GEC 9 Chapter 5
GEC 9 Chapter 5
GEC 9 Chapter 5
Learning Outcomes:
Class Activity:
1. Read the constitution of La Liga Filipina and fill out a table (graphic organizer) with
the aims of La Liga Filipina in one column and examples of these aims could be
attained in another column.
2. Read Rizal’s last letters to family members and Blumentritt.
3. Read Teodora Alonzo’s letter to Governor General Polavieja and write a similar
letter persuading him to spare Rizal’s life.
With the assistance of Father Francisco Sanchez, his former Jesuit teacher, Jose
buckled down to work. He enhanced the town plaza and accentuated it with a huge relief map of
Mindanao, which can still be viewed today. One of the impressive projects of Jose was the
water system he designed and constructed in order that people of
Dapitan can have access to clean water. In spite of lack of funds,
exiguous resources and no government assistance, he was able to
build it, armed only with his training in Ateneo, readings of
engineering books, sheer determination and ingenuity. To reduce the
occurrence of malaria, he drained the marshes where mosquitos
thrived. Utilizing the 500 pesos he received from an English patient,
he introduced a lighting system made up of coconut oil lamps in glass
protectors which lighted up dark areas in the town.
1. A letter of Antonio Luna to Mariano Ponce, dated Madrid, October 16, 1888,
showing Rizal's connection with the Filipino reform campaign in Spain.
2. A letter of Rizal to his family, dated Madrid, August 20, 1890, stating that the
deportations are good for they will encourage the people to hate tyranny.
3. A letter from Marcelo H. Del Pilar to Deodato Arellano, dated Madrid, January 7, I
889, implicating Rizal in the Propaganda campaign in Spain.
4. A poem entitled Kundiman, allegedly written by Rizal in Manila on September
12, 1891.
In the Orient beautiful
Where the sun is born
In a land of beauty
Full of enchantments
But bound in chains.
Where the despot reigns,
The land clearest to me.
Ah! That is my country,
She is slave oppressed
Groaning in the tyrant's grips;
Lucky shall he be
Who can give her liberty!
The oral testimonies of the following persons: Martin Constantino. Aguedo de! Rosario,
Jose Reyes, Moises Salvador, Jose Dizon, Domingo Franco, Deodato Arellano. Ambrosio
Salvador, Pedro Serrano Laktaw, Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Antonio Salazar, Francisco Quison, and
Timoteo Paez were forwarded as testimonial evidence against Jose.
On November 26, 1896, Judge Advocate, Colonel Francisco Olive forwarded the records
of the case to Governor General Ramon Blanco, who designated Captain Rafael Dominguez as
special Judge Advocate to initiate proceeding against Jose. Captain Dominguez submitted a
summary of the action to Governor General Ramon Blanco who thereupon, send it to the Judge
Advocate General, Don Nicolas De la Pena.
After studying the papers, Pena submitted the following recommendations: (1) the
accused be immediately brought to trial; (2) he should be kept in prison; (3) an order of
attachment be issued against his property to the amount of one million pesos as indemnity; and
(4) he should be defended in the court by an army officer, not by a civilian lawyer (Zaide and
Zaide, 2014).
With his counsel by his side, charges were read to Jose in his prison cell on December 1
L 1896. He was accused, Medina ( 1998) disclosed, of being "the principal organizer and the
living soul of the Filipino insurrection, the founder of societies, periodicals and books dedicated
to fomenting and propagating ideas of rebellion." Jose was not against the jurisdiction of the
court, but asserted that he was not guilty of revolution. He acknowledged that he authored the
Constitution of the Liga Filipina and emphasized that it was simply a civic alliance. He reiterated
that he had no political involvement since his exile to Dapitan. On December 13, 1896, Captain
Dominguez transmitted Jose's case to the new Governor General of the Philippines, General
Camilo G. de Polavieja who replaced General Ramon Blanco.
During the time Jose was in prison cell at Fort Santiago, he penned a manifesto
seriously asking the Filipino people to cease the needless and tumultuous war. He encouraged
them to attain freedom through education and habit of working hard and steadily, Palma (1964)
promulgated this manifesto as follows:
My Countrymen:
On my return from Spain, I learned that my name had been used as a war
cry among some who were in arms. The news painfully surprised me, but
believing it was all over, I kept silent over what I considered irremediable. Now I
hear rumors that the disturbances continue, and lest any person should still go
on using my name in bad or good faith, to remedy this abuse and to undeceive
the unwary, I hasten to address you these lines so that the truth may be known.
From the beginning, when I had news of what was being planned, I opposed it,
fought it, and demonstrated its absolute impossibility. This is the truth, and
witnesses to my word are still living. I was convinced that the idea was highly
absurd and, what was worse, would bring great suffering. I did more. When later,
in spite of my counsels, the movement broke out, I spontaneously offered not
only my services, but my life, and even my name so that they might use them in
the manner they saw fit to suppress the rebellion, for, convinced of the evils that
would befall them, I considered myself fortunate if, at any sacrifice, I could
prevent such useless misfortunes. This is equally of record.
The trial of Rizal was an eloquent proof of Spanish injustice and misrule.
More than a farce, it was patently a mistrial. Rizal, a civilian, was tried by a
military court composed of alien military officers. His case was prejudged; he was
considered guilty before the actual trial. The military court met not to give him
justice, but to accuse and condemn him. lt accepted all charges and testimonies
against him, and ignored all arguments and proofs in his favor. Moreover, Rizal
was not given the night (which any accused is entitled to have in a real court of
justice) to face the witnesses against him in open court.
The trial of Jose commenced in the Cuartel de Espana, a military building, on December
26, 1896, at eight o'clock in the morning. Present in the trial were seven members of the military
court: Lt. Col. Jose Togores Arjona (President), Capt. Ricardo Munoz Arias, Capt. Manuel
Reguerra, Capt. Santiago Izquierdo Osorio, Capt. Braulio Rodriguez Nunez, Capt. Manuel Diaz
Escribano, and Capt. Fermin Perez Rodriguez. Also in the military court were Lt. Don LuisTaviel
de Andrade (Jose's defense counsel) Capt. Rafael Dominguez (Judge Advocate) Lt. Enrique de
Alconcer (Prosecuting Attorney) and observers which included Josephine Bracken, a sister of
Jose, newspapermen, and other Spaniards.
Judge Advocate Capt. Rafael Dominguez began the trial and explained the case leveled
against Jose. Jose was charged of three crimes: rebellion, sedition, and illegal association. Lt.
Enrique de Alconcer, prosecuting lawyer, advanced a gingerly harangue, detailing accusations
against Jose. He mercilessly made an effort to persuade the members of the military court to
punish the accused with death sentence. Lt. Don Luis Taviel de Andrade, defense counsel of
Jose tried hard to come up with a convincing defense. He brought an end to his defense by
reminding the judges to be fair and avoid vindictiveness in their judgment. After Lt. Don Luis
Taviel de Andrade's defense, the court queried Jose if there is anything he wanted to say. Jose
confidently read a supplement to his defense. De Viana, Augusto V. et al (2011) put forward
Jose's supplementary defense as follows:
1. He could not be guilty of rebellion, for he advised Dr. Pio Valenzuela in Dapitan not to
rise in revolution.
2. He did not correspond with the radical, revolutionary elements.
3. The revolutionists used his name without his knowledge. If he were guilty he could
have escaped in Singapore.
4. If he had a hand in the revolution, he could have escaped in a Moro Vinta and
would not have built a home, a hospital, and bought lands in Dapitan.
5. If he were the chief of the revolution. Why has not he consulted by the revolutionists?
6. It was true he wrote the by-laws of the Liga Filipina, but this a civic association ---
not an evolutionary society.
7. The Liga Filipina did not live long, for after the first meeting he was banished to
Dapitan and it died out.
8. If the Liga was reorganized nine months later, he did not know about it.
9. The Liga did not serve the purpose of the revolutionists, otherwise they would not
have supplanted it with the Katipunan.
10. If it were true that there were some bitter comments in Rizal's letters, it was
because they were written in 1890 when his family was being persecuted, being
dispossessed of houses, warehouses, lands, etc. and his brother and all his
brother-in-law were deported.
11. His life in Dapitan had been exemplary as the politico-military commanders and
missionary priests could arrest.
12. It was not true that the revolution was inspired by his one speech at the house
of Dorotea Ongjunco, as alleged by witnesses whom he would like to confront. His friends
knew his opposition to armed rebellion. Why did the Katipunan send an emissary
to Dapitan who was unknown to him? Because those who knew him were aware that he
would never sanction any violent movement.
The biased military court was apathetic to Jose's appeal. After a brief deliberation, the members
of the military court agreed to convict Jose and sentenced him to death. On December 26,
1896, the unjust military court decision was given to Governor General Camilo G. de Polavieja
who asked the judgment of judge advocate General Nicolas de la Pena who confirmed the
death verdict. On December 28, 1896, Governor General Camilo G. de Polavieja signed the
court-martial's decision to execute Jose Rizal. Medina (1998) presented this decree as follows:
It is commonly believed that on December 29, 1896, Jose composed his last poem, Mi
Ultimo Adios (My Last Farewell). He was able to thrust it inside an alcoh0I cooking stove which
he gave to his sister Trinidad to whom, he divulged 'There is something in it.' Jose's last poem,
composed without a title and unsigned was translated in English by Charles E. Derbyshire,
which runs below:
My Last Farewell
The advance guard of four soldiers with bayoneted rifles moved. A few meters
behind, Rizal walked calmly, with his defense counsel (Lt Luis Taviel de Andrade) on
one side and two Jesuit priests (Fathers March and Vilaclara) on the other. More well-
armed soldiers marched behind him.
Rizal was dressed elegantly in a black suit, black derby hat, black shoes, white
shirt and a black tie. His arms were tied behind from elbow to elbow, but the rope was
quite loose to give his arms freedom of movement.
To the muffled sounds of the drums, the cavalcade somnolently marched slowly.
There was a handful of spectators lining the street from Fort Santiago to the Plaza de!
Palacio in front of the Manila Cathedral. Everybody seemed to be out at Bagumbayan
where a vast crowd gathered to see how a martyr dies.
As Jose calmly made his way to Bagumbayan, he remarked about the beauty and
serenity of the morning, uttered a few observations about Corregidor, the mountains or Cavite
and the Ateneo College. Upon reaching the place of execution, Jose noticed the very large
number of prying persons and soldiers waiting for them. After final blessings were bestowed on
him he said his adieu to Fr. March, Fr. Villaclara and Lt. Taviel de Andrade. Jose's request that
he be shot facing the firing squad was denied because there was an order to shoot him in the
back. The normal pulse of Jose, felt by Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo, a Spanish military doctor,
proved that he did not fear death. Above the beating of the drums that filled the air was the cold-
blooded command "Fuego" (Fire) which ended Jose's life. He fell to the ground three minutes
past seven o'clock in the morning and was declared dead.
Expectedly, the passing away of Jose Rizal's was greeted with joy by his enemies. On
the contrary, those who love, respected and supported him were brokenhearted and painfully
inflamed. For them, he died a hero and martyr to Philippine freedom.
Summative Evaluation
Film Viewing
Option 1: Jose Rizal, GMA Films, directed by Marilou Diaz Abaya
Option 2: Rizal sa Dapitan by Tikoy Aguiluz
Reflection paper about the film. Guide questions:
a. Describe the life of Rizal as represented in the film.
b. Based on your reading and class discussion, what can you say
about the film's representation of Jose Rizal?
c. What is the main question that the film seeks to answer?
d. What is your own reflection based on the film and your own understanding?
3. Describe Rizal’s life in Fort Santiago upon arrival in Spain.
4. Discuss some proof implicating Rizal to the insurrection.
5. Discuss Jose Rizal’s retraction on his Catholic faith. Prove your answer.
Exercise 1
Modified true or false: Write true if the statement is correct. If false, encircle the word that
renders it wrong and supply the correct answer on the space provided.
4. _____________________Jose firmly believed that the Katip11neros are not ready for a
5. _____________________Jose named his baby boy 'Joselito" who sadly only lived for three
Exercise 2
Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only the letter of answer
on the space provided.
Column A Column B