VP
to be
waterproof to own a
(24) s
it AUX V S
be said NP VP
this be
inflation disastrous
to he
It is sometimes claimed that subject raising and raising to object are the same
rule, but I do not believe this can be maintained; cf. Berman (1974) and
Akmajian (1973). In any case this debate is also peripheral to our present
It is possible that raising to object could exist as a transformational rule,
but that its effect would simply be to postpose the VP of the sentences in (26)
to the end of the nonembedded VP. hi this case, it would suffice to formulate a
local transformation to effect this change in constituent structure (i.e., to
eliminate the deep structure embedded S node), since the subject NP and the
VP of this sentence cannot be separated by raising to object:
(27) She believes with all her heart that she has won.
?She believes that she has won with all her heart.
* She believes herself with all her heart to have won.
*She believes with all her heart herself to have won.
?She believes herself to have won with all her heart.
* She assumed for a while John to be guilty.
*She assumed John for a while to be guilty.
?She assumed John to be guilty for a while.
However, for reasons that will become clear in the next chapter, it seems more
likely that the (nonfactive) clauses that can undergo raising to object originate
in the VP-final S complement position and not under the object NP. In this case,
III.2 Movements of Noun Phrases into Higher Sentences 77
John we can V PP
A -NP- VP depend VP
8It may be that some or all of the its in (22)-(28) are transformationally inserted, and that the NP’s
dominating them are still empty when they are replaced by the subject NP of the embedded S.
9 By citing any movement rules that have been discussed in the literature of generative grammar,
I do not mean to imply that I am arguing that they should not or could not be replaced with another
analysis that might use, say, a deletion rule. I simply mean to point out that if a movement rule is
involved, the rule is (i) structure-preserving, (ii) a local movement rule, or (iii) a root transforma¬
tion, as the case may be. Lasnik and Fiengo (1974) argue in the present case that no movement rule
is involved.
78 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
We have seen three rules that raise NP’s into higher clauses, of the type
permitted by the structure-preserving constraint. The value of the constraint is
that it explains why such rules exist and why English does not have rules that
move NP’s out of embedded S’s into a non-NP position, such as, say, the begin¬
ning of a VP that is a sister to M, as in (31):
Thus indirect object (or “dative”) movement has two functions: (i) It deletes a
preposition (to or for), and (ii) it reverses the order of two postverbal NP’s.10
10Fillmore (1965) proposes that English has two dative movement rules because the indirect objects
derived from deep structure to phrases can undergo the NP-preposing (passive) rule, while those derived
from deep structure for phrases cannot. That is, most speakers of American English find the sentences
of the first group in (i) completely acceptable and those of the second group somewhat unacceptable:
III.3 Indirect Object Movements 79
(33) John has been working on this table (for) three hours.
I’m going to step outside (for) just a moment.
The guests registered here (on) October first.
You should pay your bill (on) the last day of the month.
Postulating a P deletion rule for time adverbial NP’s means that the phrase
structure rule expanding NP need only allow PP’s and S’s (and not NP’s) after
the head noun. That is, the boldface NP’s in (35) can be derived from deep
structure PP’s:
Footnote 10 continued
This discrepancy can be explained by assuming that the objects of to phrases but not those of for
phrases are moved in front of the direct object (optionally) before the NP-preposing rule applies, and
are hence subject to being preposed. That is, ordering to dative movement before NP preposing and
for dative movement after it accounts for the difference between the two groups of sentences.
80 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
V — NP — PP
give the P NP
ticket 1
to John
(There are other restrictions on (38); the head of VP must be in a certain class,
the second NP in most cases must be -(-ANIMATE, etc.)
According to (38), the derived structure of sentences like (39) is (40):11
i i
(39) gave a letter.
taught French.
John■< paid >■ Bill < the rent. v
read the verdict.
promised a book.
11 For some verbs, like give, bring, deny, sell, etc., to dative movement does not apply if there
is no (nonempty) direct object NP: *John gave Bill, *We read Bill, etc. For others, like pay, teach,
tell, etc., to dative movement MUST apply if a direct object NP is missing: We paid (*to) the landlord,
John told (*to) his brother, He teaches (*to) children, etc. Cf. also He is writing (to) the President.
III.3 Indirect Object Movements 81
v^ NP "PP
Verbs like supply can be analyzed like other verbs with indirect objects, with the
added stipulation that the preposition with be inserted into the empty P of (40).
This use of the empty P accounts in simple fashion for a paradigm like (41),
which differs from the ordinary indirect object paradigm, and hence justifies
in some measure the derived structure that a structure-preserving formulation
of indirect object movement assigns to sentences with indirect objects.
We have now seen that indirect object movement may be written in
structure-preserving fashion. Furthermore, a strong argument can be made
that it must be written as an interchange of two NP’s just to achieve descrip¬
tive adequacy, independent of any consideration of the structure-preserving
constraint. This argument concerns the interaction between the “postverbal
particles” of English and indirect objects.
Many verbs that take indirect objects also appear with particles. In
sentences where the indirect object is not moved in front of the direct object
(assuming these to be the deep structure configurations given by the rule
VP -> V—(NP) —(PP)—. . .), particles can precede or follow the direct object:
In Emonds (1972a) many arguments are given to show that these “post¬
verbal particles” are in fact intransitive prepositions (i.e., instances of PP).
It follows that they follow the direct object NP in deep structure, and that a
particle movement transformation—(43), a local transformation—optionally
moves them next to the verb:
(43) NP
Particle Movement: X + V- 1—3—2—4
According to these conclusions, the first sentences of the pairs in (42) represent
the deep structure order of constituents.12
Let us now consider the possible positions for particles in sentences where
the to or for indirect object movement rules have applied:
12 For the next several pages (82—86) in this section, I am following the text in Gross, Halle,
and Schutzenberger (1973) and in Emonds (1972a), except for renumbering and slight rewordings,
with permission.
III.3 Indirect Object Movements 83
In all the idiolects I have investigated, the most favored and natural
position for particles in sentences with verb—indirect object—object order is
between the two object NP’s, as in (44). Furthermore, in all idiolects the
position of the particle after the direct object, as in (45), is rejected. [There
are differences in acceptability among the particles; together resists acceptance
in sentences with two NP objects, while back sometimes is acceptable in
sentences like (45). I am ignoring those differences that seem unsystematic and
are quite limited in number.]
Idiolects seem to differ with regard to sentences like those in (46). In one
dialect (dialect A), the sentences in (46) are acceptable. In another (dialect B),
they are not, although they are not rejected as firmly as those in (45). (This may
be due to the presence of other speakers in the speech community with dialect
A). In a third dialect (dialect C), which I believe is my own, the sentences in
(46) that derive from sentences with an underlying to indirect object are
acceptable, while those that derive from sentences with an underlying for
indirect object are not. Since in my own dialect underlying to indirect objects
can be subjects of passives whereas underlying for indirect objects cannot, it is
not surprising to see this difference reflected elsewhere in the transformational
component, although it remains to be seen how these differences are to be
formally related. I return to this point later.
I will now consider the interrelation of particle movement as in (43) and
indirect object movement in all three dialects, A, B, and C. In dialects A and B,
we can assume that there is only one indirect object movement rule for the
purposes of this study. The structural description of this rule would be of the
form shown in (47) (here I ignore conditions on the verb and on the animateness
of the indirect object, which are irrelevant to the discussion):
i [to \ ......
(47) X + V- -(P)-
_— PRO_ _pp 1 for | -NP*J
V-(PRT) + NP—(PRT)— J J
l°or -NP
and the structural change would be 1—3— 0—5—2. What is worse is that this
is a solution only for dialect A; in dialects B and C no solution is possible under
this set of assumptions. These complications lead me to reject moving NPj
over a stationary NP2.
In contrast to the two types of indirect object movement just rejected, the
third alternative, an interchange of NPj and NP2 [terms 2 and 5 in (47)] leads
to a perfect description of dialect A if we order this rule before particle move¬
(48) NP
X + V- -y => 1-5-3-0-2-6
—PRO -(P)- pp
According to this analysis, the sentences in (45) are ungrammatical because the
corresponding source sentences in which particles follow indirect objects in
prepositional phrases are also ungrammatical:
III.3 Indirect Object Movements 85
Whether or not (48) applies, (43), which follows (48) in dialect A, can then
optionally apply to place the particles next to the verb. If it does not apply, the
particles appear in surface structure after the first NP after the verb.
We can account for dialect B by ordering particle movement before
indirect object movement. If particle movement does not apply and indirect
object movement does, the particle ends up between the indirect and direct
object NP’s. If particle movement does apply, the structural description for
(48) is not met (since a particle intervenes between the verb and the direct
object), so the rule cannot apply and the sequence V—PRT—NP—NP is
correctly (for this dialect) excluded.
In dialect C, my own, the to and for indirect object movement rules are
distinct, according to Fillmore’s (1965) analysis. Furthermore, Fillmore post¬
ulates that to indirect object movement precedes for indirect object movement,
thus allowing to indirect objects to become subjects of passives, but not for
indirect objects.
By ordering particle movement as in (43) after to indirect object move¬
ment and before for indirect object movement, we can account for dialect C.
That is, with regard to to indirect objects, dialect C is like dialect A, and the
indirect object rule containing to precedes particle movement to account for this;
but with regard to for indirect objects, dialect C is like dialect B, and the
indirect object rule containing for follows particle movement to account for
We have been able to account for the three different ways that postverbal
particles interact with indirect objects by formulating indirect object move¬
ment (s) as rules that interchange the positions of two NP’s, making crucial
use also of the fact that postverbal particles are generated after direct object
NP’s in deep structure, as shown in Emonds (1972a).
There is another formally different way to express the rule order of dialects
B and C — (i) particle movement and (ii) indirect object movement, which is
worth mentioning as an alternative although it does not affect any of our
conclusions. If rules (43) and (48) are simply collapsed as in (50), we also
obtain the sentences of dialect B [ 0 stands for the identity element under
86 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
0 -P
(50) X + V- " NP -(P)- (to ) -y => 1—5—3—0—2—6
—PRO _pp [forj -NP
13 Rule (50) appears to permit the second of two consecutive postverbal particles to interchange with
a direct object. That this is not possible is easily seen from the following examples:
However, the starred examples are excluded by the fact that constituents interchanged by a local trans¬
formation are required to be adjacent.
14One might claim that in order to formulate (48) the speaker would have to know that particles
(term 3 of the transformation) can in fact cooccur with predirect indirect objects. In line with this, some
English speakers have recently informed me that they do not permit indirect object movement at all
with particles; in this case, the rule of indirect object movement lacks term 3 of (48).
III.4 Further Structure-Preserving NP Movements within Sentences 87
Certain verbs in English cannot appear with a direct object other than
a reflexive pronoun:
Some of these verbs (perjure, absent, avail) have an obligatory reflexive object
NP, while others {brace, behave, repeat) have an optional reflexive object NP.
Especially since certain of these verbs do not require a reflexive object, it
would seem that in deep structure they are all intransitive verbs in the sense
that their meanings have only a subject position that may be interpreted. If this
is the case, we can assume that the source of the reflexive object pronouns is a
structure-preserving transformation that inserts a pronoun copy of the subject
NP into the object position. (The subject NP is, of course, not removed, but
there is nothing in the definition of a structure-preserving movement rule that
demands that an empty node be left behind; cf. Section HI. 1.2.) This rule, the
identical object rule, is illustrated in (52) (TENSE is omitted):
- NP - VP VP
they V NP PP
guests I
brace A for a avail A of the
shock hotel’s
88 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
I assume that the appearance of a reflexive pronoun in (52) is due to the fact
that reflexivization applies after the identical object rule.15
A structure-preserving formulation of the identical object rule implies
that it is not an accident that the redundant reflexive pronouns in sentences like
(51) appear in object position rather than, say, before the verb, immediately
after the subject, at the end of the VP, etc. Since the latter are not NP positions,
a copying of an NP is not allowed in them, according to the structure-preserving
constraint. That is, the structure-preserving constraint rules out a language A
in which reflexives that alternate with other object NP’s appear in object
position but in which redundant reflexives, as in (51), appear in a position not
typical of NP’s. In (53) # signifies “ungrammatical in A”:
(54) s
expressed NP N
A self
15An alternative analysis of the verbs in question could simply insert the reflexive pronoun NP into
object position. This would be necessary if the usual source of reflexives (those that alternate with other
NP’s) is the base rather than the transformational component. But this insertion would be structure¬
preserving, in the sense that the remarks in the text a propos the examples in (53) apply equally well
to an identical object insertion rule as to a pronoun-copying rule.
III.4 Further Structure-Preserving NP Movements within Sentences 89
sive NP appears to have this status; cf. Chomsky (1970) and Section ffl.5.16
One of Helke’s strongest arguments in favor of generating reflexives by a
structure-preserving copying rule is that the rule plays a role in many other
constructions; for example, it would also account for the obligatory subject
NP—possessive pronoun agreement in (55), as represented in (56):
- -A own
Again, since these surface subjects exhibit all the characteristics of subject
NP’s (case, number agreement, etc.), Chomsky’s inversion rule simply places
a deep structure object into subject position in the following structure¬
preserving manner:
iron cotton well
garm ents
17 Preverbal clitic placement, which might seem at first to be a counterexample to the constraint,
is in fact confirmation of it. This is because there are two preverbal clitic nodes, one for reflexive clitics
and one for the clitic en, which must be present in certain base constructions (s’en alter, sen prendre a
quelq’un, etc.). In turn, these are the only nodes necessary for the clitic placement rules that involve
variables (i.e., that must be structure-preserving, according to the constraint). A third clitic placement rule
can be formulated as a local movement transformation. The analysis is presented in detail in
Chapter VI.
III.4 Further Structure-Preserving NP Movements within Sentences 91
(It should be noted that “stylistic inversion” is not a stylistic rule in the sense of
Chapter I, because in Kayne’s formulation it depends on the presence of the
formative WH in the input string.)
beaucoup de monde AUX V NP
a ete contente A
Ruwet (1972, p. 21) shows that these rules, which may apply in embedded
sentences in French, are structure-preserving; I translate:
Thus, it might be expected that (15a) or (15b) could be generated by stylistic inversion
from (15c) [cf. (59) —(60)]; but (15a) —(15b) include a sequence V—NP—NP which is
not generated by the phrase structure rules for French. As the constraints of Emonds
predict, (15a) —(15b) are ungrammatical:
(15a) *La ville ou rencontrera Pierre cet homme est tres provinciate*
(15b) *La ville ou rencontrera cet homme Fherre est tres provinciale.
(15c) La ville ou Pierre rencontrera cet homme est tres provinciale.
‘The city where Pierre will meet that man is very provincial.’
extraposition of indefinites (cf. Kayne, 1969; Picabia, 1970), which derives (16a) from
(16b) but which cannot derive (17a) from (17b) [see n. 18]:
Here again, the constraints of Emonds permit one to explain why, even though (18a) is
possible (extraposition of indefinites being applied after the passive rule) (19a), which
one could expect to derive from (19b), superficially very similar to (18b), is ungrammatical:
The reason is that contente in (18) is the past participle of a verb, and that the sequence
V—NP can be generated by the base rules, whereas content in (19) is an adjective, and
there is no independent reason for having a base rule such as VP -> etre—AP— NP (where
AP = adjective phrase).
Ruwet, quoting Kayne (1972), goes on to point out that the structure¬
preserving constraint does not, as currently formulated, suffice to account for all
the restrictions on a rule like stylistic inversion. For example, the rule is blocked
in most dialects if some PP follows the verb, as in (63):
(64) *La ville ou parlera aux boulangers Pierre est tres provinciate.
18Again, the reason is that this would require the base rule VP -> V—NP— NP— . . ., which is not a
rule of French required for deep structures.
III.4 Further Structure-Preserving NP Movements within Sentences 93
Lakoff and Peters (1966) have proposed that the second sentences in the
pairs in (65) be derived from the first sentences by a rule called conjunct
movement. There are arguments against this rule in Dougherty (1968) and
Newmeyer (1969). I do not mean to counter these arguments; I wish only to
discuss the rule in light of the structure-preserving constraint in case that,
given some revision in the theory of grammar, these criticisms can be answered
and the rule retained.
19i am not claiming that violations of the structure-preserving constraint lead always to strong un¬
acceptability; we saw in Chapter II that under certain conditions the opposite is true. But in the present
case Ruwet’s examples (15a—b) and example (64) may be strongly unacceptable because the structure¬
preserving constraint AND a rule of French exclude them independently. In (63), only a rule of French is
broken; in the examples of topicalization in certain dependent clauses discussed in Chapter n, only the
structure-preserving constraint is broken.
20 Stylistic inversion cannot be a local movement transformation because it depends on the presence of
a preceding element in the COMP position such as WH.
Stylistic inversion shows clearly that it is erroneous to allow empty nodes to satisfy obligatory sub¬
categorization features, as suggested in Emonds (1970). The requirement that a verb like completer be
transitive is never satisfied by its being followed by an NP in surface structure: *Le jour ou a complete
Pierre etait tres heureux. In Emonds (1970) I utilized this notion crucially only in the treatment of “there
insertion”; this mistake is corrected in Section III.6.1.
94 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
wi th
In this section, I utilize a base rule that provides for the possibility of a
“possessive” NP before the head noun:21
(67) NP -> —N—(PP)*—(S)
1 NP
Chomsky (1970) has given two arguments that the phrase structure rules should
generate NP’s in the DET position. First, he argues that noun phrases such
as those in boldface in (69) cannot be derived from the corresponding sentences
in (70) without reducing the notion of “grammatical transformation” to
21 It is not always the case that a possessive NP renders the larger NP definite: There was a farmer’s
daughter in the field. Cf. Jackendoff (1968).
22Although Chomsky’s arguments for this are convincing, they can be strengthened by considerations
given in Section m.5.2.
III.5 Movements of NP’s within NP’s 95
Given this, if we want to have the same order of elements and grammatical
relations in the deep structures of the noun phrases in (69) as in the corres¬
ponding sentences in (70), we must generate “subject” NP’s of noun phrases
inside NP’s by a rule like (67). [That is, the deep structure order of elements
in (69) must be the enemy's destruction, the corn’s growth, John's stupidity,
the table's length, etc.]
Second, Chomsky points out that certain uses of possessive NP’s (those
followed by ’s), such as those in bold face in (71a), cannot be plausibly derived
from deep structures in which these NP’s are not in the DET position. For
example, the (normally stressed) sentences in (71b) are not paraphrases of
those in (71a):
23 The asterisk after (PP) in (67) implies that the limitations on the number and order of post-
nominal PP’s are determined by the lexical properties of the head noun, and not by a general constraint
on internal NP structure. (Of course one could alternatively define this asterisk as, say, “three at most,”
rather than “indefinitely many,” if a principled reason to do so were found.) The (S) in the source for full
sentence and infinitive complements to nouns. It cannot be used as a source for relative clauses, however,
since the latter cooccur with clause complements to nouns. I leave open the question of a deep structure
source for relative clauses. Perhaps, since more than one such clause can modify a single noun, a recursive
rule such as NP -> NP—S is appropriate.
96 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
Consider now the “passive noun phrases” in (72). These noun phrases
are paraphrases of the “active noun phrases” in (73) and the “mixed noun
phrases” in (74):
I assume that the o/s following the head nouns in (73) and (74) are not
present in deep structure; this allows us to enter noun—verb pairs such as
destroy—destruction in the lexicon as both transitive (i.e., it is not necessary
to specify one as appearing before of). If a rule of of insertion follows the rule
that derives (72) from (74), then the latter rule need not mention of.
Given the rule in (67) for expanding NP’s, the derivation of (72) from the
structures underlying (74) can be expressed by a structure-preserving rule
having the effect shown in (76) (as just mentioned, of is not yet inserted when
this rule applies):
III.5 Movements of NP’s within NP’s 97
applies only to NP’s that are not separated from V by an intervening NP. The
condition on the possessive transformation appears to be that the NP moved
is the object of an empty P when the rule applies (i.e., is of the form [PPNP])
[compare the examples in (77)]. This condition allows certain time adverbial
NP’s whose preposition is deleted (cf. Section HI.3 for discussion) to be pre¬
posed by the possessive transformation, and this in fact happens:
(80) *1 like it that last week was discussed novels by the librarian.
*This morning was spoken by the president.
[One could claim that the rule operating in (79) is different from the one operat¬
ing in (76); but all I am arguing for here is a preposing rule inside NP’s distinct
from the NP preposing that produces passive sentences, and (79) is evidence
for this in any case.]
These arguments all indicate that the possessive transformation is a
separate (structure-preserving) rule in the grammar of English.
While we are speaking of movement rules inside NP’s, it is appropriate
to mention that the rule relating the pairs of sentences in (81) is also structure¬
In view of the deep structure order of elements in sentences like those in (82),
it appears that the first sentences in the pairs in (81) are more basic, whether
or not one accepts the arguments in Chomsky (1970) that the sentences in (81)
are not derived directly from structures underlying those in (82):
III.5 Movements of NP’s within NP’s 99
This means that the rule relating the pairs in (81) is not the possessive trans¬
formation, but some different structure-preserving rule, say, “NP postposing.”
Again, we can assume that this rule precedes of insertion and the insertion
of ’s, so that it applies as in (83).
(83) NP
belief P NP that the
w or Id is
A A cubic
Thus in this section we have seen two structure-preserving NP movements
that operate within larger NP’s.
24The competing transformationalist hypothesis is not compatible with these facts because if subject
raising, etc., are cyclic rules, they must apply before a “derived nominal transformation,” which means that
derived nominals should exhibit structures resulting from such rules (*John’s appearance to be happy,
*The problem’s difficulty to solve, etc.). The only alternative left for the transformationalist hypothesis is
to assign derived nominal formation to a class of “precyclic” transformations, as in Newmeyer (1974).
In the extended standard theory precyclic rules of this type are identified with rules of semantic inter¬
pretation that operate on deep structures. This is not to say that the “middle structures” of Newmeyer
(1974) and the deep structures of the extended standard theory do not differ empirically; however, Newmeyer
points out that they are in some ways similar.
III.5 Movements of NP’s within NP’s 101
25 Since many active sentences and active noun phrases do not alternate with passive constructions,
there is no reason to suppose that their surface order of subject NP—head differs from their deep structure
order. This holds for any number of intransitive verbs (tremble, die, blossom, rest, doze, wilt, etc.) and
for many transitive verbs and a great variety of derived nominals:
rule may not apply within noun phrases. Rather, the possessive transformation
of NP domain (discussed in the preceding section) can, with a slight modifica¬
tion, effect the movement of agent phrases into the possessive NP position:
(86) Possessive: [NPZ\] —X— [PP (by)— NP]— Y => 4—2 —0 — 0—5
If the deep structure position of the NP object of by in (87) were in the DET
position [i.e., were generated prenominally by (67) or (68) ], then there would
be no source for the noun phrases in (87). Various ad hoc output conditions
might be found to incorporate the “exceptional” facts of (87) into a total analy¬
sis, but (87) is in fact just what we expect under the agent-preposing analysis
of the passive.26
26Noam Chomsky has pointed out to me that some kind of output condition might be required in any
case, although its nature is still obscure. The reasoning is thus: The conclusion of Johns would seem to
derive from John’s conclusion, to explain the possessive marker; note also that nose of John’s, which
eliminates *that nose of John's noses as a possible uniform source of the postposed possessive. But then
each conclusion of John’s would appear to derive from a structure in which John’s and each both precede
the head conclusion in deep structure. In turn, the exclusion of such surface structures (*John’s each
conclusion, *Each John’s conclusion) means that an output constraint would be needed.
Inasmuch as there is no reason to choose either of the unacceptable orders (DET— NP—'s or NP—’s—
DET) as the deep order, it would seem that these two constituents, the DET and the possessive NP,
should be unordered in deep structure. We might then more generally permit unordered sets of constituents
in deep structure in certain positions, provided that each element of the set appears in the given position
in some surface structures, and require that a universal constraint on grammars exclude any surface
structures in which such sets of constituents are not reduced to one. This would eliminate the statement of
“output constraints” in particular grammars in many cases. There would be no complication in the base
rules of particular grammars either, as each position specified in them would have to be justified in the
same way as at present (cf. the discussion of base restrictions in Chapter I). Such a device was introduced
in Emonds (1970) and termed DOUBLY filled NODES; in principle a node could be “multiply filled” in deep
III.5 Movements of NP’s within NP’s 103
Footnote 26 continued
structure by this device, although it would make no sense to speak of “doubly empty, since a null set
cannot be doubly null.
Inasmuch as this extremely tentative device was mistakenly thought by some to be of crucial importance
for establishing the structure-preserving constraint, I have eliminated its use in this study. In terms of
the material discussed in this note, this means simply that I accept here the possibility of negative output
constraints in particular grammars. This possibility also is accepted, to my knowledge, by all critics of
“multiply filled nodes.”
27 If the insertion of the dummy subject it were permitted in English in transitive constructions, this
would yield a variant *It was defeated Germany by Russia. Even though an it insertion rule exists in
English (for “weather verbs” such as rain and snow, for seem and appear, for cleft constructions, etc.), it
does not apply in the context_V—NP, where V F be.
104 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
rule in the standard analysis of the passive. In accordance with the terminology
in Jackendoff (1972), let us call the NP that undergoes the motion in a clause
with a motional verb the theme. We must then say that agent postposing can¬
not apply to a subject of a motional verb that is a theme but not an agent (i.e.,
is inanimate or dead).
However, in the agent-preposing analysis this restriction can be expressed
in the base by analyzing nonagent themes of motional verbs as deep structure
subjects and agent themes of motional verbs as deep structure objects of by.
That is, a different deep structure grammatical relation is assigned to agent
and nonagent themes of motional verbs. Since the grammatical relations of deep
structure typically reflect different semantic relations between a verb and its
“arguments” or “clausemates” while transformations are typically immune
to such differences, the agent-preposing analysis is to be preferred.28
In this section, I have compared two analyses of the passive constructions
of English that are equally consistent with the structure-preserving hypothesis
and with what I take to be an important principle in the lexicalist framework
of Chomsky (1970): the restriction on movement rules given as (85). Three
arguments have been advanced that favor the second, nonstandard analysis of
the passive.
A certain number of intransitive verbs in English may also occur with the
“dummy” or “expletive” surface subject there and following noun phrases of
the type that usually play the role of their subject:
28Actuaily the observations concerning (88) are equivalent to the “first thematic hierarchy condition”
in Jackendoff (1972): “The passive fry-phrase must be higher on the Thematic Hierarchy than the derived
subject [pp. 43—46].” (For terminology Jackendoff’s discussion of “thematic relations” must be consulted.)
Given Jackendoff’s thematic hierarchy, this condition can be violated only if (i) the passive fry phrase
contains the NP marked “theme” or (ii) the passive surface subject NP is the “agent.” But as he points
out (p. 42), an agent NP within the standard analysis must be a DEEP structure SUBJECT (i.e., cannot
be a deep structure object), so (ii) can never occur anyway.
In all the starred examples in (88), the problem is exactly that the fry phrase does contain an NP
that stands only in the thematic relation of “theme” to the main verb; in the acceptable examples, the
by phrase NP is both theme and agent. Other examples given by Jackendoff where (i) is violated are:
29 The postverbal NP can sometimes be subsequently placed at the end of the VP by the “complex
NP shift” rule discussed in Section HL7.
There can be no doubt about the NP status of the literal (locative) use of there elsewhere in the
grammar, even though a preceding P is sometimes deleted: Bill walked away from there, What’s happening
in there? Don’t go near there, etc. So we are not introducing any irregularity of category by inserting
there in another NP position. Furthermore, subsequent rules treat this there as an NP: There seems t(
remain a problem.
106 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
But when the first be is an M, such a statement of the rule yields the
wrong results:
Rather, there insertion moves the subject NP to a position after the first be
that is under the VP:
The structure-preserving constraint not only accounts for this but explains it,
in the sense that another formulation of there insertion that would place the
subject NP between M and V (when M is be) would be impossible, since the
phrase structure rules do not provide an empty NP in that position.
The structure-preserving formulation of there insertion also predicts
that there insertion should not be permitted in sentences in which be is followed
by a nonempty (lexical) predicate attribute NP or AP. Such nodes do not have
a source outside the lowest VP; so if they are present and filled in deep struc¬
ture, no empty node onto which the subject NP can move is generable.
III.6 Constructions with the Expletive Subject There 107
( drunk
(99) Bill and Sue were the nonmembers present (available, in the other
room, etc.).
The gold key is the key missing (available, on the table, etc.).
My kid is a terror naked (drunk, without clothes, etc.).
John is a competent typist sober.
The man was pitiful undressed.
Jane is very witty drunk.
(100) present
There were quite a few nonmembers i *talkative a •
* witty
There is a gold key j available
{ *octogonal
A final note is in order. The analysis of there insertion given here, as well
as that in Jenkins (1974), is not compatible with the claim that the sentences
in (105) are derived directly from those in (104) by movement of the subject NP
into the auxiliary (there is no deep structure NP generable inside the auxiliary):
110 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
Ross (1967a) argues that the (b) sentences in (107) —(109) should be derived
from the (a) sentences by a rule he calls “there replacement.” [Ross does not
explicitly mention sentences like those in (109), however.] The movement part
of this rule, which has the effect indicated in (110), is clearly structure-preserv-
30The rules of reduced relative clauses given in Chapter V relate this source sentence in perfectly
regular fashion to the corresponding sentence in (105). The questionable acceptability of the corresponding
sentence in (104) could not be explained so easily, which supports the conclusion in the text. Sentences of
this type and their relevance were pointed out to me by Sharon Sabsay.
III.7 Complex NP Shift 111
ing. It should be stated so that either of the boxed NP’s in a tree like (110) can
be moved by it:
This rule moves object NP’s to the end of the verb phrase if they dominate
an S. In some cases it is sufficient that the NP dominate a PP. (When, if ever,
the rule is obligatory is not of interest here.) The structure in a typical example
in (111) after this rule has applied is as in (112):
112 Structure-Preserving NP Movement Transformations
Since the sequence V—PP—NP is not generable by the phrase structure rules
of English (i.e., since no empty NP is generable after PP’s in a VP), this rule
is not structure-preserving according to our definition in Chapter I.
On the other hand, it does not seem to be an accident that the condition
on complex NP shift is that the NP dominate an S or a PP, and that the NP in
question is moved to the S or PP position at the end of the VP. In more
general terms what seems to be happening is the following: Ordinarily a trans¬
formational operation that substitutes a constituent B for a constituent A is
structure-preserving if and only if B and A are of the same category. But com¬
plex NP shift is a transformational operation that may substitute a constituent
B (an NP) for a constituent A (an empty PP or S in VP-final position) whenever
Thus we must weaken somewhat the structure-preserving constraint to
allow for this variation on it, but we should weaken it under as restrictive a
condition as possible. One such condition would be a requirement that this
weakening of the structure-preserving constraint can take place only if A is a
rightmost or leftmost constituent of an S.
In fact there is good evidence that this is nearly the correct version of the
condition under which rules are required to preserve structure only in a weaker
sense: The WH-fronting rule substitutes phrase nodes for the sentence-initial
COMP node with the feature WH whenever these phrase nodes dominate WH.
In the course of this study, the mechanisms underlying WH fronting are
examined in the appropriate sections, but full attention is turned to this rule
only in Chapter V; we will see then that this initial observation holds true:
WH fronting may effect the movement of a phrase node just in case that phrase
node dominates (or is) a category in the feature complex of COMP.
I therefore propose extending the notion of structure-preserving opera¬
tions to those that satisfy the following condition:
The last requirement in (113) ensures that no rule will substitute an S or any
other constituent for COMP just because that constituent contains a COMP
in an embedded sentence. Note that if the leftmost constituent of an S is
COMP, and if the only feature that appears with COMP and also in other posi¬
tions is WH, it follows that the only fronting rules permitted by (113) that are
not structure-preserving in the sense of Section IQ. 1.2 are WH fronting rules.
For our purposes in this chapter, it is sufficient to note that while (113)
permits the rule of complex NP shift, with A = S or PP and B = NP, it does
not permit non-structure-preserving rules (in the sense of Section ELI) to
apply in sentence-internal positions at all or even at sentence boundaries except
under very special conditions.
The analysis of complex NP shift permitted by the sentence boundary
condition predicts that the rule can apply only if the NP moved substitutes
for a VP-final (empty) S node. In fact Ross (1967a, pp. 30—34) must impose a
very complicated ad hoc condition on this rule (which in part involves his view
that adjectives are verbs, since refuted in Chomsky, 1970, and not held here) to
ensure that the rule does not apply if the VP terminates in a (nonempty) S.
The following examples and judgments are from Ross.32 The VP-final S con¬
stituents that block complex NP shift are in boldface:
(114) *1 forced (wanted) to eat hot soup all the children who were
*1 told that we were in trouble a man Who had a kind face.
*1 watched talk (ing) all the children who had never seen the sea.
?*I found to be delicious some fruit that I picked up on the way
?*The major regarded as being absurd the proposal to build a
sidewalk from Dartmouth to Smith.
*1 consider to be a fool the senator who made the opening
* She asked whether it looked like rain a man who was near
the window.
32I assume with Ross (1968) that the S node over infinitives does not prune, although it does
prune if only an AP remains after deletions.
33 There are still unexplained cases, both here and in the final formulation of the rule (with two
special conditions) given by Ross. For example, Ross notes the contrast We elected President the man who
was sixty versus * We gave money the man who was sixty. It seems to me that a promising line of research
in this regard is that being followed in Culicover and Wexler (1973).
Root and Structure-Preserving
Movements of Sentences and Verb
In this chapter, I argue that the rules that move S and VP constituents in
English are root or structure-preserving operations.1 We are concerned almost
exclusively with rules that move S’s, and perhaps should be formulated to move
VP’s also, simply because few rules that move VP’s but not S’s have been
proposed in the literature. Three rules of this type have, however, been
In Sections II.5.2 and II.7 two root transformations that move VP’s are
described—VP preposing and participle preposing. They are exemplified again
(1) VP Preposing:
We thought she would lose her temper, and lose it she has.
They said we shouldn’t buy gold, but buy gold we will.
*We thought that she would lose her temper, and he writes that
lose it she did.
'It seems possible that in Dutch and/or German there is a local movement rule involving S. H. van
Riemsdijk has pointed out to me that such a rule might interchange an S—V input sequence. Thus I do not
mean to imply by the title of this chapter that S and VP nodes cannot take part in local rules in the way
other phrasal categories can. Such a rule for German would cancel the argumentation of Higgins (1973)
that leads to his conclusion that “it is, prima facie, unlikely that the sentential extraposition rules of
German can be fitted into the structure-preserving framework [p. 183].”
116 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
*They are saying that we didn’t hate Capetown, even though hate it
we did.
Participle Preposing:
Fouling up their plans now is the new demand to abolish
profit increases.
*1 hope that fouling up their plans now is the new demand to
abolish profit increases.
was criticized
John CONJ John (p by the office
both criticized and —
his boss
To my knowledge, these are the only VP movement rules that have been
proposed for English in the literature with supporting argumentation, and they
present no counterevidence to the structure-preserving constraint.
In examples (3) and (4) the constituents in boldface have the internal
structure of sentences (S) but appear to take the positions of NP’s; that is, the
sentences appear in the positions of direct object, subject, and object of a
2 It is true that Dougherty’s rule as formulated violates the prohibition on transformationally inserting
material into a clause S; [the leftmost S in (2) ] on a transformational cycle of a clause higher than Sj
[in this case, the cycle of the top S in (2) ]. However, since this constraint could easily be amended to
exceptionally allow such insertion into conjoined S’s on the cycle of the conjoining S (i.e., such an addendum
could be stated in terms of well-motivated constructs in universal grammar such as conjoined and con¬
joining S’s), this consideration alone does not seem to me to invalidate Dougherty’s proposal.
IV.2 Clausal Subjects and Objects: Extraposition 117
3 Subordinate clauses introduced by V +ing that are NOT subjects or objects of verbs or objects of
prepositions are termed not gerunds but, rather, participles.
An alternative to the analysis of extraposed complement clauses of Rosenbaum (1967) is to be found
in Emonds (1972b), in which complement clauses are generated in VP-final position and moved into
subject position by a root transformation called subject replacement. This analysis here is formally
similar to Rosenbaum’s and quite different from Emonds (1972b). But empirically speaking I am not
sure that my own two proposals can be clearly differentiated one from the other, whereas both make quite
different (and I think better) predictions than Rosenbaum’s does.
I received an analysis of extraposition for Dutch (de Haan, 1974) that is very similar to the analysis
for English given here just before sending the manuscript to press. De Haan includes a critical appraisal of
Rosenbaum (1967) and Emonds (1972b).
Higgins (1973) gives a detailed criticism of Emonds (1972b) and purports to refute that analysis.
Almost all of his arguments seem to me to be flawed or based on misunderstandings of my original pro¬
posals (the latter due in some cases to my own lack of explicitness or clarity). I might make exception when
it comes to arguments Higgins proposes based on the pseudo-cleft construction, since I have a poor under¬
standing of that construction (especially of the mechanism that “matches” the two sides of the copula).
On the other hand, formal differences between the present analysis and Rosenbaum’s are so few that I doubt
that one could base an argument on the pseudo-cleft construction that would convincingly differentiate or
choose between them.
Similarly, Nagahara (1974) presents arguments against Emonds (1972b). In this study, I am not
trying to compare the analysis of Emonds (1972b) to that given here. Thus the question of whether
Higgins or Nagahara has effectively refuted my previous analysis is not really relevant to the development.
I would hope that a comparison between a “perfected” subject replacement analysis and my extraposition
analysis could appear in the literature in the future. However, since I understand that in Higgins’ dis-
118 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
xt • • •
Rosenbaum points out that the deep structure in (5) requires that the
lexical proform be strictly subcategorized for the frame +_S, since we
cannot allow it to appear freely in the N position. This is necessary to ensure
that determiners do not appear to the left of it or PP to the right of it. The
ad hoc nature of this subcategorization feature can be seen by noting that it
belongs to a class of “proforms” (in traditional terms, the “personal pronouns”:
it, he, she, they, we, you, I, and perhaps who), which otherwise share the
property that they occur only in the context np [_].4
This class is defined in other ways also: Only personal pronouns show
subject—object “case” differences in English. (Cf. Section V.9. Of course such
case differences are not required; e.g., you.) Only personal pronouns cannot as
objects be separated in surface structure from a preceding verb in a non-
contrastive context (as discussed in Ross, 1967a, and Fischer, 1971):
Footnote 3 continued
sertation the analysis of the pseudo-cleft presupposed in his original criticisms has been abandoned, one
might omit discussion of that construction.
Throughout this chapter (especially in the notes), I do try to answer whatever arguments of Higgins’
and Nagahara’s would apply to my analysis here.
41 assume that various modifying relative clauses, reduced relatives, and appositives are SISTER
constituents to the modified NP: we the doctors, he who knows best, you from St. Louis, etc. For discussion
of appositives see Delorme and Dougherty (1972). Hence the claim in the text.
Proper nouns may appear without determiners but may also appear with them. Note the contrast with
personal pronouns: the three Susans, young John versus *the three yous, *young she.
IV.2 Clausal Subjects and Objects: Extraposition 119
5 It might be preferable to add to a deep structure like (7) a feature on the head N such as -(-ABSTRACT
[i.e., any transformation that applies to (7) to delete A and derive a well-formed surface structure should
perhaps apply only to structures in which the empty N has such a feature value]. This feature could then
serve in the selectional restriction mechanisms that match verbs with appropriate subjects and objects. Such
a feature does not affect the lines of the transformational analysis given here. At worst it can be identified
with Rosenbaum’s arbitrary “complementizer” features, ±D and ±E, which differentiate among the deep
structure sources of gerunds, infinitives, and that clauses in his system.
120 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
At least one other type of verb that I claim takes an S sister in deep
structure is the “manner of speaking” verb in its “understood communicatively”
sense. The definition and explication of these terms, and examples and proper¬
ties of this class of verb are given in Zwicky (1971). Examples:
In Emonds (1970) I used quip and guess as verbs of this type, though I was not
aware of all the properties of the class. Because guess has several related but
different uses, I omit it here.
As Zwicky notes, these verbs in the sense indicated (where the complement
S is understood as carrying the meaning of a proposition and not just the
representation of a sound sequence) cannot be found in the passive:
This fact is accounted for by generating the complement clause S’s as sister
constituents to the verbs rather than as NP’s.
According to the analysis to follow, gerunds that may have a surface subject
expressed as a possessive NP are themselves in NP positions throughout
their transformational derivation. This, together with the fact that “manner of
speaking verbs understood communicatively” have S but not object NP comple¬
ment clauses, explains why such verbs cannot have gerund objects (as pointed
out by Zwicky):
A third test that such complement clauses are not NP’s is that they cannot
undergo object raising:
(14) It was easy to growl that the food was late; why didn’t you refuse to
* That the food was late was easy to growl; why didn’t you refuse to
It would be interesting to shriek that Baltimore has gone ahead.
*That Baltimore has gone ahead would be interesting to shriek.
It must be tough for him to quip that half a leg is better than none.
*That half a leg is better than none must be tough for him to quip.
In my terms, this rule moves a nongerund clause in the context [NP A 4-_]
to VP-final position, replacing A with it:
122 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
[Of course the notation of (17) may be redundant, since the structure-preserving
hypothesis may permit conventions on the formal statement of rules that ensure
that the previous formulation of extraposition, (15), is automatically interpreted
as (17).]
This structure-preserving effect of extraposition can be illustrated as
6Formally, an empty S dominates a string of A’s—those under categories generated by the obligatory
base rule choices such as the subject N, the main verb, and perhaps TENSE.
IV.2 Clausal Subjects and Objects: Extraposition 123
Time and place adverbials, and less generally causal adverbials, can also
precede extraposed subject clauses; any grammatical analysis of English using
the extraposition rule must account for this alternation. In Section V.4 I propose
a structure-preserving rule that optionally moves such adverbials inside the
verb phrase which immediately dominates the main verb; this rule yields the
following variants of the examples in (19):
(20) It seems conceivable today that our long-term goals will be achieved.
It means nothing in Einstein’s framework to speak of simultaneity.
It isn’t required in this school that the players be tall.
It pleased me very much that they played those records.
It doesn’t frighten me anymore to watch horror movies.
It isn’t necessary on this campus to be smart.
(21) That John has blood on his hands proves (that) Mary is innocent.
* It proves (that) Mary is innocent that John has blood on his hands.
To see this movie is to relive the past.
* It is to relive the past to see this movie.
That John is late persuades me that the train was delayed.
*It persuades me that the train was delayed that John is late.
Examples of this type and their possible significance were first pointed out to
me by Edward Klima.
In both Rosenbaum’s analysis and this study, the extraposition of a clause
from an NP position leaves an it in that position. Therefore both equally require
124 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
a further rule to delete this it in direct object position after certain verbs,
whether or not a PP (or other adverbial) intervenes between this it and the
extraposed S:
(22) John said (*it) (to his friends) that we had betrayed him.
That suggests ((it) (to us) that he was correct.
Several people explained (*it) to her how it should be done.1
Further, this direct object it in the clauses with extraposed object clauses
gives rise to the following passives [cf. the lack of such passives with “manner
of speaking verbs communicatively understood” in (12)]:
7 Higgins (1973, pp. 184—185) gives several examples with passive counterparts to (22) that emphasize
the need for an NP (= it) in direct object position with these verbs, so that the passive transformation
does not apply incorrectly to yield:
These facts are perfectly consistent with my analysis and also with that in Emonds (1970) because of
the direct object it (deleted in surface structure) that intervenes between the verb and the indirect object
when the passive rule applies to the strings underlying the examples in (22). Higgins, in the passage
under discussion, refers to my “cavalier treatment of the it" in comparing the analysis of Emonds (1970)
to that of Rosenbaum, and claims that the preceding examples support Rosenbaum’s analysis. My treat¬
ment of it was exactly as cavalier as Rosenbaum’s, for as pointed out in Emonds (1970), “the theory
of verb complementation I am proposing agrees with that of Rosenbaum in that the distribution of the
deep structure it’s whose antecedents are sentence and infinitive (but not gerund) complements is essentially
the same in both theories.” Thus the examples under discussion are not generable in all three theories
for exactly the same reason—there is a (nonempty) direct object NP between the verb and the indirect
object when the passive rule applies.
8Embedded sentence contexts are chosen in (25) so as to avoid confusion with the possibility of
sentences in which right dislocation applies to gerund (NP) subjects:
(25) ' The thought that it would be surprising your being able to find a
new job never occurred to me.
*The times that it irritated him Mary's having so many books were
* He admits that it seems to satisfy him reading magazines if you
Nothing in this analysis crucially depends on the following proposal for the
derivation of gerunds from a deep structure [OT A +S]; the arguments favoring
A + S over it + S as a deep structure for infinitives and that clauses in English
could be made even if gerunds did not exist. However, since gerunds will be seen
to be in interesting distributional contrast to nongerund clauses (i.e., gerunds
pattern like NPs with head nouns), I give the rule that can account for this
Any analysis that includes the extraposition rule must account for the
fact, noted by Rosenbaum, that gerunds do not freely undergo this rule. This
can be done ad hoc by specifying some feature characteristic of gerunds in the
extraposition rule itself; such is Rosenbaum’s mechanism. But one might also
suppose that the transformation that creates gerunds (i.e., either adds the
markers ’s and ing or creates contexts so that subsequent rules automatically
add ’s and ing) precedes extraposition and destroys the context on which
extraposition is defined. This is what I propose, although Rosenbaum could have
taken this course as well. In subsequent discussion many distributional contrasts
between gerunds and other complement clauses (besides that concerning extra¬
position) are shown to follow from ordering and formulating gerund formation
in this way:
Footnote 8 continued
Most speakers agree, however, that the lack of comma intonation in such sentences is unacceptable (i.e.,
extraposition, which does not induce such intonation, is not grammatical):
We could revise (26) so that it adds ing to the VP, but it seems more likely
that ing is added by a more general rule to a wide range of structures of the
form [s VP], Such a rule would add ing to various reduced relative and sentence¬
modifying participles as well.
9 If ’s is added transformationally in this context, the inside NP cannot also be inside an S (as is
the case prior to gerund formation), owing to Chomsky’s (1965, Chapter 3) “lower-S insertion prohibi¬
Higgins (1973) points out that some condition must ensure that X is not a relative clause in the
context for’s insertion. If such a condition is not ensured by some factor of universal grammar (what must
be blocked is adding ’s to the head NP of a larger NP), this might be taken as an argument for generating
’s in the base with a (filled or empty) prenominal NP.
Nagahara (1974) points out that an’s insertion could not be structure-preserving. Doubtless it should
be classed as local. For discussion of a formally similar rule, see the last note of Chapter VI.
IV.2 Clausal Subjects and Objects: Extraposition 127
10The left context X is not necessary in my view, since I do not think that topicalized NP’s are strictly
grammatical except initially, but this is a separate issue, discussed in Section II.7.
One could state topicalization so that this rule deleted A directly:
(32) That the boys were dancing together was amusing John.
For John to arrive would cause embarrassment.
That the children are always late shows the necessity of discipline.
That you spoke out of turn didn’t help the situation.
To suggest devaluation would anger the bankers.
*John was being amused (by) that the boys were dancing together.
* Embarrassment would be caused (by) for John to arrive.
*The necessity of discipline is shown (by) that the children are
always late.
*The situation wasn’t helped (by) that you spoke out of turn.
*The bankers would be angered (by) to suggest devaluation.
11 Several arguments are given in Emonds (1972b, pp. 44—45) that the forms in boldface in the fol¬
lowing examples are adjectives and not passive verb forms; hence, no passive by phrase is involved:
(34) *That for Bill to smoke bothers the teacher is quite possible.
That it bothers the teacher for Bill to smoke is quite possible.
That Bill’s smoking cigarettes bothers the teacher is quite possible.
*It is quite possible that for Bill to smoke bothers the teacher.
*For that you pay that tax to be necessary would be an inconvenience.
For it to be necessary that you pay that tax would be an
*It would be an inconvenience for that you pay that tax to be
*He protested the decision that for the bill to be marked “paid”
meant nothing.
He protested the decision that it meant nothing for the bill to be
marked “paid”.
He protested the decision that the bill’s being marked “paid” meant
*John was happy that to own a car didn’t disqualify you.
John was happy that it didn’t disqualify you to own a car.
John was happy that owning a car didn’t disqualify you.
*1 don’t believe for you to study history hurts you.
*1 don’t believe that you study history hurts you.
I don’t believe your studying history hurts you.
*A day at the beach is more fun than to play golf is.
A day at the beach is more fun than playing golf is.
*To go by car doesn’t seem as rewarding as to ride a horse used to
Going by car doesn’t seem as rewarding as riding a horse used to
* Although that the house is empty may depress you, it pleases me.
* Although for the house to be empty may depress you, it pleases me.
Although the house’s being empty may depress you, it pleases me.
12The claim here is that nongerund clauses appear in subject (preverbal) position only if topicalized.
For those who feel that (non-WH) topicalized NP’s are acceptable in some range of embedded clauses, the
claim here is that nongerund clauses will have the same range of acceptability. Cf. Hooper and Thompson
The analysis of extraposition given here does not depend on what the structure-preserving con¬
straint says about topicalization, but only on the fact that some device in the grammar prevents free
application of (non-WH) topicalization in embedded clauses. It is, of course, my further contention that this
device is the structure-preserving constraint.
IV.2 Clausal Subjects and Objects: Extraposition 131
*He exercises so rarely that to lift those bricks is bad for his heart.
He exercises so rarely that lifting those bricks is bad for his heart.
*The children for whom to diagram sentences is easy often become
The children for whom it is easy to diagram sentences often become
The children for whom diagraming sentences is easy often become
*She forgets how expensive to go to the dentist is.
She forgets how expensive going to the dentist is.
*The reason why that you have insurance doesn't protect you is that
you're a foreigner.
*The reason why for you to have insurance doesn’t protect you is
that you're a foreigner.
The reason why your having insurance doesn’t protect you is that
you’re a foreigner.
* Situations in which to write out a check is necessary should be
Situations in which writing out a check is necessary should be
*The salesman who that I bought a car seemed most important to
was a southerner.
*The salesman who for me to buy a car seemed most important to
was a southerner.
The salesman who my buying a car seemed most important to was
a southerner.
*She likes the kind of man that to see a few movies a year will satisfy.
She likes the kind of man that it will satisfy to see a few movies
a year.
She likes the kind of man that seeing a few movies a year will
(36) She once liked watching television and physical exercise both.
*She once liked watching television and to play volleyball both.
*She once liked to watch television and physical exercise both.
(where physical exercise is object of like.)
*She once liked physical exercise and to watch television both.
Outdoor bathrooms and pitching a tent every day would bother me.
*To pitch a tent every day and outdoor bathrooms would bother me.
* Eating canned foods and to pitch a tent every day would bother me.
He proposed a 20% reduction for the elderly and discontinuing the
translation service.
*He proposed a 20% reduction for the elderly and that the office
be moved to the suburbs.
*He proposed discontinuing the translation service and that the
office be moved to the suburbs.
In fact infinitive and that clauses are also generally excluded in this position:
(38) *It is blow up some buildings that you should do. (cf. What you
should do is blow up some buildings.)
*It is playing for time that Bill is doing, (cf. What Bill is doing is
playing for time.)
*It was to buy a new hat that I wanted.
*It’s for Mary to drive carelessly that upsets Ann.
*It is to always be on time that you should decide.
*It was that you explain your motives that was important.
*It’s that John has come too late that Bill realizes.
*Was it that Mary had cashed the check that Bill regretted?
Further, the two classes of verb phrases introduced by V—ing shown in Rosen¬
baum (1967) and Emonds (1973a) not to be NP’s like other gerunds do not
appear in cleft focus position, again as expected (the verb phrase classes in
question are the complements to verbs of temporal aspect and the complements
to transitive verbs of perception):
(39) *It was throwing away some letters that John noticed Bill.
*It was stealing my money that she caught him.
*It is drinking beer from the bottle that she keeps.
*Is it painting the house that you’ve finished?
13The alternative to such an assumption is to generate some or all of these clausal complements as sisters
to the verb (i.e., to generate them in extraposition in deep structure). This approach is taken in Emonds (1970,
1972b). As noted earlier, I am not comparing that analysis with that being presented in the text.
14If it is taken as the deep structure sister of clausal complements to verbs, the facts in (30) —(40)
cannot be handled just by restricting it deletion to topicalized NP’s, because this will leave it—S sequences
in all those NP positions where only gerund clauses are allowed (including complements with modals). Such
sequences are even less acceptable than nongerund clauses:
Another possibility open to Rosenbaum is to impose an ad hoc condition that extraposition is obligatory
in nontopicalized position, but such a special condition can be dispensed with in my analysis. Ross (1967a)
claims that this condition is a special case of an output prohibition (exception-laden, by his own account)
on sentence-internal [^p S] configurations; for arguments against this, see Emonds (1970, Chapter 3).
Essentially these arguments state the obvious: that free relatives, indirect questions, and gerunds are
examples of the “forbidden” configuration that appear freely in sentence-internal position. Higgins (1973)
tries to justify the existence of underlying heads of phrases for the first two constructions mentioned, but
this is irrelevant, since an OUTPUT constraint is in question. In fact Higgins gives further counterexamples
to Ross’s output constraint that falsify it in the other direction. While the constraint purportedly excludes
(i), it does not exclude (ii):
The examples in (i) and (ii) are excluded for exactly the same reason in the analysis given here (they can
result only from a surface occurrence of [^p A — S]).
I do claim here that an “input” constraint against [^p S] is involved, namely, the universal conditions
on base rules embodied in Base Restrictions II and ID of Chapter I. The following discussion in the text takes
up this point.
IV.2 Clausal Subjects and Objects: Extraposition 135
The ability of this analysis to predict that clausal complements are ill-
formed in NP positions when untransformed confirms the choice of the conven¬
tion that empty nodes are permitted in deep structure but not throughout an
entire transformational derivation. But actually we are forced to use this device
[i.e., to derive deep structure clauses that are NP’s from (41) rather than
from (42) ] only by the requirement that all phrasal nodes have obligatory lexical
heads in the base (Base Restrictions II and m in Chapter I):
(41) NP
(42) np
That is, the Base Restrictions (Harris’ endocentricity claim) are responsible
for the choice of (41) and not (42) as the simplest possible representation in
deep structure for clauses that are NP’s. Because such a representation neces¬
sarily and correctly predicts that clauses in NP positions that do not undergo
independently motivated transformations are ill-formed surface structures, we
have further evidence for excluding base rules of the form A -+ B, where A
and B are phrase nodes corresponding to different lexical categories.15
I conclude, then, that clausal complements, if they are generated as NP’s,
are in fact sisters to empty head N’s. Further, the transformations that apply
to these complements are the local rule of gerund formation in (26), the struc¬
ture-preserving rule of extraposition in (17) (formulated as optional without
conditions), and the root transformation of (NP) topicalization, which is fol¬
lowed by or collapsed with the deletion of an empty sister head N [(29) and
note 10 ]. The convention on empty nodes guarantees that if none of these rules
apply to deep structure NP clausal complements, an ill-formed surface struc¬
ture results. Each step of the analysis has been amply supported empirically.
15 Interestingly, the rule NP -*■ S, which the arguments and data of this and preceding sections
indicate is incorrect for English, is one of the few of the form A -> B (B is a phrase node) that seem even
superficially plausible. Rules such as S -+ AP, NP —► PP, PP -> VP, VP -> NP, VP -> S, etc. are also ruled
out by Base Restrictions 13 and m, and these exclusions do not seem controversial.
136 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
(43) Bill preferred what she had said to his own previous statement.
The women considered what was being argued silly.
Must we assume, then, that there are deep structures of the form [^S] only
in some positions, and then only for indirect questions?
As noted in (31) and (32), that clauses are excluded in just such post-
prepositional contexts as (44):
(45) *The question (of) that he will be hired is being debated, (cf. The
question of his being hired is being debated.)
*The reaction against that they visit so often is irrational, (cf.
The reaction against their visiting so often is irrational.)
*We asked them about (that) the boys were so aggressive, (cf. We
asked them about the boys’ being so aggressive.)
In any analysis, then, some rule must permit indirect questions in some
of the contexts in which that clauses and infinitives are excluded. It does not
seem that the head deletion rule proposed by Kuroda for free relatives should
be extended to delete a dummy (empty) head A for indirect questions, since
there are many contexts in which indirect questions are excluded while free
relatives are not. See, for instance, the examples in (30), which deal with the
context [yp V_PP]; in this position, free relatives but not indirect ques¬
tions are allowed. I conclude that some special rule dealing with indirect ques¬
tions produces the contrasts between (44) and (45).
IV.2 Clausal Subjects and Objects: Extraposition 137
The following rule provides for such a contrast after prepositions, based
on the assumption that indirect questions have the same status as other comple¬
ment clauses in deep structure:
(46) Indirect Q: x+p-[na]- + Z => 1-0-3
In (46) the P must be a sister to the NP of which the N is the head, and the
N must be the sister of the S introduced by the WH. These conditions are
necessarily satisfied by adjacent terms in local rules, and in Chapter VI I in
fact propose extending the definition of this class of rules to deletions of speci¬
fied formatives. Hence, I feel justified in not specifying such conditions here
as part of the rule itself; see Section VL4.
If (46) is formulated as obligatory and is ordered before extraposition, it
removes the context for it by deleting A. This then correctly predicts the un¬
acceptability of (47):
(47) *He spoke about it with Bill why he had left town.
*She talked on it to us whether the virus had been isolated.
The lack of a preposition between the second and third terms of (46)
means that the rule will rightly not apply when an indirect question begins
with a fronted PP (i.e., P + WH):
(48) *The question of for whom you should work is being debated.
*We asked them about with whom they wanted to visit.
*They agreed on at what time the others should leave.
* Susan spoke about to which towns her friends would drive.
*She talked on in what theories such equations could be useful.
There are, however, problems with this; extraposition is not allowed here either:
*They agreed on it at what time the others should leave. I have not been able
to investigate the full range of differences between indirect question distribu¬
tion and nongerund complement clause distribution, or between indirect ques¬
tions with fronted PP’s and indirect questions with other fronted constituents.
Some further generalizations on these questions are given in Bresnan (1970).
For the moment I can only offer (46) as a first step toward formulating the
rule (s) that accounts for these differences adequately.
The general claim that a clausal complement must undergo some trans¬
formation in order to become a well-formed surface structure does not seem
to me to be seriously undermined by this inconclusive discussion, because it
seems plausible that some transformation such as (46) is needed in the grammar
in any case to differentiate indirect question contexts from nongerund comple¬
ment clause contexts.
138 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
The following are examples of cleft sentences with the focus constituent
in boldface and the extraposed S, which is characteristic of this construction,
in parentheses:
In cleft sentences only NP’s and PP’s can appear in focus position. Excluded
are full sentences, infinitives, adjective phrases, and other verb phrases. Many
examples of these contrasts are given in (37) —(40).
The cleft construction has been a source of confusion to grammarians,
since the extraposed S has many but not all of the characteristics of a relative
clause. For example, the relative clause introductory that as well as WH words
may appear, while words like why and how, excluded in ordinary relative
clauses, cannot. Thus why cannot replace that in (51). There are other factors
favoring deriving the extraposed S from a relative clause source; these are set
down in a transformational framework in a study by Akmajian (1970). Accord¬
ing to his analysis, the examples in (49)—(51) are derived (roughly) from the
structures in (52) —(54), respectively. (Since the focus constituent can be a
proper noun, the extraposed S must be a relative clause in the subject NP
in deep structure.)
TENSE is omitted in (52) —(54) for simplicity of exposition:
that I
IV.3 Further Structure-Preserving Rules that Move S Nodes 139
Akmajian assumes that the S’s in the deep structure subjects in (52) —
(54) are like “headless” or “independent” relative clauses of the type discussed
in Kuroda (1968).16
It should be noted that the gender of the subject NP of a cleft sentence
does not agree with that of the predicate nominative: It (*he) was John with
whom I was speaking. In this, cleft sentences resemble answers to the ques¬
tion Who’s there? These answers are of the form It’s me and It’s John
rather than *He’s me or *He’s John; I take such sentences to indicate an
empty subject NP in deep structure.
The principal difficulty with Akmajian’s analysis, which has been noted
by several grammarians, is the unlikely deep structure, such as (53), in which
the preposition that appears in the focus PP is (and must be) missing in the
relative clause: It was to John that I spoke (*to). Let us accept this defect for
the moment, returning to a solution later. This problem is bound up with the
question of whether the focus constituent in a cleft construction is in focus
position in deep structure or is moved to focus position by another transforma¬
tion, and for the moment I take no stand on this issue.
In Akmajian’s analysis the cleft construction is due to a transformation
that moves the relative clause S to a position at the end of the VP in the
highest S, cleft extraposition.
Such a transformation is structure-preserving, because an S is generable
by the phrase structure rules at the end of a VP. If the cleft transformation
moved an S to a position where S cannot be generated by an independently moti¬
vated phrase structure rule, such as before the predicate nominative NP (yield¬
ing, say, *It may be that owns this car John rather than It may be John that owns
this car), then it would not be a structure-preserving rule.
Thus, viewed as a structure-preserving rule, cleft extraposition moves an
S constituent according to the arrow in (55) (recall that empty nodes are ignored
by subcategorization conditions):
16 In fact it may be a characteristic of cleft sentences that everything except the embedded relative
S is (or may be, since various modals may appear in the highest S) empty in deep structure. The pronoun
(it) is inserted into certain empty subject NP’s; the be in the highest S may be due to an insertion rule;
and the constituent in focus position in a cleft sentence may be empty in deep structure (this matter is taken
up later in this section). However, I will not pursue this possible characterization of the deep structure
of a cleft sentence in detail.
140 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
V s S V VP s
But the impossibility of more than one clausal complement at the end of the
VP in surface structure is the reason why extraposition is blocked with a verb
like prove when it has both (non-NP) subject and object clauses (see Section
IV.2.2). Thus the VP expansion rule does not provide the structures in (57);
this means that the cleft transformation cannot move VP’s and S’s so as to
generate the nonsentences in (56). (When the cleft transformation does not
apply, A cannot be replaced by it, and an ungrammatical surface structure
also results.)
Consider now the fact that predicate nominatives and predicate adjec¬
tives do not appear in focus position in the cleft construction:
(59) *The football coach that John was lost the game.
*1 saw a German teacher that Harry was.
*Mary was listening to the interesting lecturer that John remained.
*The incompetent fool that the doctor seemed lost the patient.
Since in Akmajian’s analysis the extraposed relative has its source in the
subject NP, the ungrammaticality of (58) is attributable to the prohibition on
relative clauses formed with a relative pronoun that replaces a predicate nomina¬
tive NP, but does not modify a predicate nominative.
Let us now return to the problem of finding a deep structure source for
(50). Akmajian in fact points out in his study that a structure like (53) is a
dubious deep structure for (50). [Cleft extraposition applied to (53) yields
(50).] The reason for this, of course, is that a relative clause of the type that
I spoke cannot be generated from a deep structure clause in any natural
ment) that has the effect indicated in (61) (focus placement would precede
cleft extraposition):
142 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
17 Two steps appear involved; the first is the attachment of the WH feature to the pronoun co¬
referential with the head of the relative clause. (Hence, no WH word how ever appears in relative clauses.)
The second is WH fronting, as in questions.
IV.3 Further Structure-Preserving Rules that Move S Nodes 143
18 Bach and Peters (1968) suggest an analysis involving only deletions under identity. Another pos¬
sibility, suggested by Akmajian (personal communication) is that no transformations are involved at all;
rather, some principle yet to be made precise would allow predicate attributes to match not only an NP
but also, under certain conditions, larger deep structure constituents such as do something to someone. I
understand that this position is argued for extensively and convincingly in Higgins (1974).
IV.3 Further Structure-Preserving Rules that Move S Nodes 145
Besides the cleft transformation, another rule that moves S’s from subject
NP’s to the end of the following VP is extraposition from NP. It derives
the relative clauses in boldface in (65) from a position of being immediately
dominated by the subject NP:
(65) A student was speaking who knew very little about politics.
(A student who knew very little about politics was speaking.)
A person has arrived who we all like very much.
(A person who we all like very much has arrived.)
The conditions for the application of this rule are discussed in some detail
in Akmajian (1970). Similar rules or an extension of the same rule probably
also move relative clauses to the end of an NP and from inside an object NP
to the end of the VP, as suggested in Ross (1967a):
(66) The donation of money to the party that had been stolen caused
(The donation of money that had been stolen to the party caused
They brought a boy into the room who looked hungry.
(They brought a boy who looked hungry into the room.)
Mary typed out a letter to her brother that didn’t make sense.
(Mary typed out a letter that didn’t make sense to her brother.)
DET N -s- ea v s
given the phrase structure rules of English, this hypothesis claims that
extraposition rules with outputs like the examples in (68) are impossible. With¬
out the hypothesis such rules would have the same status as the existing English
extraposition rules, a counterintuitive result:19
(68) *A student was speaking who knew very little about politics to
*A man entered who was from Philadelphia the room.
*A person has who we all like very much arrived.
19The following observations summarize the commentary of Nagahara (1974) on this rule of extra¬
position from NP and on the structure-preserving nature of extraposition of clausal subjects: Some native
speakers find extra posed clauses in sequence unacceptable, and others find extraposed clauses in sequence
unacceptable when “short” and acceptable when “long.” Judging from my own experience, it is also
the case with sentences of this type that judgments of a single speaker with a single sentence can vary with
time. Relevant examples with “long” extraposed clauses that cannot be placed within the VP are as
?Nobody thought that the movie was good who had good sense and knew that it would
have an undesirable influence on young people.
?It was preferred by those people to remain silent who had not been at such a place before
and, therefore, did not know what to talk about.
?A girl tried to lift up a heavy stone who was slim, looked pale and, therefore, could hardly
be expected to be able to do it.
?It proves that Mary is innocent that John has gone to all the trouble to alert the press
that she was in town at the time of the crime.
In this section, I describe a rule that produces sentences that may not
be fully grammatical. It is nonetheless important, because it distinguishes two
sets of examples, one of which has totally unacceptable members and the other
of which has acceptable or marginally acceptable members, depending on the
meanings involved, etc. The transformation that produces these differences,
complement extraposition, may therefore be an extragrammatical device, but
there is no doubt as to its being part of English usage. It is of interest here
because it is a structure-preserving rule.
Of course complement extraposition may be totally grammatical in some
dialects, but the more complex constructions in which it plays a part seem
only marginally acceptable to most speakers. The main point is that for any
given level of complexity the sentences that do not involve complement extra¬
position do not permit, with the same degree of acceptability, certain operations
that sentences that do involve it permit. Thus the reader should lower his
“acceptability threshold” in this section, paying attention to the differences in
acceptability that the paired starred—unstarred examples exhibit.
In (69) the head nouns of the deep structure objects have S complements:
(69) John made the claim that the rain was causing the accidents.
The claim that the rain was causing the accidents was made by John.
Susan made the assumption that Mary would reject her offer.
The assumption that Mary would reject her offer was made by Susan.
John made a guess that the river was somewhere to the east.
A guess that the river was somewhere to the east was made by John.
Tom made the conjecture that Bill was telephoning Harry.
The conjecture that Bill was telephoning Harry was made by Tom.
They made the assertion that we couldn’t prove Riemanns theorem.
The assertion that we couldn’t prove Riemanns theorem was made.
(70) John ridiculed the claim that the rain was causing the accidents.
The claim that the rain was causing the accidents was ridiculed by
Susan questioned the assumption that Mary would reject her offer.
The assumption that Mary would reject her offer was questioned by
John relied on a guess that the river was somewhere to the east.
A guess that the river was somewhere to the east was relied on by
148 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
(71) The claim was made by John that the rain was causing the
The assumption was made by Susan that Mary would reject her
A guess was made by John that the river was somewhere to the east.
The conjecture was made by Tom that Bill was telephoning Harry.
The assertion was made that we couldn’t prove Riemann’s theorem.
*The claim was ridiculed by John that the rain was causing the
*The assumption was questioned by Susan that Mary would reject
her offer.
*A guess was relied on by John that the river was somewhere to the
*The conjecture was discussed by Tom that Bill was telephoning
*The assertion wasn’t appreciated that we couldn’t prove Riemann’s
(73) John claimed (that) the rain was causing the accidents.
Susan assumed (that) Mary would reject her offer.
John guessed (that) the river was somewhere to the east.
It is also true that that may be deleted in at least some of the sentences in
(69) in what are superficially S complements to nouns; the extent of the delet-
ability of that seems subject to dialectal variation:
(74) John made the claim the rain was causing the accidents.
Susan made the assumption Mary would reject her offer.
John made a guess the river was somewhere to the east.
(75) *John ridiculed the claim the rain was causing the accidents.
* Susan questioned the assumption Mary would reject her offer.
*John relied on a guess the river was somewhere to the east.
*Tom discussed the conjecture Bill was telephoning Harry.
*They didn’t appreciate the assertion we couldn’t prove Riemann’s
Thus we can preserve the generalization that that deletion does not occur inside
noun phrases by making it contingent on complement extraposition, [in my
dialect that deletion sometimes may not take place even when complement
extraposition takes place. For example, it may not take place in the grammatical
passive sentences in (71).]
According to the complex NP constraint given in Ross (1967a), the rule
of WH fronting may not extract an NP from an S that is dominated by an NP
that has a head noun (and place it outside the dominating NP). In particular,
WH fronting may not remove an NP that is part of an S complement to a noun.
This constraint predicts the ungrammatically of the sentences in (76):
(76) *The rain that John discussed the claim caused the accidents lasted
for hours.
*Who did Susan question the assumption would reject her offer?
*They set out for the river which John had relied on a guess was to
the east.
150 Root and Structure-Preserving Movements of Sentences and Verb Phrases
*What did John ridicule the claim the rain was causing ?
* Where did John rely on a guess the river was?
*The offer Susan is questioning the assumption Mary will reject is
quite generous.
(77) The rain that John made the claim caused the accidents lasted for
?Who did Susan make the assumption would reject her offer?
They set out for the river which John had made a guess was
somewhere to the east.
What did John make the claim the rain was causing?
?Where did John make a guess the river was?
The offer Susan is making the assumption Mary will reject is
quite generous.
We can ascribe the greater acceptability of these sentences to the fact that the
S complements from which WH fronting extracts an NP are extraposed. That is,
the complex NP constraint does not prevent WH fronting from applying in
(77), since the S complements in the structures underlying (77) are not im¬
mediately dominated by an NP with a head noun when WH fronting applies.
[A dialect in which the examples in (77) are unacceptable and those in (76)
doubly so could be described by ordering WH fronting before complement
extraposition. In such a dialect these two rules would have to apply in the wrong
order to produce the somewhat unacceptable sentences in (77), but there would
be no ordering of rules that could yield the totally unacceptable sentences in (76).]
It appears therefore that the rule of complement extraposition is well
motivated, and is another example of a structure-preserving S movement rule.
Of course the more instances there are of transformations with the same output
(S’s as the last constituents under a VP, in the case at hand), the more important
it is that the nonaccidental character of this be reflected by appropriate general
principles (such as the structure-preserving constraint) that limit the notion
“possible transformation.”
Extending the Structure-Preserving
Constraint to Adjectival and
Prepositional Phrases
152 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
(The WH word in the modifier of the AP, how, can stand alone in questions just
as the WH words in the determiner of an NP can: What did he buy?)
In this section, the positions of adverbial AP’s (i.e., AP’s whose head ends
in the suffix ly) will be discussed vis-a-vis the structure-preserving constraint.
We cannot at the outset focus our attention on specific adverbial AP movement
rules, since there has been no general acceptance by transformationalists of any
particular formulation of such rules, even though there is general agreement that
such rules exist. Nor have transformationlists been able to agree on the source
in the base for adverbial AP’s of various sorts.
Because of the uncertainties involved in an analysis of adverbial AP’s, I
will restrict the discussion to the placement and meaning of these constituents
in declarative clauses with finite verbs, in the hope that my conclusions can be
extended so as to be valid in other clauses (infinitives, gerunds, participles,
imperatives, and questions) as well.
It is well known that ly adverbials can appear in finite clauses in several
positions. For example, in (2) the adverbs in parentheses can appear in any of
the blanks:
six. (probably)
an hour. (slowly)
They called through the halls.
in a loud manner
The adverbial AP?s that follow a verb but are preceded by a comma can be
shown to be derived by means of a root transformation; hence, they are im¬
mediately dominated by S, not VP. This root transformation is similar to the
“right dislocation” rule that moves NP’s out of sentences to the right (cf.
Chapter II), so I call this rule adverbial dislocation. The adverbials that
undergo this rule are not manner adverbials [i.e., they do not have paraphrases
similar to those in (3) ] but, rather, factive adverbials. The deep structure source
of such adverbials is discussed later in this section.
Examples of dislocated adverbials are given in (5), along with para¬
(6) *Her accusation that we aren’t doing our share, actually, is ground¬
Her accusation that we aren’t actually doing our share is
*They gave the only man that could have been replaced, possibly,
a tenured position.
They gave the only man that could have possibly been replaced a
tenured position.
?Even though John sneaked away in time, evidently, his wife was
41Even though John evidently sneaked away in time, his wife was
*The fact that Mary didn’t answer any questions, wisely, allowed
John to avoid prosecution.
156 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
The fact that Mary wisely didn’t answer any questions allowed
John to avoid prosecution.
*The people saying that I don’t cooperate as much as John does,
supposedly, are slanderers.
The people saying that I don’t cooperate as much as John
supposedly does are slanderers.
*1 think that the fact that Bill took the wrong turn, fortunately, saved
our lives.
I think that the fact that Bill fortunately took the wrong turn saved
our lives.
I return now to the question of finding a deep structure source for manner
adverbials. Katz and Postal (1964) have suggested that they should be derived
from an underlying PP roughly of the form in a(n) AP way. Such a derivation
would accomplish the following: (i) It would account for the meaning of (and
certain selectional restrictions on) adverbial AP’s without an adverbial projec¬
tion rule for interpreting the configuration
v AP
(ii) It would explain why postverbal manner adverbials can appear both before
and after certain other postverbal PP’s, as in (3), since the PP’s of the type
they are derived from can also so appear, (iii) It could utilize a rule needed
independently in the grammar for deleting in before an object whose head is
(7) John answered the questions (fin) the wrong way on purpose.
They call through the halls (fin) this loud way to get people up.
I’ll put my books away (fin) any way I want to.
He used that lemma in his proof (fin) the understandable way.
Russia industrialized the rapid way.
John took the wallpaper off (fin) the efficient way first.
Sentences in which this in deletion rule would apply before a(n) are not usually
reduce the sentences in (8) to manner adverbial AP’s by deleting a(n) and way,
as in (9):
(9) VP VP
a {n) XX way
According to the pruning principle I follow here, the loss of the specifier
and the head of the NP causes it to prune. This correctly predicts that manner
adverbials will not appear in focus position in cleft sentences. (This is discussed
in Chapter IV.) The deletion in (9) produces the examples in (10):
Certain manner adverbials do not exhibit this alternation, under conditions that
I will not try to specify here:
The examples in (13) show that manner adverbials do not have freedom of
occurrence in all adverbial positions in the sentence. Rather, they occur in the
positions of the PP’s of which they are paraphrases and also immediately
before the verbs they modify. If the source of a manner adverbial AP is a PP,
as suggested earlier, the second sentence in each pair in (11) must be derived
from the first by means of a “manner movement” transformation. This rule
would move an adverbial AP under a VP to a position just preceding the head V.
Since such a rule would not be a root transformation or a local movement rule,
it would be important to determine if it were structure-preserving or not.
Before we turn to this crucial question, let us see if any alternative
analyses or manner adverbials could furnish evidence against the structure¬
preserving constraint.
If the manner movement transformation were rejected in favor of generat¬
ing manner adverbials preverbally in the base, this would not in itself be
evidence against the structure-preserving constraint, for if no movement rule
applies to manner adverbials, such constructions obviously provide no evidence
for or against any constraint on movement transformations. However, generating
manner adverbials in preverbal position would entail duplicating or at least
extending the interpretive mechanisms for manner adverbial PP’s that follow
the verb, along the lines of Jackendoff (1972).
If manner adverbial AP’s were generated in the base in preverbal position
and if a “manner-postposing” rule moved such AP’s into postverbal positions,
this would be evidence against the structure-preserving constraint. Such a rule
would not be a root transformation or a local movement rule, and it would not
be structure-preserving because manner adverbial AP’s can appear postverbally
in positions where predicate adjective AP’s cannot (namely, PP positions):
Example (15) has three disadvantages that lead to its rejection. First, such a
rule does not explain why manner adverbials have PP paraphrases, as in (3).
Second, at least two classes of adverbial AP’s can appear in preverbal position
(these are discussed later) that may not appear in postverbal position. These
160 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
AP’s would have to be prevented from undergoing (15) in ad hoc fashion.1 Third,
if postverbal PP’s can be reduced to manner adverbial AP’s, then (15) is
totally redundant. Therefore if (15) is in the grammar, manner adverbial PP’s
should not be reduced to AP’s by deletion of in and a(n) way. This, in turn,
means that there is no principled explanation for the discrepancy between
the sentences in (7) and (8), which are juxtaposed in (16):
[if manner adverbial AP’s are derived from manner adverbial PP’s as pre¬
viously suggested, the starred phrases in (16) are ungrammatical because
they are obligatorily transformed into manner adverbial AP’s. ]
Thus there are three reasons for rejecting (15) as a transformational
rule of English.
If manner movement (from postverbal PP position to preverbal position)
is a rule of English, we must determine whether or not it is structure-preserving.
Structurally, manner movement performs the change indicated in (17):
(17) s
The crucial question, given such a rule, is whether there is any justifica¬
tion for generating AP’s at the beginning of VP’s (in the base) for other
1 On the other hand, a CORRESPONDING restriction on the manner movement preposing rule previously
suggested does not arise. The fact that certain manner adverbials such as simply and understandably
must be marked as not undergoing manner movement preposing would be equivalent to their being marked
as obligatorily undergoing manner movement postposing.
V.2 Adverbial Adjective Phrases 161
(19) VP (AP)-V-. . .
The scarcely class is generable in any of the AP positions given by (19) and (20),
as (18) shows. Manner movement, on the other hand, moves manner adverbials
only to the AP position immediately preceding the V they modify. Thus
manner adverbials cannot appear in any of the blanks in (21), while members
of the scarcely class can:
Since adverbs of the scarcely class have a different origin than manner ad¬
verbials, we also expect that they will not satisfy the requirement that verbs
like phrase and word have manner adverbials:
(22) *John has ■ barely the announcement.
162 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
A destroyed completely
\ I
(the building was simply being completely destroyed)
Confirmation of the structure-preserving analysis of manner movement is
furnished by the unacceptability of placing a manner adverbial before the V
if a member of the scarcely class occupies that position in surface structure.
[Evidence on this matter can be obscured by the possibility of manner ad¬
verbials themselves being modified by a scarcely-class adverb, but the examples
in (24) are not easily subject to such interpretations.]
not the same ones (i.e., in an AP manner, in AP fashion, etc.) that manner
adverbials have. They differ from the scarcely class, however, in that they can
precede the subject NP, provided that a breath pause (comma) intervenes, and
in that they seem increasingly unacceptable after a second, third, and fourth
auxiliary, and very often after a not or n’t. In (25) factive adverbials can appear
in all and only the blanks indicated (factive adverbials are also the only
adverbials that can undergo the previously discussed adverbial dislocation rule):
Factive adverbials also differ from both scarcely adverbials and manner ad¬
verbials in that a sentence S with a factive adverbial AP can usually (not
always) be paraphrased by it is AP that S. Sentences with the other two kinds
of adverbial AP’s never have such paraphrases. [The classes of items that may
be factive and manner adverbials overlap, but in most cases there is a
clear difference in meaning between the two uses; compare (13) on this
The presubject position of factive adverbial AP’s is possibly due to a root
transformation; if so, it would not be a possible deep structure source for these
adverbials. There are many types of embedded S’s in which such adverbial
positions are excluded:
(That is, suppose they have the same or a subset of the deep structure sources
as scarcely adverbials.) In this case, it would be likely that presubject factive
adverbials would result from a root transformation. But more important, even
though this would not give a new argument for the structure-preserving hypo¬
thesis, it would strengthen the argument given earlier based on the partially
similar and partially dissimilar distribution of the manner adverbial class and
the scarcely adverbial class, since the somewhat small class of scarcely adverbials
would be expanded to include the large factive class. A partial similarity between
the surface distribution of two such large adverb classes (manner and factive)
that have different deep structures cannot be dismissed as accidental.
2The fact that neither scarcer-type adverbials nor manner adverbials nor factive adverbials really
exhibit free movement under their immediately dominating node, as instanced by (2), (6), (24), and (26),
indicates that there is no special “transportability” transformation for English adverbs, as suggested
in Keyser (1968).
166 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
It seems therefore that the full range of ing + VP forms can appear as par¬
ticiples modifying nouns, provided that we postulate a rule to obligatorily
3The analysis of participles given here, except that part which deals with the relation of this con¬
struction to the structure-preserving constraint, is taken directly from my dissertation with only minor
rewordings. A similar analysis has subsequently appeared in the literature (Ross, 1972a). The import
of (27) was first indicated to me by E. Klima.
V.3 Adjective Movement 167
delete the initial being in a participle that is modifying a head noun. According
to this analysis, (27b) and (29e) are structurally ambiguous, being derivable
from an underlying participle that may or may not be in the progressive form.
On the other hand, (29d) and (29f) can have only an underlying progressive
source, since an underlying ing + be +en+ bum would become simply burned.
This is confirmed by the fact that verbs that cannot appear with the progressive
auxiliary in full sentences are also excluded in sentences like (29d) and (29f):
The rule of being deletion that derives (29) means that AP’s can sometimes
follow nouns inside NP’s, as in (29a) and (29b). It is well known, however, that
AP’s derived from participles by being deletion that end in their head A
[ (i.e., they contain no PP or S complements, as (29a) and (29b) do] precede
rather than follow the nouns they modify in surface structure. Compare the pairs
in (31):
Similarly, it appears that certain participles can also move over the nouns they
modify (the VP’s that move must, like AP’s, end in their heads):
(33) The visibility at the airport, poorer than here, scares me.
*The visibility, poorer than here, at the airport scares me.
The poorer visibility at the airport scares me.
I envy any fans of Elvis (who are) younger than me.
*1 envy any fans (who are) younger than me of Elvis.
I envy any younger fans of Elvis.
They broadcast that tale of horrible goblins often retold at
*They broadcast that tale often retold at campfires of horrible
They broadcast that often retold tale of horrible goblins.
Such sentences indicate that adjective movement must move phrasal consti¬
tuents over N—PP sequences in English, something that cannot be accomplished
by a local movement transformation. The structure-preserving constraint then
requires that adjective movement be a structure-preserving rule, and this, in turn,
must mean that an AP is generable in deep structure in prenominal position.
It is not difficult to find examples of prenominal adjective phrases that
cannot be derived from relative clauses and are hence candidates for deep
structure prenominal adjectives. Assuming that deep structures are the same
as surface structures in the absence of a convincing counterargument, it appears
that some or all of the classes of adjectives exemplified in (34) —(38) are pre¬
nominal in deep structure; hence, adjective movement can be formulated as
Example (34) cannot be paraphrased (in one of its senses, at least) as
Students are the revolutionaries who are traditional; rather, it means Students
are traditionally the revolutionaries. In (35), three possible suspects should
not be derived from *three suspects who are possible. The adjectives in (36)
cannot appear as predicate attributes (although four of them do appear as
adverbs in ly), so it is unlikely that they are derived from underlying relative
(37) The poor man has more money than he can handle.
4- The man who is poor has more money than he can handle.
In (38), the second clause has a meaning (in fact the principal meaning
in the context) that is not paraphrasable by a relative clause like She is a
bridge player who is eager. This clause means something more like She is eager
to play bridge. Similar remarks apply to the other examples in (38):
Thus there are several constructions that we may assume are a result of
the deep structure expansion NP -» . . . (AP) —N . . .; consequently adjective
phrase movement is a structure-preserving movement of the node AP from an
NP-final to a prenominal position.
However, with such a formulation the fact that adjective phrase movement
also must move certain VP’s, as in (32), means that the principle of derived
structure proposed in Chomsky (1957), referred to earlier, must be assigned
certain limitations and worked out in detail.
Although this might be the right track to follow, there is a competing
analysis of the prenominal—postnominal alternation of English adjective
phrases that utilizes structure-preserving rules but does not require such a
principle of derived structure. In the remainder of this section, I will discuss
this alternative.
For different reasons, Smith (1964) and Jackendoff (1968) have argued
that relative clauses should originate in prenominal position. A very systematic
and quite convincing case for generating restrictive relatives in this position
is made in Milner (1972). (For purposes of this discussion, it is not necessary
to decide whether such a prenominal source for relative clause S’s is under or
a sister to DET.) If this is correct, we can replace “adjective movement” with
a transformation that postposes the constituents S and PP from prenominal
position after relative clause reduction takes place.
Such a rule could be formulated as structure-preserving if it moved relative
clause S’s, whether reduced or not, to the noun complement S position, and
reduced relative clause PP’s to the noun complement PP position. Since there
can be more than one postnominal relative in English, more than one such
base position would have to be available. Phrase structure rules of the form
NP ->• NP—PP and NP -> NP—S for noun complements in the base would pro¬
vide such nodes. That such rules are needed at least for PP complements is
indicated by sentences such as The weather and the mode of dress in most
areas are compatible, which cannot be easily analyzed unless the deep subject
NP is assigned the following internal structure:
V.3 Adjective Movement 171
(39) [np [np the weather NP] and [NP the mode of dress n?] NP] [PP in
Thus we can assume that full relatives, participial reduced relatives, and
prepositional phrase reduced relatives can be postposed within their noun
phrases by a structure-preserving rule with the following structural effect:
(40) np
In this study, the node label PP indicates not only prepositional phrases
in the traditional sense of that term (preposition with NP object) but also
certain clauses introduced by subordinating conjunctions and certain other
adverb phrases. Some justification for this should be given.
The prepositional phrase of traditional grammar, generable by the rule
PP -> P—NP, can serve as an adjunct to a noun, verb, or adjective; the extremely
varied uses of PP in English are well known. Such phrases, however, are better
seen not as an isolated phrase type but as part of a larger paradigm.
Among the traditional “parts of speech,” only verbs and prepositions
generally take (direct) “objects.” But some verbs take no object, others take
only sentence or infinitive (S) complements, and others take various combina¬
tions of 0, NP, and S. If we extend these properties of verbs to prepositions,
the traditional “prepositions” are transitive prepositions, the heads of
prepositional phrases; certain traditional “subordinating conjunctions” are
prepositions with sentence complements, the heads of prepositional clauses;
and certain traditional simple adverbs (of those not derived from adjectives)
are intransitive prepositions. For justification of this last claim in particular,
see Emonds (1972a).
In this way, the following structural parallels can be set up and can be
expressed by lexical strict subcategorization features on prepositions:
5Many of the ideas of this section are due to Edward Klima, especially those that postulate similarities
between verbs and prepositions. Geis (1970) derives all subordinate clauses from (traditional) PP’s. This
analysis is compatible with any remarks made later in this section on PP movement rules in connection
with the structure-preserving hypothesis. It is these remarks, of course, and not the introductory analysis
of the node PP, that are most important to the hypothesis.
V.4 The Node PP and Its Distribution 173
(42) VP VP VP
\1 V NP V s
confess confess his error confess {that) he erred
]D P^ NP P S
before before his error before he erred
until \
He did it his friend arrived,
because j
He did it his friend’s arrival.
because of
because. )
*He did it
They were walking in (side) the house.
They were walking in (side).
*They were walking in (side) the people were dancing.
I haven’t seen him since the party began.
I haven’t seen him since the party.
I haven’t seen him since.
One may also want to relate the following pairs of constructions by strict sub¬
categorization features:6
In Chapter IV I discuss the cleft construction, showing why only NP’s and
PP’s can occupy the “focus” position. This accords well with the extended notion
6Some of the features in question are these: before, P, +_({NP, S }); until, P, +_
{NP, S}; inside, P, +_(NP); while, +_S; together, P, +_; for, P,
174 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
Certain NP’s like yesterday, every morning, last week, etc. are used as
adverbs of time. Their ability to prepose inside other NP’s (cf. the possessive
transformation discussed in Section IQ.5) indicates that they are NP’s:
(Notice, for example, that while, which takes only S complements, can be pre¬
ceded by right.) Before adjectives and before manner or frequency adverbials,
right is not allowed in standard English:
(49) NP
PP -> (INT)—P—( )
Example (49) is a rule specifying the interior structure of PP’s; let us now
consider rules that generate PP’s under other constituents. Rules of the following
kind have appeared earlier in this study:
(51) ( NP -> . . . j
vp ->... U(pp)*-(S)
1 AP -> . . . J
Rule (50) or (51) is not sufficient, however, to account for all preposi¬
tional clauses and phrases. A number of “causal” prepositions [because (of),
in case (of), on account of, in order, so that, in that, now that, if, unless,
despite, although, in spite of, etc. ] are not generable inside NP, AP, or, if we
judge by the position of S complements, inside VP’s that immediately dominate
V’s [appropriate constituents are in boldface in (52)]:
For the moment whether (53) or (54) is part of the grammar is not important;
for purposes of exposition I arbitrarily choose (54).
(55) John knew before he married her that she was intelligent.
John knew that she was intelligent before he married her.
It isn’t necessary on this campus to be very smart.
It isn’t necessary to be very smart on this campus.
It seems sometimes that we’ll never obtain peace.
It seems that we’ll never obtain peace sometimes.
Mary demonstrated in very convincing fashion last Saturday that
John shouldn’t be licensed..
V.5 Structure-Preserving Movements of PP 177
Given rule (54), the following surface structures can be assigned to a typical
pair of sentences in (55):
V S before he
married her
know that she
Since the phrase structure rules can generate PP’s in the positions of the
PP’s in both (56) and (57), independent of the constructions being considered
here (locative PP’s of space and time, manner adverbial PP’s, etc.), any move¬
ment transformation that relates (56) and (57) can be formulated as structure¬
preserving. For example, if (56) is to be derived from (57), the rule accomplishing
this derivation has a structure-preserving effect, as indicated in (58):
(58) s
John ed VP --PP-
V PP before he
married her
know that she
178 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
(59) John told us the game was canceled before we left, and Mary did
so at the airport.
Mary ed VP PP
P S before at the
we left airport
Rule (61) similarly derives (62) from a structure like (60) in which at the
airport is replaced by before we left (and too is added as a constituent imme¬
diately dominated by the S whose subject is Mary):
(62) John told us the game was canceled before we left, and Mary did
so before we left, too.
(63) John told us the game was canceled before we left and Mary did
so too.
The fact that either of the VP’s in the right-hand S of a structure like (60)
can be deleted by (61), given identity with a VP in a left-hand S, justifies
rule (54), which specifies a VP-over-VP configuration, in preference to (53).7
7 There can be little doubt that the do inserted by (61) is dominated by V, since the TENSE affixes
attach to this verb as to any other. This has led Ross (1972b) to claim that VP’s whose heads are non¬
stative are complements to a deep structure do in underlying structure. That is, he assumes that the VP in
(60) that is deletable by (61) should be replaced by the following structure, in which the lower VP is essen¬
tially transformationally replaced by so:
Bresnan (1971a) proposes that another rule that moves PP’s in structure¬
preserving fashion relates the pairs of sentences in (64) by moving the PP
(in boldface) from the subject NP to the VP:
As Bresnan points out, this rule applies only if the VP contains certain “simi¬
larity predicates” such as identical, similar, compatible, etc.:
Footnote 7 continued
[Actually Ross assumes that the lower infinitival VP in this structure is immediately dominated by NP; I
argue against this assumption in Chapter IV. For the purpose of this discussion, this discrepancy between
Ross’s analysis of (60) and mine is not important.]
Ross’s hypothesis, if correct, leads to the question of whether the so in sentences like (59), (62), and
(63) continues to occupy the S position at the end of the VP whose head is do. If the so in sentences like
the following is inserted by the same rule that deletes clause complements after do [a modified version
of (61)], evidence is available on this question:
John said the play would soon start and Bill said so too.
Thus it seems that so, as inserted by (61), is a particle that immediately follows do, and not an S or a VP sister
to do.
180 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
We have seen in this section that if the pairs of sentences in (55) and
(64) are to be related transformationally, the PP movement rules that accomplish
this are structure-preserving. This is so because the PP’s that occur in noun
phrases, are sisters to verbs, and are sisters to VP’s are generable by at least
three different independently motivated phrases structure rules, the two in
(50) and the one in (54). We saw in the previous chapter that there is a focus
placement rule for cleft sentences that is structure-preserving and applies to
PP’s. In the following section we will see that the evidence favoring a structure¬
preserving formulation of WH fronting involves the transformational move¬
ment of PP’s in a crucial way (i.e., certain special conditions on WH fronting
are inexplicable unless it is granted that the structure-preserving constraint
applies to PP movement rules). Thus there is a reasonable amount of evidence
that PP movement rules are, like NP, S, and AP movements, structure-preserv¬
syntactic element WH, then it holds that the rule moves WH from one posi¬
tion in the tree to another position where this element is independently gene¬
rated in the base, the COMP position. This characteristic of WH fronting, in
fact, differentiates it from the root transformations of Chapter II—they cannot
be construed as operations on features or categories that are also generated in
the COMP position in the base.
I have already proposed (in Chapter HI) the formal statement of the
condition that permits WH fronting to be classed as structure-preserving, which
I repeat here:
This condition does not require, incidentally, that A be mentioned in the struc¬
tural description of the transformation. In particular, WH fronting generally
substitutes constituents for the feature complex [COMP, WH], but only COMP
need (or should, as we will see subsequently) be mentioned in the structural
description of the rule. It is nonetheless true in such cases that WH is the
leftmost constituent of an S that undergoes WH fronting.
In the following section, I provide and justify a particular formulation of
WH fronting. In subsequent sections, it will be shown how several apparently
V.7 Statement of WH Fronting 183
8 Several comments are in order that do not bear directly on the development in the text but concern
the validity of (71) as a statement of WH fronting.
It might at first be thought that WH fronting in questions can move AP’s, whereas WH fronting in
relative clauses cannot, thereby establishing a difference between the two uses of the rule (or the two rules)
that necessitates crucially mentioning phrasal categories in two statements of WH fronting. However, the
relevant difference seems, rather, that WH fronting in relative clauses never affects the WH word how,
even though it introduces an NP: *The men how many I’ve met are polite, *I’ll get the bread how much you
want, etc. Thus the difference in question seems to turn on the nature of the WH element (and not on the
phrasal node involved), which is consistent with the argument in the text that WH fronting is basically
a transformational operation on WH.
French and English have similar WH fronting rules, although in French WH fronting must always move
a P with the following sister NP. Perhaps notational conventions should allow for different statements
of the rule in the two languages. On the other hand, this difference in WH fronting seems reflected in
other rules common to English and French, as noted by Ross (1967a), so perhaps the conventions for
writing individual rules should prevent us from so expressing the difference. In this case, (71) could stand
as the statement of WH fronting for both English and French, with the difference between the two languages
being expressed by output conditions on prepositions such as those proposed in van Riemsdijk (1972) for
a dialect of Swiss German.
As it stands, (71) appears to require a condition that 3 F (P) + S, to prevent the rule from moving
the following constituents in boldface or parentheses:
(The preceding starred examples are in fact analogous to sentences in which topicalization is incorrectly
applied to a phrasal constituent in a yes—no question: * About books does Harry talk? * Books does Harry
talk about? If they have some marginal status, the fronting rule involved is topicalization, not WH fronting.)
To my knowledge, most treatments of WH fronting neglect to state this condition. However, note that
this condition follows directly from the sentence boundary condition (i.e., from the definition of
structure-preserving rule that is applicable here), and so need not be stated separately in this analysis.
184 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
moves PP’s, which do not immediately dominate WH, but also because of
cases like those in (72):
(72) Whose father s store did they furnish with the most merchandise?
Whose father should we take this to?
How many young people did you see there?
How intelligent a woman is she?
How big a bear did you capture?
How many feet high should we make this bookcase?
I wont go into the tunnel, no matter how many miles longer the
other road is.9
How frighteningly short life seems!
How many feet behind the house should I put the table?
The question may be asked, What prevents the smaller phrase nodes that
dominate WH in the preceding examples from being fronted by themselves, as
in (73) —(74)?
(73) * Whose father’s did they furnish store with the most merchandise?
* Whose should we take this to father?
9No matter is not fronted by WH fronting but resembles, rather, a subordinating conjunction: 77n
not going in there, no matter if you give me $100. Earlier in this chapter, it was pointed out that we expect
similar ranges of complements for P and for V, and no matter can be taken as a P which requires an in¬
direct question.
V.7 Statement of WH Fronting 185
Ross analyzes both adjective phrases and intensifier phrases as noun phrases,
so that the examples in (74), as well as those in (73), are to be explained by
this condition. However, I do not think these are correct analyses (cf. Schachter,
1973, for criticisms); rather, I propose that the left branch condition should
be stated in more general terms as follows:
(77) How many feet should I put the table behind the house ?
10 Certain formal restatements of this condition suggest themselves. For example, it could be stated
in terms of the notion “recursive side of a phrase node” developed in Chapter I:
No syntactic element on the nonrecursive side of a cyclic phrase node H" can be reordered
out of this larger constituent by a major transformational operation.
Alternatively, (76) might be extended in some way to phrase nodes to the left of a lexical head of any
cyclic node (including S, whose lexical head is V), so that the constraint proposed in Bresnan (1972a), to the
effect that a subject NP cannot move out of an S over the COMP node, might follow as a special case. If
this were to be so, the node S proposed by Bresnan (which includes COMP and the subject NP) would
be cyclic, but S would not be, and S would have to “prime” in the absence of COMP; i.e., COMP would
be in this sense the “specifier” of S. None of this seems implausible, but I have not investigated the area in
The statement of WH fronting in (71) is somewhat redundant in that the grammar independently
specifies that WH is generated in the COMP position and in the specifiers of NP and AP, and also states
in (71) that WH fronting applies to WH elements “only” in these positions. This redundancy might be
eliminated by restating the left branch condition as a positive requirement on the operation of transforma¬
If a syntactic element C in N" or A" is to the left of the head in that phrase, then any major
transformational operation that reorders C with respect to elements exterior to N" or A" must
also so reorder N" or A".
The Pied Piping convention also accounts for examples like (79), where WH
fronting apparently “takes along” a larger (boldface) constituent in which WH
does not appear to the left of its head (as required by my statement of
WH fronting):
I grant that some convention or rule must account for the marginally
acceptable examples in (79); however, I claim that such a mechanism (some
version or revision of Pied Piping) is not the same as that which generates
(80) , namely, the WH fronting rule itself:
My reasoning is that sentences like those in (80) are totally acceptable, while
those in (79) seem systematically to be only marginally acceptable. This differ¬
ence I think has a theoretically interesting explanation, but first let us compare
more data accounted for by WH fronting itself with data for which Pied Piping
is necessary:
a. They are interested in any authors who you might have books
They are interested in any authors whose books you might
b. *They are interested in any authors books by whom you might
The airports whose availability we can find out about are all
closed for the night.
b. ?The airports the visibility at which we can find out are all
closed for the night.
a. I haven’t yet seen a wall which you can easily make out the
pictures on.
b. ?I haven’t yet seen a wall the pictures on which you can easily
make out.
a. ?A strike which we shouldn’t forget about the outcome of took
place at Republic Steel.
A strike whose outcome we shouldn’t forget about took place
at Republic Steel.
b. ?A strike the outcome of which we shouldn’t forget about took
place at Republic Steel.
The (a) examples in (81) are generated, according to the analysis given here,
by WH fronting, while the (b) sentences require some additional mechanism
such as Pied Piping to generate them. As noted previously, this difference in
the grammatical source of such constructions seems to be reflected consistently
by differences in acceptability.
The explanation for these differences, I would claim, is that the Pied
Piping convention, which accounts for the reorderings in (79) and (81b), is a
device of the stylistic component of the grammar; i.e., it has the same pro¬
perties as the “stylistic transformations” defined and studied in Banfield
According to Banfield, various free word order and deletion phenomena
188 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
It seems as if all these characteristics hold for the sentences that I claim
are generated only by virtue of a device (Pied Piping) that is distinct from
WH fronting. In particular, whether or not Banfield has sufficiently and correctly
characterized the formal properties of the stylistic transformations, it seems
that their outputs and the outputs of Pied Piping should be grouped together
because of the type of intuitions one has on their marginal grammatical status.
This permits WH fronting as in (70) to stand as formulated, even though it
does not of itself account for the examples in (79) and (81b).
The three feature complexes COMP, [COMP, WH], and [COMP, FOR] cor¬
respond, respectively, to the complementizers that, whether, and for studied in
Bresnan (1972a). I accept Bresnan’s arguments that whether and for are
V.8 Examination of the Several Cases of WH Fronting 189
present in deep structure and that that is inserted under COMP by a rather
late transformational rule; in fact I will give supplementary justification for this
distinction between deep and surface complementizers.11
Given the possibility of empty nodes and the lack of a deep COMP that
is both + WH and + FOR, rule (82) can yield five different base configurations,
which we will examine separately:
(84) COMP and COMP
whet her A
(85) COMP and COMP
for A
11A careful study of exclamatory constructions in French by Milner (1974) concludes that these
constructions, as well as interrogatives, must be introduced by the same complementizer (here, WH). This
means that embedded as well as independent clause exclamatives can have the same transformational deri¬
vations (including WH fronting) as interrogatives, provided that French and English are sufficiently
similar in the relevant respects. Examples of embedded exclamatives:
(88) *He bought the same type of cereal which I bought yesterday.
*He likes the same people who you like.
(69) for examples] are derived from underlying structures with a whether
complementizer. An NP or an NP with a WH in the specifier position can
replace this (recoverable) [WH whether] when WH fronting applies in such
3. [comp,wh A ]. We recall that empty nodes play no part in subcategoriza¬
tion, i.e., that this COMP configuration cannot be the deep structure configura¬
tion with verbs, nouns, and adjectives that are lexically specified for indirect
question (WH) complements.12 As far as cooccurrence restrictions are concerned,
an empty COMP, WH is just like the neutral COMP (i.e., the surface that).
Just as with COMP, the A will block any derivation from which it is not removed,
and one possibility is the replacement of A by the neutral complementizer
that. Or the A of this configuration must be removed by some other rule—
i.e., WH fronting—if the derivation is not to block.
Now WH fronting cannot take place in dependent clauses that are not
questions unless some rule has inserted WH into some specifier within the
clause, and only the relative clause is of this type. (The insertion of WH into
the specifier of the NP in the relative that is coreferential with the NP modified
12 Otherwise we would expect that to alternate with whether in indirect questions, yielding *1
wondered that he would come on time.
V.8 Examination of the Several Cases of WH Fronting 191
(90) *1 found an usher who (for Mary) to buy tickets from. (cf. I found
an usher who Mary can buy tickets from.)
*Some tools which (for you) to fix the table with will soon arrive.
(cf. Some tools which you can fix the table with will soon arrive.)
*John is looking on the map for a route which (for his guests) to take
back. (cf. John is looking on the map for a route which his guests
can take back.)
*What (for you) to fix the table with will soon arrive, (cf. What you
will fix the table with will soon arrive.)
(91) *1 found an usher from whom for Mary to buy tickets, (cf. I found
an usher from whom Mary can buy tickets.)
*Some tools with which for you to fix the table will soon arrive.
(cf. Some tools with which you can fix the table will soon arrive.)
*You have fifteen months in which for somebody to pay. (cf. You
have fifteen months in which somebody must pay.)
for John
13Some speakers apparently reject (89) as well as (90)—(91). Such a dialect is easy to describe; we
simply say that the rule particular to for clause subjects, to be justified later, applies after WH fronting.
It is this rule that creates the structure needed for the derivation of the sentences in (89).
I refer to the subordinate infinitive clauses in (89)—(91) as “relative clauses.” Perhaps they should
be derived from some other source; the only relevant point is that WH fronting operates in this construction
under the conditions outlined in the text.
V.8 Examination of the Several Cases of WH Fronting 193
(It may be that the COMP node should also retain the feature FOR; nothing
in what follows depends on this detail.)
Before seeing if (92) can be justified, let us see how it provides the basis
of an explanation for (89)—(91). As seen earlier, WH fronting effects the sub¬
stitution of a phrase node for COMP. If COMP is also dominating a subject
NP as in (92), replacement of COMP results in a nonrecoverable deletion of
the subject that is not permitted. (Even if some deletion were defined as
recoverable, such as the deletion of one, the replacement of COMP with an¬
other PP by means of WH fronting would effect that deletion.) In any case
the structure in (92) predicts that the COMP substitution rule, WH fronting,
operates in for clauses only if there is no surface subject in such clauses; this
explains the examples in (91).
Whatever the rules that effect the deletion of the subject in a for clause,
including, in one common view, equi-NP deletion and a rule deleting a subject
one, the complementizer for is in all such cases deleted (perhaps by a separate
rule) if and ohly if the subject is. Thus the results of these various deletions
on the structure in (92) would be (93), if the option of leaving A is taken.
14The definition of structure preserving does not require that the node substituted for be a base node,
it may, as in this case, be generated by a preceding local transformation.
15In the analysis in the text, the rule or rules that delete the subject NP in infinitival relatives, so as
to yield (93), must precede WH fronting in such a clause. If one such rule is equi-NP deletion, then
WH fronting apparently would not apply in infinitival relatives during the transformational cycle of the
relative clause S, but on a succeeding cycle after equi-NP deletion applies; this is because equi-NP deletion,
as we usually think of it, does not apply on the cycle of the S whose subject it deletes.
194 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
The fact that infinitival indirect questions exhibit behavior in (94) that
indicates a deep structure whether means that these infinitives are not instances
of clauses with a COMP for, since (82) does not permit WH and FOR together
in the COMP position. And in fact these infinitives (again in contrast to infini¬
tival relatives) never exhibit this for, as predicted:
Footnote 15 continued
This might be considered somewhat striking—that WH fronting does not apply on the cycle of the S in
which it preposes a constituent. However, on further examination we see that this view is consistent with
certain other facts, on the one hand, and, on the other, that the conclusion is necessary only given somewhat
unjustified assumptions about the nature and/or existence of equi-NP deletion.
First, we saw in Chapter IV that WH fronting can be treated as a unified process only if it follows a
rule that inserts WH into an NP inside the relative clause, called “WH insertion.” In fact WH insertion
depends on the coreference of the NP to which it applies and of the antecedent NP for the relative clause;
thus WH insertion, which precedes WH fronting, takes place on a cycle of some constituent that includes
both the relative clause S and its antecedent NP, i.e., a later cycle than that of the relative clause S itself.
This, then, indicates independently than WH fronting does not always apply in the cycle of the S in which
it preposes a constituent.
Second, there seem to be different ways of viewing the deletion of the subject NP in infinitival relatives
as an operation that takes place on the cycle of that relative clause s. If any of these are
correct, there is no reason to assume that the analysis in this chapter implies anything about which cycle
WH fronting applies on.
For example, there are supporters of the view that equi-NP deletion, as a rule that deletes an NP under
coreference, does not exist (cf. Jackendoff, 1972, and Brame, in preparation). If, instead, infinitives with
no surface subjects are derived from deep structures with deleted dummy subjects, there is no reason to
assume that this deletion is an operation ordered on a later cycle than that of the infinitive itself.
Another view might be based on the extensive literature that attempts to establish that the NP that is
coreferential to the NP deleted by equi-NP deletion (i.e., the “controller” NP) is to be determined by
general principles [refinements of Rosenbaum’s (1967) “erasure principle”] and, hence, need not be men¬
tioned in the structural description of equi-NP deletion at all. In such a case the relevant subcase of this
rule might be written simply as follows:
Again, there is no reason to assume that this rule cannot be ordered on the cycle of the infinitive itself; that
is, there is no reason to assume that it must be ordered on a cycle late enough to include every possible
“controller” NP, since they do not appear in its structural description.
V.9 The Rule of For Phrase Formation 195
that some preceding transformation can be motivated such that (96) is trans¬
formed into (97):
(99) *The man for whom to realize this first was John. (cf. The man to
realize this first was John.)
*The man for whose friends to realize this is John.
*They pointed out the ones for whom they preferred to leave first.
*For whom does John prefer to leave first?
*Who does John prefer for to leave first?
(There of course remains the more general problem of accounting for the block¬
ing of any relative clause structure in which the relativized WH form does not
get fronted either because of extraction constraints or because of restrictions
on particular rules.)
We will turn later to the question of how (98) introduces the node PP
in derived structure; first, however, I present motivation for the rule that is
independent of the explanation it can provide (cf. the preceding section) for
the restrictions on infinitival relatives exemplified in (90)—(91).
In Section 11.10 (cf. especially note 20), we saw that certain adverbial PP’s
can be placed between the COMP and the subject NP in various dependent
clauses. Examples of this type are as follows:
(100) Mary asked me if, in St. Louis, John could rent a house cheap.
He doesn’t intend that, in these circumstances, we be rehired.
You should do that so that, when you’re old, you’ll be protected.
They build machines that, during lunch hours, businessmen can
exercise on.
She got as many votes in the countryside as, in the last election,
her predecessor got in Paris.
Of all the complementizers, only for excludes adverbs in the position in ques¬
(101) *Mary arranged for, in St. Louis, John to rent a house cheap.
*He doesn’t intend for, in these circumstances, us to be rehired.
*You should do that in order for, when you’re old, us to be able to
live well.
*They build machines for, during lunch hours, businessmen to
exercise on.
* She got enough votes in the countryside for, in the next election,
us to expect her to win.
If one claims that the adverbs themselves are preposed into the context
COMP-, then the structure in (97) claims that the preposed adverbs may
appear after the surface subject in for clauses (which is true, given the expected
comma intonation). In conjunction with a general condition that would not
allow transformations—at least nonlocal transformations—to move material
into a PP, the structure in (97) also explains (101). Such a condition would
seem, upon a little reflection, to be obviously necessary, and is no doubt an
extension of Chomsky’s (1965) “lower-S” constraint.
On the other hand, if one claims, as I do in Section II. 10, that the sentences
in (100) are generated by moving S (where S = COMP —S, as in Bresnan,
1970) over the adverbial PP’s by a root transformation, then the fact that in
(97), after for phrase formation applies, the surface subject is no longer in S
but, rather, under COMP explains why the examples in (101) are ungrammati¬
cal. [in fact in (97) the subject NP and the predicate do not even form a con¬
stituent, and so could not be moved by a transformation.]
Thus in either account of how the sentences in (100) are generated,
postulating that [comp/0^] +NP is a surface constituent explains the contrast
in between (100) and (101).
For phrase formation further accounts for the appearance of the infinitive
marker to in clauses with the for complementizer. Generally this marker appears
with verb phrases that are not specially marked by the participle morphemes
(ing or en) and have lost their subject NP (for example, as a result of subject
raising, equi-NP deletion, or deletion of the subject one); this pattern is pointed
out in Kiparsky and Kiparsky (1971). If we make precise the notion ‘floss of
subject” by a rule stating that a VP that is the head of an S loses its subject
when it no longer has an NP sister constituent on its left, then this explains the
appearance of to in surface structures corresponding to (97). Alternatively,
all VP’s whose verbs have no suffix after affix movement can be assigned to
(cf. Section VI.2.5), and then to can be deleted in the context COMP—NP—
(AUX) -_Such a rule correctly does not apply to the structure in (97).
For phrase formation can also explain why the pronouns in the subject
NP of for clauses exhibit objective (not subjective) pronouns. Klima (1969)
argues that in the maximally simple (easiest-learned) dialect of Modem English
the subject pronouns (I, he, she, we, they) appear in just those NP’s that are
immediately dominated by S. For example, Klima points out that the most
common dialect of Modern American English does not exhibit subject pronouns
in predicate nominatives, which are immediately dominated by VP: it s me,
that's him, etc.16
16It should be remarked that subject pronouns, though assigned near surface structure in English,
are not assigned to those NP’s that come to be immediately dominated by S as a result of root transforma¬
tions such as topicalization and left dislocation.
198 Extending the Structure-Preserving Constraint
Klima also remarks that children very commonly use subject pronouns
in single-NP subjects (/ left, He left, etc.) but object pronouns in conjoined-
NP subjects: Me and him left or Me and him, we left. This is explained by the
fact that the subject NP’s in conjoined subjects are immediately dominated
by another NP rather than by S. Immediate dominance by S in derived structure
as the defining condition for subject pronouns also explains the dialect of
Modern English in which whom (an object pronoun form) appears only if a PP
is WH fronted, whereas who appears in all other cases: To whom did you
write? and Who did you write to ? versus *To who did you write ? and *Whom
did you write to? (for this dialect).
The derived structure of the COMP—subject NP sequence given by (98)
provides the intervening node between the subject NP and the dominating
S that explains the occurrence of object pronouns in such subjects, according
to Klima’s subject pronoun condition. The invariant appearance of object
pronouns in for clauses could not be explained in terms of the deep structure
in (96) unless an ad hoc exception to Klima’s principle were added to the gram¬
mar of English.17
Let us now consider the question of how for phrase formation assigns
a PP node in derived structure to the FOR—NP sequence. First, nothing in the
1' There is a characteristic of for clauses that for phrase formation does not account for, namely, that such
clauses never exhibit TENSE or the modal auxiliaries. The following line of argument, however, shows that
this fact should not be associated with for phrase formation.
In Emonds (1970) I argue that the present subjunctive in English, which also lacks TENSE and the
modal auxiliaries, should be transformationally related to infinitival for clauses. Examples of this con¬
The arguments for relating for clauses and the present subjunctive have to do with their similar internal
structure (vis-a-vis the auxiliaries, the position of not, etc.), with similarity of distribution, and with their
identical or near-identical meanings, compared to the meaning of an ordinary that clause:
The best way to relate these constructions within our framework is to derive present subjunctives from
for clauses by deleting a deep structure FOR before for phrase formation as in (98) applies. In this way,
the lack of modal auxiliaries and TENSE, and the common element of meaning shared by present sub¬
junctives and surface for clauses, can be attributed to the deep structure complementizer FOR (which is
perhaps to be identified with the feature SUBJUNCTIVE found in other languages), and not to for phrase
The deletion of FOR in present subjunctive contexts means that such clauses do not meet the structural
description given in (98). Consequently to does not appear with the verb in present subjunctives, nor do
object pronouns appear in subject position. Since the COMP node is empty after FOR deletion, the late rule
of that insertion proposed in Bresnan (1972a) also (correctly) applies in present subjunctives.
V.9 The Rule of For Phrase Formation 199
In this chapter, movement rules that do not apply to phrase nodes are
investigated. Since local transformations by definition always involve at least
one nonphrase node, many transformations of this class that have not figured
directly in earlier sections are discussed here. It should not be forgotten, of
course, that a claim is involved—namely, after one has enumerated the root
and structure-preserving transformations of English, as I have attempted to do
in the previous chapters, all the remaining transformations will be local in the
sense defined in Chapter I.
We have seen some cases of local transformations that involve phrase
nodes: postverbal particle movement (Section m.3), indirect question adjust¬
ment (Chapter IV), and for phrase formation (Section V.9). In the sections
where these rules are discussed, it is shown that they satisfy the condi¬
tions on local transformations, and so we will not devote space to them again
The principal part of the chapter is organized around various movements
of nonphrase nodes. In most cases we will discuss transformations that move
categories that dominate single morphemes rather than sequences of mor¬
phemes. First, we go over briefly some root transformations of this type; second,
we go more deeply into certain structure-preserving movements of nonphrase
nodes; third, we enumerate and briefly discuss several local transformations
(which of course involve nonphrase nodes). In two final sections a further restric¬
tion is placed on local transformations (thus further strengthening the structure¬
preserving constraint), and a hypothesis about a possible strong extension of
the constraint to deletion rules is tentatively proposed.
It may be well to repeat here the definition of a local transformation given
in Chapter I:
202 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
Ordinarily clitic pronouns in French must precede the verb; cf. Section VI.2.6.
However, in main clause questions the subject clitic may or must follow the
first finite verb [as in (2) ], and in affirmative imperatives all pronominal clitic
objects follow the verb [as in (3) ]. The structure-preserving constraint will
predict that such rules can apply only in independent clauses if the operation
each of these rules performs does not satisfy the definitions of either structure¬
preserving or local transformations.
1 Subject—clitic inversion is not to be confused with stylistic inversion (cf. Section HL.4), which
applies in embedded sentences and I claim is structure-preserving. Kayne (1970) shows conclusively that
the two rules are different rules; the one that concerns us here moves clitic pronouns, and stylistic inversion
moves NP’s.
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 203
Thus these two inversions are not structure-preserving. To see that they are not
local transformations, it suffices to note that both rules are subject to conditions
on the string exterior to the affected clitic—verb input sequence. Subject-
clitic inversion requires that a WH element or some other suitable “triggering”
element (such as aussi = therefore) precede the subject, and affirmative im¬
perative inversion requires that nothing precede the pronominal object clitics
in the string (i.e., the negative ne blocks the rule: Ne le mangez pas versus
*Ne mangez-le pas.). The latter condition is also exterior to the clitic—verb
Thus the structure-preserving constraint correctly predicts that subject—
clitic inversion and affirmative imperative inversion are root transformations;
i.e., they apply only in main clauses.3
2Actually material may precede the object clitics if it is set off by comma intonation. A ce moment
precis, mettez-vous a table!
3 The two root transformations discussed here that apply to French clitics indicate that it is not quite
correct to require root transformations to attach clitics to the highest S. No nonroot S can dominate a
clitic moved by a root transformation, but the status of a clitic as an affix somehow overrides the require¬
ment that a root transformation attach a constitutent to the root directly. I am not capable of elucidating the
exact nature of the dominance relations involving clitics at this time. The main point in the text is that it is
striking that the only two violations of preverbal clitic positions in French occur in nonembedded sentences.
This problem in formulating these root transformations was pointed out by Richard Kayne (personal com¬
204 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
(5) John might believe that Mary didn’t pass the course.
John might not believe that Mary passed the course.
John seems not to read much.
John doesn’t seem to read much.
We expect them not to be too happy about it.
We don’t expect them to be too happy about it.
[The TENSE movement rule and the rule that determines the distribution of the
auxiliary do are also involved in (5); they are discussed in the next section.]
The effect of NEG transportation in the first example in (5) is indicated by
the arrow in (6):
4 A word on a class of apparent exceptions to the usual pre-main-verb position of not in English is perhaps
in order:
I think not.
I think so.
She hopes not.
She hopes so.
If so, ril be happy to come.
If not, I’ll be happy to come.
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 205
In (6) and throughout this chapter, NEG is often found just to the right of
the AUX and outside the VP. I do not mean to imply that this is definitively its
deep structure position; rather, there seem to be a number of (local) order
interchanges with adverbial AP’s of various types (cf. Section V.2) that affect
the relative interpretations (“scopes”) of these elements. I think we can say
with more assurance that the emphatic marker is generated in the AUX_VP
The contracted n’t has the same (surface) distribution as emphatic so and as
not either, and can also be used to indicate AUX_VP sequencing.
NEG transportation, formulated as a structure-preserving substitution
for [ NEG A ], automatically accounts for why the rule does not apply when the
upper sentence in structures like (6) contains a deep structure not, that is, for
why NEG transportation does not affect the underlying structures of the
sentences in (8):
(8) John might not believe that Mary didn’t pass the course.
We don’t expect them not to be happy.
The presence of [NEG not] in the higher sentence means that the structural
description of NEG transportation is not met.
Footnote 4 continued
A plausible explanation for this class of exceptions has been advanced by G. Lakoff (1966). He proposes that
the so and not in the preceding examples are proforms for deleted (understood) sentence complements of
think, hope, and if. Whether so or not appears in surface structure depends on whether or not the deleted
sentence contains not. Thus when an S complement is deleted, a grammatical marker indicating whether it
is asserted or denied appears in surface structure.
According to this explanation, I think not and I don’t think so result from the same deep structure; the
former is obtained when NEG transportation does not apply before the understood complement S is deleted,
and the latter is obtained when NEG transportation does apply (moving not out of the complement and leaving
a positive assertion). The example sentences and LakofPs explanation of them do not constitute a definitive
argument in favor of NEG transportation (over the difficulties observed by Khma), however.
206 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
There are many disagreements over how many kinds of surface forms have in
fact undergone this rule, but few doubts that a process of this type must be
represented as a transformation.
When we examine this rule we see that it has effects that preclude the
possibility that it is a local rule, for it can move verbal affixes over a sequence
(AP)—V, as in (11):
In Section V.2 we saw that adverbs of the scarcely class are in their deep
structure position in sentences like (lib), so it is not possible to order affix
movement “before” such adverbs intervene.
This means that affix movement must be structure-preserving. Intuitively
this does not seem farfetched, since verbal affixes in English (s, ed, ing, and en)
have several different deep structure and transformational sources (to be
discussed briefly later), but they invariably appear in the same surface context,
V_This is the kind of behavior that the structure-preserving constraint
predicts is normal. However, a demonstration that affix movement is structure¬
preserving requires that I outline in some detail an analysis of the English
auxiliary and then return to the main question afterwards. In the course of this
discussion, I will introduce a local insertion transformation and a second
structure-preserving rule (verb raising) involving auxiliary verbs, which are in
themselves relevant to the concerns of this chapter.
I begin with the phrase structure rule for expanding S. I do not commit
myself to a deep structure source for NEG, although the surface position for the
contracted n’t is characteristically AUX_:
’The analysis of the auxiliary system given here does not depend on not assigning constituent status
to the sequence AUX—VP in (12). Dougherty (1970b) has convincingly argued that this must be done; I
omit the base rule required for expository purposes only.
In (12) EMP is the category for the emphatic markers so, too, and either: John will so wash the dishes,
It wasn’t either so easy, etc.
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 207
as the syntactic category of the first verbal auxiliary in a finite clause. AUX has
two basic deep structure realizations—as a modal (will, can, must, shall, etc.)
or as TENSE:
(13) ± TENSE
AUX ->
(15) be
(have—eri) — ( begin -ing)- f (be— en) —V
keep , NP
stop be-
(16) VP
The structures in (16) underlie predicates in sentences like Prices have started
being quoted daily, Prices have been being quoted daily.6
Nothing in my analysis depends on whether the structures in (16) are
generated by a grammar in which VP may be a sister to V in deep structure,
by one in which all such structures are due to subject raising, or by one in which
both types of derivations are possible. The important point is that I claim that
the auxiliaries that can follow modals (be and have) are generated by the base
rule for VP:
(17) VP . .-V-. . .
6 The base rule for generating verbal affixes and the deep structure distribution of the various verbal
affixes are taken up in Section VI.2.5.
It is no doubt true that affixes are dominated by V in surface structure. There is probably a general
rule or convention by which suffixal elements are attached to the preceding preterminal node as follows:
In the text I am concerned only with determining the correct positioning of various instances of affixes in
surface structure, and assume that some formal device of this sort derives the correct surface structure
dominance relations.
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 209
(18) *It was appreciating music that John had continued at Harvard.
*It was appreciating music that John had been at Harvard.
*It was continued (been) appreciating music that John had at
* Appreciating music was continued by John at Harvard.
*Appreciating music was been by John at Harvard.
(19) Our houses might have been being undermined for a long time, and
yours might (have (been)) too.
Patterns like (19) provide some justification for structures as in (16) independent
of any consideration of the structure-preserving constraint. In Section VI.2.5
we will see that the structures in (16), in conjunction with the structure¬
preserving constraint, furnish certain syntactic explanations about English
auxiliary and verbal affix behavior that would not otherwise be available.
The claim that the auxiliary verbs in (15) are main verbs generated by
repeated application of (17) is in conflict with the proposal in Chomsky (1957)
to account for the ordering among instances of be and the perfect auxiliary by
a phrase structure rule. That is, in order to justify my analysis I must answer
the following questions: Why does the auxiliary have never follow itself or the
progressive be, and why does the progressive be never follow itself? (That is,
what accounts for the ordering of these auxiliary verbs?)
Concerning the auxiliary have, it is a fact that verbs of temporal aspect
take clause complements that (i) may not have expressed subjects in surface
structure and (ii) never begin with the perfective auxiliary have:
(20) began
*John { resumed v
went on
210 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
Since the complements to the perfective have and the progressive be are in this
class (they never have expressed subjects in surface structure), I assume that
they are subject to the second general restriction also:7
The fact that the progressive be does not follow itself can be attributed to
the general prohibition of the verb—complement sequence V—ing—V—ing in
surface structure, whenever the two ing’s are not separated by an NP boundary
(for discussion see Emonds, 1973a; Milsark, 1972; and especially Pullum, 1974):
71 would say that VP complements that never have expressed subjects are not derived from full deep
structure S’s, and that the perfect auxiliary have often cannot appear as the head of such a VP. That is, a
selection restriction on the heads of certain VP complements requires that they not be the perfect auxiliary
have. But exactly how the restriction discussed in the text is stated in the grammar is not as important for the
argument here as that it must be stated.
Consider the following potential counterexample to the restriction as stated in the text:
(i) John will begin to have finished his work before it is time to leave.
(ii) *John will have had finished his work before it is time to leave.
*John had had been examined before everyone else arrived.
To me the example (i) seems slightly unacceptable, although interpretable, and I would attribute the
marginal character to the lack of grammaticality. On the other hand, no interpretation can be imposed on
(ii) to reduce their unacceptability.
Further, the identity of elements that render (ii) unacceptable seems to be a case of the more general
fact that, given some restricted combination, the unacceptability of the combination will be greater if in fact
the combined morphemes are identical. Thus the doubly starred examples in (iv) are less acceptable than the
starred examples in (iii), even though the pairs of grammatical counterparts are equally acceptable:
Thus the ordering restrictions on the auxiliaries have and be are accounted for
by statements that must be added to the grammar in Chomsky (1957) in any
case, which renders the specification of their order by a phrase structure rule
redundant. A simpler phrase structure rule, (17), suffices. [Of course both
the grammar proposed here and that in Chomsky (1957) account for the order¬
ing of the modal auxiliaries by phrase structure rules.]
Consider now the grammar of the auxiliary system consisting of the phrase
structure rules in (12), (13), and (17), supplemented by the “double-mg”
restriction and the exclusion of have—en in surface VP complements of temporal
aspect verbs. If no transformations (other than subject—verb agreement and
affix movement) were added to this grammar, it would never treat have and be
as AUX (in tag questions, contractions with nt, VP deletion constructions,
subject—auxiliary inversion, placement of NEG and EMP, etc.), and it would
not generate the auxiliary do at all.
On the other hand, in the case of nonfinite clauses (infinitives, gerunds,
participles, and present subjunctives—those clauses lacking AUX) the preced¬
ing “incorrect” results (appearance of have and be outside of AUX, placement
of not before these elements, absence of EMP, and absence of do) are in fact
correct. Thus any rules we add to the grammar to account for finite clauses
should depend crucially on the presence of AUX (or TENSE) in these clauses.8
The first such rule is the insertion of the “verbal” (TENSE-bearing)
auxiliary do; this can be formulated as a local insertion transformation:
After (23) and optional NEG contraction apply, a clause lacking a deep
structure modal has the following structure:
ed or s do (n't)
This is the correct structure for sentences with the surface auxiliary do, and it
also provides the means for succinctly describing the auxiliary behavior of be
and the perfect auxiliary have, which here are deep structure verbs. If these
verbs begin the VP in (24), an obligatory structure-preserving rule can be
formulated to raise them into the AUX position (this rule moves them over
adverbial AP’s and so must be structure-preserving). We can term this rule
verb raising. If the VP in (24) does not begin with be or the perfect auxiliary
have, then do remains in the tree, subject to later deletion in affirmative
It might be objected that once (24) is produced by a local transformation,
nothing in principle stops any verb from being “raised” into AUX position.
However, if we think of what kind of morphemes are inserted into trees by
transformations, they are always those whose intrinsic lexical semantic content
appears to be no more than that associated with a very few syntactic features
that are otherwise needed in the transformational component. That is, if we take
all the morphemes that, in various analyses, are transformationally inserted in
some contexts (there, for, not, agentive by, be, do, and, with, of, the, etc.) and
consider the set of features that would be necessary to uniquely specify their
intrinsic lexical semantic content and their deep structure distribution, I claim
that these features would all play a role in the transformational component,
independent of any insertion rules.
If this observation is correct, and if we define the notion “syntactic feature”
as a feature that plays a role in the grammar’s transformational component (cf.
Chomsky, 1965, pp. 153—154), we can require that nodes introduced by
fact to exclude the possibility of a general verb raising rule into the V created
by (23), I propose the following even stronger convention:
But if the first verb after the subject is be or the perfective have, these also
invert, as predicted by (26):
According to (12) and (13), the NEG and EMP particles appear only after
AUX. Verb raising correctly predicts that these particles will follow the first
101 am certain that do in (26) could be replaced with just V, but I retain do to ensure correctness and
clarity of exposition.
Need and dare in a negated clause are either deep structure modals or true verbs, but they are
not required to appear in AUX position, as be and the perfect auxiliary are: John doesn t have eaten
versus John doesn’t need to eat. It is this requirement that (26) expresses.
In the analysis of the auxiliary system being proposed, note that modals (AUX) and verbs do not form
a syntactic class, nor do they undergo any rules in common.
111 am not speaking here of the emphatic do of imperatives, which seems to be derived from a deep
structure will: Do come in, won’t you, Do be more polite, will you, etc.
214 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
be after a subject and any use of have that inverts in questions (in my dialect
only the perfective have and had better have this property):
We know that certain classes of adverbs can appear at the beginning of the
VP, i.e., after AUX (cf. Section V.2). These adverbs cannot come between
a verb and a following predicate attribute or object NP, however:
The verb raising rule correctly predicts that such adverbs may follow a clause-
initial be or auxiliary have, but not nonauxiliary have or non-clause-initial be
before a predicate attribute. Note the difficulty of extending the analysis in
Chomsky (1957) to handle these facts:
Again, verb raising predicts that these determiners can follow a be or an auxil¬
iary have that follows the subject NP:
By ordering verb raising before VP deletion, we can account for the appear¬
ance of be and the auxiliary have in tags, and for the fact that do does not
“substitute” for them as in (37):
(37) The reason is that he drove too fast, isn't it? (* doesn’t it?)
Susan has seen this movie as often as Bill has. (*does.)
Cf. John always had to take pills, didn’t he? (*hadn’t he?)
(As expected, the nonauxiliary have does not appear in tag S’s.)
In a study of contractions of auxiliaries, Zwicky (1970) has found that
the initial phonological grouping “possible consonant—vowel” of will, would, have,
has, is, am, and are can be dropped after pronominal subjects. (Has and is
can be contracted elsewhere as well, but this is not of interest here.) However,
the contraction may apply to forms of have, according to Zwicky, only in those
usages of have that can invert in questions. For example, in all dialects studied
the perfective have and the modal had better invert in questions and may
contract. On the other hand, the causative have and the have of obligation
invert in no dialect, and also never contract:
Just in the dialects where a simple transitive have may invert in questions,
Zwicky claims, a simple transitive have may contract; that is, the examples in
(39) are equally grammatical in any dialect:
Given the verb raising rule, we can make the contraction depend on have, will,
or be being in the AUX position (i.e., not dominated by VP) and thus explain
the correlation noted by Zwicky.
It should further be noted that such contraction does not affect the per¬
fective have which is not in the AUX position, even when it follows the verb:
* Could they’ve seen him? *Will you’ve finished before dinner? Compare:
They’ve seen him. You’ve finished before dinner? This shows that a perfective
have which is not the first auxiliary does not have AUX status. That is,
it argues for the verb raising analysis here over the analysis of Chomsky
This concludes my justification of verb raising, which, as we have seen,
is also a structure-preserving rule.
VI. 2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 217
VI.2.4 Do Deletion
Since a condition on affix movement will be that affixes can move only over
the next succeeding verb, the deletion rule in (41) in effect permits the TENSE
affix to move to a main verb only if do is deleted. That is, TENSE can move
onto the main verb just in case the latter is not preceded by an inverted
subject NP, NEG, or EMP. This prediction is exactly right:
12 Example (41) can easily be extended to the true verb do if in underlying structure it precedes activity
verb phrases, as argued in Ross (1972b). (This was pointed out in Emonds, 1970.) The condition would then
be that do is not contrastively stressed OR is not AUX.
218 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
According to the rules proposed up to this point, the TENSE affixes are
generated in the AUX position in clauses without modals, and it remains for
the affix movement rule to move them around the first verb on their right.
It was explained in Section VI.2.2 that, because of intervening adverbs,
affix movement must be a structure-preserving rule, and of course it is also
an obligatory rule. But a structure-preserving rule can be obligatory only if the
category C into whose position the rule moves a constituent is itself obligatorily
generated in the base, for if C is not generated in the base, the rule will not
apply. This is the crux of the correct criticism in Nagahara (1974) of my pre¬
vious treatment of affix movement: “And in general, we may say that a structure¬
preserving rule of ‘must-apply’ nature must not make crucial use of a node
whose presence in the tree is optional [p. 33].” Therefore if the TENSE affixes
are to move to the right of main verbs both obligatorily and in structure-
preserving fashion, (17) must be revised as follows:
(43) VP ^-V-TENSE-13
13The appearance of TENSE in the base rule in (43) and as a feature on the category AUX in (12) is
consistent with the tentative requirement on base rules proposed in Chapter I: “Any nonphrasal category
can appear but once in the base rules, except that it may cooccur as an optional syntactic feature on some
other category without breaking the restriction.” Cf. Section 1.3.
14 There are three possible reasons for considering the past participle morpheme en and the past tense
morpheme ed to be instances of the same feature of PAST. The first is that the regular (productive)
phonological form of both is the same: ed. That is, the statement “PAST is realized as ed for regular verbs,”
however it is to be stated formally, accounts automatically for past participles of verbs if we analyze en as
A second reason for analyzing en as a realization of PAST is the often-proposed semantic analysis of
the English present perfect to the effect that it is a “past relevant to the present” or “a present containing
the past,” etc. If this is to be expressed in the grammar, it would be facilitated if the elements carrying this
meaning (have—en) contain the feature PAST.
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 219
That is, I claim that the first example in (44) has an underlying structure
We—keep—ing—on—VP, and that the ing is moved to its surface position
inside the complement VP by affix movement.
Ordinarily the ing of VP complements marks the NP status of the com¬
plement and is inserted transformationally (cf. Section IV.2.3). But for the
complements of verbs of temporal aspect it is argued in Rosenbaum (1967) and
Emonds (1972b) that these VP complements are not NP’s, and their ing there-
Footnote 14 continued
Third, in those clauses in which TENSE is not generated under AUX (nonfinite clauses lacking AUX
and clauses with modals), or in which TENSE, PAST carries a counterfactual meaning, the auxiliary
have—en can mean “semantic past” rather than “semantic perfect.” [These two notions can be defined
by possible time adverbial cooccurrences; the adverbs that ordinarily occur with ed are “semantic past”
adverbs. For many examples and discussion, see Emonds (1974).]
While many alternatives for assigning semantic tense values to clauses can be debated, it would seem
that these alternations could be accounted for by a set of interpretive rules like the following, which treat en
and ed as both PAST:
Item 2 claims that en and not have carries the past meaning. Anecdotal evidence for this is the fol¬
lowing sentence, whose meaning (in context) was clearly that in the speaker s opinion it was foolish to con¬
ceive of someone’s ceasing to be an artist (“once an artist, always an artist ):
I’ll answer that, since I’m supposed to have been an artist, whatever been means.
?I’ll answer that, since I’m supposed to have been an artist, whatever have means.
220 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
fore must have another source. It seems plausible that this source is the base,
since there are lexical (perhaps semantic) restrictions on whether it must be
present within this class of verbs:
The verbs of temporal aspect are thus a productive class of lexical verbs that
may or must appear in deep structure with a following ing], so the
Before these rules of number agreement and to deletion take place, but
after affix movement, all verbs in English exhibit either a TENSE suffix (ed,
s, ing, en) or the infinitive marker to, and no verb exhibits both. This means
that the distribution of to can be accounted for quite simply: After affix move¬
ment and other affix insertion rules apply (such as those associated with NP
preposing, relative clause reduction, and gerund formation), to is inserted
before the verb whenever an empty TENSE remains after the verb. The same
rule can delete the empty TENSE:
In this way, an empty TENSE never goes through an entire well-formed trans¬
formational derivation, in accordance with the requirement of the theory.
Since (43) accords with the formal requirements on base rules and empty
nodes, we can now state affix movement and demonstrate its compatibility with
the structure-preserving constraint:
is Affix movement, as has long been noted, requires a convention on the applicability of transformational
rules, so that it can apply more than once in a given clause simultaneously.
222 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
(49) s
Generating TENSE by (43) means that the nonfinite as well as the finite
verbal suffixes in English are of the same category, and this has several advan¬
tages. First, the finite and nonfinite affixes are in complementary distribution in
deep structure in that ed and s are + TENSE, +AUX and en and ing are
+ TENSE, — AUX; hence, it is preferable to include them all in the same
Second, since affix movement here applies only to TENSE, rather than
to a disjunction of TENSE and the nonfinite affixes, the statement of the
rule is simpler than that, say, in Chomsky (1957). (In that study, a category
Af, which is equivalent to TENSE here, is introduced for stating affix move¬
ment, but this category is defined ad hoc as the disjunction just mentioned,
and not by the base rules.)
Third, affixes in this analysis move only around the category V, and not
around a disjunction of V and other auxiliary elements.
Fourth, my analysis claims that English VP’s in the normal case will be
introduced by various V—TENSE combinations, rather than by verbs alone.
Thus the grammar ordinarily generates structures like (16) (with TENSE affixes
being obligatory); this characteristic, in conjunction with the structure¬
preserving constraint, explains why the NP-preposing (passive) rule inserts
a morpheme pair be—en into a position typical of such elements and not into
arbitrary positions (after the main verb, before the subject, etc.). That is,
NP preposing inserts this auxiliary—affix pair into the empty nodes encircled
in (50), yielding Mary was insulted by Bill:
16 gg0jQg plausible that when affix movement applies to the finite affixes it moves the entire feature
complex -t TENSE, + AUX to the new position after the following verb. In this case, the finite and non¬
finite affixes would be differentiated throughout the transformational derivation by the feature +AUX.
224 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
17 This section also appears as Emonds (1975), and appears here with permission.
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 225
In turn, V' is the head of VP (i.e., V"). As is well known, there are several
noncompound tenses in French; they are not of concern here.19
Rule (52) gives rise to structures like the following at a stage in the
derivation of a sentence that follows application of rules like the passive but
precedes affix movement:
iez av
18 Actually Perlmutter does not seem to make this claim for French. He first makes this claim for
Spanish and argues for it, and then suggests that the apparently very similar clitic system in French must
be described by a similar formal device. I will not deal with Spanish here, but will show only that no such
formal device is needed for French; I am not competent to discuss the situation in Spanish. Otero
(in press) and Strozer (in preparation), working independently on Spanish, have arrived at the conclusion
that a positive output constraint is not needed there either.
This section owes much to fruitful discussions with Thomas Bye, who developed a sequence of
transformations somewhat different from those given here that also render an output constraint on French
clitics redundant.
^I am assuming that there is an affix movement rule in French that permutes TENSE V, however, it
may be a local rather than a structure-preserving rule in that there is no productive lexical class of verbs
in French that take deep structure participial affixes (such as the English temporal aspect verbs that take
ing). This suggests that it would be incorrect to generate TENSE in two base positions in French, as was
done in the preceding sections for English.
226 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
(54) V'
en past, venir
(55) (CL) TENSE
If CL is filled in deep structure, it has the realization en. Under certain condi¬
tions de + PRO elsewhere in the clause may be deleted and en inserted in CL
(Gross, 1968; Ruwet, 1972). In fact Gross notes that this may take place even
when there is a deep structure en present; as a result he postulates a rule
transforming en + en into en. The structure-preserving formulation of this en
insertion, however, predicts that no en+en sequence can result; the facts
noted by Gross can be accounted for by formulating the en insertion that
20 It seems likely that CL is really an instance of the feature DIR (found on prepositions of direction),
since the y—en distinction is basically that of a—de (to—from i*1 English).
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 227
21 The question of how idioms like y avoir are to be represented does not affect the argument that
all insertions of y and en by (nonlocal) transformations are into the base position whose existence is
independently justified in Kayne (1970). For either y avoir is represented with y preceding the CL
in the base or it is not. If it is, nothing more need be said. If not, y or the feature that triggers its
insertion can be located on or to the left of the idiomatic V in question, and a local transformation can
correctly place y before a surface en, without requiring an output constraint.
Y avoir can perhaps best be treated analogously to obligatorily reflexive impersonal idioms (se pouvoir,
s’agir, etc.) by saying that this y is an irregular realization of a deep structure PRO [to be introduced in (65) ],
whereas otherwise PRO = se.
22As pointed out to me by Lora Weinroth, Grevisse (1959, 433-434) cites literary examples acceptable
to many speakers which are at odds with Kayne’s restriction: Je n y en ai point vu. L on me dit tant demal
de cet homme, et j’y en vois si peu. A possible description compatible with the analysis here is given
in note 31.
228 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
DET-N -...
(58) NP
PRO -> /$ FEM
y in
—► a REFL
pro] r an ]
-m J L+reflJ
Let us now fix our attention on the preverbal pronominal clitics. Given
the preceding arguments concerning the adverbial clitics CL, the output con¬
straint in (51) is now somewhat reduced, to (59):
(59) i se } - lui | -CL-V
nous leur j
23The arguments of Delorme and Dougherty (1972) to the effect that pronouns are not articles are very
convincing for French, especially in that much of the evidence that is taken as crucial in Postal (1966) for
establishing that pronouns ARE articles in English is lacking in French.
In (58), fill non-third-person pronouns are assigned the syntactic feature +REFL. Nothing in the
analysis crucially depends on this, although it slightly simplifies certain rules, such as (63).
24Problems (i)—(iii) in the text are acknowledged by Perlmutter.
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 229
rather than simply those in (59) with the V first [third-person reflexives cannot
be the objects of imperatives for obvious reasons, so the soi in (60) is for the
moment vacuous]:
(60) soi
nous y-CL
(iii) In (59) we find that elements of the first and third columns cannot gene¬
rally cooccur:25
23 Some marginal examples are given by Perlmutter in which both elements are indirect objects; i.e.,
one of them is a “dative of interest,” somewhat unusual in standard French. Such datives of interest
characteristically—perhaps by definition—do not alternate with postverbal indirect object NP’s. Their
nonmarginal character in some dialects would in fact motivate a separate deep structure preverbal clitic
position in the base, thus INCREASING the possible types of structure-preserving clitic placement rules. Such
an approach to the datives of interest in Spanish, in fact, seems quite plausible to me.
230 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
straints. When we do this we see that the three special statements that would
be required in a fully explicit grammar to account for (i)—(iii) can be reduced
to two. Suppose we take (60) rather than (59) as an output constraint on clitic
sequences in derivations at the point when the last rule that is not a root or
local transformation applies (whether or not one agrees that such rules are all
structure-preserving). Further, let the clitic sequences subject to (60) be in pre¬
verbal position [as are the sequences subject to (59) in Perlmutter’s grammar].
A single root transformation preposing the V over such a clitic sequence
(dependent on the absence of any preceding material in the string) derives the
affirmative imperative construction (cf. Section VI. 1). A clitic—imperative in¬
version of this type is clearly needed in any grammar of French. Thus (i) and
(ii) are accounted for.
The assumption that (60) is the form of the output constraint also auto¬
matically accounts for why the first- and third-column forms in (59) do not
cooccur as preverbal clitics. In exchange we need a local rule to interchange
le, la, les, and those forms other than lui—leur in column two of (60) when
these precede the verb:
0-2+ 1-3
Clitic interchange is a local rule in which the V' is a (possibly phrasal) node
specified without variables and the feature for le, la, les is the adjacent non¬
phrase node. [We will see later that the rule placing le, la, les at the left of
V' in an explicit grammar of clitic placement is most simply stated if the two
elements are sister constituents in derived structure; the rule in question is
(67) ].26
By replacing (59) with (60) I have been able to specify what kinds of
rules may apply “after” surface structure constraints more narrowly than
Perlmutter (namely, only root transformations and local transformations may
so apply); further, problems (i)—(iii) in Perlmutter’s grammar have been
reduced to two statements—the root transformation of clitic—imperative in¬
version and the clitic interchange rule in (63).
It will be observed that (63) is stated with PRO as its second term. The
second-column forms in the new “output constraint” in (60) are in fact the
same as the forms of PRO in NP’s displayed in (57), with two exceptions:
The specifically feminine-gender forms are missing in (60), and leur is a sup¬
pletive form for eux. So we are quite justified in rewriting the new output
26I assume that clitic interchange can follow affix movement, eliminating TENSE in (63). Ordinarily
clitic interchange follows clitic—imperative inversion, but if not, dialect forms such as Donnez-me-le
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 231
M- les)
_— FEM _
We may now pose the question concerning the need for an output constraint
on preverbal clitics in French as follows: Are the configurations in trees of the
form (64) (subsequent to the last nonroot, nonlocal transformation) predictable
from independently motivated rules of the grammar, or must these rules be
supplemented by an output constraint itself of the form (64)?
It is incumbent on one who claims that the first alternative is correct, as
I do, to give the rules that yield the sequences in (64) and to justify them.
The proposed analysis in what follows is divided into two parts: I first argue
that the PRO position in (64) is a deep structure clitic position (like CL) that
may be filled or empty, depending on the construction. Second, I show that
le, la, les are inserted by a local transformation and that this rule has proper¬
ties significantly different from the structure-preserving clitic placement rule
moving a postverbal PRO into an empty preverbal PRO position.
Kayne (1970) argues that a large class of French verbs that must have
reflexive pronoun objects (s evanouir, sen aller, etc.) are subcategorized in
deep structure to take a preceding clitic form (i.e., they have a lexical feature
such as + REFTt — or + PRO —_). This claim can be accommo¬
dated in our framework by revising (55) as follows:
We may suppose that the deep structure form of PRO in this position is, say,
soi, if it is filled. PRO in (65) may be generated as an empty node in deep
structure if the verb is not of the intrinsically reflexive class.28
27 To further underscore the claim that the PRO of NP’s and the PRO for preverbal object clitics
[in (64)] are the same (save for one suppletion), one can compare PRO forms with a set of pronominal forms
in French that are almost totally different from the PRO forms—the subject clitics:
Subject clitic pronouns: je, tu, on, nous, vous, il, ils, elle(s).
Corresponding PRO forms: moi, toi, soi, nous, vous, lui, leur, elle(s).
28 Section 1.3 suggests that a non-phrasal category such as PRO “can appear but once in the base
rules, except that it may cooccur as an optional syntactic feature on some other category. It is likely
that “A exhaustively dominates B” and “B is a feature that cooccurs with A” should have the same theoretical
status. If so, PRO is in effect an optional syntactic feature in (58), so (65) does not violate the quoted
If not, REFL is an optional feature on PRO, and so could replace PRO in (65) and appropriately
throughout the following discussion.
232 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
places all other pronoun objects into the preverbal PRO position generated by
(65). This rule can also assign a feature that accounts for their different (non-
PRO-like) form, and can preserve grammatical gender:
29We can take DEF as the feature(s) characteristic of the definite article in noun phrases (le, la, les).
Rule (67) could assign another feature as well, but DEF serves the purpose. By (58), + III is redundant.
30As stated in my analysis of English auxiliaries, I am not trying to determine exactly the surface
structure dominance relations of affixes and clitics. The exact derived structure produced by (67) is not at
234 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
ment rule for which one cannot justify a deep structure empty node to the
left of V' (i.e., the le, la, les rule) can be formulated as a local transformation,
and that the object pronoun clitic placement rule that must contain a variable
is one for which one can justify such a deep structure empty node [as Kayne
(1970) did]. These “coincidences”—the import of which I return to later —
are both absolute requirements on the grammar of French set by the structure¬
preserving constraint.
If (68) is a structure-preserving rule of a “must-apply” type, it cannot
make use of the optional PRO node, as observed in Nagahara (1974). How¬
ever, Kayne (1969) argues on other grounds that in fact pronominal clitic
placement is optional and is to be supplemented by negative output constraints.
(I am here arguing not against negative output constraints but against positive
ones.) Therefore the objection of Nagahara to a structure-preserving clitic
placement rule loses its force, although his general observation remains valid.
I consider the brief discussion of Spanish and French clitics in Emonds
(1970) to be inadequate (hence the completely new treatment here of the French
case), and so I do not go any further in commenting on Nagahara’s careful
discussion of my own previous proposals.
It should be clear that the two descriptively adequate object pronoun clitic
placement rules, (67) and (68), are each fairly easy to state in the algebra of
transformations. On the other hand, they differ from each other strongly [so
as to reflect the peculiarities of le, la, les placement outlined in (i) — (iv) ]:
(68) differs from (67) in permitting a, in effecting a movement rather than
a deletion—insertion, in effacing rather than preserving gender marking, and
in being a movement to a base position (i.e., being a substitution for an empty
node).31 It is difficult to conceive of a collapse of the two rules that would main¬
tain descriptive adequacy or would not introduce a plethora of ad hoc conditions
on the rule, even with the aid of an output constraint. But even if this were
possible, an account of preverbal pronominal clitics in French that utilizes two
straightforward transformations is to be preferred to one that uses one trans¬
formation and requires adding output constraints to the theory of grammar.
Clearly the three pronominal clitic placement rules in (66) —(68) yield
the configurations of the “output constraint” in (64) automatically, i.e., (64)
is a consequence of the correct grammar of French but not part of it. After these
three rules and any rules of y and en placement produce configurations as in
(64), the root transformation of clitic—imperative inversion and the local trans¬
formation of clitic interchange in (63) produce surface forms.32
31 The dialect of those who accept y—en sequences as in note 22 could perhaps best be described by
inserting y in some cases into PRO as well as into CL, for such speakers do seem to reject PRO —y—en
sequences: *Jean nous y en a parle beaucoup.
32This analysis further solves an interesting problem raised in Kayne (1970) concerning deletion under
identity without recourse either to case features or to phonological information. He notes the following:
VI.2 Structure-Preserving Movements of Nonphrase Nodes 235
Footnote 32 continued
The combination clitic + auxiliary verb can be deleted in the second of two conjoined verb phrases under
identity with the same combination in the first conjunct, even though the clitic is an indirect object (derived
from a +PRO) in one conjunct and a direct object in the other. He gives the following examples:
On the other hand, this deletion is excluded when the direct and indirect object clitics have different
phonological forms (i.e., in the nonreflexive third person):
(ii) *Paul I’a frappe et donne des coups de pied. (cf. Paul l a frappe et lui a donne des
coups de pied.)
*Paul le fera gifler par George et donner des coups de pied par Jean. (cf. Paul le fera
gifler par George et lui fera donner des coups de pied par Jean.)
Kayne notes that these facts indicate that the syntactic feature of case (which he assumes dif¬
ferentiates all indirect object clitics from all direct object clitics in French) is apparently ignored by the
deletion under identity in question [cf. (i)], whereas the phonological differences in the third-person non¬
reflexives are not [cf. (ii) ]; further, he notes that both of these characteristics, particularly the latter,
are not the usual conditions under which syntactic deletion transformations apply.
In my analysis, however, there are no case features on the object pronoun clitics. In (i) it is simply then
that the sequences PRO-V are deleted under (complete) syntactic identity. Further, we have seen that
JUST IN THE CASE OF THIRD-PERSON nonreflexive CLITICS there is a category difference between the
cliticized indirect objects (PRO) and the cliticized direct objects (termed DEF), due to the fact that the
latter are placed in preverbal position not by the general (structure-preserving) clitic placement movement
of PRO but, rather, by the special (local) le, la, les rule. That is, l a frappe and la fera gifler in (ii) are
instances not of PRO-V-V (as lui a donne and lui fera dormer are) but, rather, of the SYNTACTICALLY
distinct sequence DEF-V-V. Hence, there is no syntactic identity and no deletion under the usual assump¬
tions about necessary conditions for deletion under identity (Chomsky, 1965, Chapter 4).
33 Were another feature chosen, there could be NO clitic placements of PRO other than local transforma¬
236 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
the verb and the transforms of object pronouns appeared before the verb.
Similarly, a theory of grammar without the structure-preserving constraint
but with surface structure constraints on the ordering of clitics would supposedly
permit a language A identical to French except that the particle en is placed
in preverbal position only if it originates to the left of the verb, and that en
is placed to the right of the verb phrase if it originates to the right of the verb.
Language A would then have grammatical judgments as in (69), where %
indicates ungrammatically in A:
If an analysis anything like that for French is adequate for Spanish (involving
intrinsically reflexive verbs, perhaps a local transformation for direct object
pronouns, and perhaps also a deep structure “dative of interest” position), then
any restriction on clitics will automatically hold only for clitics that are attached
to a single verb.
34 There is of course no claim to the effect that clitic placements that can be effected by local or root
transformations depend on the existence of lexically reflexive (pronominal) verbs. For example, in Spanish
the pronoun clitics precede a finite verb but follow infinitives or participles. This does not require base clitic
positions before and after the verb. Rather, the tensed verb (or nontensed verb, depending on one s analysis)
can be interchanged with the clitic sequence by a local transformation. Incidentally, there is less reason to
consider the verbal complex V' to be a phrase node in Spanish than in French, as it cannot dominate adverbs
in Spanish. This was pointed out to me by Carlos Otero.
238 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
in which = wherein
by which — whereby
of which = whereof
after which = whereafter
upon which = whereupon
These adverbs can be derived by a rule of DET incorporation, which has the
form shown in (72):
(72) + LOC + 1-0
(73) Mary wouldn’t associate with a girl less fortunate than her.
Mary wouldn’t associate with a less fortunate girl.
Is a very young kitten able to go outside?
That is a most depressing movie.
The indefinite article [a(n)], like other determiners and numerals, precedes
prenominal adjective phrases such as most depressing, less fortunate, very
young, etc. However, if that adjective phrase is introduced by too, as, or how,
this is not the case:
It should be recalled that the auxiliaries have and be are in the AUX position
when they are not preceded by other auxiliaries, owing to the verb raising rule.
It may be that the same rule that relates the sentences in (75) —(76) also
relates the grammatical pairs in (77):
all, both, A P NP
A the boys,
us, etc.
(79) Mary and Sue have very little education, but both are very clever.
The bread was nice, though I didn’t buy any.
Of is inserted in (78) by the same rule that inserts of in the destruction of the
city, the length of the table, the sleep of the king, the hat of Johns, etc; the
insertion of of may precede [N A] deletion.
The main reason for choosing an underlying representation as in (78),
other than the fact that the rules that convert (78) to a surface structure are
needed in the grammar anyway, is that such a structure does not conflict with the
rule that assigns subjective case to pronouns in English just in case their NP’s
are immediately dominated by S (cf. Section V.9). That is, the subject pronoun
rule works here only if the highest NP and the NP over the pronoun in
all of us, some of them, etc. is not the same, and (78) satisfies this require¬
Given an underlying structure like (78) for NP’s such as all of us and
each of the boys, the quantifier postposition transformation must be stated
thus (I assume that phrasal nodes that lose their head and specifier “prune”):
This is a local transformation in which the nonphrase node is DET and the
adjacent phrase node specified without a variable is PP.
The determiners moved by (80) can also follow the first auxiliary (AUX);
with varying degrees of acceptability, they can follow succeeding auxiliaries:
VI.3 Some Further Cases of Local Transformations 241
Thus a second local transformation is required for each, all, and both
that interchanges (just those) determiners postposed by quantifier postposition
with a following auxiliary:35
35If (84) is integrated with my earlier analysis of the English auxiliary, then none of the
examples in (81b) will be generated by it. For the majority of cases this seems correct, but it leaves a
residue of unexplained cases. One possibility for some of them is that the (unstressed) perfect auxiliary
have is contracted with the modal auxiliary into the first AUX position in the clause; I believe this sugges¬
tion is due to David Perlmutter.
242 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
The latter requirement can be rephrased using the notion of “in construction
with” proposed in Klima (1964): Either C is in construction with C' or C' is in
construction with C.
Perhaps when a more elegant characterization of strictly local transform¬
ation is found properties like (85) will follow directly from it.
The property in (85) can account for certain limitations on the negative
output constraint excluding English [ v V + ing] [ v V + ing] that have been noted
in Pullum (1974). Suppose we view negative output constraints as special cases
of local transformations (thereby claiming that in fact only negative output
constraints of such form are permitted, as at least seems plausible). Formally
this could be done by inserting A between the two V’s in question by a local
rule so as to obtain the excluded surface string, or by redefining local rule in
such a way as to include surface constraints as well as mappings of input trees
onto derived trees.
What, then, can be said of a tree in which an intransitive verb is followed
by a participle modifying the subject, such as the following?
(86) S
John was V VP
standing V
looking out
It follows from (85), since neither V is in construction with the other, that the
negative output constraint will not apply, yielding a grammatical surface
structure. This is in accordance with Pullum’s observations.
Further, two V + ing’s that are in conjoined VP’s (or conjoined S’s) will
similarly not be excluded by the double-ing restriction, which is correct (such
facts are observed by Pullum):
2. Deletion of the inverted auxiliary should and the subject NP one after
a preposed why:
Rule (93), if added to the grammar of English, would delete the complementizer
whether if a prepositional phrase followed it in the same clause, incorrectly
yielding data like those in (95):
John asked whether (why, what days) Bill could assign the task to
*John asked whether (why, what days) Bill could assign the task
Upon reflection it seems clear that such specified deletions (i.e., deletions
that do not depend on identity and/or coreference) “over a variable” have not
been needed in grammatical descriptions. Some constraint is then needed to
ensure that deletions are always defined in strictly local contexts. The condition
on specified deletions is an attempt to fill this need.
It may be, of course, that the needed definition of “locally defined
specified formative deletion” and the definition of “local transformation” that
has been used in this study for movement and insertion rules cannot be made
to dovetail in an elegant way. This would not preclude the need for the two
definitions, or necessarily vitiate the claim involved in (92). For the moment
it seems more probable that a unified notion of “local transformation” for all
types of operations exists, but I refrain here from revising the definition of a
local (movement or insertion) rule on the ground that it is premature to do so
without further research.
The following list of specified formative deletions may serve as an aid in
working out an appropriate generalized definition of “local transformation”:
Other rules could be added, but the point here is not to give an exhaustive
list of specified formative deletions. Rather, it is to indicate that a great many
of the most convincing rules of this type are specifiable in terms of local
(contiguous) contexts. But there is still, no doubt, much to be done to make
the condition on specified deletion work out in detail, both in sharpening and
generalizing the definition of “local transformational operation” and in
precisely formulating various rules of specified deletions. Whatever the problems
involved, I suggest that such work would be a fruitful direction for research.38
38 As an example of how one might be faced with both reworking previous formulations of a specified
formative deletion and revising the definition of a local transformation, consider the claim in item 8 that
English present subjunctives (We prefer that he go) are derived from deep structure clauses with a com¬
plementizer for (the for that appears before infinitives with expressed subjects, as in We prefer for him to
go). We saw in Section V.9 that such a deletion is all that is necessary in the grammar of infinitives developed
there to explain the similarity in distribution and meaning of the two constructions and the various dis¬
similarities in surface form.
A problem with this rule is that it appears to depend on what verb is present in the main clause, and
further, it sometimes applies in embedded subject as well as object clauses:
That he go is important.
For him to go is important.
We prefer that he go.
We prefer for him to go.
However, Kayne (1969) shows, convincingly to my mind, that rules “governed” by different lexical choices of
the verb in a higher clause do not necessarily exhibit a V (corresponding to the location of the governing
verb in the tree undergoing the rule) in their structural description. Rather, he argues that a verb may be
subcategorized lexically to take a certain complement marked as exceptional vis-a-vis a certain transformation.
In such an arrangement we may say that the node label for the exceptional complement “carries” (is the loca¬
tion of) the exception feature; hence, only this node label, and not that of the governing verb, need appear in
the structural description of the rule in question.
Let us refer to the rule deleting for (the present subjunctive rule) as Ts. Assume that there is a rule
feature for each transformation and that the unmarked value for Tg is — Ts (i.e., ordinarily the rule does
not apply—the subjunctive is a “marked” syntactic construction compared to the infinitive in English).
Certain verbs and adjectives {prefer, important, etc.) can then be subcategorized to take sentence com¬
plements marked + T8, and present subjunctive formation would be given as follows:
Clearly T8 as stated is intuitively “locally conditioned,” as are the local movement and insertion trans¬
formations studied throughout this work. On the other hand, Ts contains a variable, and this characteristic
is formally a violation of the restrictions I have put on local transformations; yet it also seems clear that
the variable is “in effect” an end variable, and that the S node is rather redundant.
VI.5 Non-Structure-Preserving Deletions 249
As a last point, let us consider the claim made in Jackendoff (1972) to the
effect that transformations do not effect deletions under identity and/or co¬
reference. (That is, he claims that anaphora are to be accounted for by semantic
rules of interpretation.) If this claim holds, and if the condition on specified
deletions is correct, then we could simply define structure-preserving opera¬
tions in such a way that no deletion would be structure-preserving.
A somewhat weaker claim about the inability of transformations to
effect deletions might be made as follows: Banfield (1973b) argues persuasively
that certain gapping patterns and conjunctions across constituent boundaries
are accomplished by deletion operations, but that these operations fall into the
class of “stylistic transformations.” One might wish to maintain that the only
transformational deletions under identity are stylistic in this sense, and that
strictly grammatical anaphora are generated in the way suggested by Jackendoff.
Banfield in fact notes that stylistic movement transformations do in some
languages break the structure-preserving constraint. This problem is discussed
in Chapter I. Therefore it would not be surprising if stylistic deletion transforma¬
tions were also permitted to break the constraint (even though stylistic
movement rules in Modern English do not do this). So if we weaken Jackendoff’s
claim that anaphora are not effected by transformations by permitting stylistic
(but not purely grammatical) transformations to delete certain surface material
under identity, the following extension of the concept “structure-preserving”
still suggests itself:
Footnote 38 continued
Thus by adopting a convention for “rule features” consistent with the arguments of Kayne (1969), I
have arrived at a formulation of a rule that violates the particular definition of local transformational
operation” we have been working with, but not the intuitive notion of strictly locally conditioned that
the definition was meant to capture. It may be that a redefinition of the notion is appropriate or that the
formulation of the rule is not correct. Which alternative is correct, in this and in many other cases, cannot
be decided in isolation; rather, our choice of analysis in each case must depend on the workability and
restrictive power of some definition of local transformation throughout the grammar.
250 Local Transformations and Movements of Nonphrase Nodes
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260 Index
Language-specific variables, 6
Idiomatic clitics in French, 227: n. 21 Latin, free ordering of adjective
Immediate dominance, 13-14 phrase, 11
Imperative do, 213: n. 11 Lexical category, 14, 15
Independent clause, 2 entries, 13
Independent relatives, see Relative insertion, 13
clause, free rules, 13
Indirect discourse, 7: n. 6, 36 Lexicalist hypothesis, 99-100
in German, see German Literary and poetic language, 10
Indirect object movement, 78-86 Local deletion transformation,
Indirect question, 135-137, 194, 244-248
see also Question Local insertion transformation,
Infinitive, 117, 121-124, 127-135, 211: n. 9
191-200 Local transformation, 4, 42-43,
marker to, 197, 220-221 201-202, 211-212, 221,
Initial (nonrecursive) symbol, 230-250
sec Nonrecursive initial symbol completely, 4
Insertion rule, see Transformations restrictions on, 242-243
Intensifier, 4, 175 with respect to A, 4
comma, 42-43, 44, 52, 60, see also
Conditions M
contrastive, 47: n. 13
semicolon, 52-54 Major transformational operation, 4,
Intransitive preposition, 12: n. 13 11
Index 263
Unacceptability of identical
morphemes, 210: n. 6 W
Uniqueness condition, 15
Up-to-ambiguity principle, 9 WH constituents, 22, 137, 180-188
WH fronting, 38-39, 42, 112,
142-143, 149-150, 180-195
V structure-preserving rule, 182-183
WH preposing, see WH fronting
Verb-clitic inversion, see Spanish Wishes, 21
Verb complement sentences, 119-121
Verb, “manner of speaking” (Zwicky),
120-121 Y
Verb, perception, 133
Verb placement in German, You deletion, 244-245
A 6
B 7
C 8
D 9
E 0
F 1
G 2
H 3
I 4
J 5
1974, 180 pp, / ISBN: 0-12-614350-1
The Evidence for the Performative Analysis
Embedded Performatives
Indirect Speech Acts
Distinguishing Use from Meaning
Some Covert Illocutionary Acts in English
References—Subject Index.
Series Editor: JOHN P. KIMBALL
Syntax and Semantics is an important series that provides comprehensive coverage of the latest studies
in contemporary linguistics. Each volume discusses topics at the frontiers of linguistic research - in¬
cluding the semantics of natural language and the theoretical bases of linguistics - and presents recent
advances in transformational linguistics.
Edited by MASAYOSHi SHiBATANI 1975. 5S0 pp. ) ,SBN. (,-12-785425-8
S.-Y. Kuroda, Subject: The Concept of Subject in Grammar. "Nominative” in the Port-Royal Gram¬
mar. Susumu Kuno, Subject Raising: Introduction. Subject Raising in Japanese. Subject Raising and
assivization. Noriko Akatsuka McCawley, Reflexivization: A Transformational Approach: Introduc¬
tion. Basic Conditions on Reflexivization. Emotive Causatives and Backward Reflexivization. Non-
agentive Causatives and Backward Reflexivization. Conclusion. Kazuko Inoue, Reflexivization: An
Interpretive Approch: Introduction. Summary of Past Works on the Reflexive Zibun. The Cyclic
Principle and Reflexivization as a Transformation. Interpretation Rules of Japanese Reflexives Assign
ment of Preferred Readings. Irwin Howard and Agnes M. Niyekawa-Howard, Passivization: Introduc¬
tion. Background. Evidence for and against the Nonuniform Theory. An Alternative Analysis of
Z,bun. Summary and Conclusions. Masayoshi Shibatani, Causativization: Introduction. Morphology.
Syntax. Semantics. Integration of Syntax and Semantics. Concluding Remarks. James D. McCawley
Relativization: Introduction. Conditions on Relativization. 'Range Topic’and 'Instance Topic'. Lewis
S. Josephs. Complementation: Background and Scope of this Chapter. Noun versus Predicate Comple¬
mentation. The Nom.nalizers Koto and No. The Syntactic Status of Tokoro Complements. Previous
Analyses of To Yuu. Survey of Predicate Complementation. Naomi Hanaoka McGloin. Negation:
Introduction. Naide versus Nakute. The Inherent Negative Mai. Neg Raising. The Particle Wa and the
Scope of Negation. Negative Polarity Items. Minoru Nakau, Tense, Aspects, and Modality: Introduc-
lon. ense and Aspect in Independent Clauses. Tense and Aspect in Subordinate Clauses. Tense and
Aspect in Spatial, Relative, and Verb Complement Clauses. Modality in Independent and Dependent
Clauses. Senchi Makmo, Nominal Compounds: Introduction. Compound Types. Arguments against
Transformational Analysis. Semantics of Compounds. Conclusion. S. I. Harada. Honorifics: Introduc¬
tion. Classification of the Honorifics. Morphology. Titles and Personal (Pro)Nouns. Justification of the
Transformational Analysis of Hononfication. Subject Honorificat.on. Object Hononfication. Honorifi-
cation in Noun Phrases. Honorification in Complement Constructions. Remarks on Performative
Honorifics. Final Remarks.
Academic Press
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