5 Excel TB
5 Excel TB
5 Excel TB
Use of English 5d
• Past simple (interrogative) Speaking
Complete the table.
6 8 5.S4 What did your
partner do yesterday
Interrogative Short answers afternoon? Use the phrases to
Did I play tennis yesterday? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. find out.
Did you play tennis yesterday? Yes, you did./No, you 2) .......... .
• listen to music
Did he play tennis yesterday? Yes, he 3) ................................ ./
• watch TV
No, he didn’t.
• play computer games
Did she play tennis yesterday? Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.
• study English
1) ..................... it play tennis Yes, it did./No, it 4) ................. .
• meet your friends
• cook dinner
Did we play tennis yesterday? Yes, we did./No, we didn’t.
• go to school
Did you play tennis yesterday? Yes, you did./No, you 5) ............ .
Did they play tennis yesterday? Yes, 6) ............................... did./ A: Did you listen to music
No, 7) ............................ didn’t. yesterday afternoon?
B: No, I didn’t.
a) Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.
7 Writing
Marco Polo 1) ................................. (live)
In three
in Venice in the 13th century. He
2) ................................ (travel) to Asia with 9 5.W1
b) 5.S4 Put the words in the correct order to form Your History
marks are
questions based on the text. Answer them. very low.
1 Marco Polo/live/Did/Venice/in?
Did Marco Polo live in Venice? Yes, he did.
2 he/Asia /travel/his mother and father/Did/to/with?
3 the/Kublai Khan/court/of/they/Did/visit?
4 stay/they/Asia/17 years/Did/in/for?
Sorry, but I can’t answer
5 Marco Polo/Did/explore/China/all/of? questions about things that
6 1295/he/Did/return/Venice/to/in? happened before I was born.
7 people/his/stories/enjoy/Did?
8 he/Did/die/1326/in? Workbook: 5d & Use of English 5 MODULE 5
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Skills 5e
Reading & Listening Check these words
• date back to • philosopher
What do you know about the
1 5.R2
The myth of Atlantis dates back to 355 BC. In his book Timaeus, Plato, a Greek philosopher, wrote about an
island in the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was a peaceful and rich country. Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea,
created and protected it.
09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5.qxp_09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5 1/11/17 18:51 Page 143
1 To introduce the topic and predict the
content of the text
• Elicit what Ss know about Atlantis. Read out the title
and subheadings in the text as well as the words in
the list.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in
their books to find out how the words are related to
Suggested Answer Key
I know there is a story about Atlantis being a lost island.
No one knows for sure where it was or what happened to
Plato – described Atlantis in ‘Timaeus’
Poseidon – A Greek god who created and protected Atlantis
the Mediterranean – possible location of Atlantis
the Azores – Atlantis could be near here
Sardinia – Atlantis could be near here
Malta – Atlantis could be near here
Santorini – Atlantis could be near here
From p. 67(T)
Background information
Plato was a philosopher from ancient Greece. He was born Sardinia is an island in the Mediterranean Sea off the west
between 428 and 427 BC and died between 348 and 347. coast of Italy. The capital city is Cagliari and it has a
He lived in Athens and he opened a school for students to population of 1.6 million.
study Law, Maths and Science. Crete is the largest of the Greek islands and the most
Timaeus is the title of a famous work by Plato which is a southerly. It was the centre of the Minoan civilisation
philosophical dialogue that talks about the nature of the which was the oldest Greek civilisation dating back to
world. 2600 BC. The capital city is Heraklion.
Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea. He was the Malta (or the Republic of Malta) is a small group of islands
brother of Zeus and he could make earthquakes and tidal that make up an independent European state. The capital
waves happen. city is Valletta. The people speak Maltese and English and
The Azores is a group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean near the population is around 420,000.
the coast of Portugal. There are nine main islands. The Santorini is a small group of volcanic islands in the Aegean
capital is Ponta Delgada and it has a population of around Sea about 200 km from the Greek mainland. It used to be
245,000. one island but it was broken up by a large volcanic eruption
The Mediterranean Sea is a large sea north of Africa and around 1600 BC. The capital is Fira. Most people refer to
south of Europe. It connects to the Atlantic Ocean through the largest island (Thira) as Santorini.
the Straits of Gibraltar.
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2 To read for comprehension 4 To give a summary of a text
• Draw Ss attention to the Study Skill box and read it • Explain the task and go through the verbs in the
aloud. Give an example of key words and then rubric explaining any unknown ones.
explain the task. • Allow Ss two minutes to read the text again and then
• Allow Ss some time to read the text and answer the ask various Ss to give their summary to the class using
questions. Then direct Ss to the Word List to look up as many of the verbs in the list as they can.
the meanings of the words in the Check these words Evaluate Ss’ performance. Check for:
box. inclusion of all points, correct word order, spelling
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. mistakes (if written), grammar (syntax mistakes),
pace (if spoken), rapport (if spoken)
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
1 A Greek philosopher.
2 In 355 BC. The people who lived there were rich sailors who sailed all
3 The Greek god of the sea who created and protected around the world. There were also farmers there who
Atlantis. worked in the fields. They raised cows and sheep. The
4 It was amazing. In the centre there was a temple kings who ruled Atlantis lived in beautiful palaces. No one
dedicated to Poseidon. knows what happened but the island disappeared into
5 A gold statue of Poseidon driving six horses. the ocean. Only a few people survived. Some people think
6 Most of them were sailors and traders. They sailed Santorini is Atlantis. They believe Atlantis sank at the
around the world. Some were farmers. They worked in same time when an earthquake destroyed Santorini too.
the fields and raised cows and sheep.
7 In beautiful palaces. 5 To present/practise there was/there were
8 An earthquake caused it to sink into the ocean. • Point out that there was/there were is the past simple
9 It could be near the Azores, or near Sardinia, Crete, of there is/there are and the same rules apply.
Malta or Santorini in the Mediterranean Sea. • Elicit the L1 explanations for the examples in the
10 An earthquake destroyed it at the same time Atlantis sank. note and then ask various Ss to point out more
Background information (see p. 66(T)) examples in the text.
Suggested Answer Key
3 To practise the past simple and revise There was a gold statue of Poseidon in the temple.
question words There were also lovely statues.
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to read the example
6 To check Ss’ comprehension of a text
exchange aloud.
• Ss do the task in closed pairs, then ask some pairs Allow Ss five minutes to complete the task, then check
to ask and answer in front of the class. Ss’ answers around the class.
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Skills 5e
Read the text and answer the questions.
2 5.R3 5.R6
Study Speaking
Asking comprehension Ask and answer questions based on the text. Use
questions 3 5.S4
6 11
ruled 7 10 sank
protected 5 lived survived
raised 8 12
1 3
4 happened 9 destroyed
created sailed
worked disappeared
Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, created and protected Atlantis.
Note! • there was/there were
There was a big
Read the note and say what the examples mean in your language.
temple in Atlantis.
There were paintings
5 Write more examples based on the text in Ex. 1.
in the palaces.
Write four things you remember from the text in five
Was there an
earthquake near 6 5.W1
are e.g. the king, a farmer, a sailor or a trader and write a diary entry
(50 words) about what you did last Monday. Read your entry to the
5.C3 Who else in the class had a similar day to yours?
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Use of English 5f
• Past simple (irregular verbs) a) Read the biography and put the
3 verbs into the past simple.
Read the table. Say the examples in
1 your language.
Which are irregular?
Affirmative (1892-1973)
went to the cinema yesterday.
J.R.R. Tolkien 1) ..........................
(be) born in South Africa but he
Negative didn’t go to the cinema
2) ......................... (go) to school
yesterday. in Birmingham, England. Tolkien loved languages as
Did I/you/he/she/it/we/you/ a child. In his lifetime, Tolkien 3) .............................
Interrogative they go to the cinema (create) 15 new fantasy languages! Tolkien
yesterday? 4) .......................... (fight) in World War I. In 1916,
Short Yes, I/you/he/she etc did. he 5) ................................. (marry) Edith Bratt and
Answers No, I/you/he/she etc didn’t. they 6) ............................... (have) four children. In
1925, he 7) .......................... (become) a professor
Irregular verbs have irregular past forms. at Oxford University. Tolkien 8) ...............................
We ate pizza last night. (begin) writing The Hobbit in 1936. It
She met her friends yesterday. 9) .............................. (make) Tolkien very famous.
Later, he 10) ........................................
(write) The Lord of the Rings. It
11) ...................... (take) him
Match the verbs (1-17) to their past
2 forms (a-q).
about ten years to write this
book. Tolkien 12) ................
(die) on 2nd September,
1 eat 1973.
2 make a wrote
3 wear b was/were
4 take c fought b) Write questions and answer them,
5 do d became as in the example.
6 be e went
7 1 Where/Tolkien/go to school?
go f made
8 Where did Tolkien go to school?
have g had
9 He went to school in Birmingham, England.
meet h bought
10 2 How many fantasy languages/Tolkien/create?
come i did
11 3 Which war/he/fight in?
become j wore
12 4 Who/he/marry?
write k ate
13 5 When/he/marry/her?
buy l took
14 6 How many children/they/have?
sing m drank
15 7 When/Tolkien/become/professor?
drink n sang
16 8 What/he/begin writing/in 1936?
begin o met
17 9 How long/he/take/to write ‘The Lord of the
fight p came
q began
10 When/Tolkien/die?
09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5.qxp_09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5 1/11/17 18:51 Page 147
1 To present the past simple for irregular 6 How many children did they have?
verbs They had four children.
7 When did Tolkien become a professor?
• Explain that irregular verbs don’t take -ed in the
He became a professor in 1925.
past simple but they all change differently and Ss
8 What did he begin writing in 1936?
must learn the forms. Refer Ss to the irregular verbs
He began writing ‘The Hobbit’ in 1936.
list at the back of their books and advise them to
9 How long did he take to write ‘The Lord of the Rings’?
study it and learn the irregular forms.
He took about ten years to write ‘The Lord of the
• Read out the table and elicit the L1 equivalents for
the examples.
10 When did Tolkien die?
(Ss’ own answers) He died on 2nd September, 1973.
1 k 4 l 7 e 10 p 13 h 16 q
2 f 5 i 8 g 11 d 14 n 17 c
3 j 6 b 9 o 12 a 15 m
09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5.qxp_09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5 1/11/17 18:51 Page 148
Suggested Answer Key
4 To practise the past simple of irregular I watched TV last night.
verbs I ate fish last Sunday.
• Give Ss some time to complete the gaps then check I got up late yesterday morning.
Ss’ answers. I visited a castle two years ago.
Answer Key
8 To practise the past simple (regular +
1 went 4 spoke 7 ate 10 Did you have irregular verbs) interrogative and short answers
2 built 5 knew 8 saw
3 spent 6 told 9 had • Ss ask and answer in pairs, as in the example.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
• Play the video for the Ss and elicit their comments some pairs to ask and answer in front of the rest of
at the end. the class.
Suggested Answer Key
5 To consolidate information in a text and
further practise the past simple of irregular verbs A: Did you eat fish?
(negative and affirmative) B: No, I didn’t.
A: Did you study English?
• Explain the task and read out the example. B: No, I didn’t.
• Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. A: Did you go out?
Answer Key B: Yes, I did.
2 The English didn’t build Sauran. The Arabs built it. A: Did you read a book?
3 Kamila and her family didn’t spend the whole day there. B: No, I didn’t. etc.
They spent the whole morning.
4 They didn’t speak to any tour guides. They spoke to 9 To write an email using the
some archaeologists. past simple
5 They didn’t eat their lunch inside. They ate it outside. • Explain the task and either allow Ss time to
6 They didn’t see many people exploring the city. They complete it in class or assign as HW.
saw eagles, horses, lizards and cute tortoises exploring • Remind students that they can use the example in
the city. Ex. 4 to help them.
• Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read out
6 To practise the past simple of irregular their emails.
verbs (interrogative) and short answers
Suggested Answer Key
• Ss work in pairs and ask and answer, as in the example. Hi Kim!
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask How are you? I went to the National Museum with my
some pairs to share their answers with the class. parents last weekend.
Answer Key We spent the whole day there. In the morning, we looked
2 A: Did your dad read a book last week? at some great pictures and statues. In the afternoon, we
B: Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. ate lunch at the museum restaurant. I enjoyed it very
3 A: Did you listen to music yesterday? much. It was fun!
B: Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. Write back soon,
4 A: Did you buy a DVD last month? Maria
B: Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.
5 A: Did your family visit a castle last year?
B: Yes, they did./No, they didn’t.
Ask Ss to look at the Irregular Verbs section at the end
7 To practise using time expressions of the book for two minutes. Ss close their books. Say
with the past simple verbs in their base form. Ss, in teams, say the relevant
past simple form. Each correct answer gets 1 point.
• Explain the task and read out the example. The team with the most points is the winner.
• Elicit a variety of personal sentences from Ss around
the class. T: read
Team AS1: read
T: spend
Team BS1: spent etc.
09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5.qxp_09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5 1/11/17 18:51 Page 149
Use of English 5f
Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.
4 7 5.S1 5.W1 Use the
time expressions to write
Hi Helen! or say sentences about
........ (go) to Sauran with my
How are you? I’m fine! I 1) .......... yourself, as in the example.
utiful ruined city. The Arabs
family last weekend. It’s a bea
of years ago!
2) .................. (build) it hundreds yesterday last night last Sunday
ole morning there. We walked
We 3) .................. (spend) the wh
............. (speak) to some yesterday morning two years ago
around the city and we 4) .....
... (know) lots of things about
archaeologists. They 5) ............... I went to the museum yesterday.
us that, in the 14th century, it
Sauran. They 6) .................. (tell)
was the capital of the White Horde! • Talking about the
(eat) a picnic outside in the past
At lunchtime, we 7) ..................
peaceful. There weren’t many
sunshine. It was very quiet and
............. (see) eagles, horses,
people in Sauran, but we 8) ..... 8 Use these
Read the text in Ex. 4 again and correct the false Writing
5 statements.
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Everyday English 5g
• Describing a past event
Listen and repeat.
• How are you today, Sam? • Much better, thanks.
• It’s a pity you couldn’t make it. • No, she wasn’t. She was ill.
• Matt’s costume was fantastic. • What was he? • I don’t believe it!
your weekend was. Act out your dialogue. You can use sentences in
Ex. 1 and from the dialogue in Ex. 2.
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1 To practise pronunciation of situational 6 To practise role-playing
• Explain the situation. Remind Ss that they can use
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat. sentences from Ex. 1 as well as the dialogue in Ex. 2
• Pay attention to Ss’ pronunciation and intonation to help them and any ideas of their own to
and correct as necessary. complete the task.
• Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the
2 To identify the context of a dialogue and following diagram on the board and elicit
predict the content appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on
the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing
• Elicit what Ss think the dialogue is about.
the task.
• Ss listen and follow the text in their books and
check. Student A Student B
Answer Key How was …? It was great. I …
(Ask about weekend.) It’s a pity …
The dialogue is about a party.
(Say what you did &
I know. So, who
3 To read for specific information else …?
(Agree & ask for …, you know some
• Allow Ss time to read the dialogue again and details.) of my friends.
complete the task. (Name people.)
• Check Ss’ answers. Did you have a nice
time? Yes, we did. The …
Answer Key (Ask how it was.) was great…
Bob had a nice time at Mark’s party at the weekend. (Respond.)
Suggested Answer Key
4 a) To learn synonymous phrases
A: How was your weekend?
Read out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue B: It was great. I was at the lake. It’s a pity you
and elicit the synonymous ones from various Ss couldn’t make it.
around the class. A: I know. So, who else was there?
Answer Key B: Ali, Zhanerke, Elsultan, you know – some of my
How are you feeling today? – How are you today?
A: Did you have a nice time?
It was amazing. – It was great.
B: Yes, we did. The weather was great.
I’m sorry you weren’t there. – It’s a pity you couldn’t
make it.
Was it fun? – Did you have a nice time?
You must be kidding! – I don’t believe it!
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1 To introduce the topic 4 To write a short article about an
• Explain what the word ‘profession’ means (a type of artist from your country
job that needs a high level of training or education) • Draw Ss attention to the Did you know? box.
and read out the examples. Then allow Ss one Initiate a discussion about well-known painters or
minute to write down as many as they can think of. elicit names of Kazakhstani artists.
• Ss check their list with their partner and then ask • Ask Ss to look up information on the Internet or
some Ss to read out their list to the class. look in encyclopaedias/other reference books.
Suggested Answer Key • Allow Ss time to collect the information and
lawyer, doctor, photographer, actor, dancer, scientist, prepare their presentations. Alternatively, assign
musician etc the task as HW.
• Ask Ss to present their work to the class.
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Check these words Write as many professions as you can think of. Check
• eager • skilful
1 5.W7
? Which country was each from? Who was a: painter? writer? Which
were their most famous works?
Listen, read and check.
Use these words to write sentences about C.S. Lewis and Pablo
3 5.W6
ABILKHAN KASTEEV • eager reader • skilful writer • famous painter • great imagination
is Kazakhstan’s most
famous painter. He • science fiction and poetry • sculptor and poet • children’s book
was born in 1904 in a • well-known painting
small village in
Kazakhstan. He
studied art in his home Think of a very famous artist in your
country and in
Moscow, Russia, too.
4 5.W4 5.W6
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VIDEO 2 Listen and match the types of music A-H to the musical
instruments in the pictures.
5 acoustic guitar
1 piano 4 accordion
2 harp 3 drums
11 synthesiser
6 violin
10 saxophone
7 cello
8 electric guitar
9 bass guitar
A electric guitar
Listening 1 A Maggie
Note! Listen and match the
2 Leslie
music. Present it to the class. You can use the name of your
favourite kind of music as the key word.
MODULE 5 Student’s Book: Language Review 5i Workbook: 5g, h, i & Vocabulary Bank 5
09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5.qxp_09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5 1/11/17 18:51 Page 155
1 To introduce the topic and present 5 To create a poster showing
musical instruments traditional music instruments
• Draw Ss’ attention to the musical instruments in the • Explain the task and tell Ss to work in groups and
pictures. use the internet or encyclopaedias/other reference
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally or books to look up traditional musical instruments
individually. from Kazakhstan.
• Elicit the L1 equivalents from Ss around the class. • Allow time for Ss to collect their information and
write out a text and add pictures to prepare their
(Ss’ own answers)
posters. Alternatively assign the task as HW.
• Ask Ss to present their work to the class, presenting
2 To present types of music on a board in the classroom, etc. if possible.
• Go through the names and types of music in the
• Play the recording. Ss listen and match.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
A/8 rock – electric guitar E/6 folk – violin
B/10 jazz – saxophone F/3 heavy metal – drums
C/2 classical – harp G/11 disco – synthesiser
D/4 ethnic – accordion H/11 pop – synthesiser
09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5.qxp_09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5 1/11/17 18:51 Page 156
1 To read for lexico-grammatical structure 4 To write an email about an event you
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the
gaps with the correct adjectives. • Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete it in
• Direct Ss to the Word List to look up the meanings class. Ask various Ss to read out their emails to the
of the words in the Check these words box. class.
• Ss compare their answers with their partner, then • Alternatively, assign as HW and check Ss answers in
check Ss’ answers around the class. the next lesson.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 upset 3 fantastic 5 delicious Hi Bill,
2 perfect 4 excellent I hope you’re well. Guess where I was last weekend! I was
at a concert. I was with my friends Irzhu and Aruzhan.
2 To use descriptive language The weather was perfect and there were many people
there. Everyone had a fantastic time. The music was
• Read the Study Skills box aloud. excellent and we ate some delicious baursaks (a sort of
• To consolidate Ss’ understanding, write the words doughnut).
good, bad and nice on the board. Elicit various Anyway, we had a great time and it’s a pity you weren’t
adjectives from Ss around the class that mean the there. Write to me and let me know how you are.
same as these words and write them under each Yours,
one. Ss may copy the lists into their notebooks. Nurai
• Explain the task and explain/elicit the meanings of
any unknown adjectives in the list. Evaluate Ss’ performance. Check for:
• Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers. - inclusion of all points
Suggested Answer Key - grammar/spelling mistakes
- appropriate punctuation
1 disappointing/terrible 4 amazing
- well-structured paragraphs
2 great 5 terrible/disappointing
- appropriate opening/closing remarks
3 delicious
• Draw Ss’ attention to the Check these words box.
Elicit the meanings of the words or allow Ss time to
look up the words in the word list. Check meanings
around the class.
• Play the video for the Ss and elicit their comments
at the end.
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Writing 5j
• An email about an event you attended
Hi Ken,
I hope you’re well. Guess where I went last weekend!
I went to the Nauryz celebrations with my parents.
My sister, Zarina, had the flu so she stayed at home
in bed. She was so 1) .................. .
The weather was 2) .................. and there were so
many people there. Everyone had a(n) 3) ..................
time. It was amazing. Some great singers performed
at the festival. My favourite was Makpal Zhunusova.
She was 4) .................. . There were also fairground
rides, games and theatre plays in the streets. It was
really like a big party. We got some special Nauryz
soup in the city square. It was 5) .................. .
Anyway, we had a great time and it’s a pity you didn’t
come. Write to me and let me know how you are.
Yours, Check these words
Amir • the flu • perform
• fairground ride • game
• theatre play • pity
about an event you attended (60-80 words). Use your answers from
Ex. 3 and the email in Ex. 1 as a model. Follow the plan.
Para 1: opening remarks, where you went last weekend, who was with you
Para 2: describe the weather, food, music, activities
Para 3: how you liked it, closing remarks
09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5.qxp_09Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 5 1/11/17 18:51 Page 158
Do the quiz. Mark the sentences T (true) or
VALUES 3 F (false).
Appreciate art
Which of the
1 5.C3
teacher wants you to create • remember • changes • invent • paint • grow • fulfil
a story with two special • ignore • find • take • come
creatures. In groups think
of what creatures you want
to use. Draw pictures of
each, then think what they
can do. Decide on your The world around us 1) ...................... fast
And soon today will be the past
story. Present the creatures But you can make your dreams 2) .................... true
and the story to the class. And make the world 3) ...................... you
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1 To personalise the topic and talk 5 a) To listen for gist
about your interests • Play the recording. Ss listen and answer the
• Explain the task. Ss read and choose which are true question in the rubric.
for them. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Ss tell their partner.
Answer Key
• Monitor the activity around the class checking for
pronunciation and grammar. According to the song someone can be a part of history by
• Check answers around the class by asking several being an artist, scientist, or an inventor and by following
students to repeat their answers. their dream.
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1 To present and categorise types of
• Explain that in literature non-fiction refers to texts
that discuss the real world and fiction refers to
texts from the world of imagination.
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to look at the pictures
and choose which type each is.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Fiction: action & adventure, fairy tale, science fiction,
mystery & suspense, horror, fables, legends
Non-fiction: biography, articles in newspapers/magazines
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 161
▶▶ What’s in this module?
6 Reading for Pleasure
Skills Focus: • Types of literature
• Reading & Listening for specific
Look at the pictures.
information and main ideas; for 1 Listen and repeat. Which types of literature
understanding main points in short
are non-fiction? fiction?
• Speaking: give a summary of a Action and adventure is fiction.
story; list main events; compare
Look at some books in the school library
characters in stories
• Writing a summary; draw a story in
2 5.R4
iry tal
2 fa
1 actionture
5 m spense
s in
7 article pers/
6 ho
8 fa
gra phy
4 bio
umbe rs for
d t h e page n
• fairie
graphy 9 leg
• a bio
• two
• am
ap 75
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 162
Look at the pictures. Which one shows:
2 1
a beautiful house? an angry woman with a bucket? 4
a fisherman catching a fish? 2 a queen and her servants? 5
dark sea and rain? 3 a queen and the golden fish
as a servant? 6
Check these words
• poor • catch • let • wish • surprised • fool • shout
• calm • swim away • grant a wish • rich • dark
• land • stormy • cloud • sky • turn
An old fisherman and his wife lived in a small house
near the sea. They were very poor. One day, the
fisherman caught a golden fish.
“Please let me go,” said the fish, “and you can have
anything you wish!” The fisherman was very
E surprised. The fish could speak!
“Dear little fish,” said the old man, “I don’t want
He let the fish go and walked home. He told his wife
about the fish.
“You fool!” she shouted. “We need a new bucket!
Go back and ask for a bucket!”
So the fisherman went back to the sea. It was calm.
He called the golden fish and it swam up to him.
“What do you want, good man?” it asked.
“My wife wants a new bucket,” said the fisherman.
“You can have your wish. Go home now,” said the
F fish and swam away.
The fisherman went home and saw a new bucket,
but his wife was still angry. She wanted a new
house. So the fisherman went back to the sea and
D called the golden fish again. This time the sea was
not so calm.
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1 To introduce the topic and stimulate
interest in the text
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to read through the
text in order to answer the questions.
• Check answers around the class.
Answer Key
Alexander Pushkin was a poet, novelist and playwright.
He was from Russia.
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 164
3 To read for specific information 8 To develop thinking skills
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text. • Explain the task. Allow Ss to work in closed pairs
Allow Ss time to put the pictures in the correct and choose an answer.
order. • Elicit answers from around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key I think the message is to be happy with what you have
D–B–F–C–E–A got because the woman in the story wanted more every
time. She was never happy with what she got. And this
caused her to lose everything.
4 To read for specific information
• Allow Ss time to prepare their answers. Ss can work 9 To design a cover for the story
in closed pairs.
• Explain the task. Ss work in groups and think of
• Check Ss’ answers.
ideas of what they want to have on the cover of this
Answer Key story.
1 let it go 5 Land and Sea • Allow Ss time to draw or design the covers.
2 want anything 6 a small house and Alternatively allocate the task as HW.
3 fool the old bucket • Present Ss’ designs to the whole class.
4 new house (Ss’ own answers)
6 To practise adjectives
• Draw Ss’ attention to the Study Skills box. Have one
student read aloud the content of the box. Elicit
more examples from the class.
• Allow Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 small 3 kind 5 rich
2 golden 4 new 6 huge
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 165
The pictures tell us a story.
3 5.R2
Listen to and read the story and put 5 Why does the sea change as
the fisherman asks for more wishes?
them in the correct order.
Read the story again and Skills
4 5.R3
Workbook: 6a MODULE 6
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 166
6b Robin Hood
What do you know about Robin Hood? Was he a real
1 5.C8 5.R2
Robin Hood is a famous character from an English legend. There are many
different stories about him, but no one knows if he is real or not. In the
stories, Robin lives in Sherwood Forest near the city of Nottingham. He
becomes the leader of a group called the Merry Men. They fight against the
king’s brother, Prince John, and the evil Sheriff of Nottingham while the king
A is away at war. They steal money from the rich and give it to the poor.
Robin Hood is a hero to the people. He is clever, honest and loyal to the real
king. He is also a brilliant archer.
Lord of the Greenwood
One summer morning, many years ago, Another man in the group, Will Scarlett,
Robert, Earl of Huntingdon and Marian were in recognised Robert and told the others to stop.
a church. It was their wedding day. Just as He explained that they were all outlaws who
they were about to be married, the door burst lived in the forest and that the Sheriff of
open. It was the Sheriff of Nottingham! Nottingham was their enemy.
“Stop the wedding!” shouted the Sheriff. “You “From today, I am an outlaw, too,” said
are an enemy of the King!” Robert. “Guy of Gisborne has got my title and
“Me? King Richard’s enemy?! Never!” my castle.”
answered Robert. “You can join us,” one of the men
D The Sheriff said that his friend, Prince John, suggested. “Be our leader against Gisborne
was the new King while King Richard was and the Sheriff!”
away. He told Robert that he no longer owned That evening, as the men gathered around the
his castle, his land or his title, and ordered the fire, Will Scarlett presented Robert with a bow
guards to arrest him. and arrow and a green hood to wear.
But Robert was too fast. He escaped the guards “Thank you,” said Robert. “Sherwood Forest is
and rode away on a horse into the forest. Soon my castle now, and my name is … Robin ...
after, a group of men stopped him. Robin Hood!”
E “Get off the horse and give us your money!” The men all cheered loudly, “Robin Hood, Lord
one of them said. of the Greenwood!”
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 167
1 To introduce the topic and stimulate
interest in the text
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to read through the
text in order to answer the questions.
• Check answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Robin Hood is a character from an English legend. He
lived in Sherwood Forest with the Merry Men. He was
loyal to the real king and a brilliant archer. etc
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 168
4 Reading for specific information b) To retell a story
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to put the pictures • Explain the task. Choose whether Ss will say or
in the correct order. write the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Allow Ss time to write or say the story around
the class.
Answer Key
• Alternatively set the task as HW and have the
Correct Order – E, C, A, D, B students present their answers the following day.
• Check Ss’ answers.
5 Reading for specific information
Suggested Answer Key
• Draw Ss attention to the Check these words box. Elicit
Robin and Marian were in a church about to get married.
meaning of the words or allow Ss time to look up the
The Sheriff of Nottingham came in and stopped the
words and check meanings around the class.
wedding. He told his men to arrest Robin.
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the
But Robin was too quick and he escaped on a horse. He
was in the forest when a group of men stopped him. They
• Check Ss’ answers.
asked him to be their leader when he said that he was an
Answer Key outlaw too. Will Scarlett then gave him a bow and arrows
1 the door burst open 6 title or castle and a green hood to wear. Robin changed his name and
2 to arrest Robin 7 a bow and arrow and became Robin Hood.
3 rode away a green hood
4 a group of men 8 Robin Hood 9 a) To read for specific information
5 outlaws
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the
6 To consolidate vocabulary learnt in this • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
• Explain the task.
• Allow Ss time to complete the sentences. Robin Hood the Sheriff of Nottingham
• Check Ss’ answers.
loyal to King Richard loyal to Prince John
Answer Key honest evil
1 ordered 3 escaped 5 presented lives in Sherwood Forest lives in Nottingham Castle
2 stopped 4 gathered
Answer Key
10 See on p. 80(T)
1 e 3 g 5 h 7 c
2 d 4 f 6 a 8 b 11 See on p. 80(T)
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 169
Read again and put the
4 5.R2
‘The Pearl of Kazakhstan’ Karatau
gave high So the Creator gave Kazakhstan the
The Creator made the world and he
sts to all the Mountains.
mountains, clear lakes and green fore
that the
countries. But, for some reason, he forg
ot about Aldar-Kosse watched carefully. He saw
the Kazakh people. He left them only
with the Creator took the mountains from a sac
country. It
huge steppe that stretched across the “That’s where the Creator keeps all the
sad. Where
was beautiful, but the people were thought Aldar-Kosse.
were their mountains and lakes and and made
animals?Quietly, Aldar-Kosse crept up to the sack
Where were their rivers and fish and wild s fell out –
a hole in it. The rest of the treasure
kind. He
Aldar-Kosse was a cheeky man, but very mountains, lakes, forests, rivers, and fish
and wild
didn’t like to see the Kazakh people so animals, too. They landed in Kazakhstan
, right in the
So he decided to go and see the Creator middle of the empty steppe. The people
were happy.
sse. “The
“Oh, wise Creator!” called Aldar-Ko Even today, you can see all the treasure
s from the
did you give them
Kazakh people are good. Why Creator’s sack in one place – in Buraba
i National
pe? Can you plea se give us
only the empty step Park, ‘The Pearl of Kazakhstan’.
some mountai ns, too? ”
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 171
1 To stimulate interest in the topic and read
for specific information
• Explain the task. Elicit answers from Ss.
• Allow Ss time to read the text for answers.
• Check answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Myths are stories that contain the traditional beliefs of
different cultures.
From p. 79(T)
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 172
3 To read for specific information Answer Key
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to answer the 1 tall 3 very big 5 naughty 7 glad
questions working in pairs. 2 clean 4 pretty 6 very clever
• Check the answers by asking individual Ss around
the class. 7 To develop creative skills
Answer Key • Explain the task. Allow Ss, working in groups, time
1 They were sad because they had no mountains, lakes, to draw twelve pictures that tell the story.
forests, etc. • Ss present their stories to the rest of the class.
2 Aldar-Kosse was very kind and didn’t like to see the (Ss’ own answers)
Kazakhstani people so miserable. • Play the video for the Ss and elicit their comments
3 He asked for some mountains. at the end.
4 The Creator kept his treasures in a sack.
5 He made a hole in the sack. 8 a) To summarise a book
4 To practise vocabulary learnt in this lesson • Explain the task. Have Ss choose a book from
the school library.
• Explain the task. • Allocate enough time for Ss to read the book
• Allow Ss time to complete the questions. then write a summary of it for the class.
Answer Key • Alternatively they can talk about the book to the
1 watched 3 fell, landed 5 made
• Allow time for all Ss to present their written or
2 stretched 4 kept
spoken summaries.
Suggested Answer Key
5 To read for specific information
The Donkey in the Lion's Skin
• Explain the task. This is a story about a donkey. This donkey was lazy and
• Allow Ss time to complete the lists. silly, and none of the other animals respected or feared
• Check answers around the class. him. Most of all the fox laughed at him.
Answer Key One day the donkey was walking through the forest when
he found a lion's skin. “A hunter has left this here,” he
CHARACTERS thought. The donkey put on the lion's skin. Just then a
Aldar-Kosse cheeky, kind deer came through the trees. She saw the donkey but
the Creator wise thought he was a lion. Terrified, she turned and ran for
the Kazakh people sad, miserable, good, happy her life!
The donkey thought this was very funny. He liked feeling
powerful and scary. That afternoon, he hid beside the
the steppe huge, beautiful, empty
path in the forest, wearing the lion's skin and jumping out
the mountains high
at the other animals. They all ran away in fear.
the lakes clear
At last, the fox came along the path. As before, the
donkey jumped out and the fox ran away. Seeing this, the
6 a) To expand vocabulary donkey let out a great hee-haw of laughter. The fox heard
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to match the this and immediately stopped running. He turned round
words with their synonyms. and walked back to the donkey. “A fool can dress up and
• Check answers aloud around the class. look impressive,” the fox told the donkey, “but as soon as
he opens his mouth, everyone will know who he truly is!”
Answer Key
high = tall cheeky = naughty b) To personalise the topic
clear = clean wise = very clever
huge = very big happy = glad Elicit answers to the questions around the class.
beautiful = pretty Accept all answers.
Suggested Answer Key
b) To practise adjectives I chose this story because I thought it was funny and wise.
It shows us that people who try to be aggressive and scary
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the
are probably just pretending.
• Check Ss’ answers.
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 173
Read the text and answer a) Match the words in bold in the text
3 5R5 5.R6
the questions.
6 to their synonyms.
1 Why were the Kazakh people sad? • very big • naughty • glad • tall
2 Why did Aldar-Kosse decide to help the • pretty • very clever • clean
Kazakh people?
3 What did Aldar-Kosse ask the Creator to give b) Use the synonyms from Ex. 6a to
the Kazakh people? complete the summary of The Pearl of
4 Where did the Creator keep all the treasures? Kazakhstan.
5 How did Aldar-Kosse get the treasures out?
Aldar-Kosse cheeky
In groups draw the
the Creator .......................................... 7 5.C9
a) Choose a book
PLACES 8 5.R4 5.R5
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:49 Page 174
from? What does it look like? Read the text to find out.
national symbol of
Kazakhstan. It has got a
Read the title of the story and the first sentence in each
wooden body, a long 2 5.R2
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:50 Page 175
1 To introduce the topic and stimulate
interest in the text
• Play the music extract. Elicit which musical
instrument it is from the Ss. Elicit further information.
• Allow Ss time to read the text.
• Ss check their answers.
Answer Key
It’s a dombra. It has a wooden body with a long neck and
two strings.
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:50 Page 176
3 To read for specific information b) To practise linkers
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to fill in the answers. • Allow Ss enough time to complete the exercise.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 Y 2 O 3 O 4 Y 5 Y 6 O 1 The younger brother loved his instrument so he played
it all day.
4 To read for specific information 2 The older brother broke the instrument because he
was angry.
• Explain the task.
3 The older brother wanted to be famous but the
• Allow the Ss time to complete the sentences.
younger brother didn’t.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
4 The giants were brothers and they lived in the
Answer Key mountains.
1 brothers
2 the Altai Mountains 8 To write or present a summary of the
3 happy story
4 an enormous stone bridge • Explain the task. Allow Ss time to summarise the
5 the mountain story. They should make 4 deliberate mistakes in the
6 didn’t help him/played music all day story and see if the other students can spot them.
7 smashed it against a rock • Monitor the activity around the class. Alternatively,
8 found the shape in the rock and used it to make a allocate the task as HW.
musical instrument • Several Ss around the class present their summaries.
• Draw Ss’ attention to the grammar box on Linkers. (Ss’ own answers)
• Read through the box and have Ss read the 10 To develop thinking skills
examples. Elicit further examples from the Ss.
• Allow Ss time to find further examples in the text. • Explain the task. Elicit alternative answers from the Ss.
• Check answers. • Allow Ss time to discuss alternative endings in pairs.
• Then ask several Ss around the class to present their
Answer Key answers.
so one day, and two strings, and dangerous, and no one, Suggested Answer Key (see p. 84(T))
So he started, but he was strong, but his younger brother,
and sing, and smashed it, so hard, so sad, and they used
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:50 Page 177
Read the text. Who, the younger a) Read the theory. Find examples in
3 5.R3
the ending.
Read the text again. Which words does
6 the writer use to describe: the bridge?
the river? the stones? the instrument? the
music of the steppe?
Workbook: 6d MODULE 6
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:50 Page 178
Do the quiz. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Why we should
1 Alexander Pushkin was a Russian poet. ..........
a) Read the
1 5.C5
10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6.qxp_10Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 6 1/11/17 18:50 Page 179
1 a) To develop values and talk • Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as
about reading a model. Offer an example (e.g. The older brother of
the giants liked to play music. (F))
• Explain the task. Ask the Ss to work in pairs and
• Ss swap their quizzes with another pair and do it
read the sentences.
and then report back to the class.
• Allow Ss time to discuss the reasons for reading.
• Monitor the activity around the class. Suggested Answer Key
• Ss present answers in pairs. 1 The Fisherman’s wife wanted to be the Queen of the
Suggested Answer Key Land and the Sea! (T)
2 Will Scarlett recognised Robert, Earl of Huntingdon. (T)
A: To me, reading fiction/non fiction is important
3 The Sheriff of Nottingham supported King Richard.
because I learn new words and can write better.
(F – Prince John)
B: I love reading because I like seeing how characters
4 Burabai National Park is the ‘diamond’ of Kazakhstan.
solve their problems. This helps me, too.
(F – pearl)
A: That’s true. I also learn new words and can write
5 The older giant brother wanted to build a bridge. (T)
6 The guitar is a national symbol of Kazakhstan. (F –
B: That’s correct. Another reason I love reading is that
the dombra)
I learn about other people’s lives and culture.
11Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 7.qxp_11Excel Gr 5 KAZ Ts Mod 7 1/11/17 18:53 Page 180
Fantasy world!
▶▶ What’s in this module?
3 To consolidate vocabulary; to draw on
Read the title of the module Fantasy World! and ask Ss
existing knowledge
to suggest what they think it means. Go through the
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss’ • Ask Ss to think of famous films with animals.
interest in the module. • Remind Ss of the difference between films with
animals talking and interacting (like The Jungle Book)
Find the page numbers for and films about humans and an animal, (e.g. Jaws,
Lassie, etc.)
• Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, and Suggested Answer Key
then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed.
• Ask questions to check Ss’ understanding. 'Animal Farm' (1954) – farm animals, 'Watership Down'
(1978) – rabbits; 'Finding Nemo' (2003) – fish;
Answer Key 'Madagascar' (2005) - lots of animals
a film review (p. 95)
Do you ever read reviews of films? How else do you know
what a film is about and if you will like it? Do you always
agree with the review?
1 To introduce the topic; to assess prior
• Ask Ss to write down all the animals they know
English names for. Suggest they think of: animals
on land, air and sea, big and small, pets and wild.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
(Ss’ own answers)