Intro To Philo Diagnostic
Intro To Philo Diagnostic
Intro To Philo Diagnostic
3. Andy features information technology and service jobs. He has higher education for
economic success. He uses technology and the internet to communicate, to engage in
business and access different information that can be used to deal with daily activities.
Andy is living in a society called_____.
A. Agrarian B. Industrial C. Residential D. Virtual
4. The late Merriam Defensor Santiago’s illness has marked every Christian believer on
how we should deal and face “Death”. According to Jones’category, which do you think is
not included among these reasons about its impending reality?
A. Philosophical B. Biblical C. Ethical D. Practical
5. Peter and John argued about the existence of God, Peter used various questions to John
to pursue his belief and convince John that God is real. Which Philosophical Method is
appropriate to establish the truth.
A. Dialectical Method C. Scientific Method
B. Historical Method D. Socratic Method
7. Which among the statements is considered defining Philosophy and its nature.
I. Philosophy is study of man.
II. Philosophy is considered a parent of science.
III. Philosophy is a discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes,
reasons and principles which governs all
A. I, II B. I C. II, III D. II
10. Hannah is facing the mirror; she gets upset about her face. She wants to be like one of
her k-pop actresses, and her best friend encouraged her not to be bothered about her own
uniqueness. Which limitation is appropriate to address Hannah’s problem?
A. Emotional Limitation C. Intellectual Limitation
B. Physical Limitation D. Social Limitation
11. Using Deductive Reasoning, which among the conclusions is logical correct from the
given example.
All Philosophers are wise Socrates is wise Therefore____________
A. Socrates is not philosopher C. Socrates is Philosopher
B. Socrates is not wise D. Socrates is not wise and not
12. To be able to understand the reality of life, human must realize that __________
I. He/she possesses limitations.
II. He/she composed of material and immaterial
III. He/She is just part of the world.
A. I, II B. III C. I D. II
13. John is attending the argument session, the statement example given “Not all legals are
ethical and not all ethical are legal”. John wants to convince people that his statement is
relative morality. Which philosophical method is appropriate to use?
A. Historical Method B. Dialectical Method C. Socratic Method D.
Scientific Method
14. The environmental disorder is a state of an environment where things are not
in its proper place due to unlimited human activities. In this definition, three things are to
be considered EXCEPT,
A. things are not in place of comfort and warmth due to human intervention or
natural alteration
B. when the environment harms the biotic community and nature results from non-
stop and extensive
human economic activities
C. the unavailability of a local-by-product may imply local disturbance that is not
part of its production
D. Not mentioned above
15. Joanna is too inquisitive that she is always asking the right questions and examines
possible solutions such as doing research for the right answers. Ana shows an example of
_______ .
A. Point of View C. Holistic Point of View
B. Partial Point of View D. Doing Philosophy
16. A mother scolded the youngest daughter after the eldest accused her of stealing her
make-up kit. The mother only listened to the story of the eldest without hearing the side of
the youngest before deciding to scold. Mother shows an example of ________.
A. Point of View C. Holistic Point of View
B. Partial Point of View D. Doing Philosophy
17. The ability to exercise one’s freedom in any manner is called _______.
A. Freedom of Choice C. Limitations of Freedom
B. Absolute Choice D. Will
18. An act of the intellect in judging the best means by which to fulfill an intention is:
A. Election C. Consent
B. Simple Volition D. Decision
19. Whose statement is this, “The point of freedom is to choose one’s way to real
happiness, the highest and the most enjoyable good of all”?
A. Martin Heidegger C. Fr. James Brent
B. Thomas Acquinas D. Buddha
20. This philosophical view believes that man is essentially constrained by society.
A. Marxism C. Syllogism
B. Determinism D. Ecocentrism
21. “What should I do?” This has been the usual statement when a person is facing a great
problem in life, and hence touching freedom as a concept involved in the moral domain.
Whose philosophy is this?
A. Aristotle C. Kant
B. Newton D. Williams
22. The act of making sound judgment that allows a person to avoid risk is:
A. Limitations C. Prudence
B. Frugality D. freedom
23. According to this view, a person’s freedom can legitimately be restricted simply
because it conflicts with society’s collective morality.
A. Legal Moralism C. Principle of Paternalism
B. Intersubjectivity D. Human freedom
24. This theory believes that the living environment should be respected and regarded as
having the right to flourish, independent of its utility to humans.
A. Social Ecology C. Deep Ecology
B. John Donne D. Thomas Aquinas
25. You have noticed that every month, your parents find it difficult to pay your electric
bills. How can you help your parents solve the problem to efficiently save energy?
A. Cut down your use of lights, heaters, and computers.
B. Anything that can be turned off, should be, especially when these things are not in
C. Eat more veggies and less meat.
D. Close your windows/blinds and do not let the sunshine heat your home.