Causes of Spiritual Stagnation
Causes of Spiritual Stagnation
Causes of Spiritual Stagnation
A Spiritual Checkup
Having asked yourself these questions, let’s say you’re less than pleased with
your progress. You feel like you’ve become stagnant in your spiritual
formation. Now that you’ve identified this problem, the question you need to
ask is: Why? Why have I become stagnant in my spiritual journey? In
Philippians 2:12-13, Paul hints at two possible causes of stagnation.
Prideful self-sufficiency and passive spirituality both produce the same result:
stagnation and frustration. What, then, is the way forward? How do we start
moving again? We must realize that spiritual growth is not all our doing, nor is
it all God’s doing. It involves submitting to God, cooperating with him,
participating in his plan. We move forward in the journey of spiritual formation,
not by handling everything ourselves, nor by handing everything over to God,
but by displaying dependent discipline. The way forward is the way of Spirit-
empowered human effort. We strive with the strength God provides. Our
vigorous pursuit is anchored firmly in God’s power. As Paul puts it, we “work
out,” and God “works within.”
Two texts of Scripture clearly illustrate this principle for us. In Nehemiah 4:9,
we read, “And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against
them day and night.” Nehemiah was a great leader. His task was to lead
God’s people to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. This was a considerable
challenge, and at this point in the story Nehemiah is anticipating being
attacked. How did he respond? He prayed and set a guard. Nehemiah didn’t
leave God out of the equation; he didn’t act as if everything depended on him.
Nor did he pray with a passive spirituality that refuses to plan and work. He
prayed and set a guard. He prayed for peace, and he prepared for war.
Similarly, in 2 Timothy 2:7, Paul says to his colleague Timothy, “Think over
what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.” Well, Paul,
which one is it? Should Timothy study, meditate, and concentrate? Or will God
give Timothy the gift of understanding? Both! Paul doesn’t say, “Timothy, all
you need is your intellect, your brilliance. You’ll figure it out on your own.” Nor
does he say, “Timothy, just trust and wait for God to zap you with a bolt of
knowledge.” Instead, Paul says, “Think deeply. Roll up the sleeves of your
mind. And rely on the Lord to give you understanding in everything.”