Course Outline

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(Updated on 24/08/2023)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing Programme (2023-2024)


Year 5
8-9 weeks and 3 units

Course overview
This clinical practice course aims to develop students’ skills in planning and implementing
individualized care for clients in a variety of health-care settings with significant changes in
medical health condition and acute or emergency health status. Opportunities will be provided to
develop students’ clinical reasoning and problem-solving skills in different client care situations.
The main focus will be on integrating and applying knowledge and skills needed for the care and
promotion of wellness of clients in medical and specialty areas.

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate problem-solving approach in the identification and management of
biopsychosocial health-related problems of clients.
2. Demonstrate the ability to perform comprehensive and focus assessment of clients with
emergency health conditions and medical alterations.
3. Critically analyze health assessment data to identify problems and priorities as well as plan
4. Develop plans of care based on health assessment and principles supported by research.
5. Demonstrate competence in the safe and efficient performance of nursing skills in
emergency clinical specialty and in preparation and aftercare for investigative procedures.
6. Demonstrate effective communication with clients, their families, and health care team
7. Deepen critical decision-making skills in the provision of client-centred care.
8. Demonstrate the ability to communicate assessment, care planning, implementation and
evaluation data by documentation.
9. Critically analyze evaluation data to review the client’s nursing care plan.

10. Deepen the integration of the knowledge from applied behavioural and social science in
the provision of client care.
11. Establish a beginning ability to identify research topics from theoretical knowledge and
practical experience.
12. Further develop critical thinking and clinical judgment from theoretical knowledge and
practical experience.
13. Integrate and consolidate the nursing knowledge learnt from preceding years.

This clinical practice block aims to consolidate the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained
throughout the preceding academic years in nursing. Through the comprehensive and focus
assessment of clients with health problems in medical and emergency settings, students learn how
to make a nursing diagnosis and plan care with evidence-based support for clients. This clinical
course further strengthens students’ abilities for case management and coordination. Students will
be divided into groups to facilitate peer support and learning and be arranged to practice under
clinical mentors’ supervision in medical and surgical wards and community settings.

Learning activities
A variety of teaching strategies will be adopted during the clinical placement block, including
clinical teaching and supervision, pre-clinical briefing, post-clinical conference, group discussion
and feedback, and CU eLearning System discussion. Students are required to review knowledge,
skills and the Year 5 Clinical Practice Guide Book before the clinical placement.

Clinical placement period

The clinical block is scheduled from 4 September 2023 to 26 Oct 2023, every Monday to
Thursday. There is a supplementary clinical practice period from 18 December 2023 to 22
December 2023. The placement is from Monday to Thursday. Students need to make-up on
Saturday if there is any absence on weedays. For some specialty clinical practices, students are
required to attend Saturday.

Areas of practice
Medical unit
Surgical unit
General Out-patient clinics
Community Nursing Service
Obstetric Nursing
Paediatric Nursing
Operating Threater

Students will usually stay in the same clinical specialty placement venues for continuous clinical
learning without rotation.

Clinical placement venues and arrangement
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital
North District Hospital
Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
Prince of Wales Hospital
Shatin Hospital
St. Teresa’s Hospital
St. Pual’s Hospital
Tai Po Hospital
United Christian Hospital

Clinical placement venues are mostly allocated according to students’ residential locations.
However, due to the limited number of venues and specialities availability, some students may be
allocated to clinical placement venues a bit far from their residential areas. The teaching team
reserves the right to make the final decision on the arrangement of students’ clinical placement.

Student fitness to attend clinical practice

The teaching team reserves the right to assess and determine whether individual students are fit to
attend clinical practice.

Personal data privacy & security

Students must strictly comply with the “Guidelines on Protection of Clients’ Personal Data in
Clinical Practice” as stated in the “Clinical Practice Handbook”.

Pre-requisite for Clinical Practice Course

1. The Basic Infection Control Module is a pre-requisite for clinical practice. All students must
obtain a pass in the assessment before they are allowed to go for clinical practice.
2. The Protecting Personal Data Privacy & Security training is also a pre-requisite for clinical
practice. All students must obtain a pass on the quiz before they are allowed to go for clinical

Assessment scheme
This course comprises three assessments. Each assessment is designed to match with the desired
learning outcomes as below.

Task nature Description Weight Achieved

Professional To evaluate students’ professional 20% 1, 5-8.
Behaviour* behaviour in terms of professional
relationships, professional attitude
and practice, and learning attitude
and behaviour.
(Appendix I)
Case Management To strengthen and evaluate students’ 30% 1-13.
ability to identify clients’ health
needs, coordinate and implement
care, formulate a written handover
report and logically present the
report in the medical setting.
(Appendix II)
Comprehensive To enhance the competency level of 50% 1-4, 7-10, 12-13.
Assessment* the final year students.
To integrate and consolidate the
nursing knowledge learnt in the
Date: In the Exam period preceding years.
in December 2023 (100 MCQs)
Venue: TBC
Duration: 2.5 hours

Mock Exam for To assist students in preparing well No 1-4, 7-10, 12-13.
Comprehensive for the comprehensive assessment in marks
Assessment December 2023. will be
(50 MCQs) counted
Date: 13 October 2023
Venue: TYW_LT Remarks:
Two identical sessions at 1) The mock exam will not be
AM: 09:30 – 10:45 rescheduled for students who
PM: 15:00 - 1615 are absent for any reason.
2) Only the students who failed
Duration: the mock exam will receive the
1 hour & 15 min score by email.

* Critical component
1. The assessment of ‘ Professional Behaviour’ and ‘Comprehensive Assessment’ are the
CRITICAL COMPONENT of the course. A student who fails in the CRITICAL
COMPONENTS will fail the course.

2. A student who fails the ‘Professional Behaviour’ or ‘Comprehensive Assessment’ will obtain a
maximum overall score of 45% for the course. A supplementary assessment may be arranged
for the student as appropriate. He/ she is required to pass the supplementary assessment in
order to pass the course. Upon the pass of the supplementary assessment, the student will
obtain 50% of the total marks for the course.
3. Students who fail the supplementary assessment of ‘Comprehensive Assessment’ will need to
retake Comprehensive Assessment in the next academic year.
4. According to the Bachelor of Nursing Programme Student Handbook, students absent from
clinical practice are required to apply and seek approval for arranging a clinical makeup. If a
student is absent from any clinical practice of the course without providing a legitimate reason
together with valid supporting documents (such as a medical certificate), he/ she will receive a
FAIL grade in the assessment of Professional Behaviour, unless otherwise decided by the
Course Team and the Assessment Panel. In such cases, NO SUPPLEMENTARY
ASSESSMENT will be arranged for the student concerned.

Nursing Skills Record

Students’ competency in learned nursing skills will be assessed continuously throughout their
clinical placement. Each student will be responsible for keeping his/ her own ‘Nursing Skills
Record’ and update the record regularly in consultation with his/her clinical teachers/ mentors in
order to provide a detailed account of his/her clinical training. The student is expected to take the
initiative to learn and practice and attain satisfactory performance in all the learned skills. All
students are required to achieve satisfactory performance in at least 80% of the nursing skills listed
in the ‘Nursing Skills Record’ prior to graduation.

Recommended learning resources

American Heart Association. (2020). Highlights of the 2020 American Heart Association
Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC.
Bickley, L. S. (2020). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking (13th ed.). Wolters
Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. (2017). Nursing diagnosis: Application to clinical practice (15th ed.).
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Hinkle, J., & Cheever, K. (2018). Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing
(14th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Lehne, R. A. (2019). Pharmacology for Nursing care (10th ed.). Saunders.
Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., & Ostendorf, W. (2017). Clinical nursing skills and techniques (9th
ed.). Mosby.
Porth, C. M., & Matfin, G. (2018). Pathophysiology: Concepts of altered health states (10th ed.).
Emergency Nurses Association. (2023). Sheehy's Manual of Emergency Care. Elsevier.
[electronic resource available in 2013 version].

Weber, J., & Kelley, J. (2018). Health assessment in nursing (6th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Electronic resources
Alexander Street Press, LLC. (2023). Nursing Education in Video.
EBSCO Health (2023). Dynamic Health.
Elsevier Inc. (2023). ClinicalKey for Nursing.
Wolters Kluwer. (2023). UpToDate.

Feedback for evaluation

The course adopts a number of formal and informal measures to obtain student feedback for
course evaluation. Students are encouraged to use the CU eLearning System and email to post
their views, and clinical practice group representatives are invited to collate students’ views and
comments during and at the end of the course. Students are also encouraged to give comments by
using the online CTE evaluation. In addition, there are opportunities for students to give feedback
on the clinical learning environment and clinical teaching at the end of the course and during the
staff-student consultative committee meeting. Students are also welcome to approach individual
teaching staff and course coordinator to give their feedback anytime during the clinical placement

Guidelines for Reviewing Examination Materials: The review period will be held within two
weeks after grades are released to students. The date will be determined by the Course
Coordinator. The student who wishes to review the assessment materials must make a formal
request to the Year Administrator within four calendar days after grades are released.

Contact details of teaching staff
Course Coordinator: Ms Anna NGAN
Office: Room 704C, Esther Lee Building, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Tel. no.: 3943 4487
Mobile: 9654 7323
Name of staff Office Telephone Email
Ms Kimmy AU 3943 3242
Ms Elaine CHAN 3943 9545
Ms Kelly CHEUNG 3943 5011
Ms Surrey CHEUNG 3943 0535
Mr Roy CHIM 3943 0534
Miss Rosa HO 3943 6223
Ms Zoe KWOK 3943 9928
Ms Venee LAM 3943 9925
Ms Gerund LEE 3943 9924
Ms Cass LEUNG 3943 5547
Ms Florence LEUNG 39438176
Ms Hermione LO 3943 9916
Ms Lei Lok LO 3943 5467
MsVincci NG 3943 5573
Ms Christina WONG 3943 9906
MsYan WONG 3943 9305
Mr Kevin YAU 3943 9913
Ms Winnie YAU 3943 0891

Details of course website

CU eLearning System: (
The course-related materials, such as course outline, learning outcomes, guidelines for assessment,
clinical learning activities, electronic resources and links to relevant nursing websites, will be
posted on the CU eLearning System. Public and private forums will be used to facilitate the
exchange of ideas and communications between students and the teaching team, especially when
students are undergoing clinical placement in different clinical venues. Students are encouraged to
check the CU eLearning System weekly. For urgent or important issues, individual group

representatives will be contacted to help pass the message to students, and emails will be sent to
individual students.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing Programme



Assessment Guidelines

Clinical competency assessment in Clinical Practice V consists of a continuous assessment of

professional behaviour (20%), case management (30%), and comprehensive assessment (50%).

1. Professional behaviour (Appendix I)

The assessment of professional behaviour contributes 20% of the total course mark. This is a

continuous assessment of individual student’s clinical learning and practices throughout

clinical placement. It will be conducted throughout the clinical practice block. Students will

be assessed in three aspects: professional relationship, professional attitude and practice, and

learning attitude and behaviour. Students’ clinical performance will also be reflected from

the clinical mentors and health care team members of the respective clinical venues.

2. Case management (Appendix II)

The assessment of case management contributes 30% of the total course mark. Each student

is expected to choose a client and demonstrate the ability to coordinate care for the client

based on the clients’ health needs, formulate a written handover report and present the verbal

handover report. The assessor, the teacher of the School, will assess the student in either the

a.m. or p.m. shift. At the end of the assessment, the student is required to submit a written

schedule and the written handover report to the assessor on the date of the assessment.

3. Comprehensive assessment

The comprehensive assessment contributes 50% of the course mark. It is a written

assessment of 100 MCQs and to be finished in 2.5 hours. The assessment will be held in the

examination period in 2023 Term 1. This final written examination aims to integrate and

consolidate nursing knowledge learnt from preceding years. It is also to determine final year

students’ eligibility and competency to be registered nurses.

A mock examination will be arranged on 13 October 2023, before the comprehensive

examination. The purpose is to help students prepare for the comprehensive assessment. The

mock examination will consist of 50 MCQs to be completed in 1 hour and 15 min. No marks

will be counted on the course. The rescheduled exam will NOT be arranged for students who

are absent for any reasons.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Medicine
The Nethersole School of Nursing
Bachelor of Nursing Programme


Skill Return Demonstration

Assessment Guidelines

The skill return demonstration of Aseptic Technique is to enable students to demonstrate proficiency

in performing the competency skills in clinical settings. The competency skills will be assessed

according to the respective assessment criteria.

The competency assessment of Aseptic Technique (Appendix III) will be started from the 1st week of

the clinical block in either medical or surgical unit. Students are required to perform a wound dressing

with the skill of aseptic technique on a client. The assessor of the school will assess one student at a

time and will help each student to select an appropriate client for the assessment. Students will be

given one hour for preparation before the commencement of the assessment. They are expected to

perform the nursing procedure including assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, and

documentation. The performance of the whole procedure should not exceed 25 minutes.

Appendix I
Professional Behaviour

Assessment criteria

Remarks: Pass (satisfactory in all items); Fail (unsatisfactory in one or more items)

Professional relationship
1. Interact appropriately with teachers and classmates.

2. Respect and communicate appropriately with clients and their families.

3. Communicate appropriately and cooperates effectively with members of the health care

Professional attitude and practice

1. Demonstrate a caring attitude towards clients and their families.

2. Respect clients and their cultural beliefs / values.

3. Maintain safety of clients at all times.

4. Maintain rights confidentiality and privacy of clients at all times.

5. Report matters of concern relating to clients, clients’ families, work or studies to
mentor/staff and seek advice from them when uncertainty arises.

6. Demonstrate ability in managing clinical situations.

7. Uphold the code of professional conduct and adhere to moral and ethical principles in
nursing practice

Learning attitude and behaviour

1. Achieve clinical learning objectives as stated in the course outline.

2. Show preparation in advance for clinical practice.

3. Apply theoretical principles and concepts to clinical practice.

4. Apply problem-solving skills in caring for clients.

5. Update nursing knowledge and nursing skills.
6. Accept responsibilities with confidence and a positive attitude.

7. Demonstrate a neat and professional appearance.

8. Fulfil the attendance requirements of the course.

Appendix II
Case Management

Assessment Criteria

Coordination of care
1. Identify the client’ s health needs/ problems appropriately.

2. Identify individualized independent and/or collaborative nursing interventions to address the

client’ s health needs/ problems.

3. Incorporate existing organization policy, practice guidelines or protocol related to the selected
nursing interventions.

4. Implement nursing interventions based on the client’ s health needs/ problems as scheduled.

Formulation of written handover report

1. Document the current health needs/ problems of the client and the nursing interventions

2. Evaluate the outcome of care and document the client’ s condition and response in relation to
the nursing interventions.

3. Formulate the written handover report in a logical and systematic way.

Presentation of verbal handover report

1. Demonstrate effective communication for handover of duty verbally.

2. Demonstrate accuracy in presenting the client’ s clinical background information, health

condition and progress.

3. Provide relevant information related to future care plan.

4. Present the verbal handover report in a logical flow and express the content clearly.

Appendix III

Aseptic Technique

Assessment criteria (Return Demonstration)

Assessment and Planning

1. Verify the nursing intervention.
2. Assess and prepare the client psychologically.
3. Assess the client’ s current health status.
4. Prepare the client physically.
5. Prepare necessary equipment.

1. Apply principles of standard precautions.
2. * Apply principles of surgical asepsis.
3. Demonstrate proper techniques:
• Setting up and maintaining of sterile field.
• Start at the cleaner area.
• One swab for each stroke.
• Apply appropriate dressings.
4. Ensure safety and comfort of the client throughout the procedure.
• Position the client properly.
• Respect client's privacy.
• Respond to client’ s verbal and nonverbal cues.
• Provide health teaching to the client.
• After care

Evaluation & Documentation

1. Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of intervention.
2. Report abnormalities immediately.
3. Document all nursing assessments and interventions.

* Critical point


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