Catalogo Nags 2000 - 2005 (Stob)
Catalogo Nags 2000 - 2005 (Stob)
Catalogo Nags 2000 - 2005 (Stob)
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
SLX (cont.) A3 (cont)
FW02452b c Windshield (Solar) (Acoustic Interlayer) 39.0x60.0 FW02368a Windshield (Solar) (03-05) 33.0x59.0
FD22223-24 Door F/R-L (Solar) 19.0x33.5 FD21862-63 Door F/R-L (1 Holes) (03-05) 18.0x37.7
FD22225-26 Door R/R-L (Solar) 19.0x23.8 FQ21864-65 Quarter R-L (03-05) 17.0x23.5
FV22227-28 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 8.0x12.0 a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FB22229a Back Window (Ant)(Heated)(Solar) 28.5x50.3
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes A4 4 Door Sedan 2002 - 2005
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
' Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 S4 4 Door Sedan 2004-2005
FW02262b Windshield (From X 200000) (99-01) 35.8x56.4 A6 V-6ENG 4 Door Sedan 2000-2004
FW00823b Windshield (W/Bracket, WN.I.N. Notch) (To X A6 4 Door Sedan 1998-1999
199999)(98-99) 35.8x56.4
FD05589-90 Door F/R-L 20.9x36.6
FD05591-92 Door R/R-L (2 Holes) 18.9x27.2
FQ05593-94a Quarter R-L
FB21348b Back Window (AntXHeated) (W/Diversity Antenna)
FB05595b Back Window (AntXHeated) 33.6x47.8 ir
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a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube . ) ..................
b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes _____,
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A4 4 Door Station Wagon 2002 -2005 FW02098c Windshield (PAAS System) (98-04) 34.0x58.0
S4 4 Door Station Wagon 2004-2005 FW02097c Windshield (Solar) (Insulated, PAAS System) (98-04) 34.0x58.0
FD20483-84 Door F/R-L (98-04) 20.0x33.0
FD20481-82 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) (98-04) 20.0x33.0
FD20487-88 Door R/R-L (98-04) 20.0x29.5
FD20485-86 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) (98-04)
FQ20491-92a Quarter R-L (98-04)
FQ20489-90a Quarter R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) (98-04)
r C) 41;10:7
FB20494b Back Window (Heated) (98-04) 31.0x48.8
%RIO 4...8
.G1, FB20493b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Laminated, Insulated)
(98-04) 31.0x48.8
FW02301' Windshield (Solar) (PAAS System) (02-05) 34.0x56.0 la) High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
FD21631-32 Door F/R-L (Solar) (02-05) 19.0x36.0 High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FD21640-41 Door R/R-L (Solar) (02-05) 19.0x26.5 C High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FQ21644-45a Quarter R-L (AntXEncapXSolar) (Black Moulding)
(02-05) 15.0x27.0 2000-2004
FQ2164243a Quarter R-L (AntXEncapXSolar) (Chrome Moulding)
A6 V-8ENG 4 Door Sedan
(02-05) 15.0x27.0 RS6 4 Door Sedan 2003-2004
FB21646b Back Window (AntXEncapXHeatedXSolar) (02-05) ... 18.4x51.0
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
C High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
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FQ20491-92a Quarter R-L (00-04)
FQ20489-90a Quarter R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) (00-04)
Back Window (Heated) (00-04)
Back Window Heated ) ( Laminated Insulated )
n 0 woo" 31.0x48.8
High Modulus
(s00U-r0e4th) ane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tub
C High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FW02262c Windshield (From X 200000) (99-01) 35.8x56.4 High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
IFW00823c Windshield (W/Bracket, W/V.I.N. Notch) (To X
199999)(98-99) 35.8x56.4
FD05589-90 Door F/R-L 20.9x36.6
FD20948-49 Door R/R-L (2 Holes) 19.0x27.0
FQ20952-53a Quarter R-L (Encap) (W/Alann) (From X 200000) (99-
01) 15.0x28.5
4 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
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,•11n1*, A8L 4 Door Sedan 2004-2005
FW02123c Windshield (99-04) 35.0x58.0
FW02122c Windshield (Solar) (Insulated) (99-04) 35.0x58.0
FD20483-84 Door F/R-L (99-04) 20.0x33.0 ./.
FD20481-82 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) (99-04) 20.0x33.0 er,....0
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FD20677-78 Door R/R-L (99-04) 20.0x30.3 • •
FD20675-76 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) (99-04) 20.0x30.3 ill elk.
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FQ20681-82a Quarter R-L (99-04) 15.0x25.5 '*""•n 'AC:*
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FQ20679-80a Quarter R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) (99-04) 15.0x25.5
FB20684b Back Window (Heated) (99-04) 20.3x54.5 FW02399b Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor, PAAS System) 34.5x59.0
FB20683b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Laminated, Insulated) FD22236-37 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) 20.0x35.0
(99-04) 20.3x54.5 FD22001-02 Door F/R-L (Solar) 20.0x35.0
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube FD22239 Door R/L (Solar) (Laminated) 20.0x34.5
b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FD22238 Door R/R (Solar) (Laminated) 24.0x34.5
C High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FD22003-04 Door R/R-L (Solar) 20.0x34.5
FV22240-41 Vent R/R-L (EncapXSolar) (Laminated) 10.5x19.5
FV22005-06a Vent R/R-L (EncapXSolar) 10.5x19.5
A6 4 Door Station Wagon 1998 FB22007b Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) 31.0x51.5
a High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
___„,.., b High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
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...n/,..-• 1 2000-2003
-- — A8L 4 Door Sedan
Millgrall 1 ' NW
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FW00784c Windshield 32.0x62.5 Ar
/411n "61°°39
FD04583-84 Door F/R-L 20.0x32.5
FD04723-24 Door R/R-L 20.0x27.5
FQ20645-46a Quarter R-L 17.0x33.0 -1
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FB04844b Back Window (Heated)
FB04727b Back Window (Heated) (Wiper, Quattro)
alillinlai ifF, - _.Li_1 1
a High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
C High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FW02385b Windshield (Solar) (Insulated) 33.5x62.7
AS 4 Door Sedan 1998-2003 FW02384b Windshield 33.5x62.7
FW02044b Windshield (Solar) (Insulated, W/Mirror Bracket) 33.5x62.7
S8 4 Door Sedan 2001-2003 FW02028b Windshield (W/Mirror Bracket) 33.5x62.7
FD20223-24 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) 24.1x33.7
FD20151-52 Door F/R-L 24.1x33.7
FD22083-84 Door R/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (Laminated, Insulated) .. 21.8x34.5
017.4 1111W,04610039 FQ20227-28a Quarter R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) 14.5x15.0
FQ20155-56a Quarter R-L 14.5x15.0
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Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Laminated, Insu-
Back Window (Heated)
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FW02262b Windshield 35.8x56.4
FD05589-90 Door F/R-L 20.9x36.6
FD05591-92 Door RJR-L (2 Holes) 18.9x27.2 FW02240c Windshield (Solar) (PAAS System) (From
FQ05593-94a Quarter R-L 15.7x21.3 8N1003201) 30.5x58.5
FB21348b Back Window (AntXHeated) (W/Diversity Antenna) FW02142c Windshield (Solar) (PAAS System) (To 8N1003200)
(01-02) 33.6x47.8 (00) 30.5x58.5
FB05595b Back Window (Ant)(Heated) 33.6x47.8 FD20786-87 Door F/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 19.0x35.0
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube FQ20788-89a Quarter R-L (EncapXSolar) 8.5x18.0
b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FV20784-85a Vent F/R-L (Solar) 12.1x17.2
FB20790b Back Window (AntXHeated)(Solar) 32.4x40.0
S4 AVANT 4 Door Station Wagon 2001-2002 ! High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
" High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
C High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
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FW02219a Windshield (Solar) 30.5x58.5
FW02262c Windshield 35.8x56.4 FD21158-59 Door F/R-L (Solar) 16.0x32.0
FD05589-90 Door F/R-L 20.9x36.6 FV21156-57 Vent F/R-L (Solar) 7.5x12.5
FD20948-49 Door RJR-L (2 Holes) 19.0x27.0 FB22314 Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Aftermarket Only) .... 12.3x40.0
FQ20952-53a Quarter R-L (Encap) (W/Alarm) 15.0x28.5 a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FB20955b Back Window (Ant)(Encap)(HeatedX1 Holes) 21.0x51.0
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
C High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
318 2 Door Hatchback 1998-1999
S6 4 Door Station Wagon 2002-2004
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FW02485c Windshield 33.0x58.0
FD20483-84 Door F/R-L 20.0x33.0 FW00686, Windshield 33.5x61.0
FD20481-82 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) 20.0x33.0 FD05523-24 Door F/R-L 19.5x37.5
FD20677-78 Door RJR-L 20.0x30.3 FQ05525-26 Quarter R-L (Movable) 15.7x33.5
FD20675-76 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) 20.0x30.3 FB05527a Back Window (Heated) 29.7x51.5 ski
FQ20681-82a Quarter R-L 15.0x25.5 a Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FQ20679-80a Quarter R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Insulated) 15.0x25.5
6 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
318 4 Door Sedan 1998 323 (cont.)
328 4 Door Sedan , 1998
FB21349 Back Window (EncapXHeatedXSolar) (Aftermarket,
M3 4 Door Sedan 1998 Glass Only) (00-05) 15.0x39.0
a Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Rain Sensor Kit
4 1I I .-III
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d Rain Sensor Kit
relliffpra IIALl r, : 1. • i
~r 5 25 4 Door Sedan
530 4 Door Sedan
2004 - 2005
, )11
1 -111 lin sat 545 4 Door Sedan 2004-2005
All a/ 02410001 M5 4 Door Sedan 2005
FW00714* Windshield 31.5,69.0
FD20123-24 Door F/R-L (Paint Band) 18.0x41.0
FQ04650-51 Quarter R-L
FB04652a Back Window (Heated)
28.8x52.5 .4111n411111
a Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
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323 4 Door Sedan 1999-2000 %v. ,,,
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325 4 Door Sedan 2001-2005
328 4 Door Sedan FW02449a c Windshield (Solar) (Solar Coated, Rain/Light Sensor)
1999-2000 (04-05) 34.5x60.0
330 4 Door Sedan 2001-2005 FW02448a C Windshield (Solar) (Rain/Light Sensor) (04-05) 34.5x60.0
FD22194-95 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Solar Coated) (04-05) 20.0x29.5
FD22192-93 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (04-05) 20.0x29.5
FD22190-91 Door F/R-L (Solar) (04-05) 24.0x36.5
FD22202-03 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, W/Sunshade) (04-05) 20.0x23.0
vim I
FD22200-01 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Solar Coated) (04-05)
FD22198-99 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (04-05)
FD22196-97 Door R/R-L (Solar) (04-05) 20.0x23.0
le 0walow
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FV22210-11 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, W/Sunshade) (04-05)
FV22208-09 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Solar Coated) (04-05)
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FV22206-07 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (04-05) 11.5x13.0
NNW f .t, / FV22204-05 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (04-05) 11.5x13.0
FB22214b Back Window (AntXEncapXHeatedXSolar) (Lami-
FW02296b c Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (02-05) 33.5,67.0 nated, W/Sunshade) (04-05) 29.5x51.5
FW02101 b c Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (99-01) 33.5x57.0- FB22213b Back Window (AntXEncapXHeatedXSolar) (Lami-
nated, Solar Coated) (04-05) 29.5x51.5
FW02092b Windshield (Solar) (99-05) 33.5x57.0
FD20439-40 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (99-05) 21.5x38.0 FB22212b Back Window (AntXEncapXHeatedXSolar) (04-05) .. 29.5x51.5
FD20441-42 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) (99-05) 21.0x24.5 a Requires Replacement Of Condensation Sensor
FV20443-44 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (99-05) 11.3x13.0 b Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FB20445* Back Window (Ant)(HeatedXSolar) (99-05) 31.0x48.0 C Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
a Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Rain Sensor Kit 525 4 Door Sedan 2001-2003
528 4 Door Sedan 1998-2000
323 4 Door Station Wagon 2000 530 4 Door Sedan 2001 - 2003
325 4 Door Station Wagon 2001-2005 540 4 Door Sedan 1998 - 2003
M5 4 Door Sedan 2000-2003
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FW02441b Windshield (Rain Sensor, W/Infrared) (From 09/2001)
FW02296` d Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (02-05) 33.5x57.0 (01-03) 34.0x58.0
FW02101 c d Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (00-01) 33.5x57.0 FW02440b Windshield (Rain Sensor) (From 09/2001) (01-03) 34.0x58.0
FW02092c Windshield (Solar) (00-05) 33.5x57.0 FW02200b c Windshield (Heated) (Anti-Theft, Rain Sensor, W/
FD20439-40 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (00-05) 21.5x38.0 Infrared) (98-03) 34.0x58.0
FD21011-12 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) (00-05) 19.5x22.5 FW02199b c Windshield (Rain Sensor, W/Infrared) (From 03/1999)
FQ21019-20a Quarter R-L (EncapXSolar) (Chrome) (00-05) 14.0x21.0 (To 09/2001) (00-01) 34.0x58.0
FQ21017-18a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) (Black) (00-05) 14.0x21.0
8 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
745 4 Door Sedan 2002-2005 M Coupe 2 Door Coupe 1999-2002
73 Coupe 2 Door Coupe 1999-2002
FW02468c Windshield
FW02460c Windshield (Rain Sensor)
FD22271-72 Door F/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 25.5x36.0
FD22273-74 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) 24.5x25.5
FQ22315-16b Quarter R-L (Encap) (Glossy Black)
FQ22277-78a Quarter R-L (Encap) (Flat Black)
FV22275-76 Vent R/R-L 11.5x17.5
FB22279b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes)
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FW02269a Windshield
FD21403-04 Door F/R-L
17.0x30.0 •
a Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes Wr)" 011°.
DW01597a b Windshield (Ant)(HUDXSolar) (Rain Sensor) (From
02/2004)(04-05) 38.9x64.9
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks Names
DW01596' b Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (Rain Sensor) (From 02/2004) DB10589' Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (W/On-Star) (00-05) 29.0x55.0
(04-05) 38.9x64.9 DB09165' Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 29.0x55.0
DW01425a b 'Windshield (Ant)(HUD)(Solar) (Rain Sensor) (To 02/ a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
2004)(01-04) 38.9x64.9 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01424a b 'Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (Rain Sensor) (To 02/2004) Rain Sensor Kit
(01-04) 38.9x64.9
DW01376' b 'Windshield (Ant)(HUD)(Solar) (With or Without Rain
Sensor) (00) 38.9x64.9 Rainier 4 Door Utility 2004-2005
DW01375a b d Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (2000 Model w/Rain Sensor
2001 & up without) 38.9x64.9
DD09613-14 Door F/R-L (Solar) 20.5x32.5
DD09615-16 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 20.5,1(27.0
DV09617-18 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 10.0x12.0
DB09992a Back Window (Ant)(Heated)(Solar) (W/On-Star) (01-
05) 27.5x59.4
DB09619a Back Window (Ant)(Heated)(Solar) 27.5x59.4
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Rain Sensor Kit
d Rain Sensor Kit (00) DW01556b c Windshield (Solar) (Acoustic Interlayer) 33.4x59.6
DD10574-75 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) 21.5x34.0
DD09967-68 Door R/R-L (Solar) 18.5x21.5
LeSabre 4 Door Sedan 1998-1999 DQ10566' : Quarter L (EncapXSolar) (W/On-Star) 18.5x34.0
DQ10564-65a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) 18.5x34.0
DV10089-90 Vent R/R-L (EncapXSolar) 9.8x19.8
DB09983 Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 26.0x54.0
DB09982 Back Window (Solar) 26.0x54.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01595a b Windshield (HUD)(Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/Third Rendezvous 4 Door Utility 2002-2005
Visor Frit) (05) 36.8x62.8
DW01594' b Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/Third Visor Frit)
(05) 36.8x62.8
DW01428' b 'Windshield (HUD)(Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/Third
Visor Frit) (01-04) 36.8x62.8
DW01427a b 'Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/Third Visor Frit)
(01-04) 36.8x62.8
DW01426' b Windshield (Solar) (01-05) 36.8x62.8
DW01309' b 'Windshield (HUD) (Rain Sensor) (98-00) 36.9x62.8
DW01296a b 'Windshield (Solar) (With or Without Rain Sensor)
(98-00) 36.9x62.8
DD09159-60 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) 23.1x36.4 oi • 111,1
DD09161-62 Door R/R-L (2 Holes) 22.0x27.8
DV09163-64 Vent R/R-L 20.0x30.0
Rendezvous (cont.) Terraza Mini Van
DW01536c d Windshield (Ant)(HUD)(Solar) (W/GPS Antenna,
Solar Coated) (04-05) 45.3x60.5
DW01535c d Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (W/GPS Antenna, Solar
Coated) (04-05) 45.3x60.5
DW01436c d Windshield (Ant)(HUD)(Solar) (W/GPS Antenna,
Solar Coated) (02-03) 45.3x60.5
DW01435c d Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (W/GPS Antenna, Solar
Coated) (02-03) 45.3x60.5
DW01434c d Windshield (Ant)(HUD)(Solar) (Solar Coated) 45.3x60.5
DW01433` d Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (Solar Coated) 45.3x60.5 DW01574b Windshield (Solar)
DD09917-18 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.5x37.5 DD10714-15 Door F/R-L (Solar)
DD10822 Door R/L (Encap)(Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) 24.5x42.4
DD09919-20 Door R/R-L (Solar) 22.1x29.0 24.5x42.5
DD10821 Door R/R (EncapXSolar) (Sliding Cargo Door)
DQ09923a Quarter R (Encap)(Solar) (W/On-Star) 19.0x33.5 DD10716-17 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door, Extended
DQ09921-22a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) 16.0x33.5 Van) 24.5x45.5
DB09924b Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(Solar) 22.2x51.8 DQ10718-19a Quarter R-L (EncapXSolar) 24.5x41.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube DB10868' Back Window (Solar)
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DB10720 Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes)(Solar)
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Riviera 2 Door Coupe 1998-1999
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks NaGS
Deville 4 Door Sedan 2000-2005 Eldorado (cont.)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
-41eAlliA I d Rain Sensor Kit
1 illr,i...
4111, 11114
nzzi. . °eliN IIMP,.....--- , 2002-2005
n.. ,0 ,_ Escalade 4 Door Utility
DW01576' b Windshield (Ant)(HUD)(Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/
Diversity Antenna, w/Night Vision) (From 03/15/2004)
(04-05) 38.6x61.8
DW01575' b Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/Diversity
Antenna) (From 03/15/2004) (04-05) 38.6x61.8 \
ail/ C1—) (.1:3
DW01422' b ' Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/Diversity SIB
Antenna, w/Night Vision) (To 03/15/2004) (01-04)
DW01421' b ' Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/Diversity
ii ii.
Antenna) (To 03/15/2004) (01-04) 38.6x61.8 tat' ,
DW01389' b ' Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (Rain Sensor, W/Diversity • 11i.
Antenna, w/Night Vision) (00) 38.6x61.8
DW01388' b ' Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (W/Diversity Antenna, 2000
Model w/Rain Sensor 2001 & up without) 38.6x61.8
DD10221-22 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (00) 19.0x30.0 DW01549b c Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (04-05) 31.5x69.1
DD09721-22 Door F/R-L (Solar) 19.0x30.0 DW01341b c Windshield (Solar) (02-03) 31.5x69.1
DD10223-24 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (00) 19.0x24.0 DD10229-30 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) 26.4x32.2
DD09723-24 Door R/R-L (Solar) 19.0x24.0 DD09479-80 Door F/R-L (Solar) 26.4x32.4
DV09725-26 Vent R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) 13.0x15.8 DD10231-32 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) 23.5x32.0
DB09761' Back Window (Ant)(EncapXHeatedXSolar) (W/Phone DD09738-39 Door R/R-L (Solar) 23.5x32.0
Antenna, W/Diversity Antenna, W/GPS Antenna) DQ10046' Quarter L (Ant)(Encap)(Solar) (W/Diversity Antenna) 21.3x44.0
(From 01/2000) 29.2x55.1 DQ10045' Quarter L (Ant)(Encap)(Solar) (W/Diversity Antenna,
DB09727' Back Window (AntXEncapXHeated)(Solar) (W/Diver- W/On-Star) 21.3x44.0
sity Antenna) (To 01/2000) (00) 29.2x55.1 DQ10044a Quarter R (Ant)(Encap)(Solar) (W/Diversity Antenna)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes 21.3x44.0
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DB10828 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Ber-
t Rain Sensor Kit muda Blue) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0
DB10827 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Red
Metallic) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0
Deville 4 Door Sedan 1998-1999 DB10826 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(3 Holes)(Solar) (Silver
Birch) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0
DB10825 Back Window (EncapXHeated)(3 HolesXSolar) (Ming
Blue) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0
00110155 A Al lillyfiliU .. DB10824 Back Window (EncapXHeated)(3 HolesXSolar) (Dia-
mond White)(From(Fm 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0
DB10823 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 HolesXSolar)
--- 11•1111
___. u s' VIM
— DB10536
(Black) (From 05/10/2004) (05)
Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Red
01 ....
••• •
Metallic) (To 05/10/2004) (03-05) 28.0x60.0
MP' ih, MI DB10535 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Silver
41.%, Birch) (To 05/10/2004) (03-05) 28.0x60.0
DW01228' b ' Windshield (Heated) (Rain Sensor) 33.5x66.0 DB10534 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Ming
DW01227' b ' Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) 33.5x66.0 Blue) (To 05/10/2004) (03-05) 28.0x60.0
DD08556-57 Door F/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 22.404.0 DB10052 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Dia-
DD08558-59 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 22.2x27.0 mond White) (To 05/10/2004) 28.0x60.0
DV08560-61 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 8.2x16.5 DB10051 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 HolesXSolar)
(Olympic White) (02-03) 28.0x60.0
DB08562' Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 23.8x63.2 DB10050 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) (Red-
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes fire) (02-04) 28.0x60.0
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DB10049 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 HolesXSolar)
C Rain Sensor Kit (Green) (02-04) 28.0x60.0
DB10048 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 HolesXSolar)
(Black) (To 05/10/2004) 28.0x60.0
Eldorado 2 Door Coupe 1998-2002 DB10047 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Pew-
ter) (02-04) 28.0x60.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
00110029 41111rAllalli c Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
4 4 I I AIM
.., 0p1111111
f ft 0 Aii
i I Fala
i , ,rioro
mos Escalade EXT 4 Door Crew Cab 2002 -2005
iii,,.... IlltiN.
,1/4„...., (c,
P4 IL-
t -
0 V.
DW01217b c Windshield (Encap)(Solar) (W/Bracket) 30.8x67.6
DD08305-06 Door F/R-L (Solar) 25.0x35.8
DD08307-08 Door R/R-L (Solar) 24.3x28.5
DW01549a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (04-05) 31.5x69.1
DQ08813-14a Quarter R-L (Solar) 24.0x47.5
DW01341a b Windshield (Solar) (02-03) 31.5x69.1
DB08312' Back Window L (Heated)(Solar) (00) 27.8x30.8 DD09479-80 Door F/R-L (Solar) 26.4x32.4
DB08311' Back Window R (HeatedXSolar) (00) 27.8x31.2 DD09734-35 Door R/R-L (Solar) 26.1x30.1
DB08945b Back Window (HeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (W/Wiper, DB10062 Back Window (EncapXHeatedXSolar) 12.0x51.0
Lift Gate) 27.8x62.3 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
aUrethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 •
SRX 4 Door Utility 2004-2005
Escalade ESV 4 Door Utility 2003 - 2005
......,............__ -aggllnCIIIIIIIb\
AV 4 le. w ....., I
74 l'-'
-:-. WI 7:
gna ill NNW 1 : eti -- DW01530b c d Windshield (AntXSolar) (Rain Sensor) 37.0x60.5
1 _iv
DD10476-77 Door F/R-L (Solar) 21.0x34.0
DD10478-79 Door R/R-L (Solar) 22.0x23.0
DW01549b c Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (04-05) 31.5x69.1 DQ10484a Quarter R (AntXSolar) (W/On-Star) 15.5x40.5
DW01341 b c Windshield (Solar) (03) 31.5x69.1 DQ10482-83' Quarter R-L (AntXSolar) 15.5x40.5
DD09479-80 Door F/R-L (Solar) 26.4x32.4 DV10480-81 Vent R/R-L (EncapXSolar) 13.0x17.5
DD09734-35 Door R/R-L (Solar) 26.1x30.1
DB10485a Back Window (EncapXHeatedXSolar) 18.5x57.8
DQ09897a Quarter L (Ant)(Encap)(Solar) (W/On-Star) (05) 22.0x54.0
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DQ10578-79a Quarter R-L (AntXEncapXSolar) (03-04) 22.0x54.0 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DQ09736-37a Quarter R-L (AntXEncapXSolar) (05) 22.0x54.0 C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DB10828 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) (Ber- d Rain Sensor Kit
muda Blue) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0
DB10827 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) (Red
Metallic) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0 STS 4 Door Sedan 2005
DB10826 Back Window (EncapXHeated)(3 Holes)(Solar) (Silver
Birch) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0
DB10825 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) (Ming
147744111111 W
Blue) (From 05/10/2004) (05)
DB10824 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Dia-
mond White) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0
DB10823 Back Window (EncapXHeated)(3 Holes)(Solar)
(Black) (From 05/10/2004) (05) 28.0x60.0 1 NIL ---
DB10536 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Red vric '
Metallic) (To 05/10/2004) (04-05) 28.0x60.0 ',,, -."0--• —
DB10535 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) (Silver k: /IN ,.....-n-,_!-'-'1--• nn
Birch) (To 05/10/2004)(04-05) 28.0x60.0 •
....-_- ......-
. .,._ /),
DB10534 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) (Ming iiik ,r
Blue) (To 05/10/2004) 28.0x60.0 14'IA))
,0" ipso
DB10052 Back Window (EncapXHeated)(3 HolesXSolar) (Dia- EMI
mond White) (To 05/10/2004) 28.0x60.0
DB10050 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) (Red-
fire) (04) 28.0x60.0 DW01602a b Windshield (HUD) (Rain Sensor) 36.6x59.1
DB10049 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) DW01601a b Windshield (Rain Sensor) 36.6x59.1
(Green) (04) 28.0x60.0 DW01600a b Windshield 36.6x59.1
DB10048 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) DD10833-34 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) 22.1x35.7
(Black) (To 05/10/2004) 28.0x60.0 DD10831-32 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.1x35.7
DB10047 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(3 Holes)(Solar) (Pew- DD10835-36 Door R/R-L (Solar) 21.0x22.8
ter) (04) 28.0x60.0 DV10837-38 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 12.2x13.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks NaGS
STS (cont.) Astra (cont.)
16 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
18 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Corvette (cont.) Express (cont.) It
DB09674* Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 23.0x50.0 DD10348 Door R/L (1 Holes)(Solar) (Rear, Movable, Body Side)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes 23.5x28.5
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DD10347a Door R/L (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Body Side) 23.5x25.5
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DD10355-56a Door RJR-L (Solar) (Rear, Stationary, Hinged Body
Side Door) 21.4x23.5
DD10353-50 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Hinged Body
Epica 4 Door Sedan 2004-2005 Side Door) 23.5x25.5
(CANADA Only) DD10351-52 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) (Rear, Movable, Hinged
Body Side Door) 21.5x23.5
DD10349-50 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) (Front, Movable, Hinged
Body Side Door) 23.5x25.5
FW02445* b Windshield (Solar) 34.0x58.5 DD10346 Door R/R (1 Holes)(Solar) (Movable, Sliding Cargo
F'W02444a b Windshield 34.0x58.5 Door) 23.5x25.0
FD22175-76 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) 20.0x30.0 DD10345a or R/R (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Sliding Cargo
FD22179-80 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 20.0x27.0 ) Door) 23.5x25.4
FV22183-84 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 9.5x12.0 DD10344b Door R/R (Solar) (Stationary, Sliding Cargo Door) 23.8x50.3
FB22186a Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) 31.0,62.0 DQ10370c Quarter L (Solar) 23.7x72.9
FB22185a Back Window (AntXHeated) (04) 31.0,62.0 DQ10369c Quarter L (Solar) (W/Rear A/C) 23.7x72.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DQ10368c Quarter R (Solar) 23.7x72.9
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DB10363-64 Back Window R-L (Heated)(3 Holes)(Solar) (Movable)
DB10361-62 Back Window R-L (3 Holes)(Solar) (Movable) 24.3x27.5
Equinox 4 Door Utility 2005 DB10359-60* Back Window R-L (Heated)(Solar) (Stationary) 24.3x27.5
DB10357-58* Back Window R-L (Solar) (Stationary) 24.3x27.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes
e Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5
Express (cont.) Express (cont.)
d Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes DD09002 Door R/R (1 HolesXSolar) (Rear, Movable, Hinged
e Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5 Body Side Door) 21.4x23.5
DD09001 Door R/R (1 HolesXSolar) (Front, Movable, Hinged
Body Side Door) 215x25.3
Express Van 2003-2005 DD09000a Door R/R (Solar) (Rear, Stationary, Hinged Body Side
Door) 21.4x23.5
DD08999a Door R/R (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Hinged Body Side
Door) 23.5x25.3
DD08998 Door R/R (1 HolesXSolar) (Rear, Movable, Sliding
Cargo Door) 23.5x25.0
DD08997a Door R/R (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Sliding Cargo
Door) 23.5x25.4
DD08996b Door R/R (Solar) (Stationary, Sliding Cargo Door) 23.8x50.3
DD09003a Side F/L (Solar) (Stationary) 23.5x25.5
DD09004 Side R/L (1 HolesXSolar) (Movable) 23.5x28.5
DQ09008b Quarter L (Solar) (W/Rear A/C) 23.5x54.8
DQ09007b Quarter L (Solar) 23.5x54.8
DW01581 c d Windshield (Solar) (W/O Bracket, W/Third Visor Frit) DQ09005b Quarter R (Solar) 23.5x54.8
(From 03/2004) (04-05) 39.0x73.3 D1309636-37 Back Window R-L(HeatedX3 HolesXSolar)(Movable)
DW01580c d Windshield (Solar) (W/Bracket, W/Third Visor Frit) (00-02) 24.3x27.5
(From 03/2004) (04-05) 39.0x73.3 DB09634-35' Back Window R-L (HeatedXSolar) (Stationary) (00-
DW01266c d Windshield (Solar) (W/O Bracket) (To 03/2004) (03- 02) 24.3x27.5
04) 39.0x73.0 DB09013-14 Back Window R-L (3 HolesXSolar) (Movable) 24.3x27.5
DW01265c d Windshield (Solar) (W/Bracket) (To 03/2004) (03-04) 39.0x73.0 DB09011-12a Back Window R-L (Solar) (Stationary) 24.3x27.5
DD08994-95 Door F/R-L (Solar) 26.0x31.6 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
DD10348 Door R/L (1 HolesXSolar) (Rear, Movable, Body Side) b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
23.5x28.5 Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes
DD10347a Door R/L (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Body Side) 23.5x25.5 d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 23
DD10355-56a Door R/R-L (Solar) (Rear, Stationary, Hinged Body
Side Door) 21.4x23.5
DD10353-54a Door R/R-L (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Hinged Body Impala 4 Door Sedan 2000-2005
Side Door) 23.5x25.5
DD10351-52 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) (Rear, Movable, Hinged
Body Side Door) 21.5x23.5
DD10349-50 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) (Front, Movable, Hinged
Body Side Door) 23.5x25.5
DD10346 Door R/R (1 Holes)(Solar) (Movable, Sliding Cargo
Door) 23.5x25.0
DD10345a Door R/R (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Sliding Cargo
Door) 23.5x25.4
DD10344b Door R/R (Solar) (Stationary, Sliding Cargo Door) 23.8x50.3
DQ10374b Quarter L (Solar) 23.5x54.7 DW01550b c Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (From 07/01/
DQ10373b Quarter L (Solar) (W/60-40 Side Doors) 23.5x54.7 2003)(03-05) 39.3x62.9
DQ10367b Quarter L (Solar) 23.5x54.8 DW01377b c Windshield (Solar) (Mirror Button) (To 07/01/2003)
DQ10366b Quarter L (Solar) (W/Rear A/C) 23.5x54.8 (00 -04) 39.3x62.9
DQ10365b Quarter R (Solar) 23.5x54.8 DD09995-96 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) 19.0x32.8
DB10363-64 Back Window R-L (HeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Movable) DD09620-21 Door F/R-L (Solar) 19.0x32.8
24.3x27.5 DD09997-98 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) 19.0x29.5
DB10361-62 Back Window R-L (3 HolesXSolar) (Movable) 24.3x27.5 DD09622-23 Door R/R-L (Solar) 19.0x29.5
DB10359-60a Back Window R-L (HeatedXSolar) (Stationary) 243x27.5 DQ09624-25a dQuarter R-L (EncapXSolar) 8.9x13.5
DB10357-58a Back Window R-L (Solar) (Stationary) 24.3x27.5 DB09821b Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) (W/On-Star) 33.5x54.3
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube DB09626b Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) 33.5x54.3
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes a Urethane,Dam,Primer -1 Tube
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
d Encapsulation Lubricant
Joy 2 Door Pickup (MEXICO Only) 1998-2003 Malibu 4 Door Sedan 1998-2003
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
. Air
2,....,,,.., 1011111., Emormil 00110068
11n01Num 0 itli 0 .----
Viv ..1n11/1.n-•— iNiuillp%
I-7::„-=-,-,[;_ (....- iiii.....
DW01277c d Windshield (Solar) (W/O Bracket) (98-00) 30.8x67.6
Wiallialif © -1- lormy. 1 1 ' Ille
DW01217c d Windshield (EncapXSolar) (W/Bracket) (98-00) 30.8x67.6
DD08305-06 Door F/R-L (Solar) (98-00) 25.0x35.8 U
DQ08939-40a Quarter R-L (3 Holes)(Solar) (Movable) (98-00) 18.0x22.0
DQ0832324a Quarter R-L (Solar) (Stationary) (98-00) 18.0x22.0 DW01277b c Windshield (Solar) (W/O Bracket) (98-00) 30.8x67.6
DY90080b Back Window (Curved, Aftermarket) (98-00) 17.5x62.5 DW01217b C Windshield (Encap)(Solar) (W/Bracket) (98-00) 30.8x67.6
DY90006b Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) (98-00) 17.5x62.5 DD08305-06 Door F/R-L (Solar) (98-00) 25.0x35.8
DY90005b Back Window (Solar) (4 Piece Assembly, Aftermarket) DD08307-08 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Gt, Yp) (98-00) 24.3x28.5
(98-00) 17.5x62.5 DY90080a Back Window (Curved, Aftermarket) (98-00) 17.5x62.5
DY90004b Back Window (4 Piece Assembly, Aftermarket) (98- DY90006a Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) (98-00) 17.5x62.5
00) 17.5x62.5 DY90005a Back Window (Solar) (4 Piece Assembly, Aftennarket)
DB08317b Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (3 Piece Assembly, OE) (98-00) 17.5x62.5
(98-00) 17.5x62.5 DY90004a Back Window (4 Piece Assembly, Aftennarket) (98-
D1308316b Back Window (Solar) (Gt, Yp) (98-00) 17.5x62.5 00) 17.5x62.5
DB08315b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Gt, Yp) (98-00) 17.5x62.5 DB08317a Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (3 Piece Assembly, OE)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube (98-00) 17.5x62.5
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DB08316a Back Window (Solar) (Gt, Yp) (98-00) 17.5x62.5
C Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DB08315a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (Gt, Yp) (98-00) 17.5x62.5
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Pickup C3500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998-2002
Pickup C2500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998-2000
Prizm 4 Door Sedan 1998-2002
Pickup K3500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998-2000
Pickup K2500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998-2000
Pickup C1500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998 001101424dirlailk
Pickup K1500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998
co GD
______ orA
lirk& ,. . .
1-M ------„,......_
..,„,„- __. FW02168b c Windshield (01-02) 32.4x56.1
. . . FW02059b c Windshield (Paint Band) (98-00) 32.4x56.1
‘.., No= FD20297-98 Door F/R-L 19.6x33.4
111.11\-- lir L FD20302-03 Door R/R-L 18.2x25.0
I .N....."
•111111111.1111111111.11111 FV20304-05 Vent R/R-L 8.4x12.6
FB20301a Back Window (Heated) (Heavy Duty, Paint Band, Hi
Amp) 28.5x51.7
DW01277b c Windshield (Solar) (W/O Bracket) (98-02) 30.8x67.6
FB20300a Back Window (Heated) (Paint Band) 28.5x51.7
DW01217b c Windshield (EncapXSolar) (W/Bracket) (98-02) 30.8x67.6
DD08305-06 Door F/R-L (Solar) (98-02) 25.0x35.8 FB20299a Back Window (Paint Band) 28.5x51.7
DY90080a Back Window (Curved, Aftermarket) (98-02) 17.5x62.5 al) Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
' Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DY90006a Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) (98-02) 17.5x62.5 Fag-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DY90005a Back Window (Solar) (4 Piece Assembly, Aftermarket)
(98-02) 17.5x62.5
DY90004a Back Window (4 Piece Assembly, Aftermarket) (98-
02) 17.5x62.5
24 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DW01557b c Windshield (Solar) (Dot Matrix Shade) (04-05) 27.7x63.3 S10 Pickup 4 Door Crew Cab 2001-2005
DW01168bc Windshield (Solar) (98-03) 27.7x63.3
DD08422-23 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.6x31.7
DD08692-93 Door R/R-L (Solar) 20.0x22.0
DQ0988? Quarter R (Solar) (W/Full Liftgate, W/On-Star) (00-
01) 20.0x39.0
DQ09191-92' Quarter R-L (Solar) (W/Full Liftgate) 20.0x39.0
DQ08694-95' Quarter R-L (Solar) 20.0x39.0
DV08851-52 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (W/Weatherstrip) 8.5x18.0
DB09194 Back Window (Solar) (W/Full Liftgate) 26.0x52.0
DB09193 Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (W/Full Liftgate) 26.0x52.0
DB08697 Back Window (Solar) 25.5x52.0
DB08696 Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 25.5x52.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DW01557b Windshield (Solar) (Dot Matrix Shade) (04-05) 27.7x63.3
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DW01168b Windshield (Solar) (01-03) 27.7x63.3
DD08422-23 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.6x31.7
DD08692-93 Door R/R-L (Solar) 20.0x22.0
S10 Pickup 2 Door Extended Cab 1998-2003 DV09906-07 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 6.5x18.5
DY90076' Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DY90075' Back Window (Solar) (Curved, Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
00110175 DY90018' Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DY90017' Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DY90016' Back Window (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DB08427a Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE) 15.7x55.9
DB08426a Back Window (Solar) 15.7x55.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01168` d Windshield (Solar) 27.7x63.3
DD08422-23 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.6x31.7
DQ09195a Quarter L (Solar) (Rear Access Door) 15.5x21.0
DQ08424-25 Quarter R-L (Solar) 15.5x21.0
DY90076b Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DY90075b Back Window (Solar) (Curved, Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DY90018b Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DY90017b Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks NaGs
SSR 2 Door Pickup 2003-2005 Silverado C1500 2 Door Standard Cab 1999-2005
Silverado C3500 2 Door Standard Cab 2001-2005 Mii
26 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Silverado (cont.) Swing (cont.)
DY90092a Back Window (Encap) (Black Frame, Manual, After- FD05336-37 Door F/R-L 20.4x38.3
market, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18 lx64.8 FQ05338-39a Quarter R-L 19.5x31.3
DY90091' Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Manual, FB20212b Back Window 24.4x50.0
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18.1x64.8 FB05340b Back Window (Heated) 24.4x50.0
DY90090' Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Power, a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18.1x64.8 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DB09795' Back Window (Encap)(Slider)(Solar) (OE) 17.7x63.9 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5
DB09484a Back Window (Solar) 17.7x63.9
DB09483' Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 17.7x63.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Swing 2 Door Pickup (MEXICO Only) 2001-2005
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FW00779a b Windshield 33.7x46.9
Suburban 4 Door Utility 2000-2005 FD21311-12 Door F/R-L (Mexico Only) 20.0x36.0
FB21313a Back Window (Mexico Only) 14.7x48.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5
Tracker (cont.) TrailBlazer EXT 4 Door Utility 2002-2005
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 29
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks hx.,„„„ N a GS'
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 31
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks utiw NaGs:
32 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Names Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DW01468a b Windshield (W/Third Visor Frit) (02-05) 38.8x55.5 DW01526a b Windshield (Solar) 40.0x65.0
DW01349a b Windshield 38.8x55.5 DD10591-92 Door F/R-L (Laminated, Secure Shield) 22.2x35.2
DD09586-87 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) 20.1x36.2 DD10436-37 Door F/R-L 22.2x35.2
DD09588-89 Door R/R-L (2 Holes) 18.2x26.7 DD10593-94 Door R/R-L (Laminated, Secure Shield) 20.1x25.2
DD10438-39 Door R/R-L 20.1x25.2
DB09590a Back Window (Encap)(Heated) 34.0x47.5 DQ10443c Quarter R/L (Chrome Moulding) 18.0x30.8
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DQ10442c Quarter R/R (Ant) (Chrome Moulding) 18.0x30.8
DQ10842c Quarter L (Black Moulding) 18.0x30.8
DQ10841 c Quarter R (Ant) (Black Moulding) 18.0x30.8
PT Cruiser 2 Door Convertible 2004-2005 DV10440-41 Vent R/R-L 8.7x17.0
DB10444a Back Window (HeatedX1 Holes) 26.5x55.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 33
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks Names
DW01348a b Windshield (99-00) 34.7x62.0 DW01467a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (02-05) 41.7x61.5
DW01272a b Windshield (98) 34.7x62.0 DW01413a b Windshield (Solar) 41.7x61.5
DD09362-63 Door F/R-L 23.0x41.3 DD09850-51 Door F/R-L 19.7x35.7
DQ09364-65 Quarter R-L (Smooth Coating) 11.8x13.8 DD09852-53 Door R/R-L 20.3x30.7
DB09642 Back Window (Heated) (Aftermarket, Glass Only) 18.0x41.0 DB09854a Back Window (Heated) 33.5x50.3
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Sebring 2 Door Coupe 2001-2005 Town & Country Mini Van 2001-2005
34 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Names Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Town & Country SWB Mini Van 2005 Town & Country (cont.)
Voyager Mini Van 2001-2005
DD08912-13b Door RJR-L (Sliding Cargo Door) 24.0x40.0
DD08917b Side L (Solar) (Body Side, Privacy) 24.0x40.0
DD08916b Side L (Body Side) 24.0x40.0
DQ08929a Quarter L (Solar) (W/Cargo Door Left, 119" WB) 22.0x44.0
DQ08928a Quarter L (W/Cargo Door Left, 119" WB) 22.0x44.0
DQO8927 a Quarter L (Solar) (Privacy, 119 WB) 23.0x44.0
DQ08925a Quarter L (119" WB) 23.0x44.0
DQ08923a Quarter L (Solar) (Privacy, W/Cargo Door Left, 113"
WB) 22.0x35.0
DQ08922a Quarter L (W/Cargo Door Left, 113" WB) 22.0x35.0
DQ08921 a Quarter L (Solar) (Privacy, 113" WB) 23.0x35.0
DW01470b c Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (02-05) 43.0x60.0 DQ08919a Quarter L (113" WB) 23.0x35.0
DW01469b c Windshield (W/Third Visor Frit) (From 09/01/2001) DQ08926a Quarter R (Solar) (Privacy, 119" WB) 22.0x44.0
(02) 43.0x60.0 DQ08924a Quarter R (119" WB) 22.0x44.0
DW01457b c Windshield (Solar) (02-04) 43.0x60.0 DQ08920a Quarter R (Solar) (Privacy, 113" WB) 22.0x35.0
DW01411 b c Windshield (Heated)(Solar) (Heated Wiper Park Area) DQ08918a Quarter R (113" WB) 22.0x35.0
(01-04) 43.0x60.0 DB08933c Back Window (1 Holes)(Solar) 24.5x60.0.
DW01410b c Windshield (Heated) (Heated Wiper Park Area) (01) 43.0x60.0 DB08932 Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) 24.5x60.0
DW01224b Windshield (To 09/01/2001) (01-02) 43.0x60.0 DB08931 Back Window (1 Holes) 24.5x60.0
DD10586-87 Door F/R-L (Solar) (04-05) 25.9x35.8 DB08930 Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes) 24.5x60.0
DD10584-85 Door F/R-L (04-05) 25.9x35.8 witla.074791thancing manual Qtr, manual latch must be
DD09827-28 Door F/R-L (Solar) (01-03) 25.9x35.8 a Qt0Pagetilly
DD09825-26 Door F/R-L (01-03) 25.9x35.8 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DD10745-464 Door R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
(From 03/08/2004) (04-05) 23.3x39.6 d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DD09831-32 a Door R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (To
03/08/2004)(01-04) 23.3x39.6
DD09829-30a Door R/R-L (Encap) (Sliding Cargo Door) (01-05) 23.3x39.6
Voyager Mini Van 2000
DQ10785-86 Quarter R-L (Manual, W/Side Air Bags) (05) 20.8x34.5
DQ10749-50 Quarter R-L (Solar) (Power) (From 03/08/2004) (04-
05) 20.8x34.5
DQ10747-48 Quarter R-L (Solar) (Manual) (From 03/08/2004) (04-
05) 20.8x34.5
DQ09839-40 Quarter R-L (Solar) (Power) (To 03/08/2004) (01-04) 20.8x34.5
DQ09837-38 Quarter R-L (Solar) (Manual) (To 03/08/2004) (01-04) 20.804.5
DQ09835-36 Quarter R-L (Power) (01-05) 20.8x34.5
DQ09833-34 Quarter R-L (Manual) (01-05) 20.8x34.5
DB10631 b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes)(Solar) (04-05) 23.0x59.5
DB10630b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes) (04-05) 23.0x59.5
DB10629b Back Window (1 Holes) (04-05) 23.0x59.5
DB10081 b Back Window (Heated)(1 HolesXSolar) (02-03) 23.0x59.5 DW01226` d Windshield (HeatedXSolar) 43.0x60.0
DB10080b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes) (02-03) 23.0x59.5 DW01225c d Windshield (Heated) 43.0x60.0
DB10079b Back Window (1 Holes) (02-03) 23.0x59.5 DW01224c d Windshield 43.0x60.0
DB09847b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes)(Solar) (01) 23.0x59.5 DD08946-47 Door F/R-L (Solar) 24.5x34.5
DB09846b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes) (01) 23.0x59.5 DD08910-11 Door F/R-L 24.5x34.5
DB09845b Back Window (1 Holes) (01) 23.0x59.5 DD08914-15b Door R/R-L (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) 24.0x40.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DD08912-13b Door R/R-L (Sliding Cargo Door) 24.0x40.0
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DD08917b Side L (Solar) (Body Side, Privacy) 24.0x40.0
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DD08916b Side L (Body Side) 24.0x40.0
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5 DQ08923a Quarter L (Solar) (Privacy, W/Cargo Door Left, 113"
WB) 22.0x35.0
Town & Country Mini Van 1998 -2000 DQ08922a Quarter L (W/Cargo Door Left, 113" WB) 22.0x35.0
DQ08921 a Quarter L (Solar) (Privacy, 113" WB) 23.0x35.0
DQ08919a Quarter L (113" WB) 23.0x35.0
DQ08920a Quarter R (Solar) (Privacy, 113" WB) 22.005.0
DQ08918a Quarter R (113" WB) 22.0x35.0
DB08933` Back Window (1 HolesXSolar) 24.5x60.0
DB08932 Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) 24.5x60.0
DB08931 Back Window (1 Holes) 24.5x60.0
DB08930 Back Window (HeatedX1 Holes) 24.5x60.0
a Qtr stipplied. with power latch If repl4cing manual Qtr, manual latch must be
ordered. rChrysle (K-L)
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01226` d Windshield (Heated)(Solar) 43.0x60.0
DW01225c d Windshield (Heated) 43.0x60.0
DW01224` d Windshield 43.0x60.0
DD08946-47 Door F/R-L (Solar) 24.5x34.5
DD08910-11 Door F/R-L 24.5x34.5
DD08914-15b Door R/R-L (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) 24.0x40.0
Leganza (cont.)
Caravan (cont.)
DQ09835-36 Quarter R-L (Power) 20.8x34.5
Atos 4 Door Hatchback (MEXICO Only) 2001-2005 DQ09833-34 Quarter R-L (Manual) 20.8x34.5
DB10631b Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (04-05) 23.0x59.5
DB10630b Back Window (HeatedX1 Holes) (04-05) 23.0x59.5
DW01444b c Windshield (Solar) (Mexico Only) 33.5x49.5 DB10629b Back Window (1 Holes) (04-05) 23.0x59.5
DW01442b Windshield (Mexico Only) 33.5x49.5 DB10081b Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (02-03) 23.0x59.5
DD09939-40 Door F/R-L (Mexico Only) 19 5x29 7 DB10080b Back Window (HeatedX1 Holes) (02-03) 23.0x59.5
DD09941-42 Door R/R-L (Mexico Only) 18.5x21.8 DB10079b Back Window (1 Holes) (02-03) 23.0x59.5
DV09943-44 Vent R/R-L (Mexico Only) 8.3x14.5
DB09847b Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (01) 23.0x59.5
DB09945a Back Window (Heated) (Mexico Only) 20.5x54.7
DB09846b Back Window (HeatedX1 Holes) (01) 23.0x59.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DB09845b Back Window (1 Holes) (01) 23.0x59.5
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Avenger 2 Door Coupe 1998-2000 d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 37
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks Names
DB10448a Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE) 15.6x56.0 DY90088b Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Aftermar-
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes ket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 15.6x56.0
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DY90087b Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Aftermar-
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 ket, 4 Panel Encapsulated) 15.6x56.0
DY90083b Back Window (Slider) (Power, Aftermarket) 15.6x56.0
DY90082b Back Window (Slider) (Aftermarket) 15.6x56.0
Dakota Pickup 2 Door Club Cab 1998-2004 DB10448b Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE) (From 11/11/2002)
(03-04) 15.6x56.0
DB09591 b Back Window 15.6x56.0
DB09201 b Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE) (To 11/11/2002)
(98-03) 15.6x56.0
DB09200b Back Window (Solar) 15.6x56.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01472` d Windshield (W/Third Visor Frit) (02-04) 35.0x63.0 Dakota Pickup 4 Door Crew Cab 2005
DW01412c d Windshield (4 1/2" Lower Band) (01-04) 35.0x63.0
DW01382` d Windshield (VIN Notch, 3" Lower Band) (00) 35.0x63.0
DW01295` d Windshield (98-99) 35.0x63.0
DD10429-30 Door F/R-L (From 10/01/2002) (03-04) 21.5x30.5
DD09196-97 Door F/R-L (To 10/01/2002) (98-03) 21.5x30.5
DQ09198-99e Quarter R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) 16.7x17.6
DB10449 Back Window C (Slider)(Solar) (Movable, OE) (From
11/11/2002)(03-04) 13.0x13.2
DB09592a Back Window C (Slider)(Solar) (Movable, OE) (To 11/
11/2002)(98-03) 13.0x13.2
DY90088b Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Aftermar-
ket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 15.6x56.0
DY90087b Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Aftermar-
ket, 4 Panel Encapsulated) 15.6x56.0
DY90083b Back Window (Slider) (Power, Aftermarket) 15.6x56.0
DY90082b Back Window (Slider) (Aftermarket) 15.6x56.0 DW01590b Windshield 35.0x62.5
DB10448b Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE) (From 11/11/2002) DD10777-78 Door F/R-L
15.6x56.0 DD10779-80 Door RJR-L (Solar) 23.0x24.5
(03-04) Back Window C (Slider)(Solar) (Movable, OE) 13.0x13.2
DB09680b Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(Solar) (01-04) 15.6x56.0
DY90088a Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Aftermar-
DB09591 b Back Window 15.6,66.0 ket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 15.6x56.0
DB09201 b Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE) (To 11/11/2002) DY9008? Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Aftermar-
(98-03) 15.6x56.0 ket, 4 Panel Encapsulated) 15.6x56.0
DB09200b Back Window (Solar) 15.6x56.0 DY90083a Back Window (Slider) (Power, Aftermarket) 15.6x56.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
-DY90082a Back Window (Slider) (Aftermarket) 15.6x56.0
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DB10784 Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 15.6x56.0
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DB10783 Back Window 15.6x56.0
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DB10448a Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE) 15.6x56.0
e Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Dakota Pickup 2 Door Standard Cab 1998-2004 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DB09592a Back Window C (Slider)(Solar) (Movable, OE) (To 11/ DD09276-77 Door F/R-L (To 10/01/2002) 23.0x28.2
11/2002) (00-03) 13.0x13.2 DD09579-80 Door R/R-L (99-03) 23.0x25.0
DY90088b Back Window (EncapXSolar) (Black Frame, Aftermar- DD09278-79 Door R/R-L (Solar) 23.0x25.0
ket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) (00X03-04) 15.6x56.0 DQ09849a Quarter R (Solar) (W/Rear A/C) (01-03) 19.0x32.0
DY90087b Back Window (EncapXSolar) (Black Frame, Aftermar- DQ09848a Quarter R (W/Rear A/C) (01-03) ' 19.0x32.0
ket, 4 Panel Encapsulated) (00X03-04) 15.6x56.0 DQ09583-84a Quarter R-L (99-03) 19.0x32.0
DY90083b Back Window (Slider) (Power, Aftermarket) (00)(03- DQ09282-83a Quarter R-L (Solar) 19.0x32.0
04) 15.67E56.0 DV09581-82 Vent R/R-L (99-03) 7.2x19.0
DY90082b Back Window (Slider) (Aftermarket) (00)(03-04) 15.6x56.0 DV09280-81 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 7.2x19.0
DB10448b Back Window (SliderXSolar) (OE) (From 11/11/2002) DB09585b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (99-03) 21.5x55.5
(03-04) 15.6x56.0 DB09284b Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 21.5x55.5
DB09680b Back Window (EncapXHeated)(Solar) 15.6x56.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
DB09591b Back Window 15.6x56.0 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DB09201b Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE) (To 11/11/2002) Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
(00-03) 15.67E56.0 d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes Grand Caravan Mini Van 2001-2005
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 39
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
40 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Na .\ Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
:lit NI,
Pickup 1500 4 Door Crew Cab 2002 - 2005 Ramcharger 2 Door Utility (MEXICO Only) 1999 - 2003
Pickup 3500 4 Door Crew Cab 2003 - 2005
Pickup 2500 4 Door Crew Cab 2003 - 2005 DW01176a b Windshield 36.0x71.0
DD08488-89 Door F/R-L 24.0x35.0
DS09762-63 Side R-L
DQ09764-65 Quarter R-L 21.7x50.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
42 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DW01516b c Windshield (Electrochromic Mirror, W/Third Visor
DW01573c d Windshield (HeatedXSolar) (Rain Sensor, Heated Frit) (03-05) 37.0x59.4
Wiper Park Area) (04-05) 34.0x66.0 DW01515b c Windshield (W/Third Visor Frit) (03-05) 37.0x59.4
DW01488c d Windshield (Solar) 34.0x66.0 DW01416b c Windshield (W/Compass Bracket) (01-02) 37.0x59.4
DD10197-98 Door F/R-L (Solar) 20.0x25.0 DW01415b c Windshield (01-02) 37.0x59.4
DD10741 Door M/L (Solar) (Movable, Two-Piece) (04-05) DD09859-60 Door F/R-L (7 Holes) 22.1x41.6
DD10739 Door M/L (Solar) (Stationary, Two-Piece) (04-05)
DD10737 Door M/L (Solar) (Assembly, Two-Piece) (04-05) DQ09861-62a Quarter R-L (Encap) 14.6x30.4
DD10740 Door M/R (Solar) (Movable, Two-Piece) (04-05) DB09865b Back Window (Heated) 39.4x50.3
DD10738 Door M/R (Solar) (Stationary, Two-Piece) (04-05) a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
DD10736 Door M/R (Solar) (Assembly, Two-Piece) (04-05) b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DD10199 Door M/R-L (Solar) (One-Piece, Stationary) 24.2x42.0 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DD10744 Side L (Solar) (Stationary, Two-Piece) (04-05)
DD10743 Side L (Solar) (Assembly, Two-Piece) (04-05)
DD10742 Side L (Solar) (One-Piece, Stationary) 24.2x40.4
DD10741 Side L (Solar) (Movable, Two-Piece) (04-05)
DQ10201" Quarter R-L (Solar) 24.5x71.0
DV10195-96 Vent F/R-L (Solar) 12.5x22.9
DB10758-59b Back Window R-L (Solar)
DB10203-04a Back Window R-L (Heated)(Solar) 24.5x24.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DW01331 e f Windshield (WN.I.N. Notch In Frit) (From 02/11/ DW01177b c Windshield (Ant) 27.5x76.0
DD09250-51 Door F/R-L (4 Holes) 19.0x35.0
1998) 24.5x73.0
DW01323e f Windshield (WN.I.N. Notch In Frit) (To 02/11/1998) DB09275a Back Window (Keyless Entry) 6.0x47.0
(98) 24.5x73.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
DD08793 Door B/R (1 Holes)(Solar) (Black Frame, Movable, b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Hinged Body Side Door, Two) 19.0x21.0 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DD09366-67b Door F/R-L 20.5x29.6
DD09306-07b Door F/R-L (School Bus) 20.0x22.0 Viper GTS 2 Door Coupe 1998-2002
DD08792 Door F/R (Solar) (Rear, Stationary, Back, Hinged Body
Side Door, Two) 19.0x21.0
DD05813 Door F-R/R (Stationary, Hinged Body Side Door, Dual
Rear Door, Gt, C1) 19.0x21.0
DD08795 Door R (2 Holes)(Solar) (Black Frame, Movable, Slid-
ing Cargo Door) 19.0x45.0
DD08794 Door R (Solar) (Stationary, Sliding Cargo Door) 19.0x45.0
DD07959 Door R (2 Holes) (Black Frame, Movable, Sliding
Cargo Door) 19.0x45.0
DD07958 Door R (1 Holes) (Black Frame, Movable, Hinged
Body Side Door, Gt, Cl, Two) 19.0x21.0
DD05818 Door R (Stationary, Sliding Cargo Door) 19.0x45.0
DD08795 Side L (2 Holes)(Solar) (Black Frame, Movable) 19.0x45.0
DD08794 Side L (Solar) (Stationary) 19.0x45.0 DW01290 b Windshield (Ant) 29.5x76.0
44 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Names Eagle
.,111111b,-6 DW01506" Windshield (Solar) (W/ Third Visor Frit) (From 09/03/
two GllIllilPvuuc
n 0 milrY
. i,
2002) (03-05)
Dwome b Windshield (Solar) (W/ Third Visor Frit) (From 04/10/
2000) (To 09/03/2002) (00-03)
DW01327" b Windshield (Solar) (To 04/10/2000) (98-00) 33.1x65.0
DD102 2546
, Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (03-05) 21.9x34.7
DW01264a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Break-Away Bracket) 37.7767.8 DD0,16760 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSOlar) 23.0x34.8
DD08709-10 Door F/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 22.0x36.3 DD10227-28 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (03-05) 20.1x21.9
DD08711-12 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 20.7x28.3 DD09914-j5 Door R/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (LWB) (02-05) 23.4x26.1
DR08735 Roof 18.2x32.0 DD08636-37 Door R/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) 20.2x23.0
DB09303a Back Window (Solar) (From 03/02/1998) 32.9x54.6 DR10797 Roof (Solar) (Assembiy) (05) 18.1x31.6
DB09302a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (From 03/02/1998) 33.0x52.5 DV10039-40 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (Assembly, LWB, Police, taxi) (02-
05) 13.0x19.3
DB08714a Back Window (Solar) (To 03/02/1998) (98) 33 • 0x52 •5 DV08638-39 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 13.0x19.3
DB08713a Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (To 03/02/1998) (98) ... 33.0x52.5 DB10713" Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (05) 23.8x61.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DB09692a Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) (00-04) 23.8x61.9
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DB08718a Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) (98-99) 23.8x61.9
a Urethane,DamPrimer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 45
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
EcoSport (cont.) Econoline (cont.)
DQ10599-00 Quarter R-L (Mexico Only) 17.8x22.1 d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
DB10601 Back Window (HeatedX1 Holes) (Mexico Only) 19.1x47.6 e Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Escape 4 Door Utility 2001-2005
Econoline 3 Door Van 1998-2005
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Expedition 4 Door Utility 1998-2002 Explorer SPORT TRAC 4 Door Utility 2001-2005
48 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGs Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DB10541' Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (Power, 3 Piece, OE) b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
(04) 18.5x66.4 Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
DB09330 a Back Window (Slider) (3 Piece Assembly, OE) (99-
04) 18.5x66.4
DB09333e Back Window (Solar) (Stationary) (99-05) 18.5x66.4 F Series F150 2 Door Standard Cab 1998-2003
a The Hardware Listed is Applicable to The Complete Window Assembly F Series F250 LD 2 Door Standard Cab 1998-1999
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
e Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 2
market, 3 Panel) 18.5x65.5 DB09638' Back Window (EncapXSlider) (OE) (98-03) 18.3x58.0
DB10475' Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Power, OE, 3pcs) 18.5x65.5 DB08983' Back Window (SliderXSolar) (Gt, OE) (98-03) 18.3x58.8
DB10474' Back Window (EncapXSliderXSolar) (Manual, OE, DB08981' Back Window (Solar) (Stationary, Gt) (98-03) 18.3x58.8
3pcs) 18.5x65.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DB10473d Back Window (EncapXHeatedXSolar) 17.0x64.0 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DB10472d Back Window (EncapXSolar) 17.0x64.0 Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1 F Series F250 2 Door Super Cab 2000 - 2005
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5 2002 - 2005
e Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 2 F Series F550 2 Door Super Cab
F Series F750 2 Door Super Cab 2000 - 2005
F Series 150HERITAGE 2 Door Standard Cab 2004 F Series F650 2 Door Super Cab 2000 - 2005
F Series F450 2 Door Super Cab 2002 - 2005
F Series F350 2 Door Super Cab 1999 - 2005
F Series F250 HD 2 Door Super Cab 1999
F Series (cont.) F Series 150HERITAGE 2 Door Super Cab 2004
DD09328 Door F/L (Solar) (To 11/02/2003) (99-05) 26.4x35.9
DD09327 Door F/R (Solar) (99-05) 26.4x35.9
DQ09331-32d Quarter R-L (3 Holes)(Solar) (Movable, Rear Access
Door) (99-05) 16.1x21.9
DB10803 Back Window C (Solar) (Movable, OE) (05) 12.0x12.0
DB10542 Back Window C (Solar) (Power, Movable, OE) (04) 12.0x12.0
DB09410d Back Window C (Slider)(Solar) (Movable, OE) (99-
05) 12.0x12.0
DY90101' Back Window (Encap)(Slider) (Black Frame, Manual,
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) (99-05) 18.5x64.6
DY90094' Back Window (Encap) (Black Frame, Manual, After-
market, 4 Panel Encapsulated) (99-05) 18.5x64.6 DW01358* b Windshield (Solar) (Ford Logo Lwr Paint Band) 37.3x66.4
DY90085' Back Window (Solar) (Power) (99-05) 18.5x64.6 DW01256* b Windshield (Solar) (Paint Band) 37.3x66.4
DD08975-76 Door F/R-L (Solar) 24.1x32.3
DY90084' Back Window (Solar) (99-05) 18.5x64.6
DD09314c Door R/R (Solar) (Stationary, Rear Access Door) 16.0x22.0
DB10840e Back Window (SliderXSolar) (3 Piece Assembly, OE) DR09299 Roof (Solar) 18.0x40.0
(05) 18.5x66.4 DQ09497 Quarter L (3 HolesXSolar) (Movable, Rear Access
DB10802b Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (Power, 3 Piece, OE) Door) 16.0x22.0
(05) 18.5x66.4 DQ09496c Quarter L (Solar) (Stationary, Rear Access Door) 18.0x22.0
DB10541' Back Window (SliderXSolar) (Power, 3 Piece, OE) DQ09349C Quarter L (Solar) (Stationary) 16.0x22.0
(04) 18.5x66.4 DQ08977 Quarter R (3 HolesXSolar) (Movable, Gt, Rear Access
DB09334* a Back Window (Slider) (3 Piece Assembly, OE) (99- Door) 16.0122.0
04) 18.5x66.4 DB10577 Back Window C (SliderXSolar) (Movable, OE) 15.2x15.7
DB09333' Back Window (Solar) (Stationary) (99-05) 18.5x66.4 DY90093d Back Window (EncapXSolar) (Black Frame, Power,
a The Hardware Listed is Applicable to The Complete Window Assembly Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18.3x58.9
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DY90086d Back Window (EncapXSolar) (Bolt-In, Curved) .. . .. 18.3x58.8
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DB10384d Back Window (S liderX Solar) (Power, OE, Lariat Only)
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1 183x58.8
e Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 2
D1309639d Back Window (EncapXSliderXSolar) (OE) 18.3x58.0
DB08981 d Back Window (Solar) (Stationary) 18.3x58.8
F Series F150 2 Door Super Cab 2004 -2005 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 51
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks Names
F Series (cont.) F Series
DB10120b Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (Hi Amp) (From 11/15/ a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
2001) (To 12/22/2003) (02-04) 28.0x49.8 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DB09533b Back Window (Solar) (00-02) 28.0x49.8 C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DB09532b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (To 11/14/2001) (00-
02) 28.0x49.8
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
Freestyle 4 Door Utility 2005
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
C Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 /
!::D' i., , . ,„,
Focus 4 Door Station Wagon 2000-2005 l
o 1 rt. lirl
(A ( )
a ....n cv
%..........„ . DW01612b c Windshield (EncapXSolar) (From 01/05/2003) 38.5x62.6
DW01567b c Windshield (Solar) (To 01/05/2003) 38.5x62.6
DD10673-74 Door F/R-L (Solar) 23.1x36.8
DW01459b ' Windshield (Solar) (03-05) 38.0x60.3 DD10675-76 Door R/R-L (Solar) 22.4x28.3
DW01345b ' Windshield (Solar) (00-02) 38.0x60.3 DR10682 Roof (Solar) (Assembly) 17.8x33.5
DD09522-23 Door F/R-L (Solar) 21.7x34.5 DQ10679-80" Quarter R-L (Solar) 18.7x39.1
DD09526-27 Door R/R-L (Solar) 21.2x26.7 DV10677-78 Vent RJR-L (Solar) 9.4x17.7
DR10635 Roof (Encap)(Solar) (Power) (04-05) 16.3x32.0 DB10681a Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) 20.9x54.9
DR10118 Roof (Encap)(Solar) (Power) (02-03) 16.3x32.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DQ09530-31 a Quarter R-L (Solar) 17.1x38.3 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DB10121' Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (W/Wiper, Hi C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Amp) (From 11/15/2001) (02-05) 18.1x49.4
DB10061 a Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (W/Wiper)
r MA r,
(From 04/23/2001) (To 11/14/2001)(01-02) 18.1x49.4 GT 2 Door Coupe 2005
DB09535' Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (00-02) 18.1x49.4
DB09534a Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (W/Wiper)
(To 04/22/2001) (00-01) 18.1x49.4
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes Ail I-11O1 1
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes -Alr t;t4
' Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 -gailr-- .,.
NII 1 1 I 1 MI I W •45)
Freestar Mini Van 2004-2005 --
DW01569b C Windshield (AntXSolar) 35.1x67.5
DD10693-94 Door F/R-L (Solar) 17.3x26.5
DP10724 Partition (Sealed Unit) 9.1x39.2
DV10691-92 Vent F/R-L (Solar) 15.7x16.1
DB10695" Back Window (Solar) 23.8x37.0
1 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Ali 411M111 1 C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
t„...,--- J, Grand Marquis 4 Door Sedan 1998-2005
w A (CANADA Only)
DW01527b ' Windshield (Solar) 42.5x64.3
DD10206-07 Door F/R-L (Solar) 26.2x35.9
DD10815a Door R/L (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (From 12/06/ —row—
2004) (05) 24.0x40.2 ..............................
00210043 AIM li Volt
DD10083' Door R/L (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (To 12/06/2004)
DD10814a Door R/R (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (From 12/06/
2004) (05) 24.0x44.8 11111111111111PIPIP'— )1.0
DD10082a Door R/R (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (To 12/06/
1111111,00 ---- 1
2004) 24.0x44.8
DQ10817 Quarter L (Solar) (Movable) (05) 21.5x32.0 %"11n10litimumit0
DQ09810 Quarter L (Solar) (Movable, W/LH Sliding Door) (04) 21.7x40.6
DQ10816 Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Movable) (05) 21.7x37.1
DQ10532a Quarter R (Ant)(Solar) (Movable) (04) DW01506a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (From 09/03/
21.5x35.5 2002) (03-05) 33.1x65.0
DB10511 b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 28.5x58.7
54 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS' Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Grand Marquis (cont.) Lobo (cont.)
DW01406a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (From 04/10/ DB10473c Back Window (EncapXHeatedXSolar) 17.0x64.0
2000) (To 09/03/2002) (00-03) 33.1x65.0 DB10472c Back Window (EncapXSolar) 17.0x64.0
DW01327a b Windshield (Solar) (To 04/10/2000) (98-00) 33.1x65.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DD10225-26 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (03-05) 21.9x34.7 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DD08626-27 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) 23.0x34.8 Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
DD10227-28 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (03-05) 20.1x21.9 d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 2
DD09914-15 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) (LWB) (03-05) 23.4x26.1
DD08636-37 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 20.2x23.0
DR10797 Roof (Solar) (Assembly) (05) 18.1x31.6 Marauder 4 Door Sedan 2003-2005
DV10039-40 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (Assembly, LWB, Police, taxi) (03-
05) 13.0x19.3 (CANADA Only)
DV08638-39 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 13.0x19.3
DB09692' Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) (00-05) 23.8x61.9
DB08718a Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) (98-99) 23.8x61.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01518a b Windshield (Solar) (Aftermarket, W/Third Visor Frit) 32.7x59.7 DB10700b Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 36.9x51.8
DW01396a b Windshield (Solar) (OE, 2 Mustang Logos) (From 12/ a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
17/1999) 32.7x59.7 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DW01369a b Windshield (Solar) (Mustang Logo) (To 12/17/1999) Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
(00-01) 32.7x59.7
DW01354a b Windshield (Solar) (Ford Logo Lwr Paint Band) (00-
01 ) 32.7x59.7 Mustang 2 Door Coupe 2000-2004
DD10095-96 Door F/R-L (Solar) (02-04) 18.3x42.6
DD09655-56 Door F/R-L (Solar) (From 09/20/1999) (00-01) 18.3x42.6
DD08428-29 Door F/R-L (To 09/20/1999) (00) 18.3x42.6
DQ09902-03 Quarter R-L (Solar) (01)(03-04) 14.2x17.8
DQ09659-60 Quarter R-L (Solar) (From 09/20/1999) (00)(02-04) 14.2x17.8
DQ08432-33 Quarter R-L (To 09/20/1999) (00) 14.2x17.8
DB10160 Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Special Assembly,
Black, Cobra) (03-04) 16.1x43.0
DB10159 Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (Special Assembly,
Parchment, Cobra) (03-04) 16.1x43.0
DB09668 Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (Special Assembly,
White) 16.1x43.0
DB09667 Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (Special Assembly, DW01517a b Windshield (Solar) (Aftermarket, W/Third Visor Frit) 32.7x59.7
Black) 16.1x43.0 DW01395a b Windshield (Solar) (OE, Mustang Logo) (From 12/17/
DB09666 Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Special Assembly, 1999) 32.7x59.7
Parchment) 16.1x43.0 DW01368a b Windshield (Solar) (Mustang Pony on Trademark) (To
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes 32.7x59.7
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DW01353a b Windshield (Solar) (Ford Logo Lwr Paint Band) (00-
01) 32.7x59.7
DD10095-96 Door F/R-L (Solar) (02-04) 18.3x42.6
Mustang 2 Door Convertible 1998-1999 DD09655-56 Door F/R-L (Solar) (From 09/20/1999) (00-01) 18.3x42.6
DD08428-29 Door F/R-L (To 09/20/1999) (00) 18.3x42.6
DQ09925-26c Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) (W/Bullitt Pkg) (01-04) 12.6x16.7
DQ09657-58c Quarter R-L (Solar) (From 09/20/1999) 12.6x16.7
DQ09494-95c Quarter R-L (To 09/20/1999) (00) 12.0x15.0
DB09662a Back Window (Solar) (From 09/25/1999) 34.5x52.5
DB09661a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (From 09/25/1999) 34.5x52.5
DB08435a Back Window (To 09/25/1999) (00) 34.5x52.5
DB08434a Back Window (Heated) (To 09/25/1999) (00) 34.5x52.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DW01369a b Windshield (Solar) (Mustang Logo) (From 02/22/ b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
1999)(99) 32.7x59.7 Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
DW01354a b Windshield (Solar) (Ford Logo Lwr Paint Band) 32.7x59.7
DW01170a b Windshield (To 02/22/1999) 32.7x59.7
DD10097-98 Door F/R-L (New Design Hardware) 18.3x42.6 Mustang 2 Door Coupe 1998 - 1999
DD08428-29 Door F/R-L 18.3x42.6
DQ08432-33 Quarter R-L 14.2x17.8
DB09611 Back Window (Heated) (Special Assembly, Parch-
ment) (99) 16.1x43.0
DB09610 Back Window (Special Assembly, Parchment) (99) 16.1x43.0
D1308850 Back Window (Special Assembly, Black) 16.1x43.7
DB08849 Back Window (Special Assembly, Tan) (98) 16.1x43.7
DB08848 Back Window (Special Assembly, White) 16.1x43.7
DB08847 Back Window (Heated) (Special Assembly, Black) 16.1x43.7
DB08846 Back Window (Heated) (Special Assembly, Tan) 98) . 16.1x43.7
D1308845 Back Window (Heated) (Special Assembly, White ) 16.1x43.7
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DW01368ab Windshield (Solar) (Mustang Pony on Trademark)
(From 02/22/1999) (99) 32.7x59.7
DW01353a b Windshield (Solar) (Ford Logo Lwr Paint Band) 32.7x59.7
Mustang 2 Door Coupe 2005 DW01169a b Windshield (To 02/22/1999) 32.7x59.7
DD10097-98 Door F/R-L (New Design Hardware) 18.3x42.6
DD08428-29 Door F/R-L 18.3x42.6
DQ09494-95c Quarter R-L (99) 12.0x15.0
DQ08430-31c Quarter R-L (98) 13.0x17.0
DB08435a Back Window 34.5x52.5
DB08434a Back Window (Heated) 34.5x52.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
DW01357c d Windshield (Solar) (Ford Logo Lwr Paint Band) 28.4x56.4 DW01528a b Windshield (Solar) (04-05) 40.0x63.0
DW01335c d Windshield (Solar) (Ford Oval In Shade Band) 28.4x56.4 DW01460a b Windshield (Solar) (02-03) 40.0x63.0
DW01317c d Windshield (Solar) 28.4x56.4 DW01218a b Windshield (Solar) (98-01) 40.0x63.0
DD10318-19 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (03-05) 22.0x30.0 DD08853-54 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) 25.0x35.5
DD09286-87 Door F/R-L (Solar) (98-02) 22.0x30.0 DD08860-61 Door R/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) 23.3x32.0
DR09308 Roof 17.3x31.8
DQ09411-12e Quarter R-L (EncapXSolar) (Rear Access Door, One-
Sided Rim Encapsulation) 15.1x18.5 DQ08863-64c Quarter R-L (Solar) 17.1x41.7
DB08866 Back Window (HeatedX8 HolesXSolar) (W/WiPee 24.9x48.8
DQ09345-46e Quarter R-L (Solar) (Stationary) 22.0x31.0 DB08865 Back Window (HeatedX6 HolesXSolar) (98-99) 24.9x48.8
DQ09343-44e Quarter R-L (Solar) (Movable) 22.0x31.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DB10801 Back Window C (Solar) (Movable, OE) 14.1x14.8 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DY90098f Back Window (EncapXSliderXSolar) (Power, Flat, Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
Aftermarket) (99-05) 17.8x53.0
DY90071a f Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 17.8x51.8
DY90040a f Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) 17.8x51.8 Thunderbird 2 Door Convertible 2002-2005
DY90039a f Back Window (Aftermarket) 17.8x51.8
DB10883f Back Window (Encap)(SliderXSolar) (From 10/01/
2004) (05) 17.8x51.8
DB10882f Back Window (EncapXSolar) (Stationary Glass) (From
10/01/2004) (05) 15.0x49.0
DB09347f Back Window (SliderXSolar) (OE) (To 09/30/2004) 17.8x51.8
DB09288b Back Window (Solar) (Stationary Glass) (To 09/30/
2004) 15.0x49.0
a The Hardware Listed is Applicable to The Complete Window Assembly
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DW01559b Windshield (AntXSolar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (From
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes 12/01/2003) (04-05) 39.0x63.0
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
00210062 A p y am
iiii i
l i -- ...- dasavan
Air immumm ,
DB08482a Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (From 09/08/1997)
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
C Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
,, —
Sprinter Cutaway Van 2004-2005
DW01365b c Windshield (Solar) (Ford Logo Lwr Paint Band) 42.5x64.3
DW01257b ' Windshield (Solar) (W/Break-Away Bracket) 42.5x64.3
DD10206-07 Door F/R-L (Solar) (03) 26.2x35.9
DD08475-76 Door F/R-L (Solar) (99-02) 26.3x36.2
DD10083a Door R/L (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (02-03) 24.0x40.2
DD10082a Door R/R (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (02-03) 24.0x44.8
DD09536d Door R/R (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (99-01) 24.1x44.8 411
DD09537d Door L (Solar) (Stationary, Sliding Cargo Door) (99-
I t 1
01) 24.0x40.2 ',
r I
DD09538d Side L (Solar) 23.9x37.8
DQ09541 Quarter R/L (Solar) (Movable, W/O LH Sliding Door) iiirla l I I ii/A1
(To 01/28/2001)(99-01) 23.0x40.6
DQ09540 Quarter R/L (Solar) (Movable, W/LH Sliding Door) 0"; Wiralit
To 01/28/2001)(99-01) 21.7x40.6 4:
DQ09539 Quarter R/R (AntX3 Holes Solar (Movable) (To 01/ klir V...'
28/2001) (99-01) 21.5x35.5
DQ09811 Quarter L (Solar) (Movable) (From 01/29/2001) (01-
03) 23.0x40.6 DW01578b c Windshield Heated Solar (Rain Sensor, Heated
DQ09810 Quarter L (Solar) (Movable, W/LH Sliding Door) Wiper Park Area) 33.0x66.0
(From 01/29/2001) (01-03) 21.7x40.6 DW01577b c Windshield (Solar) 33.0x66.0
DQ09809 Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Movable) (From 01/29/2001) DD10197-98 Door F/R-L (Solar) 20.0x25.0
(01-03) 21.5x35.5 DV10195-96 Vent F/R-L (Solar) 12.5x22.9
DB09556b Back Window (1 HolesXSolar) 26.5x58.7 DB10733a Back Window (Solar)
DB09555b Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) 26.5x58.7 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
58 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS' Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks aN GS
Canyon 2 Door Standard Cab 2004 -2005 Envoy (cont.)
60 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Envoy XL
(cont.) Jimmy (cont.)
DW01448 b ` d Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (To 02/2004) (02-04) DQ08688-89a Quarter R-L (Solar) 18.0x48.5
33.4x59.6 DB08691 Back Window (8 HolesXSolar) 29.0x53.0
DW01447b Windshield (Solar) (To 02/2004) (02-04) 33.4x59.6 DB08690 Back Window (HeatedX8 HolesXSolar) 29.0x53.0
DD09965-66 Door F/R-L (Solar) 21.5x34.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DD10305-06 Door R/R-L (Solar) 22.0x22.8 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DQ10569a Quarter L (Encap)(1 Holes)(Solar) (Movable, W/On- Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Star) (03-05) 17.2x38.0
DQ10316a Quarter L (Ant)(Encap)(1 Holes)(Solar) (Movable, W/
On-Star) (02) 17.2x38.0 Jimmy 2 Door Utility 1998-2001
DQ10567-68a Quarter R-L (Encap)(1 Holes)(Solar) (Movable) (03-
05) 17.2x38.0
DQ10314-15a Quarter R-L (AntXEncap)(1 Holes)(Solar) (Movable)
(02) 17.2x38.0
DV10312-13 Vent R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) 8.0x18.8
DB10317 Back Window (Heated)(2 Holes)(Solar) 28.5x55.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
d Rain Sensor Kit
Jimmy 4 Door Utility 1998-2001 Pickup C3500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998 - 2002
Pickup C2500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998 - 2000
00110166 Pickup K2500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998 - 2000
Pickup K3500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998 - 2000
Pickup C1500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998
Pickup K1500 2 Door Standard Cab 1998
62 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Names Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DD10347a Door R/L (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Body Side) 23.5x25.5 02) 24.3x27.5
DD10355-56a Door R/R-L (Solar) (Rear, Stationary, Hinged Body DB09013-14 Back Window R-L (3 Holes)(Solar) (Movable) 243x27.5
Side Door) 21.4x23.5 DB09011-12a Back Window R-L (Solar) (Stationary) 24.3x27.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
DD10353-54a Door R/R-L (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Hinged Body
Side Door) 23.5x25.5 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DD10351-52 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) (Rear, Movable, Hinged Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes
Body Side Door) 21.5x23.5 d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5
DD10349-50 Door R/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) (Front, Movable, Hinged
Body Side Door) 23.5x25.5
DD10346 Door R/R (1 Holes)(Solar) (Movable, Sliding Cargo Sierra C1500 2 Door Extended Cab 1999-2005
Door) 23.5x25.0
DD10345a Door R/R (Solar) (Front, Stationary, Sliding Cargo
Sierra C3500 2 Door Extended Cab 2001-2005
Door) 23.5x25.4 Sierra K1500 2 Door Extended Cab 1999-2005
DD10344b Door R/R (Solar) (Stationary, Sliding Cargo Door) 23.8x50.3 Sierra K3500 2 Door Extended Cab 2001-2005
DQ10374b Quarter L (Solar) 23.5x54.7
DQ10373b Quarter L (Solar) (W/60-40 Side Doors) 23.5x54.7 Sierra K2500 HD 2 Door Extended Cab 2003-2005
DQ10367b Quarter L (Solar) 23.5x54.8 Sierra C2500 HD 2 Door Extended Cab 2003-2005
DQ10366b Quarter L (Solar) (W/Rear A/C) 23.5x54.8 Sierra K2500 2 Door Extended Cab 1999-2005
DQ10365b Quarter R (Solar) 23.5x54.8
DB10363-64 Back Window R-L(Heated)(3 HolesXSolar) (Movable) Sierra C2500 2 Door Extended Cab 1999-2002
DB10361-62 Back Window R-L (3 Holes)(Solar) (Movable) 24.3x27.5
DB10359-60a Back Window R-L (Heated)(Solar) (Stationary) 24.3x27.5
DB10357-58a Back Window R-L (Solar) (Stationary) 24.3x27.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5
Sierra C1500 2 Door Standard Cab 1999-2005 DW01549a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (04-05) 31.5x69.1
Sierra C2500 2 Door Standard Cab 1999-2005 DW01341 ab Windshield (Solar) (01-03) 31.5x69.1
DD09479-80 Door F/R-L (Solar) 26.432.4
Sierra C3500 2 Door Standard Cab 2001-2005 DD09734-35 Door R/R-L (Solar) 26.1x30.1
Sierra C2500 HD 2 Door Standard Cab 2003-2005 DY90097a Back Window (EncapXSliderXSolar) (Power, Curved,
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18.1x64.8
Sierra K3500 2 Door Standard Cab 2001-2005 DY90096a Back Window (EncapXSlider) (Manual, Curved, After-
Sierra K2500 2 Door Standard Cab 1999-2005 market, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18.1x64.8
Sierra K1500 2 Door Standard Cab 1999-2005 DY90095a Back Window (EncapXSliderXSolar) (Manual,
Curved, Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18.1x64.8
Sierra K2500 HD 2 Door Standard Cab 2003 DY90092a Back Window (Encap) (Black Frame, Manual, After-
market, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18.1x64.8
DY90091a Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Manual,
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) 18.1x64.8
. ---
Aillro ge
DY90090a Back Window (EncapXSolar) (Black Frame, Power,
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated)
Back Window (EncapXSliderXSolar) (OE)
.-r-.. qb-1,
,....,::/ DB09484a Back Window (Solar)
C DB09483a Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 17.7x63.9
a U rethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
16w 151
Ir.9 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01549a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (04-05) 31.5x69.1 Sonoma S15 Pickup 2 Door Extended Cab 1998-2003
DW01341a b Windshield (Solar) (99-03) 31.5x69.1
DD09479-80 Door F/R-L (Solar) (99-05) 26.4x32.4
DY90097a Back Window. (EncapXSliderXSolar) (Power, Curved, 00110176—
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) (99-05) 18.1x64.8
DY90096a Back Window (EncapXSlider) (Manual, Curved, ry After- Air Illirme
market, 3 Panel Encapsulated) (99-05) 18.1x64.8 NX:M.V.---
111.14 oilmiN „
DY90095a Back Window (EncapXSliderXSolar) (Manual,
Curved, Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) (99-05) 18.1x64.8
DY90092a Back Window (Encap) (Black Frame, Manual, After-
market, 3 Panel Encapsulated) (99-05) 18.1x64.8
DY90091a Back Window (EncapXSolar) (Black Frame, Manual, DW01168c d Windshield (Solar) 27.7x63.3
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) (99-05) 18.1x64.8 DD08422-23 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.6x31.7
DY90090a Back Window (Encap)(Solar) (Black Frame, Power, DQ09195a Quarter L (Solar) (Rear Access Door) 15.5x21.0
Aftermarket, 3 Panel Encapsulated) (99-05) 18.1x64.8 DQ08424-25 Quarter R-L (Solar) 15.5x21.0
DB09795a Back Window (EncapXSliderXSolar) (OE) (99-05) 17.7x63.9 DY90076b Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DB09484a Back Window (Solar) (99-05) 17.7x63.9 DY90075b Back Window (Solar) (Curved, Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DB09483a Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (99-05) 17.7x63.9 DY90018b Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DY90017b Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DY90016b Back Window (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DB08427b Back Window (SliderXSolar) (OE) 15.7x55.9
DB08426b Back Window (Solar) 15.7x55.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
aUrethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Sonoma S15 Pickup 4 Door Crew Cab 2001-2005 DW01217b Windshield (Encap)(Solar) (W/Bracket) 30.8x67.6
DD08305-06 Door F/R-L (Solar) 25.0x35.8
DQ08318-19b Quarter R-L (Solar) (Gt, Yp) 25.3x67.0
DB08314' Back Window L (Solar) (Gt, Yp) 27.8x30.8
DB08312" Back Window L (Heated)(Solar) (Gt, Yp) 27.8x30.8
DB08313' Back Window R (Solar) (Gt, Yp) 27.8x31.2
DB08311' Back Window R (Heated)(Solar) (Gt, Yp) 27.8x31.2
DB08945b Back Window (HeatedX3 Holes)(Solar) (W/Wiper,
Lift Gate) 27.8x62.3
D1308322b Back Window (Solar) (Lift Gate, Gt, Yp) 27.8x62.3
DB08321 b Back Window (3 Holes)(Solar) (W/Wiper, Lift Gate,
Gt, Yp) 27.8x62.3
DW01557b Windshield (Solar) (Dot Matrix Shade) (04-05) 27.7x63.3 Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
DW01168 b Windshield (Solar) (01-03) 27.7x63.3 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DD08422-23 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.6x31.7 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DD08692-93 Door R/R-L (Solar) 20.0x22.0
DV09906-07 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 6.5x18.5
DY90076' Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
Yukon 4 Door Utility 2000-2005
DY90075' Back Window (Solar) (Curved, Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9 Yukon Denali 4 Door Utility 2001-2005
DY90018a Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9
DY90017' Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket) 15.7,65.9
DY90016' Back Window (Aftermarket) 15.7x55.9 00110169
DB08427' Back Window (SliderXSolar) (OE) 15.7x55.9
DB08426' Back Window (Solar) 15.7x55.9
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
66 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS* Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
68 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
NAGS" Honda
70 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
►aGS Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Odyssey (cont.) Prelude 2 Door Coupe 1998-2001
FQ05511-12a Quarter R-L 19.0x29.0
FV05505-06a Vent F/R-L 12.5x14.0
FB05513b Back Window (Heated) 19.5x65.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
74 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
0661001 1
FW02332b c Windshield (Solar) (Electrochromic Mirror) 36.0x54.5
FW02300b c Windshield (Solar) 36.0x54.5 FW02355a b Windshield (Solar) 34.0x60.8
FD21624-25 Door F/R-L (Solar) 19.0x31.5 FD21821-22 Door F/R-L (Solar) 18.3x31.5
FD21626-27 Door R/R-L (Solar) 19.0x23.5
‘ 1111
"m ((--)
FW02263b ' Windshield (Solar) 37.0x59.8
FD21384-85 Door F/R-L (Solar) 20.0x33.0 FW02391a b Windshield 34.8x63.9
FD21388-89 Door R/R-L (Solar) 20.0x25.0 FD21945-46 Door F/R-L 27.2x39.2
FD21386-87 Door R/R-L (Solar) (W/Sunshade) 20.0x25.0 FD22144-45 Door R/R-L (Solar) 26.3x30.2
FV21390-91 Vent R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) 10.5x13.0 FQ22149 Quarter L (Ant)(Solar) (Manual)
Qua 19.1x36.1
FQ22150-51 Quarter R-L (AntXSolar) (Power) 19.1x36.1
FB21392a Back Window (Ant)(Heated)(Solar) 25.0x51.0 FQ22148 Quarter R (Ant) (Manual) 19.1x36.1
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FV22146-47 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 8.6x20.4
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FB22153 Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 20.1x60.2
' Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Q45 4 Door Sedan 1998-2001 •
- ' '
Amigo 2 Door Utility 1998-2000
(USA Only)
06610005 41111r41111111W,
4n11. 4D
FW02025a b Windshield 33.8x60.5
FD20139-40 Door F/R-L
FD20141-42 Door R/R-L
-..... Aui frl
et ip
FV20143-44 Vent R/R-L 13.5x15.0 l ,, q,
F B20145a Back Window (AntXHeated) 31.5x57.2 rICw:.; I INV
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FW02062b ' Windshield 30.9x57.0
QX4 4 Door Utility 1998-2004 FD20322-23 Door F/R-L 22.5x35.5
FQ20460-61 d Quarter R/R-L (Removable Top) 17.5x32.0
FQ21592-93a Quarter R-L 10.5x19.0
_ FB21228 Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX4 Holes) (Removable
.............w. __ Top) 19.3x51.5
06610006 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
VA, b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
'.'.'-- Allirrill
ttv.. mi lk a
_it. dom
mosi c Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
k() Ii.
76 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 77
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks NaGS
78 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Rain Sensor Kit
80 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DW01464b c Windshield (Rain Sensor) (02-04) 34.6x63.2 DQ10067-68aQuarter R-L (Solar) (To 02/17/2004) (02-04) 18.5x19.9
DW01346b c Windshield 34.7x63.2 DQ09990a Quarter R (Ant) (Export Only) 18.5x19.9
DD09557-58 Door F/R-L 21.2x35.2 DQ09988-89aQuarter R-L 18.5x19.9
DD09572-73 Door R/R-L (99-02) 21.6x24.4 DV10727-28 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (From 01/08/2004) (04-05) 9.6x21.4
DD09559-60 Door R/R-L (Solar) 21.6x24.4 DV10329-30 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (From 05/20/2002) (To 01/08/2004)
DQ10530-31 a Quarter R-L (Solar) (03-04) 18.1x32.3 (02-04) 9.6x21.4
DQ09631-32a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) (Paint Band Dot) (From 11/ DV10327-28 Vent R/R-L (From 05/20/2002) 9.6x21.4
09/1998) (99-02) 18.1x32.3 DV10065-66 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (To 05/20/2002) (02) 9.4x21.4
DV09993-94 Vent R/R-L (To 05/20/2002)(02) 9.4x21.4
DQ09629-30a Quarter R-L (Paint Band Dot) (From 11/04/1998) (99- Back Window (Encap)(HeatedX2 HolesXSolar) (From
02) 18.1x32.3 06/30/2003) (03-05) 18.7x54.0
DQ09576-77a Quarter R-L (To 11/04/1998) (99) 18.1x32.3 DB10570 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX2 Holes) (From 06/30/
DQ09563-64 a Quarter R-L (Solar) (To 11/09/1998) (99) 18.1x32.3 2003)(03-05) 18.7x54.0
DV09683-84 Vent R/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (00-04) 11.1x24.4 DB10070 Back Window (EncapXHeated)(2 HolesXSolar) (To
DV09681-82 Vent R/R-L (2 Holes) (00-02) 11.1x24.4 06/30/2003) (02-03) 18.7x54.0
DV09574-75 Vent R/R-L (2 Holes) (99) 11.1x24.4 DB09991 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX2 Holes) (To 06/30/
DV09561-62 Vent R/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (99) 11.1x24.4 2003)(02-03) 18.7x54.0
DB09578 Back Window (HeatedX8 Holes) (99-02) 19.5x52.2 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
DB09565 Back Window (Heated)(8 HolesXSolar) 19.5x52.2 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
TJ 2 Door Utility 1998 - 2005
Grand Cherokee 4 Door Utility 1998
U allimbi=-.
.7. tir-In
0 0 4 10 0 9 9
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DW01142c d Windshield 33.3x66.8
DD08147-48 Door F/R-L 21.6x35.0
DD08803-04 Door R/R-L (Solar) 20.4x22.0
DD08149-50 Door R/R-L 20.4x22.0
DW01408a b Windshield (Solar) (01-05) 17.6x53.5
DQ08807-08a Quarter R-L (Solar) 18.8x30.1
DW01407a b Windshield (01-05) 17.6x53.5
DQ08153-54a Quarter R-L 18.8x30.1
DV08805-06 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 10.2x19.8 DW01321a b Windshield (Solar) (Afterrnarket) (98-00) 17.6x53.5
DV08151-52a Vent R/R-L 10.2x19.8 DW01285a b Windshield (98-00) 17.6x53.5
DD09069-70 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) 20.0x28.0
DB08938 b Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 18.8x52.2
DB08812 Back Window (Heated)(6 HolesXSolar) (Movable) .... 19.7x53.5 DQ09072a Quarter L (Solar) (93.4" WB) 22.0x33.0
DB08811 Back Window (Heated)(6 Holes) (Movable) 19.7x53.5 DQ10722-23' Quarter R-L (Solar) (103.4" WB) (04-05) 18.0x41.0
DB08809b Back Window (Heated) , 18.8x52.3 DQ09075-76a Quarter R-L (93.4" WB) 22.5x32.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube DQ09071a Quarter R (Solar) (93.4" WB) 22.5x32.5
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DB10326 Back Window (HeatedX6 HolesXSolar) (03-05) 24.6x49.5
C Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DB10325 Back Window (HeatedX6 Holes) (03-05) 24.6x49.5
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DB10182 Back Window (EncapXHeatedX6 Holes)(Solar) (98-
02) 24.6x49.5
DB09074 Back Window (6 Holes) (98-02) 24.6x49.5
Liberty 4 Door Utility 2002-2005 D1309073 Back Window (HeatedX6 Holes) (98-02) 24.6x49.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5
a II
e i
* ,
FW02212c d Windshield 31.0x53.0 FW02361a b Windshield (Heated)(Solar) (Heated Wiper Park Area)
FD21105-06 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) 25.0x37.5 34.1 x58.3
FD21468-69 Door R/R-L 19.5x21.5
14.0x17.5 FW02360a b Windshield (Heated)(Solar) (Electrochromic Mirror,
FQ21472-73a Quarter R-L Heated Wiper Park Area) 34.1 x58.3
FV21470-71 Vent R/R-L 8.8x14.0 FD21831-32 Door F/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 22.0x31.0
FB21474b Back Window (Heated) 22.2x44.0 FD21833-34 Door R/R L (2 Holes)(Solar) 22.5x23.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube FQ21837-38c Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) 15.5x30.4
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FV21835-36 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 10.3x13.0
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FB21839 Back Window (Heated)(6 Holes)(Solar) 19.8x54.6
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
Sedona Mini Van 2002-2005
Spectra 4 Door Hatchback 2005
84 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
FW02494b c Windshield
FD22381-82 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) 23.8x38.0
FD22383-84 Door R/R-L (2 Holes) 23.3x31.3
FB22455a Back Window (AntXHeated) 28.5x51.0
FB22385a Back Window (Heated) 28.5x51.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FW02494b Windshield
FD22381-82 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) 23.8x38.0
FD22383-84 Door R/R-L (2 Holes) 23.3x31.3 Sportage 2 Door Utility 1999-2002
FB22455a Back Window (Ant)(Heated) 28.5x51.0
FB22385a Back Window (Heated) 28.5,51.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Niva (cont.)
FT04768 Vent F/R-L 8.9x12.3
FB05215 Back Window 17.2x43.7 75 Connoisseur 4 Door Sedan (MEXICO Only).. 2000 - 2003
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5
FW02213b c Windshield (Mexico Only)
Niva Pickup 2 Door Standard Cab 1998 FD21112-13 Door F/R-L (Mexico Only)
FD21114-15 Door R/R-L (Mexico Only)
(CANADA Only) FV21116-17 Vent R/R-L (Mexico Only)
FB21118a Back Window (AntXHeated) (Mexico Only)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FW00765a b Windshield 22.0x54.7 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FT04769 Door F/R-L 16.1x21.5 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FT04768 Vent F/R-L 8.9x12.3
FI'04771 Back Window
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes Discovery 4 Door Utility 1998-1999
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5
Freelander 2 Door Utility 2003-2005 LR3 (cont.)
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FW02178a b Windshield (Solar) (00-01) 32.0x58.0 FW02366b c d Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) 30.5x58.3
FW02036a b Windshield (98-99) 32.0,68.0 FW02365b c Windshield (Solar) (Electrochromic Mirror) 30.5x58.3
FD20200-01 Door F/R-L 32.7x20.5 FD21848-49 Door F/R-L (Solar) 17.8x29.6
FD20202-03 Door R/R-L 31.9x21.0 FD21850-51 Door R/R-L (Solar) 22.5x34.0
FB20199a Back Window (Ant)(Heated)(Solar) 33.5x59.8 FQ21854-55 Quarter R-L (EncapX1 HolesXSolar) (Movable) 193x29.0
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FV21852-53 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 7.0x19.0
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 FB21856a Back Window (EncapXHeated)(1 HolesXSolar) 21.3x52.5
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
GS 300 4 Door Sedan 2001-2005 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
GS 430 4 Door Sedan 2001-2005 d Rain Sensor Kit
88 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaG • Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
IS 300 Sport Cross 4 Door Station Wagon 2002-2005 LX 470 4 Door Utility 1998-2005
RX 330 (cont.) Aviator (cont.) III
90 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Names Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DQ10411a Quarter L (EncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Appli- DB10265 Back Window (HeatedX5 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
que, Med. Wedgewood Blue) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 Aspen Green Metallic) 29.0255.0
DQ10409a Quarter L (EncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Appli- DB10264 Back Window (HeatedX5 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
que, Aspen Green Metallic) (From 12/02/2002) Gold Ash Metallic) 29.0%55.0
DQ1040? Quarter L (EncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Appli- a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
que, Gold Ash Metallic) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DQ10405a Quarter L (EncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Appli- d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1
que, Red Fire) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10263d Quarter L (Solar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, Min-
eral Gray Metallic) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 Blackwood 4 Door Crew Cab 2002
DQ10261d Quarter L (Solar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, (USA Only)
Ceramic White Tri-Coat) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10259d Quarter L (Solar) (Ebony, Bonded Color-keyed Appli-
que) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10257d Quarter L (Solar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, Sil-
ver Birch Metallic) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10255d Quarter L (Solar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, Med
Wedgewood Blue) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10253d Quarter L (Solar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique,
Aspen Green Metallic) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10251d Quarter L (Solar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, Gold
Ash Metallic) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10249d Quarter L (Solar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, Red
Fire) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 DW01458a b Windshield (Solar) (Electrochromic Mirror) 373x66.4
DD09131-32 Door F/R-L (Solar) 27.03E34.2
DQ10418a Quarter R (AntXEncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed DD09747-48 Door R/R-L (Solar) 25.5x27.5
Applique, Mineral Gray Metallic) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 DR09299 Roof (Solar) 18.03E40.0
DQ10416a Quarter R (AntXEncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed DB10012 Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) 183x58.0
Applique, Ceramic White Tri-Coat) (From 12/02/2002) a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
19.2x34.7 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Darn/Primer - Quantity 2
DQ10414a Quarter R (AntXEncapXSolar) (Ebony, Bonded Color-
keyed Applique) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2%34.7
DQ10412a Quarter R (AntXEncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Continental 4 Door Sedan 1998-2002
Applique, Silver Birch Metallic) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10410a Quarter R (AntXEncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed
Applique, Med. Wedgewood Blue) (Fr= 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 00210068
DQ10408a Quarter R (AntXEncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed
Applique, Aspen Green Metallic) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10406a Quarter R (AntXEncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed
Applique, Gold Ash Metallic) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10404a Quarter R (AntXEncapXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed
Applique, Red Fire) (From 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7
DQ10262d Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique,
Mineral Gray Metallic) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 DW01593b Windshield (Solar) (W/9 1/4" Third Visor Frit) (From
DQ10260d Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, 11/2001)(02) 38.0x59.0
Ceramic White Tri-Coat) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2%34.7 DW01484b c Windshield (Solar) (W/101/4" Third Visor Frit) (From
DQ10258d Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Ebony, Bonded Color-keyed 11/2001)(02) 38.0x59.0
Applique) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 DW01318b Windshield (Solar) (To 11/2001) 38.0x59.0
DQ10256d Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, DD09697-98 Door F/R-L (Solar) (OE, Lincoln Logo) (From 02/01/
Silver Birch Metallic) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 1999)(99-02) 16.5x35.5
DQ10254d Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, DD08719-20 Door F/R-L (Solar) (To 02/01/1999) (98-99) 16.5x35.5
Med. Wedgewood Blue) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 DD09700-01 Door R/R-L (Solar) (OE, Lincoln Logo) (From 02/01/
1999) (99-02) 16.5x25.5
DQ10252d Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, DD08721-22 Door R/R-L (Solar) (To 02/01/1999) (98-99) 16.5x25.5
Aspen Green Metallic) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 DR09348 Roof (Solar) 19.0x34.0
DQ10250d Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, DV08723-24a Vent R/R-L (Solar) 12.0115.0
Gold Ash Metallic) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 DB09746b Back Window (HeatedXSolar)(Fmm 11/22/1999)(00-
DQ10248d Quarter R (AntXSolar) (Bonded Color-keyed Applique, 02) 32.0x57.2
Red Fire) (To 12/02/2002) 19.2x34.7 DB08725b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (To 11/22/1999) (98-
DV10093-94 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 9.7x19.6 00) 32.0x57.2
DB10732 Back Window (HeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
Export Only, Paint To Match) 29.0%55.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
DB10731 Back Window (HeatedX3 HolesXSolar) (Assembly, b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Paint To Match) 29.0%55.0 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DB10271 Back Window (HeatedX5 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
Red Fire) 29.01E55.0
DB10270 Back Window (HeatedX5 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
Mineral Gray Metallic) 29.03E55.0
DB10269 Back Window (HeatedX5 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
Ceramic White Tri-Coat) 29.0155.0
DB10268 Back Window (HeatedX5 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
Ebony) 29.0x55.0
DB10267 Back Window (HeatedX5 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
Silver Birch Metallic) 29.0x55.0
DB10266 Back Window (HeatedX5 HolesXSolar) (Assembly,
Med. Wedgewood Blue) 29.0x55.0
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks Names
92 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
94 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS' Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
B2300 Pickup (cont.) Millenia 4 Door Sedan 1998-2002
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Mercedes Benz
FW02177b Windshield
FD21002-03 Door F/R-L
FD21004-05 Door R/R-L
FQ21008-09a Quarter R-L
FV21000-01 Vent F/R-L
FW02107c d Windshield (Paint Band) 36.7x57.5 FV21006-07a Vent RJR-L
FD20538-39 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) 22.0x36.0
FD21413-14 Door R/R-L 19.0x21.5 FB21010a Back Window (Heated)
FQ21417-18a Quarter R-L (Encap) 18.0x19.0 a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FV21415-16 Vent R/R-L 12.0x15.5 b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FB21419b Back Window (HeatedX1 Holes) 21.3x45.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube C230 2 Door Coupe 2002-2005
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes C320 2 Door Coupe 2003-2005
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
96 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGs Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Mercedes Benz
1 rThlpiir
-mosalli --------
-- 111W
Th lib.-
FW0248'7a Windshield (HeatedXSolar) (Rain Sensor, Heated
Wiper Park Area) (From 032100) (To 040892) (02-04)
FW02447a Windshield (HeatedXSolar) (Rain Sensor, Heated
ViZ n......, ' 1
a Wiper Park Area) (To 032099) (00-02)
FW02175 Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (To 032099) (00-02)
aa b
FW02045 Windshield (Rain Sensor) 33.5x57.8 FD20988-89 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (00-05) 17.0x36.0
FQ20990-91 Quarter R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (00-05) 16.0x29.0
FW00750 Windshield (WN.1.N. Notch) 33.5x57.8
FD04879-80 Door F/R-L 20.0x29.0 FB20992a Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) (Laminated) (00-
FD04881-82 Door R/R-L 20.0x20.5 05) 44.0x58.0
FVO4883-84 Vent R/R-L 12.5x12.7 a High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FB20273 Back Window (Ant)(HeatedXSolar)
FB04885 Back Window (Heated)(Solar)
High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Rain Sensor Kit
CL500 2 Door Coupe
CL600 2 Door Coupe
„.. ., mar
....-- w I, c
0----- FW02046b Windshield (Rain Sensor)
FW00744b Windshield
IV- (.5,"
i (ii-:-‘,Iii*-"k
i:? ' —1.1le-A
'- FD04835-36 Door F/R-L
FQ04837-38a Quarter R-L
cc d
FW02473 Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (04-05) 32.2x56.3
FB04839 Back Window (Heated) (Laminated)
a High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
FW02271 Windshield (Rain/Light Sensor) (02-03) 35.2x56.3 b High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
cc d
FW02258 Windshield (Solar) (02-03)
Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (02-03)
C Rain Sensor Kit
FQ21538-39 Quarter R-L (AntXEncapXSolar) (Alarm) (02-05)
FQ21536 Quarter R (EncapXSolar) (02-05)
FV21534-35 Vent R/R-L (EncapXSolar) (02-05)
FB21542 Back Window (AntXHeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (Alarm,
W/GPS, W/TV Antenna) (02-05) 25.0x47.3
/ ,........
., .41111111.1111n,-
FB21541 Back Window (AntXHeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (W/GPS, I
_..... , ,s„
, „„„,,__
ab W/TV Antenna) (02-05)
High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
s, c•ri)
High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Rain Sensor Kit
FW02429a Windshield (Solar) (Rain/Light Sensor) 33.0x56.0
FD21843-44 Door F/R-L (Solar) 16.7x39.5
FQ22140-41 Quarter R-L (Solar) 16.0x29.0
CL500 2 Door Coupe 2000 - 2005 A High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
CL55 AMG 2 Door Coupe 2001 -2005
CL600 2 Door Coupe 2001-2005
CL65 AMG 2 Door Coupe 2005
.,.. 1-.17A
v AXE)" gr,--
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks Na 3S'
Mercedes Benz
98 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Mercedes Benz
E320 (cont.) G500 4 Door Utility 2002-2005
G55 4 Door Utility 2003
FW02343c d Windshield (Solar) (W/Sunroof, Solar Coated, Rain/
Light Sensor) 35.3x58.3 G55 AMG 4 Door Utility 2004-2005
FW02342c d Windshield (Solar) (W/Sunroof, Rain/Light Sensor) 35.3x58.3
FW02341c d Windshield (Solar) (Solar Coated, Rain/Light Sensor) 34.3x60.3
FW02340c d Windshield (Solar) (Rain/Light Sensor) 34.3x60.3
FW0205g d Windshield (Rain Sensor) 35.0x59.2
FW00818c Windshield 35.0x59.2
FD21776-77 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Solar Coated) 21.0x35.0
FD21774-75 Door F/R-L (Solar) 21.0x35.0
FD05562-63 Door F/R-L 22.2x33.7
FD22068-69 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Solar Coated) 21.3x23.8
FD22066-67 Door R/R-L (Solar) 21.3x23.8
FD05582-83 Door R/R-L 22.2x22.7
FQ22076-77a Quarter R-L (Ant)(Solar) (Laminated, Solar Coated) 14.5x34.0
FQ22074-75a Quarter R-L (Ant)(Solar) 14.5x34.0
FQ05586-87b Quarter R-L 16.5x39.0
FV22072-73 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Solar Coated) 13.2x15.5 FW02469b Windshield (Ant)(Heated) (Rain Sensor, Heated Wiper
FV22070-71 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 13.2x15.5 Park Area) (04-05) 20.5x57.6
FV05584-85 Vent R/R-L 15.0x17.0 FW02311b Windshield (Ant) (Rain Sensor) (02-05) 20.5x57.6
FB22079b Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(1 Holes)(Solar) (Lami- FD21696 Door F/R-L (02-05) 21.0x30.0
nated, Solar Coated) 20.3x54.8 FD21697 Door R/R-L (02-05) 21.0x27.0
FB22078b Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(1 Holes)(Solar) 20.3x54.8 FQ21699a Quarter L (Ant) (02-05) 19.0x30.0
FB05588b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes)(Solar) 19.7x46.5 FQ21698a Quarter R (02-05) 19.0x30.0
a High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube FB21700b Back Window (Heated) (02-05) 19.5x35.3
b High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes a High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes b High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
d Rain Sensor Kit Rain Sensor Kit
E320 4 Door Station Wagon 1998 -2003 ML320 4 Door Utility 1998-2003
ML350 4 Door Utility 2003-2005
ML430 4 Door Utility 1999-2001
ML500 4 Door Utility 2002-2005
ML55 AMG 4 Door Utility 2000-2004
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Mercedes Benz
100 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DW01506a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (From 09/03/ Monterey Mini Van 2004-2005
2002)(03-05) 33.1x65.0
DW01406a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (From 04/10/
2000) (To 09/03/2002) (00-03) 33.1x65.0
DW01327a b Windshield (Solar) (To 04/10/2000) (98-00) 33.1x65.0
DD10225-26 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (03-05) 21.9x34.7
DD08626-27 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (98-05) 23.0x34.8
DD10227-28 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated) (03-05) 20.1x21.9
DD09914-15 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) (LWB) (02-05) 23.4x26.1
DD08636-37 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) (98-05) 20.2x23.0
DR10797 Roof (Solar) (Assembly) (05) 18.1x31.6
DV10039-40 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (Assembly, LWB, Police, taxi) (02-
05) 13.0x19.3
DV08638-39 Vent R/R-L (Solar) (98-05) 13.0x19.3
DB10713a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (05) 23.8x61.9 DW01527b c Windshield (Solar) 42.5x64.3
DB09692a Back Window (Ant)(Heated)(Solar) (00-04) 23.8x61.9 DD10206-07 Door F/R-L (Solar) 26.2x35.9
DB08718a Back Window (Ant)(Heated)(Solar) (98-99) 23.8x61.9 DD10815a Door R/L (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (From 12/06/
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes 2004) (05) 24.0x40.2
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DD10083a Door R/L (Solar) (Sliding Cargo Door) (To 12/06/2004) 24.0x40.2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 101
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Monterey (cont.) Mountaineer (cont.)
DQ10532a Quarter R (Ant)(Solar) (Movable) (04) 21.5x35.5 DB10772 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
DB10511 b Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 28.5x58.7 (Assembly, Paint To Match) (To 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DB10560 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(5 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Export Only, E-Mark, Paint To Match)
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes (From 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DB10559 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(Solar) (Assembly,
Paint To Match) (From 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DB10555 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
Mountaineer 4 Door Utility 2003-2005 (Assembly, Export Only, E-Mark, Paint To Match) (To
03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DB10554 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Paint To Match) (To 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DB10028 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Mineral Gray) (To 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DB10027 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Oxford White) (To 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DB10026 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Ebony) (To 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DB10025 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Estate Green) (To 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DB10024 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Medium Blue) (To 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DB10008 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
DW01509b Windshield (Solar) (Export Only, E-Mark) 33.2x64.4 (Assembly, Silver Frost) (The 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DW01474b c Windshield (Solar) 33.2x64.4 DB10000 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(7 Holes)(Solar)
DD09870-71 Door F/R-L (Solar) 23.8x32.0 (Assembly, Toreador Red) (To 03/04/2002) 28.3x55.0
DD09872-73 Door R/R-L (Solar) 21.7x23.7 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DR09298 Roof (Solar) 16.6x32.0 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DQ09878d Quarter L (Encap)(Solar) (To 11/25/2002) (03) 19.8x36.2 Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
DQ10425-26a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) (Export Only, E-Mark) 19.8x36.2
DQ10424a Quarter R (Ant)(Encap)(Solar) (From 11/25/2002) 19.8x36.2
DQ10422-23 a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) (From 11/25/2002) 19.8x36.2
Mountaineer 4 Door Utility 1998-2001
DQ09877d Quarter R (Ant)(Encap)(Solar) (FM Antenna) (To 11/
25/2002) (03) 19.8x36.2
DQ09876d Quarter R (Encap)(Solar) (To 11/25/2002) (03) 19.8x36.2
DV09874-75 Vent R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) 9.7x19.6
DB10560 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(5 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Export Only, E-Mark, Paint To Match) 28.3x55.0
DB10559 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(Solar) (Assembly,
Paint To Match) • 28.3x55.0
DB10403 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(5 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Export Only, E-Mark, Paint To Match)
(03) 28.3x55.0
DB10402 Back Window (Encap)(Heated)(5 Holes)(Solar)
(Assembly, Paint To Match) (03) 28.3x55.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DW01363b c Windshield (Solar) (Mercury Logo Lwr Paint Band) 30.5x63.5
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DW01206b Windshield (Solar) (W/V.I.N. Notch) 30.5x63.5
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DD08732-33 Door F/R-L (Solar) 23.3x34.3
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5 DD09291-92 Door R/R-L (Solar) 23.3x23.3
DR09298 Roof (Solar) 16.6x32.0
DQ09409d Quarter R (Encap)(Solar) (W/Cell Phone Antenna
Mountaineer 4 Door Utility 2002 Mount) 20.0x41.5
DQ09407-08d Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) 20.0x41.5
DV09293-94a Vent R/R-L (Solar) (Grey Privacy) 5.6x203
DB09313 Back Window (6 Holes)(Solar) 22.7x55.7
DB09312 Back Window (Heated)(6 Holes)(Solar) 22.7x55.7
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5
Mystique (cont.) Tracer 4 Door Sedan 1998-1999
DD08709-10 Door F/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 22.0x36.3
DD08711-12 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 20.7x28.3
DR08735 Roof 18.2x32.0
DB09303a Back Window (Solar) 32.9x54.6
DB09302a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 33.0x52.5
DB08714a Back Window (Solar) (98) 33.0x52.5
DB08713a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (98) 33.0x52.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
•.iii •,,-)
Villager (cont.)
FW02048a b Windshield 35.9x57.2
FD04345-46 Door F/R-L (7 Holes) 20.5x41.2
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01253b c Windshield (Solar) (W/Keyless Entry) 39.0x64.0 3000GT 2 Door Coupe 1998-1999
DW01252b c Windshield (Solar) 39.0x64.0
DD08959-60 Door F/R-L (Solar) 24.0x40.0 (USA Only)
DD08961 d Door R/R (1 HolesXSolar) (Sliding Cargo Door, Gt) 22.0x37.0
DD08159d Door R/R (1 Holes) (Movable, Sliding Cargo Door, Yp,
Gt 93-95; Yp 93-97) 22.0x37.0
DR09309 Roof 25.0x34.0
DR08168 Roof 25.0x34.0
DD08962d Side L (1 Holes)(Solar) (Body Side, Gt) 22.0x37.0
DQ08%3-64 Quarter R-L (1 HolesXSolar) (Gt) 22 Ox31 0
DB08967 Back Window (HeatedX8 HolesXSolar) (Movable, Gt)
DB08966a Back Window (Solar) (Stationary) 24.0x57.0
DB08965a Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Stationary, Gt) 24.0x57.0
DB08166a Back Window (Stationary) 24.0x57.0
FW00668b c Windshield 35.9x57.2
DB08165a Back Window (Heated) (Stationary, Gt) 24.0,67.0 FD04345-46 Door F/R-L (7 Holes) 20.5x41.2
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FQ04372-73a Quarter R-L 16.5x23.0
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 FB04479b Back Window (Heated) 37.4x48.1
d Foam Core Butyl Tape - Quantity 1.5 FB04355b Back Window 37.4x48.1
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FW02305b Windshield (Rain Sensor) 32.2x55.7 FW02278b c Windshield (Solar) (W/Bracket) (From 05/1998) 35.5x58.0
FW02304b Windshield 32.2x55.7 FW02085b c Windshield (Solar) 35.5x58.0
FD21652-53 Door F/R-L 19.0x39.5 FW02084b c Windshield (W/Bracket) (To 05/1998) (98) 35.5x58.0
FQ21654-55a Quarter R-L 15.7x41.7 FD20194-95 Door F/R-L 21.0x33.5
FD20196-97 Door R/R-L 21.0x34.0
FB21656a Back Window (HeatedX1 Holes) 16.5x43.7
FB21365a Back Window (EncapXHeated) (00-05) 32.0x48.5
a Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FB20198a Back Window (Heated) (98-99) 32.0x48.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
104 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
0 %4-
'--- a.
... h i0-11
FD21085-86 Door F/R-L (7 Holes) 24.0x44.5
FQ21087-88a Quarter R-L 13.0x23.0 11114
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Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks NaGS
Galant 4 Door Sedan 2004-2005 Lancer 4 Door Sedan 2002-2005
FW02428b c Windshield (Solar) 36.0x60.0 FW02455b c Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (04-05) 37.5x57.0
FD22129-30 Door F/R-L (Solar) 18.5x36.5 FW02275b c Windshield (02-03) 37.5x57.0
FD22131-32 Door R/R-L (Solar) 18.0x26.5 FD21441-42 Door F/R-L 21.0x35.0
FV22133-34 Vent R/R-L (EncapXSolar) 5.3x 9.0 FD21443-44 Door R/R-L 20.0x26.0
FB22136a Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) (W/Diversity FV21445-46 Vent R/R-L 8.3x12.0
Antenna) 30.5x46.5 FB21447a Back Window (Heated) 26.0x52.0
FB22135a Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) 30.5x46.5 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Lancer 4 Door Station Wagon 2004-2005
Galant 4 Door Sedan 1999-2003
I ''-'11
rfr'N.„ t %
t ---,yin ......—_
ff" C Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
0 1.4.,_ Nil.
Outlander 4 Door Utility 2003-2005
FW02407" Windshield (03-05) 30.3x59.3
F'W02180 c d Windshield (01-02) • 30.3x59.3
FD21036-37 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) 25.0x37.0
FD21038-39 Door R/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 24.0x26.0 ''
FQ21042-43a R Quarter
-L (1 Holes)(Solar) 19.3x26.5 - - " d'.OAK
FV21040-41 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 11.5x19.5
FB21044b Back Window (Heated)(Solar)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
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b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes ,•,..;
111/4..-*41111 1n11.
C Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FW02499" Windshield (04-05) 36.3x54.5
FW02370" Windshield (W/Compass) (03) 363x54.5
Montero 4 Door Utility 1998-2000 FW02369" Windshield (03) 36.3x54.5
(USA Only) FD21866-67 Door F/R-L 19.0x33.5
FD21870-71 Door R/R-L (Solar) 19.0x27.5
FD21868-69 Door R/R-L 19.0x27.5
FQ21874-75a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) 15.5x23.0
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'. FB21876b Back Window (Heated)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
dUrethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
/ Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer
an - Quantity 2
) - , 11."--
FW00711a b Windshield 26.5x59.5
FD04619-20 Door F/R-L 22.0x33.5
FD04621-22 Door R/R-L 19.3x22.0
FQ05304-05 Quarter F/R-L (1 Holes) (Movable) 15.5x19.3
FQ05306-07 Quarter R/R-L (Stationary) 16.7x19.3
FQ04625-26 Quarter R-L 20.7x32.0
FVO4623-24 Vent R/R-L 11.7x32.0
FB04877 Back Window (Ant)(Heated) 20.5x50.5
FB04627 Back Window (Heated) 20.5x50.5
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 107
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Nissan Names
350Z 2 Door Coupe 2003-2005
108 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
NAGS Nissan
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks NaGS'
Frontier Pickup 4 Door Crew Cab 2005 Maxima 4 Door Sedan 2004-2005
110 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NAGS Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Pathfinder 4 Door Utility 2005 Platina 4 Door Sedan (MEXICO Only) 2005
FW02510a b Windshield (Solar) 33.1x60.2
FD22456-57 Door F/R-L (Solar) 23.5x32.6 FW02506a b Windshield (Mexico Only)
FD22483-84 Door R/R-L (Solar) 21.2x22.7 FD22425-26 Door F/R-L (Mexico Only)
FQ22487-88 Quarter R-L (Solar) FD22427-28 Door R/R-L (Mexico Only)
FV22485-86 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 11.5x19.5 FV22429-30 Vent R/R-L (Mexico Only)
FB22489 Back Window (Heated)(Solar) FB22431 Back Window (Mexico Only)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Sentra 4 Door Sedan 2000-2005 Titan 4 Door Crew Cab 2004 - 2005
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
DB09442' Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 35.5x51.5 DQ10564-65' Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) (03-04) 18.5x34.0
DB09441' Back Window (Ant)(Heated)(Solar) 35.5x51.5 DQ09979-80' Quarter R-L (Ant)(Encap)(Solar) (02) 18.5x34.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DV10089-90 Vent R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) 9.8x19.8
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 DB09983 Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 26.0x54.0
DB09982 Back Window (Solar) 26.0x54.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
Aurora 4 Door Sedan 2001-2003 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
' Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
d Rain Sensor Kit
Bravada 4 Door Utility 1998-2001
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Bravada 4 Door Utility 2002-2004
DW01299' b Windshield 38.5x60.9
DD09181-82 Door F/R-L 23.0x32.5
DD09183-84 Door R/R-L 23.0x26.5
DV09185-86 Vent R/R-L 14.5x 9.8
DB09188a Back Window 31.7x54.8
iir1111n IL DB09187' Back Window (Heated) 31.7x54.8
l I Iai
ro ri ir llI I I r '
"1 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
I r Ve
Pie it gik, VI. o b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
I 1 0,
1 (1, lier
DW01448b c d Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) 33.4x59.6
DW01447b c Windshield (Solar) 33.4x59.6
DW01446b c d Windshield (Rain Sensor, Export Only) 33.4x59.6
DW01445b c Windshield (Export Only) 33.4x59.6
DD09965-66 Door F/R-L (Solar) 21.5x34.0
DD09967-68 Door R/R-L (Solar) 18.5x21.5
DQ10566' Quarter L (EncapXSolar) (W/On-Star) (03-04) 18.5x34.0
DQ09981 a Quarter L (Encap)(Solar) (W/On-Star) (02) 18.5x34.0 1,‘
114 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications 115
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Silhouette Mini Van 1998-1999 306 4 Door Sedan (MEXICO Only) 1998-2003
DB09454a Back Window (1 Holes)(Solar) (W/Wiper) (From 12/ C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
22/1997) 23.4x57.3 d Rain Sensor Kit
DB09453a Back Window (HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (W/Wiper)
(From 12/22/1997) 23.4x57.3
407 4 Door Sedan 2005
DB09108a Back Window (98)
DB09107a Back Window (Heated) (98) 23.4x57.3
DB09084a Back Window (Solar) (W/Wiper, Gt 9/22/97 Up) (To
12/22/1997) (98) 23.4x57.3
DB09083a Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (W/Wiper, Gt 9/22/97 FW02509b c Windshield (Solar) (Export Only)
Up) (To 12/22/1997) (98) 23.4x57.3 FD22443-44 Door F/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Export Only) 22.5x36.5
FD22441-42 Door F/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (Export Only) 21.0x40.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FD22447-48 Door R/R-L (Solar) (Laminated, Export Only) 20.0x33.0
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes FD22445-46 Door R/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (Export Only) 23.0x30.5
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5
FB22449a Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Export Only)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
206 2 Door Hatchback (MEXICO Only) 2001-2005
116 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
NAGS" Plymouth
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
118 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Grand Prix (cont.) Montana Mini Van 1999 - 2005
Trans Sport Mini Van 1998
DB09115a Back Window (Solar) 36.8,65.0
DB09110 Back Window (AntXHeated)(Solar) (To 06/01/2000)
(98-00) 36.8x55.0
DB09113a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 36.8x55.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01270* b c Windshield (Encap)(Solar) 36.5x57.2
DW01192a b c Windshield (Encap) 36.5x57.2
DD08656-57 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) 22.2x30.9
DD08658-59 Door R/R-L (2 Holes) 21.6x22.8
DV08660-61 Vent RJR-L (Paint Band) 10.5x14.8
DB10671* Back Window (Heated) (W/On-Star) (From 10/10/
2003)(04-05) 31.7x53.7
DB10670a Back Window (Heated) (W/On-Star) (To 10/10/2003)
(04) 31.7x53.7
DW01271' b c Windshield (Encap)(Solar) 36.0,67.0 DB08663a Back Window (Paint Band) 31.7x53.7
DW01193' b c Windshield (Encap) 36.0x57.0 DB08662a Back Window (Heated) (Paint Band) 31.7x53.7
DD08904-05 Door F/R-L (7 Holes) 20.0x41.4 fli
DQ08906-07 Quarter R-L 17.3x20.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
DB08909 Back Window 15.8x34.5 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DB08908 Back Window (Heated) 15.8x34.5 Encapsulation Lubricant
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 Sunfire 4 Door Sedan 1998-2002
Encapsulation Lubricant
122 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Names Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Sunrunner (cont.) 911 Carrera (cont.)
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FW02376a Windshield (AntXSolar) (02-05) 30.5x59.5
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5 FW02352a b Windshield (Ant) (Rain Sensor) (99-01) 35.0x54.0
FW02096a Windshield (Ant) (99-01) 35.0x54.0
Vibe 4 Door Hatchback FD20474-75 Door F/R-L 17.5x38.0
2003-2005 FQ20478-79 Quarter R-L 10.5x13.4
a High Modulus Non-Conductive Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Rain Sensor Kit
124 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Megane 4 Door Sedan (MEXICO Only) 1999-2005
-- -..._......,n1 . ,
FW02104b c Windshield (Solar) (Mexico Only) 35.3x55.8 '-- InINNIMIll.
Door F/L (Mexico Only) (0 1 -05) .FD2159 -..
FD21518a Door F/R (Mexico Only) (01-05)
FD21520-21 Door R/R-L (Mexico Only) (01-05)
It 0°
FV21522-23 Vent R/R-L (Mexico Only) (01-05)
FB21524a Back Window (Mexico Only) (01-05) FW00797a b Windshield (98-03) 31.5x57.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FD05452-53 Door F/R-L (98-03) 19.0x37.0
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FQ05454-55 Quarter R-L (98-03) 17.0x22.0
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 FB21146 Back Window (Heated) (Aftermarlcet) (98-03) 15.3x35.3
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Scenic 4 Door Hatchback (MEXICO Only) 2001-2005
9-3 2 Door Hatchback 1999-2002
FW02103c d Windshield (Solar) (Mexico Only) 39•3765•3 900 2 Door Hatchback 1998
FD21511-12 Door F/R-L (Mexico Only) 20.3x24.0
FD21513-14 Door R/R-L (Mexico Only) 22.0x29.8
FQ21515-16a Quarter R-L (Mexico Only) 13.5x25.0
FV21509-10 Vent F/R-L (Mexico Only) 15.0x18.0 04210009 111111.1111111111"1"-
FB21517b Back Window (EncapXHeatedX1 Holes) (Mexico
Only) 23.5x49.5 /CW -'
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes itilliiIIIIIIIIIIII N 111/1119111111r1
C Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes -*"4/411P...5.11. 7 =011- jaw
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 ''
Scenic 4 Door Sedan (MEXICO Only) 1999-2004 FW00755c d Windshield (Solar) (98-02) 31.1x56.7
FD05321-22b Door F/R-L (Solar) (98-02) 19.0x37.0
FQ05323-24a Quarter R-L (Solar) (98-02) 15.6x34.0
FW02103a b Windshield (Solar) (Mexico Only) 39.3x55.3 FB04900c Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (98-02) 37.8x49.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FB04899c Back Window (Heated) (98-02) 37.8x49.0
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
' Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
. ' d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
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FW02451 a b Windshield (EncapXSolar) (Rain Sensor) 32.5x61.5
FW02450a b Windshield (EncapXSolar) 32.5x61.5 FW00755b c Windshield (Solar) (98-02) 31.1x56.7
FD22218-19 Door F/R-L (Solar) 18.5x38.0 FW00754b C Windshield (98-02) 31.1x56.7
FQ22220-21 Quarter R-L (EncapXSolar) 16.0x22.5 FD04903-04 Door F/R-L (Solar) (98-02) 19.2x32.8
FB22222 Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 16.0x38.0 FD04901-02 Door F/R-L (98-02) 19.2x32.8
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FD04907-08 Door R/R-L (Solar) (98-02) 19.0x28.5
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 FD04905-06 Door R/R-L (98-02) 19.0x28.5
FQ04911-12a Quarter R-L (Solar) (98-02) 10.0x22.1
FQ04909-10a Quarter R-L (98-02) 10.0x22.1
FB04900b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (98-02) 37.8x49.0
FB04899b Back Window (Heated) (98-02) 37.8x49.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
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FW02374Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) FW00760a Windshield (Solar) (WN.I.N. Notch) 31.1x58.3
38.1x59.3 FD04919-20 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.0x35.5
FW02373b ' Windshield (Solar) 38.1x59.3 FD04921-22 Door R/R-L (Solar) 21.5x22.0
FD21887-88 Door F/R-L (Solar) 19.6x32.0 FVO4923-24 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 11.3x17.8
FD21889-90 Door R/R-L (Solar) 18.5x22.5 FB04941a
FV21891-92 Vent RJR-L (Encap)(Solar) 9.5x12.0 Back Window (Heated) (CS, CSE, PARS System) I3.5x61.0
FB21893a Back Window (Ant)(HeatedXSolar) 30.0x47.4 a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes ,
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
' Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 . :
Ion 2 Door Coupe 2003-2005
9-5 4 Door Sedan 1999-2005
11"111 - 1111-9141.1
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DW01524b c Windshield 38.5x60.7
DD10394-95 Door F/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) 18.6x37.9
FW02324a ' Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (02-05) DQ1039 6-9? Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) 14.3x21.7
FW02088a Windshield (Solar) DB10398 b Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 32.6x49.4
FD20432-33 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.0x35.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
FD20434-35 Door R/R-L (Solar) 22.4x23.2 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FV20436-37b Vent R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) 11.0x15.0 Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FB20438a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 30.7x50.8
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Encapsulation Lubricant
Ion 4 Door Sedan 2003-2005
' Rain Sensor Kit
......... Ir • 010
.ik El' 0
1111.11111V DW01523b c Windshield 37.2x57.9
VNII 0::4- bAV..1.9.
ir DD10387-88 Door F/R-L (Solar) 14.4x41.3
CU'', e ea DD10389-90 Door R/R-L (Solar) 12.5x30.6
Vi w DV10391-92 Vent R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) 8.4x13.2
DB10445a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) (W/On-Star) 21.9x49.4
FW02324` d Windshield (Solar) (Rain Sensor) (02-05) 37.8x62.3 DB10393a Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 21.9x49.4
FW02088c Windshield (Solar) 37.8x62.3 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FD20432-33 Door F/R-L (Solar) 22.0x35.0 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FD20941-42 Door RJR-L (Solar) 21.0x22.0 c Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FQ20945-46a Quarter R-L (Ant)(Encap)(Solar) 13.5x40.0
FV20943-44 Vent R/R-L (Encap)(Solar) 11.0x16.0
FB20947b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes)(Solar) 19.6x49.7
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
' High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Rain Sensor Kit
126 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
128 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Names Seat
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks Nac5S
Subaru „op
Al p. ) Impreza 4 Door Sedan 2002-2005
__ .,CO 40
limy V toII libw lil
FW02334' d Windshield (Heated) (Heated Wiper Park Area) 32.0x60.0
FW02333c d Windshield
FD21759-60 Door F/R-L
20.5x31.5 '410 .i:,1)1 NIIV°
FD21761-62 Door R/R-L 20.5x29.0 hiF 4, vs ,
FQ21764a Quarter L (Ant) 17.3x25.5 ,717i
FQ21763a Quarter R 17.3x25.5
FB21765b Back Window (Heated)(1 Holes) 20.0x48.0 FW02424b c Windshield (Heated) (Heated Wiper Park Area) (04-
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube 05) ', 35.0x58.6
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FW02245b c Windshield 35.0x58.0
dUrethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FD21351-52 Door F/R-L (8 Holes)(Solar) 24.0x35.0
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 FD21353-54 Door R/R-L (6 Holes)(Solar) 23.5x31.0
FB22119a Back Window (Ant)(Heated) (04-05) 28.0x51.5
Forester 4 Door Utility 1998-2002 FB21355a Back Window (Heated) (02-03) 28.0x51.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
a.-' C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
/MI ,
r ..9°‘ -
FW02119' d Windshield (Heated) (Heated Wiper Park Area) (99-
02) 34.9x59.6 -=-11410
FW02058c d Windshield 34.9x59.6 h _..IF : --p-
FD20290-91 Door F/R-L (7 Holes) 24.5x35.0 - -tit,.*
FD20292-93 Door R/R-L (6 Holes) 25.0x31.0
FQ21570a Quarter L (Ant) (From 03/2001) (01-02) 18.5x28.0
FW02424b c Windshield (Heated) (Heated Wiper Park Area) 35.0x58.0
FQ20776a Quarter L (Ant) (To 02/2001) (99-01) 18.5x28.0
FW02245b c Windshield 35.0x58.0
FQ20295a Quarter L (98-00) 18.5x28.0 FD21351-52 Door F/R-L (8 Holes)(Solar) 24.0x35.0
FQ20294a Quarter R 18.5x28.0 FD21353-54 Door R/R-L (6 Holes)(Solar) 23.5x31.0
FB21400b Back Window (Heated) (Paint Band) (01-02) 20.5x51.0 FB22137a Back Window (AntXHeated) 28.0x51.5
FB20296b Back Window (Heated) (Paint Band) (98-00) 20.5x51.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
' Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Impreza 4 Door Sedan 1998-2001
Impreza 2 Door Coupe 1998-2001
043i0016 AlliplIM ____
MEI FW00741 b c Windshield
FD04824-25 Door F/R-L (5 Holes)
: eaft"...1::: 5 MEN
..,..,,k FD04826-27 Door R/R-L 23.3x31.5
%.c.4 FB04828a Back Window (Heated) 27.9x50.4
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FW00741' d Windshield 37.0x55.5 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FD05448-49 Door F/R-L 19.5x40.5 C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FQ05450-51 a Quarter R-L 17.3x25.8
FB04828b Back Window (Heated) 27.9x50.4
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube '
130 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
FW02425c d Windshield (Heated) (Heated Wiper Park Area) (04- FW02435b Windshield (Heated) (Heated Wiper Park Area) (04) .. 35.7x59.0
05) 36.3x57.2 FW02434b Windshield (04) 35.7x59.0
FW02252c d Windshield 36.3x57.2 FW02155b Windshield (Heated) (Heated Wiper Park Area) (00-
FD21448-49 Door F/R-L 21.0x31.5 03) 35.7x59.0
FD21450-51 Door R/R-L 21.07E29.0 FW02154b c Windshield (00-03) 35.7x59.0
FQ21431-323 Quarter R-L (Encap) 15.0x21.5 FD20841-42 Door F/R-L (6 Holes)(Solar) 22.8x33.5
FB22120b Back Window (AntXEncap)(Heated)(1 Holes) (04-05) FD20839-40 Door F/R-L (6 Holes) 22.8x33.5
22.5161.0 FD20854-55 Door R/R-L (5 Holes)(Solar) 22.9x31.0
FD20852-53 Door R/R-L (5 Holes) 22.9x31.0
FB21433b Back Window (EncapXHeated)(1 Holes) (02-03) ........ 22.5,61.0
FQ20858-59a Quarter R-L (EncapXSolar) 10.0x15.5
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes FQ20856-573 Quarter R-L (Encap) 10.0x15.5
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FB22299 Back Window (Solar) 32.5x49.5
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 FB22230b Back Window (AntXHeatedXSolar) 32.5x49.5
FB20860b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 32.5x49.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
Impreza 4 Door Station Wagon 1998-2001 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Outback (cont.
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Esteem 4 Door Station Wagon 1998-2002 Grand Vitara XL-7 4 Door Utility 2001-2003
XL-7 4 Door Utility 2004-2005
1 .°1 Vail
c IL
,0C . .0 .>
( -------
e© a
V a.v
ft 17
FW02423c d Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) (03-05) 31.0x55.0
FW02071 c d Windshield 35.3x57.4 FW02105c d Windshield (Solar) (Paint Band) (01-02) 31.0x55.0
FD20378-79 Door F/R-L 19.0x30.0 FD20522-23 Door F/R-L (2 Holes)(Solar) (01-05) 24.0x38.5
FD20380-81 Door R/R-L 19.0x28.5 FD21256-57 Door R/R-L (2 HolesXSolar) (01-05) 23.7x23.9
FQ20382-83a Quarter R-L 15.5x36.3 FQ21260-61a Quarter R-L (Solar) (01-05) 18.0x30.0
FV21258-59 Vent RJR-L (Solar) (01-05) 10.4x18.5
FB20384b Back Window 23.0x45.0
FB20530b Back Window (HeatedXSolar) (Paint Band) (01-05) ... 21.0x51.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
C Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 C Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
O r—a 14.--
1 il 1111011645910006
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. - I g
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134 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks NaGS
4Runner (cont.) Avalon 4 Door Sedan 1998-1999
FQ21884-85a Quarter R-L (Ant)(Solar) 19.0x35.0
FV21882-83 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 10 4x16 5
FB21886b Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 17.0x47.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Celica 2 Door Convertible 1998 - 1999 Celica 2 Door Hatchback 1998 - 1999
044i0054 04410048
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04410047 _4111111111-
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Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks NaGS
Echo 2 Door Coupe 2000-2005 Echo (cont.)
c Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
FW02375b ` Windshield 34.3x52.2
FD20887-88 Door F/R-L 23.5x36.5
FD22294-95 Door R/R-L Land Cruiser 4 Door Utility 1998-2005
FV22296-97 Vent R/R-L
FB22298a Back Window (Heated)
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes ---------,-___
' Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
liofti dmo
0 ...
Echo 4 Door Sedan 2000-2005
it. (7R ,g
138 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Names Toyota
. 1111 ---
p e.,2 . . .,
ro k
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044i0057 AllirAllittb..
'11 1, 11116\ '0 A EM
timer .40...
41. :
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um. 4m) Ra-
FW02479b c Windshield (Solar) (From 05/01/2004) (05) 38.5x58.0
FW02454c d Windshield 39.5x56.0
FW02302b W c indshield (To 05/01/2004) 38.5x58.0 FD22244-45 Door F/R-L (Solar) 20.0x34.5
DD10188-89 Door F/R-L (Solar) (From 05/01/2004) (05) 19.0x33.0 FD22246-47 Door R/R-L (Solar) 20.0x31.0
FD21701-02 Door F/R-L (To 05/01/2004) 19.0x33.0
DD10190-91 Door R/R-L (Solar) (From 05/01/2004) (05) 19.0x27.0 FQ22248-49a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) 15.0x17.5
FD21703-04 Door R/R-L (To 05/01/2004) 19.0x27.0 FV22242-43 Vent F/R-L (EncapXSolar) 8.0x12.0
FB22313 Back Window Up (Ant)(HeatedXSolar) 25.2x44.8
FQ22354-55a Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) (From 05/01/2004) (05) 14.5x25.0
FB22251a Back Window Lo (HeatedXSolar) 6.5x44.5
FQ21705-06a Quarter R-L (Encap) (To 05/01/2004) 14.5x25.0
FB22356 Back Window (Heated)(13 Holes)(Solar) (From 05/01/ FB22250b Back Window Up (Ant)(HeatedX1 HolesXSolar) (W/
2004) (05) 20.9x57.0 Wiper) 25.2x44.8
FB21707 Back Window (Heated)(13 Holes) (To 05/01/2004) .... 20.9x57.0 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes ' Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 d Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
„,„..e :- 11 -114-. . .
04410060 41111.111PME:a.
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FW02174b C Windshield (Solar)
FD20981-82 Door F/R-L (Solar)
FW02003b c Windshield (Paint Band) 31.3x56' FD20983-84 Door R/R-L (Solar) 18.0x25.0
FD20258-59 Door F/R-L 20.0x26.5 FV20985-86 Vent R/R-L (Solar) 10.0x12.0
FQ20260-61 a Quarter R-L (Encap) FB20987a Back Window (HeatedXSolar) 29.0x51.0
FV20256-57 Vent F/R-L 14.8x15.0
FB20262 Back Window (Encap)(Heated) 26.0x48.0 ab Urethane Dam Primer - 1.5 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,P ri mer - 2 Tubes
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes c Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
' Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
140 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Sienna Van 1998 -2003 Solara 2 Door Coupe 2004-2005
0 --- It
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,4 f
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Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Toyota NaGs
T100 Pickup 2 Door Extended Cab 1998 Tacoma Pickup (cont.)
FQ20421-22 Quarter R-L (3 Holes)(Solar) (99-00) 13.9x18.3
FQ05473-74 Quarter R-L (98) 13.9x18.3
Back Window (Solar) (Power, Aftermarket)
Back Window (Solar) (Aftermarket)
• 0 ) ler
Back Window (Aftermarket)
Back Window (Solar) (04)
Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (OE, 3 Panel) (01-04)
Back Window (Slider) (OE, 3 Panel) (01-03)
FB20423a Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (W/Frame, Assembly,
FW00739a b Windshield 29.0x61.8 OE) (99-00) 13.4x50.2
FD04796-97 Door F/R-L 21.3x34.3 FB05476a Back Window (Slider) (OE) (98) 13.4x50.2
FQ05553-54 Quarter R-L (3 Holes) (Movable) 16.0x20.0 FB05475a Back Window (98-03) 13.4x50.2
FY95025 Back Window (Power, Aftermarket) 15.2x58.3
FY95024 Back Window (Aftermarket) 15.2x58.3 ab Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FB04798 Back Window 15.2x58.3 Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Tacoma Pickup 2 Door Standard Cab 2005
T100 Pickup 2 Door Standard Cab 1998
FW02500a b Windshield (Solar) (W/Third Visor Frit) 41.7x61.7
FD22399-00 Door F/R-L 19.6x35.8
04410039 L11: FY95050 Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (Black Frame, Power,
Aftermarket, 3 Panel)
a FY95049 Back Window (Slider)(Solar) (Black Frame, Manual,
Aftermarket, 3 Panel)
W. _: --------11
__....-- FB22482 Back Window (Slider)(Solar)
co e a
FB22481 Back Window (Solar) (Stationary)
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Tacoma Pickup 4 Door Crew Cab 2001-2004 Tercel (cont.)
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
GTI (cont.) Golf (cont.)
FW02117b c Windshield (Mirror Mount, Rain Sensor, PAAS Sys- FW02006b Windshield (Euro Bracket, PAAS System) 32.1x60.0
tem) (99-05) 35.9x58.4 20.1 x24.2
FD04734-35 Door F/R-L
FW02115b Windshield (WN.I.N. Notch, Mirror Mount, PAAS FD04736-37 Door R/R-L 20.2x21.4
System) (99-05) 35.9x58.4 FVO4738-39 Vent R/R-L 12.1x16.9
FD20622-23 Door F/R-L (99-05) 20.9x36.0 25.7x47.5
FD20624-25 Door R/R-L (99-05) 21.9x23.0 FB20266a Back Window (Heated) (PAAS System)
FV20626-27 Vent R/R-L (99-05) 11.6x14.4 a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FB20628a Back Window (EncapXHeatedX1 Holes) (W/Wiper) b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
(99-05) 18.8x51.3
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes Jetta 4 Door Station Wagon 2001-2005
b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
C Rain Sensor Kit
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
Jetta (cont.) Passat (cont.)
High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes FW02124c d Windshield (Rain Sensor, PAAS System) (To 50000)
d Rain Sensor Kit (98-01) 35.0x55.0
FW02067 Windshield (PAAS System) (To 50000) (98-01) 35.0x55.0
FD20347-48 Door F/R-L 21.0x38.0
Lupo 2 Door Hatchback (MEXICO Only) 2004-2005 FD20349-50 Door R/R-L (1 Holes) 24.0x29.5
FQ20351-52a Quarter R-L (EncapX1 Holes) 12.8x13.0
FB20353b Back Window (Heated) (PAAS System) 31.7x46.0
FW02481 a Windshield (Ant) (Mexico Only)
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
FW02480a Windshield (Mexico Only) b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FD22341-42 Door F/R-L (Mexico Only) High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
FQ22343-44 Quarter R-L (Mexico Only) d Rain Sensor Kit
FB22346 Back Window (Heated) (Mexico Only)
FB22345 Back Window (Mexico Only)
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes Passat 4 Door Station Wagon 1998-2005
New Beetle 2 Door Convertible 2003-2005
FW02386a Windshield (Ant)(Solar) (PAAS System) 32.0x55.5 FW02249c d Windshield (Rain Sensor, VIN Notch, PAAS System)
FD21915-16 Door F/R-L (1 Holes)(Solar) 21.0x39.5 (From 50001) (01-05) 35.0x55.0
FQ21917-18 Quarter R-L (Encap)(Solar) 19.0x19.5 FW02248c Windshield (VIN Notch, PAAS System) (From 50001)
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes (01-05) 35.0x55.0
FW02124c d Windshield (Rain Sensor, PAAS System) (To 50000)
(98-01) 35.0x55.0
New Beetle 2 Door Hatchback 1998-2005 FW02067 Windshield (PAAS System) (To 50000) (98-01) 14,
FD20347-48 Door F/R-L 21.0x38.0
FD20647-48 Door R/R-L 19.4x28.6
FQ20651-52a Quarter R-L (From 07/1998) 17.0x35.0
FQ20649-50a Quarter R-L (To 06/1998) (98-99) 17.0x35.0
FB20653b Back Window (Heated) 19.6x53.6
a High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
High Modulus Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
d Rain Sensor Kit
Pointer 2 Door Extended Cab (MEXICO Only) ... 1999-2004 Touareg 4 Door Utility 2004-2005
S80 4 Door Sedan 1999-2005 V70 4 Door Station Wagon 2001 - 2005
148 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS Cars, Van/Utilities, Lt Trucks
V70 (cont.) V90 4 Door Station Wagon 1998
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Heavy Trucks
DW00865-66a bWindshield R-L 30.0x44.0 Kodiak C4500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
DT02715 Door F/R-L 24.0x25.0 Kodiak C6500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
DT02780 Door R/Lo (Plexi Glass, Inner) 9.0x27.0
DT02756 Roof F/R/Lo (Plexi Glass, Outer, Door) 9.0x15.0 Kodiak C8500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
DT02714 Vent F/R-L 6.0x22.0
DT01137 Back Window 16.03E58.0 Kodiak C7500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes 2003-2005
Kodiak C5500 2 Door Conventional Cab
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5
Heavy Trucks
Business Class M2 Extended Conventional Cab. 2003-2005 Classic XL Conventional Cab 1998-2005 )
(USA Only) FLC 120 Conventional Cab 1998-2003
FLD 112 Conventional Cab 1998-2005
DW01494b Windshield (Encap) 34.5x78.5 FLD 120 Conventional Cab 1998-2005
DD10237-38 Door F/R-L 22.5x28.0 FLD 120 SD Conventional Cab 2004-2005
DQ10240-41 Quarter R-L (Movable) 19.8x22.5
DV10235-36 Vent R-L (3 Holes) (Movable) 8.5x26.0 Raised Roof Conventional Cab 1998-2005
DV 10233-34a Vent R-L 8.5x26.0 Silver Aero Conventional Cab 1998-2003
DB10239 Back Window (Encap) 14.8x61.7
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5 DL04746a Windshield R-L (98-05) 19.8x34.6
DT02783 Door F/R/Lo (98-05) 8.0x14.0
DT04697 Door F/R-L (98-05) 20.0x21.0
DT02782 Vent F/R-L (1 Holes) (98-05) 8.0x18.0
C.O.E. Raised Roof Cabover 1998 DY90047 Back Window (Aftermarket) (98-05) 21.0x37.0
DT04666 Back Window (98-05) 21.0x37.0
a The "DL" Prefix of This Part Number Supercedes "DT"
DL04745a Windshield R-L 19.8x45.0
DT02783 Door F/R/Lo 8.0x14.0
DT04697 Door F/R-L 20.0x21.0 Condor Cabover/Cargo Truck 2001-2005
DT02782 Vent F/R-L (1 Holes) 8.0x18.0
DY90048 Back Window (Aftermarket) 10.0x26.0
DT02606 Back Window (Two) 14.0x14.0
DT02570 Back Window 10.0x26.0 DW01439 Windshield R-L (Two-Piece, Right Or Left) 37.2x45.4
DT09936 Door F/R-L (Right Or Left)
a The "DL" Prefix of This Part Number Supercedes "DT" DQ09937 Quarter R-L
DB09938 Back Window 20.0x36.0
Cargo Cabover 1998-2005
FL 106 Conventional Cab 1998-2003
DW00997a b Windshield 32.8x75.8 FL 112 Conventional Cab 1998-2005
DD07017-18 Door F/R-L (Movable) 23.0x26.0 FL 50 Conventional Cab 1998-2005
DT02804 Door F/R-L 7.0x24.0
DV07015-16 Vent F/R-L (Stationary) 13.0x45.0 FL 60 Conventional Cab 1998-2005
DT04733 Back Window (Two) 19.0x33.0 FL 70 Conventional Cab
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes 1998-2005
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5 FL 80 Conventional Cab 1998-2005
Century Class C112 Conventional Cab 1998-2005 DW01000a b Windshield (98-05) 35.0x75.0
Century Class C120 Conventional Cab 1998-2005 DT04734 Door F/R-L (98-05) 24.0x26.0
DT02805 Vent F/R-L (3 Holes) (98-05) 10.0x23.0
Columbia Conventional Cab 2001-2005 DT02806 Back Window (Two) (98-05) 14.0x31.0
Coronado Conventional Cab 2001-2005 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5
Forward W4 (cont.) W3500 Cabover 1999-2005
W4500 Cabover 1999-2005
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube W5500 Cabover 1999-2005
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DW01231 b c Windshield 31.3x72.6
T-Series T5500 Cabover 1998-2005 DD08941-42 Door F/R-L 32.0x35.5
DB08943a Back Window 13.0x34.0
T-Series T8500 Cabover 1998-2005
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
T-Series T7500 Cabover 1998-2005 b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
T-Series T6500 Cabover 1998-2005
W4500 4 Door Cabover 2002-2005
DW01301 b c Windshield 34.1x78.7
DD10603 Door F/R/Lo (Outer) 22.5x34.0 W5500 4 Door Cabover 2002-2005
DD09213 Door F/R/Lo (7 Holes) (Inner) 15.0x25.0
DD09211-12 Door F/R-L 27.0x32.5
DQ09214-15 Quarter R-L 12.5x20.0 DW01231 b c Windshield 31.3x72.6
DB09216a Back Window 18.3x40.0 DD08941-42 Door F/R-L 32.0x35.5
DD10041-42 Door R/R-L 23.Qx29.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes DB08943a Back Window 13.0x34.0
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5 a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1 Tube
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer Quantity 2
Topkick C4500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
Topkick C6500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
Topkick C7500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
Topkick C8500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005 Kabmaster 1 Door Step Van 1998-1999
Topkick C5500 2 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005 Kabmaster Step Van 1998-1999
DW01520b Windshield (Solar) (Minor Button) 39.0x73.0 DL04644a Windshield R-L (82") 31.0x38.0
DW01519b Windshield (Solar) 39.0x73.0 DL04579a Windshield R-L (93") 31.0x44.0
DD10375-76 Door F/R-L (Solar) 25.0x32.0 DL04578a Windshield R-L (86") 31.0x40.0
DY90106a Back Window (Solar) (Black Frame, Power, Aftermar- DL04577a Windshield R-L (78") 32.0x36.0
ket, 3 Panel) 22.0,67.0 DT02619 Door F/R-L 24.0x29.0
DY90105a Back Window (Solar) (Black Frame, Manual, After- DT04760b Quarter F/L (82" Kbk) 19.0x28.0
market, 3 Panel) 22.0x57.0 Quarter F/L (12", All Widths, Over Standard Height) • 20.0x28.0
DB10582 Back Window (SliderXSolar) (OE, 3pcs) 22.0x57.0 DT04692b
DT04685b Quarter F/L (6", 8", Over Standard Height) 20.0x28.0
DB10377a Back Window (Solar) 22.0x57.0
DT04684b Quarter F/L (Standard, Height, All Widths) 20.0x28.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DT04691 Quarter F/R-L (6", Under Standard Height) 16.0x26.0
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes DT04657 Quarter F/R-L (12", All Widths, Over Standard Height)
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5 16.0x28.0
DT02740 Quarter F/R-L (All Widths, 6", Over Standard Height)
Topkick C4500 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005 DT02739 Quarter F/R-L (Standard, Height) 16.0x28.0
Topkick C8500 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005 DT02617 Back Window (Two) 14.0x20.0
a The "DL" Prefix of This Part Number Supercedes "DT"
Topkick C7500 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005 b Doorless left side vehicle only
Topkick C5500 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
Topkick C6500 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005 Kurbmaster 1 Door Step Van 1998-1999
Kurbmaster Step Van 1998-1999
DW01520b c Windshield (Solar) (Mirror Button) 39.0x73.0 Kurbmaster Junior 1 Door Step Van 1998-1999
DW01519b c Windshield (Solar) 39.0x73.0 RPS Step Van 1998-1999
DD10375-76 Door F/R-L (Solar) 25.0x32.0
DD10580 Door R/R-L (Solar) 22.0x24.0 Routestar Step Van 1998-1999
DY90106a Back Window (Solar) (Black Frame, Power,'Aftermar-
ket, 3 Panel) 22.0x57.0
DY90105a Back Window (Solar) (Black Frame, Manual, After- DL04759a Windshield R-L (RPS) 35.0x44.0
market, 3 Panel) 22.0x57.0 DL04644a Windshield R-L (82") 31.0x38.0
DB10582 Back Window (SliderXSolar) (OE, 3pcs) 22.0x57.0 31.0x44.0
Back Window (Heated)(Solar) 22.0x57.0 DL04579a Windshield R-L (93")
DB10581 31.0x40.0
22.07;57.0 DL04578a Windshield R-L (86")
DB10377a Back Window (Solar) 32.0x36.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes DL04577a Windshield R-L (78")
DL02705a Windshield R-L (Crew) 24.0x34.0
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes
Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5 DL02623a Windshield R-L (Jr) 28.0x34.0
DT02621 Door F/L (Stationary, 400) 12.0x20.0
DT04569 Door F/R (400, Jr) 24.0x28.0
DT04639 Door F/R-L (Crew) 23.0x25.0
DT02619 Door F/R-L (86", 93") 24.0x29.0
DT04688b Quarter F/L (12", All Widths, Over Standard Height) 18.0x28.0
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Heavy Trucks Names
154 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
NaGS Heavy Trucks
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Heavy Trucks NaGS
156 Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Names• Heavy Trucks
4200 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
4300 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
Fuso FE Cabover 1998-2004 4400 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2005
Fuso FG Cabover 1998-2004 7000 4 Door Conventional Cab 2003-2004
Fuso FH Cabover 1998-2004
DW01451 b c Windshield (EncapXSolar) (03-05) 30.3%80.0
FW02013a b Windshield 29.7x72.5 DD10036-37 Door F/R-L (Solar) (03-05) 19.5x24.0
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes DD10246-47 Door R/R-L (Solar) (03-05) 22.5%26.0
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2
DV10034-35 Vent R-L (Solar) (03-05) 13.0x26.5
DY90111 Back Window (Solar) (Black Frame, Aftermarket, 3
Panel) (03-05) 18.5x57.8
Fuso FE-SP 4 Door Cabover 2002-2004 DB10038a Back Window (Solar) (03-05) 18.5x57.8
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes
FW02013a b Windshield 29.7x72.5 C Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2 4200 Conventional Cab 1998-1999
4300 Conventional Cab 1998-1999
Fuso FK Cabover 1998-2004 5000 Conventional Cab 1998-1999
Fuso FM Cabover 1998-2004 8500 Conventional Cab 1998-1999
9100 Conventional Cab 1998-2000
FW02014a b Windshield 33.7x75.5 9200 Conventional Cab 1998-2000
Urethane,Dam,Primer - 2.5 Tubes 1998-1999
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 2.5 9370 Conventional Cab
9370 SBA Conventional Cab 1998-1999
9400 Conventional Cab 1998-2000
Conco Conventional Cab ,• 1998-1999
1600-2100 Conventional Cab 1998-1999 Eagle Conventional Cab 1998-1999
2300-2600 Conventional Cab 1998-2003 Paystar Conventional Cab 1998-1999
3000 Conventional Cab 1998-1999 Transtar Conventional Cab 1998-1999
4600-4900 Conventional Cab 1998-2003
7100 Conventional Cab 1998-1999 DL04586a Windshield R-L (98-00) 20.0x36.0
8100-8300 S Conventional Cab 1998-2003 DT02789b Door F/R/Lo (98-00) 10.0x14.0
DT04587 Door F/R-L (98-00) 20.0x22.0
DT02817 Quarter R-L (Raised Roof Sleeper) (98-00) 10.3x16.0
DL04761 Windshield (98-03) 22.2x70.4 DT02816 Vent F/R-L (1 Holes) (98-00) 10.0x20.0
DT04647 Door F/R-L (2 Holes) (98-03) 22.07(25.0 DY90059 Back Window (Aftermarket) (98-00) 20.0x36.0
DV09273 Vent F/R-L (1 Holes) (98-03) 9.0x20.0 DT04588 Back Window (98-00) 20.0x36.0
DY90079 Back Window (Aftermarket) (98-03) 14.0x50.0 a The "DL" Prefix of This Part Number Supercedes "DT"
DT02781 Back Window (Double, Two, Slide) (98-03) 12.07(25.0 b Shape same as DT2639 but interchangeability problem due to thickness differ-
DT02774 Back Window (Stationary, Slide, Single) (98-03) 12.07(24.0 ences
DT02773 Back Window (Movable, Slide, Single) (98-03) 12.0x25.0
DT01170 Back Window (98-03) 14.0x50.0
4200 Extended Conventional Cab 2003-2005
4300 Extended Conventional Cab 2003-2005
4000 Conventional Cab 2001-2002
4400 Extended Conventional Cab 2003-2005
4200 Conventional Cab 2003-2005
7000 Extended Conventional Cab 2003-2004
4300 Conventional Cab 2001-2005
8000 Extended Conventional Cab 2003-2004
4400 Conventional Cab 2001-2005
7000 Conventional Cab 2001-2004
8000 Conventional Cab 2001-2004 DW01451b c Windshield (EncapXSolar) (03-05) 30.3x80.0
DD10036-37 Door F/R-L (Solar) (03-05) 19.5x24.0
DQ10244-45 Quarter R-L (Solar) (Movable) (03-05) 19.0x23.0
DV10034-35 Vent R-L (Solar) (03-05) 13.0x26.5
DW01451 b c Windshield (EncapXSolar) (01-05) 30.3x80.0
DD10036-37 Door F/R-L (Solar) (01-05) 19.57(24.0
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Heavy Trucks
262 (cont.)
DW00965-66a bWindshield 28.0%44.0
DT02715 Door F/R-L 24.0x25.0
Copyright (c) 2005 National Auto Glass Specifications
Western Star
Heavy Trucks
Autocar AC Series (cont.)
DT02779 Door R/Lo (Plexi Glass, Inner) 9.0x27.0
DT02756 Roof F/R/Lo (Plexi Glass, Outer, Door) 9.0x15.0
DT02714 Vent F/R-L 6.0x22.0 Constellation Series Conventional Cab 2001-2005
DT01137 Back Window 16.0x58.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5 DW01440-41 a bWindshield R-L (Two-Piece, Paint Band) 27.4x37.3
DD09039-40 Door F/R-L 23.0x30.0
DT04696 Back Window (High Hat) 18.0x36.0
FE42 Cabover 1998 DT04694 Back Window (Stationary, High Hat) 17.0x18.0
DT04693 Back Window (2 Holes) (Movable, High Hat) 17.0x18.0
a Urethane,Dam,Primer - 1.5 Tubes
FW00559 Windshield 31.9x78.5 b Fast-Cure Urethane/Dam/Primer - Quantity 1.5