Diabetes is a serious, and incurable disease, that is on the increase in our society. Some believe that
it is becoming an epidemic due to the fact that we eat very badly (over eat & under eat), smoke too
much, suffer from too much stress and don’t exercise enough.
Diabetes is the 4th main cause of death (of diseases and accidents combined)
it pre-disposes heart attack & stroke
it is the leading cause of blindness
it is the most common cause of amputation, when a lower limb has to be cut off due to an
infection (gangrene).
The good news is that medical scientists have shown that the worst side effects of diabetes can be
prevented, and that the disease can be reversed significantly by modest changes to our diets, and by
making a habit of regular exercise. Most diabetes sufferers can live for many healthy years with their
disease provided they take good care of themselves. However, once you develop diabetes, it is with
you for the rest of your life. Would it not be better to avoid it?
Understanding diabetes
What is diabetes?
What happens in the body to make someone a diabetic?
When the food we eat is digested, the carbohydrates (found in bread, mealie meal, rice, samp,
sugar, fruit, vegetables, sweets, chips, drinks – alcohol, sweetened cold drinks and sugared hot
drinks) are broken down into its simplest form, called glucose.
The body needs glucose for energy. This glucose is transferred from the intestines into the blood,
and is carried to the Liver. The Liver stores the glucose and releases it slowly into the blood so that it
can be used for energy for the functioning of the body throughout the day. When the glucose is
released into the blood it is a signal for another small organ, the Pancreas, to release Insulin. If this
doesn’t happen an abnormal build up of glucose will develop in the bloodstream and this is called
It is a sad fact of life that there are more and more overweight adults and children walking this Earth,
due only to bad eating habits and a severe lack of exercise. This therefore explains why there is such
an upsurge of diabetes worldwide – millions of people have this disease, and it is on the increase.
confusion, irritability, double vision, sweating, abnormal hunger, pains in the legs and feet,
infections that heal very slowly, or won’t heal at all.
Dangers of diabetes
Diabetes damages the small blood vessels throughout the body – especially those of the heart,
the eyes, the kidneys and the nerves.
Many Diabetics become blind.
Many suffer from kidney diseases and eventually kidney failure.
The risk of a heart attack or stroke becomes a reality.
The nerve endings are damaged, which has an affect on the whole body.
Diabetes greatly increases the chance of high cholesterol, high blood pressure (HBP) and heart
Constipation is common (but can be controlled with the correct diet).
Uncontrolled Diabetics can collapse into unconsciousness, and if not given immediate assistance,
can die.
The amputation of lower limbs is very common in uncontrolled diabetics – care of feet and lower
legs are vitally important.
Diabetics suffer from depression – it is NOT nice having diabetes.
Cut down on salt – don’t cook with salt, and sprinkle very little on the food – taste first, before
sprinkling. Learn to use herbs to flavour the food.
Avoid MSG - spicy mixtures, sauces, and pre-cooked foods generally contain MSG. Learn to read
the labels of the foods you buy. MSG aggravates diabetes.
Avoid using artificial sweeteners. They aggravate the body and are detrimental to good health –
being an unnecessary chemical that the body has to deal with. This means NO “sugar free” or
“diet” drinks, and NO “sugar free” sweets.
Exercise is essential
Build up muscular strength – do a minimum of 1 hour of exercise daily - physical work, gardening,
brisk walking, gym, any sport, swimming, all improve the body’s ability to use the glucose in the
blood stream and improves the ability of insulin to do its job better. This improves the quality of
health and the mental attitude of a diabetic.
It has been found that rubbing the lower legs & feet with a cream or lotion containing Tea Tree oil
will strengthen the skin and prevent infections from developing.
Daily care of the feet is vital, apply cream to keep the feet soft and take care not to injure the toes or
toenails when trimming them.
There are good herbal products on the market that can be taken for stress. Diabetes is a stressful
disease, and anything that can assist to reduce this stress is beneficial. These herbal remedies are
not harmful or addictive. Look for them at a chemist that stocks herbal products.