3 SITXCOM005 Assessment E Scenario V1 0

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Learner assessment guide and evidence

This assessment requires you to use appropriate conflict-resolution techniques and
communication skills to resolve customer and team issues.

You are required to do the following.

 Complete Scenarios 1 and 2 in Assessment E.

 Read each scenario and complete the tasks.
 Answer the questions.

Scenario 1
 Choose a scenario relevant to your training or work environment.
 Answer the questions based on the general information and your selected option.

General information
You are the supervisor of a team and are responsible for the smooth operation of your work
area during your shift. You have the authority to resolve most types of customer complaints
except those that have serious potential legal or public relations implications to the business.
These must be referred to your manager as soon as these issues arise. You can offer
compensation in the form of refunds, complimentary items, additional services, add-ons or
upgrades to the value of $1,000.

Option 1: Hotel bistro

Your area of responsibility is a large hotel bistro. It’s Friday night and you are in the middle of
peak service period. You are short one cook and the kitchen hand as they both called in sick
just prior to the start of their shifts. The average wait for a meal is normally 15 to 20 minutes.
Today it’s 45 minutes.

You can see customers are becoming increasingly upset. You have tried to explain the situation
to as many as possible but as the wait time increases, they are becoming more agitated and
irate. Customers from two different tables approach you to complain about the long wait and
poor service. Both tables are family groups of six or more guests, some of which are children
under 12. The average spend per person on food is $30 and $15 on beverages.

Option 2: Conference registration

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It’s registration day for a national conference being held at a conference and events centre. You
normally have two staff providing information to arriving participants and four on the registration
desk. Today, you only have two staff to register over 1,000 participants as two have called in
sick. Wait time in the registration queue is currently 20 minutes; it is normally five.

number of participants approach you to complain. Two are staff from conference exhibitors who
are concerned they are losing potential business as their display stands are unstaffed while they
are waiting in the registration queue. The other complainants are regular conference
participants. Conference registration fees are $1,225 for the two days. Exhibitor fees are $3,200
for a booth plus two staff members. Additional staff are $245 per person.

Option 3: Bus tour

A group 45 tourists are waiting for their tour bus to arrive to take them on a day trip. It was due
to arrive at 8 am. It is now 8.45 am. You have tried to contact the bus driver multiple times but
their mobile phone consistently diverts to voicemail. You have left messages but have not
received a response. Your reception team are currently trying to locate another bus and driver
so the tour group can still complete most of the tour. It’s a busy day with multiple tours departing
throughout the day so there are limited alternatives available.

The day trip is comprised of 16 direct bookings and an Asian tour group with their tour leader.
The tour company is a long-term client who books several groups a week with your company.

Two direct-booking customers and the tour leader approach you to complain about the delay
and demand to know what is going to happen. The tour cost is $109 for the day, meals

Task 1: Question and answer

 Answer the questions.

Q1: Indicate your chosen scenario

 Option 1: Hotel bistro
 Option 2: Conference registration
 Option 3: Bus tour

Q2: What is the current level of conflict? Briefly explain why you believe it is at this level.
- The current level of conflict is incident. I believe that this stage occurs because
customers are experiencing long period of wait for their orders. Although I have already
tried to explain them the situation but still the situation is getting hard due to shortage of

Q3: Does this situation have the potential to escalate, threatening the safety of other
customers or team members? Why / why not?
- The situation does not have the potential to threatening the safety of other people as I
am trying to hard to explain the customers about hard situation also I am hoping that
they will understand our problem. Meanwhile trying to get some extra staff by calling

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Q4: What actions do you need to take immediately?

- First of all I have to start helping in the kitchen to fasten the speed
- Moreover, could try to engage people in some entertainment activities. EG. By palying
music and offering them to enjoy.
- Also can offer discounts to the customers due to the late processing of orders

Q5: What style of communication do you use when taking these actions? Why is this method
- Will use assertive style of communication because this method is affective as giving
respect to their feelings as well trying to engage them in various activities.

Q6: What conflict resolution technique do you use when trying to resolve the dispute? Explain
- Use accommodating resolution technique, as it is helpful in managing the customer
relationships. Could offer discounts should resolve conflict.

Q7: What conflict resolution technique is not effective when trying to create a long-term
solution to the dispute? Explain why.
- Competing is not effective in this situation because if I use this technique the business
will get effected and people won’t like to come at such place which is giving them poor

Q8: You have tried to apologise and calmly explain the reason for the service issues to the
customers but they are not willing to listen. They become more irate and loudly demand action
to be taken immediately. Verbal threats of damaging the organisation’s reputation through
personal and social media networks are made. Demands for compensation are also made.
Describe the actions you take to manage this conflict situation.

- This means that the situation is getting worse and can’t control the situation so call the
manager to help and sort out the situation

Q9: What are the potential short- or long-term impacts of this situation on the business?
- Short term impact- Could affect confidence level to handle such situations
- Long term Impact- Affects the reputation of the hotel

Q10: Describe the strategies you use to resolve the dispute at this point in time.
 The options available.
 How you select an appropriate solution.
 The impact the selected solution could have on the individuals and/or the business.
 Your responsibilities when actioning strategies or implementing solutions.

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 A: - Can offer some snacks free of cost. Play the nice and calm music which could
calm their mood or according to their choice of music.

 Will ask every customer about their opinion for the option of playing music through
public announcement if everybody is agree.

 This could calm them a bit also. I get plenty of time to process the orders

 While implementing this action also need to take care that every customer is happy
also have to plan something special for kids that they can also enjoy with their parents

Q11: What organisational policies or constraints influence how you resolve the situation?
- The level of responsibility and empowerment
- The rights to manage things
- Customer complaint handling procedures

Q12: Describe how you implement the agreed solution.

- Allow the kids to play in the area where is the plenty of space is.
- By giving them complimentary drinks or snacks
- Can play the music and let them dance on the dance floor

Q13: How do you seek feedback, comments or information from the parties involved after the
situation has been resolved? Give two examples.

- When customers are finished with their food then I will personally go to them and ask
- Will contact the customers through phone calls after the problem has been resolved to
make sure that they are happy with the solution

Q14: Make recommendations to your manager about improvements to workplace systems,

procedures or processes to ensure this situation doesn’t arise again, or so processes are in
place to handle it efficiently and correctly if it does.

- Would like suggest the manager to have at least one extra staff on the floor especially
on the busy days so that if someone call sick

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Scenario 2
You are supervising a team of employees preparing for an event/service. You and your
colleague overhear a team member completing preparation tasks in the room next door make a
rude and disparaging remark about the colleague’s work ethic.

The colleague explodes, stating they are sick of the other person making these types of
comments all the time and they’ve had enough. They confront the other person about this
recent comment and others that have been made in the past. The team member angrily
accuses them of:

 making racist comments

 trying to ostracise them from others in the team
 Consistently undermining or demeaning their work performance.

It is your responsibility as team leader to deal with the immediate situation.

Task 1: Question and answer

 Answer the questions.

Q1: What is the current level of this conflict? Briefly explain what it is.

- Level of conflict is crisis

The reason is that colleagues are angry on the other staff and they are loudly complaining
about them

Q2: Does this situation have the potential to escalate, threatening the safety of other team
members? Why/why not?
- Yes this could lead to the threat to the safety of employees. Because almost in every
place if people feel that they are being ignored and have to face racism continually at
one stage they can’t be able to bear more.

Q3: What actions do you need to take immediately?

 First of all I feel that situation is going to be worse then I will conform my manager to
come and help to resolve the conflict .
 Moreover , if I could still be able to handle it before getting worse then I will try to
explain all of the employees their main duties and are responsibilities and ask them to
stop bullying others
 If people are harassed or bullied at workplace then have taken legal action towards
people who are doing is?

Q4: What style of communication do you use when taking these actions?
- Use assertive style of communication because I will give chances to everyone to tell
their points and problems then after listening to everyone point. After that will take
decision which will be good to everybody

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Q5: Other than what the other team member has been accused of, what other verbal and non-
verbal signs tell you this conflict situation has been developing for some time?

 The words they are using for each other

 Way of communication
 Body language and gestures
 The facial expression of colleagues

Q6: What conflict resolution technique do you use when trying to resolve the dispute? Explain

- This will depend on the situation, if have to implement the solution very quickly then I will
use competing strategy. Also still I feel the situation under control then I will use
collaborating technique by explaining that we are a team and we need to work together
to achieve our goals

Q7: What conflict resolution technique is not effective when trying to create a long-term
solution to the dispute? Explain why.
- Avoidance is not good for long term solutions because sometimes we may avoid
disputes potentially which could lead to have serious impact

Q8: You take the team members involved in the dispute to an empty office. It’s time to find out
why the situation occurred.
List at least four questions you ask each person to gain an understanding of the nature,
details and underlying causes of the dispute.

- What is the main problem?

- What is the main reason behind the situation?
- When was the first time you found this issue?
- What would you like to suggest to solve this problem?

Q9: What resources are available to you to help you manage this situation?
- The list of my rights, duties and responsibilities.
- Organisation policies and procedures to handle such situations

Q10: What resources could you have called on if the situation had escalated and become
verbally or physically threatening or even violent?
- Call the manager immediately
- Call the security guards immediately
- Call the police if situation is out of control

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Q11: The two team members make the following comments in response to your questioning.
Team member 1
I ask him to do stuff and he just ignores me. He walks off and does other things. But he’s
always watching me and the rest of the team like he’s trying to catch us doing something
wrong. And he’s so slow. We always have to do extra jobs to cover all the things he
doesn’t get done in time. He’s been here long enough, he should know what to do by now.
Team member 2
I’ve been here six months now and no one has ever really shown me how to do things
properly. I’ve had to work it out by watching the others when they do it. In my country, you
have to follow the orders of anyone who holds a higher position than you do. If we didn’t
do what our superiors told us, you could lose your job instantly. So, if a supervisor here
tells me to do something, I do that job, not one that someone else tells me to do. I don’t
want to lose my job.
What are the underlying reasons for this dispute?
 Some old employees do have the habit of superiority than on new employees
 Due to busy schedule no one is able to explain everything
 Misunderstanding
 Arrogant nature of person

Q12: You are still in the office with the two employees. You need to resolve the dispute quickly.
Describe the strategies you use to resolve the dispute at this point in time.
 The options available.
 How you select an appropriate solution.
 The impact the selected solution could have on the individuals and/or the business.
 Your responsibilities when actioning strategies or implementing solutions.

 I could ask them to ignore such people

 They can come to me any time if they feel someone is keeping an eye on them
 I will arrange some buddy shifts for the employee o that he can learn
 Arrange regular trainings

My responsibility while implementing strategies is that I should keep the written

records of the conflict and solutions to prevent them from happening again

Q13: How do you overcome any social or cultural communication barriers when negotiating and
implementing a solution to the dispute?
- Arrange small get together every month for every single employee to enhance his or her
- I will try to contact short survey which will be related with all of the cultures and will give
them efficient knowledge of them so that they can treat each other equally

Q14: Describe how you implement the agreed solution.

- By writing it down on the notice board and keeping a record of everything so that we can
try to stop it from happening again

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Task 2: Question and answer

It is two weeks after the confrontation. The agreed solutions have been implemented and it’s
time to evaluate their effectiveness. You speak to the team members individually to obtain
feedback about progress.

Team member 1
I guess I didn’t understand why he did those things and interpreted his actions all wrong. If that’s
what things were like in his country, I can understand that he’d be afraid of losing his job. We’ve
all been showing him how to do things properly. He’s getting better already. I guess he’s not so
bad after all.

Team member 2
I’ve learnt how to do some new things and how to do others better or faster. And the comments
have stopped, so I’m a lot happier. I think maybe everyone will start to accept me as part of the
team now.

 Answer the questions.

Q1: What feedback, comments or information do you pass on to each of the team members
after receiving these comments? Give two examples.
- I will pass a good feedback to everyone because almost two of them are happy now
because the solutions we try to implement seems to be effective. Moreover, I will still ask
every single employee about his or her problems and feedbacks to make the workplace

Q2: Outline your evaluation of the dispute and the effectiveness of the resolution strategies.

- After seeking their first feedback I found that resolution strategy seems to be effective
because everybody was working as a team member now and also if they feel anything
which is uncomfortable they were happy to come to me and solve their problems. I have
seek the regular feedback from the staff and also involve them in my decision before
implementing the solutions.

Q3: Based on the probable causes of this dispute, make recommendations to your
manager about improvements to workplace systems, procedures or processes.
- They should arrange activities on monthly basis so that employees interact with each
other after the office hours, which will be helpful in managing their personal relations

Assessor checklist

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To be completed by the assessor.

Learner’s name: TAWIN PINYO

Did the learner Complete

successfully demonstrate d
evidence of their ability to Assessor comments
do the following? Yes No
Scenario 1
Used appropriate conflict-resolution
techniques and communication skills
to resolve the customer complaint.

Identified potential for conflict and

took swift and tactful action to prevent

Identified situations where personal

safety of customers or colleagues
may be threatened and organised
appropriate assistance.
Established and agreed on the nature
and details of conflict with all parties
and assessed impact.

Managed conflict within scope of own

role and responsibilities, and
according to organisational
Took responsibility for seeking a
solution to conflict within scope of
own role and responsibilities, seeking
assistance where required.
Identified and evaluated impact of
conflict on business reputation and
legal liability.

Evaluated options to resolve the

conflict, taking into account
organisational policies and

Implemented the best solution and

completed required reports.

Communicated with parties involved

to seek and provide feedback on
conflict and its resolution.

V 2016

Did the learner Complete

successfully demonstrate Assessor comments d
evidence of their ability to
do the following? Yes No
Determined possible causes of
workplace conflict and provided input
for workplace enhancement and
Scenario 2
Used appropriate conflict-resolution
techniques and communication skills
to resolve the customer complaint.

Identified potential for conflict and

took swift and tactful action to prevent

Identified situations where personal

safety of customers or colleagues
may be threatened and organised
appropriate assistance.
Identified and used resources to
assist in managing conflict.

Established and agreed on the nature

and details of conflict with all parties
and assessed impact.

Managed conflict within scope of own

role and responsibilities, and
according to organisational
Took responsibility for seeking a
solution to conflict within scope of
own role and responsibilities, seeking
assistance where required.

Identified and evaluated impact of

conflict on business reputation and
legal liability.

Evaluated options to resolve the

conflict, taking into account
organisational policies and

Implemented the best solution and

completed required reports.

10 2016 Edition

Did the learner Complete

successfully demonstrate Assessor comments d
evidence of their ability to
do the following? Yes No
Communicated with parties involved
to seek and provide feedback on
conflict and its resolution.

Evaluated and reflected on the

conflict and effectiveness of the

Determined possible causes of

workplace conflict and provided input
for workplace enhancement and

V 2016

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