CLB Additional Sample Task Ideas ISBN 978-1-897100 82 0

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Canadian Language

Task Ideas

Grazyna Pawlikowska-Smith | April 2002

The author of the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000: Additional Sample Task Ideas would
like to express appreciation to:

• ESL colleagues, both academics and classroom teachers, for their ongoing
commitment to a deeper understanding and facilitation of the process of second
language learning and teaching

• The Board of Directors, staff of the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, and
the CCLB Liaison Committee in particular, for providing support, assistance and
ensuring efficient communication during the project; a special thank you to Shelley
Bates, Rob Boldt, Carolyn Dieleman, Peggy Frederiske, Susan Holmes, Beth Vye,
and also Pauline McNaughton (CCLB Executive Director), Tara Holmes and
Audrey Bufton

• The Advisory Committee: Tracey Derwing (University of Alberta), Elisabeth

Gatbonton (Concordia University), Ann Grey-Elton (Calgary Public Schools) and
Marian Rossiter (Simon Fraser University) for reviewing the manuscripts, helpful
comments, guidance, encouragement and support

• Professor Marianne Celce-Murcia, UCLA, for inspiration and encouragement

• Copy editor, Leonard Judge

Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000: Additional Sample Task Ideas is a companion document to the
CLB 2000: Theoretical Framework and builds on the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000 with an
extensive listing of additional sample task ideas for Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing Benchmarks.

This version contains the content of the Canadian Language Benchmarks 2000: Additional
Sample Task Ideas. CCLB has reviewed the tasks and determined that they are still largely
appropriate for use. Users are advised to refer to the Canadian Language Benchmarks: English
as a Second Language for Adults, 2012 edition to see when, where and how the ideas fit. The
design update does not affect the original content.
© 2022: Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks

The copyright holder gives permission for users of the document to make copies of
selected pages for educational use within their organization. For any other copying or
distribution, permission must be received in writing from:

Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks

294, rue Albert Street, pièce/Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E6
613-230-7729 | |

ISBN 978-1-897100-82-0
Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of reading texts and tasks

 Examples of reading texts  Examples of reading tasks

 Common public signs, business cards, labels on store products of daily use; Pay here, Please pay the
cashier, Print, No entry, Do not enter, Walk, Do not walk, Open/Closed, Exit, Washrooms, We are open, No
Parking, Coffee special $4.50, One item per customer only, Cashier, Out of order, Staff only, Wet floor,
Slow, Business hours, Seniors' day, Out of stock, Back at 1:30, Churchill Square, Jasper Avenue, One way,
Congratulations, Season’s Greetings, Happy New Year, Happy Birthday, Our sympathy, Press to open.

Read time and dates presented in several formats; use the information to mark the calendar or a personal
schedule. Read an appointment note (day, date, time, address, name of person to contact); mark the
appointment in a calendar. Use a simplified familiar map of the neighbourhood, community, or a floor
plan to locate specific places or facilities. Read common signs and symbols in public spaces; match them
with appropriate words or phrases. Read and check the total on a receipt, bill or invoice. Identify
subway stations by sight recognition of their names on a subway line diagram. Check expiration dates
information on foods and drugs; use the information to mark items on the inventory list as "OK" or "not
OK".  Read a story, locate details and provide them in the blanks. Example: His name is ____ .
He is_____ years old. He was born on______. He is from ________ . He has ______ children.
His phone number is ________.

 Remove muddy shoes or boots, Please report to reception, Please wait to be seated, Do not enter, Do not
disturb, Meeting in progress, Please go to room 12, 3rd floor, Boardroom, In emergency turn handle to open
door, Wash your hands after using the toilet, On your graduation, On your wedding anniversary, On your
retirement, On your promotion, On your new arrival, Get well soon, Wishing you were here, Arrivals,
Departures, Customs, Flight 195 Toronto Edmonton, Canadian, scheduled arrival 7:30 pm. Delayed.
Flight 235 Frankfurt Vancouver, Lufthansa, Scheduled arrival 7:45. Arrived, Due date, Charges, Net
amount, Final sale, Non-refundable.

Find personal names in the White Pages or other directories. Compare two lists to check off names,
addresses or other items. Follow 1-4 step simple familiar instructions with pictures. Read measures,
weight, temperature, pressure, volume, speed, etc. on displays / instruments. Read a map or a diagram to
check the location of specific items and to verify the correctness of statements about their location in another
text. Use information from a building directory to label locations on a diagram of the building. Read a
cheque, a bill or an invoice for specific answers to factual questions. Identify details about products in sale
ads (prices, sizes, colours, etc.). Read a standard table of clothing sizes (various clothes including
underwear and shoes) to locate specific details and to complete a personal information sheet of sizes for
yourself and another family member or a friend. Use written information and a calendar to prepare a
schedule (class schedule, field trip schedule, child's orchestra practice or swimming schedule). Read
garment labels and tags. Find washing instructions, material, size, where and by whom the garment was

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

 Bills, pay slips, classified ads (rent, sale), simple medicine labels, simple recipes, TV schedules and
entertainment preview guide, short news items and popular magazine articles, short educational and
informational texts, short biographical prose, slips, tickets, tags.

Read simple 2-3 line instructions on medicine labels. Read note with instructions from doctor or nurse
(in neat handwriting) on treatment: how to take medicine, what to do in case of problems, next appointment.
Follow written instructions on routine tasks (seasonal car maintenance schedule, moving in and out, home
and house maintenance). Compare two simple product advertisements with pictures. Find information
on a pay slip. Read the menu from two popular fast food restaurants and compare prices on selected items.
Get information from simple standard forms. Find phone numbers of companies, public institutions and
agencies with full-word names, like "Aspen International". Find phone numbers of municipal, provincial
and federal governments in the White Pages. Read and follow instructions for operating a home phone,
office phone, cellular phone. Read a simple notice (e.g., when and where new classes/programs/summer
day camps begin). Answer (true/false) questions on a paragraph about work, daily life in the community or
school. Read food packaging labels and find out: fat content, calories, best before date, price per 100
grams. Choose cards for the following situations: achievement, sickness, passing away of a person.
Read some display notices typical in a hotel room. Read simple classified ads (apartments for rent, sale.)
 Match names of particular businesses or departments in a large building / shopping complex with their
equivalents on a simple diagram.

 Medicine labels; recipes; short, simple texts on kids’ safety; home and yard maintenance; money saving
tips; planting and caring instructions on seed packages and in catalogues; baby formula preparation
instructions; short personal letters; handwritten text in greeting cards for various occasions, including short
poems; personal notes; reference materials, newspapers.

 Look through mail and rank it according to some priority.  Read the menu from a popular family
restaurant (not fast food restaurant).  Make choices depending on the person for whom you are ordering,
the time of day, and how much you are willing to pay.  Find in the White Pages phone numbers for
organizations with names like “E.E.B. Signs Ltd.".  Find the number for transit information.  Identify
the purpose and topic of various brochures and flyers; sort them into categories.  Read a simple formal
letter from school, training program, settlement agency.  Read a brief, straightforward announcement of a
public event.  Read a short newspaper article.  Read a simple brochure, flyer.  Read classified
newspaper ads, including job ads.  Sort junk mail into " must read carefully - maybe needs action" and
"throw into the recycling box".  Read short passages on popular science, health and technology.  Read
stories of other people’s life journeys.  Read short children’s stories and nursery rhymes with your
children.  Follow instructions for playing a family board game with your children.  Read specific long-
term weather information and forecasts to decide what to pack for various trips.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of speaking tasks

 Examples of speaking tasks

C / Community access tasks:  Explain how to take specific medication, according to a doctor’s or
pharmacist’s instructions and information.  Request a parent - teacher interview.  Using visual support
materials, give instructions / directions on how to get from various locations to other locations using the
transit system (train, bus).  Request help / assistance in a large store.  Request advice at a pharmacy
when looking for a specific cure / relief.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Tell a detailed story / report an incident / report a simple experiment or
scientific observation based on a series of pictures.  Describe a typical day, activities and routines of
various human populations and groups, at present and in the past, and in various geographical locations.
 Describe / discuss life circumstances of a historical character, based on a researched text or other
materials.  Ask for a day off, explaining special reasons /circumstances.

W / Workplace tasks:  Report / briefly describe activities of the day (at work, school, at home). 
Suggest a ‘special’ using the printed menu or information displayed on a board.  Describe simple menu
items: ingredients and preparation.  Warn a co-worker of danger or a safety problem in a work situation.
 Ask for a day off explaining special reasons /circumstances.  Participate in a workplace training
exercise with encouragement and patience from co-workers.  Describe a problem on the job (e.g.,
breakdown of machinery or equipment) with enough detail to make the situation clear for the co-workers.

C / Community access tasks:  Phone to order a takeout meal (e.g., pizza), no special instructions
included.  Speak to the receptionist when you arrive late for an appointment (e.g., at the doctor’s).
 Participate in a discussion in a small familiar group; exchange opinions and ideas without dominating the
discussion.  Describe in detail the weather and climate in your home country at this time of year.  Give
medical history of self and family members (e.g., surgery, illness, allergies, medication).  Ask and answer
questions in a parent-teacher interview.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Discuss in a small familiar group similarities and differences between
peoples, places, jobs, events, etc.  Research and compare geographical areas / travel destinations in a short
(5-7 minutes) presentation for a familiar a small group.  Present information about Canadian cities, other
geographical locations or communities, governments, institutions or population, from an oral presentation.
 Present information about a Canadian short story, poem, play, non-fiction text.  Describe and compare
two individuals.  Research and present a topic on Canadian citizenship, government, social issues.
Describe a simple science experiment.  Call to report an absence, illness.

W / Workplace tasks:  Prepare and present a speech about your educational and employment
background, personal qualities and work experience for a job interview.  Phone to make an appointment
for a job interview.  Describe simple “chef’s special”.  Describe materials in the manufacturing process.
 Help a customer with a suggestion / opinion in a retail sale.  Provide work-related feedback / opinion
when asked by the supervisor in a small informal team meeting.  Make a request to borrow tools or to have

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

tools fixed.  Take an order for a fast food item in a face-to-face conversation.  Describe simple menu
dishes and drinks.  Relate special instructions to the kitchen.  Explain a sequence of events leading up to
a situation.  Suggest to someone to try a product.  Interview individuals for a survey, poll, or census in
order to fill out a standard survey form.  Describe and compare two or three store products.  Call on the
phone to request a meeting.  Speak briefly on routine matters with familiar suppliers of goods and services
(e.g., discuss the content and timing of routine deliveries).  Speak briefly with customers to clarify routine
orders.  Interact with payroll and human resources workers to seek or clarify specific personally relevant
information.  Explain to a new worker how to do a familiar routine task: explain sequence, procedure,
method, materials.  Describe materials in the manufacturing process: texture, size, quantity, quality,
tolerance, etc.  Give or withhold permission to borrow tools; give reasons.  Engage in small talk during
breaks.  Explain why things are not working.  Report errors in operation.  Make a simple suggestion
on an element that should be changed; give reason; make a simple prediction of consequences. (I think that
we should change this detail of X because..... It will improve Y.)

C / Community access tasks:  Get needed services from a doctor, dentist, or pharmacist.  Order a meal.
 Ask for detailed meal suggestions at a restaurant.  Ask a doctor or a nurse for advice about specific
problems.  Ask advice from a financial advisor about basic RRSP investment.  Ask a mechanic/ car
expert for advice on a mechanical problem or about a car purchase.  Give recommendations to friends,
neighbours on a familiar topic.  Provide information regarding services in the area / neighbourhood.
 Ask for recommendations or advice in a business meeting / formal discussion.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Ask counsellors or peers for information and advice on matters of education
and career; discuss choices.  Reject recommendations in a socially appropriate manner; provide
explanations.  Make a 10-minute oral presentation on organisms, energy and matter, mechanics and
machines, computer and other technology.  Make a 10-minute oral presentation about Canadian cities,
other geographical locations or communities, governments, institutions or population.  Make a 10-minute
oral presentation about the characteristics of Canadian culture and other cultures.  Make a 10-minute oral
presentation of a Canadian short story, poem, non-fiction.  Describe, compare, and contrast characteristics
that people in specific careers or occupations are expected to demonstrate, e.g., social workers and lab
workers, or greenhouse workers and real estate agents.

W / Workplace tasks:  Speak with co-workers and supervisors to clarify schedules and coordinate
activities.  Respond to minor client complaints by apologizing and addressing the problem; refer serious
complaints to the supervisor.  Consult with supervisor and get approval on direction and co-ordination of
work.  Speak with familiar suppliers of goods and services to obtain information such as the capabilities of
a specific machine.  Make travel arrangements for a business trip; arrange and confirm accommodation.
 Interact with others (clients, neighbours, colleagues) to share stories and knowledge of a subject area /
local area (history, resources, flora and fauna, tourist attractions).  Summarize simple information on
routine company policies and procedures for customers.  Convey accurate information on service charges,
fees, etc.  Take an order at a restaurant.  Describe and compare two similar simple dishes / menu items.
 Make an extended suggestion on how to solve an immediate single problem or how to improve a
procedure or outcome; give reason; predict consequences / effect of certain actions (We should do this:....If
we do X, Y will happen and it will solve the problem ).  Evaluate / question the validity of a suggestion/
proposed solution to an immediate single problem; warn co-worker or supervisor of negative results or
effects of proposed changes / lack of action. (If we do X, Y will happen, and it will not solve the problem /
will make the problem worse.).  Negotiate time taken on particular tasks.  Describe to a customer the
features of two similar items, e.g., two different brands of a coffee maker.  Handle a complaint or

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

dissatisfaction from a customer in an initial stage; refer him / her to the supervisor.  Approach supervisor
to report a workplace problem and possible consequences.  Answer the phone with a set phrase and answer
basic questions, e.g., about hours of operation.  Answer product / stock based questions from co-workers
in person or over the phone, sometimes by calling another location about the needed item.  Make work-
related suggestions in staff meetings, e.g., point out perceived safety hazard and suggest a way to deal with it.
 Approach the supervisor / management to ask for/ discuss a raise or a promotion.  Introduce / present
colleagues, guests, customers at a meeting.  Thank formally colleagues, guests, customers at a meeting.

C / Community access tasks:  Obtain detailed complex consumer information on goods and services.
Give instructions and directions to movers on packing, loading and shipping.  Prepare and present a
proposal / plan for an itinerary of a group trip.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Present a summary of the newscast for the day.  Present an analysis of one
or two issues of Canadian cities, other geographical locations or communities, governments, institutions or
population.  Engage in a conversation on familiar but abstract ideas. Examples: Discuss in a group: sports,
politics, social and family issues, relationships between people, values and attitudes (e.g., concept of time or
family in various cultures).  Present an analysis of one or two issues about Canadian culture and other
cultures.  Present an analysis of one or two issues involving organisms, energy and matter, mechanics and
machines, and technology.  Research and explain instructional guidelines on self-help topics in health,
wellness and disease prevention (e.g., diet, exercise, sleep, stress).  Present an analysis of one or two issues
in Canadian short stories, poems, or non-fiction.  Present a synopsis based on notes from lecturettes or
presentations on the subject of language learning or interpersonal communication.  Tell someone a story to
illustrate a point.  Present researched information about oral hygiene and simple dental procedures.

W / Workplace tasks:  Ask about job opportunities and openings in person and on the phone.
 Present qualifications effectively in a job interview.  Answer the phone in a professional manner
(identify organization and yourself; greet and connect a caller; give routine information; hold a conversation,
close).  Give instructions on: operating cash register; processing sales; documenting merchandise return.
 Present a complaint to a person and work with them towards resolving the conflict (neighbours, work,
school).  Make a 15-minute formal business presentation to a small familiar group; present a company,
product, service, process, or issue.  Speak with suppliers to determine availability of material, to purchase
goods and exchange information on products.  Speak with colleagues / co-workers and resource people to
obtain information when collaborating on a project.  Report to colleagues / co-workers, supervisors,
teachers on work progress.  Make a presentation to recommend that certain changes be made, and to
propose a detailed solution.  Participate in a performance review with an instructor or supervisor.  In a
restaurant work context, take a reservation for a large party over the phone, including specific details
(number of high chairs), and pre-ordering.  Participate actively in group work or a brainstorming meeting.
 Summarize / present information as a spokesperson for a small work group at a seminar / training course.
 Explain a problem with a new program, machine, procedure; present a possible detailed solution.
 Respond to client complaints and make suggestions for a resolution.  Receive and entertain visitors.
 Conduct a tour of the facility / workplace / school for outside visitors; explain operation, answer
questions.  Respond to a complaint over the phone by empathizing and referring the caller to management.
 Take a food delivery order / simple catering order over the phone, including optional / additional details
(napkins, cutlery, condiments).

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of listening tasks

 Examples of listening tasks

C / Community access tasks:  Listen to a pharmacist’s instructions on how to take specific medication;
repeat the information back.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Draw a diagrammatic picture or figure involving 5-7 different elements
(e.g., geometrical shapes: triangle, square), following 7-10-step instructions.  Get 15-20 essential details of
one kind (e.g., numerical values, times, dates, sums of money) from an instructional oral text (e.g., a recipe),
story or a report in a "fill-in-the-blank" format.  Get 10 essential details (e.g., numerical values, times,
spatial directions, names, locations) from a 150-200 words instructional continuous oral text.  Identify key
words from a listening text on basic science (human body; food chemistry / nutrition; environment).
 Dictation: write down 10 operations (place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on whole
numbers, fractions and decimals.  Identify key words and ideas in a fragment of a Canadian short story,
poem, non-fiction presented orally.

W / Workplace tasks:  Follow instructions on basic food preparation, cleaning, safety or security
procedures. Follow the key points in a staff meeting about changes to the company medical benefits.

C / Community access tasks:  Listen to a 2-3 minute discussion of new trends and products by two
consumer product experts. Recall 70% of the information: identify 7 out of 10 important points.  Follow
main ideas and essential details in a meeting of a familiar small group or team (school, community).
 Listen to oral instructions (e.g., on how to unclog a sink drain), follow visual aids, take notes. Repeat the
information back in detail.  Understand oral directions / explanations given over the phone on how to
change planes at a large international airport, while looking at a map / diagram. Take notes. Repeat the
information back in detail.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Dictation: write down 10 expressions concerning the concepts of rate, ratios,
percentage and proportion.  Identify key language in the use of coordinates to describe positions of objects
in two dimensions.  Identify key language in the descriptions of motion in transformations (slide, turn,
flip).  Identify key language in describing spatial relations of 2-D and 3-D objects.  Identify details in
number operations in solving mathematical money problems.  Identify details in a text about decimal
numbers and standard units of measure (mass / weight, length, volume, time).  Identify a short piece of
information about the characteristics of a plant, animal, object, energy and matter from an oral presentation.
 Identify details in orally stated predictions of outcomes from experiments.  Identify a short piece of
information about the characteristics of Canadian cities, other geographical locations or communities,
governments, institutions or population, from an oral presentation.  Identify a short piece of information in
a fragment of a Canadian short story, poem, non-fiction presented orally.  Predict outcomes in a Canadian
short story, poem, non-fiction presented orally.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

W / Workplace tasks:  Respond to short instructional videos in the workplace training.  Follow
shipping / loading / unloading instructions. Move furnishings and other items and place them exactly as
directed.  Follow instructions from the supervisor on what to do next, changes in scheduling or assembly
procedure.  Follow comments on what is wrong and must be corrected.  Follow instructions and details
in coordinating teamwork.  Follow instructions from an inspector about the specifications on an operation
sheet: check data off.  Identify main ideas and essential details presented in a meeting of a familiar small
group or team at work.  Take simple routine food orders by phone.  Listen to information on what
training is available.

C / Community access tasks:  Identify the most favourable movie review out of three movies reviewed
on the radio by one reviewer.  Take detailed telephone messages / voice-mail messages for others and pass
them on orally or repeat them back.  Take notes from a 200-250 words instructional / informational
continuous oral pre-recorded text (e.g., information about university and college guides and calendars;
application procedures) to find out specific answers to 5 -7 questions.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Identify details involving rational numbers (fractions, integers, whole
numbers).  Follow key language in a solution of a problem in a meaningful context involving rate, ratio,
percentage, and proportion.  Follow key language in a solution of a problem involving conversions of
metric and imperial units to calculate area, perimeter, surface area, and volume.  Follow key language in a
demonstration of design problems and architectural patterns with the use of scaling, proportions and
networks.  Identify several short pieces of information, some based on inferences, about the characteristics
of organisms, energy and matter, mechanics and machines, technology, from an oral presentation.  Listen
to oral instructions (e.g., on how to administer first aid for choking), follow visual aids and take notes; repeat
the information back in detail.  Identify several short pieces of information, some based on inferences,
about the characteristics of Canadian cities, other geographical locations or communities, governments,
institutions or population, from an oral presentation.  Identify several short pieces of information, some
based on inferences, about the characteristics of Canadian culture and other cultures.  Identify several short
pieces of information, some based on inferences, in a fragment of a Canadian short story, poem, non-fiction
presented orally.

W / Workplace tasks:  Take detailed telephone messages / voice-mail messages for others and pass them
on orally / repeat them back.  Take detailed orders and delivery / shipping instructions by phone.  Listen
to details when talking to suppliers and customers face-to-face or over the phone.  Evaluate the factual
accuracy of oral directions / instructions by checking details on a diagram or map.  Follow simple
directions given over the phone.  Get information from an oral report detailing handling procedures for
delicate material.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

C / Community access tasks:  Identify the least favourable review of a familiar current policy / issue by a
panel of four reviewers or members of public in a phone-in radio show.  Take minutes of a semi-formal
meeting (e.g., community league, club, small organization).

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Follow key language in an explanation and comparison of theoretical and
experimental probability of independent events.  Follow key language in a solution of a problem involving
patterns with variables and their graphs.  Follow key language in an explanation of a plan for the
collection, display and analysis of data.  Compare and contrast or integrate several pieces of information,
some based on inferences, about the characteristics of Canadian cities, other geographical locations or
communities, governments, institutions or population, from an oral presentation.  Compare and contrast or
integrate several pieces of information, some based on inferences, about the characteristics of Canadian
culture and other cultures.  Compare and contrast or integrate several pieces of information, some based on
inferences, about the characteristics of organisms, energy and matter, mechanics and machines, technology,
from an oral presentation.  Compare and contrast or integrate several pieces of information, some based on
inferences, in a Canadian short story, poem, non-fiction presented orally.  Take notes from lecturettes /
lectures / presentations on the subject of language learning and processing, interpersonal communication,
presenting information; and techniques to improve it.

W / Workplace tasks:  Listen to detailed oral instructions and directions from a supervisor about a
familiar but complex process.  Follow simple directions on non-routine procedures.  Listen to co-
workers and supervised workers to determine the root of a problem or conflict in a team.  Listen to reports
about daily operation of a familiar business or plant.  Listen to and follow a report in a meeting where
production problems are discussed.  Listen to and follow a progress report on orders, projects, etc.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of reading tasks

 Examples of reading tasks

C / Community access tasks:  Read and explain full instructions on medicine package labels.  Follow
basic 3-5- step preparation instructions on ready-made foods, e.g., Macaroni and Cheese.  Explain the
itinerary on an air ticket.  Read the jobs / openings notice board with job ads; find details about
qualification requirements, conditions offered and application procedure on jobs.  Follow instructions on
lunchroom duties, sign-in/sign-out and security regulations at work.  Sequence an 8-10- step recipe.
 Explain precautions to take with severe winter weather advisories, especially when travelling on a
highway.  Find information in the traditional and computerized library catalogue.  Complete a theatre /
TV schedule with details from a newspaper article describing current entertainment events.  In a set of
pictures, accompanying a set of instructions, identify which picture illustrates which step in the text, e.g.,
match airline safety procedures card illustrations with written text.  Read a preview announcement of a
public event. Answer questions.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Read a brochure about a training program.  Follow instructions regarding
school assignments.  Follow simple-language, user-friendly computer screen commands.  Number a set
of pictures in an appropriate sequence based on the information in the text. Identify pictures that do not
belong in a story sequence.  Skim 10 texts for 30 seconds each. Fill out a sheet with information on what
each article is about, its purpose, if it interesting or useful for you to read or not.

W / Workplace tasks:  Follow instructions on employment forms.  Follow instructions on employment

tax information forms (e.g., re. net claim codes).  Scan a paragraph to locate specific dimensions of an
object.  Scan basic charts, tables, maps or schedules for information.  Read posted staff notices and
posted production schedules.  Understand and explain the organizational chart of a company, institution or
agency you work for or want to do business with.

C / Community access tasks:  Read 3-5- paragraph house renovation suggestions. Recall 7 out of 10
important tips.  Read the instructions on the package and explain steps, e.g., in colouring fabric / colouring
a surface.  Follow heating instructions for frozen foods (micro and conventional oven).  Read and
explain what to do and what not to do to survive a severe winter storm on a highway.  Explain precautions
to take in accordance with weather advisories.  Get information from a travel insurance brochure.  Get
information from the emergency information pages in the local phone directory.  Read about people’s life
stories and accomplishments in obituary articles in the paper (e.g., in The Globe and Mail).  Get
information from a form-letter offer / encouragement from a bank to apply for a credit card.
 Read items in supply catalogues (hardware and tools catalogues; seeds and gardening supplies). Choose
the best products.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Use a legend to understand a complex map or a diagram.  Recognize main
idea and relevant details in a newspaper article written in plain English.  Skim texts to identify purpose and
relevance of information.  Read and explain a life cycle of an organism, or how a simple machine or a
plant functions.  Scan texts to locate and interpret 2-3 pieces of information.  Sequence the order of
steps in a 7-10- step recipe or other procedure based on text clues.  Identify purpose for reading and the
purpose of text / writer’s intent for various texts.

W / Workplace tasks:  Find routine information on the computer screen / scanner screen / computerized
display screen, if available.  Read information in the reception / appointment book to find available
openings for a new appointment.  Read a checklist to verify if all the steps in the procedure have been
completed.  Find information in fire drill regulations.  Find information in large directories, catalogues,
White and Yellow Pages, supply catalogues and purchasing flyers.  Get information from employment
classified ads.  Compare information about benefit packages for a similar position at two different
companies.  Read bills of lading and other shipping documents to determine inventory.  Follow
instructions on lunchroom duties, sign-in/sign-out and security regulations at work.

C / Community access tasks:  Get information from a text about gardening conditions, procedures and
regional plants in two different regions of Canada.  Read information about services (transit, library, travel
reservations, renting accommodation, entertainment schedules).  Respond appropriately to information in
memos/letters regarding car registration or insurance renewals, personal banking or medical concerns, child
care or child's schooling or extra-curricular activities.  Find information in community, company and
school newsletters and bulletins.  Find information in government public notices with extended
suggestions to solve problems, recommendations, proposals (e.g., on health care).  Find and follow advice
on stain removal, cleaning and maintenance of clothes, upholstery, carpets, etc.  Get information from the
operating instructions of a home appliance.  Get information from brochures about household safety and
disease prevention.  Get information from simple membership contracts (video store, rentals).

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Summarize main points of 5-10- paragraph text.  Get information about
Canadian families over time from census data / statistics. State trends, make predictions.  Get information
from a text about a production process (e.g., a process of bread making, cheese making, or glass blowing).

W / Workplace tasks:  Find information in longer job postings (e.g. 1/3 - 1/2 page).  Follow one page
of clear familiar task instructions.  Get information from an employee benefit update.  Read a reminder
or complaint letter / memo to take appropriate action.  Scan complex charts, tables and schedules for
several specific pieces of information for comparison / contrast.  Understand what happened at a routine
workplace meeting by reading a simple agenda and the minutes.  Follow instructions on evacuation
procedures, fire drills, or on using simple machinery / equipment.  Follow posted food storage procedures,
according to health regulations. Explain consequences of error, e.g., cross-contamination.  Follow
exercises in the computer upgrade training materials.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

C / Community access tasks:  Decide which school to send a child to based on the school handbook and
school philosophy.  Read and order three short theatre show / movie reviews from the most to the least
favourable.  Get information from stereo system and computer warranties.  Follow written CPR
instructions.  Read and explain fire safety procedures and evacuation routes.  Follow a complex recipe
(e.g., breads, cakes, dumplings).

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Locate and interpret several pieces of information in a Statistics Canada
publication.  Find two one-page texts on the same topic. Identify and compare main ideas, supporting
details / statements and examples in each.  Read a 2-3- page text and discuss ideas about culture, values,
language, thinking, art, etc.  Look at a set of bar graphs to compare energy production and consumption by
two countries.  Present a short report on articles, books, other publications.  Understand written
instructions related to an assignment, including research directions and resources.  Make an outline of a
letter, article, or essay.  Skim text to review, recall or clarify previously learned information.  Recognize
principles, generalizations and hypotheses in a basic science text.

W / Workplace tasks:  Use a plain language manual with familiar topic and content in own field of
knowledge to find specific information.  Follow 1-2 pages of clear task instructions.  Follow instructions
on how to operate a piece of equipment.  Read to understand clear language instructions and diagrams to
assemble or process something.  Read to understand information on protective measures/precautions
against exposure to toxic chemicals.  Get information from a process flow chart, e.g., a hiring process flow
chart or a flow chart for handling procedures of dangerous goods or chemicals.  Read an incident report
left by workers on a previous shift.  Use specifications sheets to find specs for a manufacturing process.
 Read specialized maps to locate trails, tree planting sites, and other wilderness jobs / tasks.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of writing tasks

 Examples of writing tasks

C / Community access tasks:  Write a lost / found notice.  Write a "for sale" notice.  Write a set of
directions on how to get to a location.  Write a short personal journal entry to share with your teacher or
classmates / friends; describe your feelings, daily challenges and joys, ups and downs.  Fill out the
customer section of a work order for a mechanic to repair your car.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Make a list of key information points from a longer text.  Write a
paragraph reporting a simple experiment or observation of a natural cycle, based on a series of pictures.
 Write a paragraph describing a historical fact.  Proofread, spell-check, and revise your own texts.
 Write a story which includes reasons and consequences.  Write a brief report on the education system
in your region (100-150 words). You can use a chart / diagram as a basis.

W / Workplace tasks:  Take a simple routine phone message (5-7 details).  Use "While you were out"
form to complete required information.  Write a paragraph about your work experience in the past.
 Write a brief report on training and employment opportunities in your area.  Use notes based on
information from notice boards, brochures.  Write a short note to a co-worker to let him / her know when
there is a problem, e.g., comments about equipment operation in a "problem book" / daily log.

C / Community access tasks:  Write a paragraph for the company newsletter to report a personal,
community, or media event; report what occurred and what was said.  Fill out census, election, property
tax, insurance, medical history forms.  Write a letter to a friend to report news.  Write a note with
informal instructions for a friend who is going to house-sit for you.  Write a special recipe for a friend,
include detailed information about ingredients and method.  Write a congratulatory letter on someone’s
appointment, award or other success.  Fill out a 1-2- page straightforward award-nomination or application
form for an outstanding person you know (e.g., outstanding teacher, citizen, volunteer).  Write a letter to
your friends to inquire how they have been, tell them what is new with you and your family.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Using a drawing, describe a place (e.g., a public facility).  Take notes
from a presentation or written text.  Make notes for composing own text.  Paraphrase, summarize, report
information in texts. Write a paragraph to describe the nature of change (ends / results) in a simple process
or cycle.  Write a paragraph to define and classify things or ideas based on specified criteria (e.g., define
and classify levels of government, animals, plants, machines, community services, diseases).  Write a
paragraph to tell a story, a myth, or a biography.  Write a paragraph to describe / report information in a
graph.  Write a story, include explanations and examples.  Give a detailed description of a scene /
picture.  Report a few routine activities of the day.  Describe and compare two different parents,
students, friends, employees, supervisors.  Research, obtain information and write about Canadian
citizenship, government or social issues.  Describe materials in the manufacturing process.  Describe a
routine or procedure based on a series of pictures.  Describe and compare characteristics / strengths
required of people in different roles: as a parent, neighbour, spouse, friend, employee, or a citizen.
 Proofread, spell-check, and revise your own texts.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

W / Workplace tasks:  Write a short incident/ accident report.  Write receipts.  Fill out a form to
record and report a weekly workload.  Write a set of simple directions on how to operate basic equipment,
e.g., lunchroom coffee-maker or electric kettle, office fax-machine.  Write a set of simple directions on the
lunchroom clean-up procedures, e.g., fridge emptying and cleaning.  Write brief information / short entries
on patient care in card files (e.g., temperature, weight, etc).  Using single words and short phrases, write
brief comments in daily logs to describe condition of machines / equipment.  Take a food delivery order
(over the phone or face-to-face) using a form to fill in information.

C / Community access tasks:  Write a letter of inquiry / letter of request for information.  In a letter to
a friend, provide tips, informal instructions and directions regarding travel to another country (travel
documents and arrangements).  Fill out a health care insurance or subsidy form.  Fill out notice of
change of address (postal, health care, credit).  Keep a daily/weekly work record/log book.  Write a
detailed narrative report on an accident/incident you witnessed (or watched on a video). Include a detailed
sequence of events.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Looking at a diagram, describe a place (e.g., a store, a museum, a botanical
garden).  Research, obtain information and write about Canadian citizenship, government or social issues.
 Write a story which includes a future scenario.  Describe how cars, commercial coffee beans, other
foodstuffs, carpets, etc., are produced.  Write a paragraph to relate / explain information in a table, graph,
flow chart.  Proofread, spell-check, and revise your own texts.

W / Workplace tasks:  Fill out survey forms and questionnaires.  Fill out survey forms with
respondents’ information when canvassing.  Write a paragraph for the company newsletter to announce /
report a personal, community, or media event (birth, marriage, death; celebration; fund-raising campaign).
 Create a short agenda for a meeting.  Transcribe a short voice-mail message on a familiar topic.
 Write down phone messages freehand (7-10 details).  Write a simple routine business letter based on a
familiar format and content.  Write a formal letter / memo to your supervisor to explain your absence.
 Write an employment application cover letter with a request for an interview.  Write a memo to
employees about a guest speaker presentation on safety in the workplace.

C/ Community access tasks:  Write a letter to the editor.  Write a complaint letter to an organization
regarding an error, poor service, defective product, or damage.  Write a thank you letter to an organization
regarding excellent service you received.  Prepare a written proposal / plan for an itinerary of a group trip.
 Fill out a health care premium waiver form, medical procedure consent form, child benefit application
form.  Fill out appropriate sections of purchase warranties, /employment insurance or legal aid application.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Write a letter of application for admission to a program.  Looking at
schematic drawings of a simple mechanical device, describe how it works.  Fill out application forms for
training, admission to a program, grants, scholarships, or student loans.  Fill out learning style, learning
needs, career profile assessment questionnaires.  Reproduce moderately complex verbal information as
point-form notes, outline or summary.  Write a story which includes an anecdote.  Compare two
processes, e.g., in manufacturing paper and particleboard.  Proofread, spell-check, and revise your own

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

W / Workplace tasks:  Write a résumé and a covering letter for a job application.  Appropriately record
on a special form information from a structured oral interview.  Fill out forms for work orders, supply
purchase orders, invoices, bills and cheque requisitions.  Fill out claims for goods damaged during
transport.  Write a memorandum to a supervisor, comparing and summarizing several pieces of
information.  In a formal letter, request changes in schedules, procedures, requirements, work conditions,
etc.  Write basic fire emergency and evacuation instructions for employees.  Complete a detailed
incident report; include cause and effect analysis.  Write a short memo to a supplier.  Write a fax
message for a customer giving quotes on parts and labour.  Write brief but clear and precise comments
about equipment operation in the operation log book or the "problem book".  Produce a simple information
brochure on the computer, if available, using appropriate software.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of speaking tasks

 Examples of speaking tasks

C / Community access tasks:  Get acquainted and interact socially with a group of volunteer community
members in the context of community projects or initiatives, such as parental involvement in a local school,
playground, neighbourhood development or zoning issues.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Ask questions within a class / lecture setting.  Deliver an effective 20-
minute oral presentation on a researched topic assigned by the instructor.  Contribute to a class group
discussion / seminar on a prepared topic.  Participate in a student union / association debate outside of
class work.

W / Workplace tasks:  Obtain all needed information from a supervisor, co-worker, or client by asking
relevant questions.  Give a 20-minute prepared oral presentation which may contain complex and abstract
ideas.  Interact socially with a group of people, including authority figures.  Take part in a business
discussion with a group of people, including authority figures.

CLB 10
C / Community access tasks:  Call a radio-talk show (live broadcast or answering machine) and express
your view on the issue being discussed.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Discuss abstract or theoretical issues on a prepared topic in a familiar but
formal small group.  Research and compare in a 30-minute presentation for a familiar a small group.
 Present information about science and technology.  Present information about social science and
Canadian citizenship.  Make a presentation about a Canadian short story, poem, play, or non-fiction text.
 Make a presentation about a Canadian short story writer, novelist, poet, playwright (e.g., Alice Monroe,
Margaret Atwood, Al Purdy, Michel Tremblay).  Orally report information from a lecture, presentation,
speech, broadcast, or equivalent print material.

W / Workplace tasks:  Give precise and clear instructions, demonstrations and explanations on complex
technical and non-technical tasks.  Give oral instructions on the phone on how to properly complete complex
financial reports and forms.  Answer a series of probing follow-up questions about a program, service,
product.  Handle a difficult phone call (e.g., complaint).  Actively participate in a meeting.  Actively
participate in business- or work- related social functions, interactions and events (e.g., company picnic or BBQ,
lunch outings, celebrations).  Orally present research or technical material which contains definitions,
objectives, descriptions.  Provide detailed oral reports to a supervisor.  Provide detailed oral reports at a
formal meeting.  In a work production situation, apply proper communication skills to avert a crisis / conflict
between team members.  Chair an internal meeting of a small familiar group / team.  Contribute to a formal
business discussion with a group of people, including authority figures.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

CLB 11
C / Community access tasks:  Verbally address / contribute to an issue in a public hearing or meeting
(community / city hall).  Give clear, complex and detailed instructions on how to play a complex social
game, a sport, or follow a fitness / exercise routine.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Discuss with academic counsellors details of choices in credit courses
leading to specific credentials and careers, based on complex information in college or university calendars.
 Make a presentation on a complex topic in science and technology, social science, political science,
business and management, culture, language and literature, education, or any other area of study.

W / Workplace tasks:  Repeat/paraphrase a series of complex verbal technical and non-technical

instructions to confirm understanding.  Provide extended comprehensive answers to follow-up questions
from clients.  Handle all telephone calls, clarify details and obtain explanations as needed.  Discuss
details of complex jobs with supervisor, co-workers, clients (e.g., regarding design, options).  Respond
appropriately to negative feedback, criticism; clarify understanding of concerns.  Negotiate with co-
workers to reach a win-win solution.  Present a routine prepared training or information session for new
employees or the public.  Conduct a survey or poll over the phone.  Supervise / motivate / provide
feedback to workers on operating parameters, problems, complaints.  Provide technical information (lab
results, quality control data, survey data), analysis and recommendations in own field of expertise to co-
workers at a meeting; suggest alternative methods of production, maintenance, etc., to improve situation.
 Chair an internal meeting of a large familiar group.

CLB 12
C / Community access tasks:  Participate in all discussions comfortably; express personal views.
 Make a short impromptu public speech.  Make an extended prepared public speech / address an issue in
a public speech.  Obtain by oral inquiry / questioning complex information regarding social policy or other
issues relevant to a community.  Give effective detailed instructions on how to play a complex social game
or a sport, or how to follow a complex dance / exercise routine.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Engage in a public discussion of a presentation / lecture / paper in an

academic / professional forum (conference, convention, colloquium) as a panellist / discussant / audience
member.  Present coherently and clearly a complex sequence of reasoning; respond to complex

W / Workplace tasks:  Give effective extended instructions on complex procedures (lab experiments,
research, quality control).  Lead / facilitate a group discussion, training session, debate, workshop or a
meeting to brainstorm solutions to existing problems.  Supervise and orally discuss and evaluate others’
performances.  Make others comfortable / put people at ease in all work-related social situations.
 Handle difficult complaints and demands.  Chair official / formal external meetings of larger groups.
 Entertain high level official visitors or clients.  Negotiate business agreements and contracts on own or
employer’s behalf.  Make business / work-related presentations to large audiences.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of listening tasks

 Examples of listening tasks

C / Community access tasks:  Get information from a radio / television program featuring a panel of
experts discussing a complex social or political issue or a complex personal /household issue (e.g., tax and
investment decisions).  In community search and rescue exercises, follow extensive continuous oral
directions with complex navigational detail on how to reach a location which is remote or difficult to

S / Study / Academic tasks:  While listening to a lecturette / a 20-minute oral presentation, complete a
listening task demonstrating comprehension of its main points.  While listening to a lecturette / a 20-
minute oral presentation, take notes.

W / Workplace tasks:  Obtain specific extensive information (literal and inferred) by listening to
presentations, discussions, or interviews.  Summarize complex and abstract ideas from a 20-minute oral
presentation.  In emergency response / search and rescue / delivery jobs, follow extensive continuous oral
directions with complex navigational detail on how to reach a location which is remote or difficult to

CLB 10
C / Community access tasks:  Get information from a live presentation / a seminar featuring a panel of
experts discussing complex tax and investment decisions or political issues.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Observe a seminar on an academically controversial topic; summarize

arguments made by participants.  Attend and review a theatre production of a play.

W / Workplace tasks:  As a member of a hiring / selection committee, evaluate the presentations /

interviews of four candidates for an entry position and select the best one.

CLB 11
C / Community access tasks:  Get information from a discussion of a complex social or political issue or
a complex personal / household issue, e.g., tax and investment decisions.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Observe a panel discussion or a debate; critically evaluate information and
positions of participants for bias, assumptions and motives.

W / Workplace tasks:  Follow complex medical or nursing instructions from own superiors when caring
for critically ill patients and using advanced medical equipment in an intensive care or trauma unit.
 Observe a formal business meeting; critically evaluate information and positions of participants.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

CLB 12
C / Community access tasks:  Participate and contribute to all discussions.  Evaluate fine points of
speeches and debates of political candidates for office (e.g., for an office as a school board trustee, a city
councillor, an MLA or a federal MP) during the election campaigns. Make choices as a voter.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Provide a detailed performance evaluation of a video taped presentation /
panel statement and discussion / defence of a thesis (own or another speaker’s); provide detailed
recommendations for improvements for content, organization or delivery where necessary.

W / Workplace tasks:  As a member of a hiring / selection committee, evaluate the presentations /

interviews of several candidates for an important managerial or a technical position and select the best one.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of reading tasks

 Examples of reading tasks

C / Community access tasks:  Decide on a summer camp or a recreational / educational program for a
child, based on reading extensive information on several summer camps and recreational programs, their
philosophy, safety records, staff qualifications.  Follow instructions on how to apply for health care
insurance or health care subsidy. Check that forms are correctly completed.  Read the enclosed instructions
insert and explain to someone how to complete a Canadian passport application and how to apply.  Read
and explain instructions on how to stop smoking, how to deal with stress, how to look after children's dental
care routine.  Follow on-screen computer application instructions for "household" and personal interest
software programs.  Form a plan of action after reading local council or government letters, community
league or citizen association letters.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Read and summarize a 3-5- page article on economy and labour trends in
your field of study or training.  Read and summarize a 3-5- page article from a trade or professional
journal in your field.  Read portions / chapters in textbooks to acquire new information / new knowledge.
 Give a personal opinion on a best-selling non-fiction book of interest to you.  Read and explain
instructions on how to use a thesaurus.  Explain / paraphrase formal instructions of compliance with policy
and procedures in an educational /training program setting (e.g., attendance and exam policies; admission
and registration).  Summarize and comment on materials about educational/career paths and options
(books, self-help test and guidance booklets, information about resources in the community) that relate to
your goals and interests.  Read "financial assistance for students" booklet or information from student
counselling services. Explain details.  Check if someone's student financial assistance application has been
filled out according to instructions.  Follow instructions on how to word-process and desktop publish
complex documents, e.g., research reports with a table of contents, footnotes, and references.  Install a
software package on a computer by following the instructions (in a manual or on screen).

W / Workplace tasks:  Read multiple short workplace activity reports (shift or daily reports); intake
assessment or client interview reports; short routine formatted evaluation reports; technician’s reports or
routine formatted lab reports.  Follow instructions in technical manuals which may contain some
unfamiliar terminology.  Read workplace and / or government bulletins on policies or procedures to
modify own documentation or practices.  Read and apply government compliance regulations such as
health and safety regulations.  Complete or check complex forms.  Evaluate if time sheets, shift change
reports, purchasing forms have been filled out according to instructions.  Read and navigate a specialized
computer program with multiple menus and functions to complete work tasks (e.g., shipping, dispatch).
 Paraphrase information in the workplace bulletin for someone who does not read in English at the same
level.  Explain / paraphrase formal instructions of compliance with policy and procedures in an
educational/training program setting, in the public service sector and in a workplace context.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

CLB 10
C / Community access tasks:  Obtain and evaluate information from different texts on the same or similar
topic (e.g., travel brochure, travel article in the newspaper, travel guidebook, travel tour report, a letter from a
tourist to a travel agency); draw own conclusions / make decisions.  Use a compound interest table to
determine how much you would save on your mortgage in ten years if you paid an additional $100 a month
against the principal at the current interest rate.  Use a calorie counter to plan a menu for a weight
maintenance diet.  Find, interpret, and compare terms and conditions in two product purchase warranties.
 Explain the information in and implications of signing or not signing a medical procedure consent form.
 Compare and analyse two different floor plans for a single-family home or a condominium, warranty
terms and financing conditions from two different builders. Construct a table, chart or graph that summarizes
/ synthesizes the information and can be used to make a decision.  Explain how to safely and effectively
train to enter a ball-room dancing, bodybuilding or marathon running competition

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Identify themes in fiction and non-fiction texts.  Compare two different
main characters in formulaic detective literature or formulaic romance literature.  Read and summarize an
analytical 4-5- page article on developments (research, policy), economy and labour trends in your and
related fields of study or training.

W / Workplace tasks:  Read and evaluate short periodic activity reports (daily, weekly, semi-monthly),
incident / accident reports, trip reports, short project progress reports.  Read and act on 5-10 pages of
complex technical material in own field.  Compare, analyse, interpret information in charts, tables, graphs,
forms, maps, blueprints, and diagrams.  Compare, analyse, interpret terms and conditions in warranties and
agreements.  Compare, analyse, evaluate two training packages / offers / proposals.  Compare
information from labels, package directions and product catalogues or compendia to review specific complex
information about products, e.g., non-prescription drugs, herbal and food supplements, cosmetics.  Read a
number of separate blueprints and select the correct plan and elevation view to locate specific construction
information.  Read company operating procedures and policies.  Read codes such as electrical and
building codes.  Find detailed information about specific companies or organizations in the area: their size,
history, growth.  Explain a few labour code regulations from your province.

CLB 11
C / Community access tasks:  Read School Board minutes and bulletins to determine their position on
funding for special needs education and support for ESL speaking children.  Read computer software
instruction manuals and other texts to gain access to Internet sites and operations or to operate programs, e.g.,
databases, spreadsheets, graphics, desk top publisher, accounting on the home computer.  Interpret letters,
documents, and forms with complex financial and legal information.  Critically read and interpret articles
of general and personal interest in newspapers, journals, and magazines.  Critically read and interpret
complex analytical material regarding human development, nutrition, disease prevention, relationships, etc.,
to form own conclusions for personal and family well-being.  Follow complex instructions to complete tax
forms and other financial and reporting documents.  Read information in a table of nutritional analysis of
foods to calculate the percentage of calories from fat in a specific recipe or daily menu.  Follow detailed
extensive instructions on how to play a complex unfamiliar game (card game, verbal game, strategic game)
in a social competitive situation.  Follow instructions on how to program a VCR, stereo or microwave
oven at home or in a communal setting (e.g., church basement).

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Read a critical argument or controversy surrounding interpretation of a

literary text; read the literary text from that perspective; present your own view in a discussion or in an essay.
 Critically read and interpret articles in professional journals in own field.  Identify dominant themes in
short stories by Alice Monroe, novels by Margaret Atwood, poems by Irving Layton or Al Purdy, plays by
Michel Tremblay.  Evaluate points of view in two related expository or argumentative essays (15-20 pages
long).  Evaluate a best-selling non-fiction book of your interest; give personal opinion.  Evaluate a
research paper of sizable format.  Read computer software instruction manuals and other texts to operate
programs needed for own studies / research (e.g., statistics packages for experimental studies such as
ANOVA, simulation packages for natural science phenomena, presentation packages such as PowerPoint).
 Read a marketing brochure / booklet for a product or service. Identify language / discourse features of the
text that make it particularly persuasive.

W / Workplace tasks:  Read the Production Data Entry Manual on how to enter data into the computer
system; explain and demonstrate the instructions to co-workers/ peers.  Read and evaluate more extensive
workplace periodic activity and productivity reports (monthly, quarterly), more extensive instructions,
reports, and unsolicited internal proposals.  Locate several pieces of information in various texts and
through measurements and calculations to determine inventory control records of oil and gas storage.
 Read complex computer-generated schematic drawings on multiple computer screens; integrate this
information with other data, make production adjustments. Research information for a brand of computers or
other technological equipment and make recommendations / decision whether your workplace should invest
in the system.  Interpret production data in a number of formats (tables, graphs) recorded over time; watch
for variance from the established norms.  Critically evaluate / follow complex multiple medication
instructions from a physician when filling a prescription in a community or hospital pharmacy.  Find items
of information relevant to a particular situation in several résumés.  Read and interpret an extensive
industrial accident report.

CLB 12
C / Community access tasks:  Read detailed complex analytical information on goods and services to
draw conclusions as a consumer.  Read detailed complex analytical information on being a vegetarian;
draw your own conclusions.  Critically read information on possible ways of improving the Canadian
public health care system from multiple texts reflecting different points of view; form your own opinion as a
citizen, taxpayer and user of medical services.  Read detailed complex financial markets reports, advisories
and analyses to make personal investment decisions (such as RRSP or Registered Education plan investment

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Read detailed complex in-depth analysis of issues concerning Canadian and
other communities, governments, institutions, economies or populations; draw your own conclusions /
formulate your own response.  Identify dominant themes in novels by a generation of Canadian writers.
 Analyse and compare the use of language / style, imagery, and / or the narrative technique in two different
pieces of literature.  Critically read and interpret complex in-depth articles in professional journals in own
field.  Critically read and interpret theses, dissertations, and other complex reference materials in own
field.  Follow a complex set of procedures to design, conduct and report an experimental study, including
collection and interpretation of data.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

W / Workplace tasks:  Read and evaluate extensive analytical activity and productivity reports (semi-
annual, annual) and formal reports (e.g., formal proposals in the form of a feasibility study, technical
proposal, or a grant request; analytical, comparative, informative, evaluation and recommendation reports).
 Interpret subtle details and nuances of work / business contracts and labour agreements  Analyse
complex financial forms; follow very complex instructions on how to complete complex financial forms
(e.g., business and investment tax forms).  Edit articles, reports, proposals, etc., written by others.
 Summarize a controversial issue presented in an article in a trade or professional journal in your field, or
in a professional report.  Read materials specifications (25-30 pages in length), for rarely used testing
procedures; make high-level inferences and use highly specialized knowledge in applying the interpretation
of the standard to specific cases.  Read adjudication decisions in labour union disputes and grievances;
interpret implications for specific cases.  Read and review job descriptions in a department / branch to
determine if they are accurate, comprehensive, and well worded.  Follow instructions for the design of a
scientifically valid questionnaire and a method to conduct and interpret a scientifically valid opinion poll or
survey.  Read extensive in-depth business / market analyses to gain information for own marketing,
diversification, and investment decisions.  Evaluate information in annual reports of different

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas


Additional examples of writing tasks

 Examples of writing tasks

C / Community access tasks:  As a volunteer co-organizer of a community conference / convention /
workshop, write a 2-page information / instruction package for registrants.  Write a letter to immigration
officials to inquire how to sponsor someone.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Write lab reports in a required format.  Describe the operation of a
sawmill, furniture manufacturing plant, farm; bank; store; restaurant, courier service, commercial laundry,
hospital kitchen, day care, school, government, etc.  Write responses to varying item types in
examinations.  Write summaries of readings, book and article reports.  Write a report/summary on how
to stop smoking, deal with stress, etc.  Write summaries of lectures.  Write research reports using the
recommended or required style guide for information on the form of footnotes, references, etc.

W / Workplace tasks:  Write an informal memo to confirm the arrangements between two departments
for the preparation of an Open House / conference / information fair.  Write a thank you note for the
flowers and the card you received from co-workers.  Write an informal acknowledgement memo to a
colleague to thank them for a book, information or a favour you received.  Write down complex, detailed
extended phone messages.  Write a note/memo (e-mail note) to schedule a business meeting/ to ask to be
excused from a meeting or function.  Synthesize a half hour meeting into 2 pages of notes or minutes.
 Write short workplace activity reports (shift or daily reports); intake assessment or client interview
reports; short routine formatted evaluation reports; technician’s reports or routine formatted lab reports.
 Describe a system or process in a report (up to 5 paragraphs).  Develop a formatted schedule or time
line, a simple directory of work contacts, or a basic reporting form.  Write an official letter of information
or inquiry.  Write a variety of internal standard letters and memos.  Write down new simple procedures
as they are developed.  Listen to a demonstration of a new process or procedure in your academic /
professional area. Take detailed notes and re-write them as instructions to be used by others (customers,
clients, co-workers, colleagues).  Write detailed comments pertaining to complex work orders.

CLB 10
C / Community access tasks:  File an application to the subdivision and development board to construct a
building (e.g., a garage); appeal in writing the refusal of the application by the development officer.
 Write a letter to the editor to comment on a complex social or political issue covered in the newspaper /
other media.  Compile a private directory of contacts to access medical, emotional, spiritual or financial
help or support in case of need.  Write a letter to your MLA or MP in support of some cause/ complaint.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Write annotated bibliographies.  Write a questionnaire, gather data,
compile data, report data in most effective format (chart, diagram, table).  Write research reports / papers
using secondary sources (literature reviews).  Write examinations in the required format (e.g., answers to
essay questions).  Write summaries and abstracts of books and journal articles.  Write an experimental
report.  Write a research paper (up to 20 pages without appendices, depending on the academic discipline).
 Write a table of contents, a list of figures, tables and diagrams.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

W / Workplace tasks:  Write a letter to a professional association or trades board to inquire how to get
one's foreign credentials recognized in Canada.  Write a letter to express a formal sympathy or condolence
message.  Write a semiformal / formal letter to thank someone for their support (standing up and
defending your work or a position in public; for attending a function, etc.).  Write a narrative record of a
meeting in a paragraph format.  Write short periodic activity reports (daily, weekly, semi-monthly),
incident / accident reports, trip reports, short project progress reports.  Write a detailed organizational
outline for a larger document to be developed (e.g., procedures manual).  Write external official standard
letters of complaint, or response to a complaint.  Write a report containing a compilation of detailed data
collected by a questionnaire or a survey.  Develop in writing an effective format, notes, charts, diagrams,
handouts and other visuals for an oral presentation.  Write a simple job description of own position.
 Summarize, in a written report, relevant information from an attended symposium, conference, etc., as
reference material for other employees.

CLB 11
C / Community access tasks:  Write an official thank you letter / appreciation letter to the manager for an
outstanding service, support or help received from an employee.  Write an official complaint letter about
inadequate service or inappropriate treatment.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Complete an application form for graduate school.  Complete an
application form for a scholarship or a research grant.  Write a letter to a professor or a postgraduate
student in your area of study; tell them about your interest in their work, describe a research project you are
working on, and express an interest in some kind of an exchange or collaboration.  Write book reviews.
 Write critiques of scientific journal articles.  Write masters level (graduate level, e.g., Masters of Arts)
qualifying papers.  Write thesis / research proposals.  Write examinations.  Write reports on original
research.  Write a preface and an introduction to a larger document.  Write acknowledgements.

W / Workplace tasks:  Write a letter to comment favourably / congratulate someone on their work.
 Write a letter to thank all contributors, sponsors, volunteers, etc., for their work.  Develop a
questionnaire for a survey.  Write more extensive workplace periodic activity and productivity reports
(monthly, quarterly), more extensive instructions reports, unsolicited internal proposals for improvements
and innovations.  Write a report containing an analysis of detailed data collected by a questionnaire or a
survey.  Create an official complex and extensive directory / reference guide (company divisions,
programs, services, etc.) using a word processor; publish as hard copy or post electronically.  Develop a
marketing / informational brochure.  Write a standard narrative, descriptive or evaluative report on routine
operations.  Write an extensive, formal, analytical incident / accident report.  Write an article for the
newsletter of a large organization/company.  Develop basic instructional / procedural materials for a job
based on own practical knowledge of the position.  Complete complex forms (inspection reports, tax).
 Develop own invoices, bills, budget documents, accounting sheets, work contract forms and agreements.
 Write official records of health and safety meetings or other problem-solving and decision-making
meetings.  Make production charts and other workplace documents using data base software.

Canadian Language Benchmarks: Additional Sample Task Ideas

CLB 12
C / Community access tasks:  Write a community / constituency newsletter, containing a 10-paragraph
review of a serious social issue (e.g., homelessness) and a 4-5 question related public survey regarding
attitudes on possible future actions.

S / Study / Academic tasks:  Write a Master’s thesis (50-100 pages).  Write a PhD dissertation (up to
300 pages, depending on the field).

W / Workplace tasks:  Write extensive analytical activity and productivity reports (semi-annual, annual)
and formal reports (e.g., formal proposals in the form of a feasibility study, technical proposal or a grant
request; analytical, comparative, informative / recommendations, and project / program evaluation reports).
 Write an external recommendations report based on the analysis of detailed data (e.g., collected by a
questionnaire or a survey.).  Prepare media releases, public service announcements, promotional articles
for trade magazines.  Write an extensive evaluation / audit / inspection report.  Write formal policies,
procedures, guidelines, quality standards.  Write a full formal business plan / proposal, including financial
documents with budget estimates and other fiscal projections.  Develop texts for a promotional / marketing
campaign.  Develop instructional materials for a workshop, presentation, or a training course.  Write a
detailed performance evaluation for a position.  Write an official reference letter for an individual applying
for a demanding senior position in the public and private sector.  Develop the text of a contract or a
collective agreement, an employee benefit booklet, etc.  Write a preface or an introduction to a larger
document or publication.  Edit texts for publication.


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