Perdev Q1 Week2
Perdev Q1 Week2
Perdev Q1 Week2
Grade Level
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to illustrate the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a person’s holistic development.
C. Learning a. Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Competencies/Objectives b. Show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Provide additional resources such as
books, articles, or videos about
cognitive distortions and how to
challenge negative thoughts.
Today, we will be discussing the Assign homework that encourages
Introduce the concept of personal
importance of evaluating our thoughts, students to continue practicing self-
1. Reviewing previous lesson or development and briefly review the Review and recall the topics discussed
feelings, and behaviors. This lesson reflection and evaluating their
presenting the new lesson previous lesson on assessing difficult ready for the assessment.
builds on our previous lesson on self- thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
reflection and introspection. Organize a group discussion or
debate about the importance of self-
evaluation in personal and academic
The purpose of this lesson is to help
To develop the ability to reflect on and The purpose of this lesson is to
students understand how to evaluate their
2. Establishing the purpose of the evaluate a difficult situation in order to understand the connection between our
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and to
lesson learn from it and improve future thoughts, feelings, and actions in actual
provide them with tools to help them
experiences. life situations.
identify areas where they can improve.
3. Presenting examples/instances of Discussing the impact of negative Provide additional resources such as Present scenarios where students have
the new lesson thoughts on our feelings and books, articles, or videos about faced challenging situations, such as
behaviors cognitive distortions and how to being bullied or dealing with a difficult
Explaining how to identify negative challenge negative thoughts. family member. Ask students to describe
thought patterns and how to replace Assign homework that encourages their thoughts, feelings, and actions in
them with positive ones students to continue practicing self- these situations.
Demonstrating how to practice self- reflection and evaluating their
reflection to evaluate our emotions thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
and behaviors Organize a group discussion or
Exploring the concept of cognitive debate about the importance of self-
distortions and how they can affect evaluation in personal and academic
our thoughts and behaviors success.
Discuss the impact of negative
thoughts on our feelings and
behaviors. Ask students to share
Provide additional resources such as
examples of times when they had
books, articles, or videos about
negative thoughts that affected their
cognitive distortions and how to Introduce the concept of cognitive-
behavior and emotions.
challenge negative thoughts. behavioral therapy (CBT) and explain
Introduce the concept of identifying
Assign homework that encourages how it can be used to connect thoughts,
negative thought patterns and how to
4. Discussing new concepts and students to continue practicing self- feelings, and actions. Give examples of
replace them with positive ones.
practicing new skills #1 reflection and evaluating their how negative thoughts can lead to
Provide examples of negative
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. negative feelings and actions, while
thought patterns such as
Organize a group discussion or positive thoughts can lead to positive
catastrophizing or black-and-white
debate about the importance of self- feelings and actions.
thinking. Then, discuss how to
evaluation in personal and academic
replace these negative thoughts with
positive ones using techniques such
as reframing or cognitive
Demonstrate how to practice self-
reflection to evaluate our emotions
and behaviors. Provide students with
a reflective worksheet or journal and
Provide additional resources such as
ask them to take some time to reflect
books, articles, or videos about
on their recent experiences and
cognitive distortions and how to
emotions. Encourage them to
challenge negative thoughts.
identify any patterns or areas where Have students complete a thought record
Assign homework that encourages
they can improve. worksheet, where they identify negative
5. Discussing new concepts and students to continue practicing self-
Explore the concept of cognitive thoughts they may have in challenging
practicing new skills #2 reflection and evaluating their
distortions and how they can affect situations and work to reframe them into
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
our thoughts and behaviors. Provide more positive ones.
Organize a group discussion or
examples of common cognitive
debate about the importance of self-
distortions such as jumping to
evaluation in personal and academic
conclusions or overgeneralization.
Discuss how these distortions can
affect our thoughts and behaviors
and how to identify and challenge
6. Developing Mastery For this part, we will be doing a group Provide additional resources such as Have students role-play scenarios where
activity called "Challenge Your books, articles, or videos about they apply the CBT concepts and thought
Thoughts." In this activity, students will cognitive distortions and how to record worksheet to a challenging
work in pairs to identify and challenge challenge negative thoughts. situation. Students can take turns playing
Assign homework that encourages
each other's negative thought patterns.
students to continue practicing self-
Each student will share a negative
reflection and evaluating their
thought pattern they have been the role of the person facing the
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
experiencing, and their partner will help challenge, and the person providing
Organize a group discussion or
them identify any cognitive distortions support and coaching.
debate about the importance of self-
and reframe the thought into a positive
evaluation in personal and academic
Discuss how the skills learned in this
lesson can be applied to other areas
Ask students to think about how they can
of life, such as work, relationships, Ask students to reflect on a recent
apply the concepts and skills learned in
and personal goals. situation they experienced and how they
7. Finding practical applications of this lesson in their daily lives. Have them
Encourage students to continue to can apply the CBT concepts and thought
concepts and skills in daily living share their ideas with the class and
assess difficult situations they record worksheet to reframe negative
discuss how they can help improve their
encounter in their lives and use the thoughts and choose positive actions.
strategies learned in this lesson to
improve their experiences.
Ask students to reflect on what they have
learned in this lesson and how it can help Have students reflect on the lesson Facilitate a class discussion on the
them in their personal and academic and share what they learned. importance of connecting thoughts,
8. Generalizing and abstractions lives. Encourage them to think about how Facilitate a class discussion on the feelings, and actions in real-life
about the lesson evaluating their thoughts, feelings, and importance of assessing difficult situations. Ask students to share their
behaviors can help them become more situations and how it can lead to reflections and insights on the CBT
self-aware and improve their personal growth and development. concepts and thought record worksheet.
relationships with others.
The teacher will prepare a quiz/ test that
will assess the learnings of the students.
9. Evaluating Learning
Make sure that the test covers all the
topics discussed for the week.
Provide additional resources such as Provide additional resources such as
books, articles, or videos about books, articles, or videos about Have students create a personal
cognitive distortions and how to cognitive distortions and how to development plan using the CBT
challenge negative thoughts. challenge negative thoughts. concepts and thought record worksheet to
Assign homework that encourages Assign homework that encourages identify negative thought patterns and
10. Additional Activities for students to continue practicing self- students to continue practicing self- develop positive actions to address them.
Application or Remediation reflection and evaluating their reflection and evaluating their
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Organize a group discussion or Organize a group discussion or
debate about the importance of self- debate about the importance of self-
evaluation in personal and academic evaluation in personal and academic
success. success.