I. Appropriate Reading Strategies for a Better 6. Reading improves your self-discipline and
Understanding of Academic Texts consistency
• “An interactive process in which the reader’s 7. Reading increases your knowledge of history
prior knowledge of the word interacts with the 8. Reading increases cultural knowledge
message conveyed directly or indirectly by the 9. Reading increases your skill in an area of
text” – Smith interest
• Being able to recognize, interpret written 10. Reading inspires you
symbols and understand the printed material 11. Reading reduces stress
• Process: Before, During, And After
Reading Strategies
• Learning to read does not happen all at once,
• Broad term used to describe the planned and
but happens gradually through continuous
explicit actions help readers translate print to
experiences with printed material and reading
related activities
• Improves decoding and reading
• Major goal of reading: To take meaning from
comprehension skills benefit every student,
the text (comprehension).
but are essential for beginning readers and
• Reading fluency is the ability to decode
struggling readers
individual words accurately and automatically
• Effective readers use strategies to understand
• Purpose: To connect the ideas on the page to
what they read before, during, and after
what you already know
• If you don’t know anything about the subject,
then pouring words of text into your mind is Before Reading
like pouring water into your hand 1. Use prior knowledge to think about the topic
2. Make predictions about the probable meaning
Why do we read
of the text
1. Reading is good for your brain
3. Preview the text by skimming and scanning to
2. Reading introduces you to new ideas and
get a sense of the overall meaning
invites you to solve problems
3. Reading makes you a better writer During Reading
4. Reading improves your conversational skills 1. Monitor understanding by questioning,
5. Reading strengthens world view and thinking about, and reflecting on the ideas and
convictions information of the text.
EFAP Reviewer
3. Theses – Have to write longer texts at post 6. Reports – Its purpose is to describe what
graduate level – Longer texts include happened and discuss and evaluate its
dissertations (10k-20k words) – Master’s importance – Found in different disciplines,
level, a thesis has 60k-80k words – The such as science, law, and medicine – These
structure and style vary across disciplines but includes the following: Context/Overview,
is likely to include the following: Introduction, Introduction, Methodology/Description of the
Background, Literature Review, Research event, Findings/Main points,
Design/Methodology, Results/Findings, Discussion/Evaluation, Conclusion
Recommendations, Conclusion
4. Research Articles – Written mainly for
specialist audience: Researchers, Academics,
and Postgraduate Students – Usually contains
the following: Introduction, Literature Review,
Background and Method, Main Findings,
Discussion (including author’s interpretation
of the results), Recommendations,
Conclusion, Bibliography, Appendix
5. Case Studies – May be found in any discipline,
though they are most common in disciplines
such as business, sociology, and law –
Primarily Descriptive – Typical Structure:
Context, Description of the setting, How does
the account change over the period of time
under investigation, Headings help the
audience work through the text
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STEP 1. DEFINE A RESEARCH QUESTION - Based on research and not on the writer's own
opinion about a given topic
- This will be the main topic that your paper will set
- When you are objectively you are concerned about
out to prove
facts and not influence by personal feelings and
- Your paper will answer the research question
- The answer to this research question will be the
- When presenting an argument to the reader, try to
thesis statement
show both sides if you can and avoid making value
- It will be easier to do your analysis when you have
an idea of the question that you are trying to
- At the same time, you will probably have to do an
answer (it can help you focus)
analysis or a discussion and in that manner
MANAGEABLE SECTIONS - In order to convey attitude without using, for
- Helps you analyze each part individually example "I think”, you may use words such as
- For example: if you are analyzing how an author's apparently, arguably, ideally, strangely, and
work has changed over years, you would break unexpectedly.
analysis down the individual pieces of work - Note that the attitude you are expressing should
not be based on personal preferences but rather
on the evidence that you are presenting
- You will not be able to analyze the work without In general, academic texts are
reading it thoroughly impersonal in nature
STEP 4. DETERMINE WHICH ASPECTS THAT YOU WANT The main emphasis should be on
TO ANALYZE evidence and arguments and not
- Analyze how the author's tone has changed bases on personal opinion and
- How the author has used more imagery as their feelings
work progresses The use of personal pronouns
such as "i”, "we" and "you" should
STEP 5. DRAW SOME CONCLUSIONS FROM YOUR be avoided as much as possible
RESEARCH TO HELP YOU DECIDE ON HOW YOU WILL BE Some types of academic writing
FOUND pronouns
- When conducting an analysis, you will be need to • Example: In reflective
determine what you are looking for and then start writing the use of the
to find the connections in the literature that personal is accepted
support your research question You should be aware that the use
- A rather complex way of looking at literature but it of personal pronouns may be
can be a very helpful way to really understand different between academic fields
- If you are focusing on an author, it will help you and that some disciplines do not
analyze how the author writes accept it at all
- If the analysis is on a specific piece of work, it will Make sure to check what is
help you determine what aspects of that work that recommended, either by asking
make it important your instructor or by reading
other academic texts within your
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