SW2 Auditing Theory
SW2 Auditing Theory
SW2 Auditing Theory
SW #2
1. Define Standards?
2. What is GAAS?
GAAS is declared by the Board of Accountancy to set as the required level of quality by
the CPAs in performing financial statement audits.
General Standards
Standards of Fieldwork
Standards of reporting
4. What is PSA?
As stated at PSA 220, audit firm should implement policies and procedures designed
to ensure that all audits are conducted in accordance with the PSA. These policies must have
leadership responsibilities for quality on audits where it can be seen by emphasizing through
actions and messages the importance of performing work that complies with professional
standards. The second element is the ethical requirements, where the firm r must have ethical
behavior such as integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and professional behavior. The third
element id independence where an auditor must provide relevant information to identify
circumstances, document conclusions and take appropriate safeguards to eliminate such
threat. Fourth is acceptance and continuance of client relationships. The firm must consider
the integrity of the client, can comply the ethical requirements and competent to perform
engagement and ha the capabilities time and resources to do so. Fifth one is human resource
and assignment where the firm must establish policies to provide reasonable assurance that
has sufficient personnel with capabilities, commitments, competence to ethical principles
necessary to perform the engagement. Sixth is the engagement performance. It is performed
in accordance with professional standards and other regulatory and the audit report must be
issued appropriately in circumstances. Lastly, is the monitoring, where the continued
adequacy and operational effectiveness of quality control must be monitored.
Quality control review process that is designed to provide an objective evaluation and
certainty that quality parameters are deeply embedded into the accounting and auditing