Command Control Uav

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Command and Control of UAV Swarms via Satellite

Chapter · March 2018

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76571-6_9

2 1,826

3 authors, including:

Pietro Cassara Alberto Gotta

Italian National Research Council Italian National Research Council


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Command and Control of UAV Swarms via

Pietro Cassará1 , Marco Colucci1 , Alberto Gotta1 ,

Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of National Research

Council (CNR), via Moruzzi, 1, Pisa, Italy

Summary. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are attracting an in-

creasing interest from both the industrial and the research fields, because
of the large number of scenarios and applications that they can support.
One of the big challenges of the next future is the use of UAV swarms,
in order to exploit the advantages that coordinated actions of multiple
drones can provide. In this work, we propose an analytical framework
to evaluate the probability of a reliable command and control message
delivery from a Ground Control Station to a UAV swarm via satellite,
also exploiting intra-swarm gossiping.

1.1 Introduction
Nowadays, UAVs, or drones, are attracting a lot of attention from industrial and
research fields. They are suited to a large number of applications, from military
to civilian ones, thus the advantages that they can provide are eagerly exploited
by several actors. UAVs have been largely used in the military field in the past,
but, nowadays, the cost reduction makes them of interest also in several civilian
fields: for instance, in the precision agriculture [1, 2], in the surveillance field or
environmental monitoring [3], and in search and rescue applications [4]. The use
of UAVs has proved to be particularly effective in otherwise impervious areas,
or each time their use can remove the need for expensive temporary scaffolding,
such as in the case of the inspection of historical or cultural areas and buildings.
In the latter scenarios, UAVs are typically equipped with the needed sensors
in order to facilitate an inspection: for instance, cameras, but also short-range
communication radios, in order to collect data from previously installed sensors
or to deliver commands, in the case of actuators. Up to now, the largest fraction
of civilian applications is based on the use of Line of Sight (LoS) communications,
so that the operator remotely controlling the drone can avoid any close obstacles.
In fact, a strict regulation is quickly spreading in several European countries, in
order to control the use of these devices, mainly in areas where poor experienced
personnel can improperly use UAVs, such as close to airports or in the presence
of crowd, with possibly disastrous consequences. When considering Non Line of
Sight (NLoS) or Beyond Line of Sight (BLoS) communications, the use of the
satellites is a possibility, but the following limiting factors should be taken into
account: a larger delay than in LoS communications; the absence of a direct visual
2 Pietro Cassará, Marco Colucci, Alberto Gotta,

feedback; the need of always available bandwidth, in order to control the drone
and to collect data; furthermore, the availability of automatic collision avoidance
systems to compensate the operators’ maneuvering delay. The aforementioned
requirements make more expensive the design, the manufacturing, and the use of
these devices. In several contexts, the use of a single UAV can be a limiting factor;
for instance, in search and rescue applications, if several drones can be rapidly
deployed, the probability of a successfully rescue mission may increase. The use
of UAV swarms is of interest in several fields, if the task previously assigned
to a single drone can be parceled and parallelized. A number of advantages
are provided by the use of UAV swarms, as pointed out in [5]: (i ) likely, the
overall cost of acquisition and maintenance of several small Commercial Off-the-
Shelf (COTS) UAVs is lower than the overall cost of a single large UAV; (ii )
scalability, which is a key feature of UAV swarms, instead absent in single UAV
missions; (iii ) fault-tolerance, because a single malfunction has a limited impact
on the swarm; (iv ) faster operations, thanks to the parallelization of the work.
The scenario under consideration in this work is built upon UAV swarms
remotely controlled via satellite. Although some works in the literature deal with
the use of the drone swarms [6, 7, 8], the issues posed by Command and Control
(C2) via satellite require further investigations. The main contribution of this
work is providing an analytical framework to estimate both coverage probability
and delivery delay, when an UAV swarm receives C2 data via satellite, which
can be further forwarded (gossiped ) inside the UAV swarm, in order to increase
the probability of a reliable data delivery. The rest of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 1.2 provides some background and discusses the related works.
Section 1.3 deals with the description of the problem and of the analytical model
needed to address it. Section 1.4 provides some preliminary numerical results;
the conclusions are in Section 1.5.

1.2 Related works

Several works can be identified in the literature on Flying Ad-Hoc Networks
(FANETs), mainly focusing on the communications within the swarm and on
the issues posed by the communications with a terrestrial station. The survey
in [5] provides a very valuable overview of both the issues and the advantages
provided by FANETs. The communication link quality within a swarm exhibits
a complex behavior that depends on several factors: the distance between any
couple of nodes, the shadowing due to the UAV itself, the drone attitude, and the
environmental conditions. The last ones play a major role in the link quality, if
UAVs fly above or below the clouds. Typically, small UAVs fly below the clouds,
therefore the rain fading can impair the communications. Furthermore, because
of the wind, small UAVs can frequently change their attitude, thus modifying
the relative orientation on the pitch, roll and yaw angles; this impacts on the
link quality, as well, because the power loss due to the antenna mismatch can
be sometimes severe [5].
1 Command and Control of UAV Swarms via Satellite 3

In [6], four basic communication architectures for Unmanned Aerial Sys-

tems (UASs) are discussed: direct link, satellite, cellular, and mesh networking.
Satellite-based and mesh networks may be the most promising solutions. In a
mesh network, each node acts as a relay to forward data, thus a control station
can be reached via several intermediate hops. Anyway, it requires a path, i.e.,
nodes in place, in order to work, thus it can be feasible only in areas with a
large nodes’ density. The use of satellites can provide a better coverage than
the use of the direct links, so that the UAV swarm remains well connected. The
typical limited bandwidth in satellite links does not really pose here an issue,
because C2 protocols should not require large amount of available bandwidth.
On the other hand, if user data were to be delivered, larger bandwidth may be
required to meet the requirements of high data rate applications. Geostationary
Orbit (GEO) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites can be employed; if con-
sidered, a large delay should be taken into account in the former case, while
temporary disconnections are expected in the latter case. Despite the challenges
characterizing satellite-controlled UAV systems (especially for civilian purposes),
research and industrial communities are still investigating the feasibility of the
introduction of UAVs in non-segregated airspace. The DeSIRE project1 is aimed
at demonstrating maritime surveillance services using Remotely Piloted Aircraft
System (RPAS), by exploiting BLoS communications.

1.3 System model

In the scenario under consideration, visible in Figure 1.1a, a Ground Control Sta-
tion (GCS) transmits C2 messages, each composed of k control blocks, towards
a swarm composed of n drones. Therefore, we assume that each C2 message (for
instance, new navigation data) is split in k fragments that must be successfully
received. An average loss probability P LSAT is considered, in order to take into

(b) Examples of received blocks per UAV

in the swarm, when h = 6 (sum of the
margins), k = 4 columns (number of
(a) The scenario under
blocks), and n = 5 rows (number of
consideration in this work.

Fig. 1.1
DeSIRE stands for Demonstration of Satellites enabling the Insertion of RPAS in
Europe, a joint ESA-EDA initiative.
4 Pietro Cassará, Marco Colucci, Alberto Gotta,

account possible impairments on the satellite channel. Therefore, a successful

transmission probability PSAT of k blocks (i.e., a single C2 message) towards
each node of the swarm can be written as PSAT = (1 − P LSAT )k . In the sce-
nario under consideration (see Figure 1.1a), the UAVs cooperate in propagating
C2 data, in order to increase the probability that each UAV in the swarm can
correctly decodes C2 messages. If an UAV has correctly received the C2 message
(i.e., all k blocks), then it can gossip them to the neighbors. We call gossiping
user an UAV that forwards data within the swarm. For the sake of clarity, all
drones (neighbors) are potentially gossiping users. The gossiped blocks can be
lost with an average loss probability P LF AN = P Lf s + P Lcoll − P Lf s P Lcoll ,
where P Lf s is the average free-space loss probability at a given distance d bet-
ween UAVs, and P Lcoll is the average collision probability due to the medium
contention. Therefore, P LF AN is the average loss probability when UAVs coope-
rate in gossiping C2 messages received via satellite, in order to compensate for
any losses.
In the following, we derive the analytical formulation of the throughput
within the FANET. Then, we estimate the coverage probability and the average
delivery delay of a C2 message. The medium access mechanism among UAVs
is here based on the use of the 802.11 standard: 802.11 frames are transmitted
on the channel, and each frame is composed of several time-slots. Carrier Sense
Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) mediates the access to
the shared medium. CSMA/CA uses a backoff time randomly chosen from a
contention window of length W [slots], whose range is [Wmin , Wmax ]. W is dou-
bled after each unsuccessful transmission, up to the maximum value equal to
(Wmax + 1). A two-dimensional Markov chain of (b + 1) stages is used in [9] to
model the backoff time of a node. That model assumes that each block collides in
a time-slot with constant and independent probability P Lcoll , whereas τ , which
is the stationary probability that the node transmits a packet in a generic ran-
domly chosen time-slot, is derived as a function of the number of backoff stages
b, of the minimum contention window value Wmin , and of the collision probabi-
lity. In [9], a system of non linear equations allows a unique solution (P Lcoll , τ ),
that in turns is used to compute the normalized throughput:
Ps Ptr L
T hr = , (1.1)
Ps Ptr Ts + Ptr (1 − Ps )Tc + (1 − Ptr )Tid

where Ptr = 1−(1−τ )n is the probability that there is at least one transmission in
a time-slot; Ps = (n τ (1−τ )n−1 )/(1−(1−τ )n ) is the probability of a successfully
transmission on the channel, given that at least one node has transmitted; Tid is
the duration of a time-slot; L is the payload size; Ts = M ACheader +L+SIF S +
2Tid + ACK + DIF S is the average duration of the busy period of the channel
because of a successful transmission; Tc = M ACheader + L + DIF S + Tid is the
average duration of the busy period of the channel because of a collision. SIF S,
DIF S and ACK parameters in use in this work are provided in Table 1.1.
By using (1.1), we can compute the delivery delay of the gossiped blocks
on the 802.11 channel. We are interested in evaluating the coverage probability
1 Command and Control of UAV Swarms via Satellite 5

P cov , which is the probability that each node receives all the k blocks composing
a C2 message. It is defined by the following equation:

P cov = PSAT + (1 − PSAT ) PFcov

AN . (1.2)

Equation (1.2) is composed of two terms: the probability PSAT that a node
successfully receives the blocks via satellite, and the probability PFcovAN that the
blocks are successfully received from the gossiping neighbors. In order to estimate
AN , we need to enumerate the coverage events. A coverage event occurs if all
k blocks are received by a single UAV thanks to gossiping. In order for a coverage
event to occur, the UAV must receive at least once each of the k control blocks2 .
Assuming that a coverage event has occurred, the total number of control blocks
received by the UAV, namely h, is bounded as follows: k ≤ h ≤ k (n − 1).
In order to enumerate the coverage events, we need the following definitions: a
row (column) margin is defined as the sum of the entries, rows by rows (columns
by columns). The coverage events can be enumerated by counting the number
of receiving matrices M(R(h), C(h)). A receiving matrix is composed of vectors
R(h) = {r1 (h), , ..., rn (h)} and C(h) = {c1 (h), , ..., ck (h)}, which are the row
and column matrix margins, respectively, for a given h. Matrices M(R(h), C(h))
are (n − 1) × k binary matrices, where the entry (i, j) is 1 or 0, if the i-th
neighbor successfully transmits (or not) the j-th block. An example of a receiving
matrix M is shown in Figure 1.1b(a), for k = 4 and n = 5, with margins
R(h) = {4, 2, 0, 0, 0}, C(h) = {2, 2, 1, 1}. The sum of the elements of R(h) and
C(h) in Figure 1.1b(a) is h = 6. The set of margins C(h), corresponding to the
coverage events, can be enumerated by evaluating all the k integer partitions
of h with h = k, · · · , k (n − 1). We recall that the integer partitions of h are
the ways of writing h as a sum of k positive integers C(h) = {c1 (h), · · · , ck (h)}.
Some of thePpartitions may not be feasible; a partition is said to be feasible if
and only if i ci (h) ≥ k and ci (h) ≥ 1, for i ∈ [1, k]. In order to enumerate only
the feasible partitions, some constraints are needed. Those constraints can be
written as follows:
h= ci (h), ∀ C(h) ∈ C(h), h = k, · · · , k(n − 1); (1.3)
1 ≤ ci (h) ≤ n − 1, ∀ C(h) ∈ C(h).

The constraints in (1.3) guarantee that the maximum number of transmissions

per block is equal to the number of the gossiping nodes, and that the minimum
number of successfully transmitted blocks must be k for a coverage event to
occur. For instance, the matrix in Figure 1.1b(a) shows the symbols sk received
(entries equal to 1) or not received (entries equal to 0) from each user un for one
of the two feasible column margins C1 (6) = {2, 2, 1, 1} and C2 (6) = {3, 1, 1, 1}
for h = 6. Furthermore, given that any column margin Cl (h) has a finite number
of entries, namely cli (h), cli (h) can appear with multiplicity mi , thus all the per-
mutations with repetition r of Cl (h) must be evaluated, because these margins
Because of gossiping, each block can be received more than once.
6 Pietro Cassará, Marco Colucci, Alberto Gotta,

still represent feasible solutions. These permutations can be calculated as:

k k!
r := = (1.4)
m1 , m2 , · · · , mj m1 !m2 ! · · · ml !
Note that PFcov AN depends on the number of nodes that transmit with suc-
cess. Therefore, for any Cl (h) ∈ C(h), several configurations of successfully
transmitting neighbors Rl (h) = {Rl,j (h), j = 1, · · · , J} are possible, where
Rl,j (h) = {rl,j,1 (h), · · · , rl,j,n−1 (h)}.
Figure 1.1b shows two of the possible configurations of transmitting users for
the column margin C1 (6) = {2, 2, 1, 1}: R1,1 (6) = {4, 2, 0, 0, 0} and R1,2 (6) =
{3, 1, 1, 1, 0}. Again, we can notice that R1,2 (6) can be achieved from R1,1 (6) as
follows: {a1,4 → a2,4 , a2,1 → a3,1 , a2,2 → a4,2 }. Hence, the set of feasible row mar-
gins in Rl (h) can be enumerated by evaluating the permutations with repetition
r of the binary column vectors of the receiving matrix. Then, arranging those
permutations in groups large k, the disposition groups are obtained from the
obtained Rl,j (h) row margin. A disposition group is a permutation group where
each permutation is taken only once. For the sake of clarity, in Figure 1.1b(a), we
have s1 = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, s2 = {1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, s3 = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, s4 = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0},
with sets of permutations r (s1 ), r (s2 ), r (s3 ), r (s4 ). The number of permuted
elements is 6 for r (s1 ) and r (s2 ), 4 for r (s3 ) and r (s4 ). The total number of
arrangements in the groups of 4 permuted vectors is 6 · 6 · 4 · 4 = 576, but sev-
eral of these arrangements provide the same row margin Rl,j (h), which must be
counted only once in order to obtain a disposition group. For each column mar-
gin Cl (h), the set of row margins Rl (h) can be now evaluated. However, we still
need to enumerate all the possible matrices Mi (Cl (h), Rl,j (h)) for a given pair of
margins Cl (h), Rl,j (h). The matrices Mi (Cl (h), Rl,j (h)) correspond to the fea-
sible coverage events. In fact, there exists a set of matrices M(Cl (h), Rl,j (h)),
where Mi (Cl (h), Rl,j (h)) differs from Mj (Cl (h), Rl,j (h)) by a sequence of ele-
mentary circuit sub-matrices, as proved in [10]. In Figure 1.1b(b), the sub-matrix
{{u1 , u2 }, {s3 , s4 }} can be changed in another one through an elementary circuit
matrix, as follows:    
10 01
01 10
and the relative margins Cl (h), Rl,j (h) do not change. An algorithm to effi-
ciently count the matrices of the set M(Cl (h), Rl,j (h)), hereafter referred to as
|M(Cl (h), Rl,j (h))|, is provided in [11]. To summarize, the coverage events can
be evaluated according to the following steps:
1. enumerate all feasible column margins in C(h) and its permutations r (C(h))
for a fixed h value;
2. enumerate all feasible row margins Ri,j (h), ∀ Ci (h) ∈ C(h);
3. count the number of matrices M(Ci (h), Ri (h)) that correspond to the co-
verage events in the sets (Ci (h), Ri (h));
4. count all the matrices corresponding to the coverage events related to all the
feasible partitions. The number of those matrices is Ω, and can be estimated
as in the following formula:
1 Command and Control of UAV Swarms via Satellite 7
Ω(h, C(h), R(h)) = r (C(h)) |M (Ci (h), Ri,j (h)) |.
Cl (h)∈C(h) Rl,j ∈Rl (h)

So far, we are able to enumerate all the possible coverage events for the parame-
ters h and the number of gossiping users Utx . Finally, the occurrence probability
of a coverage events is:

P r(h|Utx ) = Ω(h, C(h), R(h))(1 − P LF AN )h (P LF AN )Utx k−h . (1.5)

In other words, (1.5) allows evaluating the probability that an UAV receives
h blocks given Utx transmitting neighbors. The remaining (n − 1 − Utx ) UAVs do
not contribute to h, because the blocks transmitted via satellite and via gossiping
have been lost. Let P r(Utx ) be the probability of having Utx gossiping neighbors.
The coverage probability can be written as:
AN = P r(h|Utx ) P r(Utx ),
h in−Utx −1
P r(Utx ) = (PSAT ) (1 − PSAT ) + PSAT P LkF AN .

1.4 Numerical results

In this section, we provide some numerical results for the scenario under consid-
eration. We consider an UAV swarm composed of n nodes, P LSAT ∈ [0.01, 0.1],
and an average free-space loss probability in the FANET P Lf s = 0.07. It is worth
noting that the largest contribution to the average loss rate P LF AN within the
swarm is due to the collision probability P Lcoll . Table 1.1 provides the settings
used in the performance evaluation, which provide the following results. Two
performance metrics are here considered: the coverage probability and the de-
livery delay. In fact, when dealing with C2 data, a timely and correct reception
of the commands is of primary importance.

Carrier Channel Propagation Slot SIFS/ MAC/PHY Wmin /

Payload ACK b
frequency Bit Rate Delay Time DIFS header Wmax
112 [b] Wmax +1
50 28/128 1024 15/1023 log2
2.4 [GHz] 1 [Mbps] 1 [µs] 272/128 [b] + PHY
[µs] [µs] [B] [time-slots] Wmin + 1

Table 1.1: Settings of the 802.11-based intra-UAVs channel.

Figure 1.3 shows that the coverage probability vs. the number of gossiping
neighbors, when a C2 packet composed of k = 4 blocks is sent. The use of a
gossiping algorithm can significantly increase the coverage probability. However,
when considering severe impairments on the satellite channel (P LSAT = 0.1),
the coverage cannot be guaranteed, as shown in 1.3 with 10 UAVs. Different
approaches, such as either forward error correction techniques for real-time traffic
8 Pietro Cassará, Marco Colucci, Alberto Gotta,

as in [12, 13], or the use of Network Coding (NC) as in [14], can be employed to
increase the coverage probability; such investigation is left out for future works.


GEO PLsat =0.01
GEO PLsat =0.05
gossiping delivery delay [s]

overall delivery delay [s]

GEO PLsat =0.1
0.03 0.2
MEO PLsat =0.01
MEO PLsat =0.05
0.15 MEO PLsat =0.1
0.02 LEO PLsat =0.01
LEO PLsat =0.05
0.015 0.1 LEO PLsat =0.1

PLsat =0.1 0.05
0.005 PLsat =0.05
PLsat =0.01
0 0
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
number of nodes number of nodes

(a) 802.11 delivery message delay vs. (b) Overall message delivery delay vs.
number of gossiping nodes number of gossiping nodes

Fig. 1.2


coverage probability





0.65 PLSAT=0.05

2 4 6 8 10
number of nodes

Fig. 1.3: Coverage probability vs. number of gossiping nodes

Figure 1.2a shows the impact (defined as gossiping delay) of increasing the
number of gossiping nodes on the average delivery delay, due to 802.11 backoff
mechanism, which reduces the time a node contends for the medium, to reduce
the collision probability. Figure 1.2b shows the one-way-delay for delivering a
C2 message from the GCS to the UAV swarm, in case of GEO, MEO and LEO
satellite. This delay is the sum of two components: the satellite latency, weighted
by PSAT , and the gossiping delay (in Figure 1.2a), when the message is received
via gossiping. The use of a gossiping algorithm does not significantly impact on
1 Command and Control of UAV Swarms via Satellite 9

the delivery delay; in fact, the largest component is due to the latency of the
satellite. However, the channel latency is still higher than the gossiping delay in
case of LEOs, but the latter is no more so negligible w.r.t. the former.

1.5 Conclusions

This study provides an analytical framework for evaluating the probability of a

reliable C2 message delivery via satellite, as well as the relative delivery delay,
when a gossiping algorithm is used within the swarm to increase the probability
of a successfully transmission. Such a framework provides a simple but effective
tool for future studies, both theoretical and empirical ones. Future works will
be devoted to the development of an actual test-bed, in order to validate the
results provided in this work and, furthermore, to the extension of the proposed
analytical framework to the case of an UAV swarm controlled by a single GCS,
when LoS communications are considered.

This work has been supported by the Tuscany region in the frameworks of SCI-
ADRO and MOSCARDO projects (FAR-FAS 2014-2016).

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